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Opening XSD files. XML Schema (XML schema) - Description of the structure of XML documents how to open and read the XSD data schema

The XSD scheme is used for traditional embroidery with a cross. The developer of the solution is Hobbyware. We are talking about a fairly common format for these purposes.


The XSD scheme came to change the format.pat, which also was used by the PcStitch program, causing some confusion. These files contain everything you need for embroidery, in particular, the color legend and the description for subsequent work. View materials of this type will help the program Pattern Maker for Cross-Stitch.


The XSD scheme is used not only in embroidery. Files with similar extensions determine which attributes and elements may occur in the XML document, and also establish the relationship between its component parts. These materials interact with the Special Language Description of the Structure specified files. Schema task - Determine the XSD class can be used as an alternative .DTD files. Sometimes different errors may occur during operation. For example, if you see the message "Error validation on the XSD scheme", you probably try to associate material with an unsuitable program. Applications that are suitable for working with the format will be discussed below.

Syntext Serna.

Cope with the error of the type "File does not correspond to the XSD scheme" will help this application. We are talking about a functional commercial XML code. Serna works with all available stationary systems: Mac OS X, Linux and Windows. The editor has full support for XML catalogs. Available creation of materials that have a specific structure.

Creating an XSD schema is one of the many possibilities of this application. The insertion of the elements is significantly facilitated by the fact that the program has contextual attribute lists and reference information about them. The Drag & Drop feature allows you to drag and drop objects on the tape. Implemented and additional file checks during opening. It is possible to work with models and tables. The interaction is carried out even with large and volumetric materials. There is an extended navigation on the content. To simplify the insertion of various designs, the Serna editor received a number of specially designed dialogues. The program has a convenient and flexible interface. Open material is displayed in the main window. It is presented to the fullest. There are deployed lists here. Also pleases the presence of a conductor on the content.

Managed a document using a special style. Using only a few keys, you can change profiled open File Based on your own requirements and taste. The document in Serna can be broken and divided into the required number of pages, the numbering and a certain sequence are taken into account. This solution is very effective while working with large materials that contain a significant amount of code. Wherein standard option Information is convenient if you need to minimize breaks in the document, and this is very important if there are tables.

Oxygen Xml Editor

Credit with an error of the type "File does not correspond to the XSD schema", as well as open the files of the specified type can also this editor. The solution allows you to interpret documents, as well as highlight the elements within the text. The tree presentation allows the user to view different nodes of documents. Thus, you can check the correctness of the code, as well as detect errors and warnings. Editing can be carried out directly from the zip archive.

Altova Xmlspy.

If you are the XSD scheme, you can work with it through this application. We are talking about a powerful tool for creating, debugging, as well as editing documents. There are versions for Windows, Linux and Mac OS. The study of the functions of this solution increases the level of efficiency of working with schemes. Available projects of various levels from scratch. It is possible to edit existing materials. In this case, several display modes are provided - the final result, hierarchical table, text.

Built-in viewer allows you to avoid errors and simplify the use of the program. The application received a convenient syntax highlighting system. It is possible to comment on the code and set bookmarks. This approach simplifies navigation when working with volume projects. There is a built-in converter. You can import databases. There is a tool for comparing two files, which includes a convenient result display system. This platform is compatible with other similar solutions, which make it possible to combine their capabilities.

Other solutions

There are several more programs that support work with the scheme type of interest. Visual Studio deserves special attention among them. We are talking about the development of Microsoft, which allows you to create various applications.

The feature of this platform is a wide range of services available in different programming languages. Services are implemented as an intermediate code that does not depend on the architecture. Visual Studio combines a large number of functions that allow you to develop in Windows. A new environment has been created in the instrument, thanks to which the application has become much easier.

Also with the format you need, you can work via one of the following applications: XML Studio, XML Notepad, Japisoft Editix, PSpad Editor, Notepad. So we figured out how to correct the error of the type "does not match the XSD scheme", as well as through which programs to communicate with the files.

XSD files are often used to couple with XML documents. They present the descriptions of the XML file and the rules to which it obeys. Users often arise a question than to open XSD. Basic utilities are suitable for viewing, pre-installed on the PC, and for editing it will be needed additional software.

General Description XSD format

Expansion ".xsd" - Abbreviation from XML Schema Definition. The main task of files with such an extension is to describe XML. They may contain descriptions of the structure, individual elements, attributes. The information contains the text set out by the XML Schema description language. This language creates software to work with XML. In ".xsd" elements of other dictionaries can be integrated, not only XML Schema.

History of origin

For the first time, the format was commissioned in 2001. It recommended a consortium of the World Wide Web. This organization introduces technological standards of the Internet. The purpose of the consortium is to achieve the compatibility of files and equipment manufacturers from different countries.

The starting development of the XML Schema 1.0 language used in the expansion ".xsd" was used for 11 years. On April 5, 2012, the consortium approved the introduction of New - 1.1.

How and how to open the XSD file expansion

You can choose from three options than to open the XSD file. You can view the contents of the document even without a PC using the browser options.


Browser is used to view online. Suitable as a PC and a mobile browser.

Xsd scheme - than open online:

  • other browsers.

To view the contents, the search string is driven to the path to the file: "File: /// D: /Document.xsd". After "File: ///", the path on the selected device is specified as well as the name.

The main drawback of online viewing of the format is the inability to make changes to the structure.

On the computer

When using options installed on PCs when working with more. You can not only recognize the contents, but also edit the text.

If there is no need to work with the format, text editors use to manage such documents. The following programs are suitable:

  • WordPad;

There are no fundamental differences. Microsoft Word. It is more convenient from the point of view of editing, and WordPad is heavier in mastering. However, the functionality of programs when working with this format does not change.

The simplest software to view the format is notepad. To view and edit in a text editor, the file opens the "Open with ..." command, then select the desired editor from the list of programs. You can also open the file through the program itself by selecting the "Open" function and specifying the path to the item.

If the XML Schema Definition is working professionally, more serious programs use to view and edit. Installed XML editors to which include:

  • other.

Professionals prefer the second program. It is suitable for working on Windows, Linux, Microsoft and allows not only to modify, but also create the files of the format under consideration. A multifunctional table is used for editing.

What else can there be problems with the XSD file

Even if it is known what XSD format is how to open a file of this type, sometimes additional problems occur. The main complexity is that there are two options for XML Schema Definition files. The first - text, in which the commands and descriptions contain. They are opened using the above methods. But the second, less common type is designed - a cross-stitch circuit. These are images, not text.

Externally, two types of types are no different, they have the same expansion. If when you try to open a document online or using a text editor, an error is issued, it means that the user is displayed. It is open only in one way - with the help of a program specifically sharpened under the embroidery scheme.

The utility is installed on the PC. The XSD opening program can be downloaded for free and with Russian translation. In the Pattern Maker for Cross Stitch, not only viewing XSD schema, but also editing, and creating your own files.

It is not difficult to deal with the format. Even the newcomer will be able to open the file from the first time using a text editor or notepad preset to the PC.

XSD extension files often cause confusion from users. This is explained by the fact that there are two types of this format, which are absolutely different information by type. Therefore, it is not worth upset if the usual application could not open it. Perhaps just got a file of another type. What are the differences between XSD files and what programs can be discovered, will be considered further.

XML document diagram ( X.ML. S.chema. D.eFINITION) is the most common type of XSD files. He is known since 2001. These files contain the most diverse information describing XML data - their structure, elements, attributes, etc.. In order to open a file of this type, there are many ways. And for example, take the simplest sample of this format (purchase order scheme), which is offered by Microsoft.

Method 1: XML editors

XML editors are more appropriate software for opening XSD files, since it is with their help files of this type are created. Consider some of them more.

XML NotePad.

This program is one of the options for "notepad" from Microsoft, specially designed to work with XML files. Accordingly, the XSD can be freely open and edited with it.

XML NotePad provides much more opportunities compared to the programs described above. In addition to the syntax highlight, there is an automatic mode to determine the document structure and is displayed in a form convenient for viewing and editing.

Oxygen Xml Editor

Unlike the previous one, this software product is a much more serious means for developing XML documents. XSD file structure It represents a colorful table

This program is multiplatform as in the form of an independent application, as well as the Eclipse plugin.

Open XSD files can and with more "heavy" software products, such as Microsoft Visual Studio, Progress Stylus Studio and others. But they all represent tools for professionals. Installing them only to open the file does not make sense.

Method 2: Browsers

XSD files are open and in any browser. To do this, you can use the context menu or menu. "File" (If this is available in the browser). And you can simply register the path to the file in the browser address bar or drag it into the web conductor window.

Here is what our sample looks like, open in Google Chrome:

And this is he, but already in Yandex browser:

And here he is already in Opera:

As we see, there is no principled difference. It is worth noting that the browsers are suitable only to view the files of this type. Edit anything in them can not.

Method 3: Text Editors

Due to the simplicity of its structure, the XSD files are easily open with almost any text editor and can change freely and persist. The differences are only in the convenience of viewing and editing. They can be opened directly from the text editor, or from the context menu by selecting the option "To open with".

Here are examples of how it can be done with different text editors:


This is the easiest app to work with text files, default is present in any windows version. This looks like our sample, open in "Notepad":

Due to the lack of amenities, it will be difficult to edit the XSD file in it, but for quick familiarization with its contents "Notepad" may well be consolidated.

Another unchanged windows componentCompared to the "notepad" with a more advanced functionality. But at the opening of the XSD file, this is not reflected in any way, since this editor also does not provide any additional amenities for viewing and editing it.

As you can see, with the exception of the program interface, nothing in the display of the XSD file, compared to the notepad, has not changed.

NotePad ++.

This program is the same "notebook", but with a whole near additional featuresWhat advances the pros in the title. Accordingly, the XSD file, open in NotePad ++, it looks much more attractive thanks to the syntax highlight function. It makes much more convenient and the process of editing.

Open XSD files can also be in more complex text processors, such as MS Word or LibreOffice. But since these software products Not intended specifically to edit such files, they will be displayed in the same way as in "Notepad".

Cross-style embroidery pattern

Another hypostage expansion XSD is an embroidery scheme with a cross. Accordingly, in this case this format The file is an image. In these files, except for the pictures itself there are also a color legend and detailed description To create embroidery. Open such an XSD file can be the only way.

The Pattern Maker for Cross Stitch is the main means for opening embroidery schemes, as it is designed specifically to create and edit them. This is how the XSD file is open in the Pattern Maker.

The program has a rich toolkit. In addition, it can be easily Russified. In addition, it applies free of charge.

Thus, the XSD file format is mainly a diagram of an XML document. If it does not open text editorsIt means that we have a file containing an embroidery scheme with a cross.

Annotation: XML Data Schemes (XSD). Creating an XSD schema in the Visual Studio .NET environment. Creating a typed DataSet object. Receiving information about the structure of the DataSet object. Loading XML documents and XSD schemas to typed and normal DataSet objects. Readxml and readxmlschema methods. Record the content and structure of a typed and conventional DataSet object. Writexml and WritExmlschema methods

Typed DataSet object. Reading and recording XML documents

XML Data Schemes (XSD)

Data circuits 1. Accurate translation of XML Schema Document -< xML document scheme\u003e However, we will continue to use the term "XML data scheme". XSD (XML Schema Document, XSD) are alternative way rules for building XML documents. Compared to DTD, the schemes have more powerful means to determine complex data structures, provide a more understandable way to describe the grammar of the language, are able to easily upgrade and expand. The XSD scheme may contain the following information:

  • representation of bonds between data elements, similar to the links of external keys between tables in the relational database;
  • representation unique identifierssimilar to the primary key;
  • type specification Data from each individual element and attribute in the XML document.

To create a data schema in Visual Studio .NET in the main menu, go to File \\ New \\ File and select from the list of templates (see Fig. 11.3) XML Schema. A window appears with the inscription "To start, drag objects from the Server Explorer or Toolbox window to the workspace (design area) or right-click" (Fig. 11.1):

Fig. 11.1.

The fact is that we are in design mode. We switch to code mode, for which click on the (XML) button:

The first line is a familiar indication that the scheme is an XML document with the root element XS: Schema. The XS prefix: precesses all the elements of the scheme, pointing to their namespace. In the second line, there is a long, detailed and often completely unnecessary description of the scheme (compare with the same code for HTML pages). For correct work, it is enough to limit the following submission:

However, the built-in rendering of the studio suggests this "cap", so it should not be deleted. Creating a scheme describing the specified XML document in the Visual Studio .NET environment - pretty simple task. Create the following document XMleasy.xml:


Switch to the tab (DATA) and see only one record (Fig. 11.2).

Fig. 11.2.

Create a diagram describing this document, in several ways: In the main menu, select "XML \\ Create Schema" (Fig. 11.3, a), in XML mode context menu Select the same item (Fig. 11.3, b), in the DATA mode in the context menu, select this item (Fig. 11.3, B), and, finally, in the DATA mode, click on the XML toolbox button (Fig. 11.3, d).

Fig. 11.3.

In any case, a document scheme appears in the form of a table (Fig. 11.4). Let's leave the Schema mode and switch to (XML) mode.

Fig. 11.4.

The medium generated the XML code describing the document structure:

This includes a description required for further manipulation by the scheme using ADO .NET objects. In the XMleasy.xml source document, a link to the data scheme appeared:

The xmleasy.xsd document was automatically created in the same directory itself, where XMleasy.xml is located.

In order to learn to understand the XSD schemes, first should work with a description of the data in pure form, without additional items. Table 11.1 provides several simple XML documents and their schemes formed without binding to ADO .NET objects.

Table 11.1. Examples of XSD schemes
XML document content XSD schema content


In the xmleasy.xml document, the Tour element is a root element containing a child IDTOR element. General scheme The root element has the following form:

: Content element ...

Subsidiaries are described as follows:

XML document content XSD schema content

1 Cyprus 25 000.00. The price of two adult vouchers includes the price of one children's (up to 7 years) 2 Greece 32 000.00. In August and September, special discounts operate 3 Thailand 30 000.00. Not including the airfare 4 Italy 26 000.00. Breakfast in the hotel is included in the cost of a ticket 5 France 27 000.00. Additional excursions are not included in the cost of a ticket

The root element table contains an element of Tour, which is, in turn, from the group of child elements. The Choice element determines the choice of other elements, and the value "unbounded" (unlimited) attribute MaxOCCurs indicates the ability to unlimited the presence of Tour groups.

: :

XML document content XSD schema content

1 Cyprus 25 000.00. 1 The price of two adult vouchers includes the price of one children's (up to 7 years)

Fig. 11.5.
For IDTOUR item, the INT data type was installed, for the element closed - type Boolean, for the rest - by default Type String. You can change the data type directly in the XML data diagram mode, but more conveniently - in Schema mode (in this case, the mode will be called dataset) select the data type from the drop-down list (Fig. 11.5):

IN software To the course you will find all the files of this table in the XSD folder (Code \\ Glava5 \\ XSD).

Setting the data type in the XML document (the last example is Table. 11.1) is one of the ways to limit content. Additional attributes are applied to limit the value of the specified type. In the following fragment of the circuit, the value of the element price must be between 50 to 100:

To limit the XML document, some fixed values \u200b\u200buse the following design:

Here the NAME element can take only one fixed value from the five names of countries.

The development of the XSD scheme is quite paintaking work. Visual media Visual Studio .NET significantly facilitate this task. To master the basic concepts, it is desirable to study several XML documents created automatically. Tables 11.2-11.4 describes the main elements and attributes that can be found at the same time.

Table 11.2. XSD schemes
Element Description
all. Nested elements can be determined in random order
annotation. Parental element elements-comment and
any. Any nested items
anyattribute. Any attributes
appInfo. Element comment. Specifies the title of scheme
attribute. Attribute
attributegroup. Group of attributes
choice Choosing other elements. Analogue of the operator "|" in dtd.
complexContent Restrictions or expansion of the model Content complex type
complexType. Element of complex type
documentation Element-comment. Provides information about the scheme
element. Element
extension Element expansion
field Field announcement. Used inside the element To determine fields
group. Group of elements
import Import of type declarations from another scheme
include. Enable another schema in the existing namespace
key Setting an element or key attribute pointing to another element
keyref. Setting an element or attribute to which key points
list An element that can contain a list of values
redefine Override already declared items
restriction Restriction of element
schema. Root element of the circuit
selector Selector for selecting XML elements
sequence Sequence of other elements. Analogue of the operator "," in DTD
simpleContent Model, the contents of which represents only symbolic data
simpleType. Element of simple type
union An element or attribute that may have multiple value
unique Element or attribute that must have a unique value
Table 11.3. Attributes - limitations of XSD schemes
Attribute Description
enumeration list of values
length. Length
maxLength. Maximum length
minlength Minimum length
maxExclusive. Maximum value
maxInClusive. Maximum value inclusive
minexClusive. Minimum value
minInclusive. The minimum value inclusive
fractionDigits. Number of semicolons in fractional numbers
totalDigits. Number of digits
pattern. Sample (pattern) of the contents of the elements
default. The default element or attribute value
elementFormDefault. Setting the properties of the local element as globally defined
fixed Fixed value of the element or attribute
form Locally announced items are defined in specific copies of documents.
itemtype. Type of list items
membertypes. Type of members used in union (UNION)
maxoccars. Maximum number of element entries
minoccurs. Minimum amount of element entry
mixed. Setting an element having a mixed type
name. Name of the element or attribute
namespace. Space names
nonameSpace. Setting the location of the document schema,
Schemalocation not having resulting namespaces
nillable Determining that the element may have an empty value NULL (NIL)
ref. Setting links to a globally defined element
schemalocation Determining the location of the scheme
substitutionGroup Determination of the replacement of elements by other elements
targetnamespace. Resulting scheme namespace
type Type of element
use Is the element mandatory or not
value The value of the diagram element
xSI: Nil. Set the real content of empty (null) element XML document
xSI: Schemalocation Real location of the element in the XML document
xSI: Type. Real element type in the XML document

I would like to tell about a very typical task when working with Xml, namely, about creating Xmlbased on the existing one. This operation will consist of several stages, when performing which additional tasks will be solved, such as:

  • Creature Xmlbased Xsd., and vice versa.
  • Serialization and deserialization of objects.
  • Creation of a class for future serialization from Xmlor Xsd..
Before starting, I plan that the reader is familiar with the words Xmland Xsd.. Concerning Xml, I think there is no problem with this, but as for Xsd.i can arise questions what it is. If short, then:
Xsd.- this is a language, to describe Xml. And if you look at the contents of the file containing this description, then the question will arise, why would you seem to describe the obvious tags of your Xml? But imagine that you integrate with some kind of external system, and for data exchange you want to use the format Xml. So here Xsd.allows you to describe for each element of its name, possible attributes, binding fields or attributes, to understand that the contents of some tag may contain only one internal element ( ) And no more, or the node may have a sequence of elements (< a\u003e ... ). When external system is yours then problems may not arise, but when this is a third-party organization, then this description through Xsd.will be a tool to resolve disputes with a format, as well as using utilities, you can check any compliance Xml Initial format.
So what we will do to learn to stamp Xmlbased on your reference? I will describe everything in order.

There is:
What is XML (xmlfile.xml)Stored in a text format to the file. Below I will give the text:

< catalog > < book id = " bk101 " > < author > Gambardella, Matthew. < title > XML Developer "S GUIDE < genre > Computer < price > 44.95 < publish_date > 2000-10-01 < description > An In-Depth Look At Creating Applications WITH XML. < book id = " bk102 " > < author > Ralls, Kim. < title > Midnight Rain. < genre > Fantasy. < price > 5.95 < publish_date > 2000-12-16 < description > A FORMER Architect Battles Corporate Zombies, An Evil Sorceress, and Her Own of the World.

Actions to create a new:

  1. First using the utility Xsd.exe.or using online services (search for "xml to xsd" one of them, we will create from existing Xmlher primitive Xsd.description. At the exit we will have completely, automaticly created output.xsd. A file that is already coming to use but may not be complete.
  2. Next, based on output.xsd. will create classes in C # xmlclass.cs.After that, we add it to our project. Create a class can be used Xsd.exe,or xsd2code. Utility, or any online service.
  3. Now we are ready to use file classes xmlclass.cs.. Therefore, create and fill specimens xMLCLASS.and then using the serialization process, we will convert objects to Xml string, and after which we save it in new file.. Thus, we get Xmlbased on available.

Step 1. Creating XSD from XML.

So, I will give ways to whom I use myself:
  1. Utility xsd.exe. - Creator Microsoft..
  2. Utility xsd2code.exe. - a third-party application that knows all the same as xsd.exe.but accessible to download directly (on this moment Steel paid S. Trial period).
  3. Use any online services.
To receive you need to Xsd.exe.You will have to put any Microsoft SDKs.In the supply of which, this application is coming. Unfortunately, at the moment, none of the studios in its set contains this utility.

Link to download and install one of SDK:
Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4.

We use the search, and find the file xsd.exe., after which (to simplify your work), copy it to the folder created in the root C: \\ XMLTOXSD. Next to the same folder we copy our xmlfile.xml. And everything is ready for the beginning.

Tear off Command line"(Start -\u003e" Run "-\u003e" CMD "), go to our directory and call with default parameters xsd.exe.By passing our xmlfile.xml parameter:

And we see that the file appeared nearby xmlfile.xsd. with content.

That's all! These actions are enough to create a primitive Xsd.the file with which you can work. But it is worth understanding that any other utility, nothing knows about the types of your fields (therefore almost always the type of fields will be string), as well as about all variations of attributes and parameters. That is, if some tag has no attribute in your Xml, then it will not be in the description. therefore Xmlmust be most complete and if the item may contain several child fields, it is better to add at least two to xsd.exe. I realized that this is a collection.

Syntax Xsd.not very complicated, so if a fairly serious description is written, you may have to work and a file.

Step 2. Creating Class from XSD.

To create a class in C #, we will need to be used again. xsd.exe. But with another parameter / passing the way to our xmlfile.xsd..

After execution, the XMLFile.cs file appears, the contents of which are shown below in the compressed form:

As you can see, for the inner element catalogclass was created catalogbook.whose fields correspond to the fields in Xml, and the field Idmarked like an attribute. Xsd.exe. correctly realized that inside cataloga collection of books is stored, so the property appeared Items., To fill the subsidiary.
Comment: xsd.exe. Does not add comments to the resulting classes and fields. In description Xsd.there is an element called< xs:annotation > , which most often contains< xs:documentation >, within which the field description is posted. In theory, it must be posted in /// description, but currently xsd.exe. refuses to add text to the description, so you have to resort to alternatives, such as xsd2code. Or online services.

Step 3. Serialization of objects in XML.

The resulting classes here are in the file xmlfile.cs.. Next, its contents or the file itself add to the project Visual Studio., after which you can work with it. I will create a demonstrative objects of books, after which I save to the file in the format Xml.

Private void example () ( // Creating the first book Var Book1 \u003d New Catalogbook () (Author \u003d "King", Description \u003d "Very Interesting Book", Genre \u003d "Fantasy", Price \u003d 22.Tostring (), id \u003d "42011", Title \u003d "(! Lang: IT" }; !} // Creating a second book Var Book2 \u003d New Catalogbook () (Author \u003d "O" Brien, Tim ", Description \u003d "Microsoft" s .NET Initiative IS Explored in Detail In This Deep Programmer "S reference.", Genre \u003d "Computer", Price \u003d 36.Tostring (), id \u003d "30012", title \u003d "Microsoft .NET: The Programming Bible" }; // Creating a root element of a directory containing two books above var catalog \u003d new catalog () (Items \u003d New (Book1, Book2)); // Contains XML object CATALOG VAR XMLCATALOG \u003d Serialize (Catalog); // write a string to the file // Todo is done to demonstrate. It is advisable to call the SERIALIZE method to pass Stream to the file File .writeAllText ("Output.xml", XMLCatalog); ) PRIVATE STRING SERIALIZE (TTYPE SOURCEOBJECT) (if (sourceObject \u003d\u003d NULL) (Return String .empty;) // Use XmlSerializer to perform in the XML string var xmlserializer \u003d new xmlserializer (Typeof (TTYPE)); Var Stringwriter \u003d New StringWriter (); Using (Var Writer \u003d Xmlwriter .create (StringWriter, New XmlwriteSettings () (Indent \u003d True))) (XMlSerializer.serialize (Writer, SourceObject); Return StringWriter.Tostring ();)) After starting and opening Output.xml. You can see that we have saved the way we wanted (bottom file - " Created code").