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Programs for creating html pages. Html Reader free html editor

Vlad Merzhevich

For effective work you cannot do without necessary and familiar tools, including when writing HTML code. Therefore, for the initial development of web pages or even a small site - this is the name of a set of pages linked by links and a single design, we need the following programs.

  • Text editor.
  • Browser for viewing results.
  • Validator is a program for checking HTML syntax and detecting errors in the code.
  • Graphics editor.
  • HTML tag reference.

Text editor

An HTML document can be created in any text editor, although Notepad, however, not every program is suitable for this purpose. You need one to support the following features:

  • syntax highlighting - highlighting tags, text, keywords and parameters in different colors. This makes it easier to find desired item, speeds up the developer's work and reduces the occurrence of errors;
  • work with tabs. A site is a set of files that have to be edited separately, which requires an editor who can work simultaneously with several documents at once. At the same time, it is convenient to open files in separate tabs in order to quickly move to the right document;
  • checking the current document for errors.



Notepad ++



A browser is a program for viewing web pages. At first, any browser will do, but with increasing experience and knowledge, you will need to create a whole "menagerie" in order to check the correctness of the site display in different browsers. The fact is that each browser has its own unique features, therefore, to test the universality of the code, you need to view and adjust the code taking them into account. Today, the most popular are three browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera.

Mozilla Firefox

A promising and evolving browser that has gained recognition all over the world. Its peculiarity is simplicity and extensibility, which is obtained through special extensions, as they are called. Initially, Firefox has a set of only the most necessary functions, but by installing the desired extensions, in the end you can grow the browser to a system that performs all the actions necessary for your work. Firefox browser is an open system developed by the Mozilla group.

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)

One of oldest browsers which comes with the operating room free of charge Windows system... This determined its popularity. IE 7 has come close to its long-standing competitors in terms of convenience, in particular, there are tabs. Unfortunately, this browser supports the HTML specification the worst of all, so for correct display in IE you sometimes have to separately debug the code specifically for it.


Fast and convenient browser that supports many additional opportunities that increase the comfort of working with sites.


Developed by Apple, this browser is built into the iPhone and macOS on Apple computers... There is also a Windows version.

Google chrome

A browser that appeared on the market at the end of 2008. Developed by Google.


HTML document validation is designed to detect errors in the syntax of a web page and inconsistencies with the HTML specification. Accordingly, the program or system for such verification is called a validator.

How to check HTML file for validity

If you have Internet access, you should go to and enter the path to the checked document or site in a special form. After verification, it will show possible mistakes or an inscription appears that the document was validated successfully.


To check the local HTML file or if there is no Internet connection, the Tidy program is designed. Some editors, for example PSPad, already contain built-in Tidy and document validation can be done without additional tools.

Graphics editor

A graphics editor is required to process images and prepare them for publication on a web page. The most popular program of this kind is Photoshop, which has become the standard for photo processing and creation. graphic images for sites. But in most cases the power of Photoshop is overkill, and it's better to use something simpler and nimble. In particular, the Paint.Net program allows you to do all the necessary manipulations with images, in addition, it is free to use.

HTML tag reference

Memorizing all the tags and their parameters by heart is difficult at first, so you need to periodically look into the manual to clarify this or that question. In general, everyone needs a good guide, regardless of the level of training.

Directories on the Internet

Description HTML tags(in English)

On this site you will also find one of the best reference books on tags in Runet.

Anyone who is engaged in writing and editing sites knows that working with html, css code a very long and painstaking work, to speed up this process, there are various editors for html documents.

HtmlReader - free HTML editor, intended for the development of documents in the form of html - files. Has a powerful mechanism for creating new, for editing and viewing existing html - documents.

It is also designed for working with documents in the form of html - files... It is based on a fairly powerful mechanism for writing, modifying and viewing html documents.

One of the free and very convenient html editors is the HtmlReader program.

The program will be very convenient for both beginners and advanced developers of WEB documents.

The standard design of the program makes it possible to work with the program for those who have previously worked with paid analogs of the program.

The program is Russified, it works with the insertion of various color palettes, and there is also a highlighting of html, php, css and js tags, a preview in, and a wizard for preparing and inserting various tags.

The program weighs just over 3MB and has clear interface and will be very convenient for developers of WEB documents and those who decided to create their own website.

Free HTML editor, intended for the development of documents in the form of html - files. Has a powerful mechanism for creating new, for editing and viewing existing html - documents.

It can be convenient and useful both for beginners and for those already working in other software tools for developing web documents. Standard interface and the style of work makes the editor look like commercial products like HomeSite, AceHtml or their free and free alternative 1st Page 2006.

Has a wizard for preparing and inserting tags, wide functions of customizing the application for convenience specific users, integration with various external utilities supplied with the editor, including the Tidy utility (recommended by the W3C consortium), the ability to create releases (copies of files with processing), and much more.

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A-priory CSS- these are cascading style sheets, they are mainly used for decoration appearance web pages. Before creation CSS, to set, for example, a certain background of a page in HTML, we used tags, but if, for example, your site has 100 pages, then you need to change the attribute on 100 pages, you must admit it is very inconvenient. But when the tongue came CSS, we were able to create a certain file in which we can specify the properties of certain elements, even 100. Now there is a very positive trend on the Internet that HTML is responsible only for providing information, and CSS for registration.

1st place. Stylizer

Chief representative of CSS editors working on Windows. This utility greatly simplifies the process of writing and editing code. This is done at the expense of clarity, the program can help you markup CSS-styles right in the browser, this method is much more convenient than using external editors. You just enter the site address in the built-in browser and in the first block of the program you can directly edit the styles.

2nd place. Style master

The program is rightfully considered one of the main tools for building CSS structures. This editor allows you to edit multiple files at the same time, can create style sheets using your HTML code, also directly edit CSS, and supports FTP editing.

3rd place. CSS Toolbox

Simple, convenient and free CSS editor, thanks to it, writing CSS tables is greatly simplified. Contains many new tools for generating style sheets. It also has a number of distinctive features: code highlighting, code autocomplete, tag substitution, automatic check CSS code, CSS file compression and much more.

4th place. CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker

The peculiarities of this program can be called the fact that it optimizes styles for Internet browsers Explorer, Netscape and several others. The program was created by the organization CoffeeCup. With this program you can create simple and elegant websites using a bunch of HTML and CSS.

5th place. CSSEdit

As you work with this program, you can visually observe the changes that are made to the style sheet as you work. Working with the program is very intuitive and understandable, with new versions some glitches have been fixed, new features have been added. The visual code editor really helps a lot in website development.

6th place. Jellyfish-CSS

When working with Jellyfish-CSS, it is striking how easy it is to run a program. It also has support for various libraries that have various functions, for example, help to avoid mistakes when writing a table, and many others. The only drawback is that the program is paid, of course you can easily find both cracked versions and a trial on the network.

7th place. Snap CSS

Working with this editor is similar to working with a notepad. The developers of this program have worked hard to make working with it simple and straightforward. The editor has excellent optimization features for the readability of the style sheets. This program makes life much easier for programmers by saving energy and file size.

8th place. Simple CSS

A small but powerful tool for working with CSS, it allows you to program without editing a single line of code, which means you can create a style sheet without having any programming skills at all. The functionality of the program includes compression of a CSS file, support for several types of formats and the ability to manage multiple projects.

9th place. TopStyle

Using this program, it is possible to preview the table, while you are editing it, there is support for several browsers, in which each table is displayed in a different way. The program supports unicode, online check spelling, grouping styles, intuitive editing, etc.

10th place. tsWebEditor

This editor is multilingual, supports many languages ​​such as HTML, PHP, Perl, javascript, CSS and many others. It has the functions of autocompletion, code highlighting, syntax validation, supports functional hints, unicode, in the arsenal there is a large number of code templates, which greatly helps WEB masters.

Every web designer and coder needs a good web page editor to create and edit HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. Notepad (Windows) and TextEdit (Mac) are great tools to get you started, but as you gain more experience, you will want to use a more solid and convenient tool.

There are hundreds of great editors to choose from, but many of them are paid. And if you don't want to violate copyright, and the budget does not have the funds to buy a commercial product? This article explores some great free editors.

  • WYSIWYG editors. it graphic editor that allow you to build a page layout and set styles visually, as in the well-known word processor MS Word. They are convenient tool to build a page design, although, as every experienced web designer knows, the code will still have to be "combed" to achieve an excellent result.
  • Text editors. It is a tool for directly editing HTML and CSS code. Some editors are general purpose and do not have special options for supporting web code. Others are specialized for the use of web languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, and have built-in properties for quickly entering HTML tags, CSS properties, and so on. Many of these editors allow you to view a web page in a separate window.

KompoZer (Windows, Mac, Linux)

KompoZer is a great choice if you need a visual editor on a tight budget

Komodo Edit is a good editor, easy to learn, yet powerful and extensible

Although it is a general-purpose editor, it supports HTML and CSS, and has a contextual autocomplete property for HTML tags and CSS properties, as well as a collection of code inserts for various HTML elements... In order to get the most out of Komodo, you need to install the HTML Toolkit extension, which contains wonderful features such as tag auto-close, CSS preview, and a temporary text generator.

Komodo Edit allows you to view the edited pages in any installed browser, or use the built-in browser in a separate window, so you can edit and see the result of the changes at the same time.

The editor has a built-in function for uploading files to the site (FTP, FTPS, SFTP, or SCP), and you can also group your files nicely using the project manager option.

Very useful feature Code> Select Block... It highlights the current main HTML block, such as the currently closed div or ul element. Highly convenient function when you need to select an entire section on the page for copying or moving.

Komodo Edit has so many powerful and useful functions such as using regular expressions to find / replace, the ability to perform external teams, etc. Fortunately, the editor also has a good help system that makes it easy to master the full power of Komodo Edit.

Aptana Studio (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Aptana Studio is a complete integrated web application development environment with a wide range of plugins. Although you can only use it as a HTML / CSS / JavaScript code editor

Notepad ++ is a great replacement for Notepad from Windows. Although it doesn't have the same set of options as other editors, it is great for editing HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other code files.

PSPad is another general-purpose editor for Windows with a lot of features useful for HTML and CSS coders

jEdit is a cross-platform text editor with powerful macro command and plugin functionality. Install XML plugin if you need to edit web pages

TextWrangler is a lightweight general purpose editor. Despite the lack of special features for web development, it can be used to work with web pages.

Vim is definitely hard to learn, but if you get through it, you will never want to go back!

The grandfather of text editors for programmers Vim (a direct descendant of the vi editor) is a console text editor with open source... It is installed by the default editor on almost all flavors of Unix, including Linux and Mac OS X. The editor is also available for use on Windows and many other systems.

Vim is not a system that you can install and start using right away without ever having to deal with it. Most editing commands include odd combinations like wq and /. It also has three editing modes: mode inserts in which the text is entered; visual mode for selecting text; and command mode for entering commands. This functionality is a legacy of Unix from the days when there were no windows or a mouse.

Why did he get on the list? Once you master it, you will be convinced of its speed and power. With a few commands, you can do something in seconds that can take minutes in other editors.

There are a large number of Vim macros and plugins that make it easy to work with HTML, CSS and JavaScript code, including syntax highlighting, autocompletion, HTML Tidy, and browser preview. Here is a large list of useful links:

  • Vim Omni auto-completion
  • HTML / XHTML editing in Vim
  • home page

Fraise (Mac)

Fraise is an intuitive editor for Mac, with enough features for web editing

Like TextWrangler and gedit, Fraise is a wonderful lightweight editor that's a pleasure to use. It is a fork from the editor. It is relatively new and does not have a proper web server. It is currently only supported on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), that is, if you are using version 10.5 then you will have to download Smultron.

Fraise has some awesome web editing options:

  • Code highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and several other programming languages.
  • Close Tag (Command-T) to close the current tag. This really saves time when entering lists.
  • Convenient preview with built-in browser (using WebKit), with very convenient Live Update option? which refreshes the browser as soon as the markup and CSS has changed on the page being edited.
  • Advanced Find option that supports search / replace using regular expressions.
  • Support for blocks for quickly entering HTML tags and CSS properties.
  • Some handy commands for manipulating text, such as validating HTML and converting characters to HTML elements.

Fraise is worth exploring if you're on a Mac and want a handy editor with more options than the built-in TextEdit.

For comfortable work with HTML-pages, making changes and edits to them, HTML-editors are used. Today there is a wide variety of such editors, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses, and can also be used for various tasks.

Adobe Dreamweaver is one of the oldest HTML editors, the first version of which was released back in December 97. Since then, the package has undergone a lot of changes and eventually became a real professional HTML editor, which is used to work with complex web projects. It contains all the relevant tools for a web developer.

V new version HTML 5 standard is supported, as well as the code editor and developer window are improved. Implemented support for the CSS preprocessor, as well as displaying all changes in the browser window in real time. Close integration with Flash Player... The exterior design has been completely revamped.

The disadvantages of Adobe Dreamweaver are its "heavy weight" and demanding hardware. You must have several gigabytes of free space on your hard drive to install the package. The program has a large number of different tabs and settings, which requires additional time to familiarize yourself with it. Additionally, Adobe Dreamweaver is proprietary software, for the use of which you have to pay money.

Despite this, the program has a free trial period, during which you can appreciate all the advantages and benefits of this package. Usually this period lasts within a month from the date of installation of the application.

The multi-platform editor Sublime Text is gradually gaining popularity among professionals. This is due to its maximum simplicity, lack of frills and, at the same time, the presence of all necessary tools that the developer needs. However, if suddenly something is required, and this will not be in the standard functionality of Sublime Text, then you can always find it as a plugin, or write it yourself in Python. All work is done using hotkeys, so the program itself contains a minimum of interface elements. Work area can be divided into several independent windows located horizontally, vertically, or by a grid.

Despite all the advantages, the Sublime Text editor remains a fairly complex tool for beginners. Even standard setting the editor here is done not with the help of the menu, but with the help of config.json files, the work with which requires basic training from the user. However, for professional programmers it will not be difficult to customize this tool for yourself, given that it comes with complete documentation.

The Sublime Text editor is proprietary, but you don't have to pay to use it. Each time you start, a window will appear reminding you that you can officially buy this program, however, this is done on the basis of a donation rather than a mandatory purchase.

You can download the program on the official website:

Formally Notepad ++ is not an HTML editor, but it can be used for this purpose. It has built-in syntax highlighting for languages HTML markup and XML, the most popular programming languages, some of which are also used in web development, such as PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python and many others.

There are a number of tools that help you edit your code, such as markers, code folding, autocompletion, project manager, multi-line editing and highlighting, support for various encodings, and much more. There are also a large number of plugins for Notepad ++ from various developers, which significantly expands the functionality of the program, making it a serious competitor for professional HTML editors.

The advantages of the text editor Notepad ++ include its speed and small amount of disk space. In addition, the program has a very simple interface, which does not require additional training time to work with. In addition, updates for Notepad ++ are constantly being released, which the program itself notifies users about, offering to install them. The most important advantage of the editor is that it is distributed over GNU licenses GPL 2, which means free open source software.

You can download this editor right now without any restrictions from the official site

It is a simple editor with a nice interface that visually resembles Sublime Text remotely. Written in CoffeeScript. Atom is pretty young text editor, which was first released on February 26, 2014. Has support for plugins written in Node.js. Suitable for beginners to work not only with HTML, but also with a number of other tasks.

Atom is free and can be installed on most popular operating systems... In addition, it is quite easy to install and use, is fast and requires little free space on your hard drive.

To get started with this editor, just click "Open a Project" from the default welcome window. Next, a directory is selected for work, after which a file is created in it and its extension is indicated. The syntax for the file is automatically determined based on the specified extension.

Vim is a professional free text editor that originates from the family of the oldest unix editors. Vim was first released on November 2, 1991. It is known as a tool for professional programmers that provides tremendous opportunities for work automation. The standard Vim visual interface is a console one, but there is a modification of Gvim that works through a windowed graphical interface.

When working with Vim, there are several modes, switching between which hotkeys and their functionality change. Vim initially starts out in what is called "normal" or "command" mode. It is characterized by all the usual hotkeys, such as "copy", "delete", "paste". In other modes, you can enter text, work with the console, or call the visual mode. It would seem, why such difficulties? The fact is that Vim was developed as a tool in which any action is considered not from the standpoint of classical "convenience", but as something that requires maximum optimization.

Vim is very fast and uses almost no system resources. In terms of the difficulty of learning, this is definitely not a beginner's tool. More than a hundred commands have been developed for the movement operation alone. Of course, you don't need to memorize them all. Everyone chooses their own programming style and, based on it, learns what they need. It will take a lot of patience and time just to master this editor at the proper level. However, as a reward, diligent users will receive the most powerful editor code from currently available. Vim is a free and multi-platform tool that runs on Linux, Mac, Windows and a number of other operating systems.

Unlike other programs, IntelliJ IDEA is a professional integrated development environment (IDE). In addition to the fact that it allows you to work seamlessly with HTML / XHTML / HAML markup languages ​​and CSS / SASS / LESS page layout languages, it also allows for close work with Java, JavaScript, Python and Coffee Script. IntelliJ IDEA is developed by JetBrains.

Why is it worth starting to use this particular program? First, it has a really thoughtful interface. You can start working with it right after installation, even if you have never met it before. In addition, it is possible to work with such popular tools as CVS, Apache Ant, Maven, JUnit and Subversion, which, by the way, are completely free.

Unfortunately IntelliJ IDEA itself is not completely free program. Full version is available only for a 30-day trial period of use, and its reduced functionality version lacks quite a few useful functions and can really come in handy for developing applications on Android or when working with a Java machine.