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Technical innovations. Apparat - magazine about a new society

Solar panels integrated into the roof. At the end of last year, Elon Mask presented the solar panels created for installation on the roofs of houses. Such roofs are not like typical solar panels, they are as adapted as possible under the coating familiar to our eye. Solar panels for roofs look like glass and slate tiles, tile and textured glass. Selling and installing Elon Mask plans already in 2017.

Technologies smart home. Innovations from the area of \u200b\u200bthe smart home have appeared quite a lot from the Panasonic Pan, which sams sauce, to the Nest wireless thermostat, which studies your behavior and regulates in accordance with this house temperature, or Smart Dynamics Amazon Echo, transmitting your voice commands other devices.

Despite the impressive effect of all smart devices individually, a certain path must be passed before all this starts to harmoniously function and interact with each other. When inventors will begin to work more densely with the architecture, engineering and construction industry, technology of smart houses will be part of our everyday life, enjoying the design and becoming almost imperceptible.

Generative design, That is, the creation of visual images with the help of technique capable of not only to "think", but also to determine the aesthetics of the product. In fact, it is creative partnerships of a person and a program that uses a specific algorithm in the processing of visual data. A generative design sets high targets, using thousands (if not a million) design capabilities.

Addive design. Hand in hand with a generative design is so-called. Additive design, i.e. 3D printing on an industrial scale. Various companies China and the Arab Emirates regularly demonstrate how wide the possibilities of this technology. Among particularly interesting achievements are the development of Autodesk. By equipping an industrial robot with a six-axis with a special polymer extruder, Autodesk has created a software that allows you to produce complex structures using the energy of conventional computing systems.

Mobile applications. Every day the phone is more and more approaching the level of full portable Computer In your pocket. Yes, smartphones were used by architects for a long time, but only in recent years mobile applications Switched from the category "Rather Entertainment" into serious professional tools. There are large players such as Graphisoft and Autodesk, and small developers who offer useful applications for all stages of the project, from creating a concept to construct itself.

Cloud service. Over the past 5 years, the growth of BIM-technologies in the United States amounted to 400%. BIM (Building Information Modeling) - building information modeling, i.e. collection and processing of the whole, absolutely all information about the structure: architectural, technological, economic and any other. It turns out that with the BIM object is designed as a single architectural, technological, economic (, etc.), and if you change the parameters in some one area, they will change automatically and in the other. Architecture, engineering, construction is a multifaceted industry in which many people are involved. And it is extremely important that each project participant has constant access to all relevant information. This task is to solve the cloud service. While the full range of platforms for working with cloud service (about architecture, of course) offers only a few companies. In the near future it is worth expecting the rapid development of this direction.

A virtual reality. The popularity of VR technologies is controversial: this is a momentous passion or still a new era. Will architects use VR to work together and presenting their ideas to customers? Some companies already offer customers to stroll through the expanses of the conceived project with the help of VR technologies. Most likely, such experiments will become the usual phenomenon, which will significantly revive the work of architects, and manufacturers of BIM-technologies will take into account the possibilities of virtual reality.

Augmented reality. Like VR, augmented reality began to play a significant role in the field of architecture and design. For example, Microsoft Hololens mixed reality glasses allow you to impose a building plan, marketing and other 2D materials on a 3D BIM model. With development mobile devices Augmented reality becomes an integral part of workflows in architecture, construction and design.

Touchscreen for CAD and BIM. Yes, touch screens are used for viewing drawings on the go, but still the technology is not yet sufficiently developed and requires a new level of efficiency and accuracy. Take a look at Microsoft Surface Studio: 28-inch touchscreen display on a transforming stand, with a handle and a DIAL function. This gadget will be an impetus for the development and improvement of touch screenshots oriented towards architects and designers.

Dial feature - This is mentioned above the possibility of data entry. It is worth telling about it separately. This is not just about the line in which the information is driven, but about the controller rotating on the screen, which offers different types Tools depending on your tasks. This is a tactile device that may be as common as a computer mouse. If large players like Adobe and Autodesk take for this technology, the DIAL function will appear in each architectural studio in the next couple of years.

AMD or Intel? The fight against the PC processor market is sharpened: after a long failure, AMD brings the ZEN processor to the market. Mobile chips and video cards will also be faster.

1 AMD Zen-Master

The release of the new Zen processor AMD announced the Intel war, and in the spring of powerful PCs in the spring, the possibility of choice between two equivalent chip brands will appear again. The Zen architecture combines four cores with a third-level shared cashem and 14-nanometer transistors. At the same time in each aMD core A hyperpottery has been implemented, which has so far been the prerogative of Intel.

2 Intel Kaby Lake with a frequency of 4.5 GHz

New laptops have already appeared, including MEDION AKOYA S3409, working on the new generation of processors from Intel - Kaby Lake. In 2017, you can expect chips for a PC with an increased up to 4.5 GHz clock frequency. It is likely that the 14-nanometer semiconductor manufacturing process will be contributed.

3 Artemis for smartphones

In 2017, ARM plans to release the ARTEMIS processor. Made on a 10-nanometer technical process, it promises smartphones increased by 30% battery life and more computing power. Presumably, this processor will be used in the iPhone 7S.

4 AMD will return to the market of top video cards

The next generation of VEGA video chips from AMD is officially known very little. But thanks to numerous leaks it becomes clear that we are talking about the solutions of the top level, significantly superior to POLARIS (RADEON RX 470 / RX 480) - all this with a relatively modest increase in power consumption.

\u003e The fastest video card In the second half of 2017, the VEGA dialing board with a capacity of about 23 teraflops, which will be able to carry out more calculations per unit of time than the current NVIDIA Titan X leader, is likely to be used in the second generation of High Bandwidth Memory enlarged With a connection to the processor on a very wide bus.

\u003e Virtual reality in 4K-resolution Technically will become available on any medium computer. In addition, in 2017 games will appear with the display of greater color palette and high-definition thanks to High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology. It is for them that this gigantic power of video cards is needed first.

Data drives: New SSD ripe for a record

Since 2017, fast SSD and flash drives will be able to accommodate much more information than traditional HDDs. However, the new type of magnetic memory has every chance to bury even a flush.

5 Turbo-SSD read at a speed of 10 Gb / s

Is there a speed limit from SSD technology? 2017 will definitely give a chance to rethink the existing position of things. Thus, Samsung PM1725A performs more than a million I / O operations per second. Seagate is preparing the NYTRO XP7200 SSD drive at a read speed of up to 10 Gb / s (1.25 GB / s). Its connection is implemented via the PCIE bus with 16 lines, that is, similarly to video cards. Until now, the maximum on PCs were four lines, and in server equipment - eight.

6 Giant SSD up to 100 TB

Farewell, magnetic disk: drive developers began to launch stacks even flash cells, which leads to an incredible record density. Seagate creates still unnamed solid State Drive 60 TB in 3.5 inches format. Toshiba has already aimed at 100 TB.

7 Large memory combination

Flash memory did not have time to gain momentum as a new technologist was released on the market. It is characterized by modules on which RAM and the drive merge into one turbo carrier. Such modules have much more recording processes than SSD, and transmit data so quickly that the RAM can replace. Furore produced 3D XPoint memory from Intel, which is now tested on Facebook servers. However, 3D Xpoint until ten times overtakes SSD - it is not enough for RAM.

\u003e How purpose is the magnetic memory Must complete Association: MRAM technology from Everspin uses non-electrical currents to store information, but the magnetic elements - for the first time it was used in AUP-AXL-M128 modules for the M.2 connector. (Fig.1) The magnetization may change so quickly that MRAM memory reaches speed random access memory. Only the problem of insufficient capacity was unresolved - 256 Mbps per chip. But next year the density should be increased four times. In addition, MRAM is not exposed to "aging" as flash memory, and saves data when the power is turned off.

\u003e In microprocessors Fujitsu plans to start using a small NRAM memory from Nantero (Fig. 2). NRAM retains information in carbon nano tubes due to changes in conductivity. This technology has the same good potential as at MRAM.

8 Terabyte SSD for phones

By the word about the density of the recording: Samsung places its terabayt SSD on the square of just two square centimeters - ideal for ultrabooks, smartphones and tablets. It is likely that it becomes possible thanks to the new generation of the V-NAND memory cells, when each other are superimposed 64 layers of cells.

Fast Internet in any networks

Thanks to the new Pixel telephone from Google and equipped networks, the speed of the Internet will rise to unprecedented heights, even in public transport, where free Wi-Fi is already available.

9 New velocities on TV cable

For the encrypted reduction in DOCSIS 3.1, a powerful data transfer upgrade is hidden by coaxial (television) cable to which leading providers will begin in 2017. In addition to building a network on the side of the provider, clients will also need a new modem, such as SURFBOARD SB8200 from Arris. In DOCSIS 3.1 theory, it will allow to download data at a rate of up to 10 Gbit / s, and loaded with a speed of 1 Gbit / s, finally burying the fiberglass.

10 Mobile communication breaks the gigabit border

Leading cellular operators are preparing their networks for LTE Advanced Pro technology. The next summer they must overcome a gigabit line. It remains to hope that providers agree on their tariffs and will be able to offer their customers more traffic for the same money.

11 Free Wi-Fi in transport

Until the end of 2016, Mosgortrans and Russian Railways are planning to complete the equipment of all the vehicles with new Wi-Fi equipment. Now you can get free access To the Internet everywhere.

12 Google attacks Apple and Microsoft

Release New Pixel smartphone, successor nexus devices, Google Corporation demonstrates its new strategy. The pricing policy of this company in the future will be increasingly focused on Apple: depending on the phone and configuration, the cost varies from about 55,000 to 75,000 rubles. Unlike the Nexus line, where in the foreground was operating android systemHere, a new voice assistant comes to the scene, whom Google modestly calls the "assistant." The company is going to put it in one row with Siri from Apple, Cortana from Microsoft and Alexa from Amazon.

\u003e New OS
In addition, Google is currently working on a new operating system Code name Andromeda, in which Chrome OS and Android should be united. This new shell will be installed, first of all, on two in one laptops and tablets, which Google opposes Surface devices from Microsoft. The first apparatus on the basis of Andromeda should be a PIXEL 3 laptop transforming - a subsequent modification of the Pixel C model. It will enter the market in the fall of 2017.

Virtual reality: immersion in the world of illusions

Google is armed, Oculus is re-equipped, and Intel begins climbing - in 2017, the virtual reality market can change the course sharply. We are also waiting for immersion in the VR-Worlds with the help of a browser.

13 Google Daydream

The launch of your VR platform Daydream Google says goodbye to cheap cardboard cards from cardboard. The helmet called the name "View" is made for the most part of plastic and textiles, thanks to which it weighs little. It creates an equally realistic immersion as the product-competitor Gear VR from Samsung. However, this helmet is only working with DAYDREAM smartphones, such as Pixel Phone.

14 Wireless helmet

Oculus VR, one of the leaders of the VR-helmets market, presented the prototype of the Rift headset called "Santa Cruz", which costs without connecting to the PC. The computing unit is located on the head of the user.

15 Intel Project Alloy

The central element of the prototype of VR-glasses from Intel is the RealSense camera, recognizing physical objects in space - for example, a user's hands. Next year, this company will open its software and hardware for developers.

16 WebVR: Virtual reality in the browser

The advantage of VR content in the browser is the absence of the need to set additional software to view the content using a suitable helmet. Today, many organizations are engaged in the development of virtual reality for the browser. The technical base is the Javascript interface of the WebVR, which has arisen as a result of the cooperation of Mozilla and Google Chrome teams.

\u003e Car configuration in VR At its conference Connect, Oculus introduced the REACT VR program, with which web developers will be able to easily create webvr content. In addition, Oculus has shown the WebVR application from the Renault autoconecern, which allows you to configure a new car in virtual reality. To view the WebVR Oculus content, also develops the Carmel VR browser.

\u003e VR for Microsoft Edge Even EDGE in the future should become gates into virtual reality: Microsoft developers are already working on WebVR support in the Windows 10 system browser. With Microsoft's Hololens glasses, it will fundamentally change the approach to work on the Internet.

World on the threshold of big change

In 2017, we will manage our smart houses through voice, get purchases with drones and ride on a winter holiday by Tesla car, unless, of course, everything will go as conceived.

17 Tesla Model 3

At the end of 2017, it happened: the first models of the available electric car Model 3 from Tesla Motors should be transferred to the first customers who have made pre-ordered - provided that the production of batteries in the Gigafactory factory is part of the company will go according to plan. In the US, the price of these innovative cars of the future middle class will begin from $ 35,000 dollars. It does not include a fee for using fast charging stations.

18 Delon delivery

Permits from the relevant aircraft agencies have already received: now Google in the United States and Amazon in the UK are testing the delivery of their goods by autonomous drones. Commercial launch is planned for 2017.

19 Smart houses from Google and Amazon

Thanks to the speakers of Echo and Home, Amazon and Google come into business smart homes. Both devices are managed by voice. Answer will be a voice assistant.

\u003e Echo. Alexa's assistant voice developed by Amazon will provide information, read the audiobooks, voiced messages, traffic data and weather forecast, and will play music from PRIME and Spotify services. In addition, it is possible to control devices from the home network: lamps, switches and production thermostats, for example, Philips and Innogy companies.

\u003e Home. (In the illustration) - Competitor of the ECHO device from Google with almost the same capabilities. Difference: Assistant is a "Assistant" of Google, and there is a binding to other products of this corporation, such as Chromecast and Play Music.

Photo: Manufacturers; Martin Mielek / Google, Amazon, Samsung, Google; Deutsche Bahn AG; Dirk Ellenbeck / Vodafone

Payment systems with individual recognition: widely applied now

Face recognition systems are used in many countries for the search for criminals, control access to regime objects, and in some countries - to confirm payments in online banking. Since 2014, the Chinese company Alibaba Group tests for the recognition algorithms developed by Face ++. They are going to be used to identify personality and confirm orders in payment system Alipay. The accuracy of the algorithm has already reached 80%.

Another company that gradually introduces persons recognizing -. It uses the Selfie Pay feature that allows you to confirm online payments using selfie. For the application to take a picture, you need to nourish or blink - thus the algorithm will be convinced that in front of him a living client, and not his photo. The system is already tested in the Netherlands, USA, Canada and EU countries. This year, MasterCard promises to expand the list of countries.

Panoramic Selfie: already now

The first amateur camera Panono Explorer Edition, allowing you to take a photo with a review of 360 degrees, appeared on the market in 2015 and opened a new era in the field of photography. After that, a lot of panoramic cameras have appeared on the market worth up to $ 500 production of Kodak, Samsung, Sony and other companies. Journalists from the world's leading publications use such cameras to remove reports from hot spots. For example, journalists from The New York Times on camera Samsung Gear. 360 removed the video from the refugee camp in the Niger.

The format of 360-degree photos and video makes it possible to show what is happening most reliably, and in the future, it may become a standard for news materials.

Panoramic videos are already used to create virtual reality. For example, the British alcohol producer Diageo removed the VR-movie "Decisions", warning about the danger of driving in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

Gene therapy 2.0: already now

Photo: Steve Gschmeissner / Science Photo Library

Gene therapy is a set of biotechnological and medical methods aimed at treating diseases caused by mutations in DNA structure or damage to DNA with viruses, by editing a genetic device. Initially, genential therapy was considered as a means of curing hereditary genetic diseases, but now researchers hope to apply it to combat a wide range of diseases: Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart failure and cancer. In May, the European Union approved the use of gene therapy with severe combined immunodeficiency in children.

One of the most promising genetic therapy technologies is the editing of the CRISPR / CAS9 genome. This technology was discovered in 2013 as a mechanism for bacterial immunity of viral DNA. Scientists call it "molecular scissors", as it allows you to cut with high accuracy and change the DNA sections of any organisms directly in living cells. In October, Chinese scientists held the world's first adult experiment using CRISPR / CAS9 technology. Employees of the Sichuan University introduced modified T-lymphocytes to the patient, a patient with lung cancer. It is assumed that it will launch the process of destruction of cancer cells in its body.

Botnet things: now

In the early 2000s, hackers learned to break computers connected to the Internet and organize them in a network for massive attacks to a specific server. With the distribution of the "Internet of Things" - inexpensive connected cameras, printers and scanners - hackers increasingly began to choose vulnerable smart devices with their target. Through them, cybercriminals are controlling the equipment of local networks, modems, network storage, video surveillance systems and even industrial control systems.

In September, the site of the hosting company OVH was recorded with a botnet. The total power of attacks reached 1 TB / s, the highest power of one of them is 799 GB / s.

Reinforcement training: spread after 1-2 years

Artificial Intelligence Alphago, based on learning with reinforcement, beat the world champion Lee Sedol

Reinforcement training is one of the methods of machine learning, during which the system is learning, interacting with the environment. The most promising studies in this area leads the Deepmind laboratory, the Alphabet division. In 2016, her Alphago program beat the world champion Lee Sedol with a score of 4: 1 in the ancient Chinese desktop game, which for a long time was considered inaccessible to artificial intelligence.

Employees Deepmind suggest that the prospects for learning with reinforcement is much wider than gaming artificial intelligence. For example, it will allow robots to learn to walk and manipulate unfamiliar subjects without prior comprehensive instructions, while unmanned cars - to extract experience from each trip.

Practical quantum computer: after 4-5 years

Quantum computer D-Wave Systems.

The quantum computer is a computing device that uses the phenomena of the quantum superposition and quantum confusion for transmission and data processing. The main unit of calculation in it is a quantum bit, which, in contrast to the bit, can mean 1 and 0 simultaneously. This allows quantum Computer Calculates 100 million times faster than standard computer.

In May last year, IBM through the IBM Quantum Experience cloud platform has opened access to its quantum computer, which is located in the laboratory in Yorktown Heights. On the this moment About 40 thousand users spent more than 275 thousand experiments using IBM Quantum Experience. The computer processor consists of five qubs, and in the future IBM hopes to increase power up to 50 cubes. On March 6, the company announced the creation of a new IBM Q division, which will develop a model of a quantum computer.

In addition to IBM, this year several companies are at once - Google, Inte, Microsoft, and the Scientific Research Institute of the Netherlands and the Technical Institute of Delft promise to present practical developments in the field of quantum computing.

Neurochips for paralyzed: after 10-15 years

Paralyzed patient plays Guitar Hero with a neurochip. Photo: Battlele Memorial Institute

In recent years, scientists make great successes in the development of neurointerfaces restoring motor functions in patients with spinal cord injuries. If in 2015 it was mostly about the experiments on animals - rats and primates, now the laboratories in different countries test new technologies on volunteers.

In April 2016, the staff of the University of Ohio and the Memorial Institute of the Pathtel managed to achieve serious progress in the treatment of a patient with quadriplegia - paralysis of all extremities. Thanks to the microchip brain implanted in the motor area, transmitting decoded signals into the muscles of hands using electrostimulants, he was able to re-learn to move his hands and even in Guitar Hero.

In the future, scientists also hope to create wireless neurochips capable of restoring neural bonds in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Unmanned trucks: in 5-10 years

The Utto unmanned truck made the first commercial flight on October 20, 2016. Photo: Anheuser-Busch, Otto

According to forecasts, the appearance on the roads of autonomous trucks will have a stronger and controversial effect on society than the appearance of passenger cars. In the long run, unmanned technologies will make cargo transportation cheaper, but in the short-term will lead to an unemployment burst. According to the report of the White House, only in the United States is about 1.7 million truck drivers.

The developers suggest that the implementation of autonomous trucks will help reduce the number of accidents, as more than 90% of them occur due to driver errors.

The first commercial delivery of a unmanned truck took place on December 20. It was performed by the Uber owned by Otto, which develops autonomous Systems Control for trucks. A truck without a driver overcame 200 kilometers of Fort Collins to Colorado Springs at a speed of 88 kilometers per hour and delivered 45,000 Budweiser beer cans for the animheuser-Busch brewing corporation.

Cell satin: after 5 years

Illustration: Genome Research Limited

The international consortium of scientists from the United States, Great Britain, Sweden, Israel, the Netherlands and Japan is going to create a detailed three-dimensional map of human cells, which for the first time visualizes what the human body consists of. To do this, you will have to catalog 37.2 trillion microscopic images of the cells of the human body, determining the molecular signature of each cell and assigning the "geographical coordinates" of the location in the human body. "Cellular Atlas" is a priority project in the list of medical research, which Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan are going to invest $ 3 billion. Scientists expect that this project will have a significant impact on biology and medicine for the next few decades, will help to understand the reasons for the development of cancer and autoimmune diseases, as well as develop effective drugs for their treatment.

Solar thermofotoelectric batteries: after 10-15 years

Nanofotonic solar thermofotoelectric element. Photo: Mit.

Standard silicon solar cells capture only visible radiation in the range from purple (380 nanometers) to red (780 nanometers) and can be converted into electricity a limited amount of light. Currently, most solar panels work with a efficiency ratio of 20%, and, according to scientists, even in theory, it will not be able to exceed 32%. Scientists of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) work on the creation of a thermofotoelectric converter (STPV), which will make energy not only from light, but also from converted heat.

The element consists of several layers of carbon nanotubes, which absorb thermal radiation, and the photon crystal-emitter, which converts it into the light radiation of the visible spectrum and redirects to the solar cell, which converts energy into electricity. Such an installation is at least two times more efficient than ordinary solar cells.

Stop developing and gain popularity technological innovations focused on architects.

Here is a list of 10 stunning architectural technologies of 2017, which show what our future will become in a few years.

1. Roofs with integrated solar battery Maximum adapted to the coating familiar to our eye. There are assistants in solving the problem of climate change and providing a positive impact on the environment.

2. Smart home technologies From Panasonic Pan, which sams sauce, to the Nest wireless thermostat, which studies your behavior and adjusts the temperature of the house, or the Smart speaker Amazon Echo, transmitting your voice commands to other devices. Smart House, the latest technology Which is striking with their diversity, gradually becomes more accessible. Well-known companies are constantly improving devices that allow you to connect already available and new gadgets into a single network.

3. Generative design, That is, the creation of visual images with the help of technique capable of not only to "think", but also to determine the aesthetics of the product. This is a creative partnership of a person and a program that uses a specific algorithm in the processing of visual data.

4. Additive design. 3D printing on an industrial scale. Various companies of China and the Arab Emirates regularly demonstrate how wide the possibilities of this technology. Among particularly interesting achievements is the development of Autodesk, which has created software that allows you to produce complex structures using the energy of conventional computing systems.

5. Mobile applicationswhich are good assistants to architects and offer useful development for all stages of the project, from creating a concept to construct itself.

6. Cloud service.BIM (Building Information Modeling) - building information modeling, i.e. collection and processing of absolutely all information about the structure: architectural, technological, economic and any other. It turns out that with the BIM object is designed as a single architectural, technological, economic integer, and if you change the parameters in some one area, you will change automatically and in the other.

7. A virtual reality. VR technology is created technical means The world transmitted to man through his feelings: vision, hearing, smell, touch. Virtual reality imitates both the impact and reaction to the impact. To create a convincing complex of reality sensations, computer synthesis of properties and virtual reactions are performed in real time.

8. Augmented reality.AR-Technologies are the result of the introduction in the perception field of any sensory data in order to add information about the environment and improve information perception. For example, Microsoft Hololens mixed reality glasses allow you to impose a building plan, marketing and other 2D materials on a 3D BIM model. With the development of mobile devices, a supplemented reality becomes an integral part of working processes in architecture, construction and design.

9. Touchscreen for CAD and BIM.Touch screens are used for viewing drawings on the go. This gadget will be an impetus for the development and improvement of touch screenshots oriented towards architects and designers.

Robots go on the road

This year, robots will pay more attention to driving. It is difficult to find an automaker - whether Honda, Hyundai or BMW - which in 2017 does not equip its models to help the driver, such as automatic braking to avoid collision or automatic steering, allowing you to avoid drift from the traffic strip. These features, along with Wi-Fi, navigation systems And a bunch of sensors - you pave the way to our connected future without drivers.

Everything is not as far as you think. This year you may ride a self-governing car.

Alarming bell of private inviolability

Cybercrime has changed the world in 2016, when Yahoo proclaimed that he lost a billion logins, and the US government accused hackers in the sabotage of presidential elections. In 2017, you are accurately hacked, if not yet. Activists of digital rights are alarming about the growing supervision from the government. Marketers like Google are more aggressively collect data to make a detailed picture of your online behavior. What can be done? Walking in passwords, updates and means of transferring encrypted messages? PF.

Console raises

The next year will bring a new BP-oriented Microsoft Xbox and a hybrid of the desktop and pocket console Nintendo Switch. Sony will probably also show a new PlayStation.

Game systems are designed for six to eight years, but the entertainment sphere is developing faster and faster, games are becoming increasingly aggressive in terms of requirements, and the displays are wicked, for example, be seized with 4K-resolution and HDR colors. Games in virtual reality (BP) are also very demanding of computing power. If the manufacturers of consoles do not want to produce new consoles annually, they will have to change the paradigm in which their systems will be able to make new opportunities faster.

Screens capture space

iPhone 7, in principle, did not surprise (unless lost the headphone jack). Samsung Galaxy Note. 7 was unforgettable, but for other reasons. If 2016 can be called boring part of the smartphones, 2017 - the year of their rethinking. Racing in screen technologies and software will put the path to the largest rethinking in recent years. Apple is expected to go to all for the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. There are rumors about infant models with curved OLED displays. Samsung, which has already started promoting curved curious models, will continue the tendency with Galaxy S8, and will also give its flagship phone a new functionality of the AI.

Artificial Intelligence

AI, probably, you can call the title of the year 2016. Alphago mentioned, Openai received a billion dollars on developing AI, babies are already talking to Google Home and Amazon Echo. But this generation may not remember what desktop computers. The idea of \u200b\u200b"take the product X and add to it" will be a parable in Languages \u200b\u200bin 2017.

Decentralized P2P networks

Some experts admire the future of decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. As can be seen from the principles of a divided economy, with their help it would be possible to easily make a rich small community, dividing its resources between people. You can use blockchas, cryptocurrency and bittorrent for reassessment of values, integrating democratic decision-making based on blockchain, the creation of decentralized P2P organizations and organizational principles of platform cooperation. Once, perhaps this trend will lead to the creation of local economies using available resources instead of acquiring new ones.

Training with technology

Over the past few years, we have seen many steep cases when technologies were used to improve class training. For example, a virtual reality allowed to look at the disciples in the bloodstream or even collect the skeleton in the Darwin laboratory. In 2017 there will be a new wave of AI, aimed at improving the learning process, such as personal education and personal assessment plans.

World high-speed Internet

In November, Spacex filed an application for the FCC to launch more than 4,000 satellites into space to deploy high-speed Internet on Earth, to ensure the possibility of connecting to it even in the most remote areas of our planet. In the case of a positive solution, the Spacex plan will present a serious competition of Project Loon, which has the same task. What do we have? To see which method will be more successful and how to increase the connection of the world will affect other industries.

Personal laboratories of synthetic biology

"I have a dream that one day I can design, create and grow different types of biological products at home, says one biologist. - Whatever, from perfumes and medicine to steep materials like skin of mushrooms. The day, when anyone can get a simple in the use of the biological laboratory at home, still far from us, but the first step is already made. "