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Calibration of ACS TP channels war with metrologists. Verification and calibration of measuring systems


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  • Checking channels of measuring systems

    Recently, more and more clearly visible problems associated with verification, in general, and with the verification of channels of measuring systems, in particular. Leaving aside general problems, let us dwell on the issues related to the verification of channels of measuring systems.

    Several such questions can be distinguished.

    1. Should the concept of “verification” be clarified in relation to the channels of measuring systems?

    2. Are the verification procedures currently used to assess the intrinsic error of channels of measuring systems sufficiently complete?

    3. How should the results of the calibration of channels of measuring systems be documented?

    4. How to ensure mutual recognition of the results of verification of channels of measuring systems in the country and abroad?

    I would like to make a reservation right away that this report sets out the author's personal point of view, based on his experience in solving such problems, and, in general, this experience was reduced to solving issues of the general organization of verification, and not methods of verification of individual specific systems. Naturally, this experience cannot be considered all-encompassing, and the conclusions obtained are indisputable.

    Let's start with a number of quotes from GOST R 8.596. First of all, let's define: what is a measuring system? “Measuring system - a set of measuring, connecting, computing components that form measuring channels, and auxiliary devices (components of the measuring system), functioning as a whole, intended for:

    - obtaining information about the state of an object using measuring transformations in the general case of a set of time-varying and distributed in space quantities characterizing this state;

    - machine processing of measurement results;

    - registration and indication of measurement results and results of their machine processing;

    - converting this data into output signals of the system for different purposes ”.

    - measuring channels of the IS-1, as a rule, are subjected to complete verification, in which the metrological characteristics of the measuring channels of the IS as a whole are controlled (from the input to the output of the channel);

    - measuring channels IS-2, as a rule, are subjected to component (element-by-element) verification: dismantled primary measuring transducers(sensors) - in laboratory conditions; the secondary part - a complex component, including communication lines - at the installation site of the IC while simultaneously controlling all influencing factors acting on individual components. If specialized portable standards or mobile reference laboratories are available and the IS-2 inputs are available, complete verification of the IS-2 measuring channels at the installation site is preferable. ”

    In this case, the channels IS-1 and IS-2 mean the following:
    “IS-1 - manufactured by the manufacturer as complete, complete (except, in some cases, communication lines and electronic computers) products, for the installation of which at the site of operation, the instructions given in the operational documentation are sufficient, in which the metrological characteristics of the measuring channels of the system are normalized;

    IS-2 designed for specific objects (groups of typical objects) from IS components, produced, as a rule, by various manufacturers, and accepted as finished products directly at the operation facility. The installation of such ICs at the operation site is carried out in accordance with the design documentation for the IC and the operational documentation for its components, in which the metrological characteristics, respectively, of the measuring channels of the IC and its components are normalized. "

    Let's consider the simplest example - a heat meter. It fully complies with the definition of a measuring system. However, for its verification, GOST R 51649 recommends already different approaches to verification: element-by-element and per-channel. The element-by-element method is recommended to be used in the case when the component parts of the heat meter are approved as types of measuring instruments, as well as in the presence of a standard information connection between the parts and the procedure for calculating the error of the heat meter according to the errors of its component parts, approved in the prescribed manner.

    The channel-by-channel method is used when the error rates of the channels are established and there is a method for calculating the error of the heat meter based on the errors of its measuring channels, approved in the prescribed manner.

    It is interesting to note that in the same GOST R 8.596, a measuring channel is understood as “a structurally or functionally separated part of an IC that performs a complete function from the perception of a measured value to obtaining the result of its measurements, expressed by a number or the corresponding code, or until obtaining analog signal, one of the parameters of which is a function of the measured value.

    Note ... IC measurement channels can be simple or complex. In a simple measuring channel, a direct measuring method is realized by means of successive measuring conversions. The complex measuring channel in the primary part is a collection of several simple measuring channels, the signals from the output of which are used to obtain the result of indirect, aggregate or joint measurements or to obtain a signal proportional to it in the secondary part of the complex measuring channel of the IC ”.

    It follows that the heat meter should be considered as a complex measuring channel, but consisting of a number of simple ones. It seems that we are somewhat confused. Even on this simple example, it turns out that one and the same measuring instrument can be considered both as a system and as a channel.

    But back to verification. By definition, the heat meter should be attributed to the IS-1, and, therefore, it should be verified comprehensively, but currently there are no such methods. If the element-by-element or channel-by-channel verification method is used, which in this case is not essential, then, in some cases, periodic verification is reduced to an external examination. During an external examination, the following operations are performed:

    - assessment of the compliance of the heat meter completeness with the passport;

    - verification of the presence of unexpired verification certificates (or other documents confirming the passage of the initial or periodic verification) of the heat meter and each of its components;

    - control of the presence and integrity of the manufacturer's seals, as well as seals and stamps, mandatory for commercial metering devices;

    - absence check mechanical damage affecting the performance of the components of the heat meter and electrical connections between them.

    The list of operations given above is essentially a literal quotation from the methodology of one of the heat meters.

    It turns out that during periodic verification, no work is performed to assess the metrological characteristics of the heat meter. Such work is carried out when checking its constituent parts. Then verification degenerates into a purely administrative procedure. This leads to two questions at once:

    1. Perhaps, define verification as an assessment of the conformity of measuring instruments to the established technical and administrative requirements? In this case, the metrological characteristics, which are part of the technical ones, can be established during the calibration process.

    2. Is the set of procedures performed during periodic verification sufficient to be sure that the basic error of the heat meter as a whole does not exceed the normalized limits? Without elaborating on this topic, it can be noted that the listed set of procedures does not include checking the correctness of connections. And this can have a very significant effect on the total error.

    It would be possible to note other sources of errors, which are often not taken into account when describing methods for verifying measuring systems. Let us note only the possibility of the influence of the software on the reliability of the results obtained. Despite the fact that considerable attention is paid to this issue abroad. Work in this direction is just beginning in Russia. Very weakly reflected in the methodological and regulatory documentation and issues related to the influence of interfaces, both digital and, especially, analog on the reliability of the obtained measurement results.

    And also about the problems of mutual recognition of the results of verification and calibration not only within the CIS, which may also become a significant problem in the near future, but also in the so-called far abroad countries.

    In Russian metrological practice, several related concepts are used that refer to technical devices used in the field of metrology:

    Standard sample is a technical means in the form of a substance (material) that establishes, reproduces, stores units of quantities characterizing the composition or properties of this substance (material) in order to transfer their size to measuring instruments;

    Measuring instrument - a technical instrument intended for measurements, having normalized metrological characteristics, reproducing and (or) storing a unit of quantity, the size of which is assumed to be unchanged (within the specified error) for a known time interval;

    Control means - a technical means that reproduces and (or) stores a value of a given size, designed to determine the state of the controlled object and has normalized error characteristics;

    Test equipment is a technical tool designed to reproduce and maintain test conditions.

    If any of the listed technical devices are used in areas covered by legal metrology, for example, safety, health, trade, the environment, etc., should it be subject to testing and type approval requirements or does this only apply to measuring instruments in strict understanding of this term? In Germany, for example, this distinction is not so strict, and in our country, in practice, a significant share of the State Register of Measuring Instruments is made up of control devices and test equipment.

    If a measuring instrument consists of separate blocks that can be used both autonomously and as part of complex measuring devices or channels of measuring systems, should each of these blocks separately be tested and type approved? If so, can the channel of the measuring system, which includes similar units that have not been individually type approved, be approved as a separate type of measuring instrument on a par with this?

    A number of international documents on metrology indicate the possibility of refusal to test and type approval of measuring instruments, if their compliance with existing requirements can be confirmed on the basis of the submitted technical documentation, and the metrological characteristics are assessed during initial verification or calibration. Should it be clarified which groups of measuring instruments are covered by this provision?

    If a measuring instrument is manufactured or imported by import in a single or insignificant number of copies, is it necessary to carry out type approval work or is it enough to conduct an initial verification (metrological certification) of specific samples?

    If the metrological characteristics of a measuring instrument significantly depend on the conditions and quality of installation and adjustment of a measuring instrument, which takes place when creating measuring systems of the IS-2 type, does the type approval make sense in this case?

    Confirmation of compliance of an individual sample of a measuring instrument with an approved type can be implemented in the form of verification or calibration. In this case, a distinction is made between primary and subsequent verification.

    The difference between verification and calibration consists, on the one hand, in the fact that during calibration, the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments are established, and during verification, only their compliance with the established requirements is determined. On the other hand, the two procedures differ in status. Verification is carried out in those areas of measurements that are subject to government regulation. Calibration can be performed in these areas and beyond. Essentially, calibration, in most cases, serves part of verification.

    If the measuring instruments have not been tested for the purpose of type approval, then the content of the initial verification is significantly expanded. In this case, it becomes necessary to confirm that the measuring instrument meets all the requirements of legal metrology for such measuring instruments. Therefore, in addition to certain tests (control), the manufacturer's data, his declaration of conformity, and, in some cases, his quality assurance system should also be used. Simple control technical characteristics in this case, not enough.

    Both in the first and in the second case, the initial verification can be selective.

    Thus, it is necessary, firstly, to determine the requirements for various types of measuring instruments. The recommendations of the OIML, IEC and ISO standards, annexes to the European Directive 2004/22 / EC can be taken as a basis. The development of such documents is not yet expected.

    Secondly. In the presence of these documents that determine the agreed requirements for measuring instruments, it is possible to raise the question of using the OIML Certificates as a document confirming compliance with a certain type, but so far this approach is not supported even at the level of regional metrological organizations.

    Thirdly. If measuring instruments of the same type are produced by different manufacturers or produced in different modifications, then it is necessary to confirm that they all correspond to the approved type.

    Fourthly, it is required to provide a correct assessment that each individual measuring instrument corresponds to the approved type. Those. it must be correctly verified or calibrated.

    The task of primary verification (calibration) consists in the need to prove with acceptable reliability that each copy of a measuring instrument in production, and for measuring systems in installation and commissioning, meets the requirements for technical characteristics established in the type description.

    This confirmation can use:

    - individual control of each unit of measuring instruments;

    - statistical (selective) control of independent samples;

    - statistical (selective) control of sequential samples;

    - statistical control of the technological process using control charts;

    - use of the manufacturer's quality assurance system.

    Moreover, for measuring systems, only the first and last approaches are realizable.

    Verification or calibration of measuring instruments can be carried out in the country - the manufacturer of the measuring instruments, as well as in the importing country. Calibration often needs to be done on site after the measuring instruments have been installed. The methods of performing verification (calibration) when fulfilling the general requirements for the nomenclature of the assessed characteristics of measuring instruments and the reliability of the results obtained may differ, taking into account the technological capabilities of different countries. This creates additional difficulties for the mutual recognition of verification and calibration results.

    These problems prevent quick solution the issue of mutual recognition. Perhaps, you should think about developing a document that would define the criteria for choosing a rational way to carry out initial verification (calibration) in each specific situation.

    This document can also define the conditions necessary for the conclusion of agreements on the mutual recognition of the compliance of measuring instruments with the agreed requirements for them, between the national legal metrology authorities of different countries.


    1.GOST R 8.596-2002. GSE. Metrological support of measuring systems. Basic Provisions

    2. GOST R 51649-2000 Heat meters for water heating systems. General specifications

    Lukashov Yuri Evgenievich - Head of Department of FSUE "VNIIMS", Ph.D., Associate Professor

    Russia, 119361, Moscow, Ozernaya, 46

    which identification of the source of information is carried out, the type, serial number and place of installation of the PIP are used. In order to check the legitimacy of the used measuring instruments, the dates of the next calibration of the heat meter and its measuring components, as well as the beginning and end of the admission of the metering unit to operation, are entered into the system database. For use as criteria for the reliability of measurement results, the system database stores the admissible values ​​of the upper and lower limits of the pressure, flow and temperature measurement ranges, as well as the difference in flow rates and temperatures for each type of measuring component and each pipeline on which this component is installed. In general, the system uses 52 different parameters, including for validating the results of measuring the amount of heat and parameters of the coolant.

    The implementation of control methods based on verification of the verification, adaptability and security functions incorporated in the verification methodology made it possible to reduce the verification time of the system, which includes currently about 7000 measuring channels, from several months to several days with a corresponding reduction in the cost of verification.

    Approaches to trustworthiness, adaptability and security of the information part of large energy metering systems

    resources considered above are proposed in the form of requirements for metrological support of AIIS KUTE of a similar purpose and are included as an appendix in the national standard approved for voluntary use, developed by FBU "Tomsk CSM" (date of introduction: March 1, 2013)


    1. MI 3000-2006. GSE. Automated information and measuring systems for commercial metering of electrical energy. Typical verification procedure.

    3. GOST R 8.596-2002. GSE. Metrological support of measuring systems. Basic provisions.

    4. GOST R 8.778-2011. GSE. Thermal energy measuring instruments for water heating systems. Metrological support.

    Date of adoption 30.08.2012

    Calibration of measuring channels of measuring systems after their calibration


    FBU "Penza CSM", Penza, Russia, e-mail: [email protected]

    The issues of determining the parameters of the transformation function of the measuring channels of measuring systems, the introduction of corrections and the subsequent assessment of their metrological characteristics are considered.

    Key words: measuring systems and channels, metrological characteristics, conversion function.

    The problems of determination of the transformation function parameters of measuring channels in measuring systems, of inserting corrections and subsequent evaluation of their metrological characteristics are considered.

    Key words: measuring systems and channels, metrological characteristics, transformation function.

    When carrying out a periodic check of the state of metrological support (MO) of the operated measuring instruments (MI) in order to increase their accuracy, the calibration of the SI conversion function is carried out with the subsequent introduction of corrective amendments. In those cases when the calibration of measuring instruments (Fig. 1) is one of the stages of their calibration (or verification, which is, in fact, the same calibration, but with the adoption of a conclusion on the compliance of metrological characteristics (МХ) with established standards), one has to reckon with some features of MO SI. On

    rice. 1, a chain of sequentially performed procedures is highlighted with a dark background, which will be discussed below.

    It is known that it is advisable to calibrate and calibrate the measuring instrument using different (at least two) copies of working standards (RE). As an example of relatively few SI for which a similar procedure is implemented, one can cite electronic balance, the delivery set of which includes a calibration weight. In this case, the MX balance is determined using weights from another set.

    Comparison of MX with established standards (verification)

    Considering that, along with the use of different copies of the standard, several options for using the same copy of the OM can be recommended for both calibration and calibration of the SI. Unfortunately, in practice, such a cross-validation method is usually not used, which reduces the reliability of the calibration and verification of the measuring instrument. The fact is that one and the same copy of the OM, which serves both for calibration and calibration,

    may give too optimistic a result for the MC of the SI being calibrated if a point rather than an interval estimate of the error is used. That is why we must not forget that the MCh SI, for which the calibration is carried out, should include the estimates:

    non-excluded systematic error (NSP);

    standard deviation of random error;


    In this case, the assessment of the NSP SI, of course, should also include the error of the same name in the RE (which is sometimes forgotten).

    If the calibration and calibration of measuring channels (MC) of measuring systems is supposed to be carried out in a complete set, then, most likely, they will be performed under the operating conditions prevailing at the time of the experiment. It should be noted that the issue of carrying out a complete calibration of the IR has not been methodically worked out. The question remains, how to extend the MC estimates obtained for the current operating conditions of the IC to arbitrary conditions? In addition, for complete calibration, it is advisable to use multifunctional calibrators, which should be small-sized, lightweight, mobile, with little time spent on preparation for work, keeping their MX in a wide range of operating conditions. Often, it is the last requirement for the standards that is defining, which does not allow the use of calibrators in the operating conditions of IR measuring systems.

    In this regard, the complete calibration has to be replaced by element-by-element: the primary measuring transducer (PIP) is turned off and the rest of the IC is calibrated, which usually represents a complex component (QC) together with the communication line.

    At element-by-element calibration of the IC, considerable attention should be paid to the placement of the electronic components. On the one hand, its location at the place of operation of the PIP (Fig. 2, a) does not allow to reduce the requirements for the OM in terms of maintaining MX in the operating conditions of the PIP, and in some cases - to solve the issues of intrinsic safety and explosion protection. On the other hand, the presence of the OM in the place of operation of the SC (Fig. 2, b) leads to a violation of the symmetry of the communication line (which was when the PID was connected), and, consequently, to an increase in the error component from the effect of longitudinal and transverse interference on the communication line. A third option is also possible (Fig. 2, c), which consists in the element-by-element check of the PIP, QC and communication lines using the means of checking the communication lines (CPLS).

    MoD procedures operated by SI

    Graduation No

    MX definition (calibration) No Yes No

    Rice. 1. MO procedures of operated SI

    It should be noted that the issue of calibrating the IR after the calibration of its components has not been methodically worked out either. Three options are possible here: complete calibration and calibration; calibration and calibration of each component of the IR, and then the calculation of their MX;

    simulation of complete calibration and calibration. The first option is rarely implemented in practice, so we will consider the second and third options and start with graduation. Let us consider the calibration of each component of the IC (second option) on the assumption that a simple IC consists of series-connected PIP and CC, which have nominal linear transformation functions (FP):

    where Unom, ^ X Y azhom, ° zhom are the nominal values ​​of the output quantities and the values ​​of the input quantities, as well as the coefficient

    Rice. 2. Methods for experimental verification of complex components (QC) and communication lines during element-by-element calibration of IR measuring systems: PIP - primary measuring transducer; RE - working standard; CPLS - means of checking lines

    the coefficients of the nominal linear FP, respectively, PIP and KK.

    We also assume that in order to obtain corrections, independent experimental studies of the PIP and QC were carried out at several points of the measurement range, and then the PT of each of them is approximated, for example, by a polynomial of the second degree

    y = a0 + a1x + a2x2; z = bo + biy + b2y2,

    where a, b [are the coefficients of the polynomials.

    Suppose that the calibration has been performed, and the expression for r, after substituting the expression for y into it, takes the form

    r = b0 + b1 (a0 + a1x + a2x2) + b2 (a0 + a1x + a2x2) 2. As a result, after the transformations we get

    r = c0 + c1x + c2x2 + c3x3 + c4x4,

    where c0 = b0 + b1a0 + b2 a2; c0 = b1a1 + 2b2a0a1; c2 = a2 + 2b2a0a2 + + b2 a 1; C3 = 2b2a1a2; C4 = b2 a2.

    Let the nominal PT of the IC have the form

    r = s + s x nom 0n 1nom "

    then the expression for calculating the correction should be

    V = r - *. „..

    indications corresponding to each of the checked points of the IR, which are used for calibration. Of course, a complete imitation of the complete calibration of the IR is not obtained, since the experimental studies of the PIP are usually carried out under normal operating conditions, which can differ significantly from the actual conditions, which reduces the reliability of the calibration.

    Let us assume that the IR calibration has been carried out. Further, there are four possible options for evaluating their MX: according to the results of calibration or subsequent calibration - complete, element-by-element or simulated complete.

    Of course, the first option, despite its widespread use, is less reliable, since when evaluating the MX IR measuring systems, it is necessary to take into account the NSP of the standard twice - when determining both the confidence limits of the measurement results and the correction. As noted above, the option of complete calibration with the participation of the second sample of the standard is rarely applicable in practice, although it is more reliable than the first option. Therefore, one has to use element-by-element calibration or computer simulation.


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    Methodological guidelines apply to the measuring channels of information and measurement systems - IR IMS, establish requirements for methods and means of calibration; determine the organization, procedure for carrying out and registration of calibration results; regulate the algorithms for determining the metrological characteristics (MX) of IMS during calibration and are intended for the metrological services of energy companies accredited to carry out work on the calibration of IMS IMS.

    • Replaces RD 34.11.205-88

    Excluded from the Register of NTDs operating in the electric power industry by order of NP "INVEL" No. 101/1 dated December 31, 2009. STO 70238424.27.100.037-2009 are in force. Instrumentation and thermal automation systems of TPPs. Organization of operation and Maintenance... Norms and requirements. and STO 70238424.27.100.038-2009 Automated control systems for technological processes (ACS TPP) TPP. Organization of operation and maintenance. Norms and requirements.

    1. General Provisions

    2. Calibration operations

    3. Calibration tools

    4. Safety requirements

    5. Requirements for calibration conditions

    6. Preparing for calibration

    7. Carrying out calibration

    7.1. Visual inspection

    7.4. Processing of experimental research results

    8. Formalization of calibration results

    Appendix 1. Mandatory. The list of technical documentation presented during the calibration of the IC

    Appendix 4. Reference. Examples of structural diagrams of the experiment during the calibration of the IR

    List of used literature

    This document is located in:


    10.06.1998 ApprovedRAO UES of Russia
    Published bySPO ORGRES2000 year
    Designed byJSC Firm ORGRES

    Procedural Guidelines - Measurement Channels of Measurement Systems - Organization and Procedure for Calibration

    • GOST safety standards system. Electrical products. General safety requirements
    • PR 50.2.016-94State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for performing calibration work
    • GOST and cable accessories. Safety requirements
    • GOST safety standards system. Low-voltage switching devices. Safety requirements
    • RD 34.03.201-97Safety regulations for the operation of thermal mechanical equipment of power plants and heating networks
    • Federal Law 102-FZ
    • GOST 8.438-81State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Information and measuring systems. Verification. General Provisions
    • RD 50-660-88Instruction. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Documents for methods of verification of measuring instruments. Replaced by RMG 51-2002.

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    RD 153-34.0-11.205-98



    Date of introduction 2000-11-01

    DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company "Firm for the adjustment, improvement of technology and operation of power plants and networks ORGRES"

    CONTRACTORS A.G. Azhikin, S.A. Sporykhin, V.I. Osipova

    APPROVED by the Department of Development Strategy and Scientific and Technical Policy of RAO "UES of Russia" on June 10, 1998

    First Deputy Head A.P. Bersenev

    These Guidelines apply to the measuring channels of information and measurement systems - IMS IMS (hereinafter - IMS), establish requirements for methods and means of calibration; determine the organization, procedure for carrying out and registration of calibration results; regulate the algorithms for determining the metrological characteristics (MX) of IMS during calibration and are intended for the metrological services of energy companies accredited to carry out work on the calibration of IMS IMS.

    Methodical guidelines are developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements", GOST 8.438-81, PR 50.2.016-94 and RD 50-660-88.

    In accordance with these Guidelines, guidelines for the calibration of MC for specific types of IMS should be developed.

    With the release of these Guidelines, the "Methodology. Measuring channels of information-measuring systems. Organization and procedure for verification: RD 34.11.205-88" (Moscow: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1988) is no longer valid.


    1.1. The purpose of calibration is to determine and confirm the actual values ​​of MX and (or) the suitability for use of MC that are not subject to state metrological control and supervision.

    1.2. Calibration of IR should be carried out in a complete set (complete method).

    If the calibration cannot be performed using a complete method, then it is carried out element-by-element (element-by-element method).

    The elements of IK IMS are understood as separate measuring instruments (SI) or a set of SI and other technical means, including communication lines used in IR IMS.

    When carrying out the calibration by the element-by-element method, the primary measuring transducer (PIP) (or PIP and MT) and the IK electrical path (ET IK) are separately calibrated. Calibration of ET IC is carried out in accordance with the methodology described in these Methodical instructions.

    1.3. All IRs are calibrated at the intervals specified in the certificate of metrological approval (MA).

    1.4. The list of IQs to be calibrated is compiled by the metrological service of the energy company and approved by the chief engineer.

    1.5. Measuring channels of IMS, subject to state metrological control and supervision, in accordance with Art. 13 of the RF Law "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements" must be subject to periodic verification.

    The list of IQs subject to verification is compiled by the metrological service of the energy enterprise and sent to the territorial body of the Gosstandart of Russia.

    Verification of the MC is carried out according to the method approved by the body of the State Metrological Service, or according to the method set forth in these Methodological Instructions and agreed with the territorial body of the Gosstandart of Russia.

    Calibration intervals are established by the territorial body of the State Metrological Service. Adjustment of calibration intervals is carried out by the body of the State Metrological Service in agreement with the metrological service of the energy company.


    During the calibration, the following operations must be performed:

    checking the availability of technical documentation for IMS and aggregate measuring instruments (ASI) included in the IC (Appendix 1);

    external examination (Section 7.1 of these Guidelines);

    checking the functioning of the IK (Section 7.2);

    determination of metrological characteristics (Section 7.3);

    processing the results of experimental studies (Section 7.4);

    registration of calibration results (Section 8 of these Methodological Instructions).


    3.1. Calibration tools (standards) must ensure the reproduction and (or) storage of units of a physical quantity with the highest accuracy in order to transmit its IR value from the relevant state standards, and also have a valid calibration (verification) mark or a certificate of calibration (verification).

    3.2. When carrying out the calibration by the complete method, the measuring instruments specified in the normative and technical documentation (NTD) for verification or calibration of the PIP should be used as standards.

    3.3. In the course of element-by-element calibration, MX elements of IK are subject to control, therefore, SI should be used as standards in accordance with the NTD for verification or calibration of the first SI as part of ET IK.

    3.4. It is allowed to use built-in standards and signal sources that are part of the IMS, as well as replace the used standards with others, if their technical and metrological characteristics are not worse characteristics standards according to PP. 3.2 and 3.3.

    3.5. Control over the external conditions should be carried out by the SI, the absolute value of the error of which is no more than 0.1 of the change in the value of the external influencing quantity, at which additional errors arise in the ASI that are part of the IC.

    3.6. Appendix 2 contains a list of standards and auxiliary measuring instruments that can be used during calibration.


    4.1. When calibrating IK, it is necessary to observe the safety measures provided for by GOST, GOST, GOST, Safety regulations and, safety and industrial sanitation rules, established by the instructions of energy companies, NTD for standards and ASI ...

    4.2. Only persons who have professional training and the right to carry out calibration work are allowed to carry out the calibration.


    5.1. During the calibration, the external conditions are monitored, the parameter values ​​of which must correspond to the conditions under which the MX IK was normalized.

    5.2. If the operating conditions of the MI do not meet the requirements of the NTD, then the calibration is not carried out until the reasons that caused the deviation of the operating conditions from the required ones are established and eliminated.

    5.3. The conditions for using the standards used in calibration must comply with the requirements of the NTD on them and be such that the total additional error arising from the influence of external influencing quantities does not exceed 0.5 of the basic error of the standard.


    6.1. Before carrying out the calibration, you must:

    to carry out organizational measures for registration of admission to work;

    prepare and check a set of technical documentation for the IMS and ASI, which are part of the IC, according to the list given in Appendix 1;

    instructing personnel involved in calibration;

    prepare calibration tables for thermoelectric converters and resistance thermocouples, tables of calculated values ​​of pressure drops for IR flow rate and level (an example of a table is given in Appendix 3);

    prepare and install standards and auxiliary measuring instruments for setting the input signal and controlling the influencing quantities;

    to establish communication (by radio or telephone) from the means of setting the input signal to the means of presenting information.


    7.1. Visual inspection

    7.1.1. When conducting an external examination of the IC, it is necessary to check:

    completeness of the IC;

    serviceability of ASI seals;

    correctness and quality of screening, installation of communication lines;

    the absence of mechanical damage and defects of the ASI, which are part of the IC, which can affect their performance;

    implementation of grounding of ASI, which are part of the IC, in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions or technical descriptions for specific ASI;

    the presence of marking of communication lines.

    7.1.2. If the IQ does not comply with the above requirements, calibration is not carried out until the identified deficiencies are eliminated.

    7.2. Checking the functioning of the IC (testing)

    The functioning of the IQ in the operating conditions is checked by outputting the values ​​of the measured value of the technological parameter to the means of presenting information. If the value of the measured parameter corresponds to the operating mode of the equipment, then it is considered that the IR is functioning normally.

    7.3. Determination of metrological characteristics

    7.3.1. Determination of the number of points under study by the IR measurement range

    The points under study are set in accordance with the MA IC IIS program in an amount of at least 5.

    The points of interest are evenly spaced across the entire IR measurement range, with one point corresponding to 0% and the other to 100% of the range.

    If it is impossible to examine the points 0% and 100%, then they are replaced by points at which the actual values ​​of the measured parameter are determined by the formulas:

    X u0 = X 0 + |Δ l| + | Δ h |;

    X u100 = X 100 - | Δ l| - | Δ h |,

    where NS u0 and NS i100 - actual values ​​of the measured parameter at the points under investigation, which are near the lower and upper limits of the range of measurements of the IR;

    NS 0 and NS 100 - lower and upper limits of the IR measurement range;

    Δ l and Δ h - the lower and upper boundaries of the confidence interval of the error of measurements of IK, indicated in the certificate of MA IK IMS.

    7.3.2. Experimental research With the complete method, experimental work consists in determining the values ​​of the output signal of the MC at each investigated point of the measuring range of the MC and monitoring the operating conditions of the MC.

    The scheme of the experiment is presented in Appendix 4 (Fig. A4.1). With the element-by-element method, experimental work consists in determining:

    the maximum values ​​of the absolute error of the PIP (or PIP and MT) at the points under study according to the calibration protocol, while the condition must be met:

    Δ PIPmax ≤ Δ PIPd;

    Δ IPmax ≤ Δ IPd,

    where Δ PIPd is the maximum permissible value of the PIP error specified in the NTD;

    Δ IPd - the maximum permissible value of the error of the IP specified in the NTD,

    the values ​​of the output signal of the ET IC at the points under study and the control of the conditions of its operation, as well as the values ​​of external influencing quantities for the PIP (or PIP and IP). The block diagram of the experiment is shown in Fig. A4.2. Three observations are made at each surveyed point. Registration of observation results is carried out at time intervals equal to or exceeding the PIP polling cycle. The results of experimental studies are entered in table. 1 and 2 protocols (Appendices 5 and 6). The connection of the standards is made in accordance with the NTD on the ASI. After the experimental work, the working scheme of the IC is restored and its functioning is checked (see Section 7.2).

    7.4. Processing of experimental research results

    7.4.1. Processing the results of experimental studies consists in determining the error of the MC.

    7.4.2. The processing of the results of experimental studies is carried out according to the algorithm. The IR error for each i-th observation at the j-th investigated point is determined by:

    with the complete method according to the formula

    where is the average value of the IR error over three observations;

    and - the average value of the MC error for the two largest and two smallest values;

    Δ jimin and Δ jimax are the minimum and maximum values ​​of the error at the j-th investigated point, respectively.

    7.4.3. Conclusion on the suitability of the IC. The conclusion is made according to the algorithm shown in Fig. 1.

    Rice. 1. Block diagram of the algorithm for determining the suitability of IC for use The measuring channel is considered suitable for use based on the results of calibration if:

    the operating conditions of the IC correspond to the conditions specified in the MA certificate;

    at all points of the IR measurement range, the error values ​​calculated by one of the formulas (3), (4) or (5) satisfy the inequality

    and one of the inequalities:

    Δ l < Δ (2)+ < Δ h

    Δ l < Δ (2)- < Δ h


    Based on the results of the calibration, a certificate of calibration of the IR IMS is issued in the form given in Appendix 7.

    Based on the results of the verification, a certificate of verification of the IC IMS is issued in the form given in Appendix 8.

    Annex 1



    1. Technical description of IIS.

    2. Instructions for use of IMS.

    3. Guidelines for the calibration of IR IMS.

    4. Calibration or verification techniques.

    5. Certificate and protocol of the last IR calibration.

    6. Certificate of MA IC IIS.

    7. List and values ​​of MX IMS elements, technical description for ASI, magazine about ASI calibration.

    8. Program MA IC IIS.

    Appendix 2



    Measuring range

    Basic error,%


    1. Oil press

    The upper limit of measurements is 6 kgf / cm 2 (0.6 MPa)

    Setting the input signal for the complete method of calibration of IR pressure

    2. The pressure gauge is exemplary

    Control of the input signal with the complete method of calibration of IR pressure

    3. Standard deformation manometer

    The upper limit of measurements is 1 kgf / cm 2 (0.1 MPa)

    4. Pressure switch

    Air 250

    The upper limit of measurements is 250 kgf / cm 2 (25 MPa)

    Setting the input signal for the complete method of calibration of IR pressure, differential pressure

    5. Manovacuum meter

    The upper limit of measurements is 2.5 kgf / cm 2 (0.25 MPa)

    Setting the input signal for the complete IR vacuum calibration method

    6. Resistance store

    (0.01 ÷ 111111.1) Ohm

    Setting the input signal for the element-by-element method of calibration of IR temperature

    7. Potentiometer direct current

    8. Mutual inductance store

    (5 · 10 -4 ÷ 11.111) mH

    Setting the input signal for the element-by-element method of calibration of IR pressure, flow, level

    9. Source of electrical signals

    10. Digital voltammeter

    Control of the value of the input signal with the element-by-element method of calibration of IR pressure, flow rate, level

    11. Laboratory thermometer

    Graduation 1 ° С

    Measurement of ambient air temperature

    12. Barometer

    (80 ÷ 106) 1000 Pa

    Measurement of barometric pressure

    13. Psychrometer August

    Graduation 0.5 ° С

    Measurement of ambient humidity

    14. Amperevoltmeter

    Measuring supply voltage

    15. Frequency counter

    (10 ÷ 1000) Hz

    ± (1.5 · 10 -7 Hz + 1 unit of account)

    Frequency measurement

    16. Vibration measuring device

    (12 ÷ 200) Hz

    Vibration measurement

    Appendix 3


    Points of interest

    Input signal value, mV

    Free ends temperature, ° С

    Appendix 4



    Rice. A4.1. Block diagram of the experiment when calibrating the IR by the complete method:

    PIP - primary measuring transducer (sensor); IP - measuring transducer;
    ADC - analog-to-digital converter; K - switch; USVK - communication device with computing
    complex; SPI - a means of presenting information; VK - computer complex;
    PU - printing device; E - standard calibration means; InK - information complex

    Rice. A4.2. Block diagram of the experiment when calibrating the IR by the element-by-element method:

    a - an exemplary signal is fed to the input of the IP; b - an exemplary signal is fed to the input of the UKNP;
    UK - switching device;
    UKNP - device for switching, normalization and transformation;
    c, d- communication line between PIP and ET IK; 1 - working condition of the IC; 2 - calibration

    For other designations, see Fig. A4.1.

    Appendix 5


    Table 1

    Measured parameter

    Measuring range

    Calibration conditions

    The value of the input signal in

    Signature, number

    % of measuring range

    units of the measured value X gi


    Table 1

    Measured parameter

    Measuring range

    IR element

    IR error

    Calibration Conclusion

    Calibration Specialist (s.r.o.)

    Signature, number

    PIP (or PIP and IP)


    Operating conditions

    Measurement error


    Calibration conditions

    The value of the input signal in units of the measured value Xgi

    Output signal value (measurement error) in measured value units

    main Δ oj

    additional Δ gj


    name of the metrological service of the energy company


    type of IIS, enterprise operating IIS


    name of IC (groups of the same type of IC)

    Actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of MC _____________________


    Calibration conditions ______________________________________________

    Conclusion on the suitability of the IC ___________________________________________________



    Minutes No. _________ dated _____________ 20____

    Appendix 8


    name of the body of the State Metrological Service


    Valid until

    "___" _________ G.

    Measuring channel ________________________________________________________

    name of IC, type of IMS, company operating IMS

    as part of ___________________________________________________________________

    ASI, their serial numbers

    verified and, on the basis of the results of periodic verification (protocol No. ___ dated _______), recognized as suitable for use.

    Confirmation mark or seal imprint


    the position of the head of the metrological service


    initials, surname



    SSBT. Cables and cable accessories. Safety requirements.

    6. PR 50.2.016-94. GSOEE. Requirements for performing calibration work.

    7. RD 50-660-88. GSOEE. Documents for methods of verification of measuring instruments.

    8. Safety regulations for the operation of thermal mechanical equipment of power plants and heating networks: RD 34.03.201-97. - M .: NTs ENAS, 1997.

    9. Safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations. - M .: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1991.








    7.1. Visual inspection

    7.2. Checking the functioning of the IC (testing)

    7.3. Determination of metrological characteristics

    7.4. Processing of experimental research results




    List of used literature


    Each copy of measuring instruments must undergo periodic verification.

    Verification of IQ - a set of operations performed by the bodies of the State Metrological Service (other authorized bodies, organizations) in order to determine and confirm the conformity of IQ to the established technical requirements.

    Measuring systems or their individual channels, subject to state metrological control and supervision, are subject to verification by the bodies of the State Metrological Service (other authorized bodies, organizations) upon release from production or repair, upon import by import and in operation.

    The measuring channels of analog input and pulse counting are subject to verification (calibration) in the PTC. Verification is carried out, as a rule, when the technological process is stopped.

    Verification (calibration) of measuring instruments of unapproved types is illegal. Such measuring instruments are allowed to be used only as indicators. When carrying out the verification, the instrumentation and control personnel provide metrologists-verifiers with certificates of calibration of standards, technical documentation and operational passports for measuring instruments.

    During verification (calibration), the degree of influence on the measurement process of the manifestations of systematic and random errors in real industrial conditions is revealed. Errors arise when the measuring components are exposed not only to aggressive media, temperatures, but also to the human factor. For example, if the user incorrectly set the zero aperture value in the software for the measuring channels, the tuning coefficients in the smoothing filters, a relatively long processing period

    KP 6.051001.005 PZ

    measurement results. This leads to the appearance of static and dynamic measurement errors.

    We carry out the calibration at the place of operation of the measuring channels and individual measuring instruments in the sphere of the distribution of departmental control and supervision. Verification of measuring instruments (standards, sensors, metering devices, safety precautions, environmental protection) is performed by state verifiers.

    The verification (calibration) procedure of the PTC measuring channels is not complicated. Instead of a sensor, a reference calibrator is connected to the measuring path. According to MI2539-99, the accuracy class of the reference signal should be no more than 0.2 of the absolute error of the tested measuring channels. If the measured parameter has an algorithm for correcting temperature and pressure, then their calculated values ​​are set so that the measurement result is reliable. The display of the measurement result in the PTC is carried out, as a rule, at the workplace of the operator-technologist in different forms of presentation: in the form of numbers, a dynamic trend, a graphical indicator (Fig. 3). Here, if algorithms for rounding data or restrictions in the format for representing numbers were included, additional errors may occur due to human fault.

    When checking flow meters with variable differential pressure, the element-by-element method is used. With this method, model flow meters are not needed; The restriction device and the differential pressure gauge are verified separately.

    When checking a restriction device, it is necessary:

    Check the correctness of the calculation of the restriction device:

    After making sure that the calculation is correct, measure the diameter of the orifice. The diameter of the cylindrical part of the diaphragm hole is measured in at least 4 diametrical directions, the measurement error should not exceed 1/3 of the diameter tolerance;

    Check the conformity of the actual (measured) diameter of the restriction device to the calculated one;

    KP 6.051001.005 PZ

    Establish the normal technical condition of the control system, i.e. check., the sharpness of the leading edge of the diaphragm, the flatness of the inlet torn, and the cleanliness of the surfaces of the restriction device and establish the absence of burrs and notches on the edges of the inlet.

    A flow meter (RU) is a set of technical devices, which includes:

    Constriction device and its mountings;

    Connecting lines, equalizing and dividing vessels;

    Straight pipeline sections before and after the CS with local resistances;

    Instruments for measuring parameters and characteristics of the measured medium (differential pressure gauge, manometer, thermometer, etc.).

    7.1 Procedure for checking control system

    The check of the control system is carried out according to the schedules agreed upon in the technical department of the State Standard in accordance with the established procedure.

    For the initial verification of the control system, the enterprise submits to the Gosstandart TO Gosstandart a partially completed passport of the control system and control system, on which the following inscriptions must be made: the serial number of the manufacturer, the symbol of the material from which it is made, "+", "-".

    On the diaphragm, the inscriptions are applied on the "-" side outside the circle

    If the verification results are positive, an imprint of the verification mark is applied to the control system and a certificate of the control system is issued. After verification, the enterprise-owner of the switchgear puts on the control system an inscription of the actual diameter of the hole and the registration number.

    For technological control systems, departmental verification is allowed. The right of departmental verification of control systems is granted to the enterprise in the established regulation

    KP 6.051001.005 PZ

    Periodic verification of the control system of technological reactor plants is carried out by representatives of the metrological services of the enterprises-owners of the reactor plant.

    Parameters to be monitored during the periodic verification of the control system. are indicated in the passports of the SU.

    If any controversial questions arise about the suitability of the control system for further operation, the control system is sent to the technical department of the State Standard for the next verification.

    For technological switchgear, control over the application of inscriptions and the installation of the control system is assigned to the metrological services of enterprises.

    The form of the certificate for the installation of the control system for technological reactor plants is established by the enterprise-owner of the reactor plant.

    The procedure for checking the RU

    The check of the switchgear is carried out in accordance with GOST 8.513-85 “Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure for their implementation ", according to the agreed schedules in accordance with the established procedure and in the presence of a complete set of documentation for the reactor plant.

    Before calling the governor, the company must first transfer the cost of the verification to the maintenance account.

    During the initial verification of the reactor plant at the place of operation, the state verifier checks all technical documentation and the compliance of the reactor plant with the requirements of RD 50-213-80 and fills out the conformity sheet.

    During periodic verification, only instruments for measuring the parameters and characteristics of the medium (differential pressure gauge, pressure gauge, thermometer, etc.) and the ND control system for methods and means of verification are verified.

    Periodic verification is carried out in the laboratories of the metrological services of enterprises (organizations) and the technical department of the State Standard.

    Before verification, the differential pressure gauge must be free of the measured or separating liquid (water, condensate, etc.).

    At the request of enterprises, verification of instruments for measuring parameters

    w / t! /; (1 ^ 1001.005 W

    and the characteristics of the environment can be carried out in the field of operation.

    If the results of the verification of instruments for measuring the parameters and characteristics of the environment are positive, the date of verification, conclusion, full name is entered in the passport on the device. Verifier, signature. The signatures of the verifier are certified by an imprint of the verification stamp.

    Differential pressure gauges must be sealed by the state certifier in the places provided by the manufacturer.

    In case of negative results of verification, the state inspector (verifier) ​​issues 1 copy of the prescription to the person responsible for the metrological support of the enterprise.

    The IR steam verification procedure is given in Appendix A.

    Document's name:
    Document Number: 8.596-2002
    Type of document: GOST R
    Host body: Gosstandart of Russia
    Status: Acting
    Published: official publication
    Date of adoption: September 30, 2002
    Effective date: 01 March 2003

    GOST R 8.596-2002

    Group T80


    State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements


    Basic Provisions

    State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
    Metrological assurance for measuring systems. Main principles

    OKS 17.020
    OKSTU 0008

    Date of introduction 2003-03-01


    1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service" (FSUE VNIIMS) of the State Standard of Russia

    2 INTRODUCED by the Metrology Department of the Gosstandart of Russia

    3 ACCEPTED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated September 30, 2002 N 357-st

    4 REPLACE MI 2438-97

    1 area of ​​use

    1 area of ​​use

    This standard establishes the basic provisions for the metrological support of measuring systems (hereinafter - IS) at the stages of their life cycle: development (design), production (manufacturing, installation and commissioning at the operation facility), operation.

    The standard applies to IP:

    - manufactured by the manufacturer as complete, complete (except, in some cases, communication lines and electronic computers) products, for the installation of which at the place of operation, the instructions given in the operational documentation are sufficient, in which the metrological characteristics of the measuring channels of the system are normalized (hereinafter - IS- 1);

    - designed for specific objects (groups of typical objects) from IC components, produced, as a rule, by various manufacturers, and accepted as finished products directly at the operation facility. The installation of such ICs at the site of operation is carried out in accordance with the design documentation for the IC and the operational documentation for its components, in which the metrological characteristics, respectively, of the measuring channels of the IC and its components (hereinafter - IS-2) are normalized.

    The listed types of IC can be used both autonomously and as part of more complex structures (information and measurement systems; control systems, diagnostics, pattern recognition, test equipment, as well as automatic systems process control). In such complex structures, the measuring system can be distinguished at the functional level.

    2 Normative references

    Throughout this standard, references are made to the following standards:

    GOST 8.009-84 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Standardized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments

    GOST 8.207-76 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Direct measurements with multiple observations. Methods for processing observation results. Basic Provisions

    GOST 8.256-77 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Standardization and definition of dynamic characteristics of analog measuring instruments. Basic Provisions

    GOST 34.201-89 Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Types, completeness and designation of documents when creating automated systems

    GOST 34.601-90 Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems. Stages of creation

    GOST 34.602-89 Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Terms of reference for the creation of an automated system

    GOST 27300-87 Information and measuring systems. General requirements, completeness and rules for drawing up operational documentation

    GOST R IEC 870-5-1-95 Telecontrol devices and systems. Part 5. Transfer protocols. Section 1. Formats of transmitted frames

    GOST R 51841-2001 Programmable controllers. General technical requirements and test methods

    3 Definitions

    The following terms and definitions are used in this standard.

    3.1 measuring system (IS): A set of measuring, connecting, computing components that form measuring channels, and auxiliary devices (components of the measuring system), functioning as a whole, intended for:

    - obtaining information about the state of an object using measuring transformations in the general case of a set of time-varying and distributed in space quantities characterizing this state;

    - machine processing of measurement results;

    - registration and indication of measurement results and the results of their machine processing;

    - converting this data into output signals of the system for different purposes.

    Note - ICs have the main features of measuring instruments and are a variety of them.

    3.2 measuring channel of the measuring system (measuring channel of the IC): Structurally or functionally separate part of the IC that performs a complete function from the perception of the measured value to the receipt of the result of its measurements, expressed by a number or the corresponding code, or to the receipt of an analog signal, one of the parameters of which is a function measured value.

    NOTE IC measurement channels can be simple or complex. In a simple measuring channel, a direct measuring method is realized by means of successive measuring conversions. The complex measuring channel in the primary part is a collection of several simple measuring channels, the signals from the output of which are used to obtain the result of indirect, aggregate or joint measurements or to obtain a signal proportional to it in the secondary part of the complex measuring channel of the IC.

    3.3 component of the measuring system (IC component): A technical device included in the IC that performs one of the functions provided by the measurement process.

    NOTE - In accordance with these functions, the components are subdivided into measuring, connecting, computing, complex and auxiliary.

    3.3.1 measuring component of a measuring system (measuring component of IC): A measuring instrument for which the metrological characteristics are separately normalized, for example, a measuring instrument, a measuring transducer (primary, including devices for transmitting the effect of a measured quantity to a sensitive element; intermediate, including an analog module input-output, measuring switch, intrinsically safe barrier, analog filter, etc.), measure.

    Note - Measuring components also include so-called analog "computing" devices that essentially perform not calculations (operations on numbers), but measuring transformations. Such devices belong to the group of analog function converters or devices with one or more inputs.

    3.3.2 connecting component of the measuring system (connecting component IC): Technical device or a part of the environment intended or used for the transmission with the least possible distortion of signals carrying information about the measured value from one IC component to another (wired communication line, radio channel, telephone communication line, high-voltage power line with appropriate channel-forming equipment, as well as adapter devices - terminal blocks, cable connectors, etc.).

    3.3.3 computing component of the measuring system (computing component of the IC):

    Digital computing device (or part thereof) with software that performs calculations of the results of direct, indirect, joint or aggregate measurements (expressed by a number or its corresponding code) based on the results of primary measurement conversions in the IC, as well as logical operations and management of the operation of the IC.

    Note - In some cases, the computing component can be part of the measuring component, the metrological characteristics of which are normalized taking into account the program implemented by the computing component.

    3.3.4 integrated component of the measuring system (integrated component of the IC, measuring and computing complex): Structurally combined or geographically localized set of components, which is part of the IC, completing, as a rule, measuring transformations, computational and logical operations provided for by the measurement process and algorithms for processing results measurements for other purposes, as well as the generation of system output signals.

    Notes (edit)

    1 The integrated component of the IC is the secondary part of the IC, which, as a rule, receives signals from the primary measuring transducers.

    2 Examples of integrated IC components are controllers, software and hardware systems, remote I / O units, etc.

    3 An integrated IC component, as well as some measuring and interconnecting IC components, may be multi-channel devices. In this case, a distinction is made between the measuring channels of these components.

    3.3.5 auxiliary component of the measuring system (auxiliary component of the IC): A technical device (power supply, ventilation system, devices that provide ease of control and operation of the IC, etc.) that ensures the normal functioning of the IC, but does not participate directly in the measurement conversions.

    4 General

    4.1 IS are a kind of measuring instruments and they are subject to all general requirements for measuring instruments.

    4.2 The activities of the metrological services for the metrological support of the IS are regulated by the documentation, which includes this standard (the head document on the metrological support of the IS), GOST 27300, as well as,, [З],,,, and others (for IS for military purposes), in which the specifics of the IS metrological support were established.

    4.3 For IS that are part of more complex structures, the requirements of a set of standards and regulatory documents for automated systems: GOST 34.201, GOST 34.601, GOST 34.602 and other documents of this complex, as well as regulatory documents and operational documentation for the areas of application of these structures.

    4.4 Metrological support of IS includes the following activities:

    - standardization, calculation of the metrological characteristics of the measuring IC channels;

    - metrological examination of technical documentation for IS;

    - testing of IC for the purpose of type approval; type approval of IC and testing for conformity to the approved type;

    - IS certification;

    - verification and calibration of IC;

    - metrological supervision over the release, installation, commissioning, condition and use of IS.

    5 Standardization of metrological characteristics

    5.1 Metrological characteristics of the IC are standardized for each measuring channel of the IC and, if necessary, for the integrated and measuring components of the IC.

    5.2 For measuring channels IS-1 (as well as for measuring channels according to the note to 7.1.1), the manufacturer, as a rule, sets standards for the metrological characteristics of measuring channels as a whole in accordance with GOST 8.009 and taking into account.

    The normalized metrological characteristics of the measuring channels must ensure:

    - calculation of the characteristics of the error of measurements carried out by means of the measuring channel in the working conditions of operation;

    - control during testing and verification of the IS for compliance with the standardized metrological characteristics of the measuring channel of the IS.

    Note - If the experimental determination (control) of the metrological characteristics of the measuring channel as a whole cannot be ensured, then the metrological characteristics are normalized for those parts of the measuring channel for which such a determination is possible. Taken together, these parts should form the entire measuring channel.

    5.3 For the IS-2 measuring channels in the design documentation, as the metrological characteristics of each measuring channel, it is allowed to normalize the error characteristics according to GOST 8.009 under normal operating conditions of measuring components and under operating conditions determined by such a combination of influencing quantities at which the error characteristics of the measuring channel are absolute value (modulo) highest value. It is also recommended to normalize the error characteristics of the measuring channel for intermediate combinations of influencing quantities. The indicated values ​​of the error characteristics of the measuring channels should be confirmed by their calculation according to the metrological and other characteristics of the IC components that form the measuring channel.

    Notes (edit)

    1 The calculated values ​​of the characteristics of the error of the measuring channels are not subject to mandatory experimental verification. However, control of the metrological characteristics of all components (parts) of the IC must be ensured, the norms for which are used as initial data in the calculation.

    2 Requirements 5.3 and Notes 1 to 5.3 also apply to the IS-1 measuring channels, for which experimental verification of the metrological characteristics of the measuring channels as a whole cannot be provided.

    5.4 When calculating the error characteristics of the measuring channels, it is recommended to be guided by, as well as by other current regulatory documents for calculating the characteristics of the measurement error of a general (fundamental) nature, for example, GOST 8.207 and,,,,, and regulatory documents for the types of measurements and areas of application of measuring instruments.

    5.5 For integrated IC components, the metrological characteristics should be normalized in accordance with GOST 8.009, taking into account GOST R 51841.

    For measuring IC components, the metrological characteristics should be normalized in accordance with GOST 8.009 and GOST 8.256, taking into account regulatory documents for specific types of measuring instruments.

    Normalized metrological characteristics of complex and measuring components must ensure:

    - calculation of the characteristics of the error of the measuring channels of the IC under operating conditions according to the normalized metrological characteristics of the components;

    - control of the specified components during tests for the purpose of type approval and verification for compliance with standardized metrological characteristics.

    5.6 For programs implemented by the computing component of the IS, if the properties of these programs are not taken into account when normalizing the metrological characteristics of the corresponding measuring components (see the note to 3.3.3), the characteristics of the calculation error due to the calculation algorithm and its software implementation are normalized, and, if necessary, also other characteristics, taking into account the peculiarities of the computational component, which affect the characteristics of the error component of the measuring channel introduced by the program for processing the measurement results. Operational (design) documentation on the IC should contain such a description of the algorithm and the program or simulation method that implements it, which would make it possible to determine the characteristics of the error in the result of direct, indirect, aggregate or joint measurements by the characteristics of the error of that part of the IC measuring channels that precedes the computational component.

    5.7 For IC binder components, such characteristics are normalized, which either provide a negligible value of the error component of the measuring channel introduced by the binder component, or allow determining the value of this component.

    6 Metrological examination of technical documentation

    6.1 The following documentation is subject to a metrological examination:

    - terms of reference (hereinafter - TK) for the development of the IS-1 or the design of the IS-2;

    - technical conditions (hereinafter referred to as TU) for domestic IS-1, operation manual, design and technological documentation - for IS-1;

    - design and operational documentation intended for assembly, installation, commissioning and operation - for IS-2;

    - methodology for calculating the metrological characteristics of the measuring channels of the IS based on the metrological characteristics of the measuring and connecting components, taking into account, if necessary, the processing program implemented by the computing component - for the IS-2;

    - program and methodology for testing IC;

    - draft normative document on the method of verification (calibration) of the IS.

    6.2 Metrological examination of technical documentation on IS is carried out in accordance with and metrological services legal entities, accredited in accordance with, the head and basic organizations of the metrological service in the industries, as well as the bodies of the State Metrological Service, state scientific metrological centers and other specialized organizations, accredited in accordance with as state IP testing centers.

    6.3 The main content of the metrological examination of the TK for the development (design) of an IS containing the initial data for the development (design) is to check the sufficiency of the initial requirements given in the draft TK:

    - for the rational standardization of the metrological characteristics of the measuring IC channels at the stage of their development (design);

    - for building effective way metrological support of IS at subsequent stages of its life cycle.

    The initial requirements include:

    - the purpose of IS and information about its use in the sphere (or outside the sphere) of state metrological control and supervision;

    - information about the measured values ​​and their characteristics (range of values, possible changes in the measurement process, etc.);

    - lists of measuring channels and norms for their errors;

    - measurement conditions (taking into account the length of the IC measuring channels);

    - conditions of metrological services (for example, lack of access to the IC input), etc.

    6.4 The main content of the metrological examination of technical specifications, as well as design, technological, project and operational documentation is to check the compliance of the complexes of metrological characteristics of the measuring channels of the IS and their components, methods and means of their determination, control and (or) calculation with the initial requirements laid down in the technical specifications and the specified documentation. TK and, as well as verification of compliance with metrological requirements, rules and norms regulated by the documents of the GSI, ESKD, ESTPP, ESPD, SNiP, industry and enterprise standards and other documents containing industry and enterprise-specific rules and regulations.

    When carrying out a metrological examination, in particular, they check:

    - the presence in the technical specifications, design and operational documentation of a complete list of measuring channels with an indication of their structure and metrological requirements for them, a list of measuring, connecting and computational components that form each measuring channel, draft documents for methods of verification (calibration) of ICs and their components and techniques calculation of the metrological characteristics of the IS based on the metrological characteristics of its components (for the IS-2);

    - testability of the IC design, that is, the assessment of the design from the point of view of ensuring the possibility and convenience of monitoring or determining the metrological characteristics of the IC (or other parameters and characteristics associated with the metrological characteristics and ensuring their required values) in the process of its manufacture, testing, operation and repair;

    - the presence in the design documentation intended for the installation and adjustment of the IC at the facility, requirements for the parameters and characteristics necessary to control the quality of the IC installation at the facility (including the insulation resistance of electrical circuits, the correct installation of primary measuring transducers and junction boxes, for installation IC components, to the quality of external wiring shielding, grounding and execution of a logical zero loop, etc.); to verify compliance with the design requirements for those parameters of the connecting components that affect the metrological characteristics of the measuring channels, in particular for the parameters of digital communication lines, - compliance with the requirements of GOST R IEC 870-5-1;

    - availability of materials containing the results of checking the compliance of the above parameters and characteristics with the requirements specified for them;

    - the presence and content of materials (protocols, acts, journals, reports, etc.) of research, preliminary tests, tests in the process of trial operation (that is, tests at various stages of the IP life cycle) related to the metrological properties of the IP.

    6.5 Examination of the nomenclature of the metrological characteristics of the measuring channels of the IC is carried out taking into account GOST 8.009, GOST 8.256, and for complex components, in addition, taking into account GOST R 51841.

    6.6 Examination of the methods for calculating the metrological characteristics of the measuring channels of the IC is carried out taking into account, and.

    6.7 Examination of programs and test methods, draft documents for methods of verification (calibration) of IC is carried out in accordance with the instructions of Sections 7 and 8.

    7 Testing, type approval and certification

    7.1 Tests for the purposes of type approval and type approval are carried out for ICs to be used in the areas of state metrological control and supervision.

    7.1.1 If, in the spheres of state metrological control and supervision, only a part of the total number of measuring channels of the IC is subject to application, and the other part is outside these areas, then only the first part of the measuring channels is subjected to tests for the purposes of type approval of the IC.

    When approving the type of such an IC, the type description, which is an integral part of the type approval certificate, indicates those measuring channels to which the certificate applies.

    Instead of a certificate for such ICs, it is allowed to issue a certificate for measuring channels with the obligatory indication of the name of the IC, in which these measuring channels are included as an integral part.

    Note - If the measuring channel is intended for use in the composition different types IC or more complex structures, then the type of such a measuring channel can be approved without specifying the name of a specific IC. When testing for the purpose of type approval of ICs, which include such an approved measuring channel, it is necessary to verify the compatibility of this channel with the rest of the IC, in particular, to verify that they do not interfere with each other.

    7.1.2 Type approval IS-2 is carried out by:

    - for single copies of the IS-2, designed for specific objects;

    - for IS-2 installed according to a standard design at various facilities, with the issuance of a type approval certificate for a period not exceeding 5 years without limiting the number of installed copies of IS-2. In this case, the design organization is equated with the IC manufacturer.

    7.1.3 For IS that are part of more complex structures, the type approval certificate is issued on the IS indicating the name of the more complex structure. It is allowed to issue a type approval certificate for information and measurement systems, monitoring and diagnostics systems and other complex structures, the main part of which is IS, if these structures are intended to obtain quantitative information about objects.

    7.2 Tests for the purpose of type approval of IC, measuring channels and complex components are carried out according to programs and in the order, the general requirements for which are set forth in,,, and other documents (for military IC).

    In the test programs for the IS-1, measuring channels according to note to 7.1.1 and complex components (both domestic and imported), familiarization with the quality system used by the manufacturer should be provided.

    Note - When approving the type of single copies, acquaintance with the quality system is allowed not to be carried out.

    7.3 As part of the IS-2 measuring channels, to which the type approval certificate will be extended, it is allowed to use only approved types of measuring and complex components.

    The exception is the measuring channels of approved types without specifying the name of the IS (note to 7.1.1), as well as measuring channels for which the metrological characteristics of the channel as a whole are normalized in the operational documentation and the complete verification of which (verification of the measuring channel as a whole) is provided by the necessary methods and means ...

    7.4 Programs implemented by the computing component are subject to metrological certification in accordance with, if they affect the results and measurement errors, but at the same time are not used in the process of experimental verification of measuring channels during testing of the IC or a complex component, or the possibility of modifying these programs during the operation of the IC is provided. ... Programs must be protected from unauthorized access.

    In any case, the technical documentation for an IC or a complex component submitted for testing for the purpose of type approval must contain a description of the measurement information processing algorithm and identifying features of the program that implements it (version number, program volume, etc.). When the program is modified by the developer or during operation in the part related to the processing of measurement information, a new version programs must be submitted for metrological attestation to the organization that tested the IS (complex component) for the purpose of type approval.

    7.5 Tests in mandatory certification systems for IP and IP components subject to mandatory certification in the GOST R system or other systems in accordance with current legislation must precede the type approval of the IP. It is allowed to carry out tests in the systems of mandatory certification of IC and IC components simultaneously with type approval tests.

    7.6 Tests in the system of voluntary certification of measuring instruments are carried out according to programs and in the order, the general requirements for which are set out in,,.

    7.7 Tests for conformity with the approved type are carried out for IS-1, complex and measuring components in the manner described in.

    8 Verification and calibration

    8.1 The measuring channels of the IC are subject to verification, which are covered by the type approval certificate, which are to be used or used in the spheres of state metrological control and supervision:

    IS-1 - primarily upon release from production or repair, upon import by import and periodically during operation. The need for initial verification of the IS-1 measuring channels after installation at the facility is determined when the IS-1 type is approved;

    IS-2 - primarily during commissioning after installation at the facility or after repair (replacement) of IS-2 components that affect the error of the measuring channels, and periodically during operation.

    8.2 If in the sphere of the dissemination of state metrological control and supervision, only a part of the total number of measuring IC channels, to which the type approval certificate is applied, is used, and the rest is outside this area, then only the first part of the measuring channels should be verified. In this case, the rest of the measuring channels are calibrated.

    In the certificate of verification or certificate of calibration of such ICs, the channels to which they are distributed are indicated.

    8.3 The organization and procedure for the verification of the measuring channels of the IC are established in,,.

    8.4 Verification is carried out in accordance with the normative documents on the methods for verifying the measuring channels of the IC, developed in accordance with and taking into account the recommendations,,,,,. During the initial verification of the IS-2 installed according to the standard design, it is imperative to check the compliance of a specific copy of the IS-2 with the standard design in terms of completeness and other requirements of the project.

    8.5 The following methods of checking the IC measuring channels are recommended:

    - measuring channels of the IS-1, as a rule, are subjected to complete verification, in which the metrological characteristics of the measuring channels of the IS as a whole are controlled (from the input to the output of the channel);

    - measuring channels IS-2, as a rule, are subjected to component-wise (element-by-element) verification: dismantled primary measuring transducers (sensors) - in laboratory conditions; the secondary part - a complex component, including communication lines - at the installation site of the IC while simultaneously controlling all influencing factors acting on individual components. If specialized portable standards or mobile reference laboratories are available and the IS-2 inputs are available, complete verification of the IS-2 measuring channels at the installation site is preferable.

    Note - If necessary, the permissible values ​​of the metrological characteristics of the measuring IC measuring channels or complex components calibrated at the installation site are determined by calculation according to the normalized metrological characteristics of the measuring components for the conditions prevailing at the time of verification and differing from normal conditions.

    8.6 For programs in accordance with 7.4, check their compliance with the certified programs and security against unauthorized access.

    8.7 The measuring channels of the IC, which are not subject to or are not used in the spheres of state metrological control and supervision, are calibrated.

    Calibration of the IC measuring channels is carried out in accordance with and.

    9 Metrological supervision

    9.1 Metrological supervision of IS is carried out by the bodies of the State Metrological Service and the metrological services of legal entities.

    9.2 The organization, procedure and content of work carried out under state metrological supervision over the release, condition and use of IS are established in.

    9.3 The organization, procedure and content of work carried out during metrological supervision of the state and use of IS, carried out by the metrological services of legal entities, are established in.

    APPENDIX A (reference). Bibliography


    MI 2439-97 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological characteristics of measuring systems. Nomenclature. Principle of regulation, definition and control

    MI 2440-97 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Methods for the experimental determination and control of the characteristics of the error of measuring channels of measuring systems and measuring complexes

    MI 2441-97 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Type approval tests for measuring systems. General requirements

    MI 222-80 Methodology for calculating the metrological characteristics of the IR IMS based on the metrological characteristics of the components

    MI 2539-99 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measuring channels of controllers, measuring and computing, control, software and hardware complexes. Verification method

    MI 2168-91 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. IIS. Methodology for calculating the metrological characteristics of measuring channels based on the metrological characteristics of linear analog components

    MI 2376-96 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedure for conducting, registration, consideration of test results and type approval of military-purpose measuring instruments that are not intended for serial production or imported from abroad in single copies

    MI 2232-2000 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ensuring the efficiency of measurements in the control of technological processes. Estimation of measurement error with limited initial information

    RD 50-453-84 Characteristics of the error of measuring instruments in real operating conditions. Calculation methods

    MI 1552-86 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Direct single measurements. Estimation of measurement errors

    MI 1730-87 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Errors of indirect measurements of process characteristics. Calculation method

    MI 2083-90 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Indirect measurements. Determination of measurement results and estimation of their errors

    MI 2267-2000 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ensuring the efficiency of measurements in the control of technological processes. Metrological examination of technical documentation

    MI 1314-86 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedure for conducting a metrological examination of technical specifications for the development of measuring instruments

    PR 50.2.013-97 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedure for accreditation of metrological services of legal entities for the right to attestation of measurement procedures and metrological examination of documents

    PR 50.2.010-94 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for state centers for testing measuring instruments and the procedure for their accreditation

    MI 2146-98 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedure for the development and requirements for the content of test programs for measuring instruments for the purposes of their type approval

    PR 50.2.009-94 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedure for testing and type approval of measuring instruments

    MI 2174-91 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Certification of algorithms and programs for data processing during measurements. Basic Provisions

    MI 2277-93 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measuring instruments certification. Basic provisions and order of work

    MI 2278-93 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measuring instruments certification. Certification bodies. Accreditation procedure

    MI 2279-93 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measuring instruments certification. The procedure for maintaining the System Register

    PR 50.2.006-94 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedure for verification of measuring instruments

    PR 50.2.012-94 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedure for certification of verifiers of measuring instruments

    PR 50.2.014-96 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Rules for the accreditation of metrological services of legal entities for the right to calibrate measuring instruments

    MI 2526-99 * State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Normative documents for methods of verification of measuring instruments. Basic Provisions
    * Within the territory of Russian Federation the document is not valid. RMG 51-2002 is in force. - Note from the manufacturer of the database.

    PR 50.2.016-94 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Russian calibration system. Requirements for performing calibration work

    PR 50.2.018-95 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedure for accreditation of metrological services of legal entities for the right to carry out calibration work

    PR 50.2.002-94 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedure for the implementation of state metrological supervision over the release, condition and use of measuring instruments by certified measurement procedures, standards and compliance with metrological rules and norms

    MI 2304-94 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological control and supervision carried out by the metrological services of legal entities

    Electronic text of the document

    prepared by JSC "Kodeks" and verified by:

    official publication
    M .: IPK Publishing house of standards, 2002

    GOST R 8.596-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements (GSI). Metrological support of measuring systems. Basic Provisions

    Document's name: GOST R 8.596-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements (GSI). Metrological support of measuring systems. Basic Provisions
    Document Number: 8.596-2002
    Type of document: GOST R
    Host body: Gosstandart of Russia
    Status: Acting
    Published: official publication

    M .: IPK Publishing house of standards, 2002

    Date of adoption: September 30, 2002
    Effective date: 01 March 2003