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Windows 7 is created temporary profile. What is a temporary profile of Windows and how to remove it

Running the system, any user can detect a strange notification that says that you are logged in with temporary profile . It appears on Windows 7, 10 and 8. In the seventh version of the system, the message will be supplemented with such a line: "You cannot access your files ...". When the computer is disconnected, the data can be removed. Is the terrible message not? The problem to eliminate is quite simple and now we will deal with what.

The main reason for the appearance of the temporary profile of Windows is deleted by the user account directory, or due to the change of its name. There may be other reasons about which we can not guess. But we hope that the tips from this article will help you.

Fix "You are logged in with a temporary profile of Windows 10"

I'll figure it out with a dozen. Surprisingly, she is replete with various bugs, but they are becoming less and less with each update. Tips from this article will be explained by a simple language, and for each system separately.

When you turn on the computer on Windows 10 to the right at the bottom you will see a notification that I said above and reset standard application. What do you need to do in this case?

If your computer is not an office and you are an administrator, then read below the error correction option. Otherwise, you will have to create another administrator account. If it is impossible to do this, go to and do everything there.

So, in the course of work, we will need a register. Before editing it is defined. And now detailed instructions:

  • Run the registry as follows: Click the combination of Win + R and enter regedit.;
  • In the opening window opened, we open the specified sections alternately, until we are in the latter :.
  • Open the final item and choose the subsection where attributed ".Bak". In the right window we find the ProfileImagePath parameter. Its value is the name of the user, or rather, by the profile catalog.
  • Make sure the name of the accounting coincides with the one that you specified. If there is a difference, then you press the parameter twice and specify the right way and the name of the account catalog.
  • Restart PC.

Other articles:

How to be if the path in the registry before the account directory turned out to be correct?

  • If there is a section in the left part of the section with the same name, but without expansion. Bak, delete.
  • Delete the section and with extension.bak.
  • Restart PC.

If methods do not help, try to restore the system.

Temporary Profile of Windows 7, how to fix

The message "You entered the system with a temporary profile" on Windows 7. It is possible to use the instructions from the first method for the tenth Windows. But let's wonder it again:

  • Go to the system under the admin profile, or in safe mode;
  • Open the registry and go to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ Currentversion \\ PROFILELIST (the same);
  • Find a subsection with expansion. Bak and just his removeAs they did at first. Before that, do not forget to make a backup registry or this section;
  • Restart the PC and look what is the result of entering the account.

After restarting the computer, the folder will create a folder with the correct user profile and the path, the message that you are logged in with a temporary profile should disappear.

Other options for deleting a temporary profile

If the problem still appears, think for what reason she could have arisen, you may have recently installed some kind of program or made some changes in the system that caused such a problem. If so, delete the program and correct the changes.

Go back on behalf of the administrator and move all the important files to the non-system drive. Further go to "Computer". Choose "Properties of the system".


In the left side of the window choose the item « Extra options Systems ».

What is the essence? You delete the profile, but account Not anywhere. After rebooting, everything should return to the circles.

Finally, as I said at the beginning of the article, you can return on the recovery point, that is, return the system by the time when everything was fine, or you can create a new user.

There is a trick in Windows that allows you to change the name of the user folder, the one that lies in the catalog C: / Users. Sometimes to resort to it is sometimes necessary to correct errors in the work of some programs whose components located in the user folder with the Russian title do not recognize Cyrillic characters. But this trick has its own reverse side - when it is used, the probability of getting a message " you are entered using a temporary profile"With all the consequences arising from here.

Such, in particular, are the inability to gain access to some user files, delete files created in a temporary profile, resetting the desktop settings, specific applications and a number of small troubles. If a specified error It was caused by renaming the user's folder, the best thing you can do is return the folder to its former name in the same way you renamed it. If the error "you entered using a temporary profile" was caused by any other reasons, try resorted to the method described below.

Note: An example here is an error solving is a worker for home computers under windows control 8.1 and 10 not located in the domain.

To correct the error "You entered using a temporary profile" you need a built-in (hidden) administrator account, however, to activate it, you must log in to the system under your administrator account, even if the error does not affect the access rights . Otherwise, you will need to create an administrator account or boot into the system in safe mode with support. command line, Open the CMD console with increased rights and fulfill the activation command of the hidden administrator:

net User Administrator / Active: Yes

After that, exit the system and log in to the activated administrator account. Open the registry editor and expand the next branch in the left column:


If in the catalog PROFILELIST. there is a subsection with the prefix .bak At the end of the name, highlight it with the mouse and see whether the value of the ProfileImagePath parameter matches the right-hand side of the editor window with the user folder. If it does not match, replace the value of the parameter to the full way to custom folder. If in the catalog PROFILELIST. There is a subsection accurately with the same name as the subsection with the prefix .bakRemove it, and then rename the subsection of S.Bak, removing one only console. Close the editor, reboot and log in to the account that issued an error.

If the value of the parameter ProfileImagePath Faithful, remove the subsection, whose name coincides with the name of the subsection with the prefix. Bak. At the same time, also remove the subsection of S.Bak. A similar way and in the event that subsection with the prefix. Bak will not exist at all. Just remove the subsection with the parameter ProfileImagePath (For starters, still try to fix the path if it is incorrect, without deleting the subsection), then exit the profile hidden administrator And go to the account that previously issued an error.

Attention! When removing the subsection from the registry windows User. Create a new one, but it will differ from the initial one, while in the USERS directory next to the user folder will be created new folder With the same name to which the prefix will be added Desktop-xxxxxx.. Therefore, once again go under the administrator account in the registry and correct the value of the path in the parameter ProfileImagePath.

Everyone is good Windows Seven, but its specific glitches often continue to delight the eyes. One of these glitches with whom I had to face personally, it is the entrance to the system with a temporary profile.

I think that any owner of the seven is not insured from such a misfortune. As a result of the unforeseen shutdown of the computer or because of the internal failure file System It turns out such a bjaca. Disappear all your icons and files from the desktop fly custom settingsAnd the system starts the "temporary desktop", which is not really anything, and the icons cannot be sent.

Moreover, the most curious thing is that, sometimes, even the creation of a new profile does not help. What it is connected, one Steve Balker is only known. Previously, I had to make the system rollback to the control point of recovery, but it is stupid.

And there is a way to combat this computer ailment. Moreover, it is very simple - you just need to fix the Windows registry.

For these purposes, press the Win + R key combination (or the "Run" command on the panel) and run regedit. (This is a registry editing utility).

Now, so as not to bother with search, let's instruct this lesson Regedit. Click the CNTRL + F key combination and vbo in the search box that opens. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ Currentversion \\ PROFILELIST. Put the daws like me:

Now click "Find Next". If you did everything right, the program will automatically show the desired partition. If you did not succeed, then just find the section specified by me.

In order not to handle the system, let's export the registry tree. In the menu, select File-\u003e Export and save our registry bush to any place. In which case, you can always restore it by clicking twice along the created file.

In the tree we are looking for files with extension.bak (there will be our lost account).

We will make sure that this is what we need to have a parameter in the "ProfileImagePath" parameter.

Making sure that we found it, remove the extension. Bak at the profile folder, and the same profile, as the one that without. Bak it is set (this is a temporary desktop, we are just in this way and remove it).

Well, now it remains to enter zeros in the "REFCOUNT" and "STATE" sections (0 Introduce in quotes - it is necessary).

We reboot and see a normal desktop that once disappeared. As you can see, nothing complicated here.

Some innovations in operating systems Windows last Generations (meaning "Windows 7" and above) are able to plunge into shock itself sophisticated and ready for the entire user. They are the cause of numerous bugs and system malfunctions, radically changing the idea of \u200b\u200bits quality.

One of these bugs is a widely known problem of entry into Windows with a temporary profile that occurs during the system reloading immediately after the incorrect completion of its work. What does it mean? So it's about the following: when the computer starts, you receive from OS a message about what you entered Windows under a temporary profile. And also the fact that you do not have access to many of your own files and folders.

Moreover, you warn you that all elements of the file system created during the session process will be immediately destroyed immediately after another computer reboot. Situation, to put it mildly, unpleasant.

Is it possible to somehow get rid of the temporary profile assigned to you with a whispering axis? Of course, everyone is clear that it is possible to do it. Do not reinstall the axis due to such a trifle. But the specific method of combating a problem is the subject of our little note. Take patience, be careful and strictly follow our recommendations.

By the way, a similar problem occurs not only in the "seven". But also in old versions operating system. It solves approximately the same, for small differences, defined by the features of the architecture and the registry structure of the transaction data.

In addition to the aforementioned trouble with the deletion of files and folders, there are some more:

  • First, the loading with a temporary profile is much slower than with the usual one.
  • Secondly, instead of the familiar workstation and cozy placed labels on the desktop you will be ascetic emptiness of the screen, which is exactly what occurs immediately after installing Windows.
  • Thirdly, all the browser settings will not be available: the passwords are stored by the browser to sites, bookmarks favorite pages and the history of the Internet visits.

Let's deal with together how to return everything to the usual mind. So, for business!

Causes of malfunction and easiest way to fix it

  • The current working profile of the user, fixed by the OS, may fail due to the attack by its virus, malfunction of the hard drive, system failures of the OS itself and some other circumstances of the same kind. They can be attributed to software and hardware.
  • The user could independently delete critical files from the \\ Users folder on the system section.
  • Some program and process blocked access to the resources of the \\ Users folder. And if such a process intercepts resource management at the computer start, it will not be possible to boot in the usual way.

There are several simple ways Allow difficulty. However, their simplicity does not mean effectiveness. In many cases, their effectiveness is negligible, and the problem is both and remains. For example, you can try to trust the PC to restart. Sometimes it helps. You can view your desktop content.

If a suspicious file is detected on the desktop, it may well be the "beast" that blocks access to the standard profile.

A vivid example of such a program - ammyy.exe. Such files you just need to delete. Suppose it did not help us what to do next? Try to work S. register of Windows or USERS folder.

We work with the registry: the first way

We treat the profile:

In theory, everything should turn out. But if it did not help, then test the alternative method.

We work with the Users folder: the second method

As in the previous case, we will need to activate the administrator's account in the same way as above, and then go to the \\ Users directory of the disk system partition. Next, go to the temporary profile subdirectory and copy everything important from there somewhere on the disk.

After that, using the key combination "Win" + "Break", open the window system settings And go to the "Advanced Parameters" link. The image below orients you in this:

Click the "Parameters" button, and in the window that opens, remove the malicious profile. We offer another explanatory process image:

Restart the PC and admire the result. You must not forget to move previously saved files and folders back to the \\ Users folder, but only already in the subdirectory with the name of the standard profile. As you can see, there is nothing easier. Now you know what is temporary windows profile 7 And how to fix it.

After entering your account to the computer running the operating system windows systemsIn the lower left corner, the window is displayed with the words "the login is made with a temporary profile". This is how this window looks like:

And if you look at what user you went, you can see there proudly standing TEMP. Did you encounter this problem? What to do?

What is a temporary profile (TEMP account)?

And for a start, let's figure it out in definitions. The TEMP account is a temporary account. Yes, you come, work, everything seems to be fine, but it is worth out, and all your settings, all your documents that were created or changed during the session time will be deleted. The TEMP account is similar to the Default account. The difference is only that I use the second of them can not go to the computer. Let me remind you that the Default account represents the default template from which all new computer users start their path. There are default settings, such as desktop saver, time zone and other custom nonsense. And our TEMP account becomes exactly the same as Default, after the user completes the session. Well, not to mention that the TEMP account has a rather modest authority, which makes it absolutely useless. It is about this that it is trying to bring an explanation to us, next after the words "Login to the system is completed with a temporary profile." This is such an unpleasant situation. Why is this happening? I will try to explain.

Causes of entry under the temporary account

When creating each account, a partition is generated in the registry, in which the basic information about this user is stored. And what are we doing when we want to delete any user from the computer? That's right, we demolish his folder in Users.. After all, why it is needed if this user does not work more on this computer. Yes, his folder takes place on the hard disk. This is how the user folder is deleted. But the record of it remains in the registry.

And let's say that through N-Oh, this user has appeared and decided to go under his account. What will he see? That's right, TEMP account. After all, there is a record about user, but its folders, settings and any heresy there. Here they are allowed under the temporary account so that it can somehow be able to use the computer. Remote files We no longer refund (although it is possible, but in this case it is inappropriate), but to create a miracle so that the user can again go out normally under his account, we can.

Get rid of a temporary account

To get rid of the temporary account you need to open Registry editor, go on a branch

HKLM / Software / Microsoft / Windows NT / CURRENT VERSION / PROFILELIST

In this thread, select the node of the relevant user (you understand this, by that. What name is highlighted in one of the parameters on the right) and delete this node. After that, it is necessary to exit the temporary profile and again go under the required account. The lost account will be created again.

Such a problem is mainly the privilege of the Windows XP operating system. Why? Because only she, again, is mainly susceptible to this problem. Windows 7 is already able to re-create a user folder in such cases. Although sometimes all the same errors are found at later versions of Windows.

P.S. By the way, work under a temporary profile can be used in some situations. For example, if one computer has a lot of different people, and keep their profiles for them is not particularly important. For example, in training audiences.