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Cut the sim card to fit the microsim size. How to cut a Sim card at home - All the intricacies of the process

Currently, many modern gadgets can only use a reduced version of a standard SIM card - micro sim. This is due to the attempts of technology manufacturers to save internal space in the device in order to place other elements more compactly and to make our phones and tablets smaller, thinner, lighter and ultimately cheaper to manufacture than their predecessors.

By purchasing new phone or a tablet (for example, Samsung, HTC, iPhone or iPad), you may find that the standard SIM card does not fit it and in order to continue using your usual SIM card after buying a new device, you can cut it off. The main chip remains in place, only the dimensions of the plastic base are reduced. It is not difficult to make a micro sim from a regular SIM card at home, you only need sharp nail scissors, a sharpened pencil, a ruler, sandpaper (or a nail file) and a little patience.

An ordinary SIM card is a plastic rectangle with a chip, which has dimensions of 25x15 mm. The dimensions of the micro SIM card must be 15x12 mm. You can cut a regular SIM card to the desired size as follows:

If the SIM card after resizing is larger than necessary, it can always be corrected, if the size is significantly smaller - the SIM card will become unusable and you will have to change it to a new one.

If you are afraid to spoil the SIM card or are just too lazy to mess around, you can replace the standard SIM card with a card of the required size in any Beeline office. Upon presentation of the passport, the subscriber will be issued a new SIM card, or the old SIM card will be cut to micro sim format by a device that looks like a stapler. It will take a minimum of time.

The opposite situation is also possible - the use of a micro SIM card in devices with standard slots. To do this, you will need a special adapter for micro SIM cards, which can be purchased at any communication store. Thus, your micro SIM card will be universal for most devices.

With the advent of new models of phones and smartphones, new form factors have emerged for SIM cards. Standard size practically not used. Replaced it with Micro-SIM and Nano-SIM. It is noteworthy that from the standard one can be made micro, and from micro - nano, using a special tool or scissors. Here's a guide on how to cut a SIM card at home.

How to properly cut a SIM card

There are three accepted form factors of SIM cards. Operators cellular when handing out new SIMs, they combine two or three form factors at once, and the subscriber has to "squeeze" the desired size and install it into his smartphone.

Naturally, the old SIM samples are not combined, so you need to trim them yourself.

The procedure will require care, because one wrong movement with the scissors, and the SIM card is damaged. If numbers are saved on it, then it will be impossible to restore them. It is recommended to save the numbers to the phone memory before the operation.

For the operation you will need:

  1. A sim card of a similar format or a template for a stroke.
  2. Pencil or knife to mark the borders.
  3. A ruler if you decide to do without a template.
  4. Scissors to cut out the edges.
  5. Sandpaper or a nail file for sanding the edges.

Naturally, if there is a special cutter (stapler) for converting one SIM card format to another, then it is better to use it.

How to cut a SIM card for micro: template

On the template, the edges of the future Micro-SIM are highlighted in blue. To make a micro SIM card:

  1. Turn the card with the contacts towards you. Using a ruler and pencil, mark 12 mm and 15 mm. If you are worried that you will not be able to measure exactly, print out the template in the required proportions (or make it yourself), cut out and mark on it with a pencil.
  2. Use sharp small scissors or a knife to cut along the outline.
  3. Gently sand the excess edges and notches with sandpaper.
  4. The main thing is not to overdo it and do not touch the contacts.

Creating a Nano-SIM from a template

The procedure is similar. Use a template and make from Micro - Nano.

In the case of a nano sim card, how to trim:

  1. Mark 12.3 mm wide and 8.8 mm long, or trace around on the printed template.
  2. Use scissors to cut without hitting the pins, and then gently clean with a nail file.

Then insert the SIM card into the phone and check its performance. In case of failure, you can contact the operator with a request to replace the physical carrier of the SIM card without changing the number.

Cut the SIM using a special cutter

There is a special tool - a stapler for cutting by templates. It allows you to quickly and preserve the ideal proportions to cut a large SIM card chip.

Execution process:

  1. Insert the chip into a special mold.
  2. Unfold the cutter and place the mold in it.
  3. Close and press firmly.

The risks of damaging the chip with such a cutter are reduced to zero. But the cost of this device significantly exceeds the cost of a SIM card. It is purchased by those who do this kind of thing every day.

If you will not buy a stapler, and the chip was damaged during cutting, it remains to contact the telecom operator to replace the SIM.

How much does it cost to replace a SIM card with an operator

You can replace the old-style SIM card with a combined one in the operator's salons. You need to have a passport or other identity document with you and preferably a phone to install the card in the SIM tray.

The cost of replacement for operators for individuals:

  • MTS is free.
  • Beeline - 30 rubles, will be debited later from the subscriber account.
  • Megaphone is free. You can purchase a heat-resistant one for 100 rubles.
  • Yota is free.
  • Tele2 - 50 rubles, which are credited to the subscriber's account.
  • MOTIVE - free.
  • DANYCOM - free of charge.

The cost of courier delivery is individual for each city and depends on the time frame. For example, Beeline has a delivery service in Moscow, within the Moscow Ring Road, to deliver a SIM card in 3.5 hours for 530 rubles.

As for corporate customers, the clause on the cost of replacement in case of loss, damage or change to new format, is prescribed in the contract.


When cutting, remember that damage to the chip leads to the inoperability of the entire SIM-card, and the contacts saved on it cannot be restored. It is best to cut with a special cutter, but in the absence of it, you can do with improvised scissors or a knife. The main thing is to correctly mark the proportions.

If the creation of a new form factor was not crowned with success, visit your operator's communication salon and get your hands on a new physical carrier of the number.

Modern gadgets use SIM cards of different sizes. The first change came with the advent of smartphones, where the socket was designed for micro sim, but today the most advanced models of tablets and phones use an even more trimmed version. You can cut the SIM card for a new phone yourself, although some mobile operators they initially sell sim cards for special gadgets or the bag contains plastic with divisions, from which you can easily squeeze out a micro- or nano-version of the card without additional devices.

Cut the sim card with a special device in the salon

The simplest and convenient way how to crop we apply from any format - contact a cellular salon. Employees can replace standard plastic with a smaller copy, or even make it miniature themselves. Replacing a SIM card is free, but if you need to cut a SIM card for micro or nano, then most likely you will have to pay extra. In the office, they can show you how to cut a SIM card for micro- or nano-size.

Employees of communication salons do not need instructions on how to make a small SIM card out of a big one, since they use a special device that looks like a stapler. The advantage of how to make a mini from a regular model is that you do not need to use a cutting template.

SIM card cutter

As a result, the client receives not only we apply from microsym, but also an adapter for a micro SIM card from which it was squeezed out.

Thanks to the presence of such an adapter, the card can subsequently be inserted into other models of phones or tablets, because some still use the usual SIM card format. Optionally the user mobile communications can purchase a similar unit for trimming plastic in the cellular salon. There is only one drawback worth noting. If the initial thickness of the sim was more than the standard, you will have to additionally cut the layer.

How to cut a SIM card yourself

You can learn how to make a nano SIM card from microsim or an ordinary one with your own hands. But at the first tests, it is advisable to use several unnecessary old ones, so as not to spoil the working SIM. It is easy to convert the microsim into the application, since you need to cut out virtually the entire part, except for the chip. However, if you use only this installation, you can cut too much, so it is better to use the instructions on how to make the application from microsymbols:

Sizes of SIM card formats
  • Print a template for cutting a smaller version from a regular sim card. In fact, in the photo it looks like a rectangle with sides of 12.3x8.8 mm. If you cannot print a full-scale model, use a finely graded ruler and mark directly on the plastic. Ultimately, the nano-sim should have 0.5 and 1 mm on both sides around the chip, the remaining two sides will be back to back. Don't forget to trim the corner.
  • Use a sharp cutter or scissors to cut. Cutting plastic is very easy: it is a little harder to cut than cardboard.
  • Try to insert the cut SIM card into the gadget. For some devices, this version will be sufficient.
  • If the nanocard is too thick and does not fit into the slot (this usually happens if you make a nanosim from a regular SIM card), use a nail file or sandpaper and cut off some plastic from the back side of the chip. The chip must not be affected! The thickness of the sim card should be 0.67 mm. If you get carried away with cutting and there is too little thickness left, attach to back side a piece of paper for a more secure fit in the slot.

After you had to cut out the SIM card for the nano, make sure that the SIM card is working and was not damaged during the cut. If you know how to cut from micro-sim nano-sim yourself, and use a cutter, then you can save the adapter for the transition.

Video review: how to cut a SIM card yourself

From year to year mobile technologies are improving, smartphones are getting bigger and parts are getting smaller. Manufacturers strive for minimal detail and maximal displays. The changes also affected SIM cards, which have undergone changes since their inception. Today we will tell you how to properly cut a SIM card, adapting it to a new device. But first, let's study the existing types of SIM cards.

Types of Sim Cards

Have you ever wondered why SIM cards are sold embedded in a large plastic base. Let's reveal a secret to you - once it was a SIM card! Yes, it was so big and uncomfortable, but phones weren't quite small at the time. Then it was considered an achievement that the telephone could work without a wire, and few people were interested in the size of the card, thanks to which it was possible to make calls.

As time went on, the devices changed, big SIM cards were replaced by mini-SIM cards, which today we are accustomed to consider common. Further - less. Mini-sims have become less and less common, and micro-sims have begun to be used in new devices. And, it would seem, how much less? But then Apple decided to reduce the cards for its devices - and nano-sim appeared.

If you decide to buy a new SIM card today, then opening the package, you will find a card with several notches. It is necessary to select the required size of the SIM card - and press in the right place - and you have a card suitable for your device in your hands. And if you want to rearrange it to another device, just save the remaining parts - and use them as an adapter.

SIM card trimming

But what if you have an old-style card (mini-SIM)? Then regular pruning can come to your rescue. But the question arises, how to cut a SIM card? There are several ways to transform a map into a new format:

  1. contact the communication salon. As a rule, they have special devices - SIM card cutters. For a fee or without it (it's as lucky) they will help you solve this issue - and adapt the SIM to your device.
  2. crop the card yourself.

We cut the SIM card with our own hands

Let's consider the second method in more detail and tell you how to cut a SIM card at home. To accomplish the task, you must have a pencil, ruler and sharp scissors on hand. You may also need sandpaper to adjust the dimensions later, as it is not very convenient to cut off small parts.

First, you need to decide on the size of the card that you want to get at the output. If you need to cut a SIM card for a micro SIM, then its dimensions should be 1.5 * 1.2 cm, if under a nano-SIM, then you should have a rectangle with sides of 1.23 cm and 0.88 cm. After that as you decided on the dimensions, it is worth drawing the outlines of the future sim card on your source card. And only after that, carefully, without touching the chip, cut the card.

If the first fitting was unsuccessful, and the sim card is slightly larger than necessary, continue trimming. If you have literally a few millimeters left to remove, it is better to use sandpaper. The most important thing is not to touch the contacts during processing, since if they are damaged, the card will simply stop working. Cutting for a Nano Sim is much more difficult than for a Micro Sim, since there is much less plastic around the chip, and therefore, it is much easier to touch an important part. Therefore, be careful and do everything without haste.
When the trimming is complete, you can safely insert your SIM card into the device - and use it.

If you need to install a smaller card in a device designed for a larger SIM size, you can use a special adapter.

We hope you've found our tips useful. And congratulations on purchasing your new smartphone!

On this moment v modern world there are few gadgets left that support standard options sim cards, their place was taken by micro sim cards. For example, in iPhone 4 and 4S, micro sim is installed, which appeared in 2003. And in the iPhone 5, 5S, 5C, 6, 6 PLUS, 6S, 6S PLUS, SE, 7, 7 PLUS there is already a smaller format of sim-cards - nano-sim. Therefore, in our article we will raise the question: how to trim it yourself.

The SIM card can be reduced at home, or you can entrust this matter to specialists. You can cut a card at home on your own using improvised means: scissors or a stationery knife, a nail file or sandpaper and a caliper, or a simple ruler. After trimming, the sim card can still be inserted into a regular phone.

The cropped SIM card can be put into a regular phone, but for this you need to return it to its previous appearance. To do this, you should contact a specialized online store or the nearest communication salon, they will explain how to insert, offer an adapter for such sim cards. The best option will be - the purchase of a whole set, since it includes a set of stickers that will firmly connect the adapter to the antenna so that it does not fall out in any way. If you haven't found such stickers anywhere, regular tape will help you.

Alternatively, the adapter can be ordered from the online store and includes the adapter itself and a pin that allows you to remove the SIM card tray for iPhone. You can also order adapters for the required format of your SIM card, thanks to him, the cards can be installed even in a regular phone. One has only to put the SIM card into the adapter and install it on the mobile device.

How to shorten correctly without damaging the chip

Unlike micro-sim, where padding length plays an important role, nano-sim is much easier to reduce, since it has practically no plastic edges. Therefore, the likelihood of damage to the chip is small. But, if you accidentally damaged the chip, and your mobile device does not catch the network, do not panic, contact your operator and you will be provided with a duplicate SIM card of the required size.

What SIM card is on your iPhone?

If you decide to change the card in your phone, make sure that it will be of the correct size, and if the size does not fit, then learn how to cut out the micro SIM for the iPhone correctly, because the new iPhone models that have come out now only support this kind of SIM cards like macro-sim as well as nano-sim. Therefore, the owners of such phones will need to either bite off a SIM card of standard formats to the size of a micro-SIM, or under a nano SIM, or change to a suitable size, since it is impossible to insert a regular one.

How to trim SIM yourself

Cim in a phone of the usual format is a plastic rectangle with a chip, 25x15 mm in size. The dimensions of the micro sim are 15x12x0.76 mm, and the dimensions of the nano sim are 12.3 × 8.8 × 0.67 mm.

How to Safely Shrink SIM at Home

In the process of pruning, the irreparable may happen, namely, the scissors may come off, you will not cut it off, everything will not go according to plan.

Attention! You must be sure that you know exactly all the nuances of how to crop a sim at home and how to do it yourself. Therefore, in order not to damage your sim, you should practice on old unnecessary sim cards, and only then do this fraud with your main one.

How to properly fit the micro format

Let's see how to do it:

First you need to draw 15x12 mm markings around the chip, along which the card will be cut. Then take a really sharp scissors so that everything goes smoothly, small manicure scissors are best for this. Along the lines drawn, you need to cut out the excess plastic, after which all that remains is to carefully cut off a small corner of the card.

Finally, you need to check the size of the card with the slot in mobile device... If the card is still large, remove any excess plastic with a nail file or sandpaper.

Making from a standard sim

The process of remaking a standard SIM card for nano is as follows:

  1. You need to cut off the sim card, cut off the bottom and top of the sim card, but before that, remember where the corner is located in order to restore it afterwards. At the end of the trimming, the length of the sim card should be 12.3 mm.
  2. The SIM card will be 8.8 mm wide, for which you need to cut off the excess plastic on the sides.
  3. What and how to do if your SIM card is not included in the slot, does not fit in thickness, and which SIM card is suitable? - you need sandpaper. The maximum thickness of nano-sim is 0.70 mm, you need to take a small piece of sandpaper and erase, of course, the layer with the operator's graphics. Erasure of plastic does not affect the performance of SIM cards in any way, but before you start doing this, protect your respiratory tract with a medical mask or gauze, as the dust irritates the mucous membranes and has a pungent odor.

Now let's see how to make nano-sim from micro-sim correctly. This process is almost no different from reworking from a regular SIM card. Microsim is not only larger than nano-sim, it also dominates in thickness. The thickness of the microsim is 0.10-0.15 mm larger. Therefore, you also need sandpaper and a little time.

There are even more easy way how to properly crop for nano sim. In communication shops there is a special tool, thanks to which you can easily cut a standard card for micro or nano SIM or for a small fee or even free of charge to the size you need. Then they will additionally help you to insert a SIM card into the slot of your mobile device.


I hope our tips have helped you. Try to follow the generic algorithm described above. See you on the site!

Video instruction