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What you need to study on the web designer. Training Web Design from Scratch - Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners (Ten Stages)

I am sometimes asked to advise good online courses for beginners learning web design from scratch. I believe that in our time to know the basics of web design you need everyone, and for someone design is an interesting, highly paid profession, allowing to work from anywhere in the world. Recently, many distance courses have appeared from different schools - paid and free, from learning the basics of web design to employment, with different prices and programs. Read my rating of the best online courses on web design and other relevant directions.

1. Profession Web Designer from Skillbox

A large-scale two-year training program with a guarantee of employment. Here you will consistently go from learning the basics of web design to the most interesting personally to you specializations. Online classes are combined with offline meetings with the strongest teachers and employment consultations, as well as excursions to top companies. The most interesting thing is that if you have no money for training, then you can enter the profession for free, and start paying the course after the device for highly paid work. Find out the details and sign up for the course on this link.

4. Web Design Course from Scratch to Pro from SkillBox

The perfect course for those who really starts from scratch, because here they give the basis of graphics and typography and through all the steps lead to the layer and programming. Additional module About freelance and work with the client, tells how to earn 100 thousand rubles per month from anywhere in the world. The course includes a diploma project with the real customer. Details and registration for the course.

WDI Web Design School exists on the market for about 5 years. The guys developed their approach and released more than 1000 students. The emphasis is placed on live webinars, as well as a big plus, you can call the fact that curators are attached to students who help perform homework. There are programs for both newcomers and experienced designers. For 3 months you will be trained to all aspects of the web designer profession.

Training occurs through living webinars, performance of homework, coursework. Somehow "score" to classes or something not to do something - it will not work. You will not be guaranteed with you until you achieve the promised result. In addition, the school also contributes to the receipt of orders or employment of its graduate. Teachers are leading industry experts. Price rate 52 900, but there is a possibility of installments or receiving a discount. To find out the details and sign up for "intensive", go. For beginners, there is a course "Test Drive", which costs 3900 rubles, and provides inexpensive and smooth entry into the profession. You can find out more about it.

6. UI-designer from Netology

For those who do not know UI - User Intersface - user interface. These are those pieces (buttons, whistles and frontings) through which the user interacts with the product (site / app). So, the UI designer focuses just on the development of the user interface, and this course has a bias towards the development of the mobile application interface. The program includes such modules as: prototyping, design of architecture, ergonomics and usability, interface development in a team. All nestology buns for internships and employment as usual. Lasts only six months. Record.

7. UX-design from AIC.

UX is User Experience or user experience. UX-designer - designs the path of the client and impressions on his way. The course on this topic leads AIC agency - recognized leader Web design. The program includes conceptual topics for interface research and there are practically no photoshop, cladding and programming. Students do thesis work For a portfolio commissioned by the famous AIC partners. There is a lot about the course positive feedbackwhich you can read.

7. Web design from Netology

This course, perhaps, can be considered an express course on web design. It lasts only 2 months and is much cheaper than the superior courses of Netology. There is nothing superfluous for those who want to do only websites. You can find out the details and sign up for this link. Duration: 2 months.

8. Mobile Application Designer

Annual training program for mobile applications with a guarantee of employment. Online classes are combined with offline meetings with the strongest teachers and employment consultations, as well as excursions to top companies. The most interesting thing is that if you have no money for training, then you can enter the profession for free, and start paying the course after the device for highly paid work. Find out the details and write down the course of free courses on web design.

Climb the trackers and download courses in our time there is no particular sense, because there are official free courses, including web design. some of them.

P. S.: Council to everyone who is looking for web design courses in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Novosibirsk, Kiev, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Kazan, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Saratov, Volgograd, Rostov ... Comerate courses on the Internet, because the best education according to remote professions is given exactly online! :)

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Web design where to start learning? This question asks for itself every future professional web designer! Decided to learn web design from scratch? Congratulations! Web design can be one of the most useful skills for your professional career.

The first 30 days of study are crucial because many just refuse ideas to learn web design through one or two weeks. This article will give several useful Soviets and techniques that will help you start learning a web design and stay "in the subject" for a long period.

Web design is a rather wide knowledge field.

Say "I want to study web design" - it's how to say "I want to learn how to cook." There are thousands of recipes and food cooking methods. There are also thousands of specific design tools as well as important principles that each web designer should know.

Since the web design has become a separate knowledge branch, a lot began to ask one question: "How to learn web design?" The same question stops many of his studies. The choice of methods, tools and styles is huge, it is alarming many.

Deciding to start learning a web design, I was also affected by a variety of tools and ways to do. What program to use to explore, Dreamweaver or Photoshop? Or maybe first it is worth starting with studying coding and learn JavaScript, HTML and CSS? The truth is that there are many resources for studying the web design yourself. Therefore, many are difficult to make a choice, where to start?

Why do you need to start learning a web design with HTML and CSS?

Most sites (I think 99%) are created in HTML. To make sure that you go to your favorite site and click "Ctrl + U". You see in the text

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