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Payment payments when reading email. Advertising letter

Hello everyone. Do you want to know, how to make money on reading letters on the Internet? Then you here. Today from this article and her video lessons you will learn about what you can make a read of letters Money, how to make money and how much money you can earn money on reading various kinds of letters, and what letters and where you need to read for this. So, let's begin:

How to make money on reading letters

Very simple: open a letter, read it (you can not even read almost), go through the link in this letter and get money. Nothing difficult. For a visual example, I will show how to make money on reading letters on the site. Watch the video:

If you are not registered yet on the site, I advise you to watch a video about how to do this on the example of another no less than a good site:

To make money on these sites you will need to need WebMoney wallet. And if you still do not have this wallet, then watch video lessons on how to create it on this site, and rather create.

How much can you earn on reading letters

Now you know how to make money on reading letters. It remains only to learn how much you can make money on it. I will say honestly - not a lot of money. But if you use all I recommend, your earnings will increase several times. All these sites you can find on the link given above or right here slightly below.

And now specific numbers. On this site you can earn only on reading letters about 5-10 cents. Using all offered sites, you can earn up to $ 1 per day. This is not much, but with time a pretty decent amount of money will accumulate. Yes, and time and effort all this does not take away at all. Money will be enough to pay for your cell phone or something else.

And the longer you will work, the more your rating on some sites. And the more rating, the more you will earn money for one letter, which means there will be more money And in general!

Also on the proposed sites you can earn money not only on reading letters, but also for various other actions, for example, for execution. And on this, as I have already calculated in the previous article of this site, you can already earn up to 25 thousand rubles per month. Of course, not in the first months, because First you will need to figure it out, but then it is quite real.

Sites for earning reading letters

The last site for an even simpler automatic earnings using the program. Try and make sure that yourself!

Try to combine the earnings of money on reading letters with different other types of earnings on the Internet, which you can also be able to find out on this reality blog "make money online". I advise you to see other articles and rubrics in the right column of the site - maybe you will interest you even more than reading letters. Maybe you want to earn more money on the Internet ...

Add this site to bookmarks, so as not to lose it out of sight and recommend it to your friends and acquaintances - let everyone learn about the possibility of a normal money on the Internet without any divorce and fraud!

On the right all types of earnings on the Internet from the easiest and low-paid to the most complex and income. Master everyone and earn as I am more than $ 2-3 thousand per month! I wish you all success!

And remember: everyone can earn big money on the Internet!

No similar articles.

What is earnings on reading letters on the Internet? You register on the website of the postage sponsor, after which it comes to your mail (e-mail) great amount Advertising letters, each of which has a link to which you need to go - thereby you confirm that I read the letter. For each click you are accrued small commission (from $ 0.005 per click).

Why will you pay and who needs it?

Today the world around us is so overshadowed by advertising that advertisers are willing to pay the consumer for looking at his advertising - explicit proof of this is earnings on reading letters.

The general scheme looks like this: the advertiser addresses the postal sponsor (for example, to for the service that implies the newsletter advertising letters by email to a large number of Internet users - naturally, the service is not free. The postal sponsor, in turn, is looking for those most users who will read promotional letters for money. But that is not all! There is such a concept as referral. Referral is a member affiliate programwhich was registered on the recommendation of another participant, going on its referral link. The person who attracts the referral system is called "Referrer". The reef is paid interest, for each referral, which he led. The size of payments to the referee depends on the number of letters read by referrals, so the referrera is beneficial to attract as many referrals as possible, because its income depends on this. Probably, you are already starting to understand who in this scheme remains losing - of course referral, which (with the hope of a bright future) will earn at reading advertising letters.

How much can you earn on reading letters?

For each click pay from $ 0.005 (they promise, of course, more, but it is only promised), i.e. You need to read up to 200 letters to earn 1 dollar! Practice shows that most people who "earn" reading advertising letters receive no more than 20 rubles a day.

If you have not changed my mind to earn money on reading letters, then below are presented most popular postal sponsorswhere you can try to earn:

Hello expensive readers. In this article we will talk to you on how to make money on reading letters on the Internet. This method of earning, although it does not bring big money, but still remains very popular among World Wide Web users.

A separate service providing the ability to make a profit only reading letters to me, unfortunately, could not find. Therefore, I will share with you information about those services where you can make money.

Sites for earning reading letters

In fact, there are many of them, but most sites are "" not paying money. Therefore, I cut your list to the three best and proven on personal experience:

  • wmmail.Ru is a famous Russian-speaking, which has existed since 2004 and paying dollars;
  • - no less well-known site, the earnings on which is paid in rubles;
  • - Very similar design with SEOSPrint, also allows you to withdraw earned in rubles.

Now let's consider the methodology and the principle of earnings on reading letters on each of the above sites.

After registering and authorization on the site, you can immediately begin to make money on making money, in our cases on viewing paid letters. To do this, we find a text block in the left corner of the screen. Earnings", Which in turn consists of three points: letters, surfing,. Click on item " Letters».

After that you will get into a new window, in which the list of available letters will be presented for reading. By the way, in the column " Cost"You can view the amount of money you will receive for viewing a given letter. To start viewing the letter, you must click on its name.

After that, you will move to a page with its description (readless reading), as well as reference to which you want to click.

At the end of the timer, you can close the advertiser's page and return again to the "Letters" section.

Carefully follow these partition throughout the day, since letters appear quite often.

Now let's move on to consider how to make money on reading letters, only on another site - The principle is slightly different and complicated. But first things first.

To begin with, as usual, we are registered, or authorized in the system. Then, on the left side of the screen, we find the "earn" a block with four ways to earn:, read letters, and performing tasks. Accordingly click on " Reading letters».

After that, we will have a list with the names of the available paid letters and their cost per view. Click on any of them.

Then the dialog box with the text of the letter opens. Read it carefully, and then answer the test (check question) at the bottom of the window.

If you select the correct answer option, the new tab with the advertiser site and timers will open in your browser. We are waiting for the end of the timer and enter the captcha.

That's all, money on balance will be accrued automatically. Now do similar actions with other letters.

Earnings on reading letters on ProfitCentr

The principle of money on reading letters on this site is similar, no matter how sempret. Even by appearance These two boxes are very similar to each other. Based on this, I think you yourself find the block " Earn"And in it already section" Reading letters».

How much can you earn on reading letters?

Actually make a lot of money with this method It is impossible. Everything is the simplicity of the task, and on the basis of this and low price. Therefore, I recommend using reading letters as a minor method to improve your financial condition.

During the writing of the article on the WMMAIL website, I read letters on 0.085 dollars, on SEOSPRINT - 0.124 rubles, and on ProfitCentr - 0.1 rubles. I think if you see for these sites throughout the day, then $ 0.5 can be obtained.

To make an effective email newsletter, you must correctly execute basic steps: select a reliable mail service, adapt content to reading with mobile screens, Write clinging texts, collect enough addresses of potential and existing customers and segmented the audience. But sometimes it is not enough: your competitors do similar mailing, so you can not surprise subscribers something new and interesting. In this article you will find 20 tips that will help you think about what to write in the mailing list to customers, and understand how to make advertising letters with bright and commercially successful.

Let subscribers feel selected. Offer them to subscribe to an exclusive newsletter for the best customers. You can appoint regular customers, consumers with a certain amount of check, owners of a particular product.

Offer membership in the exclusive club to subscribers in personal letters. At the same time take care so that they are not like the so-called "Nigerian letters". Ask the client to confirm participation in the club.

Include in the newsletter for members of the exclusive club Favorable offers, discount coupons, Offers pre-order a new product, etc. With the help of a sarafined radio, this will make membership in the club desired for all your customers. They will strive to fulfill the conditions necessary to receive an invitation.

Your subscribers receive dozens of letters per day. They are unlikely to pay attention to each proposal download something for free, take advantage of a discount of 3% for the purchase of turbojet lawn mowers with the function of air travel on average distances, and also misses the ears of the desire to earn millions without effort and starting investment. Advertising noise makes its own business - people develop deafness to marketing messages.

Another thing, if you are able to show care about the client. How to do it? Here are some ideas:

  • Notify that the special offer stops acting in a day. Perhaps the client forgot what I wanted to buy a lawn mower with a discount.

  • Explain why it is important to use your product.

  • Offer subscribers valuable information. For example, imagine how many men will tell you thanks if you offer them the ideas of gifts for your favorite on March 8.

Pay attention to the header of the letter. He must inform subscribers that you wrote something valuable.

The secret of the effectiveness of this council in personalization. You must contact the client personally and ask him to explain your choice, leave a review or help you spend the study.

Score electronic books Litres asks to leave a review about every purchased book. Moreover, the authors of the first reviews for new works get bonus money to the account.

The READRATE service offers the thematic test.

And the marketer Optimizely Jesse Becker proposes to ask her anything.

These include reviews, research results, cases, rewards, ratings. Pay attention to the following letter:

Litres announces a book that occupies the first places in the rankings of the best works of 2014 of famous publications and the Amazon online store. The Russian-speaking audience did not have time to read this book. There are no reviews on Litres and Readrate book sites, there is one super positive feedback on LiveLIB, no one knows anything in Facebook.

Social evidence is working: the audience beeps to Amazon's rating and the word "Superbestseller", although real reviews Russian-speaking users about the book are very small. Surely the book is well for sale.

It is described above that the personalization of letters helps to receive feedback. Personalization opportunities are not limited to this: it increases the overall efficiency of the distribution. Email is created for correspondence between people. Remember this, creating commercial letters. Take advantage of the following recommendations:

  • Write on behalf real man, not a brand.
  • Take care of the relevance of messages for a particular person.
  • Contact personally to the user.

Another example of personalization is the ability to get personal recommendations from the LiveLIB service.

Efficient letters provide high clickability of links in messages and conversion of subscribers in consumers. Look at the design of the DEATH TO THE STOCK photo. The conversion button here is located above the message itself.

What will happen if the client is not interested in the proposal? The authors of the next newsletter provide the user alternative.

What for? This increases the involvement of the audience. The above is an example of a Death to the Stock Photo letter, in which the subscriber is offered to first upload the package of free photos, and then proceed to reading the letter. There are other successful mailing samples with the downloadable content.

The readers will probably pay attention to the financial forecast, beautifully decorated in the form of White Paper.

Do your customers want discounts? Let them download.

Do it with the help of appeals to action. They significantly increase CTR and mailing conversion.

You can use more aggressive CTA.

Use the urgency factor, the words "free" and "without registration".

On the one hand, your subscribers must understand the meaning of the message by reading the topic. On the other hand, you should intrigue them and make the necessary actions from curiosity. See how stimulates the subscriber to open a letter "driving" log.

Howard ZHOS intrigues marketed colleagues unprecedented growth in popularity online video.

Tip number 10: Use the same topic for all letters.

This recommendation suits you while complying with two conditions. First, your audience needs to be unconditionally trusted. This is possible if you have been working on the market for a long time and have an impeccable reputation. Secondly, the content of letters should be similar to each other. For example, you can send a letter to customers with customers with the topic "5 best products of the week" or "The most popular materials over the past week."

This tactic has a simple meaning: subscribers get used to receiving letters from you with a specific topic, they are easily recognized and found in the "Incoming" folder.

Referral references work, as their use leaves all parties to win: referral, referrer and business. The first receives favorable terms of service, the second is trying for the sake of bonuses, and the third stimulates sales.

Tip number 13: Suggest audiences a lot of useful information

Regularly surprise the audience with big letters with useful information. Do it once every two weeks or once a month. So you teach users to wait for your messages and pay attention to them. Remember, you do not need to make a huge every letter. For example, you can send standard messages twice a week, and once a month create a large publication digest on the site or analytical report.

Large letters are difficult to demonstrate with the help of illustration, so read the examples according to the links:

Tip # 14: Remind users what you do and who you are

If you work on Google or Sberbank, skip this item. And if you have a small or average enterprise, be sure to recommend. Remind users than you can help them.

Litles book store includes a reminder to each letter:

The Exversion Exchange in one of the letters made a detailed advertising crib:

Tip No. 15: Use the awareness of the brands of your partners.

Imagine that you just opened an online store in which you can buy electronic gadgets. Naturally, the audience does not know the name of your project. But she knows brands that produce gadgets: Samsung, Apple, LG and so on. Use it in the mailing list. Here is an example of the implementation of this tactics:

But an example more thin use Brand recognition:

No, for this you do not need to be God or billionaire. To make the subscribers, it is usually enough to give them some modest gift. The main thing is that users do not perceive it as a marketing stroke.

Here are such gifts to people do not need:

And here is already better:

And PrivatBank successfully used an important event - the World Cup.

Litres timed to sell books with a discount to the premiere of the filmization of one of the works.

Say "thank you" with each comfortable opportunity. Thank users for buying, for reading letters, for the left review, etc. It has a positive effect on your subscribers and forms loyalty.

For example, "connected" thanks even for adding goods to the basket:

A store Fotomag is not limited to gratitude in words:

Users do not like to read advertising letters. You can solve this problem by making commercial messages similar to neutral ads. For example, let's notify that a new product has appeared on sale, prices are reduced, and the delivery conditions are updated.

Known to you, the bookstore regularly sends neutral letters about entering new books:

The household chemical store reports that the production was again received by the products that the client was once interested in.

This earnings on the Internet is based on reading paid letters, promotional character. In the first look seemingly a penny way of earnings, but it's not so much sorry that many throw work on them, and not realizing all the resources for earnings on these sites, because In addition to paid letters, it is possible to make a good job on paid tasks. For example: someone created a site, and in order to familiarize it with the creation asks to visit it and leave a message on the forum or comment on the article, it will take you 1-2 minutes and bring a certain amount In the wallet.
This is just an example, so that at least not much to enter into the course of the case, tasks are different and there are a lot of them.

List of best sites for earnings:

  • 1.Wmmail.Ru is a single design of the site, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, in order to facilitate the work of users. On the site awaits earnings on reading letters, paid tasks, earnings on writing and selling texts!
    Registration on
  • 2.seospint -this project has raven popularity and overtaken by the number of users the famous WMMAIL.Ru, and it is good to have the more users, the more work! Paid available sites for viewing appear almost constantly and watching their pleasure, well, the amount of the invoice is of course growing like on yeast ... More on SEOSPRINT you are waiting for paid letters, and earnings on tests.
    Registration on
  • is an excellent site that works on the sepper script that provides earnings on the Internet on letters, surfing and tasks! The site has been working since 2009 and falls into the category of reliable! If you are already working on a september, pay attention to this project - paid links appear almost constantly!
    Registration on
  • - Decent attention Website for electronic commerce! On the site you will find earnings on reading letters, surfing and car deurfing, tasks.
    Registration on SEO-FAST.RU.

  • is an old project with a new name. Previously, the site was called WMPUBlic and was very popular, the earnings were in dollars, now in rubles. After moving to a new domain, the project began to quickly gain momentum, the site administrative administrators in every way promotes users and constantly conducts contests. Many surfing, paid letters, tasks.
    Registration on

  • - Overlook not a bad project, a serious competitor There is an opportunity to additionally replenish your budget receiving cash premiums and participating in contests at the same time from 3 referres! There is a career ladder, as it is promoted by which there is a number of advantages and a glorious - daily receipt of s / n in the form of recheriov!