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What is GPU acceleration on android. Cleaning system from garbage

One of the characteristics, by which browsers were compared in the past review, was the speed of working with graphics. Then it was just one indicator among others, today it will be paid to it, and that is why. Content web pages gradually becomes more difficult and rich. On the one hand, the development and promotion of HTML5 contributes to this, which directly supports video () and graphics (), and on the other - the gradual offensive of cloud computing.

BrowserVector, HTML5Vector, Flash.Bitmap, HTML5Bitmap, Flash.
Chrome 14.0.835.1869 18 37 14
Firefox 17 48 14
IE 9.0210 20 47 16
Opera 11.5116 19 9 15
Safari 5.12 19 12 15

It is clearly noticeable here that hardware acceleration plays a fundamental role for HTML5, although Opera perfectly coped with the vector dough. Chrome results with 2D-acceleration disconnected were significantly lower. However, the load on the GPU is obviously not too high, and the results coincide on all video cards.

Finally, the last HTML5 test is one of the few built on the basis of a real web application (archive of radio station records). It is integrated, uses various mechanisms, including, in the process of its execution, it is noticeable, as much "floats" FPS depending on the situation / task.

Table. (points / FPS)

A good example of how heavy "browsers can be HTML5 applications. The results did not depend on the video card used, except Internet Explorer.which showed 3600/11 on HD 6450. However, it should be borne in mind that this site / test was developed with an eye on the Microsoft browser.


In this context, it is not quite correct to talk about hardware acceleration, since WebGL is a JavaScript API to display 3D graphics in. But it is based on OpenGL and therefore in most cases will really be executed on the GPU. To date, WebGL support Chrome and Firefox, as well as Safari on platform MAC. OS X. There is no support in the stable version of Opera, although it was present in special test assemblies. Microsoft opposes WebGL, arguing its position for security considerations: there are certain claims to the quality of video drivers, and WebGL allows web applications to directly interact with them, which can be used to hack system. However, the sacred place is not empty, and, although applications for it seems to be adjusted (in any case, for no other test, we have not started correctly).

Table. Fishie (2000/10000 Fish, FPS)

Chrome results are distinguished in WebGL DEMO and WebGL Demo 2 (are shown through oblique line). Here scaling is also well noticeable, although the following tests of the video card has no effect on the following tests.

Table. Performance in WebGL is also not always scaled

Browser FPS. (100/1000 fish), fps FPS.
Chrome 14.0.835.18660 60/37 28
Firefox 40/18 36


So how important is the hardware acceleration in browsers and should it worry the user? Current state Web is such that new HTML5 features are not too common. In favor of this testifies to the uncomfortable development of Opera and Safari. However, the situation will change. With respect to the perspectives of HTML5 Google and Microsoft are almost unanimous, and one thing already speaks many.

Hardware acceleration It is really necessary to play a relatively high-quality video from Web. Apparently, it is with his absence or insufficient effectiveness that the complaints of users are not associated with no and "chrombuks". Particularly powerful GPU in this case is not needed, much more important than the quality optimization of the decoder, which is still not enough for Webm.

With the display of web pages, the situation is less unambiguous. It is no coincidence that most tests are, in fact, demonstration applications: the web is quite conservative, the creators of the sites usually try to maintain all common browsers, and HTML5 is not even accepted by W3C. However, new opportunities are too tempting, and the top three leading browsers makes them available for most users. Accordingly, the mass appearance of saturated complex content sites can be expected in the near future. In most HTML tests, hardware acceleration allows you to drastically improve performance, although the real load on the GPU is apparently not too high, since the results scaling are not observed when changing the video card to more powerful. Let's say it is incomprehensible how to achieve a greater frame rate in the WebVizbench test.

The productivity of the WebGL scales noticeably better - apparently, this API allows you to quite effectively use GPU. Therefore, the truly heavy web applications will appear, whose work will be significantly dependent on the video card. This, by the way, may not only be the game, although they pay attention first - here, for example,. There is no less promising and visualization of scientific and engineering calculations. If WebGL really can gain popularity, then the value of the GPU for the web will grow significantly.

Another general point to pay attention to: hardware acceleration not only increases performance, but also reduces energy consumption. The tasks for which even 100% of the CPU resources are missing (for example, decoding HD video), GPU often solves with minimal load, about a few percent. This, of course, is especially important for mobile systems.

The situation with the browsers themselves is clear enough. Hardware acceleration gives the last cHROME versions, Firefox and Internet Explorer tangible advantage. On the platform Windows Performance These browsers were significantly crowded, although Chrome is still in an experimental state. Additional advantages in favor of Chrome and Firefox are their cross-platform and support for WebGL, although you should not expect the same results on all platforms. Safari, for obvious reasons, is primarily developing on Mac OS X, but the Opera position frankly disappoints, especially considering the popularity of this browser in the CIS.

This article will describe a number of useful tips on how to speed up Android based tablet from the team specialists, all that will make work on the tablet more efficient and enjoyable.

The problems of low productivity of Android devices in our time is worth it, especially sharp, since most tablets that the market is filled is based on it. Despite the fact that, in terms of power, modern devices on Android, long exceeded the possibilities of stationary computers of seven years ago, this, however, is not enough for a convenient and unimpeded display of toys and capacious applications. The energy-apparatus needs of applications are regularly increasing, even recently powerful fixtures begin to slowly slow down and annoy, and each year of the tablet market is acquired, it can afford a rare consumer. What remains? Of course, look for the opportunity to speed up your favorite gadget. It is worth staying in these ways in more detail.

There are a number of techniques, ranging from simple, and ending with the most difficult, which will give the second respiration to the speed of your tablet based on Android. Each of these methods is checked by users, and now you will have the opportunity to get to know them closer. To begin with, it is worth considering simple techniques that will not require any special skills and training. Next will be considered more advanced. Naturally, it is possible to use only a part of everything listed to accelerate the work of the tablet on Android, only the maximum effect may occur when using all, and in the extreme case, most, techniques.

Before you start using these methods to improve the operation of the system of your tablet computer, you need to make sure that everything is configured and works correctly.

Installing power regime

Depending on the tablet model and the Android version, the data, partitions in the "Settings" menu differ or in principle are missing. If suddenly the menu structure in your tablet is not the same as it will be lower, then you need to act by similar. The most popular options for the menu partitions are as follows: Settings → Power → Power Mode. High performance mode is installed. Or, the second option, go to the settings menu → Energy saving, select the "Performance" mode.

Having done the above manipulation, responses of the system, significantly improve, and the work of the tablet will accelerate, but it is fraught with a decrease in the time of operation of your battery.

Increase the performance of the graphics subsystem (for the Android 4.0 + version only)

You must enter the settings → for developers, then the marks are affixed at the GPU Acceleration Point (acceleration using GPU).

So will be configured graphic processor It extremely maximum performance, and this, in turn, will speed up all the game additions of your tablet. But there is one thing, it may be incompatible with a number of toys.

Do not panic when you will not find the items described in your tablet computer. Most likely, the Android system of your device has already been previously configured by the manufacturer of the device for all maximum values.

In the Google Play there are many applications, respectively, you always want something yes to install on your tablet, but suddenly you will need. Think well, whether the application will be used quite often, in order to justify the space in your tablet. Each, absolutely each, the application that is installed in the Android base apparatus consumes some of the system resources, respectively slows down the operation of the system. Many applications mounted on a tablet computer will lead to the fact that the system will be overloaded and starts to work much more slowly. Total performance will significantly decrease. It is worth installing only those programs that are important right now, and not once there, and can also be.

A list of applications that are installed and viewed from crust to crust. Provided that a specific application was not used for a long time or not planned to be used in principle, it is subject to removal. It can always be reanimated through Play Market, but only at the moment when it really needs. Eliminating all unnecessary, the place is released not only in the memory of the device, but also accelerates his work at the expense of liberation random access memoryas well as unused services.

If you need to install a program that executes the specified function, you can not hurry and install that it fell. Analyze similar programs in the Play Market, look at their size, functionality and performance. Qualitative and optimal applications have all the same features and functions as variations of other developers, but differ in the smaller size of the occupied memory and consumption of a small amount of device resources.

For example, the addition "Alarm clock" so necessary in order not to wake up at the university or for your favorite job. If suddenly the functionality, which is already mounted in the Android alarm system is not enough, you can always install additional applicationwhich will take no more than 250 kb. But it is possible, as well, to set the one that will take 25 MB of RAM. The result of the work of both the same application and the second will be the same - it will be ringing and fulfilling its direct destination. But last app Significantly slow down the work of the entire system. Accordingly, it will create discomfort for the owner of such a tablet. Based on the same principles, it is worth determined with all other additions.

Everything is very simple. The more "easy" is the application, the more quickly your tablet computer will work.

You need to go configuration → Applications → Working services or go to Settings → Application Management → Working.

Carefully learn which services are not needed and turning off them. So that these services are no longer launched, after the device is rebooted, you need to disable them by applying a special program - processes manager.

This kind of programs in the Play market is quite a lot, therefore it is difficult to consider this on specific examples. They can be easily found and install themselves.

Stopping unnecessary processes will significantly speed up the boot of the tablet when turning on, also will increase the overall performance of the gadget.

Services for Android 2.3

You must disable synchronization with all unused programs. To do this, go to the settings → Accounts and synchronization → on the Account tab to disable synchronization with unused programs. For example, the contacts, Picasa, Gmail, calendar, and a number of other services are disabled on the Google Account. You need to leave synchronization with services that provide information from world Wide Web in real time. Provided that no services are used, the mark is removed in the "Auto Synchronization" section, in the "Accounts and Synchronization" section.

First of all, you need to turn off the auto update of all applications on Google Play. Google Play has a special, built-in mechanism for automatic check availability of new versions, updates to latest version All installed applications. All this is done in the background, respectively, the process does not merce the eye of the user. But, the update service, however,, like all other services, is stationary in RAM, respectively, consumes some of the resources of the tablet computer system. On the other hand, it is possible to do up updating programs and manually, about once every seven days, especially since much time is not spent.

Also, to save Internet traffic, battery level and to improve the performance of the entire system, you must disable the auto update function.

In order to turn off the auto update application, the following manipulations are done. You need to visit Google Play → Settings → Removes marks from "Update Automatically" and "Notifications" items. At the same time, put the mark "Update only through Wi-Fi", in order to save GPRS traffic, and, also, increase the time of operation from the battery.

Deactivation of GPS function

Often, many users do not plan to use a tablet computer as a navigator, in this case, you can safely disable the GPS service. If the GPS in the tablet is activated, the battery of the device will be discharged significantly faster.

To deactivate, you need to set up the settings → Coordinates ("location data" or "location", etc.), remove the marks from all subparagraphs, only so you can completely disable the location definition.

This kind of services like Yandex. Maps or Google consume a lot of resource from your tablet, and when leaving the program, continue to work in the background. When there is an urgent need for this serviceIt is worth leaving only one application, but everything else is removed from your device.

Animated windows and transitions in Android look beautiful, but absorbs a lot of an additional resource of the system, which you constantly need to take somewhere. Provided that the speed of the tablet is much more important than the spectacular opening of the windows, then the animation must be turned off. To do this, come in settings → Display → Animation → Select subparagraph "Without animation" or, go to the settings → for developers, and find chapters that are responsible for the animation function, and select "Disconnect an animation" or "without animation", all Depends on the tablet computer.

You should not use live wallpaper, because at least it looks beautiful, but the main thing is to speed up the work of the tablet. That is why you need to remove live wallpaper from the starting display, and then uninstall them from the entire system. Putting a pretty, constant screensaver, no one will lose anything in the plan of aesthetic pleasure, nor in terms of fast operation of the device. On the contrary, the return will be a significant acceleration of the operation of the Android system, plus an increase in the operating time of the tablet from the battery.

Labels and widgets located on the start screen are one of the main advantages. tablet computers on Android. Just do not get carried away by placing many of them. All these widgets are constantly just hanging in the rapid memory of the tablet, and also use, for their work, third-party services and services. And a number of them are still updated regularly using the Internet. For all this, a system resource is required, respectively, the response of the system is reduced.

Think about what frequency the widgets and labels are used to be installed on startout screen. After that, delete everything too much.

If the tablet interface makes it possible to use a lot of additional screens (tabs), then their number must be minimized. Thus, a place will be released in RAM, which will serve as more urgent tasks.

In Google Play is not very good functionwhich automatically adds labels and widgets, from all fresh additions installed. All this is significantly littered with a tablet computer. You can get rid of it like this: go to Google Play → Settings → Remove the marks from subparagraph "Automatic adding widgets".

Android systems have the function of the embedded task manager. With it, it is closed by programs not used in a certain period by unloading them from the device's memory. Thus, the RAM is released, which is used for more relevant needs. Through Google Play, it is also possible to download the task manager, a number of third-party creators.

Cleaning Kesha

Regularly need to clean the cache memory of all programs and browser. To do this, you must log in → Applications → Application Management. Click on the function of the application, we enter its properties, click the button "Clear cache". Thus, you can get rid of irrelevant data, and, which is important, accelerate the work of the additions.

Google Play gives a choice of a large number of task managers that can manage applications, turn off not current services, clean the cache. One of these programs, from the series "All in one application", Clean Masterwhich has a Russian interface. Simple and understandable application working on all android versions In tablet computers. There is another program - Memory Cleaner for Tablet. It is not necessary to stop in detail these programs in this article, since all this can be found in Google Play and, with ease, try what you need.

All of the above helps to deal with simpler methods for improving the tablet. Next, it is worth considering more complicated techniques.

Change memory card (need cash spending)

Basically, most tablets use external memory cards in order to multiply the storage space for all the necessary information. Memory card can store not only data, and many applications, their cache and a number of other service files. When using a not high-speed memory card, all the work will be slowed down, the device will slow down the functionality of the entire system. Changes the memory card to the speed-class card, it is possible to significantly increase the response speed of the entire system.

Often, a microSD card is used. Learn about the speed of the microSD card speed in the notation of their marking. Depending on how speed is recorded, information is read, all MicroSD memory cards are divided into the corresponding classes - 2, 4, 6, 10. The higher the class of the card, respectively, above the speed of its operation. Completion from the manufacturer usually goals 4 class. The memory cards, grade 4 and lower, are very slow, as well as, they reduce the speed of the Android systems. Current advice, pay close attention to the 10 class memory cards and the new Ultra High Speed \u200b\u200bformat (UHS). Such devices have high recording characteristics, read, are great for accelerating the speed of the tablet computer. Always carefully meet the instructions for the tablet computer and specify whether it will support this format memory cards.

Refracting tablet or its replacement (availability of root rights)

Almost all tablet models have their faithful fans, among which there is a considerable number of lovers to experiment with own systems Firmware based on official, from the developer. It often happens that unofficial versions of firmware, have a number of improvements that increase the speed and feedback of the tablet system. Changing the firmware in such a situation will significantly speed up the work of your device.

A number of devices, outdated versions, based on Android 2.3, fans have been developed firmware from the Android 4.0 database. Do not forget that installing such a firmware, the device will slowly slow down, since the Android 4.0 system is significantly more demanding to the hardware segment, it is designed for modern devices.

Remember, after installing third-party firmware, the user loses the manufacturer's warranty on the tablet, and all further manipulations will be made under their responsibility. In order to change the firmware you need access to root-rights, so-called super user rights.

There are a number of teams of creators who combine the overall idea to develop universal firmwarewho work on hundreds of a variety of tablets.

Processor acceleration (need root rights)

Having root rights, you can install such an application as SetCPU or Droid Overclock, which will enhance the performance of the system by overclocking central processor (CPU). Improvements can be at the level of 10% to 30% and even bolmit? It all depends on the specific device.

The processor acceleration is an increase in the clock frequency and supply voltage, which in turn leads to an increase in the power consumption and heat generation of the processor.

Attention! The acceleration of the tablet processor can lead to the output of the device, its overheating, unstable operation of the system, accelerated battery discharge, brazering, hanging.

Some devices on the Android OS perfectly accelerate and have no problem above. Remember that all the actions on the acceleration of the processor you do at your own risk.

Application of third-party drivers (root rights)

Google Play has the ability to download universal Driver Chain Fire 3D. It will significantly increase the performance of the Android graphic functional. This driver provides installation on the machines with a processor at least 1GHz on android system 2.x, they also need root rights and Soft-off. Such a driver will increase the speed of all applications for the game. A number of settings should be done in the Chain Fire 3D interface in order to increase the speed: Reduce Texture Quality, Reduce Texture Size, Dump Shaders. Before starting the installation, it is necessary to carefully examine the instructions for the addition.

For a number of tablet computers, lovers have developed extraneous drivers capable of increasing the productivity of separately taken components, or the entire system, if compared with conventional drivers. You should not put this kind of driver yourself, especially if there is no practice and a sufficient level of skills, because you can damage the tablet and lose warranty service.


To speed up the tablet, you need to perform the actions described above just once, and then only make the necessary edits or additions. On a device that works quickly and without brakes to perform the tasks set one pleasure.

I present to the topic in which I will tell about acceleration Android devices. All users notice that each device starts to work more slowly with time than when it was only purchased. This may be different reasons: overloaded by various applications or simply stimps "iron" and performance is lost, because applications are updated and respectively become more demanding.

How to optimize the machine

Always actual topic - How to increase the performance of Android.

In fact, the speed of work depends on the optimization of the system itself: even a weak device that is properly optimized can work in no worse than more expensive and powerful models.

To speed up the speed of the Android device, you need to spend several actions on its optimization. Let's start with myself simple waysavailable absolutely to everyone.

Disabling exultant widgets

Most often, the deceleration of the OS is due to the insufficient number of free RAM. And I will say that it is the widgets that can take a lot of RAM. Therefore, if noted that the device began to slow down a bit, try to remove the couple not so fit widgets from the desktop to speed up the work of Android.

Turning off living wallpaper

I do not argue, such wallpapers are very beautiful and using them, you can give the device to the device. But the second side of the medal is that some of them use the resource of the apparatus; This leads to a decrease in the smoothness of the turnover of work desks and the rapid discharge of the battery. If you notice such problems on your gadget, give up such a type of wallpaper and put yourself an ordinary image. Such a simple step will give you acceleration of the work of Android.

How to speed up the operation of the operating system Android: video

We remove unnecessary applications

Also, to speed up the performance of the ADROID device, you need to remove the impressed applications. And do not put them on the principle "may be coming in handy." Unlike Windows on Android, even the programs that are not familiar to you can consume a gadget resource, because many of them constantly work in the background to monitor updates and issue some notifications as needed. Based on this, follow the programs that you have not used for a long time, and remove them. They can be easily installed again if necessary.

Using an optimized browser

Now in Android for Internet Surfing the default is used browser Chrome.. It is very good and stable, but on the low-performance devices on it can be uncomfortable to work, because there is not enough power. I advise you to deliver Opera Mini, this product is less demanding to resources. This option will give the opportunity to increase the speed of opening web pages.

Installing GPU acceleration

On some devices, increase system performance will help accelerate using GPU Android. To enable it, you need to go along the path: "Settings / Developer Options / Run to the processing processor".

We now move on to methods requiring deeper interference with the device.

Further actions will require availability root Rights and recommended for more advanced users.

How to get root rights: video

Removing unnecessary autorun applications

Will help increase the speed of Android, especially reduce its inclusion time, delete unnecessary programs From autoload. That is, by default, many applications run automatically, immediately after switching on, and work in the background, consuming the resource. Their shutdown will not affect the system functionality, and you can run them at any time yourself when you need it. This is done with one of the specialized Autostarts programs.

Processor frequency setting

It will also help to increase the speed of Android and increase the overall performance of the device. Proper control of the CPU frequencies. This can be done by Antutu CPU Master. Just need the minimum frequency value to raise a few steps higher or at all to the maximum so that in some situations the device began to work faster. But remember: The higher raise the value in the "Minimum" field, the faster the battery will be discharged. Do not overdo it.

How to speed up or optimize Android Device - Sooner or later, any owner is asked by this question, because it slowly, even the most implanted smartphone will start clogging by superfluous files, and the deposit of chip does not increase the speed of the smartphone. But even the most braking device can be accelerated!

To optimize or accelerate the device, it is necessary to approach comprehensively, we described four main stages by completing which you are guaranteed to speed up your smartphone or tablet: This will affect both FPS in games and at the speed of starting applications. All stages, in addition to the first, improve the stability of the device, but with a paging file - to experiment yourself, for it can give both positive and negative results.

Its main advantage is that it consumes less system resources, quite flexible in the setup and closely close to the clean Android OS.

Especially useful to install Nova Launcher. For "weak" devices and devices of little-known (Chinese) brands. Also custom shells are used for maximum setup Smartphone under the user, and we will analyze the main in the following articles (follow up the updates).

In this article we disassembled 3 basic ways how to speed up android: proper setting With the help of "Developer's options", the use of special software and regular actions to optimize the Android device, optimization and acceleration android with the help of custom shells (launcher)

3 ways how to speed up android!

Smartphones and tablets are common worldwide. Approximately 80% of users of these gadgets are located on Android OS. But, even despite the simple popularity of this operating system has a disadvantage: Android slows down! And this is far from a single case.

So, this article on how to speed up android? I immediately note that buying new phone, in a rumming of irritation due to unstable work is not necessary. Well, let's consider a number of simple steps to accelerate the Android, with which you should also cope.

Fashion 1. Pre-settings Android

This method will have a strong effect on the speed of the processor. Now I will show you how to configure the power mode. On the different android Installation is different.

1. Settings -\u003e Power-\u003e Power Mode You need to select "High Performance" mode.

2. Settings - My Device - Energy Saving - Processor - Remove the tick (limit the maximum processor performance). But at the same time the battery will be faster.

If you want and quickly productivity and, even here there are options. For example, you can put ticks to the "screen" (use low power level for the screen) and do not remove the checkbox from the point "Disable tactile feedback"(Can extend the battery life). These two items will not affect the speed of work, but the battery charge will save.

3. In Android 4.0 + it is necessary to speed up the work of the graphics subsystem:

Settings-\u003e For developers-\u003e Install the checkbox in the "Acceleration of the GPU" checkbox (acceleration with GPU)

At the same time, the graphics processor will adjust for many games. But some applications may refuse to work. In some devices of the listed menu may not be. Perhaps the manufacturer has already optimized them.

Note! I am sure that there are a lot of new users. And speeding up the processor you can not achieve anything, because all memory is completely clogged with trash. It is with this problem that we will compete in the second method described below.

Method # 2. How to clean android and speed up his work?

The system needs to be cleaned regularly or just follow all the applications installed:

  • Try to install applications as necessary, and not for the sake of entertainment, pay attention to the weight of programs, read reviews before downloading.
  • If you do not use any application for a long time, remove it, you should not think that it may take it. if you need to hardly, then download on Google Play. again.
  • Install antivirus. Perhaps the system is buggy due to viruses. Kaspersky fit perfectly.
  • Remove the autorun unused services:

Settings-\u003e Applications-\u003e Working Services

Settings-\u003e Application Management-\u003e Working

Stop unnecessary. So that they do not start after rebooting, you need to turn them off through special application - Process manager. There are so many such people in Google Play. After getting rid of the unnecessary services, the system will start loading faster and will become faster.

In Android 2.3, you need to remove synchronization with services that do not use:

Settings-\u003e Accounts and synchronization and on the Account tab Disconnect synchronization with all unnecessary services.

So, B. google account It does not hurt to disable contact synchronization, Gmail, Picasa, calendar and similar services. When no services are used, the Autosynchronization checkbox in the Accounts and Synchronization window should be reset.

Account settings in Android

Having removed the auto-update application on Google Play, you not only speed up the smartphone, your device will longer keep the battery charge and save, if you have mobile Internet Not unlimited. If you need to be updated, then this can be done manually.

To disable auto-update applications in Google Play, the market is necessary:

Open Google Play Market -\u003e Settings - Auto-update applications - never or only via Wi-Fi, GPRS Traffic Coast and take care of the battery.

It is advisable to disable the animation: Settings-\u003e Screen-\u003e Animation-\u003e Item "Without Animation"

To speed up Android remove live wallpaper, put a simple image on the screensaver, it is desirable not to put photos. Install the simple mode of the main screen. To do this, open the settings - my device - the main screen mode is simple mode. The advantage of a simple mode is that it facilitates the use of the device due to a simplified screen layout and large icons.

We also do not forget to delete on main page Unnecessary widgets, such as time, calendar, search and other things. I place the maximum on the main page of the flashlight, because it cannot be turned on differently.

Remove the widget from the monitor screen, it is possible by clamping and transfer to the basket.

Disable geolocation and GPS

Surely you use GPS not as often as it is in your active mode. That is why disconnect such a bummer. This affects the speed of the smartphone and on the battery.

You can pull the curtain from the top of the monitor and turn off the GPS. Second option: Settings -\u003e Coordinates ("location" or "location data", etc.), then remove the checkboxes.

Clean application cache and browser

If you regularly clean the cache on the smartphone, then make a great contribution to speeding up your android.

Settings-\u003e Applications-\u003e Application Management

Settings - Options - Application Manager

Now it remains to choose this or that application, click on it and press the "Clear cache" button. Do not be afraid that some important data will be deleted (this will not be), however, the passwords better remember. The browser can be cleaned, already opened it directly.

Method number 3. How to speed up android if you use Microcd

Now people are massively using microcd cards. The newcomer must ask a question as sideways the memory card in the article about the speed of the smartphone. So, when you buy a microse-card, you pay attention only to the volume in GB, and it would be necessary to think not only about it.

The main indicator of modern flash drives is the high-speed class. This moment As well as the amount of memory is prescribed on the medium itself.

The speed, as a rule, is indicated by the number, which is inscribed in the Latin letter C: 2, 4, 6, and 10 (speed classes). They indicate how much megabytes can be recorded on a memory card. If the Class is 10th, then the speed may exceed 10 MB / s. Previously, it was, but today most classes with the letter C are outdated. Calling attention to the real speed of the flash drive, which indicates directly on the memory card, so as not to be confused.

In addition to the above designations, you can meet others, for example, for microSD with an increased recording speed, the UHS standard is used (ULTRA High Speed). Indicated by the digit of the speed class, inscribed inside the Latin letter U.

UHS Speed \u200b\u200bClass 1 - from 10 to 104 MB / s, UHS Speed \u200b\u200bClass 3 - from 30 to 312 MB / s.

But it is very important not to get confused. Simultaneously with the UHS there is a similar designation of card types: UHS-I and UHS-II.

It is important not to be confused with UHS-II and UHS-I. On the back side UHS-II cards Two rows of contacts. NEW, providing even greater data transfer rate. So far, the smartphone does not support UHS-II.