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Code on the phone application. Android application for reading QR and barcodes: pair of proven options

QR code is a barcode designed and represented by the Japanese company DENSO-Wave in the distant 1994. QR codes have recently become popular in our country. Using a barcode, you can encrypt enough information, for example, any address or web link. In order to consider information, it is enough to have a smartphone or a tablet with a camera at hand. Today we will show you how to read this kind of codes on Android devices.

First of all, you will need to download a scanner for barcode. What of them you will use, solve only you - them in Google Play. Market is a lot. Just type in search of the phrase "QR code" (without quotes) and choose to health. We used QR Code Reader. By the way, it is quite possible that the QR code scanner already has in your firmware.

To count it, we need to run the downloaded application and run it. After startup, you will see the image from the camera - do not be afraid and put it. When you hover the camera to the QR code, the application automatically believes it, that is, you do not need to click on the additional buttons. At the same time, you will immediately see the description in the code.

Actually, all. Install the application and scan QR codes that you meet. Perhaps you will find something interesting in them.

Recently, two-dimensional QR codes have begun increasingly popular, which are the latest development of Japanese programmers from the company DENSO-WAVE. For the first time, the QR code was used in 1994 in the automotive industry. Over time, the QR code began to gain increasingly popularity, the reason for which it became an incredibly effective method that promotes almost the perfect preservation of any encoded data. To date, the QR code can "hide" absolutely any information, whether it is a link to the web resource, a phone number, e-mail address Or even a huge text with a volume of thousand characters.

Like any other program that implies information encryption, the QR code must have a method of subsequent decryption. The person who intended the data can see the content only after scans and read the encrypted message. It is important to know that with this, at first glance, a very difficult task, can easily cope with almost any modern smartphone.

Scan principle

Initially, the user of the new-fashioned gadget should learn how to scan the QR code. And for this it will need a built-in mobile camera camera. After the drawing is photographed, specialized software package It will be able to recognize the QR code with high accuracy, in particular, by changing the display, decrypt information under it.

In the article below, we will try to consider the principle that will allow you to scan the QR code through programs that can be installed in OS iPhone and Android. It is worth noting that mobile devicesthat work on these OS can belong to absolutely any manufacturers.

Program to help recognize information

OS iPhone.

Despite the many functions that are endowed with a modern smartphone, in the list standard applications No program capable of helping iPhone contact and influence QR code. In order for the gadget to endow specific features and scan, you need to perform a few simple actions.

To get the opportunity to enjoy all the advantages of a specific program, you need to find a resource in the AppStore to help download "QR Reader" - a program, the developer of which is TapMedia. Despite the fact that anyone can download this application for free, during operation you will have to browse yourself several times the included commercials.

After downloading, the product must be installed. To do this, the user must run it and arrange the viewfinder equipped with a red stripe moving around the gadget screen directly above the readable QR code. Specific imitation of the infrared beam helps customize special scanners.

In order to recognize the data could be as quickly as possible and, which is important, for sure, the code must have good image. Only a qualitatively scanned picture will help recognize the data and, as a result, display previously encrypted information.

Use the specialized software product is quite simple, since the built-in code will allow automatic mode Perform the functions laid in it. In other words, if the QR code hides the link to electronic resource, Before the user, through the embedded web browser, a few seconds will open the site encrypted code.

OS Android

From a practical point of view, the principle of operation of a typical application in a mobile device operating on android platform, it does not differ from what works in OS iPhone. The user of the gadget should go to " Play Market", Through the search engine, find similar on the principle of the action" QR Reader ".

After installing on Android, "QR Reader" you need to run, and the method described earlier to try to "catch" the built-in viewfinder QR code. The scanner operation can be traced along the moving red stripe.

At this stage, the "manual" work of the user is completed. After the response software Product, indicating the successful acquisition of the code, the acquired data will be decrypted, and the smartphone in automatic mode will be able to reproduce "hidden" actions.

It is worth noting that the article provides for example one of the most frequently used programs that helps quickly recognize the QR code. In fact, a lot of typical developments can be found on the expanses of the World Wide Web, which with the same success with the tasks assigned to them. Surely after the operation of several options, the user will be able to choose its most acceptable product for it.


It should not be assumed that the QR code is able to scan only the smartphone, because most stationary computers have the same capabilities. True, the PC will be able to scan unit codes. Therefore, if necessary, it is best to work with large volumes of hidden information, it is best to purchase a specialized manual scanner connected to a computer via USB output. Such a device is very efficient in operation and is distinguished by the speed of the response.

You can not meet in the Internet of a person who did not hear about QR codes at least the edge of the ear. With the increased popularity of the network in recent decades, users needed to transmit data from each other different ways. QR codes are just a "peddle of" information that the user was encrypted there. But the question is in the other - how to decipher such codes and get what is in them?

If earlier the user had to look special applicationsHelping to decrypt the QR code, then nothing is required, except for the availability of Internet connections. Below we will look at 3 ways to scan and decrypt QR codes online.

Method 1: ImGonline

This site is one large source that has everything to interact with images: processing, size changes, and so on. And, of course, there is an image handler with QR codes that interests us that allows for recognition to change the picture as we are pleased.

To scan an image of an interesting, follow these steps:

Method 2: Decode IT!

In contrast to the previous site, this is fully based on what helps users in the network decrypt great amount Data types, ranging from ASCII characters and ending with MD5 files. It has a rather minimalistic design, which allows you to use it from mobile devices, but it does not have any other functions that help decipher QR codes.

To decrypt the QR code on this site, you will need to do the following:

Method 3: FoxTools

By the number of features and features, the FoxTools online service is very similar to the previous site, but it also has its advantages. For example, this resource allows you to read QR codes from reference to images, and therefore disappears the meaning to keep them on your computer, which is very convenient.

To read the QR code in this online service, you need to do the following:

The above online services have a number of positive features, but there are also flaws in them. Each of the ways is good in its own way, but to complement each other they are unlikely to be able to use sites with different devices And for a variety of purposes.

Now you can meet a two-dimensional image consisting of white and black squares. It is called QR -Kod. With the help of a tablet, computer or smartphone, you can decode this image to get any information. QR-Codes are used to advertise companies, placement of the Rules of Special Proposals for Customers and the transfer of other information. Now such codes are printed even on supermarket checks, so that buyers can keep shopping lists and receive bonuses through special mobile applications. We will figure it out how to decrypt this code, having a computer or smartphone at hand. Decoding with a tablet does not differ from the one that is produced by a smartphone, so we will not consider it in detail.

How to scan the QR code using a computer?

Previously, to decrypt QR -Codes using a computer, it was necessary to purchase a special scanner connected via USB. Now there are several programs and online services that allow you to decipher information from QR -Code. We give the best options.

Online scanner

To use this method, you need to have you to visit the site to recognize the image with the QR code. There are two recognition options on the site:

  • Download a picture with QR code;
  • Use the smartphone or laptop camera (the site will ask permission to access it).

This utility is posted in the computer's memory. Her dignity is that it is not necessary to prepare the image with the code in advance. It spreads free of charge and is installed literally in a few minutes.

After starting the program, you have several action options: read the code from the file (photo or certified document), use for this webcam or take it directly from the screen. If you select a second option, you need to open a website or file and allocate QR codes using a frame. After reading the code, you will be shown the page encrypted in it.

How to decipher code with the Android smartphone?

Smartphones or tablets with any operating system using the built-in cameras are able to quickly decode different codes. To do this, it is enough to install special utility From the app store. They are several species. Programs are more popular to decrypt codes that import information from them to other applications.

For android smartphones A lot of applications that have a function of reading barcode and QR has been released. Almost all of them coped well with their tasks. Download applications from Google Play Market. We give examples of the best applications to decrypt codes.

Barcode Descriptor

This app is different simple interface and concise design. The camera is used to read the codes, which allows you to read them from any surfaces. Including with ads and outdoor advertising.

The application allows you to open an encrypted link in the browser or immediately dial the coded phone number. An additional advantage is that scanning history is saved in the application's memory. It can be unloaded in social networks, SMS messages or simply viewable.

"QR and barcode scanner"

Another popular application allows you to scan any graphic codes. It is distinguished by a more enjoyable interface and a large number of ways to interact with the information received.

The application has a single drawback - the codes cannot be loaded as files or links. All other functions are similar to those in the application described above. It is important that when scanning the code is in the center of the frame.

Barcode Scanner.

Another application that allows you to read different graphics codes, Barcode Scanner. It allows you to open encrypted links, typing phone numbers. To read the codes, you need to bring the camera to the image. In general, the utility does not differ from similar.

The only difference is that with its help you can generate your own codes. You can encrypt printed text, links and contact details. In advertising purposes, references to Internet resources are usually given, but you can encode and link to download the application. Most often, the developers placing utilities in open areas are given, and then making explanatory texts.

Windows Phone application

The best application for reading codes for phones based on operating system Windows is the usual string search engine Yandex. It can assume any code, regardless of the plane plane. At the same time, you do not need to press anywhere so that the reading began is to simply bring the camera to the code. The logging and use of the information received only on the user's request.

After reading the information, you will see a screen with a snapshot of the code, and the decrypted information will be indicated under it a small font - link, telephone number or address. You can find out the details if you click on the string that appears. The link on the link opens the site, finds the address in Yandex maps, offers to dial a phone number or write a message on it.

For phones on Windows OS there are also many and other applications, including the analogues of utilities for other operating systems. But the main problem of programs is a long triggering, lack of support for developers, errors during operation. For this reason, the utility embedded in the Yandex search string is the best for technology with this operating system. Especially it is Russified and understandable.

App for iOS.

Many applications have also been released for the owners of equipment on iOS. The best of them is QR Reader. The developer is TAP Media. This application has the following features:

  • code Autodification - you need to hold the picture key and bring the lens to the code, the camera itself focuses on a two-dimensional image;
  • browser and viewing cards are built into the interface;
  • scan results can be divided through popular social networks or e-mail;
  • checking sites for reliability before visiting;
  • creation of own codes for distribution;
  • the ability to export scanned images to CSV.

The main advantage of this application in its speed. At the same time, the utility is distributed absolutely free, and it is completely Russified. Additionally, it provides an option to select an application if the two-dimensional image hides not text or link. Problems arise only if a program that interacts with the desired file extension is not installed on the smartphone or tablet.

Special applications for scanning QR -Codes from supermarket checks

If you are holding the statistics of your nutrition costs or want to get cachek for purchases, you can use special applications. Now in all major networks you can notice on QR-codes checks. They can also be read and unload the list of products into the application.

There are programs for consumers who help to keep statistics and even earn money on their purchases. One of the most popular applications is aged. He has one essential drawback - you can not see what and when bought. But for some goods you can get cachek, which can be brought to your electronic wallet or balance mobile phone. The list of products for the purchase of which funds are accrued can be seen in the Promotions section. It is important that codes from checks need to be scanned within 24 hours after calculating at the checkout.

Large trading networks On their sites and in applications also used QR-codes scanners. They are used to obtain additional bonuses. Another option is to use decoded information to participate in special promotions and draws from shops.

Also scan codes from checks can also be in other applications designed to obtain cachekov:

  1. In shopper,
  2. Qrooto
  3. Together cheaper.

They work with any shops, including online markets. In these applications, many options for the output of funds, and you can earn on the maximum number of shares from manufacturers. Remuneration for one can vary from 5 to 300 rubles (depends on the terms of the shares). Conditions for accrualing funds can be viewed on the stock page. Experienced buyers recommend scanning codes from all checks, as the shares are very much and watching everything is impossible. You can get cacheki immediately with multiple applications so that it is most profitable.

IN modern world A special barcode containing encoded information is becoming increasingly popular. This barcode received the name QR code (Quick Response). This matrix, or two-dimensional code, was created by the company "DENSO-WAVE" (Japan) in 1994. If you bring a special scanner to such a bar code, you can get a specific information that will be displayed on the computer screen. For example, the addresses on the Internet are so encoded, name email, Contact data and geoshifts, SMS and various texts, as well as phone numbers.

Devices based on the Android operating system can read information from such codes using programs, QR Droid and QR Barcode Scanner.

Using a visual example, you can demonstrate the reading method of the QR code on zTE smartphone V880H C. android system 4.2.1 Jelly Bean using the QR Barcode Scanner program.

To read the QR code, a mobile device needs to perform a specific series of actions:

1) first need to download on our website (in this case it is "QR BARCODE SCANNER"), install it on mobile device And run, going to the "Menu" and finding an icon there with the corresponding name: "QR Barcode Scanner".

2) Opening the item with the name of the program, it will be possible to get into its main menu in English.

3) After you need to click on the very first point with the name "Scan Barcode" and bring the camera lens to the barcode itself.

4) After these steps, information from this QR code will be available on the device screen, which can be read on the language on which it has been encrypted.

So, the barcode reading operation is quite simple and is currently necessary, since Many manufacturers began to use similar QR codes for issuing for more informationwhich can only be available possessors of special devices, in this case, smartphones on the Android platform.