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How to change the location of standard custom folders in Windows. Changing the download folder in Mozilla Firefox

The default operating system provides users with special folders to save their data, such as Documents, Music, Video, Images etc. Most programs are configured to save user data in these directories. By default, all these folders are on the disk from: in section Users. However, if your operating system cares and the only method of its treatment will be a complete reinstall with disk formatting, then all your data will be permanently disappeared. Therefore, I want to remind, especially novice users, a simple way to avoid these troubles.

So, to safely store your data, even if Windows fails, you must first take care of the transfer of them to another disk. It is best if two physical disks are installed in your computer, but another section of one disk is also suitable.

First of all, you need to open your home directory, which is located at

C: \\ Users \\ username

Then select the folder that we want to transfer, click on it right mouse button and choose in context menu paragraph Properties. In the window that appears, go to the tab Location.

Here we see three buttons, we are interested in average - Move. After pressing it, a folder selection window appears in which we must specify the new location of the standard directory. It remains only to confirm your choice by pressing OK, and then allow the transfer of files to a new location in the pop-up dialog box.

Such simple setupapplied to all the folders you need with your data can save great amount nerves and time in the event of a sudden way out of Windows. You just reinstall the system, then again specify the path to your folders with data on another disk and get back all your photos, movies, music, documents, and even desktop. I recommend that you make this simple maneuver immediately after installing the system.

Hello, readers of our site for beginners. The Internet opens us a lot of useful features. This is the search for information, people, communicating with them through, besides, we can share with our own knowledge, skills through our own website (blog) or using social networks. But in one way or another, we constantly download anything from various resources: programs, music, files, movies, etc. All these downloads are loaded by default into a special folder. Many newcomers do not know where these downloads are. In addition, this folder can be changed, i.e. Specify another folder elsewhere of your computer or laptop.

Today we will look at how to change the folder for downloads in various browsers. Let's start, as always, Google Chrome.

How to change the download folder in chrome

So, in order to find out where files are loaded or simply change the location of the folder, go to the browser settings by entering into the address string chrome: // settings/ And at the bottom, click on the link " Show Advanced Settings»

Go down to the settings section " Downloaded files" Here we see the current path to the downloads folder. To change it, click on the "Edit" button. If you are comfortable to choose a place to download, then install a tick " Always specify a place to download" Now before downloading the file, archive, etc. A window will open to select the download location.

Let's just change the download path. To do this, click " Change».

This window will open, where we sufficiently specify the desired section hard disk and folder. It can be pre-created or right in this window by clicking on the button " Create a folder" After indicated the desired folder For downloads, click " OK" Now all downloadable files will automatically boot into this folder.

Changing the download folder in Mozilla Firefox

This browser also invites us to change the folder to download files. To do this, go to browser settings

Before us familiar settings. To change the folder for downloads click on " Overview…»

How to change the download folder to Yandex browser

Now let's change the folder to download to the Yandex browser. Standard procedure, very similar to the one that we did in Google Chrome: We go to the browser settings

And in the group " Downloads", As before in other browsers, press the button" Change" Then install new folder To download files.

How to change the download folder in Opera

And finally, we will replace the folder in the Opera browser. To do this, go to the settings through the main menu

Or by pressing the keyboard key Alt + P.

Here we have a familiar panel in the settings tab " Maintenance" I think further you do not make it difficult to change the folder using the above methods.

That's so simple and easy to change the folder for downloading files through various browsers. And today, all. To new meetings.

In honor of the New Year, learn decorations from fir trees, to amuse children, roll on sleds from the mountains. And adults of the people of drunkenness and Mordoboy do not teach - for that other days there is enough.


Depending on what browser you use, your actions when determining the path downloads May look different. Consider ways to change ways downloads From the example of the three most popular browsers: Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome.

If you use (Opera), to change the path downloads You need to perform the following steps. Run it, click the "Menu" button (this is located on the right upper part of the browser). Next, you need to select the "Settings" item, where you need to go to the section " General settings" In the window that opens, switch to the "Advanced" tab and click on the "Download". Here you can set the desired folder to save the files.

If you need to change way downloads In (Google Chrome), your actions will look like this. Running, click on the icon located on the right side. In the menu that opens, select "Options", then switch to the "Extended" section. Here you can ask the necessary way downloads. In order not to burden yourself with switching in the settings, after opening the browser, enter address line: chrome: // Settings / Advanced - The desired settings section will open automatically.

To customize the path downloads In Firefox, do the following. Click on the "Tools" menu and go to the "Parameters" section. On the "Main" tab, you can specify the desired file saving options.


How to change the order of downloading devices in the BIOS. After that, the computer will be downloaded from your selected device. To speed up the download of the computer, you can turn off in the BIOS to check unused boot devices - set the value "disabled" for the selected device, if such a function is provided in your bIOS version.

Helpful advice

To apply the changes you made - restart the computer. Editing operating system boot menu using BCDEDIT. BCDEDIT - tool that allows you to change the values windows bootloader, as well as produce it (loader) recovery. For further examples, suppose our download menu contains three entries with identifiers (ID1), (ID2), (ID3). Changing the default system.


  • how to change the save path

Programs and browsers carrying out the download from the Internet, as a rule, save downloaded files in folderDefault. In some cases, the downloaded files are more convenient to save folder, To facilitate the classification of files in the future. Change folder downloads You can in any browser and download manager.


In download manager Download Master folder downloads You can change in two ways. The first way is to permanent change of the folder to save files. To do this, open the program window, go to "Tools" and select the "Settings" command. In the program settings dialog box on the left, select the download string. Then in the right side of the window at the very top Change the current folder To save files (by default - C: downloads) to any other. The second method is to change the storage folder in the download properties window, which is during its start. By clicking on the icon in the form of a folder with a stationery button to this default directory, files of this type will be saved.

To change the folder downloads In Google Chrome, click the settings button in the upper right corner of the window. In the menu that opens, select the "Parameters" button, which will open a special tab with the browser parameters. In the left sidebar of this tab, click on the "Extended" link. Change folder downloads You can click the "Overview" button in front of the "Location of downloaded files". Also, the Google Chrome browser can request the location of the files every time. To do this, simply check the box opposite the corresponding string in the same window. In other browsers folder downloads varies in a similar scheme.


By default, many programs save downloadable files in the C: \\ Downloads \\ directory, so if you are sure that you downloaded the file, but you can't find it, be sure to check this directory.

All modern browsers are equipped with such useful featurelike download manager. But sometimes you can get confused, where did you save the browser recently downloaded file?

You will need

  • - Browser.


Run Google Chrome browser to change the download folder for this browser. Specify any folder on your computer where you must save all downloadable by you, or select the specification of the folder at each download, then the program will ask you to ask you which folder to save the file.

Click on the button with the wrench on the Google Chrome toolbar to change the default download location. Select the "Options" menu item, select the Advanced tab, go to the "Downloads" section to change the default, click the Edit button, then select the desired folder. To select a separate folder for each download, check the checkbox near the "List place to save each file" item.

Find downloaded files google browser Chrome if you did not change the location of the default downloads: Windows XP: / Documents and Settings / User Name / My Documents / DOWNLOADS; OS. Windows Vista.: / Users / "username" / downloads; Mac OS: / Users / Downloads; Linux: Home / "Username" / downloads.

Open browser Opera.To change the folder for downloads. Go to the "Tools" menu - "General Settings" - select the "Advanced" tab, select "Download" in this tab. At the bottom of the window, specify the path to the folder to which the files will be downloaded, To do this, click the "Overview" button, select the folder and click OK.

Launch browser Mozilla. Firefox to change the default download location. Go to the "Tools" menu - "Settings" - "General". In the Download Settings group, check the box in the "path to save files", click the "Overview" button and specify the folder to which you want to save downloads.


  • how to change the specified

There are several ways to transfer files. boot sector from one disk to another. The easiest of them is to use a special disk to restore or a regular system distribution on a DVD disk.

Operational android system It is famous for its simplicity and convenience. And this is actually so. You compare, for example, with a fully closed IOS system on Android everything is clear. The interface will love anyone, even a child. In addition, it is possible to change absolutely everything: color theme, background, icons, animations, lock screen, etc. It would seem that there should be no problems, however, it does not do without difficulties.

So, very many owners of Android devices are puzzled by the problem - how to change the location of the files?
To change the location of the files on Android, you first need to figure out what kind of files are we talking about. Music, photo, video, download or something else.
Photos made in the "Camera" application are standardly stored in the "DCIM" folder, which can be found in the file manager or in the "Gallery" folder.
In the settings of any editor set the path "by default". But if desired, it can be changed within the editor itself.
Players also have the necessary item in the settings.
The files transferred through the Bluetooth channel are saved by default to the "Bluetooth" folder located in the "Downloads folder".
Music, pictures, games, files downloaded from the Internet via the browser are automatically saved in the "Downloads" folder. However, in the browser settings, you can change the place of saving files on Android.
In general, to understand where the files on Android are saved, it does not cause a lot of difficulty. Here are all similar to Windows. Some applications allow the user to choose the path of saving files, others - no. Many applications for this use standard folders (Audio, Video, Download).

If the problem of changing the location of the android files on Android still got sharp enough, then it is recommended to install an ES conductor.
ES Explorer is one of the most popular file managers For Android. With it, you can easily view folders, to carry out various operations with files, view photos and videos, listen to music, etc. The functionality of this small application is huge.
Plus this program can be called easy access To many applications (CoolReader, classmates, VK, translator, etc.).
Another advantage of the ES conductor is to quickly transfer files from a computer to a smartphone and vice versa.
Well, the main thing - the program allows you to change the place of saving files on Android for most programs.

Maintaining your system disk clean and organized, improves the performance of your computer on operating system Windows. Of course, it does not affect the performance of the computer, but largely makes it easier for the user with it. The mess and absentment will definitely harm your daily performance.

The mess is often associated with downloading files that are usually stored in a default folder. Many files loaded through the browser are saved in system disk, in the folder "Downloads". Of course, these files can be moved and manually. But you can also automate the task by making a couple simple actionScribed below for each browser separately.

Step 1. Press three points in the upper right corner of the browser window of the window. Open the General Settings window.

Step 2. In your browser window, a new tab with all major settings will open. Scroll through the page to the end and click on the "Additional" arrow.

Step 3. IN additional settings Find the section on downloaded files. There you will see the current folder where all your boots are saved. It can be changed by clicking on the appropriate button.

Note!Here you can configure the request to specify space for download. Those. You can do so that every time you requested a new place to save the files, or so that he does not disturb you and retain everything in the same place. Change this parameter can be enabled or disabling the function.« Always specify a place to download» .

Step 4. By clicking on the "Edit" button on the screen, a new window will appear in front of you, in which you will be prompted to select a folder to save downloads or create a new one for this purpose. Act at your discretion. Choosing a folder, click OK. All changes will immediately come into force. Now your downloads will be stored in the new folder.

All changes are saved in real time, and as soon as you configure the boot settings, you can close the page and continue viewing.

Fire Fox.

Step 1. Press the large orange button as a browser logo and select "Parameters" to open the Firefox options page.

Step 2. On the General tab, you will find the download option. As in Chrome, you can either change the default directory, or configure Firefox so that it offered you to choose a folder to download each time you try to download any file.

Step 3. Click the OK button to close the options window and save settings.


Step 1. Run the browser and go to the settings. To do this, click on the browser logo in the corner and select them in the menu.

Step 2. All settings will open at once in the new tab. In the "Main" section, find "downloads". To change the folder, you need to do everything the same as in Google Chrome.

Step 3. Click the "Edit" button and select the folder from the existing or create a new one.

Video - How to change the location of the downloadable files

Internet Explorer.

Step 1. To change the default load directly in Internet Explorer.Click on the small settings button in the upper right corner.

Step 2. Click "View Downloads".

Step 3. A new window will open on the screen in which all the last downloaded files will be praised. In the lower left corner you will see the "Parameters" button. Once you click on this button, a window will appear on the screen in which you can set a new folder to download files.

All these methods are successfully operating in. If your program is not among the above, do not despair. All of them have a similar interface and work according to the same principle, so that these recommendations may be useful in any case, the main thing is to understand the sequence:

  1. Open the parameters or settings of your browser.
  2. Find a section on downloaded files.
  3. Change the folder specified in the settings as the location of downloads by default.
  4. Confirm changes and close the settings window.

These simple steps will help you configure your downloads, structure the files you download.