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Rename the user profile folder in Windows 7. Changing the username in Windows

In some cases, you need to change the name of the user's personal folder. For example, if the folder is called Cyrillic, then its name will be required to change to the Latin for the correct operation of some games or programs. The usual way to do it will not work.

In this article I will give step-by-step instructions How to rename the user folder. After changing the folder name, all other programs will work properly, of course, if you do not allow errors when executing the instruction.

Preparation for renaming

Before renamed the user folder, take two things:

  • First, after changing the name of the folder, the topic of registration will be lost. If you need it, save it. This is done in the properties of the desktop.
  • Secondly, if you do not do something according to the instructions, you can damage Windows, and it will not boot. Therefore, create a recovery point.

How to rename the user folder

Create an account that will have administrator rights. This is done in the control panel in the Account Management section. Then log in under this account. When the instruction is passed, it can be deleted.

Go to systemic local disk (The one on which is installed by Windows) and get to the "Users" or "Users" folder. Find here a personal folder of the user you want to rename and rename it in conventional method - Through the right mouse button.

Suppose I rename the Victor folder in "Viktor", as shown in the screenshot.

If you cannot change the folder name, do it in safe mode.

If the UAC security message appears when renaming, click "Yes."

How to change the registry paths

The name of the folder is recorded in the Windows registry. Thus, after you managed to rename the user folder, you still need to change the paths in the registry.

To do this, press Win + R, in the window that opens, record the REGEDIT and press the "OK" button. You will see the registry editor.

You will enter the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ ProfileList folder of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ CURRENTVERSION \\ PROFILELIST, whose name begins on "S-1-5 ...". Open each of them and find the one in which the ProfileImagePath parameter contains a value called the user name that you rename.

So, I am looking for "ProfileImagePath", in the meaning of which is "Victor".

Click on this parameter twice and change its value by writing a new username. But change only the part of the path where the old name is contained. And click "OK".

As a result, you will see that the parameter has changed the value.

How to change the name of the account

Remained last step In the instructions on how to rename the user folder - you need to change the account in the system.

Press Win + R, in the window that opens, write NetPlwiz and click OK. You will see a list of users.

If the option is not enabled, then turn on "Require user name and password". Highlight the account, the folder of which you renamed, and click the "Properties" button.

A window appears in which to change the "User" fields and the "full name" to the new value of the user folder. For example, I change the "Victor" on "Viktor". Then click "OK" in this window, and in the one that opened before.

Finally, it remains to restart the computer. Reboot and log in to the account that was renamed. If you did everything right, it will successfully boot, and everything will work fine, but the topic of registration will not be the one that was before. Therefore, I wrote at first that you need to save the topic. And also, at this stage you can delete an additional recorded entry of the administrator, which was created at the beginning.

In the process windows installations Many users do not think about how important the user name is correctly correct. This is not only the name you will see when entering the operating system, but also one of the root words on the way to any installed program. The name of the user folder depends on behalf of the account.

Most Russian-language computers users prefer the user name written in Cyrillic. Windows operating system allows you to do this, but after this reason problems may arise. The fact is that some programs and games cannot competently work in the presence of Cyrillic letters on the way to executing files. In such a situation, the solution is obvious - rename the user folder. Make it is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Note: If you want to rename the user folder, in no case cannot be done in a standard manner or using special programs, otherwise it will result in errors, fix that will be able to reinstall Windows.

Before you begin the instructions described below, we recommend creating, which will be useful if problems arise. It is also necessary to know in advance the version of Windows 10 installed on the computer, since the ways of changing the folder name for various options operating system will be varied.

How to rename the user folder in Windows 10 Home

On most computers at home ordinary users Installed "home" version of the operating windows systems. It does not have some tools that are available in more professional variations of the system. Rename the user folder in Windows 10 HOME more difficult than in pro options And Enterprise, but do it real.

Important: If there are many programs on the computer, some of them have been able to stop working after changing the name of the account name. We advise you to assess the risks before entering the process of changing the name of the user folder.

To rename the user folder in Windows 10 HOME you need:

  1. Create a new user or activate the hidden account windows recordingThe use of which is expected in emergency situations. To run the "Secret Account", you need. Next, enter the command:
Net User Administrator / Active: Yes

Important: Depending on the used windows version 10, you may need to enter a not "administrator", but "Administrator". This is necessary when the system was localized. third-party softwareWhat often happens on pirated software versions.

Please note: if you included a hidden account, at the end of the procedure for changing the name folder, it can be turned off. This is done by the following command that must be performed on the command line running on behalf of the administrator:

Net User Administrator / Active: NO

If all of the procedures described were performed correctly, then no problems occur with the programs of the operating system. Conflict with a new username can some third-party applicationsBut you can reinstall them to reinstall them.

How to rename the user folder in Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise

The instruction described above is suitable for the home version of the operating system, while in professional options Windows is all much easier. Follow the instruction described above to step 6, after which you can restart the computer, and the username of the user folder will be changed.

By installing Windows to your computer, we usually have no problems with accounts. Indicate when installing the name and password, and in the future we simply specify them at the entrance. So it was before Microsoft did not conceive a change some nuances of the system behavior and upgrade the security service.

Currently, some programs require appropriate rights (for example, administrator rights), and, finding a non-compliance with the level of access, requires to enter security details (password and username) anew.

There is another unpleasant aspect of Windows behavior - a number of programs require that the name is necessarily indicated in the Latin layout. Consequently, if we entered it in Russian, then we will need to change the settings. How to change the username in the Windows 7 operating system, we will discuss just below.

In the meantime, we note that there are several ways to change the individual user settings in Windows. One of them is based on manipulation with systemic windows, and the other on the use of the registry. We will consider both of these mechanisms in detail and the outflow of their applicability. We will rely on the MS support service recommendation.

Use the window interface

We have several options for changing the name.

  • We go to the "Start" menu and click the right mouse button on the inscription "Computer".
  • In opening context menu Select the "Management" option.
  • In the open window "Computer Management" Select "Local groups and users".
  • After that, select the "Users" folder and in the list that opens, find the desired name.
  • You can change it by clicking on it right mouse button and selecting the option "Rename".
  • A window will open in which you can specify the new value of this parameter.
  • We go back to the "Start" menu.
  • Go to B. "Control Panel".
  • We choose a category "User Accounts and Family Safety".
  • Click on the link.
  • Click to the desired account and in the menu that opens, select the option "Changing the name of the Account".
  • After which you drive a new name and leave the window by the button "Rename".

The third:

  • We go to the "Start".
  • Select "Computer".
  • We go into the system partition window (for example, "C: \\").
  • Open the folder called "Users".
  • Rename the folder with the name windows User.which we want to change.

We have three alternatives about the same complexity.

We work with registry

Another opportunity to change the details windows security is the work of S. system registry.

The manipulation with the registry is designed for more experienced usersThan those that use the computer only for games and view the pages of the Internet. But there is nothing complicated in them.

The Windows registry is simply a list of name-value pairs, organized in some hierarchical order. For work S. register of Windows Used special program under the name regedit.exe. We will also do and we: I enter in command line Regedit, click on "Enter" and the registry editor window opens in front of us:

In the tree list on the left, finding the node "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ PROFILELIST". In the onions panel, find the "ProfileImagePath" key and change the Windows username in it to the desired one.

As you can see anything particularly difficult, in changing the name of the user in Windows - no, and the ability to use the system registry will help you in many other circumstances.

This instruction is valid not only for Windows 7, but also 8, XP. In the Windows 10 operating system there are some changes that relate to the interface and external view Folders, but the algorithm itself remains the same. Therefore, you can easily apply these instructions even to Windows 10. Changing the name of the personal user folder is possible only from the main account, that is, it must have administrator rights. If you need to perform such a change, you will leave your account and log in to the administrative: only here you have access to account management field, creating a password for them, delete and restore. Learn more about the names of the personal folder of the user on the example of the Windows 7 operating system.

As mentioned above, you need to leave your account through the Start - change the user. If the administrative account belongs not to you, then explain to another user your problem and ask for it.

Once in an administrative account, click on the Start menu and find the "Computer" item.

Right-click on this field, and the right drop-down list will be displayed on the right.

You need a section "Management". Please note: a small shield icon next to the item means that only the administrator can go into it.

You will open the Computer Management window.

All menu will be with right side. Open the "Office Programs" tab by clicking on a small triangle next to this phrase. You will see the "Local Users" item. Once click on it.

You will open such a window in which two points:
  • Users.
  • Groups.

If you previously broke all users this computer On groups, you can try to find your account in this folder - it will be just faster. In any other case, go to the "Users" folder, double-clicking on it.

All users of this computer will open in front of you. Please note that three more items will be installed by default, that is, empty standard names. To the right of them will be the explanation of the "Built-in Account for the user".

Right-click on the account that you need to rename. In the drop-down list, the item "Rename" will appear. It is he who needs you.

Enter any name you came up with early. Now it is it will be displayed in places:
  • When logging in in the user selection menu.
  • Above a list in a computer start.
  • All addresses of folders on your computer will pass through your username.

Thus, the renaming of the personal user folder takes quite a bit of time. It is important to have access to an administrative account and a new name invented.

Modern technologies do not stand still. The development of computers and appropriate stepped far forward. Manufacturers of operating systems seek to do work at a computer more rational and structured. Not an exception of steel and operating system from Microsoft, which allowed us to create various accounts on one computer.

Why do you need different accounts?

It is very convenient when several family members are using one device or, for example, one computer you use for work and entertainment. In this case, the installation of several OS is irrational, especially if hardware It is not able to "pull" two and more system. When creating a new account, the user folder appears. And how to form a new account and how to rename the user folder in Windows 7, we will tell in this article.

in "Window 7"

I would like to start with how the account is created to sort out the user. So, you need to go to the "Start" menu and in local line Drink MMC. Pay attention to "Local Users and Groups". In some cases, this panel is missing. Then you need to click on "File" and "Add Spacer". Select from the list "Local Users and Groups", and then - "Add". Next, click on " Local computer"And save the changes. You will see the Folder" Users ". Click on" Action "and finally," New user"Here you can enter the username and other data. In the same console, already created accounts are corrected, if you wish, you can disable them. Immediately an account is created, a user folder is formed. It contains temporary or auxiliary programs as well Individual settings of the current user. Edit simple enough, but how to rename the user folder in Windows 7?


To change the username, it is enough to enter the "Control Panel", select "User Accounts" and go to making changes to the user account (change name). But the user folder (Windows 7) is simply so moderation. Users are quite rare faced with a similar problem, because in most cases it does not depend anything on its behalf. However, when installing some programs, it is required that the path to the user folder only indicated Latin letters. And if the username itself is directly entered by Russian letters, it will be referred to as well as. It is mistaken to believe that when changing the name of the account, the folder name will change.

How to rename the user folder in Windows 7

Many people are trying to manually change the name of this directory. Most of them fail to rename the folder, such a function is simply absent. If you enter the system by the administrator, it is possible that the name folder will still be changed.

But you should not rejoice ahead of time. After making such changes and when loading under this accounting You just enter the system under temporary profile. Simply put, your "Windows" did not find the user's folder you need and "confused", as a result of which created a temporary directory. At the same time, you, of course, can not use the files that were initially kept in the folder. The message will indicate you that the new data that you create with the help of a "new-minted" temporary folder will be deleted after rebooting. That is, you can not use personal documents elementary and do not see even the usual wallpaper. As you can see, a similar way to make changes will not work. So how to rename the user folder in Windows 7?

Rename the user folder

The way to do it is still there. However, they need to use only in extreme cases and preferably with the presence of certain knowledge in this area. Otherwise, you can apply irreparable damage to the system. If you rename the user folder to install some kind of program, try to find its analog that does not require such victims. If you still decide to such a procedure, you need to perform a number of the following actions.

  1. Rename the account. Accordingly, the name must be as you want to name the user folder.
  2. Follow the login by the administrator's accounting record. If it is not yet, create the above method. You can also log in and in safe mode.
  3. Rename the user folder manually. It is done in the same way as if we renamed the usual folder in the documents. You can find the user folder in the "Users" directory.
  4. Open the registry editor and think again whether you should independently make changes to it. After that, open the "Start", "Run" and enter the REGEDIT.
  5. Phased to go to the profilelist branch.
  6. In one of the S-1-5-21 directories ~, find ProfileImagePath with the value of the current username name.
  7. Click several times on the parameter specified above and rename the user folder.

In order to avoid subsequent problems, it will be necessary to "save" the entire registry and rename the folder in each of the paths in which its name is indicated. Without this manipulation, there is a risk that other programs will no longer work correctly.

"My documents"

If you are wondering how to rename the My Documents folder (this is also one of the most frequently asked user questions), it can be done much easier by changing the name manually. The main thing is not to set a new name for a shortcut, but for the folder itself, which is also located in the "Users" directory.

Now you know how to rename windows folderThe main thing is not to enter unnecessary adjustments.