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Remove the double page. How to remove a clean piece in the word

While working with text in the Word, page breaks are often used, as well as sections. Subsequently, unnecessary paragraphs appear, which means that extra empty sheets in the Vordovsky file. If, after an option with the "Delete" button or "Backspace", the page is not deleted, then it is worth it to disassemble the option of deleting a page by means of a formatting sign. There are several options for removing an excess page with a content or at all empty clean sheet. Methods that will be described below work in almost all versions of Microsoft Word - 2007, 2010, as well as in 2013 and 2016.

Extra paragraphs

Remove sheet by removing extra paragraphs. To understand whether unnecessary paragraphs are in the document, you need to click on the "Display All Signs" button in the main menu. To do this, open the "Home" menu to find and click on this symbol.

Unnecessary paragraphs are the reason for the appearance of empty pages. When the whole text is accompanied by a symbol, then it is easy to see unnecessary paragraphs.

You must select and delete by clicking on the "Delete" button.

Page break

This method is slightly similar to the method above. To see where a page breakdown or partition was made, an already familiar button should be included. Scroll through the document and find the page you want to delete. Put the cursor before or after breaking the page, as shown in the screenshot below, and click on the "Delete" button. By installing the mouse pointer after break, you need to use the "Backspace" button.

Paragraph after table

For example, the article has a table, probably also at the end of the page. This is the reason for the appearance of a pure unnecessary sheet. Most often after the MS Word table automatically adds paragraph, which, unfortunately, cannot be removed by the two methods listed. In our case empty page It turned out to be the last, that's how you can solve the problem with its removal.

Naturally, you need the help of a symbol, we turn on it and return to the empty sheet.

This is the view will be after turning on the display of all characters.

The symbol that is in complete loneliness, and creates an excess page with its presence. It is necessary to remove it with the following steps.

1) highlight the sign on the empty page and press the keyboard key "Ctrl + D";

2) In the "Font" window, put a tick before the "hidden" function;

4) Disable the symbol (in a disconnected form it does not light yellow) or use the "CTRL + SHIFT + 8" key combination;

5) Pure sheet removed.

Gap correction section

If you use the separations of sections "from an even page" or "from an odd page", then a blank sheet will appear. Remove this sheet by combining the "Cut" keys or "Delete the DEL button" will not be released. If the empty page appeared in the middle of the document, then when it is deleted, all formatting of text will be broken. You can correct this problem, just need to replace the division of the section "on the current page". Thus, all formatting of text will be saved without adding a clean sheet. Subsequent steps, you can replace the division of the section into the "Gap on the current page". For this you need:

An empty page will be deleted without damage to the entire document.

When editing text documents In the Word editor, there are situations where a blank page comes across between the text, which refuses to be deleted. In this article, we will tell about how to remove an empty page in the middle or at the end of document Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Usually, there is nothing difficult in removing empty pages. It is enough to put the cursor at the end of the page and erase the entire text or select all the text and delete it by pressing the Delete key. But, there are situations where such a plan does not work and remove the empty page does not work. Despite all the efforts of the user, the empty page can remain in the middle or at the end of the Word document.

As a rule, such problems arise due to non-printable characters that remain on the page, and being invisible does not allow themselves to be removed. In order to get rid of such characters and remove an empty page in the Word, you need to perform only a few action.

First you need to turn on the display of non-printable characters. If you have Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then you need to go to the "Home" tab and find the button " Display all characters" After clicking on this button text editor Word will begin to display all the characters, and you can delete everything too much from the page, after which you can remove the empty page itself. also in modern versions Editor Word Works Combination keys Ctrl+ SHIFT + 8 With which you can quickly enable and disable the display of hidden characters on the page.

If you have WORD 2003, then it also has such a button. Examine all buttons on the toolbar, and you will definitely find it.

After the display of non-printable characters is enabled, you can start removing the empty page in the middle or at the end of the Word document. To do this, go to this page, highlight the mouse all that is located there, and press the Delete key on the keyboard. In this way, you can delete lines, tab, page breaks and partitions that have previously interfered the page deletion. If the ruptures of the pages or partitions are not amenable, then try to set the cursor before such a break and click on the Delete key again.

If, after deleting a blank page, you will need to restore the separation of the partition, then this can be done using the "Raznits" button, which is on the tab " Page layout».

As a result of editing text, unnecessary empty pages appeared in your document, or can you remove an excess sheet at the end of the document? Let's figure out what needs to be done to remove a page in MS Word.

Let's start off with, how to remove an empty page in the middle of the word Word. Most often, such pages in the document appear due to a large number of non-fired signs on them - you deleted all the text, and the hidden signs remained. This is the break of the page, and spaces, and the new line.

You can enable non-printable signs by clicking on the appropriate button on the Home tab.

To remove them, lay the mouse to the left field of the document and select all the signs. If you have several empty pages in the middle of the document, you can put the cursor at the beginning of that page that you want to delete, clamp "SHIFT" and set the cursor at the end of another page. Now press DELETE or BACKSPACE.

Empty pages in the Word in the middle of the document may also appear due to the rupture of pages. They usually separate the beginning of the new chapter from the previous text. Or maybe you just accidentally pressed the keyboard key "Ctrl + Enter".

To remove such a page, put the cursor to the last string (or at the end of the text) on the previous page, then click "Delete".

An empty page will be deleted and the text will rise.

Now consider how to remove the page in the Word, which is at the end of the document. Turning on non-printable signs, you will see that they are present on the page. It can even be a few signs start a new line. Select them with the mouse and press the "Delete" or "Backspace" key. You can also install the cursor at the end of the text and keep the "Delete" key to the clamping key until the empty sheet disappears.

That's all. Now you know how to remove the page in the Word. Moreover, these recommendations are applicable in any MS Word: 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013.

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Yes, I will forgive me the Word Guru and its creators .. If you have a more rational solution to the problem with the last section and the last page - please inform the comments.

The abundance of questions "How to delete the last page in Word" and "how to save formatting after removing the page" (More precisely, the question sounds like this: why when I delete the page in the Word, I have everything crawling), served as a reason for writing this note. I do not respect myself to Word, so I do not exclude that there is a more correct (correct, convenient ...) solution.

Quite often, when editing Word documents, you can encounter a situation where the last page turns out to be empty (the tablet is over, and behind it - more sheet). What to do?

How to remove the last page in Word?

First of all, we go to the last page and see what is there? If there are many characters (paragraphs or spaces) - we simply put the cursor to the top of the page and click Del (ETE) until everything deals. If the only paragraph symbol remained and it does not want to be removed - we click once backspace - it is possible

Most likely, the reason is that the latest sign in the document simply did not get on the penultimate page. Most often helps install the cursor on the last page and reduce the font size of the last paragraph (say, to make 1 or 2 - you can not only choose from the drop-down list, but also write "handles"). You can still reduce the vertical indents of the same paragraph .. In general, to make the last paragraph "wrestle" in the remaining place.

Often, when removing the last page there is a problem with formatting. To be more accurate when the last partition is deleted, its formatting is applied to the previous one (last one) section. How to delete a section without "Formatting Failure" I did not find (if anyone knows - share in the comments), however, a small trick that allows you to remove the latest sheet with the preservation of Word formatting.

How to delete the last section in Word

First of all, we go to the section with the desired formatting (penultimate), and go to the window Parameters ( double-click On the line or menu of the page file parameters). We prescribe all values \u200b\u200bfor the fields (you can simply erase centimeters .. The fact is that they are already installed .. But if you do not touch them, then when you select "Apply to the whole document", all values \u200b\u200bwill become empty), choose the paper orientation, we go to The paper source tab and select Start the section "On the current page".

It is possible (if the formatting of the last deleted partition differs from the previous one), it will be necessary to make additional changes, but in my case (on the last sheet there was a "horizontal" plate that it was necessary to delete) the changes described was enough.

After expanding all properties in the lower drop-down list, select "Apply to the entire document" and click "OK". After that, we safely go on the penultimate page and transfer the partition to it - we delete the characters before breaking, but not the rupture of the page. To reduce the required place for the last paragraph, you can reduce the font and vertical indents (as in the first part of this article)

It would seem that the simplest task How to remove an empty page in the Word may pour into a huge note with all the nuances of sections, breaks and other invisible characters. The office package seems simple only at first glance, as long as there is no need to challenge a qualitative document.

This problem usually pursues users editing documents created by other people. Not because they are smarter, it's in invisible characters and many other nuances office package - All these little things we will work in today's note!

I looked at what people are written here in the internet on this issue - I'm shocked! Look at yourself - to remove the page in the Word we need to remove the text from it. Maybe the whole document is immediately removed? - Delete the document and page in it for sure, take to armared!

Just a brain explosion! Of course, I understand that the author wanted to stretch the text as much as possible so that you are longer delayed on its website ... and the same way works - you can't argue, but I want to tell you about the root of empty pages in the Word and the options for eliminating them.

If the dismount and empty page at the very end of the document, then you can try to remove it blindly. As a rule there is a couple of extra paragraphs that we do not see (and they are). Pack the cursor to any place of the document and click the CTRL + END key combination (So \u200b\u200bwe will move to the real end of the document, and not visible) And click the "Backspace" button to delete all invisible characters on the page.

There may be several such paragraphs and therefore click Backspace will have several times (but if you drove the Backspace button and returned to the beginning of the document, it means that it is not in hidden paragraphs)

The reason for the appearance of empty pages in the Word is the witch hunt!

As I have already spoke at the very beginning of the note - the main problem of empty pages in the Word is the lack of a complete view of the editable document. To obtain full control, you need to document - we will turn on the display of paragraph characters and other hidden formatting signs.

This functionality is present in any version of Word (even in 2003 and older). Surely many panicked by chance by activating this mode ... What kind of unknown characters appeared in my document and what to do with them?!

To turn on the display of hidden characters, do the following:

  1. In tape Microsoft Word. Click the "Home" tab and looking for the "¶" button (Display all signs) Or use hotkeys "Ctrl + *". Many recommend CTRL + SHIFT + 8 as the combination of SHIFT + 8 gives an asterisk ... it's a little illogical (Is that you have a laptop with a trimmed keyboard), asterisk conveniently pressing on digital block Keyboard - all missing signs are dialing exclusively from the digital block.
  2. After activating this crazy mode, all paragraphs will be marked with "¶" and easily identify them on the page and therefore understand how to remove an empty page in Word!

I decided to copy a part of the notes in document Word., allocated a fragment and inserted to the page ... And at the end, another empty paragraph was added - it will be on another page and you would never have seen it without activating the viewing mode of all characters

Invisible (empty) paragraphs

Quite often, on a blank page there are extra paragraphs - therefore, the page is not empty and it is logical that it does not disappear. You already know that you can activate the display of hidden paragraphs by clicking the "¶" button on the Office parameter tape. Just highlight extra paragraphs and remove them with the "Delete" button. (Well, or any other way you know)

If the document really distinguished extra paragraphs, then after their removal, the excess page will disappear.

The permanent leader after empty paragraphs for the reasons for the appearance of a blank page is forced gaps that users added to a page manually. As usual, we turn on the display of hidden signs and characters and see this most break page - we delete it and rejoice that they deleted the empty page in the Word!

An empty page may be within the document itself due to the installed rupture. Similarly, we considered the situation with - sections and gaps are also to blame

Let us turn to the most interesting part of the note - these are sections! If you are developing MS Word, it is certainly this reason for you is incomprehensible and annoying most.

Sections are used for different page design. (Numbering, footers, frames and other settings are individual for each of the sections)

When you install the division of the section, you have three options to choose from:

  1. From an even page;
  2. From an odd page;
  3. With the next page;

Now imagine the situation - finished the document, we made a conclusion and the section completed the section by clicking "from the next page" ... Here is a new empty section at the end of the document. And how did you understand the section in the Word you can only delete the showing of hidden characters and paragraphs.

Turn on the display of hidden characters and remove the separation of the section (Do not forget that Delete removes the right of the cursor, and backspace - on the left)

I want to pay attention to one very important moment. If an empty page at the end of the document - this nuance can be neglected! See what comes out - if a blank page in the middle of the document, then removing the divide partition we risk reset all the stylistic settings of the next section (This is the numbering and frame ...) Because There will be an association.

For such a situation, it will be correct to change the type of gap to the "gap on the current page" about what I am writing in addition to this item.

Tarve on the current page - the solution of our problem

To remove an empty page in Word - change the type of gap on the page:

  1. Poke the cursor to the place immediately after the separation of the section, which prevents us from;
  2. On the "Layout" tab (page markup), click "Page Parameters" (Her greatly picked?)

  1. On the "Paper Source" tab, in the "Start section" section, we change the parameter to "on the current page" and do not forget to click "OK"

After all this, the empty page will be removed. In general, nothing complicated when understood how the separation breaks work and why they exist at all. It is worth noting that when creating a document, the most such situations almost does not occur - all due to the different level of user knowledge of the office package

In document Table

What is the ambush with the table? - after the table always follows an empty paragraph that you can not delete all the methods listed above (otherwise you think why I put it in a separate point ...)

If the border of the table fit exactly until the end of the page frame, then this invisible paragraph will go to the next page and will not give it to delete - I higally showed it in the picture below!

If you do not see the hidden paragraph, then on the Home tab, you forgot to activate the viewing mode of all characters "¶"

Unfortunately, just to highlight and remove such an paragraph is impossible - there is another approach and trick:

  1. We highlight this most symbol of paragraph (¶) and right-click the "font ..." item (if there is not enough skill to highlight this stupid sign, then you can use the combination of Ctrl + D)

  1. I celebrate the checkbox "Hidden" and do not forget to click "OK".

Nothing changed and there is also an empty page with an empty paragraph after the table? - This is because you need to remove the display of hidden symbols ... On the Home tab, deactivate the "¶" mode and the empty page will disappear after the table.

Here is this way we were able to remove an empty page in the Word after the table - nothing complicated!

What is the result?

Let us sum up - we looked at several ways to remove an empty page in the Word. I think you have already understood that there is no text - there is no page ... However, there are nuances with sections and paragraphs that interfere with the simple perception of the content of the document (but this is as long as you familiarize yourself with the note) And realizing how it works - to remove the page becomes very simple!