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Registration via social networks php. Social networks without registration

Users prefer to log in instantly, in one click, and not waste time registering via email. The whole essence of this problem can be understood by people using this platform to sell goods in an online store.
WordPress does not provide social login options by default. If the user wants his clients to enter in this way, he will have to purchase paid developments or use a special free plugin... Ease of registering and logging in via social media on any wordprees site is very important. If you invite your visitors to go through this procedure by filling in a number of fields using e-mail, then you will surely lose a lot of potential customers.
This article contains 10 social login plugins for Wordpress that will allow your site to become user-friendly and look professional. For those who want to create a widget with their own hands social buttons, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the materials on the topic.

Social Login

This is a free comprehensive WordPress plugin which offers a simple solution to login and register on the site through social media. Authorization is available for him through such leading sites as Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, PayPal, LiveJournal, Instagram, Yahoo, VK and many others. In total, it brings together more than 25 popular networks, with which you can log in, register or leave your comment.
This plugin is fully compatible with BuddyPress, therefore, you can use a login from almost any social group, which is a very relevant solution. The login widget is placed in the sidebar of your site, or a shortcode is used.

Super socializer

Super Socializer is a multipurpose plugin for WordPress... It helps integrate social media with your comment box and offers great options for logging into the site. The user can easily enter your site using an existing login in one of the social networks... After such a simple registration, information about his profile along with by e-mail will be saved in your blog's database.

Nextend Facebook Connect

The following plugin resembles the previous resource in many ways, but it is suitable for authorization on sites through Facebook.

WordPress Social Login

WordPress Social Login is useful application, which allows you to register and enter the site on the basis WordPress using your login on various social networks. You will be able to completely control user access to your website. This plugin has ample opportunities for individual settings.

Social Login for WordPress

Another powerful WordPress plugin capable of integrating social networks with WordPress. This service paid, and working with it is carried out on a subscription basis, but any user can use the 30-day free trial period. This will give an opportunity to check how this plugin suits your purposes. Social Login for WordPress perfectly integrates with all popular networks, allowing you to leave, as well as authorize on the site. It is capable of capturing user profile data with its permission and automatically creating a profile in WP database.

Gigya - Social Infrastructure

Another very easy to use WordPress plugin that will help integrate social accounts with sites based on WordPress... The plugin has beautiful, and with it you can customize the necessary buttons, according to your wishes.

Social Logins for Wordpress not only enable users to log into a website using logins via Facebook, Twitter, Google, VKontakte, but also do appearance resource is very attractive. All modules mentioned in this list are widely used and they are really effective. You can choose any of these plugins and get started now.

Using an account on a social network VKontakte, Odnoklassniki,, Facebook, Twitter or Google, you can log in to Yandex without registering and entering a password. To do this, just click the logo of your social network on the form:

Example of authorization via Facebook

After clicking on the logo, a new window will open in which the further authorization process on Yandex will take place. After you go through the steps below for the first time, you can log into Yandex with one click on this logo.

Used Facebook account will appear on the page in Yandex.Passport, and the name received from the social network will be displayed on Yandex services.

Questions and answers

Why create a Yandex username and password?

A Yandex username and password may be required to access some services, for example, to use Mail or Disk.

What should I do if I have forgotten the password for a social network and cannot log in to Yandex services?

How to tell a Yandex support employee your username

If a Yandex support employee needs your login to solve a problem, and you haven't entered a login yet, just copy the number from the page.

Is social login secure?

In addition, at any time you can block Yandex's access to your profile: just remove it from the page.

Some users regret that no one has yet invented social networks without registration. Such projects would have many advantages, but there are also many disadvantages. And most importantly, no one would be able to maintain their page. It is for this reason that no one creates them, but if necessary, you can use them without registering.

You can use any such networks. Of course, the functionality will be limited, but finding a person, checking when he was online or watching a video is easy. This does not require programs and browser extensions, open access provided to everyone.

How to enter Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki without registration?

If the main task of the transition to social. networks without registering - this is a search for people, it is much easier to use a special service from Yandex. Follow the link and you will be taken to special search by people. It is enough to indicate the name and surname to get a list:

To make the search accurate, you can enter additional data, as well as select specific social networks. On Odnoklassniki, and in many other social networks, pages are not hidden from unregistered users, so open any profile:

Similarly, you can search in any other social media. networks. When using Vkontakte, you don't have to switch to Yandex.People. There, user search is open to everyone. Enter in address bar and the page you need will open:

In the main line, you can specify the first and last name, and through the side panel, additional data is indicated:

For some people, pages are hidden from general access, but most often they are open. Therefore, you can easily view photos, videos, posts on the wall, status and much more.

Classmates without registration

Just go to this site and to home page you will see popular posts and videos:

Without registering, you can go to any community and watch posts. When you try to write a comment or join a group, you will be taken to the authorization page.

Visit social networks, despite the limited functions, you can still view profiles and almost all content. If this is not enough for you, but you do not want to use your profile, then the best way Is the creation of an additional page. Don't have a free phone number? Buy ready account at This online store sells profiles from almost all social media. networks:

The cost depends on how full the account is and how many friends there are. You can pay by any means, with bank cards, electronic money and even transfer from the phone balance (via Robokassa). After spending a little money, you will receive a profile and can use social networks without registering.

Sites such as Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Twitter are used for various purposes, but we must not forget that they are all suitable for remote work. Find out and use them, following the simplest steps, you can easily get a little money to buy yourself accounts or pay for mobile communications.

There is some useful specific information about the technical implementation.

In short, then ...

For authorization, registration, the same table "users" is used. Along with the usual registration and authorization, when during registration (in its simplest form) the email, password and login of the user are added to the table "users", and during authorization, the correspondence of the entered login "a and password" a to the existing ones in the database is checked in the same way and registration / authorization via social networks. Only in this case, the source of data about the user for his registration is not the direct user who enters the data into the form, but the social. network. Registration in this case is quite transparent, i.e. not visible to the user. The scheme is approximately as follows (without the peculiarities of the Oauth protocol):

1) The user chooses to log in via social. network.
2) There is a call to the authorization page in this social. network, if the person has not logged in there yet. After entering the data, and if he was previously authorized, there is a request for permission to use his data.
3) If the person refuses, then that's the end. If it agrees, it will be redirected to the website page specified in the Oauth settings.
4) Each user in social. networks have their own unique identificator that can be queried. For your table "users" you need to add a couple of additional fields (for example, these are the following): auth_via (enum ("native," vk "," mailru "," ... ")) - to indicate the type of user registration, and social_id - a unique identifier in the social network will be stored here.If you need to store any specific data of this user from social networks, you can create additional fields for this data.
5) After the user has given permission to use his data, it is necessary to request the necessary data from the social. networks, incl. and user ID in social. networks. This is where the invisible registration process begins. You need to check if there is a user in the database with this social_id, if not, then insert social_id, user data from social. networks, if necessary, in the database. Everything, the user is registered.
If there is data about the user, then it is necessary to request the actual data from the social. networks, compare them with those in the database and if they have changed, then update them in your database, if not, then just go to the next step.
6) A session with user data is created.

Thus, the existing table of "native" registration of site users is joined, relatively speaking, the table, the fields required for registration / authorization via social media. networks., and they do not interfere with each other.

For a user registered from social. of course, there is no password and login network. They are needed for authorization. And since the user is authorized using his username and password in the social. network, then there is nothing to indicate here. And yet, during authorization, to the request for checking the login and password, you can add the condition

"AND WHERE` auth_via` = "native" "

To exclude users registered from the social. networks.

As you can see, an internal (intrasite, so to speak) primary auto-incrementing key is created for each user in the table. Accordingly, there is no difference for the site logic between a user registered via social media. network and through the site. If we talk about an online store, then, to link orders to a user, you can use a single, internal ID.