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Software guide: Useful Utilities for overclocking and not only. Testing Equipment in Linux Linux Processor Testing Inscription

This material is intended to register readers in today's manifold software for configuring, evaluating performance and overclocking system components, as well as monitoring data tracking. The basis of this article make up useful links to download the appropriate applications.

Drivers: Platform

Correct driver selection for various system nodes, in particular elements motherboard and GPU video cards are extremely important for stable PC operation. Where special "creativity" is not required, so it is when installing drivers coming in a set with motherboard. Nevertheless, you can always find and install fresh versions Drivers for chipset, audio controller and Wi-Fi cards (if any).


Methods for estimating the performance of the system of the system of a great set, and each experienced enthusiast is their own. Listed below are the most simple ways, and in-depth testing you can spend using the application set of applications from among those mentioned in processor reviews, video cards, memory modules and other components on our website.

Presenting a rendering of a 3D scene, enjoys considerable popularity. It is free, shows stable results and can upload up to 256 processor streams (256 aMD cores Bulldozer or 128 cores Intel Core With Hyper-Threading). More or less relevant, especially in the context of competitive benchmarking, previous version This application -

RivaTuner Statistics Server Auxiliary Utilities (RTSS) and FRAPS will help measure the frame frequency in games that do not have built-in benchmarks. With their help, you can write game rollers. The FRAPS interface is easier, but the updates of this utility have not been produced for almost two years.

So, we have considered the most useful and in demand by enthusiasts of the program to configure, monitor, overclocking and testing PC nodes. To date, the choice of utilities for these purposes is huge, and in the article, most likely, not all of the applications that you personally use are mentioned. Write on your own preferences in the comments to this material.

Will cope when the load on the processor reaches 100 percent. Thus, it is possible to identify problems with cooling and solve them before they create real inconvenience. In this material, we will tell about how to conduct a processor test stress using LINX and OCCT programs.

One of the most famous programs for stress testing processor is the LINX program. This program Completely free and is a graphical interface for the LINPACK program developed by intel.. With this program, you can create a limit load on the processor and thereby find out to what temperature the processor will warm up.

In order to conduct a stress test processor using LINX, to your computer, unpack any folder and run the linx.exe file. After starting the program, you will see approximately such a window as in the screenshot below. Here there are two "Start" and "Stop" buttons with their help you can run and stop the stress test.

But, do not rush to run LINX. You still need some kind. For this purpose, you can use HWMONITOR. This program is designed to observe current parameters Systems. With it, you can track the temperature, load, the speed of rotation of the coolers and much more.

Install and run on your computer. After startup, scroll through the list of the parameters that tracks HWMonitor to processor parameters. When stress testing, you need to pay attention to the speed of rotation of the coolers, temperature and clock frequency of the processor.

After everything is ready, you can run LINX test stres. To do this, just click on the "Start" button.

After starting stress testing, we start watching the processor temperature in the HWMONITOR program. If the processor cooling system is working, then at first the temperature will increase dramatically, but after the fans are promoted to full power It should decrease and stabilize at one mark. In the screenshot below, it can be seen that the temperature first jumped up to 80 degrees (MAX column), and then dropped to 72 degrees (Value column).

If the cooling system of the processor is faulty or it simply does not cope with heating, the temperature will continue to grow throughout the dough stress. If the temperature oversteps the mark of 80 degrees and continue to increase, then testing is better to interrupt so as not to bring the computer before the emergency reboot.

To turn off the test stress simply click on the "Stop" button in the LINX program. If the computer is hung, and the "Stop" button does not work, then restart the computer with the RESET button on the system unit.

Testing a processor using OCCT

OCCT - another very popular program for stress testing processor. OCCT is equipped with two processor testing algorithms at once. This is a LINPACK, which is used in LINX, as well as its own OCCT algorithm. In this case, the OCCT is equipped with a more advanced interface. With it, you can track the temperature, load and other processor parameters. So when testing with OCCT, the HWMONITOR program is no longer needed.

In order to conduct a processor test stress using OCCT, install and run on your computer. Next, you need to go to the Test tab that you want to use and click on the "ON" button.

Further all just like with LINX. If the processor cooling system is properly, the temperature will first join, and then it will decrease and stabilizes on some mark. If the cooling system is not proper or does not cope with the load, the temperature will continue to grow. In this case, the stress test must be stopped.

The kit contains 30 questions. Among the test tasks there are questions for choosing one correct answer, choosing several correct answers, conformity.

During the test, the learning is offered 30 questions. The procedure for issues, as well as the order of answers to the questions is also determined randomly.

The correct answers in Linux test are +.

1. The kernel of the operating system

- programs included in the distribution of the operating system;

Resident part of the operating system;

The main program accepting and processing user commands;

- graphic shell that allows you to perform operations with files and directories

2. Privileged program mode

Mode of monopoly hold processor at the time of operation of the program;

- the mode in which the program at any time can monopolously seize the processor;

- unlimited access to all computer resources;

- The mode in which the program has privileges before other programs under multitasking conditions.

3. The main functions of operating systems include:

- Manage / disable computer, Memory Management, File Management and Directory, User Management;

- Memory management, execution of user commands, file management and catalogs

- Process Management, Memory Management, Peripheral Management

Device Management, Data Management, Memory Management, Process Management

4. Process resource

- RAM and free disk space;

- the file from which or in which the input conclusion occurs;

Any hardware or software object that may be needed to work and access to which the processes may cause

- any hardware or software object that may be needed to work the process and work with which does not cause conflict with other processes

5. Match the status definitions of the process

6. Give the definition of a non-prescriptive multitasking

b) Multitasking mode at which the process switching is possible through certain time quanta

c) multitasking mode in which the process switching is performed alternately in the order of their priorities;

D) the mode in which the process switching is possible only when the working process causes a system function;

7. Give the definition of displacing multitasking

a) multitasking mode, in which the process switching is possible at any time;

b) the mode in which the process switching is possible only when the working process causes a system function;

c) Multitasking mode, in which each new process is monopoly occupied processor time, and the state of other processes is written to the paging file;

D) Multitasking mode, in which the switching of processes occurs through certain time quanta, respectively, prioritize

8. Distribution of the operating system includes:

A) the operating system, the program of its installation and settings, maintenance and regular update;

b) only the operating system and its installation program;

c) the operating system, the program of its installation and the most popular applied programs;

d) the operating system, the program of its installation and the most popular system utilities from third-party developers.

9. OS applies under license:

b) Linus Torvalds;

c) Microsoft firms;

d) GNU company.

a) FAT16 or FAT32;

C) journalized ext3 fs;

d) any of the listed.

a) is an additional label for the file;

B) represents another file name;

c) is a pointer to the beginning of the file;

d) a structure containing information about the location and size of the file.

12. The list of users of the system is stored in the file

B) / etc / passwd

c) / root / passwd

d) / System / Passwd

13. The conveyor is called:

a) parallel execution of several commands, and the switching between them is carried out in a strict sequence;

B) parallel execution of several commands, while the output of one command is redirected to the standard entry of the following;

c) sequential execution of multiple commands, and each next command starts to be executed after completing the previous one;

d) sequential execution of several commands ..

14. Software package inLinuxcontains:

A) the collected program, action scenarios before installation and after it, information on dependencies from other packages;

b) the collected program, action scenarios before installation and after it;

c) the collected program, information on dependencies from other packages, the SETUP installer program or Install;

d) the collected program and the SETUP installer program or Install.

15. Team shell of the operating system:

A) a program that converts user commands to operating system;

b) a program that executes user commands;

c) part of the operating system, which executes user commands.

16. LS command:

a) displays a list of files of the current directory;

b) makes the specified directory current and displays a list of files;

c) performs the transition to a specified directory;

D) Displays the list of directory files specified in the command line or the current one.

17 - Test. To copy files in Linux, a command is used:

18. Match text file viewing commands:

19. File Manager:

a) program to create, delete, copy files;

b) program for moving by catalogs;

c) attribute management and file editing program;

D) A program that performs all of the functions listed.

20. To complete the system, the Linux command uses the command:

21. Modes of the editor VI:

a) text and graphic;

b) editing and copying;

C) inserts, command and command line mode;

d) insert and replacement.

Test No. 22. To install the program in the Linux OS, it is necessary:

a) Run the setup command;

B) start the package manager and select a package with a program installed;

c) unpack a package containing the program;

d) copy the package containing the program to a separate directory.

23. File access rights are determined by:

a) with the help of 9 characters or a three-digit hexadecimal number;

b) with the help of 3 characters or three-digit octoral numbers;

C) with 9 characters or three-digit octal numbers;

d) with 9 characters.

24. File access rights attributes include:

a) access with administrator or user rights;

B) delimitation of access for the owner, members of his group and other users;

c) delimitation of access rights for the owner and other users;

d) read-only access for all other than the owner of the file.

25. Map to file access rights:

26. Configuration files in Linux is mainly stored:

a) in an encrypted form, inaccessible to view;

b) in encrypted form, view - using the configurator program;

c) in text format, viewing and editing - only with the VI editor;

D) in text format, viewing and editing - by any text editor.

27. With a page organization of virtual memory:

A) all pages have the same dimensions, and the partition of the virtual address space of the process on the page is performed automatically;

b) the size of the pages is selected by the operating system depending on the amount of free random access memory;

c) the size of the pages is determined by the program when it starts;

d) Pages have the same size, the number of pages is determined by the program when it starts.

28. Test. Choose the right statements for multiprocessor operating systems:

A) the asymmetric OS is fully executed only on one of the computer processors, distributing applied tasks by other processors;

B) the symmetric OS is completely decentralized and uses all processors, separating them between systemic and applied tasks;

c) the asymmetric OS is performed on multiple computer processors;

d) In the symmetric OS processors, one half of the processors are discharged for system tasks, the second is for applied.

29. User root. - this is

A) only accountowned by the administrator

b) account guaranteed to give the user exceptional work rights in the system

30. Software license is needed to

a) indicate who is the owner of all rights to this software

B) determine the range of user rights in relation to this software

c) determine on what conditions this software can be sold

d) make this software free.

To properly test the cooling system and the stability of work in overclocking, when to achieve high frequencies, it is also necessary to raise the voltage, you need to load it under the string for a pretty long time. This will only help special utilitieswhich can boot the processor on the taste, complex, but meaningless calculations. Here the main thing is to take the "right" program to work effectively using complex floating point formulas to handle a large amount of data. Perhaps one of the best utilities Created an Intel called LINPACK. True, it was done by programmers for advanced users, without frightening over the windows with ruffles, limiting command line. Black screen with incomprehensible running rows robbles ordinary users Computer into a stupor that do not understand what to do with these and where to click the mouse. Glory to God found good people who screwed to LINPACK graphic shell, calling your creation Linx.

LINX does not have to install, and you will need to download archive file., unpack it, go to the created folder and start the executable file linx.exe. To delete the program, it will be enough to delete the folder where the LINX files threw off, the main thing is not forget, as it is called and where to be.

The fact that the creating tests are intel are not worth worrying about the efficiency of working with aMD processors, LINX perfectly loads processors as Intel and AMD.

After launching LINX, the program is actually ready to work for this enough to press the "Start" button at the top with right side. Further, gain patience and wait until the specified number of tests in a circle takes place. When the test cycle is completed in the table, its results will be added, namely the time, the data processing speed, the number of streams used and the system matrix size linear equationswhich was used for calculations. At a time, loading the processor to the maximum, allowing you to check it on the stability of the work and the efficiency of heat removal of the cooling system.

To stop the test run, just press "TOP".

In the main window in top string Under the main menu there are sections where users can change:

  • "Task volume:", indicate the size of the matrix of the system of linear equations, which will be used for calculations. The more, the longer the calculations go. Note, this parameter is associated with "Memory", that is, when one of them changes, another will automatically change.
  • "Memory (MIB)", the amount of RAM, which the program can use the program. As mentioned above, with an increase in volume, it will automatically change "the volume of the task:", the same way.
  • "Perform" how many test runs will be done in a circle.

Of the interesting features of the program, it costs to note the support of obtaining data on the temperature of the processor, the frequencies of the core and supply voltage from the EVEREST / SPEEDFAN applications and display them in the form of graphs during tests. Plus allow stopping tests when errors occur or if the processor is heated above specified value (only when working in Evered / Speedfan pair). Also in the settings, you can specify the number of threads, which will be performed at the same time, select the title of tests 32 or 64-bit, the priority of testing processes (it is better to leave the default, so that the computer does not slow down), and limit the scope of the program memory used, so that the operating system is not Brake.

To date, LINX, and if you are completely accurate, then linpack if you lean the graphics shell, the only test that allows you to adequately check the stability of the processor. Consider, this program creates very high loads on the processor, under which it will never work at home, and it is not desirable to constantly launch it on your computer for several hours. Especially in the light of the fact that everyone intel processors The last generations under the lid of the terminal, which, with long-term exposure, high temperatures, can over time to lose its properties.

The program works both in 32 and 64-bit operating systems. The program interface is translated into English and Russian, users must download the desired version Program with appropriate localization.

Monitoring is carried out using a program kit lM-Sensors..

Aptitude Install LM-Sensors

You can remove sensor readings by a command:


Real-time temperature monitoring is carried out by the following command:

Watch Sensors.

The command output contains information about voltage, fan speed, processor temperature (each nucleus separately), temperature hard disks. An important indicator is the most fixed temperature value (field high In the testimony of the kernel temperature). Monitor only the temperature of the processor can be the command:

While (True) Do Date; Sensors | grep core; echo "\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d"; SLEEP 1S; Done

There are also various graphic utilities to display indications lM-Sensors.. For Gnome. Convenient to use applet GNOME SENSORS Applet..

Stress testing processor

Package CPUBURN.

Verification of video card drivers

Check the presence of 3D acceleration:

glxinfo | Grep OpenGL

The conclusion should be like this:

OpenGL Vendor String: Tungsten Graphics, Inc OpenGL Renderer String: Mesa Dri Intel (R) G33 GEM 20100330 Development OpenGL Version String: 1.4 Mesa 7.10-Devel OpenGL Extensions:

We check the support of the 3D acceleration by means of the video card:

glxinfo | Grep Direct.

If 3D support is implemented, the output will be:

Direct Rendering: YES

Check the speed of 3D:


A window with a simple 3D animation will appear. In the console, there will be information about the rendering speed every 5 seconds. Normal FPS values \u200b\u200bfor the configured driver must be on average above 1000 (if vertical synchronization is enabled, the FPS value will be limited to the synchronization frequency).

Another test OpenGL:


A screensaver window appears, in which the FPS value will be displayed.

In case of any problems, you can reinstall the video driver (for embedded intel video cards you need to reinstall the package xserver-Xorg-Video-Intel). Driver settings are carried out by the program. driconf.. Also to control the operation of the Intel video card you can install the package intel-GPU-Tools (The package includes the Intel_GPU_TOP utility, allowing real-time monitoring the loading of the video processor).

Testing system performance

Pack of Phoronix-Test-Suite

Performance testing is carried out by the program pHORONIX-TEST-SUITE. It is a software shell that allows automatic mode Download and run various testing programs, collect and store data on test results.

Install the program:

Aptitude Install Phoronix-Test-Suite

View a list of all available tests with their brief description can be the next command:


Tests are launched by a team:


  • CPU:

    • c-Ray. - multi-threaded mathematical test. High load on the processor. Result on C2D 2.0: 387.55 seconds.

    • build-Linux-kernel - Build Linux kernel. Long test. Uniformly loads the processor and memory (uses GCC).

    • sCIMARK2. - Powerful single-threaded test (intensive scientific calculations). Shows the performance of one nucleus in gigaflops.

    • ffmpeg. - Video coding (test files occupy 130MB). On C2D 2.0: 25.99 seconds.

  • Memory:

    • ramspeed. - Memory test. The average load on the processor. Results DDR2-800 2GB (Copy, Int): 2280.10 MB / S.

    • stream - shows the speed of memory in various operations.

  • HDD:

    • iozone - Test hard disk. Shows reading speed and write for blocks of different lengths. Result WD 80GB (W, 4K, 512M): 52.42 MB / S.

  • Graphics:

    • gtkperf. - Testing various elements graphic interface Gnome.

    • unigine-Tropics. - Beautiful 3D-benchmark, you need configured drivers with support for 3D acceleration.

For long diverse testing recommended build-Linux-kernel. Short Stress Testing c-Ray. (along with the program