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What is an adob reader. Adobe Reader XI - what is this program? How to download free desktop and mobile versions of Acrobat Reader

Salute to all. Let's talk about a program like Adobe reader XI, I will try to write everything in simple language. So folks, Adobe Reader is a PDF reader and can also print content. PDF is the most popular format in which there are books, documents, magazines of all kinds, in general, everything is on paper. in electronic format can be found most often in PDF format... Also, Adobe Reader can work as a plug-in for browsers, as I understand it, if there is a link to a PDF file on the page, then with one click, Adobe Reader will open this file. Also, the program can play flash video in a PDF file, by the way, I didn't even know that it might be there. I thought only pictures.

Well, that is, everything is clear, I think, right? Adobe Reader is a PDF reader, and XI is just a version, that is, the 11th. By the way, this is the most popular reading room in general. But not everything is so simple. I once tried Adobe Reader, externally and everything else seems to be pleasant, there are no questions. But I didn't like the speed of work, it works a little slower on weak hardware than analogs. But this is, if the computer is modern and powerful, then it is best to use all the same Adobe Reader, this is my opinion =)

So what else can you do in Adobe Reader? You can comment on 3D content that was created in Acrobat Adobe 3D. As for the comments, this is certainly interesting. You can scale certain areas of the document, for example, if the small print. Reproduction of media content, video, audio, all kinds of graphics. You can search the Internet directly from Adobe Reader, a trifle, but it's nice all the same. As I understand it, there are plugins for popular browsers in the kit. There is even support for online video conferences, not just a reader, but some kind of harvester. Support for digital signatures. Several people can work on the same document, which is also a great feature. There are even some tools that make it easier for those who have poor vision.

I have Adobe program Reader XI is there, I don't remember when I installed it, but it is present. So I opened the Start menu and here she is sitting here, see:

When I launched the shortcut, such a window opened, as I understand it, this is a type of license agreement, in short, I clicked the Accept button:

Then the reader itself appeared:

As you can see, there is an option to open last file, some Adobe Online Services, you can convert PDF to Word or Excel format, you can create PDF, there is general access to files, everything else has been advanced. I pressed the Tools button:

The area appeared like this, see:

Create PDF is meant to create it from an office document, because when I clicked on Select file, the following window appeared:

Do you see what files are meant there? These are doc, docx, xls extensions, in short there are a lot of them, so I took a picture of the tooltip:

And after choosing such a file, it will be possible to convert it to PDF in short, well, actually interesting. In the same area, well, where is Create PDF, then there is also the Send files item (Adobe SendNow module), here it is:

Convenient thing, you can specify a file, mail and the file will be sent to the mail directly from the program. Really convenient =)

To open the settings, you need to call the Edit menu and select the Settings item there:

And the settings will appear, guys there are just darkness:

There are so many settings that I thought, maybe Adobe Reader is really too packed with all sorts of functions and maybe that's why it works slowly on weak hardware ..

Guys, in the View menu I found the Read Out Loud option, it's cool, as I understand it, the ReadOut Loud module is needed for this:

Now let's try opening a PDF file in Adobe Reader. So I found some instruction, right-click and select Open with Adobe Reader XI:

But such a message appeared, they say the program has already been launched (it can be seen badly because of the stupid inscription Windows Activation):

Then I just double-clicked on the file and the document was opened. Probably a glitch. Here's how it looks:

As for me, everything is fine. And it works smartly, maybe the developers have already optimized the program, or maybe smartly because the computer is no longer weak =) If you press this button:

Then the thumbnails of the pages will be conveniently shown:

The second button, well, like a paperclip, then if you press it, all attached files will be displayed:

The last, third button, there are some standards, in short, nothing interesting =) If you right-click on the document, you will see such a menu with the following functions:

Minimized Adobe Reader, launched the task manager:

In the dispatcher I saw many pieces from Adobe, in principle there is nothing surprising, it has always been this way:

And then, I think that this is not all .. =) In short, I right-clicked on Adobe Reader, selected the Detail item there:

I saw that the program is functioning under the AcroRd32.exe process, here it is:

By the way, you see, in general, there are two AcroRd32.exe processes, one eats little operatives, and the other is more =) AcroRd32.exe is launched from this folder:

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Adobe \ Reader 11.0 \ Reader

By the way, when I closed the PDF document, the AcroRd32.exe processes disappeared, that is, it turns out that they are needed to display the document =)

Well guys, now you know what the Adobe Reader XI program is for? I hope so, this is just a PDF reader, and by the way, as I noticed it is convenient, it works smartly. Well, on the old hardware it might be better to look at another reader.

By the way, I still don't understand paid program or not .. because in the Help menu there is a Buy item Adobe acrobat:

In short, I don’t know, but I didn’t see this, well, there’s like a test period, there are so many days left for you, there’s nothing like that ...

In general, it is not clear. Found the answer on the Internet, guys, there is Reader, and there is Acrobat! So just the first is free, only reads, and the second is paid, because there you can still edit. But the confusion due to the fact that they write Adobe Acrobat Reader is such a joke.

Okay guys, I'll show you how to uninstall Adobe Reader XI, hold down the Win + R buttons, enter the command:

In the list of software, find Adobe Reader XI, right-click, select Delete:

And then you delete it, there will be hints, I'm sure you can handle it, there is no fold.

Let's wrap up guys, I wrote everything here and so many things. I wish you good luck and super mood, I look forward to seeing you again!

Good day! In this article, we will conduct an overview of the Adobe Reader program, and understand “what is adobe reader for”. Consider what kind of program it is and "what it is eaten with."

Adobе Rеader is a software package developed and produced by Adobе Systеms for creating and viewing electronic documents in PDF format. And so, what is the adobe reader program for? We figured out: "to read files in PDF format", and what is a PDF file?

Then let's see what the PDF file format is and what it is for.

Portablе Documеnt Format (PDF) is a cross-platform electronic document format created by Adobе Systеms. It is primarily intended for convenient presentation of text-graphic information in electronic form; a significant number of modern professional printing equipment can directly process PDF. PDF is a versatile file format supported on this moment all possible systems. Majority text editors easily create PDF files, in accordance with any ideas of the author. This format has become widespread precisely due to its versatility, accessibility and due to the provision for the user of a huge palette of possibilities for the presentation of text and graphic information.

Adobе Rеader is a free and most widespread viewer PDF documents... Those. Adobе Readеr is by far the most popular PDF reader.

Adobе Readеr is naturally not the only one free program for PDF viewer documents, but due to the mass of advantages, it is currently the most popular. Adobe Reader supports all the features provided by the PDF format, including the newest ones.

Much attention was paid to the interface and navigation, as well as the ability to scale documents. Convenient tools for working with bookmarks are offered, it is possible to view the document in the form of thumbnails.

To perform various operations, there are various tools, when using which you can copy the selected text (if it is not protected), use a magnifying glass, take pictures of the selected part of the page, use the navigation window. The magnifying glass mode is used for people with low vision. There is a text search both in the form of highlighting the search word and in the form of a table.

But there are also disadvantages.

The distribution is too large for the viewer. In addition, the installation is still too long, which begs the question, and for what and for what processes so long. On a computer with weak hardware, the program will slow down.

Yet these are not disadvantages in the modern world, I think no one will feel sorry for 100 MB of hard disk space. On any modern computer this program starts up and runs fast enough. The stability of the program is excellent, we can say that it is flawless. Naturally, there is localization in almost any language, including Russian. Although the intuitive interface allows you to use any localization of the program without problems for the user.

I think now the question of what Adobe Reader is for you have disappeared.

Thank you for the attention!

Hello dear friends! Probably, each of us at least once used pdf files in our daily work. This extension has taken hold in the office environment due to its simplicity, ease of use and customization.

This extension was created by the famous software by Adobe Systems, which has specialized in the development of office and design applications since 1993.

During this time, the company has accumulated vast technological experience in the development of office programs... One of her famous brainchildren is the free program Adobe Reader with support for the Russian language; in advertising brochures they often write (Rus), although this is the same thing.

The most important thing is that the menus and other elements of the program are well-translated into Russian and are intuitively understandable to the end user. The most popular version at the moment is Adobe Reader 9 with Russian language support. The latest developed version is 11.

Some technical data of the software:

  • Adobe Reader is compatible with: Windows XP, Vista, Seven (7), Unix, iOS, SymbianOS, PocketPC, Playbook
  • Possibility of use as free app for mobile phone(for example Nokia)
  • Is friends with Android system(Android), also compatible with other PDAs

Why do you need Adobe Reader (Adobe Reader) to download for free - the main functions of the program.

In fact, everything is simple and logical with the program. She's kind advertising campaign more perfect product of the same company - Adobe Acrobat. To attract potential customers was given the opportunity to download for free simple version program called Adobe Reader and implemented two main functions: viewing the .pdf format and printing it. Naturally, the paid analogue has much more functionality and capabilities, but we are not interested in this, since our site is dedicated to free programs and utilities.

Let's better talk about what useful things can be done with free utility Adobe Reader. Above, I already said that it has two main functions: opening the pdf format, reading it and printing it. The software also has a number of interesting additional features:

  • Commenting out a specific piece of text
  • Scaling sheets "for themselves" when viewing
  • Added document search function
  • Can be previewed when printing
  • Starting with Adobe Reader 9, support is built in Adobe flash
  • The latest version of the software introduced the CreatePDF module, with which you can convert any document to pdf format

How to use Adobe Reader - a quick guide.

Due to the fact that the program is popular and the latest version has a rather complex functionality, I decided to supplement the articles with a small instruction on the use of Adobe Reader. I will skip the moment of downloading and installing the application, I think it will not be difficult with this. If you do not know where to download, then read the article to the end and then follow the link “download” - before the conclusions. Now let's look at the main points in practice.

Let's say we have some kind of pdf file (only it is supported) and we need to work with it. Our steps are simple. Opening the file double click mouse and get into the working environment of the Reader. It is no different from programs of this type: for example - Word. There are several work tabs

  • Editing
  • View
  • reference

Each of them has a number of other tabs. The most interesting for us will be the “Editing” tab. It contains the main functions of setting up the program. I am satisfied with the default mode of operation, so I did not go deep into editing. If you want to improve something, then I recommend delving into the "Edit" tab.

Along with the main menu, there is also a menu quick launch... This is done for our convenience - all basic and desired functions always in sight and at hand. There is:

  • file format conversion
  • printing on a printer
  • sending a document by email
  • go to a specific page
  • enlarge / reduce document
  • automatic fit of the document to the screen size

That's all the simple elements of the program. I think that even a beginner can use Adobe Reader. Everything is very simple and intuitive.

Adobe Reader 9 free download Russian version

Conclusions: download latest version the reader can follow the link above. A simple free program for working with pdf format. At the moment one of best utilities in this niche.

Hello everyone) We will study such software as Acrobat Reader DC what it is, why and how to remove it. So, Acrobat Reader DC is a reader for every reader in the world. This is the most important reader of any reading material in PDF format. There are alternative readers, small and each one is good in its own way, for example, or. Moreover, they are all free, just like Acrobat Reader DC itself (the regular version of Reader).

I don't understand why many people don't like Acrobat Reader DC. I've opened it and everything is done quite conveniently and clearly in it, it does not slow down or buggy. In general, there are no jambs, why everyone prefers alternative solutions then? Oh, I remembered. Acrobat Reader DC only supports PDF, I can't say anything here. But no, I can. But popular books and magazines often come in this PDF format, and not in the less popular DjVu. By the way, there is a very good one for DjVu WinDjView program, this is just a note to you.

After installing Acrobat Reader DC, you can notice the armsvc.exe process in you, but if anything, you can easily)

I completely like the appearance of the program, it is convenient, there is nothing superfluous, it is not overloaded with anything. See for yourself:

So I opened the CHIP log for an example, it's very easy to read, there is nothing superfluous:

Here is the Tools tab, different options are presented here:

By the way, in order to create PDF, you must first subscribe to a paid subscription)

At the top there is a View button, if you press it, such a convenient menu will appear:

So I think you understand what this program is and what it is for. Do you need it? Well, decide for yourself. If you often read books or magazines in PDF format, then I think you need it. Well, if you don’t read it, then you should probably demolish it.

How can I completely remove Acrobat Reader DC from my computer?

If you are, so to speak, a pro in computers and are well versed in software, then it seems to me that it is better for you to use a special program killer called! Its trick is that it makes the removal more effective, since after it scans the system for more garbage from the program and then deletes it too)

Now I will show you how to uninstall the program with the built-in capabilities of the Windows itself.

First, open the Start menu, select Control Panel there:

If you have Windows 10, then there this item can be found in the menu, which is called by the Win + X buttons!

Then we find the Programs and Features icon, launch it:

A window will open where there will be a list of all those programs that you have installed. Find Acrobat Reader DC here, right-click and select Delete:

The program will be deleted by itself and without any windows at all. And you know I like it. You do not need to click anything, clicked in the Programs and components window to uninstall and that's it, only such a window will appear where the uninstallation progress will be indicated:

That's all, I hope that I wrote everything clearly and easily, good luck to you)
