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Work programs on physical culture. Working program in physical culture Educational program for physical culture

Municipal Education

Municipal budgetary general education organization Secondary school №1 named after Semyon Sable of the city of Yeisk Municipal Education.


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In physical culture

Level of learning (class) - secondary general education, grade 11

Number of hours 102.

Basic level

Teacher Eremenko Marina Grigorievna

The program is based on:

Programs of general education institutions. Comprehensive program physical education 1-11 classes. Cost. IN AND. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich ed., M., Education 2009, 6th edition

Explanatory note

This work program on physical culture for Class 11 Composed by Eremenko Marina Grigorievna, teacher of physical culture of the municipal budgetary general education organization of secondary school №1 named after Semyon Sable of the city of Yeisk, Municipal Education district. Working programm In physical culture, it was drawn up on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of secondary general education, and the author's program of general education institutions. School curriculum is definitely 3 hours a week to study the subject "Physical Culture", which is a year 102 school hours.

"A comprehensive program of physical education of students of grades 1-11" V.I. Lyach, V.I. Zdanevich, 6th edition, M. "Enlightenment" 2009.

The subject "Physical Culture" is included in the educational area "Physical Culture". The study of physical culture at the basic level of secondary general education is aimed at achieving the following


Development of physical qualities and abilities, strengthening individual health, improvement functionality organism;

Education of the careful attitude to their own health, the needs of physical education and recreational and sports and fitness


Mastering the technologies of modern wellness systems of physical education, enrichment of individual experience in special-applied

exercise and basic sports;

Development of a knowledge system of physical culture and sports, their role and meaning in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and social orientation;

Acquisition of competence in physical education and wellness and sports activities, mastering the skills of creative cooperation in collective

forms of exercise exercise.

Tasks of physical education students of grade 11 aimes on:

promoting harmonious development, the development of abilities to use exercise, hygienic procedures and conditions of the external environment to strengthen health status, confronting stress;

formation of personal and public ideas about the prestige of the high level of health and versatile physiological training;

expansion of motor experience by mastering new motor actions and the formation of skills to apply them in various conditions of the complexity;

further development of conditioned and coordination abilities;

the formation of knowledge about the patterns of motor activity, sports training, the meaning of physical education for future work, the fulfillment of the function of paternity and motherhood, preparation for service in the army;

consolidation of need for regular exercise and selected sports;

the formation of adequate self-assessment of the personality, moral identity, worldview, the development of targets, confidence, excerpts, composure;

further development of mental processes and training the basics of self-regulation.

Solving the tasks of physical education, the teacher needs to focus on the education of value orientations on the physical and spiritual improvement of the personality, the formation of educational and motives to systematically exercise, the formation of moral and volitional qualities, the formation of humanistic relations, the acquisition of experience of communication. Schoolchildren need to teach ways to create knowledge gained, skills and skills to maintain the height of the level of physical and mental health, health, independent activities.

The content of the software material consists of two main parts: basic and variative (differentiated). The development of the basic foundations of physical culture is objectively necessary and necessarily for each student. Without a base component, a successful adaptation to life in human society and effective work activities are impossible. The base component is the basis of the national standard of general education in the field of physical culture and does not depend on the regional, national and individual characteristics of the student.

The variable (differentiated) part of the physical culture is due to the need to take into account the regional characteristics of the work of the schools of the Krasnodar Territory:


1. The clock from the Ski Preparation section in the amount of 18 hours is transferred to the study of the "Sports Games" section.

2. From the section "Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics" (18 hours) transferred 6 hours to the "Athletics" section in connection with the organization of learning, taking into account the natural and climatic conditions of the Krasnodar Territory.

3. The clock from the "Martial Arts" section in the amount of 9 hours is transmitted to the "Easy Athletics" section due to the lack of conditions for learning.

4. Watches from the variable part 2.2 in the number of two are transmitted to the "Athletics" section.

5. Watches from the variable part 2.1. and 2.2 (15 hours) in the amount of 13 transferred to the section "Cross preparation".

The clock of the variable part (18 hours) is distributed in the following way: 3 hours - to deepen the study of athletics; 12 hours - to deepen the section "Sports Games"; 3 hours - to deepen cross-training.

Athletics is studied twice a year, depending on the season. Autumn (1 Quarter) - 20 hours, spring (4 quarter) - 18 hours. Sports games distribution 30 hours, 19 hours distributed to basketball (2 quarter), 20 hours on volleyball (3 quarter). Cross preparation is studied twice a year, depending on the season. Autumn (1 quad) - 7 hours, spring (4 quarter) - 6 hours.

Table themed hour distribution

Type of software

Number of hours

Working programm

11 cl.

Basic part

Basics of knowledge of physical culture

In the lesson process

Sport games



Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics


Ski preparation

Elements of martial arts


Crab variative

Associated with regional and national features

In the selection of a teacher, students, determined by the school itself, on an in-depth study of one or more sports

Cross preparation


Distribution of academic times on quarters 3 hours a week, 102 hours per year, grade 11.

p / P.

Type of software

1 quarter

2 quarters

3 quarters

4 quarters






Cross preparation

TOTAL: 102.

Basics of Knowledge:

Socio-cultural bases: Physical culture of society and man, the concept of physical culture of the personality. Value orientations of individual physical culture activities: fullness of personality development, strengthening

health, physical improvement and formation of a healthy lifestyle. Modern Olympic and physical culture-mass movement, their social ordiction and form of the organization. Sports and health systems of exercise, their goals and tasks.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations: Methods of individual organization, planning, regulation and control over physical exercises during exercise. Main forms and types of exercise. The concept of the physique and the characteristics of its main types. Basics of initial military physical training, improving major applied motor actions. Basics of organizing and conducting sports events by sports.

Medical and biological bases: The role of physical culture and sports in the prevention of diseases and health promotion; Maintaining reproductive human functions. Basics of the organization of the motor regime. Basics of safety and prevention of injury. Harmful habits, causes of their occurrence and a detrimental effect on the human body, his health. The basics of preventing harmful habits by means of physical culture.

Fastening challenge skills: Air Baths, Sunbathing, Water Procedures.

Fixing self-control techniques: Repetition of self-control techniques.

Development of motor qualities:

Speed, speed-power, endurance, flexibility, dexterity, power.

1.1 Sports games - 39 hours

Basketball (2 quarter - 19 hours):Improving the technique of movements, stops, turns, racks. Options for fishing and transferring the ball without resistance and the resistance of the defender (in various buildings). Options for keeping the ball without resistance and with the resistance of the defender. Options for throwing ball without resistance without resistance and with defender resistance. Actions against a player without a ball and with a ball (pulling out, knocking, interception, covering). Combinations from the mastered elements of the techniques of movements and possession of the ball. Individual, group and team tactical actions in attack and protection. Game according to the rules.

Volleyball (3 quarter - 20 hours): Improving the technique of movements, stops, turns and racks. Versions of technique of reception and gear balls. Options for the ball, attacking the impact via the grid. Blocking options for strikers (single, together), insurance. Individual, group and team tactical actions in attack and protection. Game according to the rules.

Software software for sports games

Sections, themes


Sport games


Mastering the ball

Improving the technique of catching and transferring the ball

Improving the technique of throws

Perfection of the game tactics


Improving the technique of reception and transfer the ball

Improving the ball feeding techniques

Improving the technique of striker impact

1.2 Gymnastics with acrobatics elements - 12 hours

Structure exercises:Passed material in previous classes. Circle turns in motion. Rebuilding from the column one by one to the column two, four, eight in motion.

VAULT: Sveta in the focus crushed, scraping, flashed, pouring the legs apart and bent legs. Jump sideways with a turn by 90 *. Jump the angle from the run at an angle to the projectile and the push of one foot (horse in width).

ACROBATICS: Boys: Long knuckles through an obstacle at an altitude of up to 90cm, stand on hands, knocked back through the stand on hand with help, coup aside, jumping in the depth of the combination of previously developed elements. Girls: Sest an angle, standing on the knees tilt back, rack on the blades, a bridge from the position, standing with the help of both independently, coup aside, jumping deep into the depth. Combinations from previously mastered elements.

Lazagne via rope.: in 2 and 3 reception, without help (boys).

Gymnastics software with acrobatics elements

Sections, themes




Support Jumps

Lazagne via rope.

Athletic gymnastics

1.3 Light Athletics - 38 hours

Sprinter Run: Running with low and high start, start in the relay race, transfer of the relay stick, shuttle run 5x20m, finish running on various distances, run 30m, 60m, 100m, 400m.

Long and height jump: Long jumps from the scene and from the runway (7-9 and 9-11 runs of the runway). Jump in the height of the way "Stepping". Selection of individual runs.

Pomegranate throwing: Throwing pomegranates from the place of distance, from 4-5 shifted steps from a shortened and complete runs to the range in the Corridor Yum and at a given distance.

Long run: Running with variable speed, overcoming small vertical and horizontal obstacles, alternation of walking and running, running around the turn, overcoming the obstacle course, running in a uniform pace for 20-25 minutes.

Sections, themes



Running short distances

Long and height jump

Pomegranate throwing

Cross preparation13 hours Walking and running on weakly terrain. Overcoming a band of obstacles. Relay on segments up to 100m. Running over rough terrain with a change in direction. Tactics elements of crossing competitions: distribution of forces, leading, overtaking, finishing. Cross from 2 to 5 km.

Forms of control.

current control (every lesson);

Starting control (1 time per year); All students are evaluated;

Control testing (see Appendix No. 1)

Appendix No. 1.

Students of physical fitness

p / P.

Control standards

Running 30 m, p.

Running 100m, s.

Shuttle run 3x10m, p.

Shuttle run 4x10m, p.

Shuttle 3x20m, s.

Running 1000m, min. from.

Running 2000m, Min.c

Long jump, see

Long jump from scattering, see

Jump in height, see

Jumping h / s rope, count. time

Pomegranate throwing

Push ups, count times.

Press for 30 seconds, number of times.

Squats for 1 min., Count time

High crossbar pulling

Low crossing tightening

Requirements for the level of training of students on the subject

Level of the development of physical culture of students ending high school (girls and young men)


Know the goals, objectives of physical culture, to own knowledge in the field of physical culture necessary for independent activities;

Own vital applied and sports skills, including athletics, gymnastics, sports games, cross-country training;

Possess the reception assistance to the victim

Conduct receptions of self-insurance and insurance during exercise;

Have the necessary level of development of basic motor qualities;

Methods for organizing independent practices with physical exercises with a different functional orientation, the rules for the use of sports equipment and equipment;

Rules of personal hygiene, trauma prevention and predetermined assistance in exercise classes.

Be able to:

Be able to organize and conduct classes, competitions and mobile games with younger schoolchildren;

Conduct refereeing on one of the sports;

Young people own military-applied skills;

Perform control exercises;

Take care of their physical improvement, lead a healthy lifestyle;

Comply with the rules for the safety and prevention of injuries in exercise classes, provide first assistance in accident injuries;

Give control standards in physical culture.

Comprehensive program of physical education of grades 1-11. Cost. IN AND. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich ed., M., Enlightenment 2009, 6th Edition A.A. Zdanevich, Moscow "Enlightenment" of 2009.

Desktop book of physical culture teacher, edited by L.B.Kofman, Moscow, 1998

Your Olympian textbook. M., "Physical Education and Sport", 2003.

Physical education. Tutorial for 10 - 11 classes edited by V.I. Laha. - M.: Education 2011. 6th edition.

E.Nimineva "Physical Culture" Teaching technique. Sport games. Rostov - on Don Felix, 2001.

Means of education

Balls volleyball, basketball; rope; hoops; skittles; chips; racks; Planks; gymnastic mats; stopwatch; crossbar; barriers; bars; grenades (500 grams, 700 grams); printed balls (4; 5 kg.); Roulette, rope.

Agreed agreed

The working program of extracurricular volleyball activities for students of grades 5-7 is developed on the basis of the study manual "extracurricular activities. Volleyball: manual for teachers and methodists "/G.A. Kolodnitsky, B.C. Kuznetsov, M.V. Maslov /, - M.: Enlightenment, 2011, in accordance with GEF LLC 2010
The physical education system in our country has many years of experience in the formation and is aimed at solving the main socially significant tasks: promoting public health, physical and motor development and education of high moral qualities.

Working program of the Optional course "OFP-Special Course!" For students of the 7-11 classes, it was drawn up in accordance with the federal basis curriculum, a mandatory minimum content of schoolchildren's education in the field of physical culture, as well as a "comprehensive program of physical education of students of grades 1-11" V.I.LAH, A.A. Zdanevich. (M.: Enlightenment, 2016). The program according to its content is physical culture-sports, according to the functional purpose - special, in the form of an organization - extracurricular. The term of the program is 1 year.

Features of the general educational general collateral program "Volleyball" is that it takes into account the specifics of additional education and encompasses significantly more willing to engage in this sport, presenting wound demands in the learning process. It makes it possible to make basketball from "zero" to those children who have not yet started to go through the "Volleyball" section in school, as well as attention to the issue of educating a healthy lifestyle, a comprehensive approach to the upbringing of a harmonious person.

The target audience: for grade 11

Working program of the courses of extracurricular activities "Favorite Game" is developed on the basis of:
- "A comprehensive program of physical education of students in grades of educational institutions" edited by V.I. Lyach, A.A Zdanevich (2010), admitted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
- Example program for physical culture, the author's program T. S. Lisitskaya, L. A. Novikova. (2012) Tutorial "Extracurricular activities. Volleyball: manual for teachers and methodists "/G.A. Kolodnitsky, V.S. Kuznetsov, M.V. Maslov.- M.: Education, 2011, in accordance with GEF LLC 2010

Target audience: for grade 5

Chess is not only a game that gives children a lot of joy, pleasure, but also an effective effective tool Their mental development, the formation of an internal action plan - the ability to act in the mind.

The physical culture program for grade 7 was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education (Federal State Educational Standard of the General General Education. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012);
- with the recommendations of the working program on physical culture
- curriculum "Working program of physical in physical culture of students of grades 7" (V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010);
- With the author's program "Work program program on physical culture of students of grades 1-11" (V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010)

Target audience: for grade 7

The work program is drawn up on the basis of a primary general education program. Physical culture 5-9 classes. Authors: A.P. Matveyev, (Collection of work programs. Physical culture. 5 - 9 Classes: Educational - Methodological manual / subject line of textbooks A. P. Matveev. - M.: Education, 2012. - p. 23 - 45. (second generation standards

Target audience: for grade 5

The physical culture program for 10-11 classes is designed in accordance:

  • with the recommendations of the approximate program on physical culture (an exemplary program in physical culture. 10-11 grasses. - M.: Education, 2011);
  • with the author's program "Comprehensive program of physical education of students of grades 1-11" (V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich. - M.: Education, 2010):
  • Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sport".
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Art. 32 "Competence and responsibility educational institution"(P.67);

Target audience: for grade 10

Explanatory note

Working program in physical culture is based on:

1. Basic curriculum of special (correctional) educational institutions
VIII. species (annex to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2002 No. 2e) - 2065-P):

2. Programs of special (correctional) general educational institutions U1P
Preparatory class. 1-4 classes / edited by DP N. V.V. Voronkova. -3-E ed., Upar.-M:
Education, 2010.

3. Curriculum of the municipal government special (correctional) educational
institutions for students, pupils with limited health opportunities "Special
(Correctional) Secondary School - Boarding Speed \u200b\u200bNo. 13 for 2015-2016 academic year.

Purpose: adapting students with deviations by physical abilities, Developmentphysical qualities: Improve the skills and skills in various sports. itit is achieved during the solution of the following tasks:

Develop physical abilities, improving the functionality of the body,strengthening health.

Bring up careful attitude to their own health,the needs of physical education and fitness and fitness activities.

Send the technologies of modern wellness systems of physical education,enrichment of individual experience in special applied physical exercises andbasic sports.

Master knowledge of knowledge about physical culture, their role and meaning informing a healthy lifestyle.

Improve motor equipment in basic sports.

general characteristics Educational subject: An integral part of a comprehensive system of educational work in a special (correctional) school VIII type (for children with intelligence impairment). It is aimed at solving educational, educational, correctional-compensatory and medical and recovery tasks.

Physical education is carried out in close connection with mental, moral, aesthetic education and labor education, occupies one of the leading places in the preparation of students with impaired intelligence to independent life and production work.

Physical education contributes to the formation of positive personal qualities, is one of the means of successful social integration of children in society.

A characteristic feature of children with disadvantages of intelligence is the presence of various disorders of the mental and physical development, due to the organic defeat of the central nervous system of various etiologies arising in different age-related stages of individual development. Often, children encounter erased motor disorders that may be invisible in living conditions, but manifest themselves with significant physical exertion, in complicated motor tasks.

Muscular insufficiency of students is especially increasing when performing precisely dosed muscle efforts, with cross coordination of movements, a space-time organization of a motor act.

It should be noted that among the students of a special (correctional) school VIII of the species there are children with well-developed motility. This determines the need for accounting and implementing a strictly differentiated and individual approach in training. Physical education teacher can successfully solve the correctional tasks that standing in front of him only if it is a lesson on the basis of knowledge of the defect structure of each student, all its potential opportunities and specific disorders. The teacher must know the data of medical examinations well, to work in contact with the school doctor, know about the current state of the health of students.

Specific educational and correctional educational tasks of physical education at school for children with intellectual impairment is: improving the health and hardening of the body, the formation of proper posture; Formation and improvement of various motor skills and skills, such as strength, speed, endurance, dexterity, etc.; Correction of violations of general physical development of psychomotoric, education of sanitary skills culture, maintaining sustainable physical performance on the level achieved; the formation of cognitive, aesthetic, moral interests on the material of physical culture and sports; Education of sustainable moral and volitional qualities: perseverance, courage, ability to overcome difficulties.

The physical education program for 1-4 classes structurally consists of the following sections: gymnastics, athletics, ski preparation, mobile and sports games ..

In section "Gymnastics" Included exercises that allow you to correct various links of the musculoskeletal system, muscle groups. In connection with the difficulties in space-time orientation and significant violations of the accuracy of students' movements, exercises with objects are also included: gymnastic sticks, flags, small and large hoops and rope. In lessons with elements of gymnastics, mentally retarded children must master the skills of lasagna and climbing. Exercises in Lazagania and Perelezania are an effective means for the development of force and dexterity, improving the skills of coordination and equilibrium. These exercises have a positive effect on overcoming the heights, space, help the development of positive self-esteem, regulate emotional and behavioral reactions of children.

Section "Athletics" Traditionally includes walking, running, jumping, throwing. Classes of athletics help the formation of such vital motor skills, as proper walking, running, jumping and throwing. Training elements of athletics and their improvement should be carried out on the basis of development in children, agility, flexibility, strength, endurance, fast response. It is known that walking and running exercises are widely used in physical education lessons not only in correctional, but also in health and medicinal purposes. A special place in this section is paid to throwing, since when performing exercises in throwing in children, accuracy is developing, agility of actions with objects, eye meter. Schoolchildren learn to the right seizure of the ball (evenly with sufficient strength), the ability to technically correctly perform a throw, distribute attention to the capture of the ball, to the measurement of the ball of the ball with a benchmark.

Ski training Under the conditions of a special (correctional) school VIII of the form, it is recommended to be carried out from grade 1 at temperatures up to -15 ° C at strange winds (with the permission of the school's doctor). Skiing allows you to strengthen the health of children in the winter, reduce the number of diseases characteristic of this time of the year. In addition, ski preparation includes the entire necessary complex for the development of movements, posture, respiration, coordination, motility, etc.

One of the most important sections of the program is the section"Games". It includes mobile games aimed at developing motor and physical skills of children. Thanks to games, children develop such mental properties as attention and attentiveness, intelligence, initiative. Games contribute to collective actions, favorably affect the emotional relations of children with each other, between groups of children. In school for children with intelligence impairment, the main form of organizing classes in physical culture is a lesson consisting of four main parts: the introductory, preparatory, primary and final (all parts of the lesson are interconnected). As well as on other subject lessons, the teacher uses such techniques as an explanation, show, exercise, fixing (in the form of training sessions), assessment (praise, encouragement, censure), taking into account the specific content and objectives of the lessons conducted. It is desirable that each lesson includes the elements of the game, enraged, competition, which significantly stimulates the interest of children to physical education lessons. The above techniques and elements are especially necessary for children with a more complex structure of intellectual underdevelopment. The example of the teacher himself is important here, its cooperation with the child, the skillful communicative interaction of strong and weak students so that all children are covered by the attention and help of the teacher. Mandatory for the teacher is to control the physical development and physical fitness of students, which will allow you to track the dynamics of the development of mentally retarded students from the moment of entering school before it is completed. For these purposes for each school student, starting from the first class, a health passport is started. Control standards are accepted twice a year - in September and May in physical education lessons. Speaking about the socialization of a graduate of a special (correctional) school of VIII species as a general goal, one cannot forget that physical health is one of the main components of its independent life, so the entire pedagogical team of the school should consider physical education (training) in the number of priority tasks, create All the necessary conditions for successful solving this task

Control over the level of physical development and motor activity of students is carried out by

extent the passage of educational material in the form of verification (control tests by type

exercises: Running 30-60 m: Long Jumping; Power of brush (right, left), throwing pas

range, throwing a stuffing ball (1 kg) due to heads with both hands from the position of sitting legs


Tests are held 2 times a year: in September - MAE (selectively). The data obtained

are processed, compared with indicators of physical development (growth, weight, chest volume]

spirometry), recorded in a special engineering activity magazine and physical

development. Based on this data, together with the school physician, physical education


A special approach to learning and when taking standards should be used in relation to children

with current states and various diseases (epilepsy, schizophrenia, enapers, hydrocephalus,

congenital heart defects, etc.).

Calcifications of the content of the course of physical culture: the basis of the educationalthe process is the following values \u200b\u200bof physical culture: 1. Chinstically orientated principles, principles of adaptability, principles of development, principles of psychological comfort.2. Cultural and oriented principles: the principle of integrity of the content of education, system.Factory Principles: Use your life experience, knowledge gained in the lesson. 4. Comunicable principles: communication and cooperation with peers, senior and younger ineducational, socially useful, educational, creative and other typesactivities.

The results of the material studied: during the developmentpersonal objects teaching resultsare: the readiness of the student purposefully use knowledge and skills in everyday life.

    education of Russian Civil Identity, Patriotism, Love and Respect for
    Fatherland, feelings of pride for their homeland, awareness of their culture of their people, their own
    edges, global cultural heritage; Mastering traditional values
    multinational Russian society; upbringing a sense of debt to the homeland;

    the formation of a responsible attitude towards the teachings, readiness and ability of students to
    self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and knowledge, choosing
    profile education based on orientation in the world of professions and professional
    preferences, conscious construction of an individual educational trajectory, taking into account
    sustainable cognitive interests;

    formation of tolerance as the norm of a conscious and benevolent attitude towards
    another person, his opinion, worldview, culture, language, faith, civil position; to
    history, culture, religion, traditions, languages, values \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia and the world;

    the development of moral consciousness and competence in solving moral problems based on
    personal choice, formation of moral feelings and moral behavior,
    conscious and responsible attitude to his own actions;

formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with
peers, senior and younger in educational, socially useful, educational
research, creative and other activities;

Minimum level:

ideas about physical culture as a means of strengthening health, physical development and physical training of a person;

ideas about correct posture; types of stylized walk to music; corrective exercises in the formulation of the head, shoulders, spinal column, body position (standing, sitting, lone), exercises for strengthening the muscular corset;

ideas about motor actions; knowledge of building teams; The ability to conduct counting when performing general array exercises;

ideas about the organization of classes in physical culture with the target focus on the development of speed, endurance, strength, coordination; an idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of motor activity aimed at the predominant development of basic physical qualities in the process of participation in rolling games and relay;

ideas about ways to organize and carry out mobile games and elements of competitions with peers, the implementation of their objective refereeing;

ideas about the sports traditions of their people and other peoples; Understanding the features of famous sports showing a person in various emotional states;

familiarity with the rules, technique of performing motor actions; Performances on the careful handling of inventory and equipment, compliance with safety requirements in the process of participation in physical education and sports events.

Enough level:

knowledge of physical culture as a means of improving health, physical development and physical improvement of a person;

performing complexes of exercises for the formation of the right posture and development of the muscles of the body, the development of basic physical qualities;

participation in wellness activities in day mode (physical attacks);

knowledge of modes of motor activity in the process of physical education; performing motor actions;

the ability to file building teams, check the calculation when performing overall exercises.

knowledge of organizations in physical culture with various targets: on the development of speed, endurance, strength, coordination;

knowledge of exercise with different targets, their execution with a given dosage of load;

knowledge of motor activity aimed at the predominant development of basic physical qualities in the process of participation in rolling games and relay;

knowledge of forms, means and methods of physical improvement;

the ability to provide post assistance and moral support to peers in the process of participation in rolling games and competitions;

the implementation of their objective refereeing; Knowledge of sports traditions of their people and other peoples;

knowledge of some facts from the history of the development of physical culture, understanding of its roles and meanings in human life;

knowledge of how to use various sports equipment in the main types of motor activity;

knowledge of the rules, engineering techniques;

knowledge of the rules of careful circulation with inventory and equipment; Compliance with the requirements of safety in the process of participation in physical education events.

Weekly load 1-4 classes: 1 classes: 3 hours per week, total volume for a year 99 hours.

Grade 2. 3 hours a week, total within a year 102 hours. Grade 3: 3 hours per week, total volume inwithin 102 hours. 4 classes: 3 hours a week, total volume for a year 102 hours