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Optimal change in the visibility of elements on a managed form. Optimal change in the visibility of elements on controlled form 1C 8.3 Control of the form of form elements

It is necessary to make the default not visible element of the form, but with the ability to display it - the user visibility of the form elements comes to the rescue.


The form of processing parameters, with the three pages of "Connection Settings", "Logging" and "Advanced".

A task

By default, hide the "Advanced" tab, but with the ability to display it if necessary from the 1C mode: Enterprise.


Implemented this requirement simple enough, in the configurator for the page "Optional" go to the property Custom Visibility And remove the checkbox "visibility." Property Custom Visibility Specifies the visibility of the default item.

Now the form will open with hidden page "Optional", it is necessary to go to the "More" menu and set the visibility for the page.

When visibility changes, the value will be saved and the configured form will be opened.

You can also adjust the visibility of the roles, for this in the setting it is necessary to specify for what roles the element is visible or not visible. By default, all the roles are taken from the total value. When editing visibility for the role of the checkbox, the color will change to black.

The article is included in the "First Steps in Development on 1C" cycle. In it, we continue to get acquainted with the controlled "Taxi" interface and proceed directly to its configuration.

As you know, the development of the information base interface begins with the creation of the structure of its menu, because as convenient and logical it will be, the entire system as a whole will be so understandable.

After reading the article, you will learn:

  • What role is the subsystem playing in the formation of the menu structure?
  • How to form the menu sections of the 1st and 2nd level?
  • How to configure the composition of the commands displayed in the menu sections?
  • Why do you need a command interface editor and how to work with it?
  • How to configure the command interface of the main section?


The article discusses the "Taxi" interface of the configuration developed on the 1C platform. Information is relevant for current platform releases.

Subsystems. Setting up an interface using subsystems

Subsystems refer to common objects. They provide the ability to classify configuration objects for Subsystems.

To specify the facility accessories to subsystems in Object editing window There is a corresponding tab on which flags are noted to what subsystems include an object.

In the future, you can build a filter of the object tree Subsystems.

It is possible to control: include for selected Subsystemsobjects subordinates Subsystemsand parents Subsystemsor not.

Classification of objects in Subsystemscreates convenience when creating Roles.

For object Roleyou can define the appropriate rights and indicate that this Rolecan be built only by those objects that are included in the selected Subsystems.

Similar way Subsystemsused when creating Interfaces. Interfaceswe need only if the configuration starts in a regular application mode.

Classification of objects in Subsystemsit is also used when combining configurations. Those. You can combine objects filtered by Subsystems.

An important purpose of the subsystem is that the command interface of the configuration is built on them. Controlled application . Subsystemsthe first level is determined .

For existing Subsystemsyou can define embedded (subordinates). Data Subsystemswill form groups Navigation panels.

When we classify the object Subsystemsmay turn on the object only in the nested Subsystemmay be in the first level subsystem, and in the other one.

In the latter case, the object will be displayed twice: and inside the subdirement subsystem and separately in Navigation panels. In most cases, this is not entirely correct.

In principle, the subsystems are not a mandatory object. Those. The configuration developed on the platform 8.3 will be able to work without any subsystems.

But in this case there will be no partition panels at all, everything will be displayed on the desktop. Very simple configurations with a small set of objects will be able to work without subsystems.

But if there are many documents, reference books and registers in the configuration, use Subsystemssignificantly facilitates the work of the user.

Note that some configuration object belongs to any Subsystemcan be three ways.

First, it can be done in Object editing window On the tab Subsystems. This option We have already considered.

Secondly, you can use The window editing the subsystem itself. On the tab Structureyou can specify objects included in this Subsystem.

Finally, for configuration objects through context menu You can call a special dialog box called Additionally.

This window also allows for the object to mark belonging to Subsystems. This window is used in the event that we want to immediately work with several objects.

When moving the cursor on configuration tree objects in the window Additionallyrelevant information on subsystems is displayed.

When creating the default configuration object, the platform 8.3 does not affect the binding of the object to any subsystem.

Those. The developer must go to this bookmark and put the appropriate checkboxes.

If the developer does not fulfill this, the system will determine the absence of belonging to Subsystemsas a mistake.

But the error is not critical, so you can agree with this.

In fact, the system refer to the fact that, perhaps, you forgot to include new objects in Subsystems. In this case, the objects will not be displayed in the command interface.

To such objects, the user can only appeal through Main menuusing the command All functions.

Naturally, the object may have to be discovered, it is necessary that the user will be provided with the relevant rights.

There are a number of cases when developers are more convenient to include the objects added to the typical configuration into their separate subsystem.

For Subsystemsin Editing window You can remove the flag Enable in command interface.

Wherein Subsystemswill not be displayed in the command interface. If there is not a single subsystem that should be enabled in the command interface, then for new objects Platform 8.3 does not check the affiliation to any subsystem.

In order to configure the composition of the commands that are included in the appropriate section defined by the subsystem, there is a special editor.

This editor can be called from the edit window by pressing the button Command Interface (on the tab Maintenance).

You can each Subsystemscall this editor. From the editor it is possible to manage the opening of the lists in Navigation panels, accessibility of teams in Panel action.

By default, flags for commands to create elements of reference books and documents are removed, but they can be stailed. IN Panel action You can also open reports.

Elements in the editor can be moved. In this case Navigation panels in Panel action And in the opposite direction is impossible. Elements can be moved either inside Navigation panelsor inside Panel action.

There are column of general visibility and column of visibility on roles. For each role defined in the configuration, there will be its own column. The value that is set in the general visibility column is the default value for the roles of roles.

Visibility for roles can take three values: either the element will be invisible for this role (1); either will always be visible, regardless of which flag is set in the visibility column (2); Or the flag of visibility will be inherited from the flag of general visibility (3).

If the user is assigned two roles and the checkbox is specified for one of them, and for another there is no, then the standard rule of the system 1C: Enterprise 8 - the user is allowed if it is allowed in one of the roles.

Sometimes it is necessary to immediately change the command interface in several Subsystems. In the 1C platform: Enterprise 8 exists a service tool that allows you to edit the command interface at once a few Subsystems.

This tool is called from the context menu of the root node Subsystems.

In the window that opens, you can quickly move by Subsystemsand edit command interfaces. In addition, you can edit the composition in this window. Subsystems. You can also move objects in Navigation panels and Panel action.

In addition, you can even change subordination Subsystems. For this there is a special button Move subsystem.

To configure the command interface Basic section The command interface editor is also used.

It is no longer called for Subsystems, and through the context menu of the root configuration node, item Opencommand Interface of the main section.

In the window that opens, we can specify: what directories, documents and other objects are included in this command interface. You can also include their visibility and control the visibility of roles.

It should be borne in mind that when deleting SubsystemsThe platform, unfortunately, does not check whether there is at least one object in this subsystem or not.

After deletion Subsystemswhen the configuration is saved, no messages about the restructuring of the information database is output.

At this end, our acquaintance with the setting structure of the information base menu. In the next article, we will continue our acquaintance with the managed interface and consider what opportunities will provide the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform for working with lists.

This article continues the cycle of articles "First Steps in Development for 1C". The material assumes that you have already familiarized yourself with the previous items on the interface. In the same article, we will continue to familiarize with the new features of the "Taxi" interface and consider what interesting innovations received managed forms in this interface.


The article discusses the "Taxi" interface of the configuration developed on the 1C platform. Supplements to the current releases of the platform (8.3.11) are shown in conclusion. Therefore, all the information provided is relevant.

New in managed forms in "1C: Enterprise 8.3"

The developers of the "1C: Enterprise 8.3" platform once again thoroughly worked on the convenience of working users with manageable forms.

Entering line

Earlier, in the input fields, when entering the initial characters from the keyboard, the system searched for suitable items.

However, often users need to search not only on the first name symbols, but also in an arbitrary place name.

In the configurator at reference objects of metadata to configure the input line, a separate tab "Input field" was created:

It presents the following features to form a selection list when entering the line:

  • using full-text search;
  • search on the entry of the substring or at the top of the line;
  • following the search directly or in the background.

In the "Method of searching for a string when entering a substring", you can choose - whether to search only on the first character string symbols or in any part of it.

In user mode, the search for any part of the string is as follows: the user sequentially enters the characters from the keyboard, and the system searches.

And not only from the first letters of the name, but also to enter the recruited line:

Naturally, the use of searching for any part of the line can lead to a deterioration in system performance, especially with a large amount of data.

In the file mode, while the user picks up a string, the search is made in the background only if at that moment another background or regulatory task is not performed.

If the appropriate setting is installed, then a full-text search can be used when entering the data in the input field.

During full-text search, both the whole words and strings in which the characters are part of the whole words will be found (the * full-text search operator is used).

For example, the user enters the following parts of the words in the input field, the system in the pop-up window displays those found using a full-text search mechanism Options:

Results of full-text search, corresponding to the introduced local line, shown in Figure:

Recall that in the Platform 8.3 it became possible to override the representation of the reference type of data using processed proceduresProduction procedures and processingPolesPolesserts in the object manager module.

When using this functionality and input on the line, there is the following feature.

The above handlers do not affect the representation of the values \u200b\u200bin the selection list - the list reflects the main representation of the object.

However, after selecting, the expected redefined representation of the object is displayed.

To enlarge, click on the image.

The developers believe that there are no errors in such behavior of the platform, and that it is more valuable to show why a specific result is found (to select, for example, a substring at which the object was found) than to display the representation of the corresponding value converted from the search result.

The above-mentioned input properties were set at the level of the entire metadata object.

In a particular configuration site, the developer can override these properties.

For example, with the help of event handlers, autoforming and end-screen sectors of a particular field input field or using the processing of the processing of the Creative Events in the Object Manager module.

To do this, in these procedures, the parameter named is the name of the structure type parameters, in the properties of which contains a method for finding a string, a selection data mode, configure the use of selection data.

To enlarge, click on the image.

Drop-down list for input field

In Platform 8.3, the drop-down list for the input field received additional functionality to improve the convenience of working with the system.

Now this list can display the history of the previously selected values. The list with history is shown on the screen when installing the cursor in the field, when you press the Select button from the list, or the button on the keyboard with the down arrow.

You can enable the display of history in the input fields related to data type reference book, document, business process, task, characteristics plan, calculation plan, account plan, and exchange plan. In the configurator, this provides a property located on the "Input field" tab:

To enlarge, click on the image.

The use of history can be override for a specific props of an object or an element of the form.

In addition, if the user has not found an item in the list in the list of the input field, it can press the "Show All" button to open the list form to select an item from the entire reference.

Also in the input field list there is a "Create a new object" command. This will open the form of a new element.

In this form, the user fills the necessary fields. After recording and closing the form, the link to the newly created element will be substituted in the input field.

A typical command usage command "Create a new item" is as follows. The user enters the name necessary element In the input field.

If such an element in the database system does not detect - a message will be displayed about it. After pressing the button in the list, the form of a new item with a filled name will open on the screen.

The considered innovations allow you to increase the rate of entry information into the system.

Saving dynamic lists settings

In the Platform 8.3, the dynamic list settings can be saved automatically. To do this, in the configurator, for the desired form details, you must set the property "Automatic saving custom settings". By default, when creating a list, this setting is enabled.

The root element of the configuration appeared a new property - the repository of user settings of the dynamic lists.

This property is selected from the list of warehousing settings defined in the configuration.

To enlarge, click on the image.

Setting the lists in user mode is called using the corresponding menu item:

The appearance of the form is similar to the report setting.

To enlarge, click on the image.

The conditions for which the list selection is made are automatically displayed at the bottom of the settings. These settings will be included in the list form.

In the Configurator mode, you must fill in the Form Table Properties group of custom settings.

It is necessary to specify a separate group of the form, inside which items will be added to display the selection.

With this setting, the form will have fields in the form of "fast selections".

To enlarge, click on the image.

If the user has configured the list for itself, the settings will automatically save and with re-opening the list will have the same look.

The dynamic list view mode (list, wood, hierarchical list) is saved along with the settings of the form elements.

For one list of user, several different options for settings can be saved.

If the configuration compatibility mode is set to "Not to Use", then for a dynamic list, which is specified as the main table of the document log table, the "Create" button is automatically formed in the form of a submenu with a list of documents included in the log.

To enlarge, click on the image.

This simplified the creation of new documents by the user from the form of the magazine. It also became possible to quickly create separate buttons on the command panel to create a new document of a particular species.

For this was created standard team Create contact. If this command is assigned to the button on the form, it becomes available property of the parameter in which you can choose type created document When you click on this button.

To enlarge, click on the image.

In user mode, this button will look like this:

To enlarge, click on the image.

Because The material in the article is described for the platform 8.3.5, then you are actualizing it.

  • Prior to version 8.3.7, the input on the line worked not enough, so in this release the structure of the full-text search index data was changed, which led to an increase in speed when the system was operating in those places where this mechanism is used. Note that new format Full-text search is used if the compatibility mode is set to "not use". In compatibility mode with version 8.3.6, the behavior has not changed. Also note that in the next release of the 1C (8.3.8) platform (8.3.8), the line input mechanism and when using a dynamic list search string was also improved, and now it provides the search for data that has not yet been in full-text search. Previously, such behavior was not observed.
  • The drop-down list of the input fields of the controlled form also has undergone some improvements. In version 8.3.8, it began to automatically adjust its width under the width of the data displayed in it, plus the keys HOME. and End. began to be processed directly in the input field. Thanks to these improvements, it became more convenient to use the input field with a drop-down list.
  • The dynamic list settings mechanism was also improved, and in version 8.3.6 The formal table extension property for a dynamic list period and the display began to be stored in the same cuts as other dynamic list settings, which greatly simplified the work with them to the developer. Now they have become available in the handler of the managed form Prialo-propuser equipmentTrojacker ()What was previously not.

On this acquaintance with manageable forms in the "Taxi" interface, we will end, but in the next article we will get acquainted with the new features that presented the "1C: Enterprise" platform of Edition 8.3.

In the previous article, the reason for which the change in the visibility of the elements on managed form is not good way Interface rebuilding, managing the availability of elements of the form for users.

Today we will look at alternative way Changes in the visibility of the elements of the controlled form, which does not initiate an appeal to the server. Thus, we will be able to save traffic and increase the speed of the program.

All on the client

The whole essence of the method described below is to change the visibility / availability of the form element only on the client side, without accessing the server. The flag "Visibility" will not suit us. Turn to other features.

There are two options. The first is to use the property of the "Accessibility" form element. But then, at least a user and will not be able to work with the form elements for which accessibility is installed in a lie, it will still see it. This is how the handler for changing the availability of the form element looks like:

& Cutting Procedure Hidden Commandability (Team) Elements. To warn. Availability \u003d non-elements. To warn. Availability; Extrudresses

The element takes the following form not available:

When you change the availability of items of appeals to the server for redrawing the shape, as it was with the flag "Visibility", does not occur.

But what if we need to fully hide the element of the form from the view? We will demonstrate how to make it on the element of the dynamic list presented above the form. We will add a group of elements with the type of "Pages" and two subordinate groups with a type of "Page". The element of the dynamic list is transferred to one of them.

On an empty page, where there is no dynamic list, add the scenery of the type "inscription" so that the page is not empty and it was possible to switch to it. Page Group property "Display pages" will install in a lie so that the bookmarks are not visible.

Now in the "Hide Dynamic List" command, write the following handler:

& Change Procedure Hide Comcommandability (command) If items. Pages. Current Instrument \u003d Elements. Page1 then elements. Pages. Current Instrument \u003d Elements. Page2; Otherwise, elements. Pages. Current Instrument \u003d Elements. Page 1; Ended; Extrudresses

The command switches the pages. When switching pages of appeals to the server does not occur, everything is performed on the client side. At the same time, if we switch to the page "Page2", where only the scenery of the inscription was added, the form will look like on the screenshot below:

Thus, we hid the element of the controlled form optimally without accessing the server, the contextual server calls. Therefore, saved the amount of traffic transmitted and accelerated the work of the program.

Designing an interface on managed forms, especially if the solution will work in mode thin clientIt is always necessary to take into account the behavior of the platform with certain actions. For example, it has already been said above that when the visibility of items change, a complete redrawing form is performed on the server, and when the "Accessibility" property changes or switching the pages - all actions are performed on the client side.

Use the possibilities of managed forms correctly!