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Expansion of files with files. Setting up IE to work external components and extensions in thin client mode

Keywords: Expansion to work with files, web client, start-off exposure and staples, starting the master-selling and pharyes

In the beautiful new world of web clients and asynchronous programming it is impossible to just take and
download to the database file when working in a web client. When trying to use the file selection dialog will be
message about the need for some "extension to work with files". Should not be confused
expansion with an extension for a web browser (which is also necessary). This is the same two different entities.

If the extension for the web browser is installed from the Chrome online store (or from where there for
other browsers), the extension to work with files is unknown from where
performing the method of the built-in Language 1C "Starting the STRIPECTIVESFILES ()". While doing
this method in the "Loading" folder pumps the file of the view "1Cextension1509032170224.exe". Necessary
run the file to start this file for each computer user using the extension. File
you can save and centrally focusing all the necessary users.

Now before using the file transfer functionality between the client and the server should be performed
the embedded language method "Starts Plugging Summary". The method requires B.
the "Alert" parameter Availability of a notification describing with the procedure containing parameters:
- <Подключено> - Connection result, Type: Boolean. Truth - the extension is successfully connected
- <ДополнительныеПараметры> - The value that was specified when creating an object

In this procedure, check if connected \u003d truth, then the connection has passed successfully, and then
return and go further.

Please note that the entire functionality of working with files must be written in asynchronous style,
those. A series of procedures with alert handlers inside.
An example of implementing asynchronous file transfer using extension can be viewed in the module
"Exchanged Clement" + General Form of "Questioning EstablishmentSpali" in Type ZUPR 3. There
surprisingly quite a few procedures.

Setting and using a web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer

Features of use

If the operating system of XP SP 2 is installed on your computer, a library is required jscript.dll version and higher. The library can be found in the folder system32. operating system. Earlier versions of the library will significantly slow down the work of the web client. For early versions JScript.dll We recommend downloading the update package on the Microsoft website.

Settings using a web browser

Before the first session in the web browser, you must configure the properties of the browser. For this you need to take the following steps:

1. In the upper left corner of the browser, click on the "Settings" icon, select the Internet Options Properties item and configure the following parameters:

2. Allow execution of JavaScript scripts:

  • Security Tab (Security) For Internet Click Other (Custom Level);
  • Scripting Script Section (Active Scripting) Select the Allow option (Enable) and click OK.

3. Allow pop-up windows:

  • Privacy tab (Privacy);
  • The blocking window blocking section (POP-UP BLOCKER) Remove the button to block the pop-up window (Block Pop-UPS).

4. Allow the use of cookies:

  • Privacy Tab (Privacy) - Select a convenient to use cookies, but not higher moderately high (Medium High).

If you are planning to work with external equipment (barcode scanners, electronic balance Also, it is necessary to make additional web browser configuration:

1. Security tab (Security) - press the other button (Custom Level);

2. In the window that opens, Slip Allow (Enable) for the following parameters:

  • Request permission for ActiveX objects (Automatic Promting for ActiveX Controls)
  • Loading the signed ActiveX objects with user permission (download Signed ActiveX Controls)
  • Work with the ActiveX objects and plugins (RUN ActiveX Controls and Plug-Ins);
  • Working with objects labeled as Script ActiveX Controls Marked Safe for Scripting).

To not checkthe keyboard layout each time the auxiliary windows appear, you can configure the default input language. For this you need:

1. Open the "Language and Regional Standards" settings ("Regional and Languages \u200b\u200bOptions")

2. Tab "Languages" ("Languages"), "Text Services and Input Languages") - Press the "Details ..." button ("Details ...")

3. In the "Settings" tab, click the "Settings" tab in the "Default Input Language" section "(" Default Input Language ") and select the desired language

4. Press the "OK" button

Features of using extended files of working with files

Operations with files in web client mode are performed interactively. Even if the action does not require user interaction (select a file, etc.), the program displays a dialog box where the user must confirm its action.

To use extended tools for working with files in Internet Explorer. You need to install a special ACTIVEX component "1C: Enterprise 8.2. Expanding files for Internet Explorer (x86)" (32- or 64-bit variant). This component is already included in the 1C platform: Enterprise 8.2, but its installation requires the implementation of the method call to the establishment of the semorem file in the configuration.

To work correctly correctly, the browser needs to provide the rights to install and use the signed ActiveX components for the zone in which the website is located.

Printing (Ctrl + P)

Working with files in asynchronous mode There is only on the side of the client application. In general, it is recommended to use synchronous methods to work on the server side and asynchronous - to work on the side of the client application.
Consider an example of working with files in asynchronous technology: Deleting all files in the timeline directory. For synchronous technology, this action will look like this:

& Svalette
Procedure Delete (command)
Delete files (catalog vaporphylov (), receiving maskvsefaylient ());

Asynchronous technique will look different:

& Svalette
Procedure Delete (command)
Non-reverse \u003d new Description ("Hardworthy File", this information, "Remove", this object);
Starting catalymnames (reverse);
& Svalette
Procedure Receive Metal Filing Swelling (NameCatimnames, Optional Farmers) Export
Non-reverse \u003d new Description ("Delete Creature", this object, "File error", this object);
StowingFilets (reverse, name-name-named files, receiving maskvsefaylient ());
& Svalette
Procedure Delete Covering (Optional Parameters) Export
Report ("Delete successfully completed");
& Svalette
Procedure File groove (FindnessBrubs, Standard Processing, Optional Parameters) Export
Report ("When executing a file operation, an error was detected:" + short-consistency (inability));

FirstlyIt should be noted that almost all file operations became asynchronous. Even those simple actionsHow to get a directory of temporary files. And the need to obtain such a catalog leads to the first asynchronous call. Then there is a call to delete all files. And processing the completion of deletion requires a second handler in which the actions should be located that must occur after deleting all files in the temporary file directory. In this example, this is the issuance of the completion of the operation.
If an error occurs when executing file operations - the control will be transferred to the handler FileReproit (). It can correctly handle the current situation.

Working with files in the web client

Working with files in the web client has a number of features:
1. Without installing extensions, in any web browser, only the methods of getting () and begin a hostile () are available. Method PlainFile () is not supported when working with a Google Chrome web browser and if the configuration is prohibited to use modal methods (configuration property, modality use mode, see here).
2. When you install the extension of working with files in all web browsers, except Google Chrome, access to both synchronous and asynchronous working methods (synchronization or asynchrony depends on the configuration property of modality use),
3. for google web browser Chrome is available only asynchronous expansion of working with files. Synchronous work is not supported.
4. Expansion of files with files does not support the HTTPS protocol using the client certificate.
Note 1. For correct operation of the expansion of files in the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, use
Microsoft Core XML SERVICES (MSXML) version 4.0 or 6.0.
Note 2. Expansion with files for the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser is installed in the% APPDATA% \\ 1C \\ 1SewBext \\ FileSystemExTie directory

Users can work with service applications using a web browser. This article will describe the configuration of the browser to work in the 1C: Fresh service.

Browsers that can be used to work in the 1C: Fresh:

· Google Chrome for Windows (32- and 64-bit versions);

· Mozilla Firefox. version 38 for Windows and Linux;

· Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 8, 9 (x86), 10 (x86), 11;

· Microsoft Edge. For Windows;

· Apple Safari versions from 4.0.5, for Mac OS X.

The service does not support other browsers (Opera, Yandex Browser, UC Browser, etc.) and outdated browser versions (for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6).

You can work with service applications not only through the browser, but also with the help of a thin client 1C: enterprises 8.

Read more on how to install and configure the "thin client", read.

Setting up Google Chrome

  1. Click the "Settings and google management Chrome "(Customize and Control Google Chrome) in the upper right corner of the browser window.
  2. In the menu displayed, select "Settings".
  3. At the bottom of the SETTINGS page that opens, click "Show additional settings"SHOW ADVANCED SETTINGS).
  4. In the "Personal Information" section (Privacy), click Content Settings.
  5. In the opened page settings panel of the page content:
  • in the Cookie Files group (Cookies), select "Allow Save Local Data (recommended)" mode (ALLOW LOCAL DATA TO BE SET (RECOMMENEDED));
  • in the JavaScript group, select "Allow all sites to use JavaScript (recommended)" (ALLOW ALL SITES TO RUN JAVASCRIPT (RECOMMENDED);
  • if the "Block the pop-ups on all sites" switch is selected in the "Pop-ups" group (DO NOT ALLOW ANY SITE TO SITE POP-UPS), then click "Configure Exceptions" (Manage Exceptions) and add to Exception list template // by selecting for it in the "Actions" (BEHAVIOR) drop-down list (Allow).

6. Close the "page content settings" panel (Content Settings) by pressing the "Done" button.

7. Under the inscription "Downloaded files" (downloads), it is recommended to enable the "Always specify a place for download" checkbox (Ask Where to Save Each File Before Downloading).

Ready! Google Chrome. Ready to work with the service 1C: Fresh.

Setting up Mozilla Firefox

1. Run by browser Mozilla. Firefox Any application "1C: Enterprises".

3. If a message appears on the screen that Firefox has blocked the setup request, click on the "Allow" button in it.

5. Wait until the expansion is completed and then click the Restart Now button (RESTART NOW).

Installed third-party expansion The browser can interfere with the "1C: Enterprise" expansion and the correct work of the browser. In these cases, it is recommended to disable third-party additions (expansion) of the browser.

Configuring Internet Explorer

  1. Run Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.
  2. Click the "Tools" button in the right upper corner of the browser window and in the displayed menu, select "Browser Properties" (Internet Options). In Microsoft Internet Explorer to version 9, the required item is called the "Observer Properties".
  3. In the "Browser Properties" window that opens, go to the Security tab.
  4. Select the "Reliable sites" zone (Trusted Sites). In Microsoft Internet Explorer to version 9, the item is called "Reliable nodes".
  5. Click the Sites button. In Microsoft Internet Explorer to version 9, this button is called "nodes".
  6. In the displayed window "Reliable sites" uncheck the checkbox "for all sites of this zone requires checking HTTPS servers" (Require Server Verification for All Sites In This Zone).
  7. In Internet Explorer to version 9, this check box is called "HTTPS servers check for all nodes of this group.
  8. In the same window, enter under the inscription "Add the following node to the zone" (Add this Website to the Zone) string // Press the Add button (Add).
  9. On the Safety tab (Security) for the same zone "Reliable sites" (Trusted Sites), click the "Other" button (Custom LEVEL).
  10. In the displayed window, follow these steps:
  • Under the inscription "Reset Special Parameters" (RESET CUST CUSTTINGS) Select the "Low" mode and click the "Reset" button.
  • If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer versions of 7 or 8, then in the parameter panel, go to the "Miscellane" (MICSELLANEUS) section and select "Display Mixed Content)" Enable "(Enable).
  • Click the "OK" button.

11. Click the Privacy tab. On this tab:

  • Check that the security settings level is selected by "medium" (medium) or "moderately high" (Medium High). This is necessary for receiving a cookie.
  • If it is desirable to use blocking blocking, the "Enable pop-up blocking blocking" checkbox (Turn on Pop-Up Blocker) must be enabled. In this case, click the "Settings" button, add a website //1cfresh.Com list "Allowed Websites" (Allowed Sites), and click "Close" (Close).

12. Close the Browser Properties dialog box (Browser Properties, Internet Options) by pressing the "OK" button.

13. Close all windows internet browser Explorer, and then run the browser again so that all settings start to act.

Ready! Internet Explorer is ready for working with 1C Fresh service.

Microsoft EDGE Setup

1. Run the browser.

2. Press the "Advanced" button (more) in the upper right corner of the browser window.

3. In the displayed menu, select "Settings".

4. In the parameter panel, click the "View Advanced Settings" button (View Advanced Settings) under the inscription " Extra options"(Advanced Settings).

5. In the disabled panel of the additional parameters:

  • set the "Block Pop-UPS" switch to "Off" (OFF).
  • select the "Cookie" files "Value" not block cookies files"(Don't Block Cookies).

Ready! Microsoft Edge is ready to work with 1C Fresh service.

Setting up Safari.

1. Open Apple Safari browser.

2. Call the window apple settings Safari Selects the menu command: "Safari | Settings" (Safari | Settings).

3. In the window that appears, select the Security tab.

4. On this tab:

  • checkbox "Block pop-up windows" (BLOCK POP-UP Windows) can be turned off;
  • checkbox "Enable JavaScript" (Enable JavaScript) must be enabled.

5. Click the Privacy tab. On this tab, the "Cookies and Website Data" switch "(Cookies and WebSite Data") must be:

  • "Allow for me visited by me" (Allow from WebSites I Visit) - if you have already visited the site

Ready! Safari is ready for working with 1C: Fresh.