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Information Technology. Gokberg GS

To narrow the results of the search results, you can specify the request, specifying the fields for which search. List of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search for several fields at the same time:

Logically operators

The default operator uses And..
Operator And. means that the document must comply with all elements in the group:

study Development

Operator Or. This means that the document must correspond to one of the values \u200b\u200bin the group:

study Or. Development

Operator Not. eliminates documents containing this element:

study Not. Development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method for which the phrase will be sought. Four methods are supported: Search for morphology, without morphology, search for prefix, search phrase.
By default, the search is made taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, in front of words in the phrase, it is enough to put a dollar sign:

$ study $ development

To search for the prefix you need to put an asterisk after the request:

study *

To search the phrase you need to enter into double quotes:

" research and development "

Search for synonyms

To include in the search results, the words need to put a lattice " # "Before the word or before expressing in brackets.
In applied to one word for it will be found to three synonyms.
In applied to expression in brackets, it will be added synonym for each word if it was found.
Not combined with search without morphology, search for prefix or search by phrase.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to manage the milk logic of the query.
For example, you need to make a request: to find documents from which the author of Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilda " ~ "In the end of the word from the phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words as "brom", "rum", "prom", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible revows: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Criterion intimacy

To search by the criterion of proximity, you need to put a tilda " ~ "At the end of the phrase. For example, in order to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" study Development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ "At the end of the expression, after which, indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the rest.
The higher the level, the more relevant this expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "study" is four times relevant to the word "development":

study ^4 Development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values \u200b\u200bare a positive real number.

Search in the interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, the boundary values \u200b\u200bseparated by the operator should be specified in brackets To..
A lexicographic sorting will be made.

Such a request will return results with the author, ranging from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
In order to enable the value to the interval, use square brackets. To exclude the value, use curly brackets.

9th ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: 2014. - 240 p.

The textbook was established in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary vocational education in the specialties 230113 "Computer systems and complexes" and 230115 "Programming in computer systems" (OP). The basics of modern information technologies using artificial intelligence methods are presented. The principles of constructing and examples of intelligent information systems, as well as the process of forming knowledge bases, are given. For students of secondary vocational education institutions. Can be used for self-education.

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Table of contents
Preface 4.
Chapter 1. Information and Information Technologies 6
1.1. The concept of information 6.
1.2. Information content 7.
1.3. Types of information 8.
1.4. Coding information 9.
1.5. Information processes 10.
1.6. Characteristics of information 11.
1.7. Information technologies 11.
Chapter 2. Information Technology Components 14
2.1. Instrumental funds of information processes 14
2.2. Hardware 14.
2.3. Software 24.
Chapter 3. Text Information Processing 27
3.1. Text editors 27.
3.2. Text Processor Microsoft Word 29
3.2.1. Basic elements of a text document 32
3.2.2. Running and completion of the Word 33 program
3.2.3. Document Structure 37.
3.2.4. Concept of templates and design styles 38
3.2.5. Registration of the page of the document 47
3.2.6. Additional Word 55 Features
Chapter 4. Graphics Information Processing 60
4.1. General 60.
4.2. Approaches to storage and graphic information processing 61
4.3. Color Solution Graphic Information 65
4.4. Compressing graphic information 69
4.5. Graphic editor Paint 72
Chapter 5. Processing of economic and statistical information using spreadsheets 77
5.1. Introduction to spreadsheet 77
5.2. Tabular processor Microsoft Excel. 79
5.2.1. Electronic Table Cell 85
5.2.2. How to prepare a simple table 89
5.2.3. Basic methods of optimization of work 91
5.2.4. Basic manipulations with tables 93
5.2.5. Estimated operations in Excel 95
5.2.6. Major mathematical excel functions 98
5.2.7. Statistical data processing 101
5.2.8. Processing of economic information 104
5.2.9. Additional features Excel 106
Chapter 6. Processing Normal Information tabular processor Excel 112.
6.1. General information 112.
6.2. Construction of graphic dependencies 113
6.3. Solution of equations 117.
6.4. Solving systems of equations 119
Chapter 7. Preparation of Computer Presentations 123
7.1. General information 123.
7.2. Where to begin? 126.
7.3. Setting up Presentation 129.
7.3.1. Animation 130.
7.3.2. Sound insert 132.
7.3.3. Inserting video clips 132.
7.3.4. Control using buttons 134
7.4. Demonstration 136.
Chapter 8. Hypertext and World Wide Web 139
8.1. The concept of hypertext 139.
8.2. Computer hypertext 140.
8.3. Internet and World Wide Web 141
8.3.1. General view of the "World Wide Web" 141
8.3.2. Web servers 143
8.4. Website creation 143
8.4.1. Web editors 144
8.5. HTML - language to create web pages 145
8.5.1. Basic concepts 145.
8.5.2. First web page 146
8.5.3. Hypertext 147.
8.5.4. Text decoration 149.
8.5.5. Formatting symbols 151.
8.5.6. Visual editor 155.
8.5.7. Dynamic HTML and Server Extensions 157
8.5.8. Other methods of creating sites 158
8.6. Further development Site 159.
8.7. Modern development www 160
Chapter 9. Multimedia technologies 161
9.1. What is multimedia? 161.
9.2. Audio and video information and its features 162
9.2.1. Digitization of sound information 163
9.2.2. Digitization of video information 165.
9.2.3. MPEG 166 standards
9.2.4 Combining audio and video information 167
9.3. Multimedia hardware 168
9.4. Multimedia software 169
9.4.1. Multimedia reproduction 169.
9.4.2. Creating multimedia applications 170
9.5. Multimedia on the Internet 171
Chapter 10. Automated Information Systems 174
10.1. General Information 174.
10.2. Structure AIS 175.
10.3. Classification AIS 177.
Chapter 11. Knowledge-based systems 181
11.1. Knowledge 181.
11.2. Knowledge View Models 184
11.2.1. Product model 184.
11.2.2. Semantic networks 190.
11.2.3. Frames 194.
11.2.4. Logic model 196.
11.2.5. Presentation of fuzzy knowledge 198
11.3. Expert Systems 200.
11.3.1. Basic concepts 200.
11.3.2. EC 204 Development Methodology
11.3.3. EC 206 Development Tools
Chapter 12. Socio-economic aspects of information technologies 209
12.1. General 209.
12.2. Directions of the development of information technology 210
12.3. Information determines the economy 214
Chapter 13. Application of information technologies in various fields 217
13.1. Design and CAD 217
13.2. Control technological processes 218
13.3. Database 220.
13.4. Text Systems 223
13.5. Management of enterprises 225.
13.6. Publishing systems 227.
13.7. Tablet computers and smartphones 229
References 231

This textbook is part of the training and methodological kit for specialties 230113 "Computer networks and complexes" and 230115 "Programming in computer systems" (OP).
The textbook is intended to study the general professional discipline "Information Technologies".
Educational and methodological sets of a new generation include traditional and innovative training materials, which make it possible to provide general educational and general professional disciplines and professional modules. Each kit contains textbooks and tutorials, learning and controls needed to master common and professional competencies, including taking into account the requirements of the employer.

G74 Information Technology: Textbook for Wednesday. prof.

education / G.S.gokhberg, A.V. Zafievsky, A.A. Korot-Kin. - M.: Publishing Center 'Academy''', 2004. - 208 p. ISBN 5-7695-1643-7

The basics of modern information technologies using artificial intelligence methods are presented. The principles of constructing and examples of intelligent information systems, as well as the process of forming knowledge bases, are given.

It is important to note that for students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education. Can be used for self-education.

UDC 681.518 (075.32) BBK 32.81Y723

© Gokberg G.Ss, Zafievsky A.V., Shorty A.A., 2004 © Educational and Publishing Center 'Academy''', 2004 ISBN 5-7695-1643-7 © Registration. Publishing Center 'Academy''''', 2004

One of the purpose when writing a textbook was considered as more A variety of information technology. With this approach, of course, it is impossible to deeply describe each of them, but the basic concepts that are extremely important to know with further study are given. The statement of the foundations of the theory of information technology (IT) is given from the standpoint of their application in repulsive practical activities and the possibility of further improving them in quantitative and qualitative relations.

Appearance theoretical foundations Information technologies are accompanied by examples of their use, control issues, often requiring a creative approach to answer on them, as well as examples of tasks for laboratory and independent work, which contributes to the development of practical skills of their use.

The overall structure of the textbook is as follows.

The first two chapters are introductory. Initially, general information about information, information processes and information technologies is given, the main areas of application of information technologies are indicated. Describes the main components of information technology, including hardware and softwareas well as data structures.

GL 3 - 7 are devoted to the most massive computer information technologies based on the use of personal computers - office and emission-graphic applications. The most common in this field of the program of the complex Microsoft Office.which are described in these chapters.

In ch. 8 The issues of creating hypertext systems and websites in the Internet system are new and fast developing IT branches. At the same time, despite the rapid development, the foundations of the organization of sites''vs -emic web, outlined in this chapter, have already remained unchanged for a long time.

GL 9 is dedicated to digital processing of audio and video information, which is sharply different from office applications primarily by the fact that information processing is performed mainly in real time. This imposes additional conditions on the hardware and software used.

GL 10 contains basic information on automated information systems, the main features of which are the complex structure of the processed data and attracting the human factor in information processes.

The most difficult and modern destinations, ''intellectual information technologies''', is dedicated to ch. 11. It addresses the main types of intellectual information systems, describes the properties of knowledge, the processes of acquiring knowledge, knowledge model, the creation of knowledge bases.

In ch. 12 The economic and social consequences of the introduction of information technologies in modern society are discussed.

GL 13, final, contains short review Not included in other heads of IT applications.

GL 4, 7, 12 were written by G.S.gokhberg, ch. 1, 2, 8-10 - A.V.Za-Fiyevsky, ch. 3, 5, 6, 11 - A.A. Short, ch. 13 - all-in the authors together.

Information and information technology

1.1. The concept of information

The word 'coniformation'''' is found literally at every step. We say: 'I received important information, "I'' I have not enough information to make a decision'''''Kto owns information - rules the world, not particularly thinking about what information is. This contained one of the features of the concept of information: it relates to the number of basic concepts (such as a number in mathematics), which can be explained, to specify, use, but cannot be determined unambiguously. This word comes from the Latin informatio, meaning an explanation, a message, awareness, however, its meaning is revealed as they use, and different people understand it in different ways. Lawyers, for example, use the definition of information, informatization and information protection.

information- information about persons, subjects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation.

It reflects some (but, of course, not in all) the important properties of the concept of information: first, the information is not a material object that can be transmitted from one person to another so that its first will lose. On the contrary, as a result of transmission, both of these people will own the transmitted information. Secondly, in order for the information to be transmitted, it must be represented on some material carrier. And, thirdly, no matter what carrier information will be presented, its content should remain the same.

In the technical sphere, information is often determined based on the concept of messaging, as a reflection of the outside world using signs and signals.

In this description, it is emphasized that some properties of the information transmitting object information available to the receiving side should be used for storing and transmitting information. The messaging process is then consisting in the perception of the transmitter properties receiver.

Considering the dependence of this, whether carrier information can change the properties of the transmitter continuously or to form a discrete set of values, it is customary to consider continuous, or analog, information (sound, television image, indications of temperature sensors, etc.) and discrete, or digital (tel Bluegraft signals, text, image on a computer monitor). With the help of sense organs, a person perceives, basically, continuous information, while logical thinking is essentially discrete.

In relation to computer processing, data under information understand some sequence of characters (letters, numbers, encoded sounds, graphs, videos, sensor signal levels, etc.), reflecting the properties of a real or imaginary object and presented in an understandable computer.

The same informational message (letter, document, bodies, etc.) may contain a different amount of information for different people based on the knowledge accumulated by them and the level of understanding of this message. In this sense, information is determined not only by the signals of the source of information, but also by the agreement between it and consumer information about the meaning of the meaning in the one or another sequence of signals. Without the presence of a consumer, at least potential, talk about the information is meaningless.

To describe the agreement between the source and consumer of information, the concept is used. subject areameaning a set of real world objects from which the objects corresponding to the incoming signals will be selected.

Information image of the object object, i.e., the presentation of the set of object properties in the form of a sequence of signals is called called information object.Thus, the information exchange process must be preceded by the procedure for establishing conformity between the objects of the subject area and the sequences of information signals. It is important to note that only this compliance allows you to invest in the transmitted information any meaning and fill it with its content.

The description of the subject area is the first step when creating information systems and technologies. In the case when this description is full and systematized, it is called thesaurus.

1.3. Types of information

Although a person can perceive the information with the help of almost all of the senses, not all the types of information are used in the interaction of a person with a computer. There is a wide variety of information that is not intended for computer processing, for example, aesthetic perception, relationship between people, etc.
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For this reason, it makes sense to highlight those types of information to work with which the use of computers is the most successful. These include:

‣‣‣ text information;

‣‣‣ numeric information;

‣‣‣ Date and time information;

‣‣‣ sound information;

‣‣‣ graphic information, animation and videos;

‣‣‣ Special binary information.

Initially, computers (called electronic computing machines - computers) were applied only to process numerical information, but it turned out quickly that their possibilities are much wider. At the same time, the possibilities of computers are not limitless, and they give the greatest effect where their use is justified. Today, practically almost all computer technologies are limited to the processing of listed types of information, and with the development of computer equipment, the volumes of the processed information are increasing.

1.4. Information coding

We have already noted that based on the subject area, the same sequence of signals are different consumers can understand differently. On the other hand, with different ways of interpretation of signals, the same objects of the subject area can correspond to various information sequences. This allows you to convert one sequence of signals to another in such a way that they will correspond to the same or close objects of the subject area. This transformation is called called encoding information.At the same time, if, as a result of such a transformation, information sequences correspond to identical objects, they are talking about coding without losing information, otherwise - about coding with loss of information.

Coding is very widely used in the processing of information. For example, the postal address system is typical

information coding measures. Instead of talking 'of a chrome elstat on a hill''''''''''''''Nagna, 3'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' When processing facial accounts in banks, the key is not a detailed description of the client. And its code is the number of the personal account. The main advantage of this type of coding is a significant reduction in the number of information transmitted, i.e. the size of the corresponding signal sequence. This process is usually called compression information.

The above examples treated coding and compression of information without loss. Along with this, lossy coding is widespread. First of all, the transformation of continuous information into a discrete (analog-to-digital transformation - ADC) and discrete into a continuous (digital-analytade - DAC) are possible only with losses due to the fundamentally different nature of these types of information. Secondly, the use of losses with losses when compressing information allows you to achieve a much greater compression ratio than when encoding without loss. Thus, when compressing information without loss in typical cases, it is possible to reduce the number of information transmitted by 1.5 - 2 times, while when compressed with losses, the value of the compression coefficient reaches hundreds and thousands of times. Especially widely used compression with losses in the field of multimedia: audio, graphic and video information, where, firstly, an analog-digital and digital-free transformation is needed, and secondly, the volume of information is extremely large.

Another type of encoding is to introduce redundant information, which allows when transferring information to, channels subject to interference, to achieve recognition or even error corrections. From non-obvious examples of such coding, we mention electronic certificates and an electronic digital signature.

1.5. Information processes

The concept of information provides for definitions with it: collection, processing, storage and transmission. These actions are called information processes.When developing information systems, it is necessary to separate these processes from each other and describe them separately, since different information processes can use absolutely various devices and technology. So, for the initial collection of information, technical devices (sensors), documents, computer screen forms can be used. For computer data processing apply processors,the number of which is in modern

a sleeping computer can reach up to 10 or more (central, graphic, printer, etc.). Information storage can be carried out both in paper form (in the form of documents) and electronically using magnetic, optical and other carriers (for example, flash memory). Finally, the same types of information carriers can be used to transmit information as for storage, as well as a communication network.

1.6. Properties of information

When developing information systems and technologies, it is important to estimate the properties of the incoming, stored and transmitted information. These properties include:

'Difflement - how much information corresponds to the true state of affairs;

‣‣‣ completeness - the availability of information sufficient to implement the object of the information system or technology;

‣‣‣ Accuracy - the degree of proximity to the actual state of the object object, phenomena;

‣‣‣ relevance - the degree of compliance with the current time;

‣‣‣ value - how important information is important for solving the problem;

‣‣‣ Understandability - the expression of information in the language, understandable to whom it is intended.

Other properties can be called (accessibility, brevity, etc.), however, it should be noted that only those of them should be considered to consider the system or technology.

1.7. Information Technology

Under technology, it is usually customary to understand the description of the process of manufacturing material benefits, as a sequence of actions on the subject of labor in order to obtain the final product. Feature information technologies(IT) is that in them and the initial, and the final product of labor is information, and labor tools - computer technology and the means of telecommunications. At the same time, of course, the processed information is associated with various material carriers, but the main role in information technologies is plays not directly the carrier itself, but the information associated with it.

It should not be thought that information technology appeared only in our time. Already a set of laws of the Roman Empire can be considered an example of information technology. In the Middle Ages

there was an information technology of accounting on the industrial era - newspapers and other media. At the same time, the current stage of IT development is characterized primarily by the mass distribution of personal computers, creating large computer networks and the expansion of the list of services provided by them. And if 20 years ago, information technologies were related to elite types of production, in our time they turned into a massive phenomenon that does not require particularly high qualifications from employees involved in the process. It can be said that the current stage of the development of IT is information Computer Technologies.

We present the most important areas of application of modern information technologies:

‣‣‣ office work in the office;

‣‣‣ Economic and statistical calculations;

‣‣‣ Technological management, as well as organizational management based on computer networks;

‣‣‣ Publishing;

‣‣‣ Design work;

‣‣‣ Digital communication, Internet network;

‣‣‣ Computer simulators;

‣‣‣ Entertainment Industry: Digital Photography, Computer Cartoons, Computer Methods in the film industry, computer games, etc.

Control questions

1. What is the difference between information from substance and energy?

2. Is this book with information?

3. Give an example of independence of information from its carrier.

4. How does the information appear on its carrier?

5. What is the difference between continuous and discrete information?

6. Give examples of the subject area.

7. What is the essence of information coding?

8. Why apply coding when processing information?

9. Name the main information processes.

10. Name the funds providing information processes.

11. Give examples demonstrating different properties of information.

12. Explain the term''information technologies ''.

13. What are the features of modern information technology?

14. Name the scope of information technology.

Chapter 2. Components of information technology

2.1. Tools information


In the previous chapter, we noted that the term ''informational processes''''' combines collection, storage, processing, transmission and presentation of information. To ensure the work of all these processes, special funds are needed, which can be called '' Clock'''''''''''s information technologies. Usually they are divided into two large categories: hardware and software, on a computer jargon called''Hel-and'''''Soft'''''''soft. At the same time, an important element of computer technologies is the data format (information to be computer processing) used by these means, and in exactly, it is also submitted and how the processed information should be taken, as well as techniques for working with hardware and software.

2.2. Hardware

The central link of any computer information processing system is, of course, a computer.
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It should be noted that the concept of ''computeter''''' is very diverse: under the computer it is customary to understand the microcontrollers built into the equipment (although in this case they are more often called processors), and huge computer systemscontaining thousands and tens of thousands of processors (supercomputers). Nevertheless, despite such differences, computers have a lot of common among themselves, and in almost any of them you can find subsystems that are committed, ultimately, the same functions. Consider the device of the most common type of computers - a desktop personal computer (desktop), on the example of which you can discuss practically all components of computer technology.

In the minimum configuration, a modern personal computer consists of four parts: system Block, video monitor, keyboard and mouse.

In turn, the system unit consists of the following components:

‣‣‣ housings with power supply;

‣‣‣ systemic (''Materinskaya'''''') fees;

‣‣‣ processor with cooling system (fan);

‣‣‣ main memory modules;

‣‣‣ video payments;

‣‣‣ discovers of flexible, hard and optical disks. Minimal computers can expand

both at the expense of additional external devices connected directly to the computer - printer, scanner, modem, and by devices connected to a computer using expansion boards -special boards inserted * in the motherboard to which the following devices are connected: Sound columns, network equipment, data collection devices with different sensors etc. It should be noted that ways to connect external devices are constantly being improved. In the first personal computers for direct connection were used on motherboard Connectors of serial and parallel ports, and for extension boards - ISA type connectors. In the modern computers, there was a transition to PCI type extension boards, and instead of connectors of serial and parallel ports, USB connectors are used more often. At the same time, the trend of recent times is the placement on the motherboard chips that implement the functions that previously operated by the extension fees: sound, network, drives and even video plates. In many modern computers inside the system unit, there is nothing but the motherboard with the processor and memory and drives, and, nevertheless, they provide much greater functionality than'''nown''' 'computers of five years ago.

Consider now in more detail the main components of a personal computer (PC).

Processor and memory.The leading item of any personal computer is cPU (Central Processor Unit - CPU) performing the main arithmetic and logical operations, as well as the generating control signals to other computer devices. The characteristics of the processor have a decisive effect on the characteristics of the computer as a whole, and first of all its performance. One of the simplest performance characteristics of the processor is its clock frequency, although it makes sense to compare only the same type of processors. Intel Corporations are the most common processors for PCs (currently - Pentium 4 and Celeron series), processors from AMD Corporation (Advanced Micro

Devices) Athlon series. Traditionally, the Intel processors are more reliable and create fewer problems when setting up a computer, and AMD processors are noticeably cheaper at the same performance.

It should not be thought that the central processor is the only device of the computer carrying out arithmetic, logical and control actions. As the technologies for the production of microcircuits and improving the architecture of computers in all the functions of the central processor, especially managers, are transmitted to other devices that are essentially specialized processors, so that the main function remains the main function of the central processor. The most powerful of such specialized processors is a graphics processor comparable by the number of transistors and the complexity of architecture with the central processor. Other processors are more often called controllers, although they are superior to the complexity of central processors of recent times. The main quality of all these devices is that they perform data processing in parallel with the central processor, which can significantly speed up it.

The second element of the computer that determines its most important characteristics is main memoryor just memory. Generally speaking, memory, i.e., a storage device has several levels. Some types of memory are designed to store data only at the time of the computer, others for permanent or long-term storage. At the same time, different types of memory differ in the speed of working with data. Under the main memory usually understand the memory modules consisting of electronic microcircuits and inserted into the connectors (Slots)on the motherboard. As a rule, on the motherboard is contained from two to four such connectors. This memory is highly dependent, and its contents is lost when the computer is turned off. The characteristics of the main memory are noticeably improved as technology development, and currently the most common memory modules of two types are most common: SDR DIMM (or simply DIMM) and DDR DIMM. The capacity of the memory modules is usually from 128 to 512 MB, and the total capacity of the installed basic memory is one of the most significant characteristics of the computer.

Motherboard.The main element of the computer's system unit that determines its operational qualities is the board - the mounting panel on which the remains of the system unit are located except drives. It contains a large number of internal and external connectors and various auxiliary microcircuits, among which

the illicit role is played by chips so-called chipset('Nibe chip''''''''' ') performing a binding function between the processor and other computer devices. For this reason, chipset chip is sometimes called''Mostami. The type of chipset͵ along with the number and purpose of the connectors is the main characteristic of the motherboard. For intel processors The most frequently applied chipsets produced by Intel Corporation itself for AMD processors - VIA chipsets. Chipsets for both types of processors also produces SIS corporation, the products of which refers to the lower price range.

To describe the properties of the chipset, you need to specify for what type of processors and for what type of memory it is intended. At the same time, recently, some types of chipsets began to include video, audio, network, network and other computer subsystems. In this case, they say that the corresponding subsystem integratedin the chipset or on the motherboard, and integrated solutions get a greater distribution, especially for office computers.

Video system.The video system usually turns on two elements: graphics card (video card) and video monitor (display). The graph of the graphics can perform an integrated video controller integrated into the chipset.

Characteristics Almost allocating modern graphics boards are practically identical, and the difference between them is mainly in the volume of the functions of the central processor, which takes on the graphics processor of the video payment. For computer games, this is a very significant characteristic, since when the display of complex dynamic scenes, the central processor can simply not cope with their timely mapping. At the same time, in office applications, this characteristic is much less critical.

It should be noted that in just often the graphics boards began to be equipped with tools to output the image to the telisor, along with the output of the same or other image on the monitor, as well as tools for entering a low-frequency television signal in order to subsequent processing.

As for the video monitor, they can be divided into two large classes: displays on an electron beam tube (CRT) and liquid crystal (LCD) displays. The main characteristic of the displays is the size of their visible area diagonally expressed in inches. The remaining characteristics are either secondary, or a subjective nature associated with an image quality assessment. LCD monitors represent from themselves to a new type of displays, but in their consumer and value characteristics they already caught up with monitors on electronic

the radial tube, and the only area where they are significantly lagging behind the electrical monitors, is a color rendition that does not allow them to be used in the field of high-quality printing.

Keyboard and mouse.The keyboard and mouse are integral parts of a modern personal computer. Their main purpose is the primary entry of information into the computer.
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At the same time, the principles of their interaction with the computer differ significantly. The keyboard works relatively independently of the other parts of the computer and its main function is to enter large amounts of text information into the computer. In contrast, the mouse functions only with a monitor, providing interaction with graphic objects on the screen and thereby entering small volumes of structured information, as well as performing control functions.

Types of keyboards of the personal computer differ do not too much essentially. Their modification is either along the line of improvement of ergonomic qualities (''' pronential''' keyboards), or by expanding control functions by adding''Multimedia'' 'and other keys. The same can be said about type manipulators. Despite the tremendous variety of''Mesha''''''m, their main functions remain tracking the mouse buttons and its movement.

Means of storage and transfer of information.We have already noted that the memory of the computer is a multi-level. Along with the energy-dependent basic memory involved only in the process of processing information, non-volatile memory types are played, intended for storing and transferring information. The memory of this kind, unlike the main, is called called external.Given the dependence of the carrier eating, it can be divided into several types:

‣‣‣ Magnetic media memory (flexible and hard magnetic discs and magnetic tapes);

‣‣‣ Memory on optical media (CDs with single and multiple recording);

‣‣‣ Non-volatile electronic memory (flash memory).

On the other hand, the functions of non-volatile memory can be divided as follows:

‣‣‣ Storage of source, intermediate and final data in the process of processing information;

‣‣‣ archive data storage;

‣‣‣ Transferring information from one computer to another.

In each of these cases, their types of external memory are applied. In fact, the only type of external memory used in the process of processing information is drive drives on hard magnetic disks (Winchesters).Their main one

the characteristic is the volume of complied information. Note that personal computers rarely have more than one hard drive.

Magnetic ribbons and flexible magnetic discs (flop) were used as a means of archival storage of data for a long time. Recently, the floppy has lost the function of archival storage due to insufficient capacity, at the same time they use due to the low cost of the carrier. At the same time, they are more displaced optical disks, the cost of which has declined sharply. At the same time, convenient hardware to work with archives on optical disks appeared - changer.

Information transfer means are distinguished by a large variety. Diskettes still retain their value as the most convenient means of transferring small amounts of information, which is due to the fact that they can be used on any computer, unlike other carriers that require additional hardware or software capabilities on a computer. The convenient and cheap information transfer means are written and rewritable optical discs, however, they require a writing optical drive and the corresponding software. An even more convenient tool are flash memory devices with a USB interface (USB keychains) and flash cards with a USB adapter, but their cost is sufficiently high. Finally, for the transfer of large volumes of information (dozens and hundreds of gigabytes), drives are used on rigid magnetic disks, equipped with tools to connect to a computer through external connectors.

Another means of exchanging data between computers are computer networks that will be discussed below.

Additional computer devices.In addition to the already listed components of the computer, which are to some extent binding, the computer must be equipped with additional devices to which the printer, sound subsystem, scanner and modem are primarily related to the printer.

Printersusually divided into matrix, inkjet and laser. The most common of them are inkjet, which is explained by their cheapness, good quality Print and the possibility of multicolor printing. Their main disadvantages are high operating costs. For this reason, they are beneficial to apply in cases where the volume of printing is relatively small. With large print volumes, it is more profitable to apply laser printers with even more high quality Print. At the same time they are more expensive inkjet printers, and with multicolor printing - essentially more expensive. Matrix printers are currently spreading much less and have mainly

oral application. This is due to the fact that at cost they are comparable to laser, the print quality is noticeably lower, and the level of noise created above. At the same time, the requirements of the matrix printer to the quality of the paper is much lower. It can also simultaneously print multiple copies of documents, incl. On rolled paper. At the same time, printing on documents (without broaching through the printer) is more convenient to carry out the matrix method.

From the special purpose printers, you should also mention wide format printers, allowing you to print on sheets of format to AO, as well as on rolled paper large width.

Sound subsystem (audio system)recently, almost every computer is equipped.
Posted on Ref.rf
Just like the video subsystem, the sound consists of two parts: the inner - sound card (audio payments) or sound chip on the motherboard and the external dialing of computer audio columns. The audio subsystems of modern computers have a very large scatter in quality and cost, which significantly complicates their classification. The simplest of them adds 1 ... 2% to the total cost of the computer, while high quality sound fee It can cost as much as the rest of the computer, turning it into a specialized sound processing station. It should be noted that non-computership audio equipment usually provides a higher sound quality than a computer, however, if not to make increased sound quality requirements, modern computer It may well perform in the entire function.

Scannersused to enter graphic images or texts printed on paper, into a computer.
Posted on Ref.rf
A characteristic feature of the scanners is that for their work, it is usually required very serious software: graphics editor For image processing and text recognition program to transfer the image to a text format. The main characteristic of the scanner is the resolution, measured at inch points (300, 600, 1200, 2400, etc.). At the same time, if there is a sufficient resolution of 300 point / inch to enter standard documents, it is desirable to have a 2400 point / inch to enter the adhesive negatives of the film. Recently, the scanner application as a means of preparation of graphic images began to rapidly narrow, passing to digital cameras and video cameras, although their role as an input tool text documents (especially filledded forms) will, rather, in all, increase.

Due to the rapid dissemination of the Internet, an important role among other obligations ^. mO Demoallowing you to connect a computer "through\\phonna phone

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line K. computer network. For a long time, one of the most important characteristics of the modem was its bandwidth, expressed in bits / s, but at present the modems reached theoretical ceiling at 33,600 bps, and the first place began to emerge such as reliability of communication, price, additional functions modem, etc. However, it should be noted that the specified value ''Potelka'''' applies only to the usual analog dial-to-phone lines, and for other types of communication channels, the rate of data exchange must be significantly increased. However, other modems are needed for such channels.

The total number of devices that are connected to staff

The textbook was established in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary vocational education in the specialties 230113 "Computer systems and complexes" and 230115 "Programming in computer systems" (OP).
The basics of modern information technologies using artificial intelligence methods are presented. The principles of constructing and examples of intelligent information systems, as well as the process of forming knowledge bases, are given.
For students of secondary vocational education institutions. Can be used for self-education.

The concept of information.
The word "information" is literally occurring at every step. We say: "I got important information", "I have insufficient information to make a decision", "who owns information - rules the world," not particularly thinking about what information is. This concluded one of the features of the concept of "information".

This concept refers to the number of basic (such as a number in mathematics), it can be explained, to specify, use, but it is impossible to definitely determine.

The word "information" comes from Latin informatio - clarification, a message, awareness, however, its meaning is revealed as they use, and different people understand it differently. Lawyers, for example, use the definition of the Federal Law of February 20, 1995 No. 24-FZ "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" (as amended from 10.01.2003).

Chapter 1. Information and Information Technologies
1.1. The concept of information
1.2. Content content
1.3. Types of information
1.4. Information coding
1.5. Information processes
1.6. Characteristics of information
1.7. Information Technology
Chapter 2. Information Technology Components
2.1. Instrumental information processes
2.2. Hardware
2.3. Software
Chapter 3. Text Information Processing
3.1. Text editors
3.2. MICROSOFT Word Text Processor
3.2.1. Basic elements of a text document
3.2.2. Running and completing the Word program
3.2.3. Document structure
3.2.4. Concept of template templates and style styles
3.2.5. Registration of the page of the document
3.2.6. Additional Word features
Chapter 4. Processing Graphics Information
4.1. General
4.2. Approaches to storage and processing of graphic information
4.3. Color Solution Graphic Information
4.4. Compressing graphic information
4.5. Graphic editor Paint.
Chapter 5. Processing of economic and statistical information using spreadsheets
5.1. Introduction to spreadsheets
5.2. Microsoft Excel tabular processor
5.2.1. Cell of the spreadsheet
5.2.2. How to prepare a simple table
5.2.3. Basic methods of optimizing work
5.2.4. Basic manipulations with tables
5.2.5. Excel settlement operations
5.2.6. Basic Mathematical Functions Excel
5.2.7. Statistical data processing
5.2.8. Processing of economic information
5.2.9. Additional Excel features
Chapter 6. Processing Normal Information Tableboard Excel Processor
6.1. General
6.2. Building graphic dependencies
6.3. Solving equations
6.4. Solution of systems of equations
Chapter 7. Preparation of computer presentations
7.1. General
7.2. Where to begin?
7.3. Setting up presentation
7.3.1. Animation
7.3.2. Insert sound
7.3.3. Inserting video clips
7.3.4. Control using buttons
7.4. Demonstration
Chapter 8. Hypertext and World Wide Web
8.1. The concept of hypertext
8.2. Computer hypertext
8.3. Internet and World Wide Web
8.3.1. General view of the World Wide Web
8.3.2. Web servers
8.4. Creating websites
8.4.1. Web editors
8.5. HTML - language to create web pages
8.5.1. Basic concepts
8.5.2. First web page
8.5.3. Hypertext
8.5.4. Decoration of text
8.5.5. Formatting symbols
8.5.6. Visual editor
8.5.7. Dynamic HTML and Server Extensions
8.5.8. Other methods of creating sites
8.6. Further development of the site
8.7. Modern development www.
Chapter 9. Multimedia Technologies
9.1. What is multimedia?
9.2. Audio and video information and its features
9.2.1. Digitization of sound information
9.2.2. Digitization of video information
9.2.3. MPEG standards
9.2.4 Combining audio and video information
9.3. Multimedia hardware
9.4. Multimedia software
9.4.1. Multimedia playback
9.4.2. Creating multimedia applications
9.5. Multimedia on the Internet
Chapter 10. Automated Information Systems
10.1. General
10.2. Structure AIS
10.3. Classification AIS
Chapter 11. Systems based on knowledge
11.1. Knowledge
11.2. Models of the presentation of knowledge
11.2.1. Product model
11.2.2. Semantic networks
11.2.3. Freuma
11.2.4. Logic model
11.2.5. Representation of fuzzy knowledge
11.3. Expert systems
11.3.1. Basic concepts
11.3.2. ES. Development Methodology
11.3.3. ES development tools
Chapter 12. Socio-economic aspects of the application of information technologies
12.1. General
12.2. Directions for the development of information technology
12.3. Information determines the economy
Chapter 13. Application of Information Technologies in Different Areas
13.1. Designing and CAPR
13.2. Technological process management
13.3. Database
13.4. Text Systems
13.5. Management of enterprises
13.6. Publishing systems
13.7. Tablet computers and smartphones

Free download electronic book In a convenient format, watch and read:
Download Book Information Technologies, Gokberg G.S., Zafievsky A.V., Korukkin A.A., 2014 -, Fast and Free Downloads.

G74 Information Technology: Textbook for Wednesday. prof.

education / G.S.gokhberg, A.V. Zafievsky, A.A. Korot-Kin. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004. - 208 p. ISBN 5-7695-1643-7

The basics of modern information technologies using artificial intelligence methods are presented. The principles of constructing and examples of intelligent information systems, as well as the process of forming knowledge bases, are given.

For students of secondary vocational education institutions. Can be used for self-education.

UDC 681.518 (075.32) BBK 32.81Y723

© Gokberg GS, Zafievsky A.V., Shorty A.A., 2004
© Educational and Publishing Center "Academy", 2004
ISBN 5-7695-1643-7 © Registration. Publishing Center "Academy", 2004

One of the goals when writing a textbook was considered as much as possible a variety of information technologies. With this approach, of course, it is impossible to deeply describe each of them, but the basic concepts that need to know with further study are given. The presentation of the theory of information technology (IT) is given from the standpoint of their use in everyday practical activity and the possibility of further improving them in quantitative and qualitative relations.

The presentation of the theoretical foundations of information technologies is accompanied by examples of their use, control issues, often requiring a creative approach to the answer to them, as well as examples of tasks for laboratory and independent work, which contributes to the development of practical skills of their use.

The overall structure of the textbook is as follows.

The first two chapters are introductory. Initially, general information about information, information processes and information technologies is given, the main areas of application of information technologies are indicated. The main components of information technologies, including hardware and software, as well as data structures are described.

GL 3 - 7 are devoted to the most massive computer information technologies based on the use of personal computers - office and emission-graphic applications. The most common programs in this area of \u200b\u200bthe Microsoft Office complex, which are described in these chapters.

In ch. 8 The issues of creating hypertext systems and websites in the Internet system are new and fast developing IT branches. However, despite such rapid development, the foundations of the World Wide Web sites set forth in this chapter for a long time remain unchanged.

GL 9 is dedicated to digital processing of audio and video information, which is sharply different from office applications primarily by the fact that information processing is performed mainly in real time. This imposes additional conditions on the hardware and software used.

GL 10 contains basic information on automated information systems, the main features of which are the complex structure of the processed data and attracting a human factor in information processes.

The most difficult and modern destinations, "Intellectual Information Technologies", is devoted to ch. 11. It addresses the main types of intellectual information systems, describes the properties of knowledge, the processes of acquiring knowledge, knowledge model, the creation of knowledge bases.

In ch. 12 The economic and social consequences of the introduction of information technologies in modern society are discussed.

GL 13, Final, contains a brief overview of the IT applications that have not included in other heads.

GL 4, 7, 12 were written by G.S.gokhberg, ch. 1, 2, 8-10 - A.V.Za-Fiyevsky, ch. 3, 5, 6, 11 - A.A. Short, ch. 13 - all the authors together.

Information and information technology

1.1. The concept of information

The word "information" is literally occurring at every step. We say: "I got important information", "I have insufficient information to make a decision", "who owns information - rules the world," not particularly thinking about what information is. This contained one of the features of the concept of information: it relates to the number of basic concepts (such as a number in mathematics), which can be explained, to specify, use, but cannot be determined unambiguously. This word comes from the Latin informatio, meaning an explanation, a message, awareness, however, its meaning is revealed as they use, and different people understand it in different ways. Lawyers, for example, use the definition of the Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection":

information- information about persons, subjects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation.

Here are reflected here (but, of course, not all) the important properties of the concept of information: first, information is not a material object that can be transmitted from one person to another so that its first will lose. On the contrary, as a result of transmission, both of these people will own the transmitted information. Secondly, in order for the information to be transmitted, it must be represented on some material carrier. And, thirdly, no matter what carrier information will be presented, its content should remain the same.

In the technical sphere, information is often determined based on the concept of messaging, as a reflection of the outside world using signs and signals.

In this description, it is emphasized that some properties of the information transmitting object information available to the receiving side should be used for storing and transmit information. The messaging process is then consisting in the perception of the transmitter properties receiver.

Depending on whether the transmitter properties information can change continuously or form a discrete set of values, it is customary to consider continuous, or analog, information (sound, television image, temperature sensors, etc.) and discrete, or digital (telegraph signals , text, image on a computer monitor). With the help of sense organs, a person perceives, basically, continuous information, while logical thinking is essentially discrete.

In relation to computer processing, data under information understand some sequence of characters (letters, numbers, encoded sounds, graphs, videos, sensor signal levels, etc.), reflecting the properties of a real or imaginary object and presented in an understandable computer.

The same informational message (letter, document, TV shows, etc.) may contain a different amount of information for different people depending on the knowledge accumulated by them and the level of understanding of this message. In this sense, information is determined not only by signals of the source of information, but also by the agreement between it and the consumer of information on the meaning invested in one or another sequence of signals. Without the presence of a consumer, at least potential, talk about the information is meaningless.

To describe the agreement between the source and the consumer of the information, the concept is used. subject areameaning a set of real world objects from which the objects corresponding to the incoming signals will be selected.

Information image of the object object, i.e., the presentation of the set of object properties in the form of a signal sequence is called information object.Thus, the information exchange process must be preceded by the procedure for establishing conformity between the objects of the subject area and the sequences of information signals. It is important to note that only this compliance allows you to invest in the transmitted information any meaning and fill it with its content.

The description of the subject area is the first step when creating information systems and technologies. In the case when this description is full and systematized, it is called thesaurus.

1.3. Types of information

Although a person can perceive information with the help of almost all senses, not all types of information are used in the interaction of a person with a computer. There is a wide variety of information that is not intended for computer processing, such as aesthetic perception, relationship between people, etc. Therefore, it makes sense to highlight those types of information to work with which the use of computers is the most successful. These include:

Text information;

Numeric information;

Information about date and time;

Sound information;

Graphic information, animation and videos;

Special binary information.

Initially, computers (called electronic computing machines - computers) were applied only to process numerical information, but it turned out quickly that their possibilities are much wider. At the same time, the possibilities of computers are not limitless, and they give the greatest effect where their use is justified. Currently, almost all computer technologies are limited to the processing of these types of information, and as computer technology develops, the volume of processed information is increasing.

1.4. Information coding

We have already noted that, depending on the subject area, the same sequence of signals are different consumers can understand differently. On the other hand, with different ways of interpretation of signals, the same objects of the subject area can correspond to various information sequences. This allows you to convert one sequence of signals to another in such a way that they will correspond to the same or close objects of the subject area. Such a transformation is called encoding information.At the same time, if, as a result of such a transformation, information sequences correspond to identical objects, they are talking about coding without losing information, otherwise - about coding with loss of information.

Coding is very widely used in the processing of information. For example, the postal address system is typical

information coding measures. Instead of talking the "house of a chrome elstat on a hill", you can use "Nagornaya, 3". When processing facial accounts in banks, the key is not a detailed description of the client, and its code is the personal account number. The main advantage of this type of coding is a significant reduction in the number of information transmitted, i.e. the size of the corresponding signal sequence. This process is usually called compression information.

The above examples treated coding and compression of information without loss. Along with this, lossy coding is widespread. First, the transformation of continuous information into discrete (analog-to-digital transformation - ADC) and discrete into a continuous (digital-analytade - DAC) are possible only with losses due to the fundamentally different nature of these types of information. Secondly, the use of losses with losses when compressing information allows you to achieve a much greater compression ratio than when encoding without loss. Thus, when compressing information without loss in typical cases, it is possible to reduce the number of information transmitted by 1.5 - 2 times, while when compressed with losses, the value of the compression coefficient reaches hundreds and thousands of times. Especially widely used compression with losses in the field of multimedia: audio, graphic and video information, where, firstly, analog-digital and digital-free transformation is simply necessary, and secondly, the amounts of information are extremely large.

Another type of encoding is to introduce redundant information, which allows when transferring information to, channels subject to interference, to achieve recognition or even error corrections. From non-obvious examples of such coding, we mention electronic certificates and an electronic digital signature.

1.5. Information processes

The concept of information provides for certain actions with it: collection, processing, storage and transmission. These actions are called information processes.When developing information systems, it is necessary to separate these processes from each other and describe them separately, since different information processes can use completely different devices and technologies. So, for the initial collection of information, technical devices (sensors), documents, computer screen forms can be used. For computer data processing apply processors,the number of which is in modern

a sleeping computer can reach up to 10 or more (central, graphic, printer, etc.). Information storage can be carried out both in paper form (in the form of documents) and electronically using magnetic, optical and other media (for example, flash memory). Finally, the same types of information carriers can be used to transmit information as for storage, as well as a communication network.

1.6. Properties of information

When developing information systems and technologies, it is important to estimate the properties of the incoming, stored and transmitted information. These properties include:

"Reliability - how information is consistent with the true state of affairs;

Completeness - the availability of information sufficient to implement the objectives of the information system or technology;

Accuracy - the degree of proximity to the actual state of the object, the process, phenomena;

Relevance - the degree of compliance of the information on the current time;

Value - how important information is important for solving the problem;

Cleanness is an expression of information in the language that it is intended to whom.

Other properties can be called (accessibility, brevity, etc.), however, it should be noted that only those of them should be considered to consider the system or technology.

1.7. Information Technology

The technology is usually understood as a description of the process of manufacturing material goods, as a sequence of actions on the subject of labor in order to obtain the final product. Feature information technologies(IT) is that in them and the initial, and the final product of labor is information, and the instruments of labor - computer equipment and means of telecommunications. At the same time, of course, the processed information is associated with various material carriers, but the main role in information technologies is plays not directly the carrier itself, but the information associated with it.

It should not be thought that information technology appeared only in our time. Already a set of laws of the Roman Empire can be considered an example of information technology. In the Middle Ages

there was an information technology of accounting, in the industrial era - newspapers and other media. However, the current stage of IT development is primarily characterized by the mass distribution of personal computers, the creation of large computer networks and the expansion of the list of service services provided by them. And if 20 years ago, information technologies were related to elite types of production, in our time they turned into a massive phenomenon that does not require particularly high qualifications from employees involved in the process. It can be said that the current stage of the development of IT is information Computer Technologies.

We present the most important areas of application of modern information technologies:

Office work in the office;

Economic and statistical calculations;

Process management, as well as organizational management based on the use of computer networks;

Publishing activities;

Design work;

Digital communication, Internet network;

Computer simulators;

Entertainment Industry: Digital Photography, Computer Cartoons, Computer Methods in the film industry, computer games, etc.

Control questions

1. What is the difference between information from substance and energy?

2. Is this book with information?

3. Give an example of independence of information from its carriers.

4. How does the information appear on its carrier?

5. What is the difference between continuous and discrete information?

6. Give examples of the subject area.

7. What is the essence of information coding?

8. Why apply coding when processing information?

9. Name the main information processes.

10. Name the funds providing information processes.

11. Give examples demonstrating different properties of information.

12. Explain the term "information technology".

13. What are the features of modern information technology?

14. Name the scope of information technology.

Chapter 2. Components of information technology

2.1. Tools information


In the previous chapter, we noted that the term "information processes" combines the collection, storage, processing, transmission and presentation of information. To ensure the work of all these processes, special means are needed, which can be called "labor instruments" in information technology. Usually they are divided into two large categories: hardware and software, on computer jargon called "Iron" and "Soft". In addition, an important element of computer technology is the data format (information to be computer processing) used by these means, and in exactly, it is also submitted and how the processed information should be taken, as well as techniques for working with hardware and software.

2.2. Hardware

The central link of any computer information processing system is, of course, a computer. It should be noted that the concept of "computer" is very diverse: the microcontrollers built into the equipment are also understood (although in this case they are more often called processors), and huge computer systems containing thousands and tens of thousands of processors (supercomputers). Nevertheless, despite such differences, computers have a lot of common among themselves, and in almost any of them you can find subsystems that are committed, ultimately, the same functions. Consider the device of the most common type of computers - a desktop personal computer (desktop), on the example of which you can discuss almost all components of computer technologies.

In the minimum configuration, a modern personal computer consists of four parts: a system unit, a video monitor, keyboard and mouse.

In turn, the system unit consists of the following components:

Case with power supply;

Systemic ("maternal") fee;

Processor with cooling system (fan);

Main memory modules;

Video payment;

Drives of flexible, hard and optical disks. Minimal computers can expand

both additional external devices connected directly to the computer - printer, scanner, modem and by devices connected to a computer using expansion boards -special boards inserted * in the motherboard to which the following devices are connected: sound speakers, network equipment, data collection devices from various sensors, etc. It should be noted that ways to connect external devices are constantly being improved. In the first personal computers, the connectors of consecutive and parallel ports located on the motherboard were used for direct connection, and for extension boards - ISA connectors. In the modern computers, there was a transition to the PCI type extension boards, and the USB connectors are increasingly used instead of connectors and parallel ports. In addition, the trend of recent times is the placement on the motherboard chips that implement the functions that were previously implemented by the extension fees: sound, network, drives control and even video plate. In many modern computers inside the system unit, there is nothing except the motherboard with the processor and memory and drives, and, nevertheless, they provide much greater functionality than "fastening" computers of five years ago.

Consider now in more detail the main components of a personal computer (PC).

Processor and memory.The leading item of any personal computer is cPU(Central Processor Unit - CPU) performing the main arithmetic and logical operations, as well as the generating control signals to other computer devices. The characteristics of the processor have a decisive effect on the characteristics of the computer as a whole, and first of all its performance. One of the simplest characteristics of the performance of the processor is its clock frequency, although it makes sense to compare only the same type of processors. Intel Corporations are the most common processors for PCs (currently - Pentium 4 and Celeron series), processors from AMD Corporation (Advanced Micro

Devices) Athlon series. Traditionally, the Intel processors are more reliable and create fewer problems when setting up a computer, and AMD processors are noticeably cheaper at the same performance.

It should not be thought that the central processor is the only device of the computer carrying out arithmetic, logical and control actions. As the technologies for the production of microcircuits and improving computers architecture, more and more functions of the central processor, especially managers, are transmitted to other devices that are essentially specialized processors, so that the main function of the "numerical mill" remains behind the central processor. The most powerful of such specialized processors is a graphics processor comparable by the number of transistors and the complexity of architecture with the central processor. Other processors are more often called controllers, although they are superior to the complexity of central processors of quite recently. The main quality of all these devices is that they perform data processing in parallel with the central processor, which allows you to significantly speed up it.

The second element of the computer that determines its most important characteristics is main memoryor just memory. Generally speaking, memory, i.e., a storage device has several levels. Some types of memory are designed to store data only at the time of the computer, others for permanent or long-term storage. In addition, different types of memory differ in the speed of working with data. Under the main memory usually understand the memory modules consisting of electronic microcircuits and inserted into the connectors (Slots)on the motherboard. As a rule, on the motherboard is contained from two to four such connectors. This memory is highly dependent, and its contents is lost when the computer is turned off. The characteristics of the main memory are noticeably improved as technology development, and currently the most common memory modules of two types are most common: SDR DIMM (or simply DIMM) and DDR DIMM. The capacity of the memory modules is usually from 128 to 512 MB, and the total capacity of the installed basic memory is one of the most significant characteristics of the computer.

Motherboard.The main element of the computer's system unit that determines its operational qualities is the board - the mounting panel on which all other system unit devices are located except drives. It contains a large number of internal and external connectors and various auxiliary microcircuits, among which

the illicit role is played by chips so-called chipset("Chipset") performing a binding function between the processor and other computer devices. For this reason, the chipset chip is sometimes called "bridges". The type of chipset, along with the number and purpose of the connectors, is the main characteristic of the motherboard. Intel processors most often apply chipsets produced by Intel Corporation for AMD processors - VIA chipsets. Chipsets for both types of processors also produces SIS corporation, the products of which refers to the lower price range.

To describe the properties of the chipset, you must specify for what type of processors and for which type of memory it is intended. In addition, recently, some types of chipsets began to include video, audio, network and other computer subsystems. In this case, they say that the corresponding subsystem integratedin the chipset or on the motherboard, and integrated solutions are increasingly distributed, especially for office computers.

Video system.The video system usually turns on two elements: graphics card (video card) and video monitor (display). The graph of the graphics can perform an integrated video controller integrated into the chipset.

The characteristics of almost all modern graphics cards are practically identical, and the difference between them is mainly in the volume of the functions of the central processor, which takes on the video card graphics processor. For computer games, this is a very significant characteristic, since when the display of complex dynamic scenes, the central processor can simply not cope with their timely mapping. At the same time, in office applications, this characteristic is much less critical.

Note that increasingly, graphic boards began to be equipped with tools to output images to a TV, along with the output of the same or other image on the monitor, as well as tools for entering low-frequency television signal For its subsequent processing.

As for the video monitor, they can be divided into two large classes: displays on an electron beam tube (CRT) and liquid crystal (LCD) displays. The main characteristic of the displays is the size of their visible area diagonally expressed in inches. The remaining characteristics are either secondary, or a subjective nature associated with an image quality assessment. LCD monitors are a relatively new type of displays, however, in their consumer and cost characteristics, they already caught up with monitors on electronic

the radial tube, and the only area where they are significantly lagging behind the electrical monitors, is a color rendition that does not allow them to be used in the field of high-quality printing.

Keyboard and mouse.The keyboard and mouse are integral parts of a modern personal computer. Their main purpose is the primary entry of information into the computer. At the same time, the principles of their interaction with the computer differ significantly. The keyboard works relatively independently of the other parts of the computer and its main function is to enter large amounts of text information into the computer. In contrast, the mouse functions only with a monitor, ensuring interaction with graphic objects on the screen and thereby entering small amounts of structured information, as well as performing control functions.

Types of keyboards of the personal computer differ not too much. Their modification is either through the improvement of ergonomic qualities ("natural" keyboards), or by expanding control functions by adding "multimedia" and other keys. The same can be said about Mouse type manipulators. Despite the huge variety of "mice", their main functions remain tracking the mouse buttons and its movement.

Means of storage and transfer of information.We have already noted that the memory of the computer is a multi-level. Along with the energy-dependent basic memory involved only in the process of processing information, non-volatile memory types are played, intended for storing and transferring information. The memory of this kind, unlike the main, is called called external.Depending on the nature of the media, it can be divided into several types:

Memory on magnetic media (flexible and hard magnetic discs and magnetic tapes);

Memory on optical media (CDs with single and multiple recording);

Non-volatile electronic memory (flash memory).

On the other hand, the functions of non-volatile memory can be divided as follows:

Storage of source, intermediate and final data in the process of processing information;

Archive data storage;

Transferring information from one computer to another.

In each of these cases, their types of external memory are applied. In fact, the only type of external memory used in the process of processing information is drive drives on hard magnetic disks (Winchesters).Their main one

the characteristic is the amount of complied with information. Note that personal computers rarely have more than one hard drive.

Magnetic ribbons and flexible magnetic discs (flop) were used as a means of archival storage of data for a long time. Recently, the floppy has lost the function of archival storage due to insufficient capacity, at the same time they use due to the low cost of the carrier. However, they are increasingly displaced by optical discs, the cost of which has declined sharply. In addition, there were convenient hardware to work with archives on optical disks - changer.

Information transfer means are distinguished by a large variety. Diskettes still retain their value as the most convenient means of transferring small amounts of information, which is due to the fact that they can be used on any computer, unlike other carriers that require additional hardware or software capabilities on a computer. The convenient and cheap information transfer means are written and rewritable optical discs, however, they require a writing optical drive and the corresponding software. An even more convenient tool are flash memory devices with a USB interface (USB keychains) and flash cards with a USB adapter, but their cost is sufficiently high. Finally, for transferring large amounts of information (dozens and hundreds of gigabytes), drives on rigid magnetic disks, equipped with tools for connecting to a computer through external connectors.

Another means of exchanging data between computers are computer networks that will be discussed below.

Additional computer devices.In addition to the already listed components of the computer, which are in one way or another, the computer can be equipped with additional devices to which primarily include the printer, sound subsystem, scanner and modem.

Printersusually divided into matrix, inkjet and laser. The most common ones are inkjet, which is explained by their low cost, good print quality and the possibility of multicolor printing. Their main disadvantages are high operating costs. Therefore, it is profitable to apply them in cases where the print volume is relatively small. With large print volumes, it is more profitable to apply laser printers with even higher print quality. However, they are more expensive than inkjet printers, and with multicolor printing - essentially more expensive. Matrix printers are currently spreading much less and have mainly

oral application. This is due to the fact that at cost they are comparable to laser, the print quality is noticeably lower, and the level of noise created above. At the same time, the requirements of the matrix printer to the quality of the paper is much lower. It can also simultaneously print multiple copies of documents, including rolled paper. In addition, printing on documents (without broaching through the printer) is more convenient to carry out the matrix method.

From the special purpose printers, you should also mention wide format printers, allowing you to print on sheets of format to AO, as well as on rolled paper large width.

Sound subsystem (audio system)recently, almost every computer is equipped. Just like the video subsystem, the sound consists of two parts: the inner - sound card (audio payments) or sound chip on the motherboard and the external dialing of computer audio columns. The audio subsystems of modern computers have a very large scatter in quality and cost, which significantly complicates their classification. The simplest of them adds 1 ... 2% to the total cost of the computer, while a high-quality sound fee can cost as much as the rest of the computer, turning it into a specialized sound processing station. It should be noted that the non-computership audio equipment usually provides a higher sound quality than a computer, however, if you do not have increased sound quality requirements, a modern computer may well perform all its functions.

Scannersused to enter graphic images or texts printed on paper, into a computer. A characteristic feature of the scanners is that, for their work, it is usually a very serious software: a graphic editor for image processing and text recognition program to translate the image to a text format. The main characteristic of the scanner is the resolution, measured at inch points (300, 600, 1200, 2400, etc.). At the same time, if there is a sufficient resolution of 300 point / inch to enter standard documents, it is desirable to have a 2400 point / inch to enter the adhesive negatives of the film. Recently, the scanner scanner area as a means of preparation of graphic images began to rapidly narrow, moving to digital cameras and video cameras, although their role as a means of entering text documents (especially filled with blanks) will most likely increase.

Due to the rapid dissemination of the Internet, an important role among other obligations ^. mO Demoallowing you to connect a computer "through\\body background

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line to a computer network. For a long time, one of the most important characteristics of the modem was its bandwidth, expressed in bits / s, but at present the modems reached theoretical ceiling at 33,600 bps, and the first place began to emerge such as reliability of communication, price, additional functions modem, etc. However, it should be noted that the specified value "ceiling" refers only to conventional analog dial-up telephone lines, and for other types of communication channels, the rate of data exchange can be significantly increased. However, other modems are needed for such channels.

The total number of devices that can be connected to a personal computer are unlimited. This is explained by its successfully designed component architecture that allows you to collect a PC as a children's designer. Virtually any electronic device can be connected to a personal computer if a connection scheme is developed for it. You can call three basic ways to connect external devices. The easiest way is through the external sockets of the motherboard. Until recently, these were connectors of serial and parallel ports, instead of which USB connectors are increasingly used, which have a greater transfer rate and the possibility of connecting to a working (enabled) computer. USB connector, in addition, can provide a small power to power the device. Another connection method is using a specially designed extension board inserted into the connector (slot) on the motherboard. This method has much greater versatility and provides greater data transfer rate, but requires designing an extension board specific for each device. Finally, the third method of transmitting data from an external device to a computer is not associated with a direct connection, but uses any data transfer devices (for example, flash memory). Most often it is used for digital cameras and video cameras. With it, you can even eliminate the computer from the data processing cycle, typing, for example, photos from a digital camera directly on the printer equipped with such an opportunity.

Note that in almost all marked cases there is not enough hardware connection of an external device to a computer. For their successful collaboration, another matching program is needed, called driverdevices, and the driver's organization significantly depends on the computer's operating system and in different operating systems for the same device, as a rule, various drivers are written.

In addition to external execution, additional computer devices can be made in the internal execution when this device is entirely located on the extension board. Thus, for example, network adapters, modems, as well as neuroprocessors, significantly expanding the functionality of the computer when solving many applied tasks. The advantage of internal execution is the high data transfer rate between the device and computer, disadvantages - reduced diagnostic capabilities and the need to ensure that the power supply of the computer has a sufficient power supply to ensure the power supply of this device.

Computer networks.As already noted, computer networks are one of the data transfer tools. This method of exchanging information was so convenient that at present almost every computer is connected or can be connected to a particular network. It is customary to divide the networks on local and global. Local networkscharacterized by high data rates (up to 1 Gbit / s) and relatively small sizes (dozens or hundreds of meters), and global -lower speeds (depending on the number of channels and their bandwidth), a higher cost per unit of information transfer and almost unlimited sizes.

In the simplest version, you can imagine a computer network as a set of computers connected by network cables With network nodes, which, in turn, are interconnected. The role of the network nodes is performed either hardware devices - hubs (hubs) and switches, or routers, which are specialized computers intended for organizing computer networks. To connect a computer to the network is used either network adapter, Usually executed as an extension board - in the case of local networks, or a modem of a type or another - in the case of global networks.

The main difference of computer networks from the set of separately standing personal computers from the point of view of information processing is the presence in a computer network of one or more servers- Computers that allow different users to receive or process the combined information provided by them by the server (more correctly to call the server is not a computer, but the program running on it, however, to understand its work it is easier to read the computer server). Such an information processing scheme, in contrast to processing on separate computeris called the "Customer Customer" scheme, and computers at workplaces

wovers connected to the server - client computers, or clients.

Other computers.In the previous sections, we paid the most attention to desktop personal computers, which occupy a median position in a motley family of all sorts of computers. On the one hand, they are located portable and pocket computers, a set of devices and the architecture of which are similar to those available in personal computers, but their layout is completely different due to their small size and the need to save energy consumption. On the other hand, servers, workstations and supercomputers, a set of devices and the architecture of which can be very different from personal computers. This, in turn, is due to the fact that computers of these types, in contrast to the desktop, are intended to perform a smaller number of functions, but must perform them faster and largely, which leads to hypertrophy of some hardware and partial or complete disappearance of other . Very often, the server, for example, does not have a video monitor and keyboard, and is controlled from some client computer, however, has several processors, a giant, from the point of view of a personal computer, the amount of basic and disk memory and multiple networks of increased bandwidth.

All these computers are built on the most diverse element database, to make an overview of which is not possible. We emphasize, however, that the principles of collecting, storing, processing, transmitting and submitting information are the same for all types of computers, so in the future we will concentrate on the description of information computers only for personal computers.

2.3. Software

Computers, external devices and computer network equipment form hardware,you are only one of the many components of computer information processing technologies. The other component is software(BY). Typically distinguish system software and application (functional) software, as well as tools that provide software creation.

The describing applications are devoted to the remaining chapters of this book, the instrumental funds make up the subject of the "Basics of Algorithm and Programming". As for the system software, then, although it is studied in the course "Opera

systems and environments, we will give a very brief overview of operating systems.

The emergence of operating systems can be attributed to the 50s of the 20th century, when it turned out that computer management can be partially entrusted to the computer itself with the help of specially written programs that later became known as operating system.Initially, the operating systems were developed individually for each type of computers. The situation has changed in the 1970s. With the advent of the UNIX operating system (Unix), which could be used on a variety of types of computers. With the advent of personal computers, the MS DOS system was developed for them, which, however, was not a full-fledged operating system due to the lack of real multitasking, which is a characteristic feature of modern operating systems. Subsequently, a Windows NT system was developed, which was already a "real" operating system and was then developed to Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems. On the other hand, it turned out to be a very successful UNIX option for personal computers, called Linux (Linux). The Windows 98 system (second edition) also received a lot of distribution, which occupies an intermediate position between MS DOS and Windows NT. Currently, these three operating systems (Windows NT, Windows 98 and Linux family) are basic for personal computers, although the share of Windows 98 is steadily reduced. As for the more high-end computers (servers, workstations and supercomputers), then they are usually used by a particular UNIX version, although it can be used on small servers. windows version NT. On other types of computers, different operating systems are often used.

It should, however, be noted the fact that programs created for one operating system, most often can not be performed in another. This applies to drivers - programs designed to agree additional devices Computer with its operating system. In particular, if the driver is missing for any device necessary to work with the operating system installed on the computer, then this device is likely to work with this computer. Such, for example, some printers and modems for which there are no Linux drivers.

Control questions

1. Name the main components of computer technology.

2. What elements is the computer?

3. List the types of computer connectors.

4. What parameters can I describe the computer?

5. What are integrated devices?

6. Name the devices for the initial input of information into the computer.

7. What hardware is applied to store information?

8. Name the hardware processing of information. Does them have a printer, scanner and sound fee?

9. Give ways and means of information transfer.

10. What devices are used to present information? Does them have a printer, scanner and sound fee?

11. Is it worth refusing to buy music CenterIf you already have a good computer?

12. Is it possible to connect to the Internet without a modem?

13. You have created an excellent device for removing the electrocardiogram. What you need to additionally develop so that it can be connected to a computer? And for what?

14. What is the server computer different from the client?

15. Can a program written for one operating system, executed in another?

16. Can the driver for one operating system use
Will in another?

Chapter 3 Text Information Processing

3.1. Text editors

A significant proportion of time when working with modern personal computers is spent on creating, editing and printing a variety of textual information.

Text information processing on a computer provides application packages - text editors (text processors). There are built-in text editors (in Norton Commander, Turbo Pascal, etc.) and independent (Editor, Lexicon, Multiedit, Microsoft Word).

In the process of preparing text documents, the following steps can be distinguished:



Text formatting, page markup;

Printing (viewing before printing text on the screen, printing on paper).

Basic editing operations:

Editing a line string with inserting, replacing and removing characters;

Removal of characters, strings, blocks;

Search and replace text fragments;

Move, copy text items;

Changing the characters: light, bold, italics, with underscore (additional font change capabilities);

Automatic text transfer to a new string;

Creating tables and charts;

Formatting paragraphs and marking of pages;

Building tables and pointers;

Check spelling;

View before printing text text on the screen, changing print font.

Most modern text editors allow you to simultaneously process multiple documents or several parts of one document by placing them in different windows. for example

the text editor lexicon has widespread a few years ago in Russia, Multiedit allows you to simultaneously process up to 100 documents.

A text processor is usually called a powerful text editor, which has advanced textual processing capabilities. Modern text processors provide many additional featuresallowing you to simplify the set and modification of texts, improve the quality of text display on the screen, the quality of printing documents. For example:

Formatting characters (use of various fonts and draws);

Paragraph formatting (page width alignment and automatic word transfer);

Registration of pages ( automatic numbering, keystrokes and footnotes);

Paper design (automatic construction of table contents, pointers);

Creating and processing tables;

Check spelling, etc.

Thus, from the concept "Simple text as a text editor handling object"we come to the concept "Document as a text processor processing object."A file that is a document contains, in addition to alphanumeric characters, extensive binary information on text formatting, as well as graphic objects. For example, the Microsoft Word text processor allows you to create documents that include graphic objects and even sound.

When choosing a text editor to work, many factors need to be taken into account: complexity created documents, Scale (volumes) of texts, requirements for the quality of the document on paper, the nature of the materials (for example, a simple text or table, formulas, equations, etc.).

The most famous text editors can be conditionally divided by "specialization" into three groups:

General purpose processors (lexicon, Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, etc.);

Editors of scientific documents (tech);

Multiedit source editors (Multiedit and built-in programming editors of Basic, Pascal, C, etc.).

Of course, using a lexicon, you can prepare the text of the program, and with the help of Multiedit - a general purpose document. The "specialization" editor is that it is added (or optimized) functions that are necessary to maintain documents of a certain type. For example, Multiedit makes it possible to highlight the semantic segments

texts of programs, those are convenient for a set of mathematical expressions, etc.

In addition, a special place in a group of packages working with documents occupy the so-called publishing systems -PageMaker, Ventura Publisher, QuarkXpress, etc. As a rule, publishing systems specialize in the preparation of a recruited document to publish (creating a layout of the publication). For a set of text it is more convenient to use text processors such as Microsoft Word, and to create and edit illustrations - graphic systems: CorelDRAW (vector images), Adobe Photoshop. (Raster images). However, the publishing capabilities of the Word processor are so great that many publications can be prepared for printing without resorting to the services of publishing systems.

Next, we will look at the basics of working with the Microsoft Word text processor (shorter than Word). This is connected not only with the exceptional features of this program. The fact is that Word is one of the main elements of the Microsoft office technology, which has become a de facto standard in Russian organizations.

3.2. MICROSOFT Word Text Processor

Word is windows applicationdesigned to create, view, modify and print text documents. It is one of the most advanced programs in the class of text processors, which provides for the execution of hundreds of operations on textual and graphic information. FROM using Word. You can quickly and with high quality to prepare any document - from simple notes to the original mockup of a complex edition.

First, Word makes it possible to fulfill everything without exception traditional operations on the text provided in modern computer technology:

Set and modification of unformatted alphanumeric information;

Formatting symbols using a multitude of True Type fonts of various designs and sizes;

Formatting pages (including footers and footnotes);

Formatting a document as a whole (automatic compilation of table contents and various pointers);

Check spelling, selection of synonyms and automatic transfer of words.

Secondly, the Word processor implements the possibilities of the new technology of binding and implementing objects (so called