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the main  /  Navigators LG TV control program from a computer. How can the telephone and tablet control the TV and which applications are needed? Advantages of television management from the phone

LG TV Management program from a computer. How can the telephone and tablet control the TV and which applications are needed? Advantages of television management from the phone

And you ever thought about the control of samsung or lg TV with a tablet it is not just a balobiness, but really useful feature? I have long appreciated this opportunity. Especially after my mom managed to drop the remote remote control from the loggia of the sixth floor. Of course, a new manipulator for Smart TV was purchased, but it also attracts the attention of children. For them, this is a funny thing that they sometimes try to pull. In a word - children. Of course, such digital devices as a tablet or smartphone are also interesting to them, but both things immediately take extremely rarely.

And it makes me happy :). In general, if you broke the remote remote control or you often for some reason do not find it on a put place - then the program for managing a TV with a tablet (smartphone) will help you out at an inappropriate moment. I will immediately say that before making a selection from the "Virtual Remote" applications for devices operating on the Android operating system, which allow you to remotely control the TV, I tried some of them in practice.

I have experienced very positive impressions from them, especially from branded proposals. As you understand, test all programs with different models Digital devices (Smart TV + tablet) and make sure that they are compatible with each other without specially created conditions it is impossible. Therefore, it remains only to rely on the application of developers of applications on the compatibility of mobile and television devices.

After installing one of the applications to your tablet or telephone and testing on the TV, it would not be bad if you should share the results and opinions with other users.

Unless of course it is not difficult for you to draw a couple of lines in the comment. I think other readers will be very grateful to you. For this, only in the comments, specify your TV model, version, name of the application used and the model of your tablet (smartphone).

Perhaps someone has problems in work remote console Control on the tablet or phone and the comments left with the comments and reviews with a large probability it (a) will be able to find an answer to his question.

What application to choose to control the TV?

How to be found in free applications there is an advertisement, but in the programs offered by me from third-party developers, it seemed to me unobtrusive that in my understanding there is not an unimportant role. The convenience of using the remote virtual console is very important and often pop-up advertising on the device pushes us from such developments.

However, so that free programs We also need finance for this, and as a result, developers insert advertising in their applications. Do not hurt anything, this is the price of free, but in these programs it is balanced and relatively does not interfere.

It should be noted that some of the eminent manufacturers support their specific line of tablets, smartphones and for better pairing of the virtual console with their SMART TV TVs, as well as supporting your brand create its own software.

This approach of companies is also very convenient and adherents of a certain brand that have these models, follow the market and acquire new new items. In addition, their companies are embedded very useful additional functions For tight interaction of a mobile device with its SMART TV models.

Suppose you have a TV and tablet Galaxy (smartphone Galaxy S) from Samsung, then you basically have no need to use third-party applications to interact these devices, as such software has already been created for them software compatibility and other requirements.

Therefore, in this case it would be logical and correctly use exactly such an application called Samsung SmartView. But the company LG is not so critical and their development LG TV Remote can be installed on a tablet or smartphone with Android or iOS OS, which does not wear a brand name.

Below, I made a small selection of applications for TVs from Samsung and LG, which will give you the ability to control TV remotely.

How to connect the tablet / smartphone to the TV?

Managing TV with tablet (smartphone) is performed via Wi-Fi. Therefore, both of these devices must be in one wireless network. Install the connection between these devices can be used as directly connected. wi-Fi technology DIRECT and through Wi-Fi Router. However, in the first case, the TV and the tablet must support this technology, I will allow you to associate them with each other without the availability of Wi-Fi Direct technology in one of the devices.

Even if in your TV model Wi-Fi adapter Not used to connect to a wireless network, and it is connected with a Wi-Fi router by means of a port connection (Ethernet - WAN), you can still manage your Smart TV through special applications. Thus, SMART TV will receive packages with Wi-Fi router data, and controlled from the tablet (smartphone) over a wireless network.

In some cases, it is very convenient. As you know, according to the LAN cable, the transfer rate is higher than the software, and therefore if you are observed, it is best to use that connection to view the video content on Smart TV, and control the Wi-Fi TV from the mobile device. In previous publications, I already wrote about that, so you can get the information you need there.

I can assume that your tablet (smartphone) and SMART TV are already connected to a Wi-Fi router. However, if this is not the case, then I recommend reading the article and about connecting the TV to the router (a method is described here, and here) on the example of the Samsung model.

Sometimes there are problems when connecting a tablet or smartphone to the TV, in this case I recommend checking the settings. Make sure that:

  • Smart TV and tablet (smartphone) are in the same subnet
  • The Wi-Fi router includes UPNP (automatic device detection)
  • The firewall does not block traffic between these devices on the local network

Now I will go directly to the applications that non-standard situations Can replace the real remote control from the TV to the virtual in the tablet or mobile device. I will write in order which applications released a company for its TVs, and then I will write the name of the universal program (created third-party developers), which you can replace the official software when there are some problems ...

The program for managing TV.

It should be said that some models of TVs are independent of manufacturers do not have Wake-On-LAN functions. The lack of this option in TV will deprive you with the ability to include a TV with a tablet (smartphone). That you can use navigation and various binds if they are implemented in the application and support your Smart TV, as well as free to turn off the TV, but are limited to the ability to enable it remotely.

In principle, some kind of problem I do not see this, because you can enable your TV panel with a joystick (or button), which is located on the back wall, and control it remotely from the tablet (smartphone). So, first consider virtual remote remote control for the TV from the company LG, and then the Samsung brand.

Virtual Remote for LG Smart TV.

Fit from the topic to say that this is one of the leading companies, produces a very good universal control panel Magic Remote, which makes it possible to manage not only Smart TV, but also an external audio system, satellite receiver Bluray player. Completed by this console not all TV models, but it is available in free sale.

The company also took care of a virtual remote control for mobile devices, developing the LG TV Remote 2011 and LG TV Remote software for them. The first application for LG models released until 2011 is inclusive, and the second for the "born" models in 2012 or later.

In my understanding, LG went rather strange by dividing the same program into two parts. This marketing stroke or due to technical difficulties it was not possible to divide the functionality in the application itself model row? But no matter how there was a virtual remote, it turned out pretty good.

For me, this is more than a control panel, because in LG TV Remote there is a universal search (service, applications, games, television program), the ability to enter data for the TV from the keyboard of the tablet / smartphone, and also has a virtual touchpad.

In addition, it is possible to broadcast video from the TV to the tablet (smartphone), create screenshots, take a browser or game application. The program is available for operating system iOS ( App Store.) and Android ( Play Market.).

The installation process is quite simple and does not require special knowledge. Turn on the TV, download the link above need app And run on your device. If everything goes as it should, the program will find a TV. It remains only to choose your model, enter the code that is displayed on the LG SMART TV screen and click OK. That's all. You can use.

Perhaps you want to try in action sourid appYou can use the Lgee Remote program. But it is impossible to name this software alternative to LG TV Remote, but if you only need a remote on your smartphone (tablet), then keep in mind that there is such a software for mobile devices with android. Also at the end of the article mentioned the popular universal remote.

Virtual Remote for Samsung Smart TV.

The company has a very good appendix Samsung SmartView, which allows not only to drive a TV with a phone or tablet with Android OS, but also broadcast video (display in online mode) SAMSUNG SMART TV image on the tablet screen (smartphone) or from a mobile device on the TV screen (Dual View mode), view on the device installed applications (Widgets) in Smart Hub. You can simultaneously with other family members watch the movie in the bedroom while they look at the other room on the TV panel.

There is also a game mode with a gyroscope support that expands the capabilities of the tablet (smartphone) making the game controller from it. Great, right? But, this application works as a remote control only with sAMSUNG models Smart TV 2011, 2012, 2013, and view TV is available for models of the same years, but already with such marking (2012 and 2013):

  • 2011 - samsung led d7000 and above, PDP D8000 and above;
  • 2012 - Samsung LED ES7500 and above, PDP E8000 and above;
  • 2013 - Samsung LED F4500 and above SMART TV (except F9000 and higher), PDP F5500 and higher.

Mobile devices (tablet and smartphone), too, they did not bypass and supported only their ruler:

  • Galaxy S3;
  • Galaxy Note 2;
  • Galaxy Note 10.1;
  • Galaxy Tab 2;
  • Galaxy S4;
  • Galaxy Note 8.

As you can see the company quite simply protects your brand. By the way, some third-party developers of such applications say that Samsung has changed the protocol for models sMART TVs Series H (2014), which stopped supporting and developing their programs. They appealed to them with a request to inform the necessary information so that the support can be included in the third-party application. new Series H TVs Samsung, to which they received failure.

The installation process is not at all complicated. Download the Samsung SmartView application to the tablet or smartphone with the Android operating system and install it. When the TV is enabled, run Samsung SmartView on your mobile device. The application will find SMART TV and display the model of your TV. You need to select your model on the tablet (smart), after which the code to be entered on the mobile device is displayed on the TV panel screen. After that, the connection between digital devices will be installed.

If for some reason you cannot use this software, and you only need a virtual control panel for Samsung Smart TV, you can use for example, the SAM application.

Universal control panel.

At the end of the article I will give one universal program for managing LG, Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, Vizio. It works on the same principle as the above, the described software. That is, both digital devices must be in one Wi-Fi network. The installation process of the SMARTPHONE REMOTE CONTROL N application is not different from others. Also install, start, searching the SMART TV TV and after selecting the model of the TV found and use the universal remote control.

If you have something to supplement the article or you wish to express your opinion about the publication, then you ask for mercy in the comment.

    2018-07-09T20: 30: 18 + 00: 00

    Screenshot can throw.

    2018-07-06T20: 59: 44 + 00: 00

    Hello. Tell me how to delete the TV from the phone (YouTube) on the TV deleted and the phone is still connected. According to the instructions there is no button to delete on the phone in the settings. What to do? ((((

Customize the remote through the phone is not difficult. We picked up for you several simple applications To manage home appliances via IR port

Today with the help of even ordinary smartphone Dozens of tasks can be performed for ten years ago there was a separate device. Talk about a mobile device as a replacement of audio and video player, digital camera, portable game console Already no one comes to mind, so these functions naturally switched to smartphones and became part of everyday life.

After some short time, new functions will be added to this constantly expandable natural arsenal of smartphones. For example, today, to pay for purchases in supermarkets, it is enough just to bring an Android smartphone with a built-in NFC chip to the terminal, or more and more often automakers equip their new models for remote control from the smartphone, even if only to start the engine or supply a car with parking to Driver, but this is just the beginning. Therefore, the remote through the phone is unlikely to surprise.

So that management of IR Porto In our life, it becomes not only reasonable, but also an absolutely natural choice. After all, each sometimes, conveniently sitting on the couch with the phone, may want, for example, if you do not check the contents of the refrigerator, without choosing from under a cozy blanket, then at least turn on the TV and see after a long working day your favorite show or serial, not searching for all surroundings In search of an unknown to the abandoned console.

Android capabilities today allow use almost any phone as a TV panel. You can use for connectivity different interfacesThe most common are infrared port or bluetooth module. Consider how to configure the remote on the phone with Android using various paid and free Apps. SMART TV TVs usually also support Wi-Fi connection, many large manufacturers produce their own console applications for Android with an advanced feature set, for example, LG TV Remote, Samsung Smart View, Video & TV SideView: Remote from Sony.

To configure the remote control over the phone to control different models of TVs there are many paid and free universal programsThe most popular of which we will consider.

How to configure a remote via phone: Top applications

TV remote

To use, you need to install the remote control, after which three modes will be available:

  • control via infrared port;
  • advanced mode;
  • universal mode.

The program interface is quite simple and intuitive. The application is compatible with most models of modern and old TVs, so it can be used for both old models that support the management of the IR port and for new smart TV.

To control IR, the device port requires the appropriate module in the smartphone, the remaining modes operate on Wi-Fi, then the program can connect to the TV in the home network automatically.


A program that allows you to use the phone as a TV panel. The application does not have a Russian-language version, but understand simple interfaceHow to configure the remote through the phone, will not be difficult and so. You just need to choose the mode of operation (infrared port or connect Wi-Fi) And the model of the TV. You can install a remote on your phone for free, but in this case you have to accept the fact that it sometimes shows advertising on the control screen.

The program supports standard TV switches functions: power management, volume setting, digital keys and switching channels.

The application is compatible with Panasonic, Samsung, LG, SHARP, AKAI, JVC, and other manufacturers.

Universal remote control Galaxy

A paid program that allows you to manage your technique through an infrared smartphone module. Using this application, you can configure the remote control via television, receiver or tuner, audio systems, media players, air conditioning, projector, digital camera, gaming console and other types of equipment.

Among the main functions of the program:

  • creating bookmarks for individual devices and save settings;
  • managing IR port for several devices using the function of a universal customized console, where, for example, you can set the channel switching button from the TV, and the volume setting is from the audio system;
  • the possibility of customization external view console (select color, buttons size and much more);
  • lack of annoying advertising and banners;
  • saving a sequence of actions (for example, the inclusion of multiple devices by pressing one button);
  • backing up the program data and restoration on another smartphone;
  • using widgets for managing devices directly from the main phone screen.

Easy Universal TV Remote

Another simple application that allows you to use the Android tablet or phone as a remote control for the TV. The program is similar to the following on the functionality, differing mainly by the interface, is available to turn on / off the TV, setting the volume, switching channels, etc.

To configure the remote control via the phone, it is enough just to select the type of connection from three available and the model of the TV; Supports support for most of the brands of televisions: Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic and others.

Sure Universal Remote.

Simple management of IR port for household and digital technology. It uses infrared port, and WiFi to manage Smart TV and media players, and play media system from smartphone on Smart TV.

Using an application, you can configure the "device system", for which one configured "remote" will be used, so that they turn on and turned off by pressing one button.

If you do not know how to connect the phone to the TV via WiFi, we will gladly tell you how to do it. The whole process takes only 2-3 minutes. Read our instructions below:

Method 1: Connecting through a router

First of all, you must install the connection between the TV and WiFi router, and then in the TV you need to activate the function with which the phone will connect to it.

Consider how to do this on the example of the most popular brands of smart TVs:


To connect the phone to the LG TV via WiFi, you must:

  • go to the TV menu and go to the "Connections" tab
  • activate SmartShare feature
  • select the phone among the devices available.

After that, you can choose what exactly needs to be done from a phone or smartphone - duplicate the screen, manage the TV or access files.


Connecting the phone to the Samsung TV via WiFi is similar to connecting to LG, only instead of the SmartShare function will need to activate the AllShare function.


Connect to SMART Sony TV is most convenient from the smartphs of the same company, for example c. To connect at the TV itself, you do not need to customize anything - everything will happen automatically, but in the phone you need to go to the menu -\u003e Settings -\u003e Xperia connects And choose item Duplicating screen. After that, in a new window you need to click on the start button and the smartphone itself will go to the TV and burst into it.

Connecting the phone to the TV throughWiFi Direct.

This method is used if at home there is no router, and you need to establish a connection directly between the phone and the TV.

Step 1. Find in the smartphone in the Wireless and Connections section, the WiFi Direct function and activate it.

Step 2. In the TV menu, on the "Network" or "Connection" tab (depends on the model), find and activate the WiFi Direct feature. Some of the TV models have a special button on the remote control to launch the directory.

Step 3. Select a phone from the list available for connecting devices and confirm the connection setting.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. However, if something is unclear to you, ask a question in the comments - we will try to help.

Well, the TV code can be controlled without getting up from the sofa, and even better when it can be done from another room, doing your affairs. Mobile phones have become an integral part of life, and have a remote to a TV on it - it is very convenient. This feature is provided via the iPhone (IPOD / iPad) or a smartphone based on Android. It gives not only the ability to switch channels, but also to run applications.

Advantages of mobile control

Use the phone as a remote control to control the TV, at first glance, will seem a joke, pampering or superfluous option. But, since, the spectrum of its operation has recently expanded very much - this turned out to be a very useful feature. From the smartphone you can access built-in Internet browserallowing you to quickly find the necessary information, as well as view it on big Screen. Popular video hosting YouTube, social network resources allow you to search and view interesting videos (find out,). Good screen quality, high-resolution display will provide the ability to reproduce them in good quality. With the help of the keyboard of the phone, navigating the Internet is much easier and more convenient. Mobile pairing with the device makes it possible to use the full functionality of the TV in a simplified form.

It should be noted, with a smartphone, remote control can be carried out, but this feature Can support not all TVs. This functionality is built into modern models Medium or high price category of equipment such manufacturers as:

  • LG in TV - smart since 2011;
  • Samsung, which provided supportAll. Share. models 2010-2011;
  • TV from Sony 2011 with Internet access;
  • Philips, where control with a mobile phone is carried out in the 2010-2011 models having supportNet. TV..

Limited telephone control from the phone may be with the Wake-On-LAN function. In this case, you can turn off the technique via the smartphone or use only navigation.

Smartphone Connection Algorithm

If the attention has not been focused on the ability to control the technique through the phone, you should see the possibilities of this function in the technical documentation. If there is such a functionality, you can configure the phone. Consider step by step how to make a TV menu more affordable.

  1. With wireless communication, using wi-Fi support router , It is necessary to produce. In the absence of this interface and using the cable Internet, you can connect the cable to the Ethernet connector.
  2. Download needed Remote App Appendix Depending on the technique model. For each brand there is an application name: For Samsung, this is Samsung Remote, for Sony - Media Remote, LG TV Remote is used in the LG models, Philips - Philips My Remote.
  3. Making a television and smartphone. A window must appear on the display with a remote control confirmation. If in automatic mode This did not happen, you need to go to the TV menu and enable this option yourself. For iPhone, it is listed in the article about it.

The ability to control the TV through the smartphone will be a big find when. Such a fault arises always unexpectedly and causes discomfort, since it is not entirely convenient to switch it using the rear panel buttons. In addition, the phone is always at hand, it is easier to find it than the remote. Especially this common phenomenon in families where there are children. Therefore, perhaps instead, it is worth paying attention to the functionality of your smartphone.

Currently, smartphones were quite widespread and tightly entered our daily life. And the more time passes, the more "smart" and advanced they become. However, on a par with the development of phones and tablets, consumer requests to mobile devices grow even higher rates. And if earlier the device that can call and send SMS satisfy almost all requests, now we have little to get access to the World Wide Web and the ability to use various applications for work and leisure.

One of the innovations that the developers came up with a telephone connection to the TV. Agree to watch movies, play games and communicate with friends on a huge screen much more convenient than on the phone. But a TV with a similar filling for such actions would turn into a computer, and this would very much affect its value. In our case, there is a combination of the display of decent sizes and hardware of the smartphone or tablet - cheap and angrily. The fashion for this asked Apple with its iPhone, where such a function was implemented via Wi-Fi using a specially connected console. The rest of the manufacturers also did not lag behind and stuffed their devices similar options. Now we will talk about them in more detail.

There are no limits to the possibilities - watch the video and photos on the big screen

How can you connect

There are several ways to connect the smartphone to the TV:

  • HDMI is the most common and convenient option for gadgets with the Android system, which in the presence of appropriate outputs for the cable allows you to transmit not only data, but also a picture with sound;
  • USB is an old and reliable method using a wire that comes with all devices. This avoids additional financial and temporary costs for its search and acquisition. But in this way, it is possible to transmit only data, and the media files are not allowed to view;
  • RCA - all known "tulips" differ from HDMI by the fact that a separate cable corresponds for each option;
  • Wi-Fi is the most modern and convenient wireless option that has undoubted advantages and allows you to implement the entire option package.

The most convenient way

How to connect a phone or tablet to TV via Wi-Fi, we will talk now. For the purposes of interest to us, both special programs that produce manufacturers themselves are developed to connect one brand device to each other and universal, suitable for gadgets of various brands.

All specially designed programs in order to connect the phone or tablet to the TV are widely available and completely free. After installing it on the device and connect it via Wi-Fi, they are automatically synchronized and do not require additional configuration. Basic condition - the network should be the same to which the TV is connected. Here are their small list:

  • Sony TV SideView;
  • LG TV Remote;
  • Philips Myremote;
  • Panasonic TV Remote 2;
  • Toshiba Remote.

MEDIASERVER, DLNA Server and UPNP are most common from universal programs. We install them on a smartphone or tablet, connect the TV to Wi-Fi, allow you to access the wireless connection for both devices - and enjoy. However, sometimes some brands of TVs and phones do not want to connect.

And most versatile method Connect the tablet or smartphone to TV via Wi-Fi is the Wi-Fi Direct feature. The main condition for this type of connection is its presence on both devices, and the contact will be carried out directly - by means of Wi-Fi without connecting via router. On the phone we go to the menu: "Device Settings" - "Wireless Networks and Connections" - "Wi-Fi Direct" - and activate this feature. On the TV: "Menu" - "Network" - "Wi-Fi Direct" - and choose the necessary device. I confirm the permission to another device on the smartphone - and everything is ready!


Living B. modern world, It is necessary to keep up with technical progress and keep up with the times. The ability to connect the tablet or smartphone to the TV is one of the skills that your life will make much more comfortable. Having spent some time and effort to do the actions described above, in the future you will receive great pleasure. After all, technologies are created for us, people.

If you have a modern TV connected to a Wi-Fi or LAN home network, then with a high probability you have and the ability to use your phone or tablet on Android and iOS as a remote control for this TV, everything you need - download the official app From the Play Market or App Store, install it and configure to use.

This article includes an example of setting up the Sony Bravia TV on the phone, as well as briefly about official applications with the function of the remote control for TV LG, Samsung and Philips. I note that all these applications operate on the network (i.e., the TV, and a smartphone or other device must be connected to one home network, for example, to one router - it does not matter by Wi-Fi or LAN cable). It may also be useful: ,.

Note: In the apps stores there are universal consoles that require the acquisition of a separate IR (infrared) transmitter to the device, but within this article they will not be considered. The functions of transferring the media from the phone or tablet on TV will not be mentioned, although in all the programs described they are implemented.

Console for TV SONY BRAVIA on Android and iPhone phones

I'll start with SMART TV from Sony, since it is such a TV with me and, having lost a remote control (and there is no physical shutdown button), I was forced to look for the application to use my phone as a remote control.

The official application of the remote control for Sony technology, and in our concrete case - The BRAVIA TV is called Sony Video and TV SideView and is available in app stores for both Android and iPhone.

After installation, when you first start, you will be prompted to choose your television provider (I have no one, because I chose the first thing that was asked - it does not play the role of the console), as well as a list of television channels, the program for which should be displayed in the application .

After that, go to the application menu and select "Add device". A search for supported devices will be found on the network (the TV must be enabled at this time).

Choose the desired deviceAfter that, enter the code that is displayed on the TV screen at this time. You will also see a request for whether it is possible to turn on the TV from the console (for this TV setting will change in such a way that it is connected to Wi-Fi even in the off state).

Ready. IN top string The application will appear the remote control icon by clicking on which you will fall into the possibility of remote control, which include:

  • The standard Sony console (scrolls vertically, takes three screens).
  • On separate tabs - the touch panel, the text entry panel (only work if the TV is opened or the settings item).

In case you have several Sony devices, you can add them all into the app and switch between them in the application menu.

You can download the Sony Video and TV SideView Remote remote from the official application pages:

LG TV Remote.

The official application that implements the functions of the remote control on iOS and Android for SMART TV TVs from LG. Important: There are two options for this application, for TVs released earlier than 2011, use LG TV REMOTE 2011.

After starting the application, you will need to find a supported TV on the network, after which you can use the console on the phone screen (tablet) to manage its functions, switching the channel, and even to create screenshots of what is currently shown on TV.

Also, on the second LG TV Remote screen, access to applications and content transmission using SmartShare are available.

Download the remote for TVs from official application stores


For there are two official applications - the console. The second one is designed for phones with a built-in IR receiver transmitter, and the Samsung Smart View is suitable for any phone and tablet.

Also, as in other such applications, after searching for a TV on the network and connect to it, you will be available to remote control functions (including the virtual touch panel and text entry) and the transfer of media content from the device to the TV.

Judging by the reviews, the application does not always work as needed, but it is not possible to try, besides, it is not excluded that by the time you read this review, the shortcomings were corrected.

Philips Myremote

Naturally, there are all the standard functions of such applications: viewing online TV, video and image transmission on TV, managing the saved gear records (it also knows how to make an application recovery for Sony) and in the context of this article - remote control TV, as well as its configuration .

Official Phants Download PHILIPS MYREMOTE

Unofficial TV Consoles for Android

When searching for a TV for the TV on Android tablets and phone numbers in Google Play, there are many unofficial applications. Of those with good reviews, do not require additional equipment (connected via Wi-Fi) You can mark applications from one developer, which can be found on their FreeAppStv page.

In the list of available - Applications for remote control of TVs LG, Samsung, Sony, Philips, Panasonic and Toshiba. The design of the remote control is simple and familiar, and from reviews you can conclude that it basically everything works as needed. So, if for some reason official app You did not come up, you can try this option of the console.

Hello COMSERVIS Blog readers (Naberezhnye Chelny)! In this article, I will tell and show how you can your smartphone, or the tablet running the operating room android systems, or iOS turn into a multifunctional console for LG TV with SMART TV.

Let's start with the fact that LG TVs have a very cool, corporate remote, which is called LG Magic Remote. With it, you can control the TV with the cursor, get fast access to applications, SMART TV, etc.

But this remote is complete not with all TVs (it is generally probably not included, except for the stock), and it is necessary to buy it separately. It is not cheap, somewhere around 500 UAH. (2000 rubles).

With my LG 32LN575U TV there was no such console, but it supports working with him (the TV can also not support LG Magic Remote).

But if you have a smartphone (tablet) on iOS, or Android, then this expensive accessory in the form of a branded remote you do not need! LG created special applicationcalled l G TV Remote.. Install this application can be on your smartphone, or tablet. As far as I know, it is only available for android and iOS.

Install the application and proceed to connecting devices.

Connect the smartphone with a TV

So, we first need to be your phone and TV Connected to one network. Or we will use technology "Wi-Fi Direct". Let's in order.

If you have a installed and configured Wi-Fi router, then it is very good. Your smartphone is probably connected to it on Wi-Fi. Then, it remains only to connect to this very network. You can do it on Wi-Fi (there is detailed instructions ), or by cable from the router.

So, the TV and the phone should be connected to the same network.

If you have no network at home (router)

In this case, you can connect mobile device With TV with DIRECT technology. This technology allows you to directly connect devices.

LG TV Remote.

So, if the connection between the devices is installed, you can run LG TV Remote. Open the program on the smartphone and press the button "Device Scan".

TV should be turned on!

If all is well, the program will find our TV. Choosing it.

At this point on the TV screen (in the lower right corner) The code must appear.

We enter this code on the phone.

After that, the window will appear with the user agreement, simply click "To accept".

Everything can be controlled by your TV!

The most cool, this is of course the cursor. You just drive around the smartphone screen, and the cursor moves around the TV screen. And on the right there is a virtual roller for scrolling, from the bottom of the button to adjust the volume, the back button and the button to move the icons. Like this:

On the screen from which you can control the cursor, the button is also available as game Joystick (Look in the screenshot above). If you press it, the joystick will open, which can be used to manage games.

On the main window you can see two buttons to switch channels and two to adjust the volume. And 6 buttons that allow you to get quick access to such functions:

    Run SMART TV Access to the application list Start 3D digital panel to switch channels Opening a channel list (if I'm not mistaken, I'm simply not connected to the antenna and this button is not active) and select the source of the signal

If you slide the left screen, the window with three icons will open:


    - Access to applications from the Premium section.

My applications

    - You can view all applications that are installed on your TV and run the desired directly from the phone.


    - This is an application that allows you to connect to the TV different devices and manage media content. I will try to write more about this in a separate article.


I really liked the application! It works stably, connected and configured very easily.

Today it just updated, and it became even more beautiful and more convenient.

Use the Smart TV function when it is possible to manage the cursor, much better and more pleasant. In the same browser, it is more convenient to navigate through the sites. And for this not necessarily buy an expensive accessory. I am now about the LG Magic Remote remote.

Your questions, you can always ask in the comments. I will help with all I can:)! Good luck!

As the android devices are developed, more and more useful programs appear in the play mark. One of these is an application for remote control of the TV. With this program you can completely replace normal remote With his android. In this case, the control capabilities will not be limited only by switching channels or tumbling. To use your device as a TV panel, you need to have an IR android android. Either the TV should be able to wiFi connections. But first things first.

Remote TV universal (download)

This is a fully free remote control on android to control almost any brand TV.

To use this application, it is necessary that your device is in the same Wi Fi network as TV. To synchronize devices, you will need to enter a message to the program that appears on the TV screen. Thanks to the work on a wireless network, manage tV can even be in another room.

From minuses, we note that the application does not know how to turn on the TV. Those. To use the application, you first need to turn on the TV with a native remote control, and then you can switch the channels using android.

TV remote (download)

Pretty advanced application for controlling TV. Absolutely free, downloaded more than 10 million times, the average rating - 4.4 points out of 5 possible.

Advantages of the application:

  1. Clear and simple management. Simple synchronization with TV. Training mode and many prompts.
  2. The main advantage of the application is support for more than 200,000 TV models. This list is constantly increasing, it is quite difficult to find the device that is not in this list.


This application will turn any phone or tablet based on Android OS in a full-fledged console. Supports more than 90% of all known TVs. Can work through WiFi Network. It has a minimum delay when exchanging data between devices. The program is provided free of charge and paid functions has no. Recently, the rating has suffered badly because huge number obsessive advertising. Although it does not prevent the application to have more than 5 million users.

Universal remote control Galaxy (download)

This console was developed by Moletag. It has many non-standard features that you will not meet in other applications for Android. The use of the program will have to pay about 220 rubles, but it is worth it.

The main advantages of the Galaxy console:

  1. Ability to control a large number of devices: projectors, air conditioners, DVD players, etc.
  2. The adaptive interface will allow you to adjust any TV functions on the desired buttons.
  3. A huge number of supported devices. Even if your device was not found in the list of supported, the program will independently select similar devices and tries to synchronize them.
  4. Works on most Andridov, with a version of OS older than 4.0.

Dear readers! If you have any questions or there are comments on the topic of the article - please leave them below.