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Requirements for the training of verifiers and the procedure for their certification. On the approval of the rules for the certification of expert auditors in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements and verifiers of measuring instruments and the establishment of qualification requirements for them Procedure

Websites, like flowers and cars, need care. If the site is launched and no one cares about it, then sooner or later it will stop working. But the site is not just text and pictures, it is the face of the company on the Internet, a sales channel. And when the site stops working, at first glance, nothing happens, but over time there are fewer calls and customers. Those who visit your site will think that the company has closed - after all, its site is no longer operational. Those who were looking for your company on the Internet will not be able to find it - again, the site does not work. Only competitors will be pleased.

"We ordered a site in our local web studio, paid for everything, and now our site is gone. The web studio does not take phones, does not answer emails, we came to their office - it turns out they moved out a long time ago." Unfortunately, this is a typical situation. It also happens "a programmer was working on our site, he quit with all the passwords", "the company underwent a reorganization, while we were dealing with matters and lost the site" and of course "I do not understand anything about your Internet, help me fix our site."

"My company, LLC" YugPodzemCommunications "is engaged in the laying and maintenance of external pipelines, the site was made by local Krasnodar developers back in 2008 and everything was fine - they followed it, updated it, it was easy to find it in Yandex. But I don't know what happened - either the crisis, or the business of doing their own thing, tired - an employee comes up to me and says - Andrey Yuryevich, our site does not work, today the second client has already said this. I call the programmers - and there "the phone is not available." everywhere, in official cars. What to do. I called my friends - they gave me a contact with the St. Petersburg guys, they fixed my website and keep it. Thank you! Respectfully, A.Yu. Mostovoy. "- client site


Call us at 8-800-333-16-58 or write to e-mail [email protected] to clarify the cost and timing of work. It is not cheap to restore a domain and a website, but the company's reputation losses and the cost of creating a new website are much higher than the cost of restoration work. The basic term for domain renewal is 3 business days, site restoration is 5 business days.

Fill out a questionnaire for a domain for an individual (download the questionnaire) or send the details of your legal entity... For work, the cost of which is from 7000 rubles. it is possible to conclude an agreement (download the agreement). You pay for the work.

What is a domain:

A domain is the address of a website on the Internet, a set of letters and numbers, like a phone number. The address of our website is, the address of Vkontakte is, and the address of Yandex is Domains are registered and maintained by domain registrars. Each site on the Internet has its own domain. Your site has the same, only now the domain is not working and it needs to be restored.

Who the domain is registered for:

To an individual or a legal entity at your request. If you - individual entrepreneur, then from the point of view of the legal status of domains, the domain is registered to you as an individual. For some domain registrars, registration for non-residents is also possible Russian Federation(foreign individuals and companies).

Who owns the domain:

A domain is not an object of property rights (like an apartment or a car), therefore, from a legal point of view, it does not have an owner. Domain is an entry in the register of a domain registrar, which has an Administrator who, in fact, is the owner (manages a domain, renews, can transfer the domain to another administrator). You can check who is the domain administrator through Whois service at the registrar, for example, in Axelname - if in the Org field: it says KreoBits or CreoBits - then we have the domain, if Private person means the domain of a private person (in accordance with Federal Law 152 on personal data, the registrar does not have the right to indicate the full name in public data and therefore "Private person" is written for all individuals).

We create an account (agreement) with an accredited domain registrar according to your profile of an individual or the details of a legal entity and we carry out registration of a domain for you. We create a new hosting for the site and rebuild the site pages with text and pictures on modern system site management MODx. As a result, we get a completely working site that looks and is filled in the same way as the site that you had before. We send you passwords for the domain, site editor and hosting.

What is hosting:

In order for the site to be accessible via the Internet, it must be placed on an Internet server (specialized computer). This service is called " hosting"(from the English. hosting). Technically, a website is a set of files, it is hosted and becomes accessible from any device connected to the Internet. If the hosting is good, then the site is always available, works quickly and does not break. If the hosting is bad, the site will work slowly and intermittently. We host recovered sites on equipment in the Selectel data center (Moscow), which is one of the best hosting providers in the Russian Federation.

What is MODx:

MODx is a content management system from eng. Content Management System (CMS). It is needed for the site to work, drawing an analogy - as Windows is a system for controlling a computer, and Android is for a smartphone and a tablet, so MODx is the same thing, only for a site. But unlike Windows and Android, for sites there are hundreds of different in purpose and complexity of site management systems, the most common of which are 1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMS, Wordpress, Joomla and MODx. The main task of MODx, like any other CMS, is to ensure the operation of the site and handy tools editing it by a programmer and editor (for example, a manager of your organization). CMS are paid and free, MODx is free, all management is in Russian.

What will we restore:

Everything that we can restore, including the design of your site, its content (texts, pictures), functionality - structure, menu, search, catalog, form feedback... It's like recovering data from a broken computer ( hard disk), if the specialist is good, it will restore all the files as they were.


We are a small company, we have been working since 2007, we value each client and value our reputation. Our guarantees:

  • our company is not a "one-day", we are already 9 years old, it is easy to check, make an online statement of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for CreoBits LLC (TIN 7840363309). you can also look at the arbitration practice ("cases in court") in our organization, for 9 years of work there are only two of them, in one of which we won, and the second in the process.
  • work for amounts from 7000 rubles. performed under the contract
  • DRA is a registered trademark -.
  • gratitude to our organization from the authority -. We have been working with the Committee for Nature Management for 7 years, we maintain and develop their website.
Better than any words:

We ask you to be vigilant, because scammers work on our behalf who do not hesitate to introduce themselves as CreoBits / DRA.RU employees and promise assistance in restoring sites and domains for a modest (or completely immodest) fee. Remember, we write only from @ addresses, for example, from addresses [email protected], [email protected] and if you received a letter from some other address, for example, [email protected] then they are scammers. Just call us at 8-800-333-16-58 and clarify all questions on site restoration. Our website

Certification of SI Verifiers
Certification of SI Verifiers must provide an objective assessment of the compliance of the level of professional training, knowledge, practical skills and experience of a specialist with the modern level of development of measuring instruments and the requirements that ensure their trouble-free operation.
Certification is intended to facilitate the formation of the staff of metrological services, accredited in accordance with the established procedure for the right to calibrate measuring instruments and improve the professional level of SI Verifiers.

Certification is subdivided into primary, periodic and repeated. The primary certification is passed by people who do not have a document on passing certification as a Verifier of SI. Periodic attestation is carried out for persons who have a previously issued Attestation sheet, at the end of its validity period. Re-certification is carried out for persons who have passed certification with a negative result.

Certification Procedure. Attestation is carried out in the form of an exam, which includes two theoretical and one practical questions, as well as questions from members of the Attestation Commission.

Persons admitted to certification.

Primary certification is passed:

  • persons who have a state-recognized document on completed higher or secondary technical education (if there is a discipline "Verification of SI" in the appendix to the document);
  • persons who have a state-recognized document on completed higher or secondary technical education (if any metrological discipline is included in the annex to the document) and a certificate of advanced training in the field of verification of measuring instruments in the amount of at least 72 hours for one section of the measurement area or at least 102 hours on the totality of the backlog of the measurement area in accordance with MI 2314 to curriculum approved by the Metrology Department of Rosstandart;
  • persons who have a state-recognized document on completed higher or secondary education (if there is a document on retraining in the specialization "Specialist in Metrology" for a curriculum of at least 250 hours, agreed with the Metrology Department of Rosstandart) and a certificate of advanced training in the field of verification of measuring instruments in the amount of at least 72 hours for one section of the measurement area or at least 102 hours for the totality of the backlog of the measurement area in accordance with MI 2314 according to the curriculum agreed with the Metrology Department of Rosstandart.

Periodic attestation is allowed for persons who have a previously issued Certification Sheet of the Verifier of Measuring Instruments and a certificate of advanced training in verification of measuring instruments according to the program in the amount of at least 72 hours for one section of the measurement area or at least 102 hours for a set of sections in the field of measurements in accordance with the MI. 2314.
Persons who have submitted documentary evidence of previous certification are allowed to re-certification. Re-certification is carried out earlier than 6 months after the meeting of the Certification Commission. Re-certification is carried out on the basis of a new contract.

Results of Attestation. Based on the results of the certification, an act is drawn up. The act is signed by all members of the Attestation Commission. If the attestation results are positive, the attested person is issued an Attestation sheet in the form of GOST R 56069-2014. The attestation sheet is issued for a period of three to five years. In case of negative results, the person being certified is issued a certificate. The presence of a certificate is the basis for concluding an agreement for re-certification.
A copy of the certification sheet of the SI Verifier and the certificate of verification are used to form the case of the Verifier SI and maintain the register of Verifier SI.

In accordance with the law "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements", the verification of measuring instruments is carried out by an individual certified as a verifier by the State Metrological Service (SMS), the State Scientific Metrological Center metrological service, by the metrological service of a legal entity accredited for the right of verification. The procedure for certification of verifiers is established in the rules for metrology PR. 50.2.019-94 "Procedure for certification of verifiers of measuring instruments".

Established primary and periodic certification of verifiers. Persons who have received special training and have practical work experience in verification departments are allowed to primary certification. By decision of the attestation commission, persons who graduated from higher educational institutions with a specialization in metrology and measuring technology and have practical work experience in calibration departments can be admitted to primary attestation without receiving special training. Periodic certification is carried out at least once every 5 years. Persons who have undergone special training during the inter-certification period are allowed to periodic certification. The training and retraining of verifiers of measuring instruments is carried out by the training Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (ASMS) of the State Standard of Russia and its branches.

To carry out certification, the State Metrological Service, the State Scientific Metrological Center, the metrological service of a legal entity create an attestation commission from among highly qualified metrology specialists with at least 5 years of experience in checking the corresponding types (types, groups) of measuring instruments. The certification commission monitors the verification of measuring instruments by the certified employee. Based on the results of the control, an act of verification of compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents for verification is drawn up during verification of measuring instruments.

At the meeting, the certification commission considers the recall of the certified employee from the place of work, signed by the head, the inspection report and hears the message of the certified employee about his work. Discussion of the results of the work is carried out in the absence of the certified person. At least 2/3 of the number of members of the certification commission must participate in voting based on the results of the discussion. The voting results are determined by a majority of votes. In case of equality of votes in the assessment of activities, the certified employee is recommended for certification. If the representative of the SMS body voted against, the certified employee cannot be certified as a verifier of measuring instruments, regardless of the voting results. The assessment of the performance of the employee who has passed the certification and the recommendation of the certification commission are entered in the certification sheet, which is signed by the chairman and members of the commission. The appraisal sheet and recall from the place of work are stored in the employee's personal file. Based on the results of the work of the certification commission, an order is issued on certification of employees as verifiers of measuring instruments.

77. Persons involved in verification of measuring instruments must have the appropriate qualifications and be certified as verifiers.

78. The training of verifiers can be carried out:

military educational institutions;

training centers in the structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;


Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification of Gosstandart of Russia;

state scientific metrological centers;

independently in the MVPP.

Verification officers are trained in accordance with the Metrological Training Programs for Armed Forces Specialists and additions to them, developed by the services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in order to take into account the specifics of verification of special measuring instruments.

79. The following persons are admitted to certification as verifiers:

have received special training in the field of metrology and measuring technology;

having a practical experience of work in the MVPP for at least three months and possessing practical skills in carrying out verification of measuring instruments in compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Persons admitted to certification must pass exams in the scope of the relevant sections of the Metrological Training Programs for specialists of the Armed Forces. The results of the exams are recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission, approved by the head of the metrological service, who appointed the commission.

Persons who passed the exams are certified as verifiers for measuring instruments with the issuance of verification certificates (Appendix No. 4 to this Manual). The right to issue verification certificates is granted to the heads of metrological services, whose powers for certification of verification officers are determined by the Regulations on the Metrological Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 1.

Certification of individuals as verifiers for measuring instruments involved in carrying out verification work within the framework of military-technical cooperation with the armies of foreign states is carried out by the governing body of the Metrological Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, followed by entry into a special section of the Register of Certified Verification Specialists, which is maintained in the management body of the Metrological services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Control over the activities of metrological military units and subdivisions, military units accredited for the right to calibrate measuring instruments, which have received licenses for the right to manufacture, repair and sell measuring instruments

80. Control over the activities of accredited and licensed military units and subunits, as well as verifiers and repairmen working in them, is carried out by the governing body of the Metrological Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and metrological services in the structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the process of conducting metrological supervision.

Control is organized in the form of inspections, as well as by conducting comparisons of military and working standards, organized by 32 GNII MO, TsBIT and BIT MO on behalf of the head of the Metrological Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

81. Based on the results of the control, the following decisions can be made:

confirm the compliance of the military unit (subdivision) with the requirements for accreditation and licensing;

to take measures to eliminate the discovered deficiencies, specifying, if necessary, the scope of accreditation (licensing);

suspend or cancel the accreditation certificate, license or verification certificate;

renew the validity of the accreditation certificate, license or verification certificate;

to carry out extraordinary accreditation, licensing or certification of verifiers.

82. An accreditation certificate or license issued to a military unit (unit) may be canceled or suspended in the following cases:

non-compliance of the military unit (subdivision) with the established requirements for accreditation and licensing, the scope of accreditation (licensing);

submission by the owner of the accreditation certificate (license) of the corresponding application;

detection of inaccurate information in the submitted documents;

gross violations of metrological requirements, rules and norms, as a result of which there is a danger of accidents, catastrophes, threats to human life, material damage, a significant decrease in the combat readiness of weapons and military equipment;

verification of measuring instruments belonging to organizations, institutions and enterprises outside the sphere of defense and security of the Russian Federation, without coordination with the State Standard of Russia (bodies of the State Metrological Service in the territories);

liquidation or reorganization with a change in the nature of the activity of a military unit (subdivision).

The verification certificate may be canceled (suspended) if the verification officer admits gross or systematic violations of metrological requirements, rules and norms, the requirements of regulatory documents for verification methods, which entailed a significant decrease in the reliability of verification and (or) recognition of faulty measuring instruments as suitable.

The decision to cancel (suspend) the accreditation certificate, license, and verification certificate is made by the head of the metrological service who issued them, independently or at the direction of the superior metrological service, about which the corresponding military unit is notified within three days. The listed documents cease to be valid from the moment the military unit receives a notification of their cancellation (suspension). If canceled, they must be returned within 10 days to the metrological service that issued them.

The resumption of the activities of the military unit (subdivision) for the verification, manufacture, repair and sale of measuring instruments is carried out by the decision of the accrediting metrological service after elimination of the discovered deficiencies based on the results of control or extraordinary accreditation (licensing).

83. The results of the control with the decision to carry out corrective measures, suspend, cancel or renew the validity of the issued documents, conduct extraordinary accreditation (licensing) are reported on command and sent to 32 GNII MO for registration in the Register of Accreditation and Licensing and the Register of Certified Verification Specialists. In other cases, the results of the control are reported in the annual reports of the metrological services in the structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

84. In the event of gross violations of metrological requirements, rules and norms, committed by the accrediting metrological service during accreditation (licensed) work, the decision of the head of the Metrological Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may suspend or cancel the certificate of registration of this metrological service as accrediting. The activity of the metrological service as accrediting service can be resumed after the identified deficiencies are eliminated.







DEVELOPED All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service of Gosstandart of Russia (VPIIMS of Gosstandart of Russia)

INTRODUCEDMain Directorate of Personnel and Information Protection, Main Directorate of Technical Policy in the Field of Metrology and Main Directorate of Regional Policy and State Supervision


PR 50.2.012-94


State system
ensuring the uniformity of measurements

The procedure for certification of verifiers of measuring instruments

Date of introduction 1994 03 01

These rules establish the procedure for certification of individuals as verifiers of measuring instruments.

The rules do not apply to enterprises, organizations and institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense.


1.1. Verifier of measuring instruments - an individual - an employee of the body of the State Metrological Service or a legal entity accredited for the right of verification, directly verifying measuring instruments and passing certification in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

2.8. The attestation commission considers the submitted materials and hears the report of the attested about his work.

The head of the department in which the attested works must be present at the meeting of the commission.

2.9. Based on these data, taking into account the discussion of the results of the work, the certification commission by open vote gives one of the following recommendations:

1) certified as a verifier of measuring instruments (types or areas of measurements are indicated).

2) not certified as a verifier of measuring instruments (types or areas of measurements are indicated).

2.10. A person who has not passed certification as a verifier for certain types or areas of measurements may be submitted for re-certification not earlier than 6 months in the manner determined by these Rules.

The presence of members of the commission, specialists in the profile of the verification activity of the attested is obligatory.

In the absence of the chairman of the commission, an interim chairman of the certification commission must be appointed by order.

If the representative of the body of the State Metrological Service voted against, the certified employee cannot be certified as a verifier of measuring instruments, regardless of the voting results.

2.13. The assessment of the performance of the employee who has passed the certification and the recommendation of the certification commission are entered in the certification sheet in the form.

The attestation sheet is signed by the chairman and members of the commission who took part in the voting. The certification results are communicated to the certified employee immediately after voting.

2.14. The attestation sheet and review (characteristic) for the employee who passed the attestation are stored in his personal file.

2.15. Based on the results of the work of the certification commission, an order is issued in the form.



On ___________________________________________________________________________

(surname, name, patronymic, position)

(name of the half-division)

1. ____________________________________________________________________________

(Full Name)

2. ____________________________________________________________________________

(year of birth)

3. ____________________________________________________________________________

(education - when and which educational institution he graduated from or is currently studying)

4. ____________________________________________________________________________

(specialty by education)

(specialty based on work experience)

(when I joined the body of the State Metrological Service,


7. ____________________________________________________________________________

(current position)

(total work experience)

9. ____________________________________________________________________________

(work experience in the attested specialty)

10. ___________________________________________________________________________

(date of passing the previous certification and the decision of the certification commission)

11. ___________________________________________________________________________

(compliance with production discipline)


(name of types (areas) of measurements and experience of verification work


for certain types (areas) of measurements; other types of metrological work,


performed by the attested)



13. ___________________________________________________________________________


be certified as a verifier)




The characteristic was issued for presentation to the attestation commission for attestation


(surname, initials)

as a believer.

Department Manager,

where does the certified person work ________________________________________________________

"___" _____________199 __

With characteristic


no comments __________________________________________________________________

(signature) (initials, surname)

"___" _____________199 __

Note.If necessary, the person submitted for certification can state his comments.


verification of compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents for verification during verification of measuring instruments


(date of inspection) (name of the verification department)

Compiled by _____________________________________________________________________

(surname, name, patronymic, position of persons participating in the audit)

Attended ________________________________________________________________

(surname, name, patronymic, position of responsible persons)


As a result of the verification of compliance with the requirements


(designation and name of regulatory documents for verification)

during verification


(name and designation of the measuring instrument)

conducted by ___________________________________________________________________


1. Verification of measuring instruments corresponds (does not correspond) to the established requirements for the verification of measuring instruments.

List the shortcomings.



2. The quality of verification work is satisfactory (not satisfactory).

The participants of the audit consider it possible (do not consider it possible) to attest


(surname, name, patronymic of the attested)

for the right of verification


(name of the force (area) of measurements)


Face (s)
who carried out the check __________________________________________________________

(signature) (initials, surname)

Face (s)


when checking ___________________________________________________________________

Acquainted with the act

(certified employee) __________________________________________________________

(signature) (initials, surname)

"___" _____________199 __



meetings of the commission for certification of verifiers

from "___" _____________199 _ year N _________

Attestation commission consisting of:

Chairman __________________________________________________________________

(Full Name)

secretary _____________________________________________________________________

(Full Name)

and commission members: _____________________________________________________________

(surnames, names, patronymics)



in the absence of commission members:


(surnames, names, patronymics)

Having considered the submitted materials and additional information obtained during the certification, I made a decision by open vote:

Chairman of the Commission __________________________________________________________

(signature) (initials, surname)

Commission members ________________________________________________________________

(signature) (initials, surname)

Secretary of the Commission _____________________________________________________________

(signature) (initials, surname)

5. ____________________________________________________________________________

(general work experience, including in the metrological specialty)

6. ____________________________________________________________________________

(position held,


date of appointment)

7. ____________________________________________________________________________

(employee performance assessment)

8. ____________________________________________________________________________

Chairman of the Attestation Commission ___________________________________________

(signature) (initials, surname)

Commission members _______________________________________________________________

(signature) (initials, surnames)


1. To approve the decision of the certification commission and recognize all positively certified persons specified in the appendix to the order, certified as verifiers of measuring instruments.

Head of the body


metrological service

(legal entity)___________________________________________________________

(signature) (initials, surname)

Appendix to the order





Head of the body


metrological service

(legal entity)____________________________________________________________

(signature) (initials, surname)

Keywords: verifiers, measuring instruments, certification