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How many will take the phone to the pawnshop. Where can you sell your phone: purchases, pawnshops, private workshops, advertisements on the Internet and the approximate cost

  • To put your phone in a pawnshop, you need to come up to us with your device and your passport.
  • Then our specialist inspects the device.
  • After the expert gives you the exact amount we can give you on bail, you decide if our conditions are right for you.
  • If everything fits, a loan agreement (security ticket) is drawn up, and you receive the named amount of money.

This document indicates the system for calculating loan payments that you have chosen and the approximate period during which you plan to redeem the phone (an option is possible when the interest is calculated every day, but there is an option where the interest is calculated per month). It also contains information about the details of the pawnshop, customer contact information and useful information about the item that you left as a pledge. It also clearly states what consequences the failure to comply with the conditions of one of the parties entails.

* Any citizen over 18 years of age can receive money on the security of a telephone. It is important to have your personal passport with you. Without it, you will not be able to draw up documents.

How much money can you get on the bail of your phone

How much money can be obtained on the security of a telephone is decided by our expert. He examines the phone in your presence and evaluates it. In doing so, he draws attention to the following factors:

  • Smartphone model and year of manufacture.
  • The general state of the device. It is important that the phone works properly and retains its attractive appearance... There should be no noticeable chips, scratches or cracks on it.
  • Availability of branded packaging and charger... With a complete set, we can charge a higher price.

If you find yourself in a difficult financial situation and you urgently need a certain amount of money, then you can get quick financial assistance by contacting a pawnshop. Surely in your closet are old work gadgets, which, with the advent of modern ones, have become unnecessary. In this case, ZalogLombard will help you. In our pawnshop you can leave your phone on bail and receive money as quickly as possible at a low interest rate.

What are the advantages of the ZalogLombard phone pawnshop in Moscow?

More often than not, people looking for Money, turn to friends and acquaintances with a request to borrow a certain amount for certain time... But what if you were refused? Most, without hesitation, will go to take out a bank loan, despite the high interest rates, great amount certificates and waiting for the issuance of money, which may take more than one day. But why go to such a financial institution when you can come to a financial institution and pledge your cellular telephone... Clients of the firm have seen from their own experience the advantages of cooperation with us. We offer favorable loan terms, low interest rates and fast payment of funds in a way convenient for you.

How is your property valued at ZalogLombard?

When evaluating your device, our specialists pay attention first of all to its general condition, the presence of any defects. The following parameters are also taken into account:

  • operability and serviceability of all functions;
  • year of manufacture and manufacturer;
  • availability of additional components, headsets.

The device that you brought on bail must be charged so that our specialists can check it in operation. You also need a charger. You can provide documentation for the cellular, warranty card and original packaging, if they are preserved.

Having carried out a qualified assessment, the company's specialists will determine the cost of the phone based on the current price on the market for this model... You can also calculate the loan amount yourself using the online calculator on our website.

Low interest rate is the main condition of our company

ZalogLombard has a large client base, our visitors are always satisfied with the service and terms of cooperation. Our main advantage is the lowest interest rate in Moscow, which is only 0.2% per day. This indicator can be revised in favor of the client when cooperating on an ongoing basis or obtaining a loan for a large amount. You can learn about all the details from our consultants.

The specifics of our work

If you decide to give your gadget on bail, please contact us. From you we only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The pawnshop employees will quickly draw up all the necessary papers and issue a mandatory document confirming the transaction - a security ticket. After that, you can receive money in any convenient way:

  1. Cash at the pawnshop checkout.
  2. Transfer to a bank card.
  3. Transfer to a bank account.

We act in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation, respect confidentiality, do not disclose your personal information and the terms of the transaction to third parties.

The ZalogLombard company is one of the best pawnshops in Moscow, where you can profitably pawn a phone or hand over a phone for spare parts, and get a good amount of money at the same time. For the clients of our pawnshop, we offer a consistently low interest rate, high-quality service and the services of qualified specialists who will quickly evaluate your pledged cell phone. Come to any branch of ZalogLombard, call the phone numbers indicated on the website or fill out an online application, and we will help you solve any financial difficulties.

In our turbulent and unstable time, there are often cases when money is urgently needed. What to do in this situation? How to quickly solve a problem with a lack of funds? The easiest thing to do is to hand over your phone to a pawnshop.

Today, buying up phones is very popular in all regions of Russia. This service is in greatest demand in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novgorod, Irkutsk, Rostov, Volgograd, Ufa, Rostov, Krasnoyarsk and other cities.

The pawnshop of mobile phones is very popular among the category of the population that simply wants to replace old phone to a new, more modern model.

Advantages of a pawnshop of mobile phones over conventional buying

The main advantage of a pawnshop over buying up mobile phones is the ability to buy out the collateral. To do this, you will just need to pay off the debt and pay the interest on the transaction. After that, the mobile can be picked up.

Phone pawnshop. How do I pawn my phone?

In order to receive money on the bail of a telephone, you must come to the branch of a pawnshop with a passport of a citizen of Russia, telephone. In some financial organizations, the mobile will be accepted without additional documents, but well-known pawnshops with a clean reputation will ask for documents and accompanying devices for a cell phone. These documents may include a passport for a cell phone, charging, and more.

How is a mobile phone evaluated?

In order to receive money on the security of a telephone, you must first evaluate the device itself. What is the amount of monetary reward calculated from? The size of the loan is influenced by the following phone parameters:

  • Year of manufacture and model of the mobile phone;
  • Cellular status;
  • The original cost of the phone;
  • The presence or absence of a device passport and instructions for it;
  • The presence of a charger and other accessories.

How to get more money on a phone bail?

To get the maximum amount mobile device should be in perfect condition... More stringent requirements are imposed on high-end luxury phones such as , Vertu, Mobiado etc. Their condition must be perfect. The pawnshop of phones rates such models very highly.

Mobile phones, what brands can I take to a pawnshop?

In addition to elite brands of mobile phones, the following can be handed over to a pawnshop:

  • Nokia;
  • Samsung;
  • Sony;
  • BlackBerry;
  • Philips.

Should you go for such a deal?

Should I take my phone on bail to a phone pawnshop? Definitely worth it, but in a situation where you need a small amount of money, urgently and for a short time. A loan secured by a telephone is the right, and most importantly, transparent solution for difficult life situations.

Before choosing and something, carefully read its terms and conditions and study the reviews on the network.

In recent years, the life cycle of a mobile phone has been reduced to 12-18 months. This means that the average Russian buys new gadget for calls and SMS every 1-1.5 years. However, few people know where old phones can be returned for money.

The federal network "Blago" offers to hand over a mobile phone to a pawnshop for spare parts or resale. You can return a new or old phone from any manufacturer and model of the last five years. Rent out your outdated mobile and get some money that can be added to buy the latest model.

What mobile phone can I take to a pawnshop?

  • By type: phone, smartphone
  • Shape: classic tube, slider
  • By input method: touch, with a stylus, with a keyboard

What factors influence the amount of remuneration?

  • Year of manufacture of the device
  • Manufacturer and model
  • Condition of the case, screen, speaker, microphone, and other parts
  • The initial cost of the device by check
  • Availability of warranty, instructions, product boxes
  • Availability of branded components

How much can you sell a device for?

The total amount of remuneration depends on the results of the assessment. More expensive and prestigious phones such as Vertu, Blackberry or iPhone are more expensive than others. Perfect technical condition is another advantage for those who want to rent out their old phone at a profit.

Requirements for the apparatus

You can sell your old phone if it meets the requirements:

  • Has a presentation
  • Working condition
  • A good, charged battery

Visit the nearest branch of the Blago pawnshop, do not forget the device itself. The expert will assess the state of the apparatus and name the current market value. You can return your phone and receive cash at the time of contact.

Every person sometimes urgently needed money. There are few ways to get paid before paycheck:

  • borrow from neighbors, relatives;
  • ask colleagues;
  • visit pawnshop of phones.

The latter method is suitable for independent people who are interested in a good attitude of family and friends. We create an exchange environment - we provide benefits to everyone. We will preserve the value left by the owner. The pawnshop extends the guarantee term indefinitely. We always find optimal solutions for the complex life situations... We understand - we are looking for a mutually beneficial, individual scheme of interaction.

The most advantageous offer in Moscow

Having worked for over 16 years, we have created a loyal cooperation scheme. All reformation contains the use of the borrower as the main generator of profit. Now phones earn up to 80% of the cost from the starting 50%. We outstrip our competitors in Moscow itself.

We accept devices that meet the criteria:

  • confirmation of the desire to hand over the phone;
  • demand for the secondary market;
  • presentation of a passport by a person.

5 minutes we make a deal. Time includes checking, paperwork, item packing. Our company has reduced the expectations of the visitor of his turn thanks to the well-established feedback... Call the numbers, a week in advance - find out the detailed answer of a qualified manager.

We accrue interest, fixed on official paper. Track the calculation - secret payments, double bets, deception are unacceptable. If 50 rubles are indicated for 24 hours of use, three days - 150. The rent paid by the borrower in advance is the prerogative of swindlers masquerading as a cell pawnshop. The practice of paying in advance works when cheating is planned. It is difficult to predict when the disgrace will occur - in a day, a week, the specified period for the end of the agreement. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the final payment.

It is easy to lay down a smartphone for a period of 60 days! The pawnshop allows you to re-mortgage an unlimited number of times. Pick up your mobile after 2, 4, 7 days of maintenance - no problem. Buy another gadget you like - pay extra, take it. When the brought device is more expensive than the selected product, we will pay the rest.

What is a loan office

We undertake to accept the value - in exchange for instant cash withdrawal. All items received for storage are subject to inventory and insurance. The company "Cilesta" has acquired proven insurance partners, which give a 100% guarantee of compensation for damage. We comply with the safety and security conditions of entrusted cell phones. Access to staff storage is restricted. We allow you to lay it without worrying about breakage during storage.

Call us when payment difficulties arise - we will always help out. Our interest is to keep a positive-minded customer.

Claims against the former owner of the gadget disappear. To take advantage of the pawnshop's offers - to solve monetary problems, to protect oneself from inappropriate questions.

We are trusted with the most expensive things

Has its own storage. We take care of all items, regardless of the year of manufacture, quality. The room is guarded around the clock by an attendant, surveillance cameras. Eliminated blind spots - it is impossible to pass by unnoticed.

Pawnshops satisfies the client's request to seal the property. Free of charge. The agreement describes:

  • quality of admission;
  • presence of defects;
  • completeness.

We take material responsibility in case of non-compliance initial state, the final.

Do you think the bank is safer?

The population trusts banks, giving little thought to the huge overpayment. Let's calculate the approximate rates of the banking system for payments of 10 thousand. Let's compare to the place where you can drop off your phone:

  • collection of documents, papers, certificates will take 2 days. With an average salary of 40,000 minus 4,000 budget for loan preparation;
  • Pay 1000 by ordering the issuance of a card;
  • using the card costs up to 1000 per year of use;
  • the percentages are different. Debt can be repaid only within a certain period of documents.

A week of credit will eat about 6 thousand at once. Pledging a phone to a pawnshop will bring 80% of its price instantly. There are no certificates confirming income, there are no guarantors. You can calculate the percentage yourself. The item will be returned after payment. Threats, collectors - we cross out the collateral. Failure to pay interest entails only the sale by us, and the price tag concerns only us.

Caution - "fake" mobile pawnshops

The fault of a bad reputation is MFOs (microfinance organizations). They position themselves as pawnshops, taking bail. Required condition- ransom. The manager is silent about such a clause of the contract. Payments cannot be excluded. After a while, a lawsuit will come, the extortionists will knock. Reading the contract will discourage questionable cooperation. They will sell for a minimal price tag. You pay the remaining debt. You cannot evade by waving your hand - the law will confirm your responsibility .. If you can redeem - great, no - this is our problem.

Use the services provided wisely. Expert Council

Is the new smartphone model expensive? It is scary to buy a used device - suddenly it is a fake, broken, stolen. We will help you exchange. We act like this:

  • bring the old thing. Hand over to the person on duty;
  • the specialist evaluates the quality of the product - gives an assessment;
  • You exchange by paying a small amount.

Return your phone to a pawnshop- you are automatically notified where to buy quality equipment. The authenticity, correctness of each model is checked. The acquisition of stolen equipment, which will be taken away by the police, is deleted.

We guarantee honest cooperation - maximum benefits for you.