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Doctor Web Fast Check. Virus check in Dr.Web Cureit

To improve the security of your computer and the information contained on it, all the files and programs downloaded from the untested resources should be scanned for viruses and malware. An excellent solution in this case is the service online checks Dr. Web, which allows you to analyze any file, quickly and without registration.

How does the Dr. Web scanner work

DR online scanner. Web allows you to check individual files up to 10 MB. In order to scan you can use the application interface directly on our website.

What should be done:

1. Select a file on a computer or mobile device ("Overview" button);

2. Download it to the online scanner server;

3. Run the check (scan) ("Check" button);

4. Get acquainted with the results of the analysis.

Check your antivirus files

At one time you can check several files by combining them into a common archive, given that its volume should not exceed 10 MB.

Skan audio, video and text, applications, programs, and other data, regardless of their type can be made. Check for a minimum of time, after downloading the file is not a server.

The service does not allow you to eliminate threats or treat files, you can do it with antivirus, download that can be on the official website. In addition, the application does not allow to test the security of the computer's system disks, but only selected files of the corresponding volume.

Advantages of online verification of viruses from Dr. Web.

The online scanner has a number of advantages that makes it topical use:

You can check the information / data from both PCs and a smartphone or tablet;

No anti-virus installation is required, since the test is performed on the site using server resources;

Scanning is always made according to the updated base, which serves as a guarantee of accurate detection of possible threats;

Check is free, and the number of requests is unlimited.

It is convenient to use the service if the computer does not set the basic version of the antivirus or it is necessary to check the file received over the network from unfamiliar users (before downloading it mailbox), in order to avoid the risks of PC infection.

In addition, the online scanner is great for making mail on mobile devicesah, does not require fast Internet, and thanks to scanning on the Dr. server Web - saves spending traffic.

Online service Dr. Web is suitable for checking small files and applications. It can become a good solution to enhance security when working with mail, downloading music and small applications for a computer.

Pay attention to this service is both PC owners and mobile gadget users.

Dr. Web Cureit is a free, convenient and autonomous anti-virus and anti-spin scanner, which analyzes your computer for viruses, Trojans, spy utilities, hacker programs, advertising software, rootkits and other malicious elements. The attending utility does not require installation and can run from a USB drive. Excellent detection, stylish appearanceThe modern interface every year attracts many new users to the program.

Do you need to check the infected computer? Or do you work on a computer that do not trust completely? Dr. Kurete is a specially designed application for these tasks.

This free utility Can cure an infected computer or infected files, regardless of whether they are spyware or viruses.

Key featuresDr Web Cureit.

Beauty Dr. Web Kuret is largely in its simplicity. Although the scanner does not require installation, it contains many configuration options and the possibility of comprehensive scanning that you can expect from full version Antivirus Doctor Web.

Dr Web Cureit is based on the ICSA SCAN-engine certified, which provides reliable detection. The program is proposed in the form of an executable file, which you need to double-click for launch, and, in many cases, this is the only viable solution.

After all, as you know, viruses or spyware programs are often trying to block the installation of a new antivirus or PC protection application, so this is a really big advantage.

Dr Web Cureit does not conflict with any of the antivirus solutions already installed on your computer. The attractiveness of the utility also lies in the fact that the scanner is available in a huge variety of languages, comes with excellent file Help and provides you with a set of statistics on the scanned.

After starting, Dr. Web Kurete will automatically determine your language operating system And configures the scanner interface accordingly (if the local language is not supported, English will be included).

3 available modes of operation

"Express scanning",

"Full scan"

and "selective" - \u200b\u200bwith brief descriptionpresented in the right pane of the main window.

In express mode (quick scan) will be checked boot sectors all disks, rAM, autorun objects, Windows root directory, root directory boot disk, system directory and user document directory, as well as temporary directory and user temporal folders.

After checking your PC, Cureit will provide a list of problems and suggest you a solution.

The application is not too "heavy" for system resources, so you can continue to work while scanning occurs, although it is not recommended that until the entire scanning process is completed.

It should be remembered that Dr. Web Kurete is a "scanner on demand" only, it can detect and remove the virus, but does not provide real-time protection. This requires installing the full version of Dr. Web Antivirus.

Benefits Cureit.

DR WEB CURIT Viral databases are updated several times per hour, and the last scanner version is always available for download on the Dr. Web Developer's website.

Dr.Web is one of the leading companies engaged in the development of antivirus software. Many are familiar with Dr.Web antivirus, which is effective tool To protect the system in real time. Well, to scan the system for the presence of viruses, a separate Dr.Web Cureit utility was implemented.

Dr. Web Kurete - a fully free attending utility, which is aimed at checking the system for viruses, followed by the treatment of found threats or their move to quarantine.

The attending utility Dr.Web Cureit has no function automatic update Anti-virus databases, so to carry out subsequent checks, you need to upload your attending utility from the developer's website every time.

The fact is that the validity of the attending utility is limited to three days, including the day of its loading, after which the scanning will not be able to spend simply, because The system will require the download of the new version.

This approach allows you to guarantee the availability of users actual version Anti-virus utility that will most effectively search for viral threats.

Does not require installation

Dr.Web Cureit does not require installation on a computer, but allows you to immediately move to launch, providing only administrator rights.

This feature allows you to load the utility on the USB flash drive and run on infected working machines, which, for example, do not allow the installation of anti-virus software to a computer.

Not conflict with other antiviruses

This attending utility is directed not only to joint use with Dr.Web Cureit antivirus, but also with antivirus programs any other manufacturers.

By default, a comprehensive check of the entire operating system for viruses is performed, but if you need to limit the scan selected folders and partitions, this feature will be provided to you.

By default, this option is disabled, but if necessary, the utility may notify you about the threats found and the completion of the check.

Automatic computer shutdown after completing the check

System scanning can take enough long time, and if you do not have the opportunity to sit in front of the screen and wait for the completion of the check, just install automatic shutdown PC After completing the inspection and treatment, after which you can quietly go to do your affairs.

Automatic elimination of detected threats

This feature must be included if you activated automatic shutdown Computer After completing the scan.

Assignment of actions in relation to the detected threats

A separate section in the settings will allow you to configure the action of the utility to threats after the scanning is completed.

So, by default, threat treatment is in priority, and if this process Not crowned with success, viruses will be placed in quarantine.

Setting the report display

By default, the utility will provide you with only the most necessary information about the detected threats. If necessary, the report can be expanded, providing more detailed information about threats and accepted by the utility actions.


1. A simple and affordable interface with the support of the Russian language;

2. Regular updates on the developer website to maintain relevance;

3. Does not require installation on a computer;

4. It does not conflict with antivirus programs from other developers;

5. Provides high-quality scanning with subsequent elimination of threats found;

6. It applies from the official developer site absolutely free.

Dr.Web Cureit! - Powerful free Antivirus. To scan a computer to viruses. This program is distributed absolutely free, and if you are not able to purchase expensive and good antivirus, this utility will be beautiful free decision. With it, you can perform a quick, complete or selective check of your computer. It is Dr.Web Cureit! Many programmers use to solve a virus problem, which penetrates the system, bypassing the protection of popular antiviruses.

Antivirus Dr.Web Cureit! In Russian, it will help you when infecting a computer, as it is a self-operating, independent program with updated viruses. The utility works by analogy with his elder brother, and is intended solely for verification. home Computer, that is, not for commercial use. Download Dr.Web Cureit! is free You can direct link from our site.

Antivirus does not require an installation in contrast to avast antivirus and starts autonomously, which is very good if your computer is already infected. The main thing, before checking the computer, have a fresh version of the utility with new databases for the most efficient check.

Dr.Web Cureit! Perfectly detects everything famous types viruses, and removes them painless for your system. The efficiency of the utility can be much higher than that of many famous antiviruses.

Use of antivirus

First you need to download Dr.Web Cureit! And run it from anywhere on your computer. Next, select the type of verification depending on your need. Most often, for the treatment of active viruses, you can use a selective type of check, and at the same time indicate only system folder Computer. It will save your time. After checking, you will be provided with a report on viruses found or active threats. Next you can do with them as you will be pleased.

Features of the utility

  • Increased computer check speed for viruses;
  • The new version has even greater stability;
  • Exception of hanging and falling the system during verification;
  • A flexible system of selective type of system verification is organized. You can select individual checks in the next start of the antivirus;
  • The task scheduler is organized upon completion of the computer check;
  • Extended check of the BIOS base subsystem;
  • Full support for operating room windows systems 8.

Infection when visiting sites from mobile devices

Some sites on the Internet are hacked by attackers, aimed at users of mobile devices. Visiting such a website from the computer, you will get into the innocuous Internet resource, but by going on it from the smartphone, you will be secret redirected to the site with an unpleasant "surprise". With the help of hacked sites, attackers can distribute various malicious programs, the most popular of which are various modifications. The losses of the victim depend on whether the Trojan of which family will be introduced into your mobile device, i.e., from its malicious charge. Read more about this phenomenon in our news.

To the attention of users of mobile devices!

Set the Dr.Web Antivirus mobile device for Android with a component URL filter. The cloud filter will restrict access to non-recommended and potentially dangerous sites in several categories - this is especially true to protect your children from unwanted Internet content.

URL filter Present only in the full-featured version of Dr.Web for Android (it is not in Dr.Web for Android Light). For buyers Dr.Web Security Space and Anti-Virus Dr.Web Using Dr.Web for Android - is free.

To the attention of users of PC and laptop computers!

Install Dr.Web Link Checker

These are free extensions for checking Internet pages and files downloaded from the Internet. Install the expansion to your browser and travel World Wide Webwithout fear of viral attack!

Download Dr.Web Link Checker for free for


With the online scanner of Dr.Web files you can check the suspicion of the files for the presence of viruses and malware in them.

You send your files with your browser, they are downloaded to our server, checked the most last version Dr.Web with a full set of add-ons for a viral base, and you get the result of the check.

How to scan a file or multiple files antivirus Dr.Web online?

  • To check 1 file: click on the "Overview .." button and select the file that causes suspicion. Click the "Check" button to start scanning.
  • Maximum size File - 10 MB.
  • To check multiple files: Put files to the archive (WinZip, WinRAR or ARJ format) and download this archive by clicking on the "Overview" button. And after the "Check" button. The verification protocol will include a report on each file in the archive.

IMPORTANT! Anti-virus scanner Dr.Web will help you determine if you are infected or no file (files) provided by you to check, but will not answer the question if your computer is infected. For full check hard disks And System Memory Use our Free Utility Cureit! .

You can also check local network With the help of a centrally managed network utility Dr.Web Curenet!

Send suspicious file