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the main  /  the Internet INURL WRITE PHP IDX. Search for an exact phrase with double quotes

Inurl Write PHP IDX. Search for an exact phrase with double quotes

Google Search Engine ( provides many search options. All these features are an invaluable search tool for the user for the first time in the Internet and at the same time even more powerful weapons of invasion and destruction in the hands of people with evil intentions, including not only hackers, but also non-computers and even terrorists.
(9475 views for 1 week)

Denis Bartankov

Attention:This article is not a guide to action. This article is written for you, administrators of Web servers so that you have false feeling that you are safe, and you finally understood the cunningness of this method of obtaining information and took up the protection of your site.


For example, in 0.14 seconds found 1670 pages!

2. We introduce another string, for example:

inurl: "auth_user_file.txt"

a little less, but this is already enough to free download and to select passwords (with the same John the Ripper). Below I will give a number of examples.

So, you need to realize that the Google search engine visited most of the Internet sites and kept the information in the cache contained on them. This cached information allows you to get information about the site and the content of the site without direct connection to the site, only digging in the information that is stored inside Google. Moreover, if the information on the site is no longer available, then the information in the cache may still be preserved. All you need for this method: know some key words Google. This technician is called Google Hacking.

For the first time, information about Google Hacking appeared on the newsletter BugTruck for another 3 years ago. In 2001, this topic was raised by one French student. Here is a link to this letter It contains the first examples of such requests:

1) index of / admin
3) index of / mail
4) Index of / + Banques + FileType: XLS (for France ...)
6) index of / password.txt

This topic was wondered in the English-reading part of the Internet recently: after Johnny Long article released on May 7, 2004. For a more complete study of Google Hacking, I advise you to enter the site of this author In this article, I just want to enter you into the case.

Who can be used:
- Journalists, spies and all those people who love to poke the nose are not in their affairs, can use it to search for a compromising.
- Hackers looking for suitable goals for hacking.

How Google works.

To continue the conversation, I remind some of the keywords used in Google queries.

Search by sign +

Google excludes from the search for unimportants, in his opinion, words. For example question words, prepositions and articles in english language: For example, Are, of, Where. In Russian, Google seems to be important to be important. If the word is excluded from the search, then Google writes about it. So that Google began to search for pages with these words before them need to add a sign + without a space before the word. For example:

ACE + of Base

Search by sign -

If Google finds a large number of centers, from which it is necessary to eliminate pages with a certain subject, then you can force Google to look for only pages on which there are no specific words. To do this, you need to specify these words, putting before each sign - without a space before the word. For example:

Fishing - stock

Search by sign ~

It is possible that you want to find not only the specified word, but also its synonyms. To do this, let's specify the symbol ~.

Search for an exact phrase with double quotes

Google is looking for on every page all the entry of the words you wrote in the query row, and it does not matter the mutual position of the words, the main thing is that all the specified words are on the page at the same time (this is the default action). To find the exact phrase - it needs to be taken in quotes. For example:


To have at least one of these words, you need to specify the logical operation explicitly: OR. For example:

Book Security OR Protection

In addition, a sign can be used in the search bar * to designate any word and. To denote any symbol.

Search for words with additional operators

There are search operators that are specified in the search string in format:

operator: search_term

Naps next to the colon are not needed. If you insert a gap after the colon, you will see an error message, and in front of it, then Google will use them as a regular line to search.
There are groups of additional search operators: Languages \u200b\u200b- indicate what language you want to see the result, the date - limit results for the past three, six or 12 months, entering - indicate where the document you want to search for a line: everywhere, in the header, in the URL, domains - Search on the specified site or on the contrary to exclude it from the search, secure search - block sites containing the specified information type and delete them from the search results pages.
At the same time, some operators do not need an additional parameter, such as a request " cache:"may be called as a full-fledged string to search, and some keywords, on the contrary, require the presence of a word to search, for example" site: HELP"In the light of our subject we'll look at the following operators:



Requires additional parameter?

search only on the site specified in Search_Term

search only in documents with SEARCH_TERM type

find pages containing search_term in title

find pages containing all words search_term in title

find pages containing search_term word in your address

find pages containing all SEARCH_TERM words in your address

Operator site: Limits only the search for the specified site, and you can specify not only the domain name, but also the IP address. For example, enter:

Operator fileType: Limits the search in the files of a certain type. For example:

At the date of release of the article Google can search within 13 different file formats:

  • Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • Adobe PostScript (PS)
  • Lotus 1-2-3 (WK1, WK2, WK3, WK4, WK5, WKI, WKS, WKU)
  • Lotus WordPro (LWP)
  • Microsoft Excel. (XLS)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT)
  • Microsoft Word (DOC)
  • Microsoft Works (WKS, WPS, WDB)
  • Microsoft Write (WRI)
  • Rich Text Format (RTF)
  • Text (ANS, TXT)

Operator link: Shows all pages that indicate the specified page.
Probably always interesting to see how many places on the Internet know about you. We try:

Operator cache: Shows the version of the site in the Google Kesche, as she looked when Google last Once attended this page. We take any, often changing site and look:

Operator intitle: Looking for the specified word in the title page. Operator allintitle: It is an extension - it is looking for all the specified few words in the title page. Compare:

Intitle: Mars Flight
Intitle: Intitle Flight: At Intitle: Mars
Allintitle: Flight to Mars

Operator inurl:forces Google Show all pages containing the specified string in the URL. Operator Allinurl: Looking for all words in the URL. For example:

Allinurl: acid_stat_alerts.php

This team is especially useful for those who have no SNORT - at least be able to see how it works on the real system.

Hacking methods with Google

So, we found out that using a combination of the above operators and keywords, anyone can take a collection of the necessary information and search for vulnerabilities. These technical techniques are often called Google Hacking.

site `s map

You can use the Site statement: To view all the links that Google found on the site. Usually pages that are dynamically created by scripts using parameters are not indexed, so some sites use ISAPI filters so that the links are not in the form /Article.asp?num\u003d10&dst\u003d5, and with slashes / ARTICLE / ABC / NUM / 10 / DST / 5. This is done so that the site is generally indexed by search engines.

Let's try:

Site: WhiteHouse

Google thinks that every page of the site contains the word Whitehouse. This we use to get all the pages.
There is a simplified version:


And what is the most pleasant one - comrades with did not even know that we looked at the structure of their site and even looked into the cached pages that Google downloaded themselves. It can be used to study the structure of sites and view the contents, remaining unnoticed to the time before time.

View file list in directories

Web servers can show the lists of the server directory instead of the usual HTML pages. This is usually done so that users choose and download certain files. However, in many cases, administrators have no purpose to show the contents of the directory. This arises as a result incorrect configuration Server or absence main page In the directory. As a result, the hacker appears a chance to find something interesting in the directory and take advantage of this for its purposes. To find all such pages, it is enough to notice that they all contain in their title words: index of. But since the words index of contain not only such pages, then you need to clarify the request and take into account keywords on the page itself, so we will suit the requests of the form:

intitle: index.of Parent Directory
Intitle: index.of Name Size

Since mainly the directory listings are deliberately, you may find it difficult to find mistakenly removed listings from the first time. But at least you can already use listings to determine web version Servers as described below.

Getting a version of the Web server.

Knowledge of the version of the Web server is always useful before any ataction of hacker. Again, thanks to Google, you can get this information without connecting to the server. If you carefully look at the listing of the directory, you can see that the server name is displayed there and its version.

Apache1.3.29 - Proxad Server AT TRF296.FREE.FR Port 80

An experienced administrator can replace this information, but, as a rule, it corresponds to the truth. So, to get this information just to send a request:

Intitle: index.of

To obtain information for a specific server, we specify the query:

Intitle: index.of Site:

Or, on the contrary, we are looking for a server working on a specific server version:

Intitle: index.of Apache / 2.0.40 Server AT

This technique can be used by a hacker to find the victim. If he has, for example, there is an exploit for a specific version of the Web server, then it can find it and try the existing exploit.

You can also get a version of the server by viewing the pages that are installed by default when installing the latest version of the Web server. For example, to see the test page Apache 1.2.6 is enough to dial

Intitle: It.Worked!

Moreover, some operating systems when installing immediately put and run a Web server. At the same time, some users do not even suspect about it. Naturally, if you see that someone did not delete the default page, it is logical to assume that the computer did not undergo any configuration at all and probably vulnerable to attacks.

Try Find IIS 5.0 Pages

allintitle: Welcome to Windows 2000 Internet Services

In the case of IIS, you can define not only the version of the server, but also the version of Windows and Service Pack.

Another way to determine the version of the Web server is to search for manuals (tip pages) and examples that can be installed on the default website. Hackers found quite a lot of ways to use these components to get privileged access to the site. That is why you need to remove these components on the battle site. Not to mention the fact that by the presence of these components you can get information about the type of server and its version. For example, we will find a guide to Apache:


Use Google as CGI scanner.

CGI Scanner or Web Scanner - utility to search for vulnerable scripts and programs on the sacrifice server. These utilities should know what to seek, for this they have a whole list of vulnerable files, for example:



We can find each of these files using Google using an additional file name in the search string of the word index of or inurl: We can find sites with vulnerable scripts, for example:

Allinurl: /random_banner/index.cgi.

Taking advantage of additional knowledge, the hacker can use the script vulnerability and with this vulnerability to force the script to output any file stored on the server. For example, the password file.

How to protect yourself from hacking through Google.

1. Do not post important data on the Web server.

Even if you posted the data temporarily, then you can forget about it or someone will have time to find and pick up this data while you do not erase them. Do not do so. There are many other ways to transfer data that protect them from theft.

2. Check your site.

Use the methods described to study your site. Check your site periodically with new methods that appear on the site Remember that if you want to automate your actions, you need to get a special resolution from Google. If you carefully read You will see the phrase: You may not send auto-coming queries of any sort to google "S System without Express Permission in Advance From Google.

3. You may not need Google to index your website or part of it.

Google allows you to delete a link to your site or part of its base, as well as delete the cache pages. In addition, you can prohibit image search on your site, it is described to shown short fragments of pages in the search results . To do this, you must confirm that you really owner this site or insert the tags or

4. Use robots.txt

It is known that search engines look into the Robots.txt file lying in the root of the site and do not index those parts that are marked with a word Disallow.. You can take advantage of this in order for part of the site not indexed. For example, so that the entire site is not indexed, create a Robots.txt file containing two lines:

User-Agent: *
Disallow: /

What else happens

For life to you with honey, I will not seem to say, I will say that there are sites that follow the people who, using the above methods, are looking for holes in scripts and Web servers. An example of such a page is


A little sweet. Try something from the following list:

1. #mysql dump filetype: sql - search dump dumps mySQL data
2. Host Vulnerability Summary Report - will show you what vulnerabilities found other people
3. PHPMYADMIN RUNNING ON INURL: Main.php - It will make control through the PHPMYAdmin panel
5. Request Details Control Tree Server Variables
6. Running in Child Mode
7. This Report Was Generated by Weblog
8. INTITLE: index.of cgiirc.config
9. FileType: CONF INURL: Firewall -intitle: CVS - who can need a firewall configuration files? :)
10. Intitle: index.of Finances.xls - mda ....
12. INTEXT: Tobias Oetiker Traffic Analysis
13. Intitle: usage statistics for generated by Webalizer
14. Intitle: Statistics of Advanced Web Statistics
15. Intitle: index.of WS_FTP.INI - WS FTP config
17. Inurl: main.php Welcome to phpMyadmin
18. INURL: SERVER-INFO Apache Server Information
19. Site: Edu Admin Grades
20. ORA-00921: UNEXPECTED END OF SQL COMMAND - Get the way
21. Intitle: index.of trillian.ini
23. INTITLE: index.of people.lst
24. Intitle: index.of master.passwd
25. INURL: PassList.txt
26. Intitle: index of .mysql_history
28. Intitle: index.of administrators.pwd
29. Intitle: index.of etc shadow
30. Intitle: index.of secring.pgp
31. INURL: config.php dbuname dbpass
32. Inurl: Perform FileType: Ini

  • "Hacking Mit Google"
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    What is Dorka and what is it from?

    Dorka - Special request in the search engine for finding the desired information.

    We will deal with what this Dorka is inurl: index .php? Catid \u003d Intitle: SHOP SITE: COM
    Dorka sharing into several components:

    Inurl:, Intitle: Shop, Site: COM - Parameters for search engine.
    There are a lot of them enough, but I used these:


    iNURL: INDEX.PHP? Catid \u003d - find sites where everything is contained after ":" in the link

    Intitle: Shop - We will find sites where contains "Shop" inside TEGA TITLE ( shop.).
    Intext: Shop - find sites where "Shop" is contained inside the page of the page.
    Site: COM - find sites in the (list of domains -

    You must be registered to see links.

    A good feature - advanced search from Google, for those who are bad with understanding.

    You must be registered to see links.

    index - file name.
    The name can be any. Usually, when developing sites, common names are used, which carry a logical value. Therefore, most sites can see the same file names.

    PHP - file extension. A more complete list can be found here -

    You must be registered to see links.

    Spoiler: I used expansion data


    catid \u003d - the name of the input parameter.

    Create expensive.

    Based on this, for yourself I see several options for the use of Dorok:

    1. Search by parts Dorok
    2. Search for Dorkov collected from different parts
    3. Search for finished Vacation options (not the most the best way).
    As I started.
    Dorok I did not have completely, but were in the stock of the shops that I sparded with Google
    I took the program

    You must be registered to see links.

    In general, it is designed to search for immunity on the site, including skull.
    But I used it to compile a site map, thereby recognized parts of Dorok.

    Suppose you have expensive / their components.
    Parts of the Dougor I was collected manually, as was the full decky.
    Also hand I found vulnerable sites through Google. Later I will explain why it's better to work with your hands than all sorts of SQLI Dumper-Ami and other parsers.

    How I was looking for sites with the help of Dorok:

    • Name + Extension (Inurl: Buying-Gift-Cards.aspx? Or Inurl: Buying-Gift-Cards).
    • Extension + Parameter (Inurl: ASPX? MS_ID \u003d or INURL :? MS_ID \u003d)
    • Name + search in (Inurl: email_signup. Intitle: Sharing and usage)</li> <li>Name + Domain (INURL: ANKLE-BITER. SITE: WS)</li> <li>Value + search in <title> (INURL:? MS_ID \u003d INTITLE: Basket)</li> <li>Name or value + search + domain (inurl: rim-strips.aspx? Intitle: Consumer Reviews Site: US or INURL:? SESSKEY \u003d INTITLE: Login Site: XN - P1AI)</li> </ul>Why? Sometimes parts of the dook are used only on a small number of sites, so as not to create bad decky, thereby save time, you can simply google them. <br><p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <br> Of course this is not all options. Make up as your heart, but do not forget about the logical component. <br> There is one underwater stone. <br> If the page name is too common (index.php?), Then there is no sense to do some items. <br> For common names / parameters, it makes sense to create Dorkie like a similar view: <br><p>Spoiler</p><p>inurl: index.php? Site: XXX Intitle: Login <br> inurl: index.php? ID \u003d Site: CA Intext: Login User Password <br> Inurl: Catid \u003d Site: IT Intext: Sale Products</p><p>But this is also your plus. Due to this stone, we will protect themselves from public-dock. <br> Our google requests will be more unique and more targeted. <br></p><p><b><span>Search for vulnerable sites.</span> </b>​</p><br> All sites I checked manually. Why? At the moment this is the best way to find a non-promoted site. Let's see the example of the site - <p>You must be registered to see links.</p> .<p>The software that many is used (SQLI Dumper, Havij) does not allow fully checking sites to vulnerability. They do not know how to work through forms, through TAMPER DATA. <br> Therefore, we put yourself</p><p>You must be registered to see links.</p><p>Multiplatform program for feeding. <br> Also set</p><p>You must be registered to see links.</p> .<p>Robed Dorku in Google, moved to the site. What could be a vulnerability on the site itself? We substitute trite to parameter. " <br> Substitution of headers in PHP. <br> Vulnerability in forms. <br> Etc. In a nutshell, you will not explain, so I attach literature.</p><p>SQLMAP starts via CMD. If you have not installed the path to the Python.exe file, then the start looks like this: <br> C: \\ Python27 \\ python.exe f: \\ sqlmap \\ -u</p><p>You must be registered to see links.</p><p>DBS --Random-Agent --Threads \u003d 10</p><p>Tell me what. -u - Target URL, --DBS - List Data-Data, --Random-Agent - Install a random user-agent, --Threads - Number of threads. <br> There is also a partnership function with Google in Dorka, instead of -u, you need to substitute -g (-g inurl: index.php). But I do not advise you to use it.</p><p>Spoiler: <span><a href="">Full list</a> commands</p><p>DBS List DBS Databases <br><br><br><br><br><br></p><p>Options: <br> -h, --help show the basic help and exit <br> -Hh show advanced help and exit <br> --Version show program version and exit <br> -V verbose verbal level: 0-6 (default 1)</p><p>Purpose: <br> At least one of these options must be specified to set the goal (s)</p><p>D Direct Connection string for direct connection to the database <br> -u URL, --URL \u003d URL target URL (for example, "</p><p>You must be registered to see links.</p><p>")<br> -l Logfile Poule Purpose (s) from Burp or WebScarab log files <br> -X SitemapURL Poule Purpose (s) from <a href="">remote file.</a> Sitemap (.xml) <br> -M Bulkfile Scan the Many Goals set in a text file <br> -R RequestFile Download <a href="">HTTP requests</a> From file. <br> -g googleDork process the results of the Dorkov Google as target URL <br> -C ConfigFile Download Options from the INI configuration file</p><p>Requests: <br> These options can be used to determine how to connect to the target URL</p><p>Method \u003d Method forced use the specified HTTP method (for example, PUT) <br> --Data \u003d data line data for sending via post <br> --param-del \u003d section_parfv The symbol used to separate the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters <br> --Cookie \u003d Cookies HTTP HTTP Cookie Header <br> --Cookie-Del \u003d separator_cake symbol used to separate cookies <br> --Load-Cookies \u003d File_For_Products File containing cookies in Netscape / Wget format <br> --Drop-Set-Cookie ignore the setlery set-cookie from the answer <br> --USER-Agent \u003d Agent HTTP User-Agent header <br> --random-Agent Use a randomly selected HTTP User-Agent header <br> --Host \u003d host HTTP host header <br> --Referer \u003d Referrer HTTP Referer header <br> -H Header --Header Additional Title (For example, "X-FORWARDED-FOR:") <br> --headers \u003d headlines Advanced headers (for example, "Accept-Language: FR \\ Netag: 123") <br> --Auth-Type \u003d Type_Aut HTTP Authentication Type (Basic, Digest, NTLM or PKI) <br> --Auth-Cred \u003d Data_Aut HTTP Authentication Accounts (Name: Password) <br> --Auth-file \u003d file_out file http authentication PEM certificate / private key <br> --GNore-401 ignore <a href="">http error</a> 401 (Unauthorized) (unauthorized) <br> --Proxy \u003d proxy use proxy to connect to the target URL <br> --Proxy-Cred \u003d Tailor_name Card Data Proxy Authentication (Name: Password) <br> --Proxy-file \u003d file_free download a proxy list from the file <br> --GNore-proxy ignore default <a href="">system settings</a> proxy <br> --tor use anonymous Tor network <br> --tor-port \u003d torport Set the Tor proxy port is different from the default <br> --Tor-Type \u003d Tortype Set the TOR proxy type (HTTP (default), SOCKS4 or SOCKS5) <br> --Check-Tor Check if Tor is used properly <br> --Delay \u003d Delay Delay in seconds between each HTTP request <br> --Timeout \u003d Timeout seconds for waiting for a connection timeout (default 30) <br> --Retries \u003d Attempts attempts at the Times Connection Times (by default 3) <br> --randomize \u003d parameters accidentally change the values \u200b\u200bof this parameter (s) <br> --Safe-URL \u003d Safe_EURL URL Address for frequent visits during testing <br> --Safe-POST \u003d POST POST data to send to secure URL <br> --Safe-Req \u003d Safe_File Load Safe HTTP Request From A File <br> --Safe-Freq \u003d number of test queries between two visits to the specified safe URL <br> --skip-urlencode Skip URL data coding for requests <br> --Csrf-token \u003d CSR .. Parameter used to hold Anti-CSRF token <br> --Csrf-URL \u003d CSRFURL URL Address for visiting token anti-csrf <br> --Force-SSL Forced use SSL / HTTPS <br> --HPP Use HTTP Contamination Method <br> --Eval \u003d evalcode to execute these Python code before request (for example, <br> "Import hashlib; id2 \u003d hashlib.md5 (id )Hexdigest ()")</p><p>Optimization: <br> These options can use to optimize SQLMAP performance.</p><p>O Disable all optimization switches <br> --predict-output predict a general output of requests <br> --Keep-Alive Use permanent connections http (s) <br> --Null-Connection Get the length page without the actual HTTP response body <br> --Threads \u003d streams Maximum number of simultaneous HTTP (s) requests (default 1)</p><p>Injection: <br> These options can be used to determine which parameter is to test, <br> Provide user injection load and additional obfuscation scripts</p><p>P testparameter Test parameter (s) <br> --skip \u003d Skip Skip the testing of this parameter (s) <br> --skip-static Skip the testing of parameters that do not seem dynamic <br> --DBMS \u003d DBMS forcibly specify the DBMS <br> --DBMS-CRED \u003d DBMS .. DBMS Authentication Data (User: Password) <br> --OS \u003d OS to specify <a href="">operating system</a> DBMS <br> --Invalid-bignum use big numbers for invalid values <br> --Invalid-Logical use logical operations for invalid values <br> --Invalid-String Use random strings for invalid values <br> --No-Cast Disable payload mechanism <br> --no-escape Disable string shielding mechanism <br> --Prefix \u003d Prefix Anti-Premunction Row of Injection Request <br> --Suffix \u003d Suffix Finishing the Injection Request Row <br> --Tamper \u003d TAMPER Use this script (s) to obfuscate inject data</p><p>Identifying: <br> These options can be used to configure the identification phase.</p><p>Level \u003d Level Testing Level (1-5, Default 1) <br> --Risk \u003d Risk of testing performed (1-3, default 1) <br> --String \u003d string string when the request is made in True (Truth) <br> --not-string \u003d not_istina string when the request is made in False (lie) <br> --Regexp \u003d regular_Expression <a href="">Regular expression</a>When the request is made in True (Truth) <br> --Code \u003d HTTP code when the request is made in True (Truth) <br> --Text-only compare pages based only on text content <br> --Titles compare pages based only on their headlines</p><p>Technique: <br> These options can be used to undermine the testing of individual SQL injection techniques.</p><p>Technique \u003d technique technique <a href="">SQL injection</a> For use (default "BeUSTQ") <br> --Time-sec \u003d timesec seconds to delay the DBMS response (default 5) <br> --union-cols \u003d ucols Range of speakers for testing with UNION SQL injection requests <br> --union-char \u003d uchar symbol for use in brutheneum columns <br> --Nion-from \u003d ufrom table for use in from from part union SQL query Injection <br> --DNS-DOMAIN \u003d domain domain name used for exhaustion DNS attack <br> --Second-Order \u003d Row As a result of the URL, a second order response is searched</p><p>Prints: <br> -F --FingerPrint performs extensive verification version of the DBMS</p><p>List: <br> These options can be used to enumerate information. <br> Database management systems, structures contained in <br> Data tables. Moreover, you can run your own <br> SQL expressions</p><p>A, --all get everything <br> -B --Banner Get Banner DBMS <br> --Current-user Get the current user DBMS <br> --Current-DB Get the current DBMS database <br> --Hostname Get the name of the DBMS host <br> --is-dba Determine whether the current user is administered by the DBMS <br> --users list DBMS users <br> - Passwords List Hachi passwords DBMS <br> --privileges List user privileges DBMS <br> --Roles list the user roles of the DBMS <br> --DBS List DBMS databases <br> --Tables List Database Database Tables <br> --Columns List the Speakers of the DBMS Table <br> --Schema List the DBMS scheme <br> --Count List the number of records for the table (Tables) <br> --DUMP Summarize Database Database Table Records <br> --Dump-all Sumvert all records of DBMS database tables <br> --Search Search column (OK), tables (s) and / or name (name) database <br> --comments get comments DBMS <br> -D database database database for listing <br> -T Table Table (s) DB DBMS for listing <br> -C count column (s) Database database for listing <br> -X skipping column (s) database database for not listing <br> -U user users DBMS for enumeration <br> --exclude-sysdbs to have a system database database when listed tables <br> --where \u003d dumpwhere Use the WHERE condition when dumping tables <br> --Start \u003d limitstart first output request for receiving <br> --Stop \u003d Limitstop latest output request for receipt <br> --First \u003d firstchar First Symbol of the Output Query Query to receive <br> --Last \u003d Lastchar Last Symbol of the output word request for receipt <br> --SQL-Query \u003d Query SQL Expression for performance <br> --sql-shell Interactive SQL Shell Invitation <br> --SQL-File \u003d SQLFile Run SQL expression from this file (s)</p><p>Brut-force: <br> These options can be used to record brut-force checks.</p><p>COMMON-TABLES Check availability of distributed tables <br> --common-columns Check availability of common columns</p><p>Injection by user specified functions: <br> These options can be used to create user-defined features.</p><p>UDF-INJECT inserting predefined user user <br> --Shared-lib \u003d shlib Local path to the general library</p><p>File System Access: <br> These options can be used to access the DBMS file system.</p><p>Access to the operational system: <br> These options can be used to access the DBMS operating.</p><p>OS-CMD \u003d OSCMD execute OS command <br> --os-shell Invitation of interactive shell OS <br> --OS-PWN Putting for Outflowing Shell, Meterpreter or VNC <br> --os-SMBELAY Single-Liquor Invitation for Outflowing Shell, Meterpreter or VNC <br> --os-bof Operation of the buffer overflow of the stored procedure <br> --priv-ESC Increase user privileges of the DB process <br> --msf-path \u003d msfpath Local path where Metasploit Framework is installed <br> --Tmp-path \u003d TMPPath remote absolute pathway directory directory</p><p>Access to Windows register: <br> These options can be used to access the Windows DBMS Register</p><p>REG-READ Read the Windows Register Value <br> --REG-Add Write a Windows Register key <br> --reg-Del Delete Windows Register Value <br> --reg-key \u003d regkey Windows register key <br> --reg-value \u003d regval Windows register key <br> --reg-data \u003d REGDATA Windows key values <br> --reg-type \u003d REGTYPE Type of Windows Register Value</p><p>General: <br> These options can be used to install common operating parameters.</p><p>S sessionfile download session from the saved file (.sqlite) <br> -t trafficfile Write all HTTP traffic to a text file <br> --Batch never ask user input, use default behavior <br> --Charset \u003d Charset Forced encoding of characters used to obtain data <br> --crawl \u003d crawldepth crawl on the website starting from a given URL <br> --CRAWL-EXCLUDE \u003d REGULATIONS Regular expression to eliminate pages for crawling (for example, "logout") <br> --CSV-DEL \u003d CSVDEL The separator symbol used in the CSV output (default ",") <br> --Dump-Format \u003d DumpFormat Data Data Format (CSV (Default), HTML or SQLite) <br> --Ta Display for each output approximate arrival time <br> --Flush-Session erase session files for current target <br> --Forms Poule and test forms on target URL <br> --Fresh-Queries ignore the results of requests saved in the session file <br> --HEx Use hexadecimal function (AI) DBMS to obtain data <br> --outPut-Dir \u003d Out .. <a href="">Custom Path</a> Link directories <br> --Parse-Errors Poule and display messages Error DBMS from Replies <br> --pivot-column \u003d p .. the name of the rod column <br> --Save \u003d SaveConfig Save options to configuration ini file <br> --Scope \u003d Scope Regular expression for filtering goals from Proxy log <br> --Test-Filter \u003d TE .. Select the tests for payload and / or names (for example, ROW) <br> --Test-Skip \u003d Test .. Skip the useful load tests and / or names (for example, Benchmark) <br> --Update update sqlmap</p><p>Miscellanea: <br> -z mnemonics use short mnemonics (for example, "FLU, BAT, BAN, TEC \u003d EU") <br> --alert \u003d alert Run the command (s) OS, when SQL injection was found <br> --answers \u003d answers to set the answer to the question (for example, "quit \u003d n, follow \u003d n") <br> --Beep signal to question and / or when SQL injection was found <br> --Cleanup Clear DBMS from SQLMAP specific functions and tables <br> --Dependencies Check for missing (non-residential) SQLMAP dependencies <br> --Disable-Coloring Disable output coloring in the console <br> --gpage \u003d googlepage Use Dorka Google results from the specified page number <br> --identify-Waf spent thorough testing on WAF / IPS / IDS protection <br> --skip-Waf Skip the heuristic detection of WAF / IPS / IDS protection <br> --mobile imitate the smartphone through the HTTP User-Agent header <br> --Offline work in offline mode (use only session data) <br> --page-Rank Show Page Rank (PR) for the results of Dorka Google <br> --Purge-Output Securely remove all content from the output directory. <br> --smart spend thorough tests only if heuristics gave positive results <br> --sqlmap-shell Interactive Shell Sqlmap <br> --Wizard Simple Wizard Interface for Beginners</p><br> The program has many functions, the main thing is to understand what what, what works, well, have at least some knowledge of English. <p>Why do us <a href="">jSQL Injection</a>? Sometimes it is convenient to merge the database, also with it you can find the admins page, pour the shell and so on.</p><p>Think creative and you will succeed! <br> I will answer your questions, I will help to deal with software, sites, etc., write in the subject.</p><p>The author is not responsible for the information provided and its use in illegal actions by other resource users. Information is provided solely for informational purposes. <br> Literature.</p> <h1>How to search for us how to</h1> <p>All probably know how to use such <a href="">search engine</a>like google \u003d) but not everyone knows that if you competently make a search query with the help of special designs, then you can achieve the results of what you are looking for much more efficient and faster \u003d) in this article I will try to show what you need to do to Search correctly</p><p>Google supports multiple extended search operators with special meaning when searching for Typically, these operators change the search, or even say Google to do completely different search types. For example, design <b>link:</b> is a special operator and request <u>lINK:</u> It will not give you a normal search, but instead will find all the Web pages that have connections to <br> Alternative types of requests</p><p><b>cache:</b> If you include other words to request, Google will highlight these included words within the cached document. <br> For example, <u>cache: www.Site Web</u> Shows cached content with a highlighted word "Web".</p><p><b>link:</b> The search query considered above will show the web pages that contain links to the specified query. <br> For example: <u>lINK: www.Syt.</u> Display all pages on which there is a link to http: //www.Site</p><p><b>related:</b> Display Web pages that are "similar" (Related) specified Web page. <br> For example, <u>related:</u> will list Web pages that are similar <a href="">homepage</a> Google.</p><p><b>info:</b> Request information: I will present some information that Google has about the requested web page. <br> For example, <u> info: Site</u> Shows information about our forum \u003d) (Armada - Forum Adalt Webmasters).</p><p><b>Other information requests</b> </p><p><b>define:</b> Request Define: will provide the definition of the words you enter after the collected from various network sources. The definition will be for the entire phrase entered (that is, it will include all words in the exact query).</p><p><b>stocks:</b> If you start a request from Stocks: Google will handle the rest of the query time as symbols of exchange reports, and contact the page showing <a href="">ready information</a> For these characters. <br> For example, <u>stocks: Intel Yahoo</u> Show information about Intel and Yahoo. (Note that you must print characters <a href="">latest news</a>, not company name)</p><p><b>Query modifiers</b></p><p><b>site:</b> If you turn on Site: In your request, Google will limit the results of those websites that will find in this domain. <br> You can also search for individual zones as such RU, ORG, COM, ETC ( <u> Site: Com.</u> <u>site: ru.</u>) </p><p><b>allintitle:</b> If you run a request from Allintitle:, Google will limit the results with all the words request in the title. <br> For example, <u>allintitle: Google Search</u> Returns all google pages by searching like images, blog, etc</p><p><b>intitle:</b> If you turn on intitle: in your request, Google will limit the results of documents containing the word in the title. <br> For example, <u>intitle: Business</u></p><p><b>allinurl:</b> If you run a request from Allinurl: Google will limit results, with all the words in the URL. <br> For example, <u>allinurl: Google Search</u> Returns documents with Google and Search in the title. Also, as an option, you can share the words slash (/) Then words on both sides of the slash will be distinguished within one page: Example <u>allinurl: Foo / Bar</u></p><p><b>inurl:</b> If you turn on inurl: in your request, Google will limit the results of documents containing the word in the URL. <br> For example, <u>Animation Inurl: Site</u></p><p><b>intext:</b> Searches only in the text of the page, the specified word, ignoring the title and texts of reference, and other not related to. There is also a derivative of this modifier - <b>allinText:</b> those. Further, all words in the request will be searched only in the text, which is also important, ignoring frequently used words in the links <br> For example, <u>intext: Forum</u> </p><p><b>dateRange:</b> Searches for temporary framework (DateRange: 2452389-2452389), dates for time are indicated in Julian format.</p><p><b>Well, all sorts of interesting examples of requests</b> </p><p><u>Examples of queries for Google. For spammers</u> </p><p>Inurl: Control.Guest? A \u003d Sign</p><p>Site: "Homepage URL" "Sign My" Inurl: Sign</p><p>Site: homepage</p><p>INURL: SIGN.ASP "CHARACTER COUNT"</p><p> "Message:" Inurl: Sign.cfm "Sender:"</p><p>INURL: REGISTER.PHP "User Registration" "Website"</p><p>INURL: EDU / GuestBook "Sign The Guestbook"</p><p>INURL: POST "POST COMMENT" "URL"</p><p>INURL: / ARCHIVES / "COMMENTS:" "REMEMBER INFO?"</p><p> "Script and GuestBook Created by:" "URL:" "Comments:"</p><p>Inurl :? Action \u003d Add "phpbook" "URL"</p><p>Intitle: "Submit New Story"</p><p><u>Magazines</u> </p><p>Inurl: Mode \u003d Reply</p><p>Inurl Mode \u003d Reply</p><p>Inurl:</p><p>Inurl: / "Guest book"</p><p><u>Blogs</u> </p><p>Inurl: "Postid" "Anonymous"</p><p>Inurl: "Post a Comment" "Remember Personal Info?"</p><p>INURL: GREATESTJOURNAL.COM/community/ "Post Comment" "Addresses of Anonymous Posters"</p><p> "POST Comment" "Addresses of Anonymous Posters" -</p><p>Intitle: "POST COMMENT"</p><p>Inurl: "POST Comment"</p><p><u>Forums</u> </p><p>Inurl: Gate.html? "Name \u003d Forums" "Mode \u003d Reply"</p><p>INURL: "FORUM / POSTING.PHP? MODE \u003d REPLY"</p><p>INURL: "MES.PHP?"</p><p>Inurl: "Members.html"</p><p>Inurl: forum / memberlist.php? 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