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Maximum letter size on Rambler. "You need to increase the volume of the mailbox ...": We proceed to phishing attacks

Let's start with the famous mail Service After passing a simple and understandable registration procedure, you get a mailbox in any of the four domains on your choice (Mail.Ru,, BK.RU, The size mailbox Unlimited, initially 10240 MB, as soon as less than 100 MB of free space becomes less than 100 MB, the volume can be increased by another 2 GB.
Maximum size The letter you send should not exceed 30 megabytes, the number of recipients of the letter is not more than 30.
To configure local mail client Using the POP3 protocol, use the following parameters:

  • Incoming Mail Server (Incoming Message Server POP3 server) -; port 110 (without encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
  •; Port 25, 587 or 2525 (without encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
  • , including login, icon "@" dogs and domain (for example, [Email Protected]);

To features this service It is worth attributing the opportunity to use the non-standard SMTP 2525 port in the settings (in addition to the standard 25 and 587) to bypass the prohibition of some Internet service providers outgoing TCP connections on port 25 and, alas, complete absence of support iMAP protocol.
Restrictions on mass mailing Service does not declare. However, the following picture became experimentally experimentally:
After sending 120 letters, significant delays in the mail delivery were observed (up to 40 minutes), after sending 182 letters - the error 553 began to appear (the server does not want to transmit mail), which disappeared after some time (from 5 minutes to an hour) and appeared again after sending Letters. After two days, restrictions continued to operate. The picture has not changed much and after sending answers to the initial newsletter (no more than five letters per hour). Use free mail service Mail.Ru, like any other free postal services, for any serious mailing item is inexpedient.

Yandex Mail

In the Russian segment of the Internet, perhaps one of the most popular free postal services is Yandex Mail.
Immediately after registration, the mailbox volume is 10 gigabytes. As soon as it remains less than 200 megabytes of free space, the box will automatically increase by 1 gigabyte, provided that the user is regularly logged in, enters the Yandex mail web interface using a browser.
It should be noted especiallyFor a newly created mailbox, you must first allow the use of POP3 and (or) IMAP protocols in the Yandex Mail web interface before starting to work with this box in the mail client. This feature, unfortunately, is very frequent cause Failure to send and receive mail in an absolutely properly configured mail client! Be careful!

So, we give the basic parameters to configure postal program Using the POP3 protocol:

  • Incoming Mail Server (Incoming Message Server POP3 server) -, port 110 (without encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
  • Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP Server) -; port 25 or 587 (without encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
  • The username (login) on the POP server and the SMTP server is, in this case, the first part of your email address to @, for example, if you registered a box [Email Protected], as a username, you should specify 'myname' (without '@')
  • In settings account You must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

Basic parameters for

  •, port 143 (without encryption) or 993 (with SSL encryption);

The maximum size of the letter is 30 megabytes.

To features The service should add so-called "disposable" addresses for your e-mail, which have the kind "Your [email protected]", for example, [Email Protected] or [Email Protected] The message sent to such an address will fall into your mailbox. Such an opportunity can be convenient in many cases when it is undesirable to report the present email address.
Another feature - Postal aliases (pseudonyms) of your box in domains @, @, @, @, @, @
You can enable and configure this feature in your account settings on the Yandex Mail web server. Subsequently, you can receive letters to the Aliases you mind. For example, you created an alias (pseudonym) [Email Protected] and [Email Protected] Letters sent to these addresses will come to your mailbox. More detailed information According to these features, you should search in the appropriate section of the Yandex Mail Reference System.

Restrictions on the frequency of sending service also does not declare. During the experiments, it turned out that after sending 90 letters an error 550 had an error, in fact, after that it was possible to send no more than 4 letters per hour. The delivery time of letters has not fallen.
After the 2nd day, the restrictions also continued to operate. On the 3rd day, after generating reverse letters, the possible delivery rate to new addresses exceeded 80 letters per hour and remained for at least one day.

Another free postal service provides search portal For registration, mailboxes are available in domains @, @, @, @ and @ The initial drawer is 500 megabytes (it turned out to be 512 megabytes). It can be increased in stages up to 1500 megabytes. An increase in the size of the box is possible when the volume of free space will be less than 10%.

Parameters for setting up mail client using the POP3 protocol are as follows:

  •, port 110 (without encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption);
  •, port 25 or 587 (without encryption or encryption starttls) and 465 (with SSL encryption);
  • The username (login) on the POP server and the SMTP server is full name of your mailbox, including login, icon "@" dogs and domain (for example, [Email Protected]);
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

The mail program settings using the IMAP protocol are identical, except for the incoming messages:

  • Incoming Mail Server (Incoming Message Server IMAP Server) -, port 143 (starttls encryption) or 993 (with SSL encryption);

Not encrypted connections via the IMAP protocol in this service are prohibited. The configuration features include the content requirement of the "from:" field ("From:") of the letter: the email address you specified in the settings of the mail client must match the name of the user you log in to the SMTP server.
The size of the files that can be attached to the letter is limited to 20 megabytes.

Mail service of Google Corporation. The new mailbox has a size of 7659 MB. domain is available for registration.
With the help of the postal service under consideration, you can send and receive messages in size up to 25 megabytes. The maximum number of recipients in the letter sent through the mail program is limited to 100 addresses, and through the web interface - 500 addresses.
On the features of this service, only encrypted connections via POP3, IMAP and SMTP protocols should be attributed (and even a secure connection is used on port 25).
Pay special attention to the fact that, as in the case of Yandex by mail, before using the mailbox on in the postal program, you must first allow the use of POP3 and (or) IMAP protocols in the account settings in the web interface to !

To configure the mail program using POP3 protocols, use the following parameters:

  • Incoming Message Server (Incoming Mail Pop3 Server) -, port 995 (with SSL encryption);
  • Outgoing Message Server (Outgoing Mail SMTP Server) -, port 25 or 587 (starttls encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption);
  • The username (login) on the POP server and the SMTP server is full name of your mailbox, including login, icon "@" dogs and domain (for example, [Email Protected]);
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

The mail program settings using the IMAP protocol are identical, except for the incoming messages:

  • Incoming Mail Server (Incoming Message Server IMAP Server) -, port 993 (with SSL encryption);

Another feature of is prohibited for receiving and sending some types of file types, namely files with the extensions "ADE", "ADP", "BAT", "CHM", "CMD", "COM", "CPL", " EXE »," HTA "," INS "," ISP "," JSE "," LIB "," MDE "," MSC "," MSP "," MST "," PIF "," SCR "," SCT " , "SHB", "SYS", "VB", "VBE", "VBS", "VXD", "WSC", "WSF", "WSH". Moreover, such files are not accepted (and not sent) even inside archive files. However, if necessary, this restriction can be circumvented by placing such files to the archive protected by password.

In contact with

Let's start with the oldest postal service After passing a simple and understandable registration procedure, you get a mailbox in any of the four domains on your choice (Mail.Ru,, BK.RU, The size of the mailbox is unlimited, initially 10240 MB, as soon as less than 100 MB of free space becomes in your box, the volume can be increased by another 2 GB.
The maximum size of the letter you send should not exceed 30 megabytes, the number of recipients of the letter is not more than 30.
To configure the local mail client using the POP3 protocol, use the following parameters:

  • Incoming Mail Server (Incoming Message Server POP3 server) -; port 110 (without encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
  •; Port 25, 587 or 2525 (without encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
  • , including login, icon "@" dogs and domain (for example, [Email Protected]);

The features of this service should include the ability to use the non-standard SMTP 2525 port in the settings (in addition to the standard 25 and 587) to bypass the prohibition of certain Internet providers of outgoing TCP connections on the port 25 and, alas, the complete lack of support for the IMAP protocol.
Restrictions on the mass distribution service does not declare. However, the following picture became experimentally experimentally:
After sending 120 letters, significant delays in the mail delivery were observed (up to 40 minutes), after sending 182 letters - the error 553 began to appear (the server does not want to transmit mail), which disappeared after some time (from 5 minutes to an hour) and appeared again after sending Letters. After 2 days, the restrictions continued to operate. The picture has not changed much and after sending answers to the initial newsletter (no more than 5 letters per hour). Use free mail service Mail.Ru, like any other free postal services, for any serious mailing item is inexpedient.

Yandex Mail

In the Russian segment of the Internet, perhaps one of the most popular free postal services is Yandex.
Immediately after registration, the mailbox volume is 10 gigabytes. As soon as it remains less than 200 megabytes of free space, the box will automatically increase by 1 gigabyte, provided that the user is regularly logged in, it enters the Yandex web interface with a browser.
It should be noted especiallyAs a newly created mailbox, you must first allow the use of POP3 and (or) IMAP protocols in the Yandex web interface, before you start working with this box in the mail client. This feature, unfortunately, is a very frequent cause of refusal to send mail in an absolutely properly configured mail client! Be careful!

So, we give the basic parameters to configure the mail program using the POP3 protocol:

  • Incoming Mail Server (Incoming Message Server POP3 server) -, port 110 (without encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
  • Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP Server) -; port 25 or 587 (without encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
  • The username (login) on the POP server and the SMTP server is, in this case, the first part of your email address to @, for example, if you registered a box [Email Protected], as a username, you should specify 'myname' (without '@')
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

Basic parameters for

  •, port 143 (without encryption) or 993 (with SSL encryption);

The maximum size of the letter is 30 megabytes.

To features The service should add so-called "disposable" addresses for your e-mail, which have the kind "Your [email protected]", for example, [Email Protected] or [Email Protected] The message sent to such an address will fall into your mailbox. Such an opportunity can be convenient in many cases when it is undesirable to report the present email address.
Another feature - Postal aliases (pseudonyms) of your box in domains @, @, @, @, @, @
You can enable and configure this feature in the settings of your account on the Yandex.pox web server. Subsequently, you can receive letters to the Aliases you mind. For example, you created an alias (pseudonym) [Email Protected] and [Email Protected] Letters sent to these addresses will come to your mailbox. More information on these features should be sought in the appropriate section of the Yandex.pox reference system.

Restrictions on the frequency of sending service also does not declare. During the experiments, it turned out that after sending 90 letters an error 550 had an error, in fact, after that it was possible to send no more than 4 letters per hour. The delivery time of letters has not fallen.
After the 2nd day, the restrictions also continued to operate. On the 3rd day, after generating reverse letters, the possible delivery rate to new addresses exceeded 80 letters per hour and remained for at least one day.

Another free postal service provides search portal For registration, mailboxes are available in domains @, @, @, @ and @ The initial drawer is 500 megabytes (it turned out to be 512 megabytes). It can be increased in stages up to 1500 megabytes. An increase in the size of the box is possible when the volume of free space will be less than 10%.

Parameters for setting up mail client using the POP3 protocol are as follows:

  •, port 110 (without encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption);
  •, port 25 or 587 (without encryption or encryption starttls) and 465 (with SSL encryption);
  • The username (login) on the POP server and the SMTP server is full name of your mailbox, including login, icon "@" dogs and domain (for example, [Email Protected]);
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

The mail program settings using the IMAP protocol are identical, except for the incoming messages:

  • Incoming Mail Server (Incoming Message Server IMAP Server) -, port 143 (starttls encryption) or 993 (with SSL encryption);

Not encrypted connections via the IMAP protocol in this service are prohibited. The configuration features include the content requirement of the "from:" field ("From:") of the letter: the email address you specified in the settings of the mail client must match the name of the user you log in to the SMTP server.
The size of the files that can be attached to the letter is limited to 20 megabytes.

Mail service of the Google search engine. The new mailbox has a size of 7659 megabytes without the possibility of expanding space (at least the author of the article failed to find any information about expanding the space for mail in the service reference system). domain is available for registration.
Using Gmail, you can send and receive messages up to 25 megabytes. The maximum number of recipients in the letter sent through the mail program is limited to 100 addresses, and through the web interface - 500 addresses.
On the features of this service, only encrypted connections via POP3, IMAP and SMTP protocols should be attributed (and even a secure connection is used on port 25).
Pay special attention to the fact that, as in the case of Yandex. Before using the mailbox on in the postal program, you must first allow the use of POP3 and (or) IMAP protocols in the account settings in the web interface to Gmail. COM!

To configure the mail program using POP3 protocols, use the following parameters:

  • Incoming Message Server (Incoming Mail Pop3 Server) -, port 995 (with SSL encryption);
  • Outgoing Message Server (Outgoing Mail SMTP Server) -, port 25 or 587 (starttls encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption);
  • The username (login) on the POP server and the SMTP server is full name of your mailbox, including login, icon "@" dogs and domain (for example, [Email Protected]);
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

The mail program settings using the IMAP protocol are identical, except for the incoming messages:

  • Incoming Mail Server (Incoming Message Server IMAP Server) -, port 993 (with SSL encryption);

Another feature of is forbidden to receive some types of file types, namely files with ADE extensions, "ADP", "Bat", "CHM", "Cmd", "COM", "CPL", "EXE" , "HTA", "INS", "ISP", "JSE", "LIB", "MDE", "MSC", "MSP", "MST", "PIF", "SCR", "SCT", " SHB »," SYS "," VB "," VBE "," VBS "," VXD "," WSC "," WSF "," WSH ". Moreover, such files are not accepted (and not sent) even inside archive files. However, if necessary, this restriction can be circumvented by placing such files to the archive protected by password.

In your e-mail Stored many letters that you are extremely necessary and you can not be deleted. But at the same time, you understand that the time will ever come, and your e-mail will not be able to maintain the entire amount of information received and sent. Do not worry about this: if necessary, the box can be "stretch".


The bottomless email does not happen. There is a reasonable limit. However, a little "pump" the box is possible. As a rule, after registering in an email, the user receives mail with a given volume. In each e-mail his the size, Usually from one hundred megabytes to ten gigabytes.

Increased mail increase function drawer Present practically on all resources. The "paging" procedure is almost identical. Although their differences are also available.

For example, the user immediately provides a box, 200 megabytes volume. But it is impossible to increase it immediately. The fact is that the size of the mail is possible to add only after the box together with accepted, sent, basket, drafts and spam will be filled by 90 percent. When only ten percent of the free space remains in the mail, the box can be enlarged by clicking on the appropriate button in the Settings menu. On the left in the list of possible functions, select "Box Size", followed by "Zoom" option.

Truly, the dimensionless box can be created on the Yandex service. Initially, Yandex provides the user with a 10 gigabyte mail. Subsequently, when the box remains free less than two hundred megabytes, it will increase its volume. At the same time, the user does not need to make any effort. As needed, the box will increase automatically for one gigabyte. The user needs only to be regularly logged in and enter the web interface of this postal service.

There is no bottomless drawer and on the server. But it is also possible to increase it. Go to the "Settings" menu. It opens when clicking on the item "More". Then select the "Mailbox Volume" section in the list of the page. Follow the link and click the "Enlarge" button. Please note that you can "pump out" only if you have reached the limit, and you have free less than 100 megabytes. After that, it will be possible to increase the volume by two gigabytes.

Similar increases for increasing and other electronic servers. User actions are practically no different from the procedure for increasing the services described in this article.

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Hi friends. Extremely important mess for email users Mail.Ru: under the guise of a letter from the service administration, a message may come with the title " You need to increase mailbox... ". The letter will be prompted to increase the volume of storage for letters. Otherwise, new letters allegedly will not come due to a lack of space on the disk. This is no letter from the Mail.Ru administration, and the usual phishing is a fraudulent scheme of the deception of users in order to take possession of their confidential data. In this case, password from Mail.Ru mailbox. Below will consider this case more, as well as let's talk about other types of phishing attacks. Well, of course, we learn how to deal with all this game.

"You need to increase the volume of the mailbox ...": I proactify phishing attacks.

So, friends, phishing is a fraudulent scheme of deception on the Internet. In detail about various fraudulent internet schemes we spoke earlier. Phishing on the head above other schemes such as spam with delusional offers to get rich, doing nothing. It is usually not ax, and the workshops made projects. Made at a high level and technically, and psychologically in terms of using manipulative techniques. Phishing implies imitation of famous brands or Internet sites - postal services, payment systems, shopping areas, other authoritative stock exchanges. Email is most often used to implement phishing circuits. It is she who more than other Internet communications makes it possible to implement the artwork of imitation.

How do phishing attacks work? On behalf of famous brands or Internet sites, we will receive a message with a certain offer or an organizational question, to solve the password from the mail in a special form by reference. Well, already this form on the link is nothing but a resource of fraudsters, from where they subsequently wash the password. Then they will enter the mailbox, they will change the password and will be rummaged there in search of something worthwhile - usually data authorization of accounts of payment systems and Internet banking. But they can still make money for our acquaintances from contact list. Send them a message to the type:

"Throw me on such a wallet so much money. Urgently!!! He fell into great trouble. I'll tell you later".

So, friends, a phishing letter came to Mail.Ru mail.

Mailbox holders divorce sent me a letter from the sender [Email Protected]who called himself "[email protected]". The letter says:

"To continue the operation of the account such (receipt, sending, storing letters and files), increase the volume of the mailbox in the settings of your account, in the Settings section: the volume of the mailbox. In the event that the disk space will not be increased, in the near future, sending and receiving new letters will be unavailable. "

The level of melting mission of messages from the true administration of Mail.Ru is striking. As amazing the essence of manipulation itself. See yourself, friends.

If I entered the password in this form, as one of my friends did, I would have expected his fate. The fraudsters immediately went to his box and changed the password. He was able to restore access to the mail only after entering the response to the control question. Fortunately, the control question and the answer to the case of the password was previously configured for his mail

With the help of the same phishing scheme, "you need to increase the volume of the mailbox ..." is bred not only Mail.Ru mailbox holders, but also users of other postal services. Examples of sending the same letters to Yandex are known from the sender supposedly Yandex.Disk.

The formulation of a phishing letter "You need to increase the volume of the mailbox ..." - not the only manipulation by which fraudsters are trying to take possession of the password from the mailboxes. There are other options for playing the same scheme, for example, a letter called "Suspension of the Account", which states that you need to enter a password in connection with the alleged change of mail processing standards.

You have become a happy chrome visitor ...

But, friends, another fraudulent project with imitation famous brandgoogle browser Chrome. When working with it, the web page is stylized under the browser, where:

"Dear user Chrome, today you have become a happy visitor such a date. Please fill out this short questionnaire, and as a gratitude we will provide you with a chance to win Apple iPhone. X! ".

Next, there are several questions in the style of survey in order to improve the quality. As a result, we will get the offer to download Troyan. This is also a phishing attack, but it does not come in the form of letters to the mail. Its launch mechanism can be embedded on the network, on ordinary sites. A webpage of such a prizes drawing in the Chrome profile cache and periodically pops up in the browser window. It does not detect antivirus and usually skips web protection, because it is a local script. However, the Sites themselves where you can pick up such a script, the creators of the browser are introduced into the database of unwanted sites embedded in chrome protection. When you try to visit the site where you can pick up Adware or other malware, in the browser window, we will usually see a notice in the screaming style that you should not attend such a site.

However, alas, before the site with malicious code He will go to the Chrome web protection database, someone will have time to suffer. Of course, if you believe in your chance to win the iPhone.

How not to get on the bait of fraudsters

How to prevent phishing attacks and not suffer from the actions of fraudsters?

1. You can not enter a password from mail to any forms on third-party resourceshowever, they would be similar to the design of the design of the postal service. It also applies to other sites. The administration of Internet services in their letters will never be asked to enter to confirm the password from the account. This administration, if necessary, can get access to where necessary. The password change, the setting of protection measures and this kind of change in the account must be carried out only in the settings section, passing there using the interface menu, but not by links in letters.

Fraudsters, disgraced mail holders Mail.Ru, to simulate a postage section used their XML script.

But even the web address of the service can be simulated. Rather, you can simulate what we see in address line browser. If you copy this address and insert, say, in a notebook, we will see at all that in the browser window.

3. About phishing attempts always report in support of the service.

4. Ensure to restore account access: Configure the ability to change the password through a test (secret) question or confirm with the phone, another mailbox, other means of communication. If the service allows you to use two-factor identification - authorization with the entry confirmation through the phone.

  • Note: Friends, do you know that in the browser Google Chrome. Now there is your own means of combating individual DC's varieties? Google has created a full-time tool to identify malicious extensions and software changing custom settings browser. To start this tool, we go to the settings section, in the search field, enter the "harm" request, click "Delete Malicious Software from Computer".

If the tool finds something, it will offer to delete malicious files.

In your email stored many letters that you are extremely necessary and you can not be deleted? But at the same time, you understand that the time will ever come, and your e-mail will not be able to maintain the entire amount of information received and sent. Do not worry about this: if necessary, the box can be "stretch".


The bottomless email does not happen. There is a reasonable limit. However, a little "pump" the box is possible. As a rule, after registering in an email, the user receives mail with a given volume. In each e-mail his the size, Usually from one hundred megabytes to ten gigabytes.

Increased mail increase function drawer Present practically on all resources. The "paging" procedure is almost identical. Although their differences are also available.

For example, the user immediately provides a box, 200 megabytes volume. But it is impossible to increase it immediately. The fact is that the size of the mail is possible to add only after the box together with accepted, sent, basket, drafts and spam will be filled by 90 percent. When only ten percent of the free space remains in the mail, the box can be enlarged by clicking on the appropriate button in the Settings menu. On the left in the list of possible functions, select "Box Size", followed by "Zoom" option.

Truly, the dimensionless box can be created on the Yandex service. Initially, Yandex provides the user with a 10 gigabyte mail. Subsequently, when the box remains free less than two hundred megabytes, it will increase its volume. At the same time, the user does not need to make any effort. As needed, the box will increase automatically for one gigabyte. The user needs only to be regularly logged in and enter the web interface of this postal service.

There is no bottomless drawer and on the server. But it is also possible to increase it. Go to the "Settings" menu. It opens when clicking on the item "More". Then select the "Mailbox Volume" section in the list of the page. Follow the link and click the "Enlarge" button. Please note that you can "pump out" only if you have reached the limit, and you have free less than 100 megabytes. After that, it will be possible to increase the volume by two gigabytes.

Similar enlarging options provide other electronic servers. User actions are practically no different from the procedure for increasing the services described in this article.