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Graphic editor - Android apps for mobile phone and tablet with Android OS. Best Design Programs for Android for Drawing, Vector, Android Photoshop and DR Graphics for Android Tablet

Android operating system is quite diverse in terms of image editing applications. Among them there are many programs with unique functionality, as well as full of simple apps for overlaying effects. To understand all this, we have prepared a selection best android applications To edit images.

In this ranking, the most relevant and interesting programs are selected. In the future, the selection will be updated to actualize information.

Adobe is seriously developing its products for mobile operating systems, including Android. For this OS, the company has released a lot of products, several of which are basic and have extensive functionality. Of these, it is worth noting two programs - and. They offer many features and tools.

Photoshop Express application is focused on fast editing - trimming, correction of colors, contrast, coup image, removal of red-eye effects or too bright eyes from pets. But also in the program there are several standing functions that will be useful in "deep" editing: work with color and lighting, convenient and fast work with "heavy" panoramas and photos in the source RAW quality, the imposition of various filters with interesting effects, removal of unnecessary Elements in the picture, as well as adding a frame. Adobe Photoshop. Express will definitely be able to change your photos beyond recognition.

Photoshop Lightroom is a more professional and powerful application in terms of functionality, which is mainly oriented to the tablets. That is why the program is paid, but at the first installment, the user is given 30 days of the trial period. You can use Photoshop Lightroom with a subscription on Adobe Creative Cloud. Among the functions of the application: a large number of customizable tools, the ability to roll back to the original, editing photos in RAW format, as well as support for synchronization with the "cloud" from Adobe.

After the release of Photoshop Mix and a number of other applications, Adobe has ceased to develop programs such as Photoshop Touch and Touch for phones, which is still quite convenient for small devices. Despite the fact that the application is disappeared from the catalog Google Play.You can still download them on Treshbox if you are true to classics:

In addition, Adobe has recently released several editors, which are aimed at using some specific function. Among them:

  • - cutting objects from images and use them in other photos.
  • - Working with brushes.
  • - Capture and work with brushes.
  • - Creating vector images from cut out objects.
  • - capture objects and colors.
  • - Create vector drawings.
It's really excellent app Nik Software has been developed, which has been owned by Google since 2012, so Snapseed is actively developing and supported so far. The Nik Software Studio itself has always specialized in the development of graphic editors, which is why snapseed is a good and functional application.

Snapseed is a universal photo editor that is suitable for those who like manually picking up in the tools and careful edit the image. The program provides features:

  • work with RAW format;
  • automatic edit of colors, brightness, gamma and other things;
  • increasing sharpness;
  • cropping, rotation and trimming;
  • "Brush" tool that uses effects to individual objects in the photo;
  • selection and editing of individual parts of the image;
  • the use of multiple filters with different effects;
  • cancelled changes.
Among the interesting features of Snapseed you need to name the change in focusing in the image without the need to have a special chamber. The application is strongly connected with Google's services, so Snapseed will be interested in the fans of "Corporation of Good" and its products. You can download Snapseed for Android on Treshbox.

Aviary is a very popular photo editing application that offers not only the main set of functions, but also its own generator "funny pictures". The program is designed to edit images quickly and on the go, preferably on a smartphone. Aviary is somewhat easier to use compared to other applications in this selection, so the application is recommended for users who want to simply and conveniently "pick" their images.

Among other features Autodesk Pixlr:

  • stylization of the image under the use of real drawing tools;
  • removal of defects with selfie;
  • work with flowers - selection, change, copying;
  • overlay framework;
  • work with a tonality;
  • adding artificial shadows.
The Autodesk also has a more casual and simple editor of images, which is less popular, and has not received updates for a long time. But some functions in it are not bad, for example - in Pixlr-O-Matic great amount Filters and effects. Download Pixlr and PixLR-O-Matic applications for Android can be trisbox.

The SkrWT photo editor won considerable popularity on the IOS platform, but the Android audience has fallen in love with this application. SkrWT is a beautiful and convenient interface with a mass of functions that will like how ordinary usersand avid enthusiasts mobile photo. The application can offer the adjustment of vertical and horizontal perspectives with only one gesture, universal lens correction, automatic and accurate clipping of photos, add vignette, select the ratio, as well as view exif data and a few more interesting features.

With the transition to Android, SKRWT developers have greatly changed the application interface - it has become even more cute, but it did not affect the former convenience. Skrwt use and pleasant, and useful - with this program, you can really edit images well and even change them to be unrecognizable.

This photo editor is different from all other very convenient design interface and creative set of functions. The developers handy photo say that their application is created for people who do not just edit the photo, but do it with passionate hobbies. Such users have Handy Photo really have something to show.

The first thing to pay attention to Handy Photo is simple and understandable interface, as well as the mechanism of user interaction with basic functions. All (almost all) The main steps when editing images in this program are performed by one simple long pressing on the screen, which is intuitive and very convenient. The main functionality is handy photo:

  • work with tone and color;
  • rapid retouching;
  • cutting objects and transfer them to other photos;
  • full or partial use of filters;
  • set of textures and the possibility of applying them to images;
  • overlay framework.
Present support format Raw. Resolution up to 36 megapixels. Also in the program there are unique "magic" features, for example, you can align the horizon without losing authenticity. Download the app Handy Photo for Android is possible on trisboks.

PICSART application is completely unique and unlike the tool for changing photos and images. The program offers an extensive functionality in terms of creating collages - all PICSART functions are practically built around it.

In addition to a good social component, Picsart has good set Editing Tools:

  • customizable effects and filters;
  • standard drawing tools with layers + artistic brushes;
  • overlay text, stickers or cuts from other images;
  • own camera;
  • master collage.
It is worth noting that the best artists and lovers are held in PicsArt every week. You can download the Android PICSART program on Treshbox.

Editor called Fotor offers a lot of features for deep image change. In the application you will find a lot of customizable effects and filters that can be applied to each other.

Among the basic functions can be noted "Focus" - imitation of technology of mirror cameras and "challenge" - the ability to send your work to professional photographers and designers that will appreciate your efforts. Among other things, Fotor can be found:

  • more than 100 filters for the photo;
  • 50 filters with the possibility of combined overlay;
  • adding text, stickers and other things;
  • changing the depth of the picture;
  • the ability to pixelize a certain part of the picture;
  • creating collages from 9 images + Coffee templates are available.
The Fotor developers claim that with their application you will be able to fully reveal your potential of the photo artist, because the program can be contacted with professionals. Download the fotor application for Android you can trischbox.

Photo editor Pro or "Photo editor" is quite solid in terms of functionality application that offers its functions in a simple wrapper. Here you can find one-name functions of applying various filters and detect defects, as well as there are tools for full editing. All this is enclosed in a simple and understandable interface that will be understood by everyone.

The main functions of the application Photo Editor:

  • overlay stickers, filters, effects;
  • work with color, balance of balance;
  • cropping, trimming, "straightening";
  • adjustment of brightness and contrast;
  • adding sharpness and effects of blur;
  • changing the color temperature on more "warm";
  • focusing on specific objects;
  • adding text and drawing using convenient and customizable tools;
  • creating memes and funny pictures.
The Photo Editor application is suitable for those who are looking for a simple solution for quick and relaxed photograph editing without anything superfluous. Download Photo Editor for Android can be trisboksa.

Sketchbook Ink is an intuitive Android application for drawing with pen and ink, oriented for tablets. The application is built on a new engine and allows you to create excellent work and export images with high resolution directly from the tablet. The application supports multitouch control, has a color editor, layers and several options for formats for export images.

Download SketchBook Ink \u003e\u003e

SketchBook Mobile - As you can see from the name, this application is created for those who simply cannot but draw either in connection with the profession or from the hobby! An excellent tool for creating fast sketches with a large set of the most necessary brushes and paints, built-in editor and palette, remains only to take your tablet and draw!

Download SketchBook Mobile \u003e\u003e

Infinite Manga - in front of you an amazing application for Android, with which you can create your masterpiece from beginning to end. In fact, you deal with 3D book, and in form - it's about comics. You have 5 directions - text, panel, mascara, color and pencil. You can edit everything that you want - from the cover to the content and text, by the way, lighten all 6 styles of text to select the most suitable. For the pictures themselves there is a special tool - a curve that creates smooth lines. Creators and artists - you exactly here - create and enjoy your brains!

Download endless manga / Infinite Manga \u003e\u003e

Sketch Guru is a program for creating original photos on your Android phone. Change your photo using graphic filters. 13 filters are available, so choose the appropriate filter for your photo will not be difficult, and the result will pleasantly please you. Sharely created photos with friends on social networks Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and Instagram or E-mail.

Download Sketch Guru / Sketch Guru \u003e\u003e Download Resize Me! \u003e\u003e

Faceinhole is a funny program that is designed for a photomontage with jokes. The program resembles a collection of stands with pictures in which face cuts are made in parks, in resorts and in other places of recreation, where for a certain amount you can take a picture of your physiognomy in the "new body" or the image.

Download Faceinhole® \u003e\u003e

Image Blender Instafusion - Useful program for android, which will allow you to mix two photos and create real masterpieces! In the program, several modes of mixing and effects with which you can work, and for this you need to choose two photos, after selecting the mixing mode, then set up the effects, we save and rejoice.

Download Image Blender Instafusion \u003e\u003e

Many users are often wondering: what is the best graphic editor for Android? And some do not even know what it is, so at first I want to give some information - the graphic editor allows you to edit photos and other images, and also can create them yourself.

There are two types of editors - vector editor and raster editor. With the help of a vector variant, you can create drawings in the vector yourself, and in the second case - only to handle ready-made photographs and pictures.

What is the best version of the graphic editor to choose to your android, you must define themselves. Because such applications are actually a huge amount. We only can make for you an overview of the best representatives and suggest which program you can choose from a variety of options.

Sketchbook Express.

An excellent graphic application for professionals is Sketchbook Express. It is easy to design, but very convenient - all buttons are clear. When creating drawings, there are no noise, and if necessary, you can enter the menu using one press.

You can also easily change the settings and parameters. This program makes it possible to change the colors and sizes of tassels, the size of the font and much more. If you install such a graphic editor on your Android tablet, you will soon be able to do real masterpieces. He who subtly feels peace can take this graphic editor as a friend who really wants to help, for detailed help (HELP) with step by step instructions and visual image.

This is a very complex application, and it is applied for tablets with good screensbut I want to say that for Android it will be the best option When choosing a graphic editor in our time.


The second popular software is Snaptastic. He, in contrast to the above-described Autodesk Sketch Mobile, does not have such an abundance of functions and frills. We can say that the graphics application - Snaptastic is a golden middle of those programs that are recommended to install on your Android tablet.

It is very easy and simple, but with it is powerful and convenient. It has a wonderful interface design. The image that is currently being processed is always in sight of the user. If you need to change the parameters, it is enough to just move the slider to the left or right, and the effect from the change immediately is superimposed on the photo.

Another very important convenience - if you do not want to lose personal time on setting up contrast, brightness and other parameters, the Snaptastic graphics editor will configure everything automatically. To do this, there are eighteen patterns in its settings that provide quick photo processing.

PicShop - editor for smart

And one more unique novelty, which is considered one of the best we recommend that you install on android tablet or smartphone - PicShop. PicShop is a beautiful and original innovation in the world of graphic editors for Android.

Many users recognize that this is the most powerful app among him like, and besides this, he has "ICS 'Ovsky" interfeys. The presence of such an interface can only boast only a few programs.

The application has an excellent filter set and a wide variety of retouching tools, brightness and contrast settings, color gamuts and a saturated image, sharpness and clarity. Considering the fact that the filters are not asked hard, it is possible to change the strength of their effect. The editor has the ability to turn the image in different directions, and another "Tilt-Shift." Function, which is so loved by users.

8MM - the largest size of the photo that is allowed in this editor.

PicShop application for android has and additional functions - Stickers and frames that can be used when designing and changing photos. If you decide to become a real hilster - this editor for you! In short, PicShop is a stunning program that will make your images unique and unsurpassed.

Fresco Paint - Powerful and Fashionable

If you have an android smartphone or tablet, and you want to create a graphic masterpiece, then you need to install a powerful and functional application. FRESCO PAINT for Android will be good assistant both experienced photographers and artists and beginners.

This program has a very simple and convenient interface, and along with this very great features for drawing and decoring photos. The Fresco Paint application for Android is unique in that it has many features and settings: a large selection of brushes, different in size, layer overlay on the layer, diversity of filters.

All tools can be configured by the desired size and texture, color to fit under the necessary shades and transparency. It is unique that the program duplicates and hides the layers, turns and mirrows the image, and also combines and scales.

If you install this application on your Android, you can achieve originality and uniqueness in the design of photos and creating drawings with a variety of filters. Sharpness and blur, saturation and exposure, brightness and presingment are just a few of the application functions.

The choice is yours

Similar graphic editors that can be installed on android, a lot. Which one to choose is to solve you.

Here are some of them who have not entered our review, but on which you should pay attention to: Adobe Photoshop Express, Photo Studio Pro for Android, Moldiv - Photo Editor Collage, Pixlr Express - Photo Editing, Catwang for tablets on Android, Camera FV 5, Perfectly Clear for Android, Photaf 3D Panorama.

Everything graphic applications They have unique features and will be able to make your photos original and bright, and images and drawings with rainbow and unusual. Install the graphic editor for your android and create new masterpieces!

Android is the most popular mobile OS, which is installed on millions of devices worldwide. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are quite a lot of games, utilities, applications, including different Android apps for designers. You can use them on medium chinese smartphones, top devices by type Google Pixel. 2 xl or samsung Tablets With pen s Pen.

This article will be a kind of logical continuation of the selection of desktop, but only for the mobile market. Information here (as well as illustrations) are borrowed from this article. We slightly reduced the list by choosing only the best solutions and those in which it will work out without any financial costs. A little more than 10 applications came out. To download the design programs on Android just go to the appropriate links in their description.

  • + Easy to master the Illustrator graphics editor users.
  • + Has many useful features.
  • + Possibility of integration with desktop solutions CC.

Adobe launched its application for vector graphic in Android devices back in 2016, and so far it is almost the only one reliable program To create vector drawings on mobile (unless you select a Windows database tablet).

To deal with Illustrator Draw will be easy to anyone who is already familiar with his desktop counterpart. At the same time, it is not inferior to PC software by the number of unique features, including customizable stylus, control multiple layers, confluence options, etc.

Of course, Adobe developers hope that along with Illustrator Draw you will use the Creative Cloud service, which helps increase the overall effectiveness of actions. Also, it is also available for instant shipment of its work in Illustrator and Photoshop CC, Adobe Stock is supported and project publishing on the Behance network platform.

  • + Unique drawing capabilities.
  • + 170 customizable brushes.
  • + A group of tools that facilitate work (predictable strokes).

Autodesk is more famous for 3D applications leading in its class, but their new brainchild is, indeed, powerful programproviding ample opportunities for creativity, for example, for fast creation Sketches or imitation.

Functional features include: a large number and variety of brushes (170 species); full-fledged work with layers, including support for mixing mode; compatibility with PSD files; Predictive barcode helps make lines and forms with accurate and clear.

Sketchbook can be called probably the best of all the design of Android applications, which is paired with a good device (especially with the stylus) provides natural drawing.

  • + Incredibly easy to use.
  • + Full compatibility with Photoshop CC.
  • - Weak thin settings.

The solution is better suited for a wide range of tasks, and not some thin work. Photoshop MIX allows you to cut and combine elements from various images, mix layers and adjust your creations on the Android device. Quite a good variation of photoshop application for Android.

A feature of the program is its simplicity and compatibility with Photoshop CC - when making changes on the phone, they will instantly appear on the desktop. In addition, you can use all the advantages of CC using Adobe Photography Plan - save at the same time a little more compared to the full Creative Cloud.

  • + Creating 3D images using perspective tools.
  • + Understanding endless canvas.
  • + Infinite layers that can be canceled / returned.

The developers of Sean Brakefield completely redested their SVG vector graphics application in Android called, released in 2016. With themselves recent updates Now this is the real alternative to Adobe Illustrator Draw. As follows from the name of the program, its main advantages are unlimited canvas (pan, scaling or rotation), endless layers and powerful editing capabilities, including cancellation and repeat.

The appendix has many chips to work with layers: the transformation function for scaling, turning, tilt and other changes. But the main feature is the creation of 3D images using five perspective tools. And one more small useful addition for CHROMEBOOKS users is availability. This Android Photoshop is obtained.

  • + The ability to turn any photo in the Sketch brush.
  • + Suitable to those who use CC.

Despite the fact that Photoshop Sketch is only one of the many application designs in Android, it may well be in the first lines from any user Creative Cloud due to the advantages and set of different options it provides.

it excellent program To create sketches with features such as overlay mode, promising mesh and natural drawing tools. It is impossible not to note the transformation chip of any photo in the brush using the Capture CC.

  • + Turns sketches in clear layouts.
  • + Allows you to work at any convenient location.
  • + Compatible with a set of software from Adobe.

Never of layouts and models were not created as easily as with Adobe COMP. With simple gestures (hand or stylus) you can make sketches, and the application will turn them into a professional layout.

This program for design on Android devices is simply indispensable for sketches of raid during meetings or presentations. Choose, images, colors and text styles, and then send all Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign or Muse to finish work on the desktop PC.

  • + More than 80 preset brushes.
  • + Different actions with layers are like.
  • + Perspective views for 3D objects.

Despite the fact that in its capabilities slightly inferior to the best photoshop applications on Android, but it has functions that are missing in other similar programs. You can use preset brushes - their more than 80, or create a new brush; Work with layers and use overlay mode.

With the help of five types of perspectives, you will find a full-fledged 3D image. In addition, the existing tools will easily adjust the canvas (turn over, tilt, etc.).

  • + Identifies the fonts anywhere right along the way.
  • + In a database of more than 150,000 fonts.

- The original solution for, initially debuting as a desktop software where photos are imported to determine the typography used. However, the integration of this smart tool in mobile devices Opened new horizons - now users can at any time and anywhere identify interesting options for fonts in order to implement them in their projects.

Thanks to a huge database (over 150,000 fonts), this design for Android design is able to recognize the associated and individual letters and get the most accurate results up to the size of the text.

  • + With artificial intelligence, it offers similar fonts.
  • + Creates geometric patterns based on the author's image.
  • + Compatibility with CC.

For designer Adobe Capture is like an indispensable Swiss SWISS ARMY KNIFE knife with a soldier. The application gives unlimited possibilities when working with vectors, brushes and forms. Capture is equipped with an innovative technology from Adobe - artificial intelligence for recognizing typical forms and offers visually similar fonts.

In addition, with this design of the application in Android, you can instantly create geometric patterns from any image or color palette from. And thanks to the account in Creative Cloud, your creations will instantly become available in Adobe Desktop, which you use.

User interface with excellent set of useful chips.

  • + Creating and exporting color palettes.
  • + Select color from images.
  • + Many preset options.

The application is an alternative to services that allows you to create and export color palettes, as well as select colors from imported images. In addition, it has a huge number of automatically created options. A fun feature here is an option with which you can create a wallpaper for your phone based on selected color preferences.

TOTAL. The article discussed different design of the application in Android by type photoshop, illustrator, etc. Software helps in working with vector drawings, fonts, sketches. We hope they will be useful to you. All mobile programs are free.

If you know some other interesting alternatives to photoshop in Android or any other solutions, useful for designers, write titles / links below.

More recently, a computer or laptop was the main instrument of a graphic designer. But technology is rapidly developing and alternatives appear, with which designers can realize their ideas. Today, the smartphone or tablet is relatively inexpensive, it is no longer "elite" devices. Manufacturers produce whole range of smartphones for users with small income, the smartphone is no longer anything inaccessible.

With the appearance of the Android operating system, a real application ecosystem appeared. With these applications, you can do literally everything, so it is not surprising that special Android applications appeared for designers.

Many of these applications are quite powerful and functional, their appearance allowed the designers to create regardless of the place where they are. No longer need to keep the idea in my head or do sketches on paper: everything you need is to get a smartphone out of my pocket, run need app And start working. FreelanceToday offers to your attention 10 Android applications for designers.

The newly released Infinite Design app is designed to work with vector graphics. With this application, graphic designers and web developers can create projects of any level of complexity using a smartphone or a tablet operating on Android OS. This is not just a vector editor, the application allows the designer to create even three-dimensional images, the entire functionality required for this is present.

In addition, Infinite Design has a number of innovative functions, such as infinite canvas, logical operations, mesh and much more. The designer can add various effects when editing the contours and control the process using an improved Pen Tool tool.

Another popular Android application for designers is a Sketchbook Express. The application allows you to create quick sketches and imitates the process of drawing with paints. it the best choice For those who can not live without creativity and love to embody their ideas with the help of Sketch. An application toolkit includes 15 pre-installed brushes and an extended color circle. Features such as the effect of pressing the brush and smoothing forms open great opportunities for designers. Among other features, it is worth noting multitouch navigation, several drawing styles, transparency control and switching the state of the layers.

ArtFlow - one of best applications for drawing. The application was created to replace traditional notebooks and albums, and was originally developed for smartphones operating on Android OS. ARTFLOW has over 70 brushes and all required tools for work. With the help of the application, you can create both simple sketches and complex graphic work.

The application is characterized by a friendly interface, which makes it available to all categories of users. The application can be launched if the eight-year-old child suddenly wanted to draw, at the same time atflow can use experienced designers, implementing their ideas. With the application, you can create files with a maximum resolution of 4096x4096 pixels, which makes it quite attractive for professionals.

The Paperless application is gradually gaining popularity in the design environment and is one of the best tools for creating visual content. Paperless provides the user with access to 6 different types of tools, with which you can create sketches and full color illustrations. So the designer can add text annotations to the graph. The applications of the application allow developers to save their files in the form of e-books.

Using Paperless, developers can share their ideas with social network users - can be separated directly from the application. This is a fairly simple graphic editor, you can create only three layers, but it is quite enough to create simple sketches.

AutoCAD is one of the most useful Android applications For designers. AutoCAD allows developers to create, edit, view and exchange drawings. A user-friendly interface and a set of useful features significantly simplify the process of creating drawings. The application is narrowly specialist, there are not so many drawing tools in it, but everything you need. Still, AutoCAD 360 "sharpened" is under the design and all functionality Calculated for the application to create drawings of any complexity.

Development aDOBE., Illustrator Draw application is a powerful vector mobile. operating system Android. Using the application, the user can easily create complex vector illustration. The editor has an intuitive interface with a convenient sensory control. The appendix has 5 built-in brushes, with which you can create quick sketches. In addition, Illustrator Draw supports the most advanced drawing tools, such as Adonit Jot Touch, Adobe Ink, Apple Pencil, etc.

With the help of the application, even the most complex ideas can be implemented, the creation of contours takes a minimum of time, there are many effects in Draw, one design project may include up to 10 layers, it is also possible to import photos.

The Camera MX application designed by Appic Labs is designed to create and edit a photo and video confant. A distinctive feature of this application is the Live Shot function, which allows you to save a few seconds of the image before fixing it. But the popularity of this application brought unique sets of effects, among which the effect of rotation, color tinting, controlling the contrast and trimming video.

As clearly from the name, the Fresco Paint Pro application is designed to create digital painting. This is one of the best graphic editors for drawing, which can be installed on smartphones with Android OS. What is available: the ability to create 4 layers, there are 12 pre-installed brushes and 21 filter. The application allows users to realize real drawing experience. Also, designers can share the images that they are placed on Facebook, Twitter or Dropbox.

If the designer is a newcomer, but wants to know more about typography and fonts, then he should be installed on his smartphone or tablet type: Reader. This is very useful applicationwhich will make the learning process more interesting. At the Type: Rider itself is a game that helps the user get acquainted with the typography history, learn a lot about fonts and various symbols.