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Data Conversion 3.0. How to Debug Rules in External Processing

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Data Conversion Revision 3.0

Lesson 1. Preparing to work with KD3.0

Data Conversion Revision 3.0(Further KD3.0) - is one of the components of the technology for data exchange through the format EnterpriseData. KD3.0 not a configuration replacement Data Conversion Revision 2.0(Further KD2.0). it new standard, which is very different from CD 2.0. Main purpose KD3.0 - this creation program code module of the exchange manager, consisting of procedures and functions in which the logic of loading data presented in the format EnterpriseData, as well as the logic for unloading data into the.

Fig 1 General module of the exchange manager

KD3.0 can be downloaded from the website

Revision, intended for use with the system version
1C: Enterprise 8.3 is not lower than 8.3.10, and revision is for use with the version of the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 system is not lower than 8.3.8.

Delivery KD3.0 contains the following external treatments

  • Treatment MD83Exp.epf“Uploading the description of the structure of metadata configuration 8.3” - is intended for uploading the description of the structure of metadata of any configuration, implemented on the platform “1C: Enterprise 8.3”.
  • Treatment Upload sync rules.epf"Uploading synchronization rules via universal format" used to prepare files of conversion rules intended for subsequent loading into the "Data Conversion" configuration, revision 3.0.
  • The file "Configuration Description.htm" contains short description
    major functionality configuration
    “Data Conversion”, revision 3.0.

Additional Information on Configuring Data Conversion Revision 3.0

1. Preparing to set up rules

To load the format structure, you must first open the configuration database in the configurator mode and unload XDTO packages from the configuration into * .xsd files.

It is necessary to unload all packages that are associated with the format. In this case, the file names are of no fundamental importance. It is also necessary to unload the ExchangeMessage XDTO package

After loading the XDTO format into CD 3.0, the directories “Format Objects”, “Format Properties”, “Format Values” are filled

V Reference "Format Objects" loaded:

  • Objects of type “XDTOObjectType” that reflect reference data types (documents, reference books)
  • Objects of type XDTOValueType containing the enumeration. They reflect predefined data (like enums)

V reference "Format properties" loaded:

  • Properties of the “XDTOObjectType” objects. At the same time, the objects themselves are those that were loaded into the "Format Objects"
  • Objects of type “XDTOObjectType” and their properties that reflect tabular sections and attributes of tabular sections

The "Format Values" lookup is loaded with properties of the "XDTOValueType" objects, which are elements of predefined data. At the same time, the objects themselves are those that were loaded into the "Format Objects"

1. 2. Processing “Loading configuration structure”

This processing loads the configuration metadata structure into the infobase Data Conversion Rev.3.

To upload information about the structure information base processing used MD83Exp.epf included in the delivery kit of the KD3.0 configuration

For an infobase whose structure is to be unloaded, the following steps should be performed:

  1. Open the information base in the "Enterprise" mode.
  2. Open external processing MD83Exp.epf(File menu - Open).
  3. Specify the name of the file where the infobase structure should be saved.
  4. Check the settings in the processing form (all flags must be unchecked).
  5. Press the button Unload.

After unloading the configuration structure, the directories are filled

  • Metadata objects
  • Object properties
  • Object values.

Directory Metadata objects contains information about configuration metadata objects. The type of objects is fixed in the corresponding attribute. Depending on the value of the Type attribute, the attributes describing the properties of the metadata object are filled. Attributes of metadata objects are described in the subordinate reference Object properties... Object values ​​(enumeration values ​​and names predefined elements) are described in the subordinate reference Object values.

Before loading the synchronization rules via the universal format, the data format must be loaded from the files (using processing(see paragraph 1.1), and the configuration for which the synchronization rules are configured must also be loaded. Loading the configuration is done by processing ( see point 1.2) ... Note also that a directory item to be created Conversions ... For conversion, the configuration and one or more versions of the format for which the conversion is intended must be indicated.

1.3.1 Preparing files for loading rules

Files are prepared in an infobase for which the exchange will be performed in a universal format (for example, Enterprise Accounting revision 3.0).

To prepare rule files, enter the infobase in Enterprise mode and start processing Uploading synchronization rules via a universal format, which is included in the configuration delivery Data Conversion Rev.3.

To prepare a file with a manager module, you need to enter the infobase in the Configurator mode and save the general module Exchange Manager Via Universal Format v text file... You can specify any file name.

All prepared files must be located in the same directory.

1.3.2 Loading Synchronization Rules

Performed in the infobase Data Conversion Rev.3 by processing Loading sync rules from files.

In the processing form, indicate:

  • The exchange directory where the previously prepared files are located
  • Conversion
  • The composition of the loaded data
    • or specify the option "all"
    • or select selective loading, and configure the list of rules that should be loaded
  • File with the exchange manager module (not required if selective loading is performed and handlers are not loaded)
1.3.3 Features of loading into a non-empty base
  • If the loaded rule exists, and it belongs to only one conversion (current), the rule will be changed. In this case, the analysis of differences between the existing and the loaded rule is not performed, the rule is reloaded and written unconditionally.
  • If the loaded rule exists, and it belongs to several elements of the Conversion catalog, including the current conversion, a new rule will be created and linked to the current conversion. The “old” rule will remain unchanged and will remain linked to other conversions.
  • Rule groups are not loaded. But if the rule was assigned to a group, when reloading this rule this information will remain.

Data conversion 2.0 and 2.1 - technological configuration of 1C company, implemented on platform versions from 8.1 to 8.3.

The main task of the tool is to write exchange rules between applied solutions 1C 8 and 7. Current version data conversion today - 3.0.

Data conversion is a very useful configuration, with the help of it you can solve not only the issue of transferring information from one information base to another, but also, for example, converting information within one database.

The configuration is very convenient to use when.

Data conversion will be useful to any programmer: having the skills to create exchange rules is a serious plus to professional skills.

Practical problem solving is best suited for learning how to work with configuration. Try to come up with tasks for yourself, for example: transfer any information from one database to another, turn a sales document into a receipt document, “drive” current accounting balances into a “balance entry” document and other tasks.

It will be very useful to understand the "typical" exchange rules 1C 8.3, there you can often find interesting examples of the implementation of tasks.

To comprehend the basics, you need materials, we will consider them below.

Video conversion instructions

The basics of setting up data exchange in 1C using the "1C Data Conversion" configuration, for example, see the video:

Materials, textbooks for studying 1C Data Conversion 2.0

There are not too many materials and documentation on the network, I tried to collect the most important and interesting materials:

0. First of all, I advise Ilya Leontyev's free video course, it is available at link.

1. I would advise you to use the built-in help in the configuration first of all. It is really well written and technically well implemented:

2. The second most important source of information is the site (the site has been closed), which is specialized in data conversion. There you can download a large number of conversion materials.

3. Separately, I would like to highlight the manual - (by Olga Kuznetsova).

In this article I will describe my, so far small, experience in organizing data exchange through the universal EnterpriseData format.

In my case, the exchange is configured between the configurations "Trade Management 11.2" (hereinafter UT) and "Enterprise Accounting 3.0.43" (hereinafter BP). The exchange is one-way, from UT to BP. Prior to the upgrade from Trade Management 11.1 to version 11.2, data exchange was configured using the Data Conversion 2.0 configuration. However, after switching to "11.2" in "Trade Management", errors appeared in the work of users. The procedure for updating the exchange rules was carried out, but this did not give any result. The debugger showed that the problem was communication. It was decided to remove the communication setting in both configurations and set it up again.

Both "Trade Management" and "Enterprise Accounting" work for us in a client-server version. I started setting up synchronization with UT. I executed it in such a way that the data was unloaded from UT to a file. That is, synchronization via a network directory. In the power supply unit, I set up the exchange in such a way that no data is unloaded from the power supply unit.

An error occurred when calling the context method (Check): Error checking XDTO data:
The structure of the object "/ Counterparty's Bank Account / Bank" does not correspond to the type: (
Checking the "BIC" property:
Shape: Element
name: ( BIC
type of:
Required property missing
Object: Contract with counterparty No. ...

To analyze the error, I clicked on the icon "Composition of the data to be sent" and in the list of contractors registered for dispatch, I found an agreement under which an error appeared. Opened a contract, remembered the counterparty's bank account specified in the contract. Then I went over to the bank accounts registered for shipment. It turned out that the required account was not in the list of registered ones. I re-posted the problem bank account and contract. After that, I manually registered the required bank account.

I tried to synchronize data from UT again. This time, the data was successfully unloaded. V network folder formed XML file containing data for transfer from UT to BP.

The next step is to load data from a file into the Enterprise Accounting Department. In the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration, I pressed the "Synchronize" button, a processing form with the message "Data analysis in progress" was opened. A little later, the message changed to "Unloading data". At the same time, the indicator and counter showed that more than 80 thousand objects were being unloaded from the power supply unit. This confused me, because I indicated in the settings that nothing should be unloaded from the power supply unit. The processing took a long time and ended with an error:

Event: Data Exchange
(SharedModule.LongedOperations.Module (371)): Workflow terminated abnormally background job
CallException (ErrorText);

To localize the error, I tried to change the synchronization settings and operation options of the BP base. As a result, when I switched the database to the file version, the system worked adequately: a form for comparing two databases opened. After the objects were mapped, the initial synchronization was successful. Then I switched the database back to the client-server version.

During the further "run-in" of synchronization, it was necessary to make some changes to the rules for converting objects. Now is the time to use the Data Conversion 3.0 configuration. The online configuration help describes how to work. Articles on the ITS website also helped.

As a result, I loaded the following data into "Data Conversion 3.0":

  • Texts of the common module "DataExchangeManagerViaUniversalFormat" from two bases
  • Scheme of both bases
  • Description of the EnterpriseData format (from any one database)
  • Conversion rules

After loading, I opened the rules for converting data, objects, properties in "Data Conversion 3.0". Made the edits I needed. Then I used the button "Unload exchange manager module". The module text has been copied to the clipboard. It remains only to insert it into the configuration.

Having experimented with setting the rules in "Data Conversion 3.0", I concluded for myself that in the case when the changes made are insignificant, it is easier to set the rules directly in the UT and BP configurations, in the general module "DataExchange ManagerVia UniversalFormat". If the edits are serious, such as, for example, adding a new object to the exchange, then you should use the configuration " Data Conversion 3.0 ".

I performed the task of adding the document "Order to supplier" to the exchange plan using " Data Conversion 3.0 ". standard version UT - BP of this document in the exchange plan is not.

Remember that the rules for registering objects for unloading are still configured in the "Data Conversion 2.0" configuration.

These are the first impressions of data synchronization through the universal EnterpriseData format.

P.S. If you have questions and your own observations on the exchange of data through the Universal Format and Configuration " Data Conversion 3.0 ", write in the comments. We will exchange experience.

  • Data sync
  • Generic EntepriseData Format
  • Data Conversion 3.0
  • Data Conversion 2.0
  • Trade management
  • Enterprise accounting

Attention! Now the course is also held in the evening from 18:30 to 21:30 in an immersion format.

The "Data Conversion 3.0" configuration is currently out. It is important to understand that version 2.1 has not lost its relevance and is still a tool for implementing one-time exchanges, data overloads. Also, only in version 2.1 is it possible to develop rules for registering objects (PRO) used in the exchange implemented using CD 3.0. Currently, the data exchange specialist must own both KD 2.1 and KD 3.0.

Purpose of the course: get acquainted with the possibilities of organizing the exchange between configurations "1C: Enterprise" (both "standard" and developed independently) using the technology "Data Conversion 3.0" (exchange using the "EnterpriseData" format).

Configuration Data conversion 2.1 and 3.0 have fundamental differences. We have prepared a video describing the differences between these configurations.

The course will cover

  • configuration options "Data Conversion 3.0" for creating or adjusting existing conversions, setting up registration rules for objects "Data Conversion 2.1"
  • integration of the training base with the "Library standard subsystems"(It is on the functionality of the" Data exchange "subsystem that the possibility of exchange through the Universal Format is implemented).

The course is designed for specialists with basic programming skills on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform. For a complete assimilation of the material, skills of work (configuration and programming) in the managed application "1C: Enterprise 8" are desirable. These capabilities are covered in the Managed Application course.

Please note that this course discusses the issues of setting up data conversion from (to) systems based on the 1C: Enterprise technological platform into and out of a universal format. Questions related to the exchange with arbitrary systems(on technologies other than exchange through a universal format) are covered in the course "Data Integration and Exchange".

The cost of the WEB-course includes:

Learning formats

WEB training

What is this format:The proposed format combines many of the advantages of distance learning with a face-to-face component, presented by video materials and online consultations.
The WEB-course consists of videos, practical tasks and webinars with teachers. All course materials are provided round-the-clock access via the Internet - you can study at a convenient time. The course is divided into classes. During the lesson, materials on the current topic are studied, workshops are carried out, questions are asked to the teacher. At the end of each lesson, a webinar is held, where the teacher analyzes all the questions received, typical errors, explains the correct solution. Recording of webinars is available in the portal. In this way, several sessions take place one after the other. At the end, a final independent work and the final webinar.

Duration: 5 weeks

What is this format:

Duration:40 academic hours

What is this format:The face-to-face immersion course is a format that combines all the advantages of face-to-face training, distance learning and individual training. Classes are held in an equipped classroom, you independently study the course materials (step-by-step videos) and perform workshops. At the same time, there is a teacher in the classroom who is ready at any time to answer a question and help with solving practical problems, as well as check the correctness of their implementation.
Advantages - individual consultations of the teacher on your questions, the pace of passing the material that suits you personally.
All this gives a deeper study of the course material.
It is possible to take this course from your workplace with the full effect of the teacher's presence where the student is! If you are interested in this opportunity - call us!

Duration:40 academic hours

Course program

Course program


Application features new technology exchange


Setting up conversion rules

  • Transferring a simple object (preliminary preparation)
  • Configuring Synchronization
  • Configuring a rule for converting predefined data
  • Transfer of a complex reference book (preparatory stage)
  • Transfer of hierarchical data
  • Different number of hierarchy levels
  • Transfer of additional data
  • Using additional details
  • Data sync
  • Information register "Public identifiers of synchronized objects"
  • Transfer of documents
  • Delayed data processing
  • Delayed posting of documents, using parameters
  • Transfer of residuals (arbitrary algorithms)

Setting up registration rules for objects

Integration with a library of standard subsystems

  • General Provisions
  • Subsystem "Data exchange"
  • Integration with the "Data exchange" subsystem

Technical requirements:

  • Internet access (you can check your communication channel by connecting to),
  • availability of a 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform (no less than 8.3.6) for practicing practical course assignments.

You can use "1C: Enterprise 8". Version for teaching programming.
- electronic (free) delivery on the 8.3 platform,