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Update Skype program. How to update "Skype" on a laptop and not only

Known and in demand by millions of people around the world. A wish upgrade Skype for freemost users occur, because with the appearance new version More opportunities and new advantages arise, with which you can improve the communications of this resource, increase the speed and ensure comfort and practicality in use. In the old version, the program is no longer relevant and many users leave complaints that they cannot commit authorization in the system. This is due to the fact that the company Microsoft. Refuses the old Skype options with the release until 2014.

In case you do not update the program, you just can not use old version. The program developers are aimed at ensuring that each user uses all the system features, ranging from improved quality and ending with a high level of reliability and privacy. This is exactly the newest development of Skype. In order for each user to use the latest developments, specialists sometimes exploit the old version of the program for all devices. Refresh the system is very easy. After the update, the latest developments that professionals worked on you. We will discuss in this lesson about how to take advantage of the more thanceless version.

How to update Skype to the latest version?

You can upgrade Skype for free by downloading it on the official website Personally, I rarely engage in updating programs, because it takes quite a lot of time, since there is more than a dozen different resources on PC. And what to do if there are several computers in your house? Therefore, only those systems that are really needed to be updated. If you think that the Skype update is not worth it, then you are deeply mistaken. For example, if you need to show a monitor in Skype, then a new version is necessary, because in the outdated version, this feature absent. If you did not use this installation, then read it in more detail.

We update the Skype program for free

As mentioned above, you can upgrade Skype for free on the official portal or on our website. Log in and go to the menu: "Instruments" and "Settings". Click on the tab "Additionally" And you will see only one button with right side. With automatic updating of the system, a string will appear: "Automatic system update". After the implementation of this function, the program will deal automatic search The new version, despite your actions.

But there are different cases. For example, if the Internet with a specific limit is connected to the PC, or you can engage in updating the system set time. In this case, from automatic installation It should be refused. What to do in such a situation?

In the upper corner, press "Help" And on the string "Check for updates."

If your program is updated to the latest version, the corresponding signal will be received:

In the presence of old system, In the dialog box, click on: "Install a new version". We put a tick and click on OK.

All of the following steps pass intuitively in an accessible language, just follow the download wizard commands. Next stepswhich you need to produce in the system update process, look like this: will load new program; closes; installed; implement automatic start. In my opinion, all the details listed, in the future, I think you will handle this process. The lesson is over, to ambiguous meetings on the Internet!

Since high-quality programs on the Internet are updated all the time, replenished with new versions, are improved, it is important to track these processes.

Skype is the most popular program from the sphere of IP telephony, thanks to which you can maintain a text, voice and video connection between two computers, and it is also often updated.

There is at least 3 ways to free Skype update, of which you can choose the most acceptable for yourself:

1. Skype update by reinstalling the program. Here you download the new and install it on top old model on computer.

2. Automatic update skype. In this case, you absolutely do not do anything, but just wait when the system itself informs the presence of a new version. True, here you can configure and automatic update Soft

3. In the latter case, you can easily request Skype updates and execute manual new clothes. software Product. And it is about this method that we will speak further.

IMPORTANT: Before updating, be sure to check - do you know your own login and password to log in! If these data are lost, it is better not to risk updates or try to restore lost information by any available method.

How to do this - already the topic of another article. After updating the Skype program, you will have to re-enter the program that it will not work without login and password.

Important: Skype official website:
(Copy and insert to browser)

How to update Skype to the latest version: Step-by-step instructions

1. To start, you must open the Skype program on your computer. If the program has not yet been established, follow the path number 1, which is described above.

Download the new product and use it. On the official website will be located just the newest latest version, well, we go further.

2. After starting the Skype program, you need to check the updates, for which we go to the "Help" menu - item "Check for updates". Thus, Skype will send a request to the main server of the site.

3. If the dialog box tells you that " Set version Skype is the latest ", then worry about nothing. Everything is so normal.

In the opposite case, the message of the same window will tell you that "ready new version of Skype", and you can download it for free. Click on the "Download" button (as in the screenshot below).

Just expect downloading Skype updates of the latest version will take some time.

6. In the "Skype Upgrade" window, press "I agree - Next". By default, the installation language is Russian.

7. You can agree on the "Click to call" plug and refuse. In our example, we refuse it from him. Accordingly, we shoot a tick in this window and click "continue."

8. At the next step of installing the latest updates skype version We refuse to the Bing and MSN service imposed on us. Similarly, remove the checkboxes in these two fields. We press "continue."

9. Your Skype program will automatically restart and install the necessary updates. If the program proposes to automatically close the applications involved - agree - "OK".

10. When the installation process of the new updated version of Skype is completed, the program will reboot, you will have to!

If your data is saved in the program and is provided for automatic input, it is enough just to click on the Login field or the Password field as you see your input data:

Click on the field Login

We see automatically entered entry data

If all data appeared automatically, as described in this instruction, click on the "Login" button.

If your login and password has been saved, you can enter it manually and install the checkbox in advance in the automatic login feature (see screen)

IMPORTANT: If the input of the program is not executed, just close it repeat the input operation. If it does not help - restart the computer (turn off completely and turn on again).

Developers pay special attention to the output of the system updates after the final version of the software. In the development process, many errors and inaccuracies, the correction of which the relevant specialists are engaged. Among other things, new versions are often expanding standard functionality. Today we will talk about how update Skype Taking into account the specifics of different OS. In the process of narration, consider strengths Project, features of the above procedure.

Procedure for updating Skype

As mentioned earlier, the release of the update is evidence of the work of responsible persons over improving the functionality, correcting bugs and errors source code. For different OS, the procedure is somewhat different, due to their specific features.

For the convenience of perception, we break a further narration into several logical blocks.

How to update Skype on your computer

For the convenience of users, the messenger uses the automatic system update feature. This, on the one hand, is convenient, but also an additional burden on the "iron" of the actual device is created.

Update for Windows.

How to upgrade Skype on a computer manually? The procedure is quite simple:

How to deactivate Auto-update

Why not updated Skype

Factors of destructive nature may intervene in the work of standard mechanisms of the system. There are dozens of reasons why Skype is not updated, we will list only the main:

  • Antivirus activity - Before installing the new version, make sure that there is no viral activity, add the application to the White List.
  • Unstable Internet connection - Violation of the download procedure required files may have fatal consequences for the entire procedure.
  • Bugs Systems - Make sure the software is working before it starts.

Understand, no one forces you to download distributions or other files with changes made. Use a verified version that demonstrates performance for a long time.

One of the reasons why Skype is not updated, there may be incompatibility of the application and the "iron" of the device under consideration (although this is rare). Check that your device satisfies.

The question of maintaining the Skype version is urgent is very important. After all, if it is not updated, it is sooner or later he will simply cease to work. When trying to enter your account A message will appear that it is impossible to establish a connection. In most cases, this error means you need to update Skype on your computer to the latest version. About how to do it you will learn in this article.

Ways to update Skype on your computer or laptop

There are at least two update methods. This is through the program itself, as well as through the official website. Now we will tell you more detail about them.

Skype update through program settings

The easiest way to update is already installed program - through its main menu. To do this, you need to open Skype and click on the top menu. Help» -> « Check for updates«.

Check Skype updates

After that, the program will automatically check the relevance of your version and displays a window with a proposal for loading the latest version. Need to click " Download"So that the process begins.

Update Skype.

Skype update through the official website

The second way is to download from the official site. Skype Web. A program installer that will download and update if Skype is needed to the latest version.

To begin with, go to the official website on the link below.

After that, you need to click on the arrow in the blue button "Download Skype from Microsoft Store".

Downloading the classic version of Skype

After that, the online program installer will boot. It must be launched.

A window will appear in which you want to click " I agree - more"In the lower right corner.

Update Skype.

After that, a familiar Skype update window will appear.

Skype (Skype) is a free communication program. It works as a full-fledged phone using the latest Internet technologies. In Skype, you can call mobile and city phones, as well as make calls to the camcorder. New assembly free program Contains many such useful featureslike chat, switch to Russian and more. In the latest version there are no unpleasant additional installations. Therefore, users are increasingly interested in how to update Skype. Superior design is also one of the advantages of this application.

The popularity of the program

Recently, more and more people began to use the application that immediately affected his ranking. In just a few seconds, you can communicate with people living on another continent. And this is communication, with the exception of the value of the Internet itself, absolutely free. Of course, this app should also be installed at the interlocutor.

How to update Skype

Currently, millions of people are used by the program. Since with the release of each new version, there are no previous features, the question, how to update Skype, is relevant more than ever before. Such innovations are provided with comfortable, fast and convenient communication. Therefore, it is not recommended to use old versions. Not necessarily update all programs. If you perform this action constantly, you can spend all day before the computer, because hundreds of applications are installed on it. Hence the output - only the necessary programs should be updated. Wrong to think what an application like "Skype" does not need to be downloaded from different components. For example, in previous version The programs did not exist the "screen demonstration". There are several ways to update "Skype" for free.

Automatic loading of program components

This is the easiest way to switch the application to the latest version. Automatic update included by default. However, it often happens that a limit Internet is temporarily connected to the computer or download files only at a specific time. Then the automatic update must be turned off. To do this, you need to open the program. In the menu, select Alternate items "Service", "Parameters". Next, you need to switch to the "Advanced" tab. Select the Automatic Update parameter. Click on the "Disable" button.

Loading through the system update center

This feature can be enabled on the computer. If the program download is an important action in the update center that performs the process automatically, the latest version of the application will be installed even in the case when it has a ban on the replacement of old components. You can change the parameters by putting a tick before the word "optionally". Then the user will choose later whether to load components. Installing the program can be the recommended update. Then a notification will appear on the screen. To accept it, you just need to click on the "Update" button in the small window that appears.

Loading program components manually

If the automatic update was disabled, you can check its presence at any desired time and install. To do this, open the program, select the "Help", "Check for updates" in the menu. If the file is available, the user will be asked to download it. You just need to click on the "Download" button. After that you need to click on the "Update" link in a small window that appears. Loans "Skype", information about user account and acquired subscriptions will be saved in the account.

Reinstalling the program

There are cases when users neglect the protection of the system. As a rule, there is no such computers antivirus program. You can understand the presence of problems by enlightening applications. As a result, the subfolder in the catalog with the Skype program can be infected with viruses. Of course, the computer needs to be immediately cleansed from malicious codes. After the implementation of this action, infected files fall into quarantine, after which is forever removed. Components are erased necessary program. As a result, the application may not even be launched due to the lack of necessary items. How to update Skype in this case? To do this, you need to erase the remaining components of the program. Then you need to download the app from the official site.

Following actions

Next, run the downloaded file, following the wizard prompts local installation, check the work of the Internet, enter Skype, set up headphones and camera for calls. You should use the prompts of the external device setup wizard. Next, you need to find the desired subscriber, add to contacts. After that, you can safely communicate.

Problem situations

Owners of Windows 98, Windows 2000 are often faced with difficulties when they want to update "Skype" as such assemblies operating system Do not support latest versions Programs I. additional services in its composition. If the user has an actual application on a computer, it can use such interesting featureslike chat, screen demonstration and so on. Currently, the program is supported by almost all systems, starting with Windows XP. In principle, problems with the automatic update set by default in the application should not be. They can only arise when restricting Internet access.