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Competition young technicians and inventors presentation. Conference "Young technicians and inventors"

On June 23, 2016, the 3rd All-Russian Conference « Young technicians and Inventors”, dedicated to the Day of Inventor and Innovator. The conference was the result of the All-Russian competition for young inventors and technicians. Nominations were presented at the Competition on the topics: "Problems of housing and communal services", "Roads of Russia", "Healthy environment", "Exploration of the Arctic and the oceans", "Exploration of space and air space", " Information Technology”, “Security”, “Cozy world”.

The Republic of Dagestan was represented at the conference by a student of the association "Fundamentals of Informatics and Programming" of the Republican Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity of Students Sagidov Abachara and the head of the department of the Republican Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity of Students Sirazhudinova Rovzanat.

The application was submitted in the nomination "Information Technology", the project "Hamiltonian Graphs" (the work is devoted to finding Hamiltonian cycles in a graph).

“The most famous problem of finding a Hamiltonian cycle in practice is known as the traveling salesman problem. Given that the presented problem is NP-complete, to solve it, we use options for exhaustive enumeration, which are the branch and bound method and the Latin composition method. The task is to find out which method shows the best time complexity and for which input data. The methods are implemented in the Delphi programming environment. As input data, we use the regional centers of the Republic of Dagestan as the vertices of the graph and the roads to them - as the edges of the graph,” Sagidov Abachara briefly explained the essence of his work.

The young inventor has been studying at RTSNTTU since the 6th grade and went all the way of learning “from simple to complex”, throughout the entire training he took part in almost all republican events of the center and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan. Abachara was repeatedly awarded with diplomas and certificates of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan: a diploma of the 2nd degree in the nomination “Mathematics and Computer Science. Informatics, computer technology, telecommunications" XXI Republican scientific conference young researchers "Step into the Future", in 2015, a diploma for participation in the first city marathon "Challenge Yourself", dedicated to the 2016 Summer Olympic Games, etc.

The result of fruitful scientific and technical work in the associations of the center was an invitation to participate in the All-Russian Conference "Young Technicians and Inventors", timed to coincide with the Day of the Inventor and Innovator.

Opening the work of the conference, State Duma deputy, chairman of the Commission for Information Support of Innovation Activities and Improvement of Legislation Aimed at Attracting Investments in the Innovation Sector of the Economy, working group Anton Ishchenko, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Legislative Initiatives in the Sphere of Innovation Policy, said that this year more than 240 projects from 61 regions of Russia were submitted to the competition.

Greetings were read from the Chairman of the Government of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, in which the contestants were called "purposeful, inquisitive and ambitious people", and Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, who appealed to young inventors to be brave and not be afraid of experiments.

Vladimir Konov, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Science and High Technologies, noted that Russia has always been famous for great minds, people whose discoveries have changed the world. Today, Russia needs the development of engineering, the core of which is an invention, a rationalization process, and modernization. If there is engineering - there is industry, if there is industry - there is science, there are high technologies, there is an economy, culture, social sphere, there is a decent and prosperous life. The deputy wished the participants of the conference to develop, learn, create, stay on the chosen path and make the world a better place.

Chairman of the Committee for Industry Sergey Sobko called the meeting with the participants of the conference a solemn and joyful meeting and promised to do everything possible so that their talents would find application in Russia. Science and engineering activities have not been given due attention for a long time, but recently this trend has been reversed - the deputies of the State Duma of the sixth convocation adopted laws "On industrial policy in Russian Federation” and “On standardization in the Russian Federation”, active work is underway on the law on engineering activities.

Within the framework of the conference, the presentation of the best projects and the solemn awarding of the winners, the organization of meetings in leading universities and excursions to the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Moscow Aviation Institute and the National Research Technological University "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys" took place.

The winners were awarded by deputies of the State Duma, members of the Federation Council, representatives of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations of Russia, heads of state corporations and development institutions, chief editors of popular science and technical journals, experts.

The conference and competition are held in order to support young inventors, improve the status of an engineer and inventor, and attract talented representatives of the younger generation to science and design activities.

June 23, 2016 The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation will host the 3rd All-Russian annual conference "Young Technicians and Inventors", timed to coincide with the Day of the Inventor and Innovator.
The geography of last year's conference brought together young inventors and technicians, scientific leaders from 47 regions of Russia, of different ages.

This year, the national team of the Orenburg region is invited to take part in this event, consisting of:
Veryaskina Valeria, a student at the Orenburg Regional Children's Ecological and Biological Center;
Titov Ilya, a student of the Orenburg Regional Children's Ecological and Biological Center;
Kuzmenko German, student of MBUDO "Station of young technicians" in Orenburg;
Studenikin Artem, student of MBUDO "Station of young technicians" in Orenburg;
Palagina Marina Aleksandrovna - director of MBUDO "Station of young technicians" in Orenburg, team leader.

For young guests of the Conference and accompanying leading Universities will conduct excursions at their sites, with visits to unique laboratories and museums, a meeting with representatives of Universities will be organized and a tour of the State Duma will be organized.

June 23, 2016 in Moscow in the Small Hall of the State Duma the 3rd All-Russian Conference "Young Technicians and Inventors" was held, timed to coincide with the Day of the Inventor and Innovator. More than 240 projects from 61 regions of Russia participated in the competition - from the Crimea to the Kamchatka Territory in the following categories: Housing and Utilities Problems, Roads of Russia, Healthy Environment, Exploration of the Arctic and the World Ocean, Exploration of Space and Airspace, Information Technology, Security, Cozy World.

Participation in the Conference was the result of the work of our team, which was represented by Panarin Ivan, a student of the 3rd grade, with the creative project "RoBiofilterator System", becoming the winner of the regional stage of the project competition. For about a year our young inventors and engineers Panarin Ivan, Mametiev Artem, Zykov Leonid and Kleshchov Nikita worked on the project. They studied the molecular-kinetic structure of bodies and mollusks, chemical elements substances, developed mechanisms for material processing and programmed engineered systems.

Currently, engineering personnel are among the most in demand on the labor market, so the need to popularize the engineering profession is obvious. The rapidly growing need to create robotic systems used in extreme conditions, in production and at home, suggests that even ordinary users must have knowledge in the field of design, construction and programming of all kinds of intelligent robot mechanisms that have modular structure and powerful microprocessors.

"The conference is timed to international day inventor and innovator. Of course, this has a direct bearing on you. Each of you is already an accomplished inventor, and together you are the future of Russia,” Anton Ishchenko, State Duma Deputy, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Chairman of the Commission of the Working Group on Legislative Initiatives in the Sphere of Innovation Policy under the Chairman of the State Duma, greeted the participants.

The conference included presentations of projects, meetings with leading universities and excursions to Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow Aviation Institute and Moscow Institute of Science and Technology, excursions to the Kremlin, defense and industrial enterprises, and the Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The conference and competition are held in order to support young inventors, raise the status of an engineer and inventor, and attract talented representatives of the younger generation to science and design activities. The winners were awarded by deputies of the State Duma, members of the Federation Council, representatives of the FASO of Russia, heads of state corporations and development institutions, chief editors of popular science and technical journals, and experts.