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World backup day. Backup Day (World Backup Day) International Backup Day

Backup is the process of creating a copy of data on a medium designed to restore information in case of damage to the original medium. Today people all over the world - sysadmins, users and ordinary users - celebrate World Backup Day. The date was not chosen by chance - some of the viruses are activated on April 1, leaving unprotected users in a fool on April Fools' Day.

How did bloggers celebrate backup day?

1500py470 I remembered the oath of the protector of information:

International day Reserve copy(in their barbarian -) is held annually on March 31st. The day of backup was muddied by Reddit users and because there are widely known cases of information loss on April 1 (Such are cute "jokes". It's just some kind of holiday!) - there is a whole group of April Fools' viruses that are activated on this day for greater joy in one of our main and favorite national holidays, and for this reason, it was no coincidence that entot labor holiday, like a subbotnik, was scheduled for March 31, and not April 22 (for slopoks or those who did not find it in their youth, this is the birthday of Ilyich and a festive communist subbotnik on this occasion)

Protect yourself
back up your important information today!

“I solemnly swear on March 31st to make a backup of all the documents and valuable memories I need.”

In addition, I will tell my friends and family about International Backup Day - a friend will not leave a friend without a backup!

rhunwolf made a selection of pictures and facts about the backup:

The computer froze, HDD died, what to do ?! Did you make a backup (and you moved away from it)? What, it can explode ?!
Here is a play on words: backup is a backup, back up is to retreat.

We make backup copies of data on sticky notes. Because they don't freeze.

I haven't made a backup ...

My backup crashed !!! What a blessing that the data was saved on the main copy!

Jim just drew a backup of his PC.

A bit from the English Wikipedia:
May 5, 1996, during a fire at the headquarters of Crédit Lyonnais, the largest bank in Paris, system administrators ran into a burning building to save the tape backups, since the copies were physically located in the same building. Data from computers was copied to magnetic tapes, which were stored there, in computers, until the next backup. The backup was done every day, with the exception of Friday, because the Friday backup took place on Sunday. And that's bad luck, take the fire and happen on Saturday. - This is where Crédit Lyonnais errors are dealt with and all sorts of backup tips goes.

Between 2005 and 2006, the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse documented 16 cases of stolen or lost backup copies. Affected organizations included Bank of America, Ameritrade, Citigroup and Time Warner.

Collapsed on January 3, 2008 mail server the largest Scandinavian provider, telecommunications company TeliaSonera. To their dismay, they had to discover that the last good backup was on December 15, 2007. This affected 300,000 users. mail accounts.

February 27, 2011 as a result of a crash software in Gmail, 0.02% of users lost all their mail. After a few hours, the data was restored from a backup copy and the messages did not disappear into oblivion.

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ammo1 arranged a competition!

Today, March 31st, is International Backup Day. It is no coincidence that the day of backup was set for March 31, because there is a whole group of April Fools' viruses that make their "jokes" on April Fool's Day.

Reasons for loss important information there may be many. According to the study, 78% of cases are caused by hardware failure, 11% human error, 7% software errors, 2% Computer viruses, 1% Natural disasters, 1% Other causes.

Another sad statistic. 5% hard drives fails in the first year. Then for 2-3 years they work relatively stably (the probability of breakage is 1.5%), and after the third year the probability is already 11-12%.

Let's celebrate the day of the backup by making copies of our important data today, without postponing it, as usual, "for tomorrow."

World Backup Day or Backup Day is held annually on March 31st.

Backup- this is the creation of a copy of data on a medium (hard disk, flash card, CD-disk and other media) designed to restore data in case of damage or loss on the main carrier.

In our age of computers and electronics, ensuring the safety of meaningful information is becoming increasingly important. The loss of financial information, databases or site information can lead to big problems in the organization and significantly "hit the wallet." And every single user home computer, communicator or simple cell phone can get a lot of frustration by losing the data you need - from your favorite photos, home videos or essential articles to contact phones and addresses.

Therefore, International Backup Day is intended to draw public attention to the issues of ensuring the preservation of information, as well as to disseminate information about the need to protect against data loss.

The backup day was set at the initiative of the site users social news It was no coincidence that Reddit was scheduled for March 31st. In the computer environment, there are known cases of information loss on April 1 (these are "jokes") - there is even a whole group of April Fools' viruses that are activated on this very day. The result of their merciless action is a system malfunction or loss of information.

Today there are many different approaches, tools and programs that provide a competent backup system. How to organize this process is up to every user. You can take the appropriate actions yourself or contact the specialists on this issue.

The statistics prepared by the online backup service Backblaze for such a significant date are simply amazing. It turns out that 35% of all users have NEVER made a backup of their data! 51% of users make backups once a year or less! And only about 8% of users make a backup daily, 15% - once a week, 30% - once a month! Interestingly, over time, the percentage of users making a backup does not change at all, i.e. people do not want to learn from their own mistakes at all. As expected, the need for backups is understood more experienced users with higher education and sufficient experience in working with computer technology.

Do not let the situation take its course and assume that this problem will never affect you. Everything is possible - from man-made problems, technical failures and equipment failure to accidental deletion of files or the introduction of a malicious virus, and sometimes just losing your phone.

Novice users, especially women, come to the idea of ​​backing up important data, as a rule, only after their loss. Let's not wait, according to the great Russian tradition, for a roasted rooster to peck, and start backing up at least the most important data today. Therefore, you can very much celebrate today's holiday. in a simple way- create a backup copy of your data from your computer and save it to a reliable resource. And, of course, tell all your friends and acquaintances about it so that they do the same.

Protect yourself from force majeure, back up important information today!

Solemn oath for the international backup day
I solemnly swear on March 31st to make a backup of all the documents and valuable memories I need. In addition, I will tell my friends and family about International Backup Day - a friend will not leave a friend without a backup!
I swear!


Most people choose one of two ways to back up their files: external drive, or to some online storage.
It's really simple and you only need to set up this process once!
DISCLAIMER: Despite the fact that this process is very simple, we are not responsible for the loss of any data. Make sure you read everything carefully and then everything should work out!

You will need external hard disk, preferably larger than your computer's hard drive.
The good news is they are inexpensive!

Click the Start button.
Enter the word “backup” in the search bar.
Click on Backup and Restore.
Select “Set up Backup”.
When Windows finishes preparing, select your external drive and click Next.
Select “Let Windows Choose” and click Next.
If you want, you can choose which windows time will backup your files by clicking “Change Backup Schedule”. The more often the better!
Then click “Save settings and run backup”.
That's all! Windows will now automatically back up. Make sure your hard drive is still connected, if you are using a laptop, then set yourself a reminder to periodically connect it.

Open up start screen and start typing “file history settings”.
Select “File History Settings” from the search results.
Select “Select a drive”.
Select your external drive from the list provided.
Click “Turn on”.
It's that simple. Now Windows will automatically make a backup. Make sure your hard drive stays on, or plug it in as often as possible.
Congratulations on setting up your first backup!

First, plug in your USB drive. Then follow the instructions below to start an automatic backup of your Mac!
** WARNING: ** Make sure your new USB drive is completely empty! Time Machine requires * clean up disk *, keep that in mind. If this is a new drive, or if cleaning it up doesn't bother you, read on!
Open the menu (top left on your screen) and select System Preferences.
Click “Time Machine”.
Click “Select Disk”.
Select your USB drive from the list provided and click “Use Disk”.
That's all! Your Mac will now back up your data automatically. If you use a MacBook, remember to connect your hard drive to it regularly so it can save files!

Every Linux distribution offers various tools to backup your data. We’ve posted the instructions for Ubuntu below.
Open the HUD (click the Ubuntu button in the Dash) and type “Backup”.
Click on the search result “Backup”.
Click on “Just show my backup settings”.
Activate “Automatic backups”.
Choose the location to store your backup on the tab “Storage” (your external drive).
Choose how often to backup on the tab “Schedule”. The more often, the better!
Click on “Back Up Now” on the tab “Overview” to start backing up.
That was easy. Ubuntu will backup all your files automatically fromnow on. Make sure you leave your hard drive plugged in - or at least plug it in often.
Congratulations on setting up your first backup!

An easy way to save your files online is to use OneDrive, Dropbox, or Google drive to back up the most important data you are currently working on.
These online services are not that powerful and only back up one folder on your computer. However, this is a great opportunity for students or employees who need to reliably protect their most important data.

If you want to create a backup purchase AT ALL (bravo!) - pay attention to this review - it can help you choose the most suitable service for you.

Backup rule "3-2-1"

It is believed that the 3-2-1 backup rule was first described by Peter Krogh in his book Digital Asset Management for Photographers. And this is probably not surprising, since the loss of a personal archive means a complete disaster for a professional photographer, and he simply must adhere to a backup strategy that is guaranteed to protect him from data loss.

So, the "3-2-1" rule states that in order to ensure reliable data storage, you must have at least:

  1. THREE backups,
  2. which should be saved in TWO various physical storage formats,
  3. moreover ONE from copies, must be transferred to offsite storage
All three components of the rule are based on the principle of providing fault tolerance through redundancy of data storage.

"Three different copies" means "three copies stored in three physically different locations." (Two different folders located on the same physical disk are considered to be located in the same location). I'm not going to delve into the math, but when you increase the number of copies, then (assuming that the physical characteristics of the storage devices are the same, and the threats to these devices are statistically independent), the probability of failure increases linearly, and the reliability of storage increases in accordance with a power function. That is, when you make three copies instead of one, you get a tripling of the probability of failure for a given set of copies with a cubic increase in reliability. In real life, this makes the data stored in three copies practically "indestructible", although you may have to replace the failed disks a little more often, simply because there are more of them in the aggregate.

However, alas, it is in real life that there is often a statistical dependence of threats. For example, when an electromagnetic pulse arises in the office power circuit, it equally affects all disks at once. And, if one disk fails, then, most likely, two others will also fail (due to the homogeneous nature of the impulse effect on typical mass-produced disks, which have identical requirements for the quality of power supply).

Why do you need three copies instead of two? Because in real life, very often, threats to two copies of data turn out to be statistically dependent due to the logical organization of the backup procedure. For example, consider RAID1 (or "mirrored" disk array). If a virus infects a file on one disk of the array, it immediately infects the second copy on the mirrored disk. Likewise, if replication is configured, the replica will instantly be corrupted by the virus as well. Even if you just perform a daily full backup, it will also be infected if the administrator does not notice the infection of the original data during the day. In general: two copies will not be enough to restore information in all cases when the time of detection and reaction of the administrator to damage to the original data exceeds the period between adjacent tasks of copying / replicating / mirroring this data.

In order to provide even greater statistical independence of threats, it is recommended to record data in at least two different physical formats. For example, if you save data to DVD ( optical recording information), then it will not suffer from the previously described electromagnetic pulse. Even if the DVD drive fails, you yourself optical media information will save your data. Other examples of a statistically dependent threat could be a prolonged critical temperature rise due to a failed air conditioner in a server room, or a fire in an office, which, of course, affects all copies that are stored inside the office absolutely uniformly.

Thus, storing copies in different physical formats aims to reduce the likelihood of simultaneous destruction of all copies of the data due to the uniform impact.

In fact, the third point, storing one copy outside the office, solves the same problem (reducing the statistical dependence of threats to different copies of data), only through the geographical distribution of storage locations. A theft or fire in an office can result in the loss of all copies stored there, but a fire or theft in one office will not result in a fire or theft in another geographically separate office, making these threats statistically independent across offices.

What about storing data in the cloud? Could this be considered a backup replacement? Obviously not. It's just an alternative storage location for data or backups, and by the way, a good candidate for offsite storage of backups. However, you should always remember that data can be lost in the cloud just like anywhere else.

At the same time, the undoubted advantage of cloud providers is that the backup process is greatly simplified. The administrator does not need to buy and configure complex storage systems or "fiddle" with changing tapes. Often cloud storage it transparently expands at the request of the client, that is, it does not have a physical size limitation for him (the limitation for the client is rather financial in nature), which also has its advantages over storage systems, where free space can "suddenly" run out.

In fact, the cloud storage of backups is an alternative to tapes, since data from it, compared to local disk storage, is retrieved with a certain delay (which depends on the bandwidth and the provider's tariff, since, usually, the lower the tariff, the slower it will be retrieval speed).

Do you always have to stick to the 3-2-1 rule? No, it all depends on the value of your data, on the one hand, and the criticality (cost of potential damage) and the likelihood of threats to the data, on the other. Any protection should not exceed the value of the protected object. Therefore, if you have not particularly valuable data stored, or the threats are low critical or unlikely, you can partially implement the "3-2-1" rule. The main thing is to still compile a matrix of threats to data (that is, compile a list of all possible threats, assess their likelihood and severity) and carry out the process of their deactualization (that is, for each threat either write in the table or "is deactivated by such and such a technical measure" or "recognize not relevant from the point of view of the nature of the company's business "). Once the threat matrix has been worked out, it will become clear to what extent the 3-2-1 rule should be implemented, and what budget will ultimately be required.

On March 31st, an unofficial holiday is celebrated - Backup Day (World Backup Day). This day was established in order to draw public attention to the issues of ensuring the safety of information and protection against data loss.

A backup is a backup of all the files you need, for example, emails, documents, videos, family photos, etc. Instead of storing all important information on one medium, which cannot be guaranteed to be 100% reliable, another copy is placed on additional medium.

In order not to lose important information, it is enough to set up a backup once. As an additional medium for backing up the most important data, you can use it as a physical disk ( external storage) and cloud data storage on the Internet. If you've never done a backup before, March 31st is the best day to do it for the first time. Who chose this date and why?

Today there are many different approaches and programs that provide a competent backup system. How to organize this process is up to every user.

But do not let the situation take its course and assume that this problem will never affect you. Anything is possible - from man-made problems, technical failures and hardware failure to accidental deletion of files or the introduction of a malicious virus.

Protect yourself from force majeure, back up your important information today!

In the century information technologies and the global spread of the Internet, the question arose of the safety of data from the consequences of natural and man-made disasters, from accidental or deliberate damage by the introduction of malware. Therefore, it is very important to copy meaningful documents, settings and information.

The celebration of the day of backup is necessary in order to bring to the attention of users of various modern devices the need to protect against force majeure circumstances and to familiarize them with the means intended for this. The purpose of the holiday is to draw attention to the problems of information security.


This holiday was suggested by users of the "Reddit" resource. The idea arose due to the fact that on April Fool's Day, viruses often began to be activated by someone's cruel joke. The result of their intervention was rather unpleasant and unexpected. This is not only the crash and damage of operating systems, but also the loss and loss of data.

There are available media, applications and programs, using which we can all make backup copies of databases of any size. They are divided into several categories and take into account the reservation conditions (home, office, medium-sized enterprises, large web projects).

Current software products for the home are:

  • external hard drives; floppy disks;
  • Flash drives;
  • CD and DVD discs;
  • cloud or other on-line services.

Operational reports can be stored on RAID arrays, on servers and stations, at hosting and remote sites. This reservation is not a complicated process. At the same time, it saves memory space. electronic devices, reduces the risk of losing files, which makes life easier and can often help preserve even your business reputation.

It is recommended to make backups at regular intervals (after a period of time, upon the event of changes or March 31st). All this ensures simplicity and ease of use of manual and software tools, efficiency, reliability, storage security and fast data recovery.


On this day, in many cities, system administrators of companies and enterprises gather at seminars and gatherings. They share their best practices, experience and new ways of preserving various information. Educational lectures are held in educational institutions and circles where young people acquire computer knowledge.

Many guys on this day buy flash drives and give them to their friends. At the same time, they are sure to remind them of the importance of copying the texts of abstracts and theses, drawings and diagrams, all kinds of developments and presentations, since their disappearance can affect the learning process or a decent assessment of knowledge.

To be sure that photos and videos, collections of favorite films, close to their hearts, do not disappear from their PCs for parents and grandparents, they are saved to other media and stored in a safe place. This gives confidence that all memorable boot records will not be lost. It will be possible to return to them several times.