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As a social network VKontakte earns money. Earnings in social networks without investment with money output

VKontakte (VK, VK) today is one of the largest social networks of the world, the attendance of which is confidently moving to a mark of 100 million visitors per day.

VKontakte is not only a platform for communication and entertainment: this is a set of tools with which almost any user can make money on a social network, from a schoolboy to a major businessman.

Let's try to figure out exactly how to make money in the VC and which income can count on this.

So, you have a social network page - this is already enough to start making money by VKontakte. Mediators between advertisers who need the promotion of their products, dozens of services (social stock exchange) are served by ordinary visitors. Here are some of them:

To register with the service and fulfill its tasks often need to fill personal Profile With the photo and dial a certain number of subscribers. More often for such a type of earnings use accounts-clones, since the page pages with obsessive advertising are blocked by the social network. Earnings of VKontakte on likes - the easiest, but also the most low-pay way, so whether it is worth risking your personal page For the sake of several tens of rubles a day?

Depending on the desire of the advertiser, the Contractor will have to put likes and comment on photos and records, to join groups, add to friends and invite friends, make replaces of notes. Earn money is usually displayed on e-wallets. Inviting other users to the project (referrals), for each of which the system will charge a small percentage of their earnings, you can increase your income on social stock exchanges.

If you sell your goods or offer relevant services, the VKontakte page can be aware for your mini-business. Today, thousands of tutors, masters for manicure and repair of household appliances find additional customers through social networks.

Depending on the amount of time paid to work on social exchanges, and the number of invited referrals income can be from 10 to 200 rubles a day.

Earnings in VKontakte in Public, 1000-10000 + rubles per day

Public (Community) can create any user Vkontakte. The most profitable are publics in the following niches:

  • Business and finance;
  • Cars;
  • Entertainment;
  • Motivation;
  • Design;
  • Medicine;
  • Building.

In general, when choosing the topic, it is better to stay on a well-known publisher to the author, focus on the leaders of the niche and at the same time bring something fresh to the project.

Cheat subscribers VKontakte is the most important stage of development of public. You can score the first subscribers in a natural way, inviting your friends, or with the help of the above-mentioned social exchanges and services of winding-promotion. For a successful community, a unique interesting content is needed, a stable publication regime on the principle of "the more, the better", advertising in thematic communities to attract new participants. All this requires significant monetary and time costs, but with a rational approach pays off with interest.

Earn community on advertising posts, as well as on sales of own and affiliate goods. Purchase deserved user confidence. Public can do the new owner in six-digit, or even a seven-wing amount. The sale of the promotion community is another way to earn in vkontakte on publics.

Daily income of the owner Publication with the number of participants from 100,000, depending on the subject of the community, the number of its subscribers and the monetization scheme ranges from several thousand to several hundred thousand rubles per day.

How to earn VKontakte on your application

Daily millions of people enter VKontakte applications - gaming, tests, quiz. Special knowledge is required to create their own application, so the development of such projects usually do entire teams - scenarios, programmers, marketers. The money in this industry is growing considerable, but even despite the solid budgets, the success of the finished product is not guaranteed. However, if you have faithful like-minded people and faith in yourself, work on our project is definitely worth: the owners of top applications earn on advertising and branding to a million rubles per month and more.

Earnings on traffic arbitration: from minus up to 400,000 rubles per month

The purpose of the arbitration, another way of earning VKontakte, is to collect the maximum flow of traffic and send it to the affiliate link. For each productive action that the user made after the partner's transition to the site (application for a kind of service, purchase, registration in the online game), the arbitral center receives a partner reward.

To attract users, arbitration specialists use the VKontakte advertising network and posts in loved ones on the topic. This method of earning requires initial investments, and income largely depends on the type and quality of the product, as well as from the arbitral experience. In the coincidence of these components and the availability of the starting budget for advertising campaigns, the earnings of the arbitral boiler can be quite significant: cases that have fallen into wide access demonstrate a net income of 100-200 thousand per advertising campaign in a length of several weeks. However, most of the beginner arbitrals, as well as everywhere, merge money in minus and do not leave Solono Bread.

How to make money in contact by Freelancer: 10,000-100000 rubles per month

Even thoroughly worked on VKontakte over the promotion of your page or public, you quickly accumulate a number of special skills. Why not get money for your experience? Pulling advertisements about vacancies in large publics and shops in Vkontakte, it becomes clear in which experts their owners need. Here are traditionally in demand by the authors of interesting content, editors and moderators of communities, designers of pages and posts, advertising specialists.

The whole range of activities in social networks undertaken to promote the brand was called SMM. Without SMM today does not do any big company, and a novice freelancer may well qualify for the position of SMM-monitor from a solid employer. The income of the freelancer depends on his readiness to devote work all its time and varies from several thousand to 100,000 rubles per month.

Sale of goods by VKontakte: from minus to 100,000 rubles per month and above

A year and a half ago, users of the social network had the opportunity to form commercial showcases in their communities. Sales VKontakte willingly do homemade masters selling handmade and small companies with exclusive to the region. Experience showed that inexpensive cosmetics, gifts, petty appliances and gadgets, goods for children.

While this format is far from the traditional online store, but allows the owner of the showcase to show its product face, and the buyer - without leaving the social network to discuss the planned or a purchase with friends, to get advice and recommendations from the seller. Not far from the mountain time when VKontakte's commercial showcases will earn as a full-fledged online shopping. The income of the store owner in the VC is determined by product characteristics - seasonality, demand, quality, price. Under favorable conditions and positive saraved radio, sales of sellers may well translate for 100,000 rubles per month.

How to learn to earn VKontakte

From the listed methods of earning VKontakte, perhaps, only the first does not require special knowledge. In order to reach a decent level of income, the newcomer will have to ask for help for more experienced users, change tactics, master new skills. It is especially important to know the Basics of SMM and its techniques to those who want to tie their career with this dynamic and exciting craft, and business owners that use a social network as a promotion tool for their business.

Top 5 training courses: where and what is taught

  1. Online University offers training in the specialties SMM-manager and an Internet marketer. Help in employment.
  2. School among other things teaches design for social networks and content marketing - the art of creating high-quality content. There are programs for For young mothers who are on maternity leave. Help in employment through your own agency.
  3. The Cybermarketing training center specializes in learning to promote and PR brands in social networks.
  4. Direction of courses - online earnings for women in general and VKontakte in particular.
  5. Video course from Alexandra Dyzza will help the owners own business attract potential buyers From social networks.


We reviewed only a small part of dozens of ways to make money on the social network VKontakte. However, even from these examples can be made an unequivocal conclusion: anyone can earn money in the VC. But the level of its income will depend on the skills and knowledge that can be purchased for months and years independent work Or get in special courses. What way to choose is to solve you.

Internet services for business.
The reference to the material is obligatory!

Each, independently of age, gender, education and work experience will be able to organize earnings on VKontakte comments. The main thing is to correctly and correct thoughts, write without mistakes, stick to the uniqueness of texts. Copy material is prohibited, in such cases the payment for the task is not charged, and the user account is simply blocked. In fact, you can earn money not in the social network itself, but on third-party stock exchanges, with paid tasks for users VK, taken from numerous customers.

Is it possible to make money in VKontakte - who pays for it

If we talk about the relevance of earnings in comments in the social network, get financial income in this way is quite realistic. The roles of customers are the owners of personal profiles and communities in VKontakte, interested in increasing activity on pages. It is necessary to create the effect of "living" communication, promoting a resource. The more active the user's action on a specific area, the more you can earn on advertising and affiliate programs. It remains to figure out how to organize an earnings in mind in question.

Search for customers yourself makes no sense. It is long and brings little results. It is better to take advantage of special exchange offers acting in the role of intermediaries. Here is collected great amount paid tasks. In addition to the paid spelling comments, it is possible to earn in other ways:, making reposites, entering into groups. If you combine earnings in several methods, it is possible to get more financial income.

QComment - Exchange, offering to make money in VK on comments

Specialized sites in the network are a lot. But, only units really pay for the work performed, offer a wide list of instructions. One of the best portals is considered. To start earning here, first need to register. Exchange provides two options: By authorization using the VKontakte account (or other social network) or a classic way, filling out a small form. After you need to specify that you are the author. The platform will offer to pass a small exam. This is a prerequisite for accessing orders for writing comments. The main goal of the examination is to show the skill competently and beautifully writing. One of the components - writing little revocation on one of the five proposed topics. The outfit length should be 500 characters without spaces. Uniqueness - at least 85%. Check the indicator is necessary on.

In the process of passing the exam is allowed to edit the text only once . After sending revocation, editing is not possible.

The administration checks the exam within 5 days. If he successfully passes, you will receive an appropriate notification and admission to the tasks that are in writing comments. It remains to start earnings.

Do not forget to fill your personal profile. Specify the wallet number to which you will withdraw money. Push your personal data, download the avatar. Be sure to specify the themes in which you understand. It will simplify the search for suitable tasks, will increase earnings. The amount of all is limited, ask only well-known directions.

To expand the list of available tasks, verify the account. The procedure is not mandatory.

Completed task should be sent to check the site administration through a special form. If it is performed qualitatively, the account is charged. The customer has the right to refuse payment. Considering the refusal unreasonable, submit a complaint of the site administration.

In some cases, to confirm the execution of the order you need to load screenshots. Pay attention to this item.

Remember, working on the stock exchange, you have the opportunity rant, qualitatively performing orders in the right amount. This contributes to an increase in earnings due to the availability of more expensive tasks. With high rank you can earn up to 300 rubles per day, paying a lesson for several hours.

Earnings allowed on or. The minimum amount for output is 100 rubles or 2 dollars.

Forumok - easy earnings in contact on comments

Another popular portal for working with VC. It exists online long time, proved transparency and honesty.

Initially, pass simple procedure registration as an artist, specifying the current address email and password. Repeat the password, agree with the terms of use of the service, confirm the registration. Next, enter the code in the window that appears or go active link From the letter received by the specified e-mail. Fill out empty profile fields, specify the WebMoney e-wallet address for the subsequent output of the funds you could earn.

Before starting to execute orders, tie an account from VKontakte. Then, to start work, click the "Order Search" button. After you see a list of tasks available for performing tasks. They are divided into two categories, depending on the need to confirm the consent for execution by the Customer. Select the appropriate option.

The magnitude of earnings for one order reaches 40 rubles. It all depends on the complexity of the task. For writing a comment for VKontakte will work out several rubles. To increase the profitability of activities, take into work and other orders.

You can make earnings in the amount of 200 rubles. Applications are processed within a few days.

SocialTools allows you to earn in comments in VKontakte

In terms of its specifics, there is little different from the Explained stock exchange. It also needs to register as a performer and logged in the system. The main thing is to indicate real information about yourself, otherwise the account can be blocked. To gain access to commenting tasks in VKontakte, tie your account.

To start work, press the button in the upper left corner of the page, which is displayed as a list. You will see available to perform the task. Try to faster orient and take orders. Disassemble profitable work fairly quickly. Without seeing a suitable order, refresh the page in a few minutes.

Selecting a good task, read the rules of its execution. If they arrange, enter the captcha and click "send an application for participation." After taking an order to work, hand over the finished result with the report (usually) is needed within 24 hours.

Payment for work is accrued for 2 days. If money did not do, contact your support service. Display funds that managed to earn is allowed in three ways: on WebMoney wallet, mobile account or Yandex.Money.

How much will it work on VKontakte comments

Make money on comments in VC you can about 300 rubles per day. It all depends on the selected stock exchange, the rates of customers, the number of rejected tasks. In general, the idea should be considered as additional income. It is ineffective as the main income. Most often comments are written by students, moms on maternity leave, persons who have enough of the best time.

From an evenings of earnings with the help of any social network, be it Vkontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram and others - one of the popular novice maimykers. You can earn in both the group, and only with the help of a personal page of any social network ...

Many do not even realize that it is possible not to be stitching for hours in social networks (after all, the majority do it), and also with the benefit for your pocket, or rather for the electronic wallet. For you, social networks still remain only a source of communication? Do not lose opportunities to make money on it!

If you have a promotion account, say, in the social network Vkontakte, then you can easily earn with it. And the earnings will depend on how much your VK or group is unwind.

Earnings in the social network VKontakte: how to start what you need to do, where and how much you can earn

First, register the e-wallet of Webmani, you will withdraw money here.

Second, register on the social network VKontakte. Even if you already have a page, I strongly recommend starting a new one (specifically for earnings), and then unlock it:

  • put your photos (it is possible that there is no facial), just do not swing pictures of people from the Internet;
  • add friends and the more, the better, preferably at least 100 people;
  • ask friends "Pour" your records and pictures;
  • make a few repost Himself on the wall.

This will be enough for the page to look more naturally and was not similar to the fake.

By the way, with the help of the stock exchanges that we will look at below, you can easily and quickly unwind the account on any social network: in VKontakte, on Twitter, Instagram, Yutub and others. And the more you will have the created pages in various social networks, the more your income will be. Therefore, pay for some time to be fulfillment.

So, now about earnings money using VKontakte.

What do you need to do to make money in VKontakte? What work is to be in front of you? Well, everything is simple! Types of tasks on the stock exchanges are as follows:

  • put like;
  • tell friends;
  • join a group or community;
  • subscribe to news;
  • leave a comment;
  • add as Friend;
  • make a repost;
  • view video;
  • subscribe to the channel;
  • vote;
  • and other...

How much can you earn through VKontakte? All your actions will be paid in the following tariffs (relevant at the time of writing the article):

  • likes and voting (the most simple actions) - 0.75 rubles;
  • join the community, watch videos, reposts and so on - from 1 to 4 rubles;
  • leave a comment - from 4 to 30 rubles.

Earnings are quite simple, especially if you need to put like, vote or join the VKontakte group, which is performed in seconds. A little more comprehensive - comments, but they are paid above. And if you correct your work correctly, then the income can reach several hundred rubles every day.

Thirdly, register on the stock exchanges, read their interface and start making money.

Exchange for earnings in social networks VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook

Popular stock exchanges for promotion and earnings using social network VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.


Forumok - Posting Exchange, as well as site promotion system and earnings on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and others. The forum has been working since 2010, has a pleasant design, you will pay for Folloving, tweets and retwees, comments, huskies, and so on. Payments are produced on WebMoney wallet from 200 rubles. It seems a big amount, and it seems not, given a large selection of various expensive tasks, you draw it quickly.

  • Go to Forumok ...


QComment is a great project for social promotion and not only. Also, Exchange presents you the opportunity to receive income on writing comments and video viewing. The minimum amount to withdraw 100 rubles, payments to Webmoney accounts and Yandex money.

  • Go to QComment ...


Vktarget is a wonderful exchange, a lot of work is available for you every day. The service supports work with multiple social networks, such as: VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Everything accounts You can use in one project. The minimum amount for the withdrawal of 50 rubles, payments to Webmoney, Yandex Money, QIWI -Clake.

  • Go to Vktarget ...


VKSerfing - Exchange and promotion exchange in social networks, working only with VKontakte. Receive funds from 50 rubles per WEBMoney wallet or balance mobile phone. Conclusions are carried out every Saturday.


Prospero is a system for earning and promotion on social networks, but more emphasis is on Twitter account. Register on the Project Protection, perform tasks and receive payment from advertisers. The minimum output amount is absent, and payments are carried out on WMZ and WMR WELLS WEBMONEY. Do not forget to get acquainted with the FAQ section.

  • Go to Prospero ...

Hello! In this article we will tell about what is the earnings in social networks.

Today you will learn:

  1. In which social networks to really earn;
  2. What will have to do to receive income;
  3. For whom this work is suitable.

Why exactly social networks

Almost every PC user is registered at least in one social. resource. It is there that people spend most of their time, communicate, get acquainted, play games, recognize new information and even make purchases. So why not start making money on the most popular sites.

According to statistics, only 0.01% of all registered users earn on this field. Therefore, as you can see, there is, but it is not global.

Millions of people with hours, and then the days are sitting in Vkontakte, classmates, Facebook and other similar sites, browsing various posts, put husky, play games, etc. But it is not necessary to do just like that. This can earn. Are interested in? Then we will gladly share all existing methods Earn money in social networks.

For whom this kind of earnings will fit

And for some people work in social. The network becomes the main source of income. They spend a lot of time at the computer and know how much.

We are confident that everyone can try. After all, you are not risking anything, and you can stop at any time.

A bit of theory

We are confident that if you are currently reading our article, then registered in one of the social. Networks. You will probably understand what is likes, posts, groups, etc. But all people have a different idea of \u200b\u200bthese terms, so we will be cleared, which implies each of these concepts.

Husky - This is a kind of button by clicking which the user agrees with the fact that the photo, or the post he likes. Let's call this button "Like". In "Odnoklassniki" it is called "class".

Repost - Publication of information. By pressing a specific icon, the user adds a repost to his own wall (in order not to lose, or in order to see other users).

Wall - This is the space on the page of the user, where its photos, comments, saved repipes, etc. can be displayed.

Group - This is a community that has a certain topic where people come with similar interests.

Public - This is a type of group.

Ways to make money on social networks

Before describing in detail existing methods Revenue receipt, we will give a list of the most popular methods of earnings in social. Networks:

  1. The simplest earnings on likes, repost, etc.;
  2. Creation of a group, public, community and their subsequent sale;
  3. Cooperation with advertisers and posting advertising information in their group;
  4. Acceptance of participation in;
  5. (traffic arbitration);
  6. , Joint purchases;

Each of the methods of earnings is good in its own way. They have advantages and disadvantages. We will look at them a little later.

In which social. Networks can be earned


  • In contact with;
  • Facebook;
  • Instagram;
  • Twitter;
  • YouTube, etc.

Where to begin

After that, we carry out the following actions:

  1. We register and create your own page (fill all the data).
  2. We draw it up, fill in photos, enter into groups, etc.
  3. We start looking for friends.
  4. Create wallets. Better if there are at least three (WebMoney, Yandex.Corsselk and Kiwi).
  5. In case of need we create a community.
  6. We begin to work actively.

Depending on the selected method, users will perform various tasks to achieve their goal - making profit. Start everything from the simple steps that we have listed, and at 6 points each user roads diverge. Where and what they will lead we will tell now.

How to earn VKontakte

Simple work

Let's start with the simplest. This is a job where money is paid for performing certain actions.

You can offer:

  • Marked like the specified photos or reposities;
  • Add to the wall already published entries, that is, repress the publication;
  • Join the necessary groups, communities, publics;
  • Comment specified photos and published records;
  • "Ask for friends";
  • Send invitations to meetings or join groups.

in social Networks - Pretty simple work that does not require large intellectual abilities. The main advantage of this earnings is also an older person.

But it is not necessary to hope that the earnings on the Likes VK will bring you a million profit. For simple work, a small salary is relying. If you have a desire, you can start your career on the net with such a part-time. Over time, it will be enough for you, and you will continue to develop, mastering new methods.

In the meantime, tell me how to make money in this way.

  1. Registered on one of the following services:
  • Vktarget;
  • Forumok;
  • Qcomment;
  • Roboliker;
  • Licksrock;
  • V-Like;
  • SMO-PULT, etc.
  1. From the available tasks, choose the one with which you can cope.
  2. Perform it.
  3. Get money to the account.

Earnings on groups

There are several ways. The essence of one of them is as follows. You create a group, fill it with information, "spin", and then sell a potential customer.

And now everything is in order.

First you need to decide on the subject of the future community. After that, go to the creation of the group. It is done quite simply, with what a schoolboy will cope. But how to choose the subject to choose the group to be popular and users willingly join it, we will now tell.

Very much depends on the topic. Currently, people try not to read useless and uninteresting information. They enter the thematic groups based on their interests and preferences.

For example, a schoolboy will rather choose a community where subscribers will communicate on the topic computer games And will not look towards the group called "Entertaining Physics".

The following topics are considered to be the following topics:

  • Women's theme (beauty, health, psychology of relations, etc.);
  • (Forex, stock exchanges, etc.);
  • Building;
  • Medical preparations and equipment;
  • Chinese goods;
  • The property;
  • Hand-Maid;
  • Auto, spare parts, tuning;
  • Comedy, jokes, sale of goods with WOW-effect.

After creating a group, proceed to its filling and design. This can be done independently. In the network, find information, pictures corresponding to the topic of your group. You can arrange a community using standard templates.

It remains to search for subscribers. This can be done without investing money, but the process can delay for a long month, or pay a certain amount, but the result will be obtained at times faster.

Why do it? Everything is simple. The more subscribers, the higher the price of your community. For example, a group with 10 thousand subscribers can be sold for 10 thousand rubles.

If you decide not to invest in the promotion, then you will have to search for your community subscribers yourself. You must send invitations to join the group to your friends (this is for starters) and have to ask them to do the same. A kind of "sarafined radio."

Remember that you cannot send more than 40 invitations per day. If the site administration will notice any violations in your actions, or someone will complain about your community, the group freezing will follow.

In just a few days, the number of subscribers exceeded 10 thousand. But she did not send anything so much, he said that the ship from China came out a week ago and will soon be everything. When people realized that they were deceived, complained about this group and Marina itself, after which the community and the account were frozen.

In addition, regular publications should be really interesting and useful. "Dead groups", where, from the side of subscribers, no activity is observed and remain unclaimed.

If you are ready to pay for speed, then in a short period of time you will be helped to "promote" a group. It will make those people who earn likes, reposts and comments. To do this, you need to use one of the services (we will give them a little later), after which people will start working.

Remember that a large half of the pages of your subscribers can be blocked in a few days. You need to track them and delete them. Otherwise, your community can be "frozen." Most often, real and active users make up 30% of all subscribers you find with the help of specials. Services.

After the group is created and promoted, it remains to be advertised and selling it. Calculate the cost of your creation is simple enough. 1 thousand subscribers \u003d 1 thousand rubles. But remember that groups of less than 10 thousand people are not interested in anyone.

Buyers are easier to find in social. networks and other information resourceswhere Such a product is offered.

Earnings on advertising

This kind of earnings is suitable for people who, creating their community, are in no hurry to sell it. And correctly do. Popular active group It is capable of bringing good profits.

The essence of this earnings in the following: you have a "promoted" community, find advertisers who want to put their promotional post on the wall of the group.

Before rejoice in the possibilities of passive earnings, answer the following questions:

  • Does the subject of advertising matters the subject? For example, if you are the creator of a women's magazine, then you can safely post advertising cosmetic products, clothes, etc.
  • Will advertised products (in case of use) damage to people? It is impossible to post advertising of dubious goods or services. Your subscribers trust you, and dubious information can spoil your reputation.
  • Not too much advertising? If advertising posts are too much, then you can lose part of your subscribers. It should not be obsessive and throw. People must be comfortable in your community.


Affiliate programs - a promising way to make money for people who have promoted groups. The meaning of the idea is as follows. You find a suitable affiliate program, create a post that has an advertising character and call for your subscribers to make any action (follow the link to buy one or another product, subscribe to the newsletter, etc.).

This is one of the types of passive earnings that can bring good money. Moreover, the magnitude of earnings has no restrictions.

How to make money in classmates

Each person has its own preferences. This applies to the choice of social. network. Therefore, if you decide to earn in this way, we recommend choosing the site where you feel more comfortable.

Now we will tell about the methods of earnings in Odnoklassniki. Sites VKontakte and very similar, therefore, the methods of earnings are similar.

In Ok, as well as in VC, you can earn, performing certain actions, put the classes (they are like), to make repographs, join groups. You can also make money on advertising in groups or affiliate programs. This was already written above, so we will not repeat.

We will analyze several more cases of earnings.

Creating an online store

How to do it?

You create a fake page (in order not to clog your) or group. Fill their photos, catalogs, various information, "promotion" account, look for subscribers and friends. After that, it remains to receive orders and send them to customers.

You can try raropsping. This is a trade activity, where you are a link between the owner of the goods and the real buyer.

This is the same online store, only you do not buy goods. Just just download the photo, where the entire range of goods supplier is represented, and find the buyer. Prices for sold products are set slightly higher than that of the supplier. This difference will be your earnings. It remains to take the order and transfer it to the seller. He, in turn, will send the purchase at once to the Client. That is, you sell what has never been kept in your hands.

Having earn in this way, you will not worry about that you will have units of unreasonable goods.

Another option of the online store can be the creation of a group of joint purchases. In such communities, people buy a batch of goods at a wholesale price, and then everyone takes themselves the desired size, coloring, etc. You can act as administrator.

Your responsibilities will be included:

  • Find wholesale sites and offer people to buy one or another thing;
  • Find those who want to buy a batch of goods;
  • Collect from all money;
  • Checkout and get it in the mail;
  • Sent to customers.

The magnitude of earnings will depend only on you. In the price of each unit of goods you include organizational collection. Most often it is 10-15% of the purchase price. This amount is your salary. That is, the more orders we collect, the more profit will get.

Earnings on games

Increasingly, people are fond of games in social. networks. They spend a lot of time sitting at the computer and even invest money in the promotion of their hero. In order to rise to a certain level in the game, it is necessary not one day to sit on the network. There are people who do not know how to wait. They need it all right away. Therefore, they agree to buy already "promoted" account.

If you spend a lot of time playing games, then such a kind of earnings will suit you perfectly. You will need to analyze what kind of social games. Networks are most popular, start playing and reach a high level. After that, it remains to find the buyer and sell an account.

How to make money in instagram

In instagram really earn money, only for this you need to have a "promoted" page. That is, the audience should be several thousand people. Now go directly to the methods of earnings yourself.

Advertising of their services

If you are a creative person and possess the talent of the photographer, artist, stylist, designer, etc., then your services can be offered on my page by posting photos of your work.

But remember that the pictures taken should be high Quality, and the price is adequate.

Photo sale

It is in Instagram that exists the possibility of photographers to sell their masterpieces.

To do this, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Promoting their page;
  2. Creating thematic tags for each photo and their binding to the page;
  3. Use Inselly service. This is a resource created for earnings only in instagram. It helps sell your photos. It works simple enough. You must attach the #inselly tag to your photos and then millions of users will see your work.

Print photo.

From time to time, people want to print some pictures and insert them into the album. At this desire you can earn. To do this, you will need the appropriate equipment, namely the printer, color ink and photographic paper.

In addition to these methods, part-time, in this social. The network can also be made by making likes, adding a publication on the wall, advertising some kind of product or service, participating in affiliate programs.

If you are tormented by the question "How much do you earn in instagram?" No one will give you an answer.

Many factors affect the amount of income:

  • Way of earning;
  • The popularity of your page (the number of friends);
  • The presence of free time to work in social. network, your desire, etc.

How to make money in YouTube

This site allows not only to watch videos, but also helps make money.

If you do not download your own video, then you can earn, viewing the rollers, and putting "like".

Owners of own channels can be earned by posting video. When the audience of your subscribers is big enough, you may be offered to make money on advertising. If you are shooting and posting master classes, you may be asked to advertise some product. Or offer to insert a commercial in your video.

How to make money on twitter

In this social Networks can also be made on like / tweets, to make repographs, create groups, unwind them, advertise any products, participate in affiliate programs

Sites for earnings in social networks

There are many services that perform a variety of functions. On one you can (smear likes, repress publications), another allows you to quickly "wind up" a large number of subscribers for your group.

Now we will tell about the most popular sites that help earn in social. networks.

Vktarget. - Reliable and proven service that helps to make money in such social. Networks like Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte and YouTube. By registering, you have the opportunity to choose to task and start it. If you are the creator of the community and you have many subscribers, then you will also make money even easier.

Freeliked - This is a service that helps "cheat" likes and unwind groups. For invitations to subscribers, repositions of records, etc. Promise reward.

QComment. - This is the stock exchange, where anyone can earn on the following actions:

  • Writing reviews, comments, as well as manifested activity on the forums. For one comment pay 2-46 rubles;
  • Like prostanovka (from 50 kopecks for one mouse click);
  • Repost of publications (from 1.5 rubles per repost);
  • Entry into groups and publics (from 1 ruble);
  • View videos (from 1 ruble).

As you can see, the spectrum of the vacancies offered is large, and payment is adequate.

SMMOK-OK. - Website for earning in social. Web Performing simple actions (staging of classes, entry into groups, etc.), you are paid real money.

Vkbot.- Service that allows you to "promote" accounts and communities in the social network VK.

Prospero. - A site that allows you to earn in the most popular social networks. A large number of tasks, when executing which you can earn good money.

SocialTools. - The site by which you can earn in 8 social. networks. Competition on this resource is small, rates are average, so if you wish, you can work out there.


In the event that you are an ambitious person and strive for something more, then keep a public monetization, create an online store, sell your photos.

Be prepared for what you have to learn a lot. But we believe in you and your strength. Remember, purposeful people always achieve their!

Hello, dear blog readers Site! In today's article, we will get acquainted with the services offered to make money on social networks and on the forums. Earnings lies in the execution simple action: Likes, comments, subscriptions, additions to friends, etc. Industry, oddly enough, quite highly paid, so the prospects here are obvious.

Below we present to your attention a list of services that make possible earnings in VKontakte, Instagram and other "human bindings". Each project has its own characteristics, but still the work system is almost everywhere. For maximum income increase We strongly recommend using the listed projects at the same time (plus what is described in the article).

Money for husky in intriguet and how to increase earnings

Separate section decided to devote online service vktarget . Many are starting with him, and those who "felt" the topic remains on it. The main problem of this service (actually, like many others) - obtaining a small number of tasks. You are ready to put likes, to repure and share posts all day (or night), but the tasks as it came to come to the offensive rarely.

What's the matter? Whether there is a recipe for increasing the number of tasks? There is, and it will be said about it (and even shown) just below the text. But still get acquainted with common opportunities Earn money on this service to represent what will be discussed.

VK-Target - How to make money on accounts in VK, Instagram and other social networks

When creating an account, the administration will ask to specify the floor. The Facebook account must correspond to the data entered: if you are a man, then the page should be done on a man. Required condition Work is a real and unique photo (uniqueness is easily checked).

Tasks are not distributed by groups, but this is not necessary due to their few. To start performing clicking "View task" and go to a page in Facebook. We make the right action, we return to the site and in the automatically opened window, select "I completed the task" or "refuse":

Vkservfing - money for husky, joining groups and reposites in contact

Just like in B-Like, registration is not required here - it will be enough to just enter using your account in contact (you need to work with the cursing in the same browser where you enter VC). All, then you can start performing tasks located on the tab of the same name from the top menu. Tasks not so so that there is a lot, but if you earn immediately on many similar services, then enough.

After completing the first twenty tasks, you will be offered to confirm your mobile number (to verify). The minimum amount to the conclusion is 50 rubles (not very small). Earnings in VkSerfing not so that it turns out very big, but in addition to the services voiced above will be just right. In addition, this requires only an account in VK, which is certainly at all. IMHO.

Forum - earn not only in social networks, but also on the forums

To perform any task, we must first select the service in the left controlled menu, with which we plan to cooperate (this is part of the social network part), or choose something one between blogs and forums. Then click "search orders" and choose to your taste. The money for the work here is offered fairly fairly:

The referral program in Like Rock Three-level: From the first level, we receive 5 percent of the earnings of the performers and 20 percent from the advertiser's expenses. From the second and third level, interest from the income of the performers do not come, but it is possible to receive 5% and 1%, respectively, from the expenses of advertisers.

A few more services Monetization of social networks - a list

  1. Vprka. - Service has existed for quite some time. Besides like and repost, there is a bit more complex tasks ().
  2. Sarafanka - one of the oldest servicesBut recently changed the owner and became. Be carefull.

Conclusion About earnings in social networks on the Internet

In our review, we looked at seven (or a little more) projects that allow you to earn more or less decent money on litters, subscriptions, entry into the community and other actions in various social networks. Most of the services reviewed contains assignments for domestic social skins: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc., but a lot of people, where international services are dominated: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ...

If you want to make money in social networks really good money, register on as many sites as possible, pre-choosing for yourself the most than anyone perfect from the described: Vktarget, SMMOK, etc. Try to show activity at least in several groups of those in which you enter, update photos and entries in your account so that it seemed alive and natural. Thus, you are guaranteed to protect yourself from a ban, you can work on social networks as much as you consider it necessary.

In general, unqualified work is not particularly paid, therefore it is worth a quantity. Source to social networks i would advise you to receive money with:

  1. Cryptocurrency is gaining popularity and its prey becomes profitable. Few know that eats so-called cryptocurrency cranesWhere you can get crypto coins for free:
  2. Exchange or other cryptocurrency on rubles and other real or electronic can be in online exchangersfrom which the most attractive on this moment are:
  3. With your cell phone . Put one of the above applications and get money for the installation of programs and games, the authors of which you need to dial views:
  4. You can get money for passing tests ( polls) On various specialized sites like:
    1. Oblock (50 rubles give only registration)
  5. There is an opportunity to write reviews Or comments for money in such services as:
  6. there is freelance tradingwhere special skills are not required:
  7. there is text stock exchangeswhere it is only required to be worn to write essays on the topic:

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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