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When it stops Lagging on Ayphone AE 11. The iPhone slows down after the update: what to do? You updated, not installed iOS from scratch

Immediately after its release. The IOS 11 release assembly turned out to be quite stable, fast and without a large number of errors, eliminate all problems from new version Apple's mobile operating system could not be able to. On the most common problems of iOS 11 and how to solve them were told in this article.

What to do if the device is discharged, does not catch the network, slows down, hangs

Before proceeding with active actions, be sure to make sure that problems with your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. under iOS management 11 are not associated with a minor software error that occurred when installing the air system.

To do this, it is enough to perform a forced restart of the device, while holding and holding the "Power" and "home" button (the volume button on the iPhone 7/7 plus) until the Apple logo appears on the screen. After turning on the device, check whether the error remains.

If it is not possible to correct the problem in this way, it could not help "clean." It is performed very simple.

Step 1. Disconnect the " Find iPhone" on the menu " Settings» → « icloud.».

Step 2. Download iOS 11 firmware file for your device:

What to do if the iPhone on iOS 11 does not catch the network

Almost every new version of iOS at first after its output, and even more so, at the test stage, the problem associated with the loss of the signal is characteristic. cellular network. iOS 11 In this regard, it is no exception. Fortunately, it is solved quite in a simple way.

If on your iPhone running iOS 11 from time to time communication disappears, and this happens without any pattern, go to the menu " Maintenance» → « Reset", Select" Reset network settings"And confirm the reset of settings. We warn that as a result of this action, saved passwords for Wi-Fi networks will be deleted. In addition, the configuration of the cellular network will be deleted from the device, which will later be updated and the problem will disappear. True, it will only happen if your telecom operator has already updated the network settings for iOS 11.

What to do if the iPhone on iOS 11 is quickly discharged

Tip! More than 10 sample effective ways Increasing iPhone running time running iOS 11 is described in this instruction.

There are two recommendations that may be useful in the case of the problem of quick discharge iPhone running iOS 11. First, make sure that it is not guilty of a quick discharge one of the applications installed on the device. The fact is that so far not all third-party applications and games are optimized under iOS 11, as a result of which they can adversely affect the battery charge.

Go to the menu " Settings» → « Battery"And familiarize yourself with the list of applications that spend the battery charge most. In the event that any of the applications run on the battery most, provided that you do not use it very often, it is it that is responsible for the quick discharge of your iPhone. It should be temporarily removed and wait until the developers adapt it to iOS 11.

And secondly, make sure that your iPhone has an up-to-date iOS 11, not a beta version. September 19 Apple released final iOS version 11, on which you need to go through all users who participated in testing the update.

Autostar in iOS 11

"Autostar" in iOS 11 is not located on the usual place. Developers transferred Its pretty deep in system settings. Find the Option switch "Automarity" in iOS 11 can be in the menu " Settings» → « Maintenance» → « Universal access» → « Display adaptation" Note that the principle of operation of the function has not changed. "Autostarity", as in previous versions iOS, engaged in automatic brightness adjustment in the display depending on the level of illumination.

Apple sent the "Autostar" switch to such a distant place is not just like that. The company wanted to protect users from turning off the autowarity, which is why time autonomous work iPhone and iPad can decrease.

Wi-Fi in iOS 11

Many iPhone and iPad users complain that after disable Wi-Fi And Bluetooth through the control point in iOS 11, after some time they turn on again. The fact is that Apple changed the principle of work Wi-Fi and Bluetooth switches in the updated control station. In iOS 11, when you click on the connections buttons in the control point, it turns off from current networksor devices, if it comes to Bluetooth.

In other words, the switches do not turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. When iPhone or iPad find a familiar wi-Fi networkThe password of which was previously entered on the device unprotected by a password Wi-Fi network or a previously conjugate Bluetooth device, they automatically connect to them.

To completely disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in iOS 11, you need to go to "Settings" and in the sections of the same names to translate the function switches into inactive positions.

What to do if Bluetooth does not work on iOS 11

With the non-working Bluetooth on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch running iOS 11 can help three ways.

1. Go to the menu " Settings» → Bluetooth, click on the icon " i."Opposite the problem device and on the page that opens, select" Forget this device" After this, search Bluetooth devices and try to connect to the desired re-.

2. If this does not help, try resetting the network settings. To do this, go to the menu " Settings» → « Maintenance» → « Reset"And select" Reset network settings" This process will take just a few seconds, after which the iPhone will forget all previously connected Bluetooth devices and you can successfully connect to the desired one.

3. In the event that nothing helps, reset all the settings for your mobile device. In the same menu " Settings» → « Maintenance» → « Reset"Click" Reset all settings"And confirm the operation. After the end of the reset, check the Bluetooth performance. Note that as a result of this reset, your data will not be deleted, the main thing is not to press the "Erase Content and Settings" button, which is responsible for bringing the device to the state of the factory settings.

What if you distorted the Wallpaper on the iOS 11 lock screen

This problem cannot be counted for the category of seriously spoiling life, but, nevertheless, it is not very nice to see the next picture on the screen.

In order to correct the problem with distorted wallpaper on the lock screen, it is enough to complete the usual reboot iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

What to do if the iPhone screen stopped working

One of the most unpleasant IOS 11 problems is associated with suddenly failing screen iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Fortunately, the problem is the occurrence of a program error and it is solved traditional for such problems in the way. Perform a forced reboot of your mobile device, while holding the "power" and "home" button at the same time (the volume button on the iPhone 7/7 Plus) and hold them until the Apple logo appears on the screen. After that, the screen will start as it should.

Note that in a massive order, such a problem is not manifested.

What to do if applications are not downloaded from the App Store

The problem with the impossibility of downloading applications and games from the App Store to the iOS 11 devices is one of the most commonly arising. However, it is solved elementary, one of two ways.

1. Perform all the same "hard" restart iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch by holding the "Power" and "Home" buttons (button to reduce the volume on iPhone 7/7 Plus) for 15-20 seconds.

2. Reset network settings in the menu " Settings» → « Maintenance» → « Reset» → « Reset network settings».

What to do if the camera "camera" does not turn on

In iOS 11, there is an extremely unpleasant bug, due to which the standard camera application simply does not start. Solving the problem right in the system, alas, no. It only helps rollback from iOS 11 on iOS 10 .

The above lists only some problems arising from iOS 11. If you encountered some other error - describe it in the comments. We will definitely help to figure it out.

For iPhone and iPad. Users testing operating system, continue to report errors, low performance, problems with autonomy and work wireless modules, as well as departures of applications.

These problems with iOS 11 can force users. However, you can spend 15-20 minutes of free time and try to improve the operation of the OS.

Reboot the device

As experience shows, most of the problems with iOS 11 can be solved by the usual reboot. Just clamp the power button and turn off the iPhone or iPad, and then turn on the device again.

Free up memory

If there are little free memory on your device, it is strongly recommended to remove unnecessary data. This will help you accelerate the device.

Go to Settings -\u003e Main -\u003e IPhone Store. iOS 11 describes in detail the distribution of information on the iPhone or iPad. Scroll through the list, see what it takes the most place and remove unnecessary content.

Update applications

Usually, old versions of applications are not compatible with new IOS versions, so it is worth checking for updates in the App Store. This, of course, will not fix the problem with the departure of programs, but still can help.

If the update does not help, try reinstalling the problem application.

Delete unused programs

The incompatibility of applications affects the work of iOS 11, so it is possible that some programs can cause a slowdown in the operating system.
First of all, try removing rarely used software. The process is quite laborious, but in some cases can help.

Disable widgets

IOS 11 There are many widgets. If you do not use interactive interface elements, it is better to disable them. It will speed up your iPhone and iPad.

To disable widgets, make a swatch to the right when you are on the home screen, scroll down and click the Edit button. Next, a screen appears on which you can choose which widgets should be displayed, and which is not.

Disable background updates

If you have activated content update mode in the background, try to turn it off and see whether the device will work faster.

When the background update function is enabled, the applications constantly update the information. This is a pretty resource-intensive option, so its disconnection can greatly improve performance.

Go to Settings -\u003e Main -\u003e Update content and disable the function.

Reduce animation

Sometimes on iOS devices There are "pickers" of animation, in which case it must be turned off. To do this, you need to open Settings -\u003e Main -\u003e Universal Access and activate the "Reducing Movement" function.

In the same place in the "Universal Access" item, transparency decreases and the contrast increases, which can also improve performance.

Load the latest version of iOS 11

Beta-version iOS 11 will never be perfect, but with each new update OS get rid of errors. If you have not installed not the latest Edition of iOS 11, try updating the operating system. With a probability of 99%, it will help to correct the main problems.

Some users who updated their devices to iOS 11 are written that their iPhone and iPad began to work slower or do not cope at all with the basic tasks as launching and serviceable application. If you know this feeling, you can try various methods Accelerate iOS 11, which we will tell below.

Many of these ways will help not only speed up the device, but also save battery charge.

How to speed up the workiOS. 11 oniPhone. andiPad.

We will look at various ways, the first two of which should be performed first, and the rest can be tried in any order.

1: Install the latest available versions.iOS. and applications

First you need to update the software and all your applications. Perhaps the problem in the system itself, and its bugs were corrected in the update that you have not yet installed.

To install the available iOS 11 updates (like iOS 11.0.2, iOS 11.1, etc.):

  • Open Settings\u003e Main\u003e Update\u003e Download and install iOS update

To update the applications:

  • Open the App Store and go to the update tab. Place all available updates.

2: just installediOS. eleven? Wait a little

If you have just installed iOS 11, and the device began to work slower, you can simply wait a bit. Large updates slow down the devices, as iOS need to reconfigure everything under the search, Siri, photos and other background tasks. The configuration process can slow down the operation of the entire system.

It is best to wait a couple of days and do not touch the device at all without the need. Usually in two days the device begins to work normally or even better than before. This solution will help to correct the problems with the battery.

3: Disconnect content update

Content Update feature allows applications to be updated independently. It improves the work in multitask mode, but slows down the system. The function is easy to disable, and most users will not even notice the difference in the application.

  • Open Settings\u003e Basic\u003e Content Update\u003e Off.

4: Disable offers Siri.

The search for the search and notifications can be accelerated by disabling Siri's proposals.

  • Open\u003e Siri and search for\u003e Looking for and finding and disconnecting both functions.

5: Forcibly restart the device

Sometimes the device can be improved forced reboot, especially if it slows down some kind of background process.

For most iPhone models and iPad for this need to hold plug button and buttonHOMEuntil the Apple logo appears on the screen.

On the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus you need to hold volume Reduction button and plug buttonbefore the appearance of the logo.

After that, you just need to wait until the device turns on.

6: Install simple wallpapers

The use of single-dimensional lifting wallpapers can also help speed up the device. They require less memory, respectively, the system is easier to download them.

  • Open Settings\u003e Wallpapers\u003e and select a boring one-picture image of a small size.

The main screen will look not very (or vice versa, depending on your taste), but the device can start working faster. You can use small gray wallpaper below or find your similar.

7: Enable Motion Reduction

iOS uses many visual effects that look great, but load the system. Disabled these effects, you can improve the operation of the device.

  • Open Settings\u003e Main\u003e Universal Access\u003e Decrease Movement and turn on the switch.

* Function AvtoMoty the effects of the message effects is better to turn off because they can also slow down the system.

When you enable the function, the effects of opening and closing applications will be replaced with a simpler animation.

8: Turn on Lower transparency

iOS is full of blur effects and transparency at the control point, in the center of notifications, etc. They look good, but slow down the system. These effects can be disabled.

  • Open Settings\u003e Basic\u003e Universal Access\u003e Increase Contrast\u003e Reducing Transparency and Turn on the Switch.

With this feature, the display will look not so beautiful, but the device will work faster.

9: Free more memory

The larger on the free memory device, the faster it will work. Ideally need to have 10% or more free memory. If you have a device with 32GB of memory, then you need to free at least 3GB. It is necessary in order to stay for cache, updating applications and the system itself.

  • Open Settings\u003e Basic\u003e Storage (or iPhone / iPad Storage).

This week, Apple released the second Beta version of iOS 11 for iPhone and iPad. Users testing the operating system continue to report errors, low performance, problems with autonomy and work of wireless modules, as well as departures of applications.

These problems with iOS 11 can force users to make a downgrade on iOS 10. However, you can spend 15-20 minutes of free time and try to improve the operation of the OS.

Reboot the device

As experience shows, most of the problems with iOS 11 can be solved by the usual reboot. Just clamp the power button and turn off the iPhone or iPad, and then turn on the device again.

Free up memory

If there are little free memory on your device, it is strongly recommended to remove unnecessary data. This will help you accelerate the device.

Go to Settings -\u003e Main -\u003e IPhone Store. iOS 11 describes in detail the distribution of information on the iPhone or iPad. Scroll through the list, see what it takes the most place and remove unnecessary content.

Update applications

Usually, old versions of applications are not compatible with new IOS versions, so it is worth checking for updates in the App Store. This, of course, will not fix the problem with the departure of programs, but still can help.

If the update does not help, try reinstalling the problem application.

Delete unused programs

The incompatibility of applications affects the work of iOS 11, so it is possible that some programs can cause a slowdown in the operating system.

First of all, try removing rarely used software. The process is quite laborious, but in some cases can help.

Disable widgets

IOS 11 There are many widgets. If you do not use interactive interface elements, it is better to disable them. It will speed up your iPhone and iPad.

To disable widgets, make a swatch to the right when you are on the home screen, scroll down and click the Edit button. Next, a screen appears on which you can choose which widgets should be displayed, and which is not.

Disable background updates

If you have activated content update mode in the background, try to turn it off and see whether the device will work faster.

When the background update function is enabled, the applications constantly update the information. This is a pretty resource-intensive option, so its disconnection can greatly improve performance.

Go to Settings -\u003e Main -\u003e Update content and disable the function.

Reduce animation

Sometimes on iOS devices occur "pickers" animation, in which case it must be turned off. To do this, you need to open Settings -\u003e Main -\u003e Universal Access and activate the "Reducing Movement" function.

In the same place in the "Universal Access" item, transparency decreases and the contrast increases, which can also improve performance.

Load the latest version of iOS 11

Beta-version iOS 11 will never be perfect, but with each new update OS get rid of errors. If you have not installed not the latest Edition of iOS 11, try updating the operating system. With a probability of 99%, it will help to correct the main problems.

At 20:00 Moscow time Apple began sending the final version of the iOS 11 system to all supported devices. Read in what brings an update for iPhone and iPad.

First problems

Already traditionally, many users have encountered an error when trying to update the iPhone to the new version of the system. Often, problems are associated with Apple servers overload due to a large number of wishes to download update.

And someone simply did not have enough free place in the device's memory:

I want iOS 11, but I have no place

But most still managed to install an update, but then other problems were found. There are a lot of bugs associated with the shell system. For example, interface elements are superimposed on each other:

Sometimes the system is "confused" with orientation and displays icons on the desktop in a normal form, and in the pop-up dock they are rotated in the other direction:

Bugs with interface work Many:

All items disappeared from the lock screen

But there are more serious problems. For example, one user is very strange for scrolling desktops:

There are complaints of system performance:

There are messages that when updating to iOS 11 in the application for email Exchange and problem appears. Users can not send a message - An error "Message is rejected by the server" appears. Apple is already trying to solve the problem with Microsoft, reports the Igener website.

There are errors in standard applications - For example, in Wallet.

I just updated to iOS 11, but I can not remove expired / unnecessary cards in the wallet (approx. - in the Wallet application). Is this a famous error?

As usual, it did not cost and without complaints of users on innovations. For example, Apple removed from iOS 11 launching a multitasking window with a gesture from the lower left corner to the right with a strong press.