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Event monitor stopped working why. Remove Event Monitor TSS from Microsoft Edge

Sometimes EventMonitors.dll and others errors system errors DLL may be related to issues in the Windows registry. Several programs can share the same EventMonitors.dll file, but when these programs are uninstalled or changed sometimes orphaned (invalid) DLL registry entries are left behind.

Basically, this means that while the actual path to the file may have changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows registry. When Windows tries looking up these incorrect file references (file locations on your PC), EventMonitors.dll errors can occur. In addition, malware infection may have corrupted the registry entries associated with Norton Ghost 14.0. Thus, these invalid DLL registry entries need to be repaired to fix the root of the problem.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid EventMonitors.dll keys is not recommended unless you are PC service professional. Errors made while editing the registry can make your PC inoperable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system... In fact, even a single comma in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, it is highly recommended that you use a reliable registry cleaner such as WinThruster (developed by certified partner Microsoft Silver Level) to scan for and repair any EventMonitors.dll-related registry problems. Using a registry cleaner automates the process of finding invalid registry entries, missing file references (for example, causing the error related to EventMonitors.dll) and broken links in the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy, thanks to which it is possible to undo any changes with one click, which protects against possible damage to the PC. The best part is that fixing registry errors can also significantly increase system speed and performance.

A warning: If you are not experienced user PC, we do NOT recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Incorrect use of Registry Editor can lead to serious problems and require reinstall Windows... We do not guarantee that problems resulting from improper use of Registry Editor can be corrected. Your use of the Registry Editor is at your own risk.

Before manually restoring windows registry. You need to create a backup by exporting a portion of the registry related to EventMonitors.dll (eg.Norton Ghost 14.0):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" v search bar ... DO NOT PRESS YET ENTER!
  3. Holding the keys CTRL-Shift on the keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click on Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the EventMonitors.dll-related key (eg.Norton Ghost 14.0) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File choose Export.
  10. In the list Save to select the folder where you want to save the Norton Ghost 14.0 backup key.
  11. In field File name type a name for your backup file such as "Norton Ghost 14.0 Backup".
  12. Make sure in the box Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click on Save.
  14. The file will be saved with the extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your EventMonitors.dll-related registry entry.

The next steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they can most likely damage your system. If you would like more information on manually editing the registry, please see the links below.

Sometimes eventmonitor.jar and other JAR system errors can be related to problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can share the same eventmonitor.jar file, but when these programs are uninstalled or changed sometimes orphaned (invalid) JAR registry entries are left behind.

Basically, this means that while the actual path to the file may have changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows registry. When Windows tries looking up these incorrect file references (file locations on your PC), eventmonitor.jar errors can occur. In addition, malware infection may have corrupted the registry entries associated with Java Jumpstart Sun Developer Essentials. Thus, these invalid JAR registry entries need to be repaired to fix the root of the problem.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid eventmonitor.jar keys is not recommended unless you are PC service professional. Errors made while editing the registry can cause your PC to malfunction and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even a single comma in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any eventmonitor.jar-related registry problems. Using a registry cleaner automates the process of finding invalid registry entries, missing file references (like the one causing your eventmonitor.jar error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup is automatically created, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

A warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we do NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Incorrect use of Registry Editor can lead to serious problems and require you to reinstall Windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from improper use of Registry Editor can be corrected. Your use of the Registry Editor is at your own risk.

To manually repair your Windows registry, first you need to create a backup by exporting a portion of the registry related to eventmonitor.jar (eg.Java Jumpstart Sun Developer Essentials):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" v search bar ... DO NOT PRESS YET ENTER!
  3. Holding the keys CTRL-Shift on the keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click on Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the eventmonitor.jar-related key (eg.Java Jumpstart Sun Developer Essentials) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File choose Export.
  10. In the list Save to select the folder where you want to save the Sun Developer Essentials Java Jumpstart backup key.
  11. In field File name type a name for your backup file such as "Java Jumpstart Sun Developer Essentials Backup".
  12. Make sure in the box Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click on Save.
  14. The file will be saved with the extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your eventmonitor.jar-related registry entry.

The next steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they can most likely damage your system. If you would like more information on manually editing the registry, please see the links below.

Technical level : Average


Many novice users face this problem:

"The program has terminated ...."

And many are annoyed by this problem.

Now I will tell you how to cope with this problem.


First, let's figure out the possible options, because of what this troubles arise:

1. A lot of third-party software is installed that "eats" system resources.

2. The program does not have enough RAM.

3. The system does not have the necessary software installed for the "correct" operation of the program.

5. The problem is in the program itself.

6. At startup, the program accesses some system file that may be damaged.

Now let's go through each of these options:

1. See if the program will crash in the "clean" boot mode, if everything works fine in this mode, then we will try to identify the culprit, among all the installed software, using the "half division" method.

Go to System Configuration -> Services and enable half of the services and reboot. If the problem does not appear, the problem is with the remaining disabled services. If the problem is reproducible, the reason is in the enabled services - disable half of them and reboot again. The same is for software in Startup.

2. Make sure that you have enabled the swap file, for this:

a) Click Start -> Control Panel -> System -> All Control Panel Items -> Extra options systems -> Advanced:

b) In the Performance section, click Option, open the Advanced tab and click Change;

c) And see that there is a check mark next to the inscription "Automatically select the size of the paging file".

3. Make sure you have the following software installed:

Then after installing them, install all updates that will be in Windows Update!

4. Check the system for "malware" using Dr.Web CureIt.

5. The problem may be in the program itself:

a) If you have a pirated version of the program installed (hacked, RePack), then contact the person from whom you downloaded it;

b) If you have a Beta version of the program installed, uninstall it and find the finished version of the program from the developer:

c) If you have a licensed version of the program, then contact those. manufacturer support.

6. Determine who is to blame for the crash of the program, for this:

a) Download the ProcDump program and unpack it into the C: \ ProcDump folder;

b) Open command line as administrator and run:

  • C: \ ProcDump \ procdump.exe -accepteula -e -w [failing application name] C: \ ProcDump \

c) How to determine the name of the faulty application:

1) go to Control Panel -> All Control Panel Items -> Support Center -> System Stability Monitor -> Problem Reports.

2) Find the event when the problematic application flew out, double-click on it with the left mouse button and there you will see the inscription "Application name:

c) Run this application and wait for the departure.

d) After that, you will have a file with the extension .dmp in C: \ ProcDump

e) Now let's look at this lady (you can look into it in the same way as in dumps blue screens Analysis of the causes of BSOD using Debugging Tools for Windows(only the command looks different: Kdfe -v [path to dump]).

f) How to determine which file is to blame - determine whether it is a system file or belongs to third party program(for this it is enough to "google" it), if to a third-party program, then determine which one and remove it.

If the file is system, then run the command line as administrator and run the command:

  • sfc / scannow

Wait for the end of the check and:

If at the end of the check it is written that all the files have been restored, then reboot to restore them completely.
If at the end of the check it is written that not all files were recovered, then:

If you have Windows 8 / 8.1, then you just need to run the command in the command line running as administrator, with the Internet connected:

  • DISM / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth

If you have Windows 7, then turn to another article (in progress) for help.

P.S. Thanks to Dmitry Kulakov for submitting an idea for creating an article.

  1. Use the program Windows Customizer to find the cause of problems, including slow computer performance.
  2. Update the program Wireless Management Service... The update can be found on the manufacturer's website (link below).
  3. S24EvMon.exe file information

S24EvMon.exe file information

If S24EvMon.exe is located in the C: \ Windows \ System32 folder then the reliability rating is 50% danger... The file size is 303,171 bytes (26% of all occurrences), 311,363 bytes, and. The process has no visible window. Is not system file Windows. It is an unknown file in the Windows folder. S24EvMon.exe is able to hide itself and record inputs.

Important: Some malware camouflages itself as S24EvMon.exe, particularly when located in the c: \ windows or c: \ windows \ system32 folder. Thus, you should check the S24EvMon.exe file on your PC to make sure it is a threat. We recommend to check the security of your computer.

Total: Average rating of site users about the file S24EvMon.exe: - based on 1 votes with 2 reviews.

99 users asked about this file. One user did not rate (indicated “I don’t know”). One user thinks it looks good.