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New gadgets for windows 10.

Gadgets for Windows 10, also called widgets, are the most controversial option in the operating system. Installing them, most of the users do not even imagine that personal Computer You can use effectively without them. There is another part of users who have never worked with gadgets.

What is it generally? Widgets are separate slight programs that are displayed on the desktop. They perform some definite simple function, for example, are a calculator or player of music files. There are gadgets on Windows 10, which show the level of processor load, time or weather.

Thanks to them, you can concentrate a compact on the desktop many important functions.

As a result, the work at the computer will be much easier and more comfortable. Such mini programs need to set once to enjoy all the time. They start when the computer is turned on in automatic mode. RAM And the processor is not much loaded when gadgets work.

Why were the widgets were excluded from the latest version of Windows?

It was possible to note that already in Windows 8 desktop gadgets were removed. And in the later version, the developer did not return them back. Why was such a step? What considerations was done from?

The developer decided that they had the need for them. Alternatively, live tiles were integrated as an alternative to Windows 8. New interface I didn't like everyone else. However, living tiles are largely similar to gadgets in many ways. They can see a lot useful informationwhich is updated online.

In addition, the developer saw the potential danger in such programs. Most likely, Microsoft in this case is simply reinsured. It is difficult to imagine that such a small component. operating system Reduced the level of security. Unlikely attackers use parts software code Gadgets to implement their affairs. There is a possibility that the activation of the widgets leads to a decrease in performance. But you can learn about it only if you run this component and trace the change in the processor temperature. For Windows 10 gadgets on the developer's website not found.

Most of Windows Windows 10 simply accepted as a fact that it happened. They began to actively use tiles. They were found, however, those who decided to search for workarounds and return the lost element of the interface. They wondered how to return gadgets for Windows 10?

Especially for such conservatives, some third-party developers have released programs that are replacing widgets by functionality. Where to find such programs? How to install them and use?

About programs that replace gadgets in Windows 10

8Gadgetpack is one of the most popular programs for solving this problem. The program allows you to return the desktop widgets. The elements that are displayed are very similar to the widgets in Windows 7. Installation of the program occurs quickly and does not require special effort. The user must download the installation file. After the download is completed, it should be launched to start 8Gadgetpack.

The program supports the interface in Russian, to use it extremely simple.

Having visited the official website of the program, you can see the list of widgets that the developer offers. 8gadgetpack is represented by many widgets, including there is a gadget to disable the personal computer. Present in the set gadget with clock, calendar, weather and many other useful widgets. 8Gadgetpack functions perfectly in the Windows 8 operating system.

Windows Desktop Gadgets is another program with which you can return the gadgets to the working windows table 10. However, the program has a serious drawback. The widget list includes only those that were included in the package for Windows 7. The Gadget Panel from Windows Desktop Gadgets imitates elements from Windows 7. In addition, the program supports files that have the extension ".gadget". Files with such an extension can still be found on the Internet. Understand where are located installed gadgets, not difficult. They are located in the usual control panel.

To solve the problem with the lack of gadgets in Windows 10, you can install MFI10. This analog is slightly more comprehensive. Along with the programs, it has many other remarkable options that were "cut out" from Windows 10. File for installation (installer) has an extension ".iso".

  • The MFI10 interface, unfortunately, is not translated into Russian.

We have to use the English version. The functionality of the program will please any user.

  • The MFI10 program is equipped with a media center and NetFramework, has Movie Maker and DirectX 9.

Of course, in the network you can find a dozen analogues of the above programs. However, 8GadgetPack and Windows Desktop Gadgets confidently retain the palm of the championship. And it is deserved. It is only necessary to warn from downloading files from unverified sources. This can cause a computer infection with viruses.

How to manage gadgets and which exist

The gadget interface is extremely simple. In such mini-programs there are always cross, several points, arrow and wrench. Each of these characters is responsible for a specific action.

When you click on the cross, the program closes and disappears from the panel. The arrow allows you to control the size of the window, making it more or less. When you click on several points, the gadget will move.

To configure specific parameters, the gadget will need to click on the wrench.

Most programs do not have any settings, as they are responsible for one, specific function. However, if they are available, then very simple.

Consider the most popular mini-programs for the Windows 10 operating system. How can each of them be useful?

  1. Virus Blue. The time is displayed, you can learn about the temperature and parameters of the processor.
  2. SIMPLE SYSTEM DATE. Provides information about the date and time, calendar.
  3. Rockstar Extras. You can learn about the download central processor and its temperature. In addition, the gadget provides information on the characteristics of the video card.
  4. It is considered the most informative mini-application of weather. The user is provided with all the nuances of the weather: temperature, level of precipitation, the percentage of cloudiness, humidity, etc. In this widget, you can track many parameters that are described by the weather. It is worth noting that the gadget informs in advance about changes in temperature and appearance of precipitation.
  5. Designed specifically for those who are used to track all the parameters, which indicate the performance of a personal computer. From the gadget, it will become clear how many kernels in the processor, as far as the CPU is loaded, what temperature is the processor. The mini-program has many settings and allows you to very accurately adjust the parameters. What will be displayed in the IntelcoreReserie gadget, only the user decides.
  6. Accu Weather Mini. Also tell you about the weather in a particular place. As in Proweather, you can see detailed information About current weather and forecast for a couple of days.
  7. TRASH DUMP. With full confidence, this gadget can be called the most creative mini-program for Windows 10. Together with this gadget, nothing noticeable basket becomes an original thing. The user can change appearance in your mood. 50 different elements with an empty or filled type are provided to the choice. The program settings allow you to monitor the amount of filled place. The indicator will tell about the level of fullness. This gadget will help to decorate boring weekdays. TRASH DUMP includes a large list of radio stations. In addition, the gadget is equipped with a calendar.
  8. NVIDIA GPU TEMP. Displays all characteristics video card NVIDIA. In particular, the type of video card and temperature is visible. And the temperature of the video card may be displayed in Celsiys or Fahrenheita. The interface can be represented in different colors. The choice is offered 5 colors.
  9. POISON / TOXIC / H20. It is a very extensive and convenient gadget. It presents three assemblies of programs. Complete Poison / Toxic / H20 network traffic and watches, basic processes running on the computer. It provides operational information about the charge of the battery, the level of memory and processor, the parameters of the internal and external disks and the state of the Internet.
  10. Control System. The program helps to control the functionality of the operating system. The control buttons are conveniently located. The design and number of various functions will delight everyone.

What else is popular?

  1. Unit Converter. It will be relevant to those who are confused in units of energy, square. This is perhaps the most convenient gadget to translate various values. Mass, length, time and temperature - all this can be quickly translated.
  2. Multi Meter. From it, the user receives operational data on the download of the CPU, the amount of memory and the memory used. The interface can be configured so that the information is updated at certain intervals.
  3. Launch Control. You can add links to programs for quickly launch. You can configure fast access To different system options. The main section is added, groups with labels are deleted and edited. Through the additional menu, detail the appearance.
  4. Provides information about disk sections. Seen free space, which is available in each of the sections. Through the wrench you can configure the sections to display.
  5. ClapBoarder Gadget. Works with clipboard. Elements do not disappear without a trace, they are displayed by a visual ribbon. If you click on the item, it immediately goes to the buffer and visible in the gadget. It has a rich selection of decoration, you can adjust the level of transparency, the length of the tape. Maximum can be displayed 100 items. The style of tape is configured.

For safe extraction external devices You can use the Remove Drive Safely Glassy.

Program Gadgets and Xgadget

The GARGETS Revived program adds the "Gadgets" options in the Options menu. The package has all the standard Windows 7 gadgets. Present in the set of widgets that will tell about the weather, news and the download of the CPU. There are also gadgets with newsletter, calendar. If some gadgets are missing, they can be installed separately. Additionally, you can configure the size, the level of transparency and some other settings.

There is also a XGADGET program that helps quickly decorate the desktop by the desired widgets.

The program window already contains standard widgets and gadgets in Windows 10, which can be downloaded.

So, ways to return gadgets in Windows 10 were considered. It is clear that every user can download the above programs. Thus, only the choice of gadgets remains the most difficult problem. What will be on the gadget panel must decide the one who will use the computer.

If you feel about the category of users, that preferred to skip the previous Microsoft OS and with Windows 7 moved immediately to Windows 10, then in the new OS to your unpleasant surprise you can not detect some of the features to which you managed to get used to. One of these are the gadgets for the desktop of Windows - special mini-applications placed on the desktop and performing their own, as a rule, a small task. In the "eight" Microsoft unexpectedly decided to abandon gadgets and fully cut them out of the system, motivating its solution to alleged concern for user safety. According to the plan of the Corporation, replaced gadgets were to have so-called live tiles, but not all users considered comparable to this replacement. Nevertheless, in Windows 10 gadgets initially not.

In this small article, we will gladly tell you about how easy it is to quickly return the usual gadgets in Windows 10. We will do it using the 8GadgetPack program. Why do our choice fell on it? It is absolutely free, compact (distribution weighs only 20 MB), has a Russian interface and visually organized just like gadgets in Windows 7.

In addition, the developer constantly supports 8GadgetPack as current state. So, despite the name, the program is already adapted for Windows 10. During the existence of the application from 2012, already 14 major updates were released for it. In this way, actual version 8Gadgetpack At the time of writing this text - 15.0.

How to return the gadgets in Windows 10?

Return the gadgets in Windows 10 is simpler simple. To start, they need to download:

Immediately after clicking, the file loading is about 20 MB. Find the folder to which it boot and double-click on it:

In the window that appears, click the Install button:

Follow, click "Yes" in the prevention from the operating system:

If you did not take a tick from the show "Show Gadgets When Setup EXITS", then the gadgets will be launched immediately after clicking "Finish". However, after installation, only a few mini-applications are activated. For example, the gadget hours and the weather gadget.

In order to find others, open context menu desktop. There, after installation, the 8GadgetPack appeared a well-known paragraph "Gadgets".

It opens the interface where all the mini-applications available to the user are located on four pages:

Most of the usual gadgets, including currency, news headers and calendar are located at the end of the third or on the fourth page.

Gadgets are launched with double click or simply transfer to the desktop. Turns off the mini-application command to "close the gadget" in your context menu.

If the existing gadgets appear to you, then you will note that after installing the 8GadgetPack, the system will again start "understand" files with the extension ".gadget"

Gadgets and side panel for Windows 10

Than 8gadgetpack differs from standard Set windows gadgets 7? Perhaps the key differences are two.

First, the gadgets themselves, as you might notice in the screenshots above, here is noticeably more. If in Windows 7, they were initially only eight, then 8gadgetpack from the box offers more than 50 gadgets.

For some tasks in this set, several gadgets are located at once. For example, to display the weather, you can choose one of the six mini-applications that will seem most pleasant and functional.

There are in the set and many such gadgets, the analogs of which Windows 7 did not offer the box. These are launchers for quick launch the necessary files and applications, gadgets displaying the number of unread letters in mailboxModules for network monitoring and battery charge.

Gadgets are available for convenient removal of flash drives, work with a basket, convert values, quick volume control and monitoring processes:

If you have fallen skeptically to the idea of \u200b\u200bgadgets, please pay special attention to the Clipboarder module that is responsible for working with the exchange buffer. This gadget not so long ago, we even included in the convenience of Windows to a new level.

On the right of the clipboarder, the settings of another convenient gadget are disclosed - DriveInfo displaying on the desktop interactive disk logical icons on the desktop

The second important difference lies in one particular gadget, which is called 7 Sidebar and is automatically turned on after installation. This gadget adds side 10. The side panel existed only in Windows Vista. And already to the "seven" Microsoft refused it. However, someone such an opportunity may seem reasonable.

Users of computers that switched from Windows 7 on Windows 10 or bought a personal computer with a pre-installed ten, are often wondering - where widgets are gone. Answer this question is quite simple. Starting with Windows 8, the company is more does not use In their operating systems widgets.

For many users who are accustomed to widgets, this is a rather unpleasant news. But do not be upset. In this material we describe the process returning gadgets in the operating system Windows 10. in place. For example, the recovery of the widgets we use free programs Gadgets Revived and 8GadgetPack, whose installation and work we will consider in the new Windows 10 Pro operating system.

Return widgets using the GADGETS Revived utility

Program Gadgets Revived is absolutely free. You can download the utility from its official site After loading the installer, you can proceed to the immediate installation. After running the installer, a window will appear in front of us where we will be offered to select the installation language.

Choose language And we will continue, after which you will get into the starting window of the installer. In the starting window, click the Next\u003e button and move to the language selection window.

By default, we already have a Russian language, so we continue the installation.

In the window that appears, we need to click the Install button, after which the installation of the program will start. After completing the installation, the installer will output the last window in which we click the Complete button.

Now you can proceed to installation widgets. To do this, go to the desktop and click on it right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select " Gadgets».

A window should appear with widgets that were preset in the seven.

To add gadgets to the desktop, just think necessary for him. For example, it looks like a steady widget " Clock»On the desktop.

From the review utility Gadgets Revived It can be seen that it almost completely copies the appearance and functionality of the built-in widgets in the seven. For example, a gadget clock has similar settings for Windows 7 gadgets.

If you are not enough pre-installed gadgets, you can find hundreds of new gadgets on main page

To install the gadget you like, it is enough to download from the official site. After that, open the downloaded file and click the Install button in the window that appears.

For example, it looks like the installed beautiful clock Ferrari Clock. On the desktop.

You can download this widget on the page.

Return widgets using the 8GadgetPack program

Another interesting utility is 8GadgetPack. The utility is also free and you can download it from the official site After starting the installation file, we will fall in the starting window of the installer.

Press the Install button, after which the installation will start 8GadgetPack In Windows 10. At the final installation stage, the last window will appear in which you want to press the Finish button.

Installing 8GadgetPack, You can proceed to the use of gadgets. To do this, also go to the desktop and click on it right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select the same item " Gadgets».

Utility should open 8GadgetPack With a set of gadgets, which seems to resemble the previous utility, but is slightly different.

The main difference 8GadgetPack from Gadgets Revived It is that all gadgets have already been added to the first, and they do not need to be downloaded separately. IN 8GadgetPack Included more than fifty applications and each new version This list is expanding. To install gadgets, they are the same as in Gadgets RevivedYou need to drag on the desktop. For example, in the image below shows a responted gadget " Digital clock».

If you press the combination of the Win + Q keys to invoke applications in Windows 10 and dial in it " 8Gadgetpack Tools."We can open the Advanced Settings menu.

The only unpleasant moment is that the menu will be on english language. So that our readers make it easier to deal with this menu, we signed every item in Russian in the image below.

Let's sum up

It is not known for what reason the developers removed widgets from new Windows operating systems. Perhaps this decision was made because of their small popularity. But whatever their solution, after all, the widgets are popular with many users, because they help recognize various information directly from the desktop screen.

Thanks to such utilities like 8GadgetPack and Gadgets RevivedThe Windows 10 operating system users will be able to use the widgets to which they are accustomed to the seven. And we, in turn, hope that detailed review program 8GadgetPack and Gadgets Revived It will help our readers to establish widgets on Windows 10. We also want to note that in 2016 Microsoft promises to release two major updates, perhaps they will add support for gadgets or find them an alternative.

Video on the topic

The desktop gadgets are officially recognized by the vulnerability in the operating system protection system. They refused after the seventh version. For Vista and seven were even produced special applicationsnecessary to get rid of Windows desktop from this attack. This information, including editing registry, is published on the official Microsoft website. A package of updates for seven has been released. Do you still think about how to install gadgets for windows 10?

Now everything is in the Start menu. Weather gadgets are replaced with beautiful colored tiles. Available and other joys of life: Currency courses, calendar. Why do we need these widgets? We all went through the era of pirated copies of Windows with Trojans, back-road and vulnerabilities who are creating incomprehensible things. In order to bring clouds and snow to put your safety at risk. Of course, no one prohibits using Desktop Gadgets Installer.


In Windows, the gadgets are the same as the widget site. Small allocated elements made from general design performing a specific function. It can be:

  1. Alarm clock.
  2. Clock.
  3. The calendar.
  4. Weather forecast.
  5. Rate.
  6. Games.
  7. News.

In the seven, the installation of gadgets was extremely simple. It was necessary to click right-click on the desktop and select the appropriate menu item.

The system offered a pre-installed collection.

Climbing on any of them could be installed. There is no more in the top ten, because active elements Violate the security of the system. You can read more about this here Over the last month, Microsoft's official website has no record about how to put gadgets somewhere.

Applications for windows

Microsoft could not leave users without an alternative and offer them gadgets on Windows 10, but only this is not completely gadgets) even more precisely, they are not at all, but the starting tiles are embedded in the Start menu. This is how it looks like on the counter.

In fact, nothing has changed, but now the beautiful labels cannot be reset to the desktop. To configure about this or that event, you will have to strain and press the WIN button, or click the left mouse button on the Start menu. It was decided to try out this Divo on the example of Euronews.

The application was downloaded through the store, installed and now you can drag it to the right place.

It must be admitted that the icon is quite unparalleled, not a couple of gadgets. When you press, the application is started with the news, drags on the desktop in the form of a label. In fact, it's just an application. Nothing more. We must admit that after this experience we understood those who wish to return the gadgets to the Windows desktop 10. Appearance and functionality are completely different. Although still managed to find out that 2000 ducks were killed in France, and now the pate, probably, will rise in price.

Third-party applications

Users inform that third-party applications And the result of their work has to be renovated to include gadgets. Updates are downloaded correctly, and everything goes according to plan. Just Microsoft against gadgets. Desktop Gadgets Installer is available on At the very least, we did not find other sources. The program requires installation, and it is not very good for a long time.

The application quickly set, and where is it? It turned out that the item was simply added to the context menu that appears when right-clicking on the desktop. Could ever warn. When you delete a package, it is not installed (without reboot), the gadget string from the menu does not disappear. It feels like this is some tricky product.

Gadgets inside less than it was in the seven, but something is available.

In stock:

  • clock;
  • slides;
  • calendar and so on.
  • Perenov sample

    Honestly, the first impression is so-so. However, judge for yourself ... Here is a screen.

    Well ... at least now it is clear that today is December 2. Not bad. After a few seconds, the program completed his work and removed all the gadgets. It is a pity that the weather gadget does not work, and RSS does not want to display a news list on the screen, an incorrect widget can be removed. Another thing is that it is not so beautiful as I would like.


    It should be noted that the appearance of the installer is no different from the previous program. It can be assumed that these are different products of the same authorship. This impression complements the fact that with the right click and the choice of the cherished word appear (!) Old familiar, and the window with a list is already new. And immediately closes. How cute it is.