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As in the Word descend on the line below. Set and Move on Word Document

Word features powerful document formatting features. After the text is entered into the document, you can complement it, change, delete, copy.


Text can be entered in any open document Word.

Let's do the following:

Open Word. Usually, an empty document is automatically created when opening the program. If Word is configured differently, then create new documentBy selecting the file "File" - "Create ...".

Dial such text:

Speeding sports brings great benefits: improves the activity of the lungs and hearts, strengthens the metabolism, strengthens the muscles, especially legs and torso.

During the set text Word. Translates the cursor from the end of one line to the beginning of the next and transfers the words to a new line if they do not fit on the current one. If you have done a typo, hammer the entered symbol with the backspace key (extreme right in a digital row with an arrow image), and enter the correct one.

Press the ENTER key. Word will complete the paragraph and move the cursor on the string down.

Enter the second paragraph:

In addition to the development of shared endurance, the static endurance of the muscles of the back is raised during skating sports sports. It is necessary for both malaria and turner, and the pole.

As a result, we got two paragraphs of the text, which we will come in handy in the future to work out text editing skills.

Insert text

The flickering cursor in the document area indicates the place where the text type will be displayed. With the mouse, the cursor can be installed anywhere in the document.

Gap row in an arbitrary place

Word splits on the lines within the paragraph, inserting the "soft translation" characters on the right side of each row. When changing the format or editing the text "Soft Transfers", the strings are changed according to the nature of the text, which prevents the incorrect partition to the strings.

Sometimes there is a need for a row break without the beginning of a new paragraph. To do this, click the SHIFT + ENTER key combination. In this case, Word inserts a "hard translation" symbol in the document text and completes the current line, regardless of whether the right field has been achieved or not. "Hard translation" does not create a new paragraph. The Ctrl + Enter combination makes the page break.

Insert and replacement modes

By default, the text set in Word is performed in insertion mode, in which the text entered in the middle of the string shifts the characters to the right of it. However, it is possible to perform a set in replacement mode, when the input characters replace the text, which earlier, and do not shift it to the right. Turns on / off This mode by pressing the Insert key on the keyboard. Find out what mode is included in this moment You can in the Word status bar.


Scroll strip documents in the window are one of the ways to move according to the document, in order to view the different parts of his creation.

Each scroll bar has a runner and arrow buttons at both ends of the strip.

  • to move with a slight step, click on the scroll buttons located at the ends of each of the scroll bar. For fast scrolling You can press the button and hold it down;
  • for the specified scrolling of the document, you need to click the mouse on any section of the scroll bar above or below the slider;
  • for smooth displacement, you should drag the scroll bar runner up or down. When dragging the runner next to it, a hint showing the current page number is displayed.

Depending on how much distance, the mouse transition should be used in three ways:

It should be considered the fact that when scrolling the position of the cursor does not change. Before you start a set of text after scrolling, you need to click the mouse in the estimated place insert. If this is not done, Word will automatically scroll to the area of \u200b\u200bthe document on which the cursor is located.

The transition buttons located at the bottom of the vertical scroll bar allow you to move to certain areas of the document. The main difference from scroll barns is the fact that when using the transition buttons, the cursor is moved.

By default, using the transition buttons to go to the previous or next document page. The "Object Select" button, located in the middle, is used to change this option. When you click on this button, the transition object palette is displayed, which allows you to specify to which object the transition will be performed when you press the transition buttons. Total 12 options:

  1. transition by pages;
  2. section transition;
  3. transition by notes;
  4. footnotes;
  5. transition to end footnotes;
  6. transition by fields;
  7. transition to tables;
  8. transition by schedule;
  9. headlock transition;
  10. transition by corrections;
  11. transition with an explicit indication of the object;
  12. search.

When you hover the mouse pointer on each button of the transition objects palette at the bottom of the palette, a description of the corresponding object is displayed. When you press the button, the corresponding object is selected as the transition object. If you select any object, except for the page, the buttons are painted in blue, which indicates the choice of a non-standard transition object.

Move with keyboard

The keyboard is used to move via the document, simultaneously with the scrolling, the cursor is moving. Below are the shortcuts of the keys that are used to move according to the document.

Keys Go up or "down" to a string up or down "left" or "right" to the left or right Ctrl + "left" to the word left Ctrl + "Right" to the word Right Home, End to the beginning / end of the current line Ctrl + Home to the beginning of the text Ctrl + End to the end of the text of PageUp, PageDown on the screen up or down Ctrl + Pageup on the document up the document up Ctrl + Pagedown on the page of the document down SHIFT + F5 to the last edit

Team "Go"

If you need to go to a specific place in the document, then using the "Go" command, it can be done much faster.

Select the Edit command - "Go" (Ctrl + G or F5). The following window will appear.

From the left list, select the type of transition object.

In the "Enter Page Number" field, you need to enter the exact number of the page, notes or other item if the exact page number is known.

The buttons on the right below serve to go to the next / previous document object and to close the dialog box.

Displacement table

Since the first six lines of the working sheet we highlighted under the input area, we need to move the table created earlier down to this number of rows. We describe different methods for solving this task.

Adding cells

The most time-consuming method is the displacement of the table area down with the addition of cells to the top of the working sheet. It is implemented as follows:
1. Select cells A1: K6. (range corresponding to the input area).
2. Press the right mouse button and in context menu Activate the command Add cells.
3. In the dialog that opens Adding cells (Fig. 3.9) Select Switch cells, with shift down and click OK.

Note: This dialog box is also called by the command. Box / cells.

Insert string

The second method (less labor-intensive) is the addition of six rows from above:
1. Highlight 1-6 rows with the mouse.
2. Press the right mouse button and select the command in the context menu. Add cells.

Fig. 3.9. Dialog box "Add cells"

Treating table

The third, the easiest way is to highlight the entire table and drag it down. This operation can be compared with cutting the range of cells and insert it into a new place. Select the range of cells where the table is located. Move the cursor to the edge of the range and when the cursor takes the arrow shape, drag the table down by holding down left button Mice.

When moving mouse Mc Word. Moves the cursor like I - figurative List sign. As soon as we transfer the mouse pointer to the place of the file where you can not write the text, it will change its view of the usual arrow, with a slope in right side.

For text writing cursor in another place of the document, transfer the pointer in the file and press the left mouse button. A flashing cursor will appear on the site of clicking, offering to write text.

If in the MC Word document blank sheet or an empty place at the very end of this page, then to move the cursor in it, make the steps written below.

  1. Determine the end of the document.
    Mc Word. Finds the end of a document as an empty file location in which not a single letter is printed. In order to run to the easiest of the document, you need to click "Ctrl + End".
    In a new document. In this case, the beginning, and the end of the document is combined, therefore, the moved mouse cursor is seen in the upper left corner.
    In a document with text. In the file already made, the end of the document is located as last placewhere there is a printed test (including spaces and tabs).
  2. Move the mouse pointer to an empty place at the very end of your document.
    Please note that the right of the mouse pointer has a sign showing the alignment type: on the left edge, in the center or on the right edge.
  3. Make sure that in the place of the prescribed location of the moving cursor will be specified correct type of alignment.
    For example, if you want to align the written text "centered", then make sure the mouse pointer is complemented by the sign "CENTER".
    Determining the text alignment option at the installation site of the mouse cursor - the task is quite complicated. Sign "Align text on the left edge of the sheet" Appears most often. In order to see near pointer sign "CENTER", Move the mouse pointer closer to the center of the page. Sign "Align the text on the right edge" It appears near the pointer when moving it to the right edge of the sheet.
  4. Two times press the mouse.
    Mc Word. Moves the cursor to the place of pressing the mouse. Any text written by subsequently will be equal to mind, the sign is near the mouse pointer before pressing in the document.

Cursor move keys.

The cursor with a computer mouse moves in the document very quickly. But when writing large text fragments, it is more convenient to use the cursor to move the cursor, but using the keyboard keys.

In order to move the cursor in the Word using the keyboard keys, run a number of commands:

"" Moving the cursor on the line up;

«→» Moving the cursor on the symbol in the right side;

«←» Moving the cursor on the symbol on the left side;

«↓» Moving cursor on a line down;

"Ctrl + ↓" Moves the cursor to the beginning of the proper paragraph;

"Ctrl + →" Move the cursor to the right side;

"Ctrl + ←" Move the cursor to the word on the left side;

"HOME" will move the cursor to the beginning of the line;

"END" Move the cursor to the end of the line;

"Ctrl + Home" Move the cursor to the beginning of the document;

"Ctrl + End" Move the cursor to the end of the document;

"Page Up" Move the cursor to swell on the screen;

"Page DOWN" Moves the cursor on the screen;

"Ctrl + Page Up" Move the cursor to the top of the previous page;

"Ctrl + Page Down" Move the cursor to the top of the subsequent page.

Now you know how to move the cursor in Word.
We wish you good luck in your endeavors!

Eliminate tabular data in Excel to the parts components and disseminate them in different sheets of the working book using the row movement. Problems begin when trying to transfer several lines at the same time, but everything is going to go about everything.

How to move the string to Excel?

To move the string in Excel, you can bring the mouse cursor to the selection marker border before the appearance of small arrows in four different sides, press the left mouse button and hold it to move the string up either down. In this case, the contents of the final cells will be replaced. You can only carry out this movement within the active sheet.

In the general case, to move the string, you need to cut it and insert already in the right place. For this you need:

1) highlight the movable string (tested the mouse cursor to the row number and click on it with the left button);

2) Cut the highlighted string in any in a convenient way (through the main menu, through the context menu, the hot keys Ctrl + X)

3) on the desired sheet to highlight the string, or the very left cell of the line in which the insertion will be produced;

4) Insert carved cells.

Here it should be noted that in the context menu (by clicking the right mouse button) two items associated with insertion are available - "insert" and "insert the cut cells".

When you select the first of these items, the cut line will be placed on top of the row selected for insertion, and when the second selection is selected, the string will be placed between the rows, that is, without losing any data.

In the event that several non-negative rows are allocated, the selection marker boundary disappears and such a set of strings will not be able to move. In addition, when trying to cut several non-dimensional strings at the same time, the application issues a message. "This command is not applicable for incoherent bands. Select one range and click again."

A similar message appears when trying simultaneously cut the group of cells not included in one range.

After receiving such a message, it remains either to carry strings on one, or look for other tools.

How to quickly move the strings to the new Excel sheet?

One of these tools is an add-in for Excel based on Visual Basic for Application.

When using superstructure, monotonous manual work is replaced software processing data. Search for the desired rows, checking for compliance with the specified conditions and moving strings on new sheet The computational technique itself is engaged, which is faster and more convenient.

With this superstructure you can:

1. One mouse click on the macro dialog box directly from the Excel toolbar;

2. Set the value to search;

3. Set multiple values \u200b\u200bto search through the Symbol-separator ";" point with comma;

4. Consider either not consider the register when searching for specified values;

5. Select the range of cells to search for specified values;

6. Select one of the eight conditions for the selected cells:

a) coincides with the desired value;

b) does not coincide with the desired value;

c) contains the desired value;

d) does not contain a desired value;

e) begins with the desired value;

e) does not begin with the desired value;

g) ends with the desired value;

h) does not end with the desired value.

7. Install additional restrictions for the selected range.

Do you know that all sheets of the working book canquickly turn into separate files?

In addition, you can


In most programs designed to enter and edit text, the Enter key is used to go to the next string. If you need to go for one time down, press the specified key once, if two (three, ten) - continue clicking the key until you run down to the desired string.

Serial number line in editor Microsoft Office. Word can be seen in the status bar, which is located under the work area. Click on it right-click and check in the context menu item "Row number" with the left mouse button to monitor the statistics of the document.

The usual transition to a new line does not always indicate the beginning of a new paragraph, since the paragraph is usually issued by an indent. To designate a paragraph, press the Space key several times or set the desired parameters in the settings. To do this, highlight the desired text fragment and click on it right-click.

In the context menu, select "Paragraph", - New dialog box opens. Go to the "Indents and Intervals" tab and set the "indent" value in the "First Row" field in the "Indent" group. If necessary, set your return width and click on the OK button. The dialog box closes automatically, the settings will be applied to the selected text fragment.

To go to a new string in other applications, it is sometimes necessary to use the key combination. Enter key so remains the main one, as an additional can be used. ctrl keys, SHIFT or ALT. So, for example, a simple single press of the ENTER key in microsoft Appendix Office Excel will lead to the fact that the cursor moves to the next cell. To continue typing text from a new line in one cell, use the ALT and ENTER combination.

In ICQ and QIP applications, it all depends on the selected settings. Sending a message can be carried out by the Enter key, then to go to a new string, use the Ctrl and Enter combination. If sending text, on the contrary, is displayed on the designated keys, it means that the transition to a new string will be carried out by a single press of the Enter key.

Video on the topic


  • how to go to

Such skills how to transfer the string or make a space belong to the most azam work in text editor And on the computer as a whole. Not knowing them, the novice user will simply be impossible to move to more serious writing and formatting tools. It is practically the same as printing a document without knowing the keys.

You will need

  • Mouse, keyboard
  • text editor


In order to transfer the string below, put the cursor to the place from which you plan to make this operation. You can hover the cursor, both using the mouse, and with, using the arrows. Press the Enter key. Flashing cursor will be at the beginning next line. Together with him, the rest is transferred to the string below.