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Selecting the recipient. Step

Using Contact Form 7


When a visitor fills out a form on the website, they enter:

  • Email address
  • Telephone
  • Address (street, city, state, zip code)
  • Message

I need to store this information in a database for future reference and I need to send an email to a central email address and to a specific email address that changes based on the state of the visitor.

Basically, sellers have territories and contacts from the website should be sent to the email address of the main website as well as the person in charge of the territory.

Not all states have a designated salesperson.

Steps taken

I have set up a contact form database to store all the views in the database.

I use the method outlined on the Contact Form 7 website to select the recipient - selectable recipient using pipes. I am using the state name as a selectable dropdown and the seller email following the pipe.

I have set up "Mail" CF7 to send to the central email of the website and to the email of the merchant, which is running in the selected state.

[email protected],


When a visitor selects a state with an assigned seller, the seller's email address is entered into the database, not into the state.

When a visitor selects a state name that does not have an assigned salesperson, the state name is entered into the database, but no email is sent.

I also tried to set up "Mail" to send to [email protected] and "Mail (2)" to send (merchant's email address), however no email has been sent to [email protected] when no email address was specified for the state name in the dropdown.

Finally, I tried to enter the state name in this format - "Alaska |" In this case, nothing was entered into the database for state and no email was sent. I have verified this using both Mail options listed above.


Now, I understand, I can just type [email protected] for all state names without a designated salesperson - and that's okay.

The problem with this is the email is still being entered into the database for state.

I'm guessing I need a way to assign the state name ([_raw_state]) and pass it to a hidden field in CF7 so that it can be stored in the database, but I can't figure out how.

Solutions Collecting From Web of "How To Select Email Recipient In Contact Form 7 Based On Entering Address State In Form And Save To Database"

Thanks to Michael Simpson, from the Contact Form Blank. The solution is indicated (kind of hidden) on the contact form database site in the article - CF7 menu with pipes

Add to functions.php

Function myFilter ($ formData) (// Change $ formData return $ formData; // be sure to return it) add_filter ("cfdb_form_data", "myFilter"); function location_form_handler ($ formData) ($ formName = "ExtendedContact"; // change this to your form "s name $ fieldName =" state "; // change this to your field" s name if ($ formData && $ formName == $ formData-> title && $ formData-> scanned_form_tags) ($ emailSelected = $ formData-> posted_data [$ fieldName]; $ valueSelected = null; foreach ($ formData-> scanned_form_tags as $ tag) (if ($ tag ["name "] == $ fieldName) (foreach ($ tag [" raw_values ​​"] as $ rawValue) (// value | email $ valuesArray = explode (" | ", $ rawValue); if (count ($ valuesArray) == 2 && $ valuesArray == $ emailSelected) ($ valueSelected = $ valuesArray; break;))) if ($ valueSelected! = null) (break;)) if ($ valueSelected! = null) ($ formData-> posted_data [$ fieldName ] = $ valueSelected; $ formData-> posted_data [$ fieldName. "_email"] = $ emailSelected;)) return $ formData;) add_filter ("cfdb_form_data", "location_form_handler");

This will create an entry in the database with the name of the state (the field before the pipe) as state and the second field (the email after the pipe) with the corresponding email as state_email.

Finally, update the form definition in Contact Form 7 to be:


I also want to mention, in case anyone else comes across this situation -

In my form, visitors filling out the form select the state they are in, then the seller in charge of that state receives an email. Also, I needed to send an email to a central (corporate) email address.

However, not all states have a designated salesperson as the company focuses on the midwest.

With contact form 7, if the email address after the pipe was empty, emails will not be shipped at all. The method Michael described actually allows an empty field after the pipe.

I have set "Mail" in the form to send to the central email and "Mail (2)" to send to the seller (if one exists).

Selecting recipients from the address book

As noted earlier, when creating a message, you need to fill in the "To" fields and, if necessary, the "Cc" field. If the necessary addresses are recorded in your Address Book, then when creating a message, you just need to Select recipients from it, instead of “manually” entering the necessary addresses.

To do this, you need to do the following:

1. In the window "Create message" from the menu item "Service" click on the item "Select recipients"

2. In the opened dialog box " Select recipients"Select the recipient, whose address should be placed in the field" To whom"And click on the button" To: à", And then, in the same way, if necessary, recipients whose addresses should be placed in the" Copy"(Only in this case it is necessary to use the button" To: à»).

Then you will see the addresses of the recipients in the field " Recipients of the message»

Rice. No. 11

3. click on the "OK" button

After that, in the "create a message" window, you will see the filled-in "To" and "Cc" fields. Moreover, the addresses in these fields will be displayed as they were entered in the address book in the field " Display"(See fig. No. 8).

Rice. No. 12

St. d. sq.

G. Tyumen

Step. Selecting a document.

Step. Selecting the type of the main document.

The main document contains text and graphics common to all versions of the combined document, such as a return address in a letterhead letter.

At startup Word applications by default, a blank document is opened. If you close it, the commands that need to be executed in the next step are no longer available.

A document is selected that will be taken as a basis - the current document, template or an existing file.

The main document includes the standard text and graphics that will be part of every letter. If you are using a ready-made letter as a template, you should delete the recipient's name and address.

Quest 28:

1. Create a main document - a letter in the current document:

Respect sir!

<<Дата>> Head of the communication center.

To merge data into a main document, you must connect that document to a data source or data file.

The data source is a Word spreadsheet, Excel worksheet, address book, or other document that contains information that should be placed in the email template to customize it. For example, a data source can contain names, addresses, phone numbers and your customers' account numbers.

Can be used

Outlook contacts ... To use your contact list from Microsoft applications Outlook, select command Select from Outlook contacts.

existing data source file ... If there is a sheet Microsoft Excel, a Microsoft Access database, or another type of data file, click Use an existing list and find this file in the dialog Selecting a data source.

If this Excel file, you can select data from any sheet or named range in the workbook. In Access, you can select data from any table or query defined in a specific database.

To use a different file type, select it in the dialog box Selecting a data source... If desired file not displayed, select suitable type file or variant All files in the list File type.

When merging, you can use data file types:

o Single-level file DBMS files for which the appropriate OLE DB provider or ODBC driver is installed. Several of these drivers are included in Microsoft Office 2010.

o HTML file containing one table. The first row of the table should contain the column names, and the rest should contain the data.

o Document Microsoft Word... This document should contain one table. The first row of the table should contain the headers, and the remaining rows should contain the records to be merged with the document.

o Any text file, which contains data fields, separated (or delimited by) tabs or commas, and data records, separated by paragraph marks.

create a list - new file data in Word ... The list is saved as a database (MDB) file that can be reused. If there is no data file, select recipients - Create a list, Create and create a list in the form that appears.

In the window when the button is pressed "Customizing Columns" a list of the most common field names appears.

Most important step When creating a data source, it is necessary to define its structure, and the most important feature of a database is its flexibility. Take the time to figure out all the information about your recipients that might be required when sending out bulk mail. Then group this information into fields.

Field is a unit of information. For example, a phone book has a first name, last name, area code, and phone number field. The document can include different fields, for example, name, surname, greeting, address, city, state, zip code, account number. The content of all fields related to one recipient is called recording.

When creating a data source, it is much better to have too many fields than too few: adding a single field to thousands of records is time consuming and error prone, while deleting an extra field requires only a few keystrokes.

When designing your data source, think about how you will sort the data. Do not include more than one piece of information in the same field. For example, if you are going to print letters in alphabetical order of the addressee's last names, you will need two separate fields: for the first name and the last name. Combining them into one "Name" field would break the sorting flexibility.

You can delete unnecessary fields by selecting them and pressing the "Delete" button.

You can add new fields by typing their names in the "Field" window and clicking the "Add ..." button. (When adding new fields, do not leave spaces in their names. For example, perhaps the name is Zipcode).

You can reorder the fields by selecting them and pressing the Down-Up buttons.

When all the field names are listed in the correct order, click OK.

If you are using an existing list, make sure it contains all the information you need, including all columns and rows. While you can make certain changes during the merge, you cannot open the source separately during this process. The merge is easier if the data source is prepared before connecting.

Quest 29:

1. Create a database - merge source with fields:

- Surname

- Name

- middle name

- Floor

- Street

- House

- Apartment

- HousePhone

On the page of the Sberbank Online System Organization translation You can transfer money to organizations, pay for goods and services, make a tax payment, and save the completed transfer in the Personal Menu.

In order to go to this page of Sberbank Online, you need to go to the page Payments and transfers click on the link Organization translation.

How to transfer money to an organization

In order to commit translation Money organization, follow these steps:

note: You can use a payment template for money transfer, if this payment has been saved by you in the list of payment templates. To do this, click on the link Choose from payment templates and select the appropriate payment template. As a result, all the details filled in the template will be used for the created payment.

  • In the "Account number" field, enter the account of the organization to which you are transferring money.
  • In the "INN" field, enter the taxpayer identification number.
  • In the Beneficiary's bank block, select from the directory the name of the bank in which the beneficiary's account is opened. To use the guide, click on the link Select from the directory... In the window that opens, check the box next to the required bank and click the Select button. As a result, the "BIC" field will be filled in automatically.

For some companies or organizations, you will need to specify additional payment details or fill in the "Purpose of payment" field, in which you must enter all the necessary information to uniquely identify the payment or to inform the recipient of additional information (except for the amount) of the payment details.

Carefully check the entered data and confirm the operation with a one-time password. After that, the payment goes to Sberbank for processing.

The payment is credited to the beneficiary's account no later than the next business day after making the payment. If the money has not been credited to the beneficiary's account, check the status of the payment in the "History of transactions in Sberbank Online" section. If the operation has not been completed, its status will be “Not accepted by the bank”. Try to carry out the operation again or contact the Sberbank Contact Center to find out the reasons for the rejection of the payment.

In addition, you can always print a receipt for the transaction in the "History of transactions in Sberbank Online" section.

If you regularly make a payment to this recipient, we recommend that you save and confirm the operation template with an SMS password. In the future, all payments within this template will be made without confirmation with one-time passwords.

Important! Payments using arbitrary details are not available for customers who have not concluded UDBO at a branch of Sberbank of Russia.

At points of departure

WITH bank card

In terminals

From account mobile phone

Card replenishment

Transfers at points of sending money transfers UNISTREAM

You can send a money transfer at the UNISTREAM bank's own cash desks, at the branches of partner banks or at the points of UNISTREAM payment agents (post offices, etc.).

  1. Find the nearest location on our website
  2. Arriving at the service point, tell the teller where and to whom you want to send money, name the amount of the transfer. For your convenience, use the UNISTREAM Customer Card.
  3. Show proof of identity (passport or other document). If you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation, then when sending an amount over 75,000 rubles. through the cash desk of UNISTREAM Bank, you will also have to present your migration card and registration document.
  4. Receive from the bank employee your copy of the "Application for transfer without opening an account" with the control code of the transfer. Provide the recipient with the control code of the transfer and the full name of the Sender. If the transfer is not addressless, please also inform at which point it can be received.
  5. Also, an SMS message with the transfer code will be sent to your mobile phone number, which is indicated in the application for transfer. The second message will come to you as soon as the Recipient is paid the transfer.