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How to change the power button of iphone 5. The lock (power) button of the iPhone does not work - Anatomy of a Breakdown

Hi. It's time to tell you my iPhone lock button breakage history... You will laugh, but I still have an old iPhone 4S brought in by an employee from Canada. My iPhone has served for 4 years and still works flawlessly.

True, there was one case when the POWER button simply stuck (stopped pressing) and I could not use the phone normally. Today I will tell you how to overcome this fairly common disease. This story is from the happy end series ... So read the article until the end.

I was not the first and will not be the last iPhone user to encounter iPhone buttons not working. In this case, there are cases of failure of both the lock (power) buttons and the volume buttons (plus or minus). It is also worth noting that the buttons break on absolutely all iPhone models.

  • How to replace the iPhone screen with your own hands -

What leads to their failure? It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer here ... It may be the iPhone's fall on one of these buttons, or it may be pressed hard, or it may be just a marriage or poor-quality iPhone components.

Caught in a situation where one of the most strategic iPhone buttons stopped pressing, I decided to get to the bottom of the problem and fix the lock button on my own. Well, or at least try to fix it ... More on this in the next paragraph.

Why iPhone Lock Button Doesn't Work

Why does the lock button get stuck on some less fortunate devices? The answer lies in the bowels of the iPhone and relates to “ physiology of structure”Button mechanism.

The button itself (what we see on the end of the iPhone) cannot break as it is just a piece of aluminum. But under the button there is a so-called loop with miniature spring contacts, which fail.

Rice. POWER button and light sensor cable

The picture above shows a spring-loaded contact with a small black plastic “pimple” in the center. It is this very pimp that is the cause of all the troubles.

The fact is that over time (perhaps after a strong pressure or impact) this small black bump may crumble or fall off, and without it the button will no longer function.

Rice. Volume buttons loop with inoperative “+” button

Rice. Disassembled iPhone 4S with a broken lock button

That's the whole breakdown. Now the matter is only in the way of repair. It all depends on how much you are willing to fork out or perhaps want to make repairs yourself.

Workaround for not working power button on iPhone

There are many instructions on the Internet about “ How to fix iPhone lock button ...", but almost all of them deceive users and boil down to a temporary replacement of a button with an iOS software feature.

Apparently the Cupertinians initially knew that the problem with the buttons was quite possible, and added to Settings> General> Accessibility paragraph AssistiveTouch.

After activating which on iPhone screen a square button appears with multiple functions.

One of the functions is called “ Screen lock"(Found in the subcategory" Apparatus“) And essentially performs the action of the iPhone lock button.

Actually, this is a temporary solution, which many are successfully using. Naturally, the physical button will still be inoperative, and in order to really fix it, read the next paragraph.

IPhone Lock Button Repair

Let me remind you that the lock button stopped pressing after a small plastic bump crumbled (fell off, etc.) ... Well, you remember ( see photo above).

There are only two options to troubleshoot this problem:

  • replace the train entirely
  • repair the existing loop

You can replace the loop on which the lock button is located at the service center, or you can do it yourself. If you are straight-handed enough and you have necessary tools, you can try to save money.

The website contains detailed instructions with photographs of disassembling almost all Apple equipment and not only. Buy a train for your iPhone models can be in China on (or another site), but from personal experience I can say that the part MAY come originally non-working.

The fact is that on the same loop with buttons there are also other elements - sensors or switches.

Apparently, the Chinese are not very good with quality control yet ... So I bought a cable to replace the volume buttons on the employee's iPhone 4S (the “+” button did not work for him).

According to the instructions from the site made a replacement (it took about 1 hour in time), and as a result I got a working “+” button, but not working “-“ and a headphone jack.

Fortunately, I did not damage the original cable during disassembly. I had to install it back and resort to the option to repair the original loop.

Repair of the loop, or rather the spring contact of the button, consists in restoring the microscopic tubercle. What have I done? I took a sharp blade and cut a bump from the Chinese train, and then glued it with “superglue” in the right place on the original train.

You must be extremely careful and precise in your movements, because the parts are really VERY tiny.

I bought ten spring contacts on AliExpress () and now use them as donors to get plastic tubercles.

This is how I restored the power button and volume “+” button in two different iPhone 4S. ATTENTION: If you have never repaired anything in your life before, it is better to contact a specialist.

Well, and "a photo on a horse" ... The operation was successful, the patient was satisfied ...

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Fair, not overpriced or understated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", it is clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

With the availability of spare parts, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The website lists the approximate duration of any repairs.

Warranty and liability

Any repairs must be guaranteed. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half of the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts of current models so that you do not have to waste extra time.

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Good service appreciates your time and therefore offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: correctly and according to technology, it can only be done at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient so that you can catch up with before and after work. Good service works both on weekends and on holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

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If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are being restored.
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Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you have an idea of ​​what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, the description tells you what happened and how to fix the problem.

This guide will help you replace the home button on your iPhone 5s yourself.

Note that Touch ID can only work with a factory-installed button. If you replace the home button yourself, you will not be able to unlock your iPhone using your fingerprint. Only a replacement at an Apple Authorized Service Center can retain Touch ID functionality .

This instruction is a translation of the article:

We also have instructions on how, if you're interested.

A warning

This article is not a guide to action! You are solely responsible for collecting and disassembling your device.
Many manufacturers do not carry warranty obligations if the device was disassembled by the user. If you do not want to void the warranty for your device, check the warranty terms in the documentation or with the device manufacturer.

Used tools


If your iPhone screen has crashed, then first we glue it with tape so as not to damage ourselves and the phone with small glass fragments.

Apply a few strips of tape until you cover the entire screen area. First of all, this will protect you and the phone from small fragments, and secondly, it will help keep the screen intact when we take it out of the case.

I highly recommend using protective goggles and gloves. Getting shards of glass out of the eye is a very unpleasant task :(


Turn off your phone before starting work.

Then remove the two 3.9mm Pentalobe screws located on the sides of the Lightning connector.

Use the suction cup to remove the screen module. Place the suction cup on the screen next to the home button and press down to make the suction cup stick and hold well.

The display module is held in the housing with latches, and is also connected to motherboard several trains. One cable is located under the home button, the rest are at the top of the iPhone. Your task is to open the iPhone just enough so that you can disconnect the loop under the "home" button.

Take your time, this procedure may take some time. The display on the iPhone 5S is pretty solid in the case. Do not try to open the phone completely at once, do not forget about the loop.

As soon as the display is held only on the cables, you can remove the suction cup by pulling the tab on the suction cup, or, if it is not there, lift one edge of the suction cup with your fingernail.

We shoot ...

Now lift the display module from the side of the home button just enough to disconnect the ribbon cable.

Do not lift the screen too high, you may damage the ribbon cable or connector. The train should not be taut.

Use tweezers to remove the bracket from the connector.

Install the bracket correctly during assembly. The side with the small teeth should face downward of the device, and the side with the two slots toward the battery.

Use tweezers to disconnect the ribbon cable connector from the connector on motherboard.

Make sure the connector on the ribbon cable is actually disconnected from the connector on the motherboard. The connector on the motherboard is glued and can be torn off the motherboard if you're not very careful, but the connector itself will still be connected to the connector on the ribbon cable.

After the home button cable is disconnected, open the phone 90 ° from the side of the home button as if there is a hinge on the top of the phone.

During the next few steps, keep the screen tilted 90 ° as shown in the picture.

Remove the screws marked with circles:

  • 1.7mm Phillips # 000 Phillips Head Screw;
  • 1.2mm Phillips # 000 Phillips Head Screw;
  • 1.3mm Phillips # 000 Phillips Head Screw;
  • 1.7mm Phillips # 000 Phillips screw. This screw is not magnetised with a screwdriver. Don't lose it.

It is very important not to mix up the screws when assembling. If you screw in a 1.3mm or 1.7mm screw instead of a 1.2mm screw, you can seriously damage your motherboard and damage your iPhone.

Do not over-tighten the screws. If the screw does not go easily, then you may be mistaken, do not use force.

Remove the protective shield.

Use a spudger to disconnect the connectors of the selfie camera and sensor cables.

Keep the screen tilted 90 °. Now disconnect the ribbon cable from the display.

During assembly, the display connector may not fully engage and you will see white lines on the screen when loading the iPhone. If this happens, unplug the display connector and plug it back in, then restart the iPhone. The best way reboot is to disconnect the battery for a few seconds.

Now disconnect the touchscreen connector.

Now you can hide the screen.

WITH back side Remove the one Phillips # 000 screw that holds the home button.

The unscrewed screw is fastened to the train with a clasp with a spring-contact. During assembly, make sure that the spring-contact is installed, as before, between the screw and the screen.

Peel back the train.

Remove the two 1.4 mm Phillips # 000 head screws.

Remove the bracket that holds the home button.

Slide the "paddle" under the train coming from the "home" button. The ribbon cable is slightly glued to the display module.

Gently slide the "spatula" left and right to peel off the train.

Do not reach the button yet, it is still connected to the display module.

If necessary, remove some of the tape you applied at the beginning from the outside of the display.

Press gently on the upper left corner of the button from the outside.

Do not try to squeeze out the entire button at once, your task is to release only one corner, and then insert a "spatula" there and pry.

The membrane around the button is very thin, if you think it will break now, heat it up a little with a hairdryer and try again.

Remove the button from the display module by gently prying and bending it with the "spatula".

Like this…

The button is removed. You may need to transfer the rubber boot from your old button to the new one.

Using tweezers, gently peel off the rubber band from the button. The elastic is very thin and very easy to tear. If you feel you might tear it, heat the button up with a hairdryer and try again.

Replacing the lock button is not necessary very often, usually as a result of really serious damage due to contact with liquid or mechanical shock, and of course, over time. Due to the above circumstances, the on / off button may stop functioning, which, of course, always brings a number of inconveniences to the user. After all, we use it not only to turn off the phone, but also, for example, to take a screenshot of the screen (simultaneously holding down with the central key), set the silent mode during a call (single press), reset the call (double press), to go to the desktop instead of the app (single tap during notification). Of course, one shouldn't be surprised at the failure of the lock button after a couple of years of such intensive use. Contact our masters, and such a replacement will be made to you within 40 (or even less) minutes!

When you need to fix the top lock button on iPhone

There are not so many cases when you need to fix the top lock button on an iPhone. The button mechanism can be very loose when hit or dropped. If there is a strong deformation, then the cable, which is a connecting bridge between the button and the motherboard, will probably fail. The aforementioned wear over time cannot, of course, be omitted either. Well, the most unpleasant breakdown is water ingress. The incipient corrosion spreads with lightning speed along the contacts, simultaneously affecting all new parts. In addition, metal pushers can be damaged - and here it is definitely impossible to do without replacing the on / off button. By the way, in almost 90% of cases, the parallel replacement of the upper loop is, unfortunately, necessary.

Step 1 - Display unit

  • If your display glass is cracked to avoid further damage to the glass and to avoid personal injury, you need to apply tape to the damaged glass.
  • Cover the display glass with tape so that the entire display surface is protected.
  • The adhesive tape applied to the display will provide the structural integrity of the glass when you try to detach the display unit.
  • Use protective goggles to protect your eyes from splinters during repairs!

  • Before disassembling the Iphone 5, turn it off!
  • Remove the two 3.6 mm head screws for the apple five-blade screwdriver located next to the phone's charging connector.

Step 3 - iSclack Iphone Opening Tool

  • The next two steps are done with the iSclack tool, an excellent tool for safely opening an Iphone 5, we recommend it for those who do regular repairs. If you do not use this tool, then go directly to step five.
  • Close the iSclack handles and the cups will slide apart.
  • Place the bottom of the iPhone between the suction cups so that it fits into the plastic depth gauge.
  • The suction cups should be just above the Home button.
  • Open the handles of the tool to squeeze the top and bottom of the Iphone with the suction cups.

  • Attach your iPhone securely, then close the iSclack handles so that the suction cups open while detaching the front panel from the back case.
  • The iSclack tool is designed to safely open an Iphone without damaging the home button ribbon cable.
  • Free the Iphone from the suction cups.
  • Skip the next three steps, go to step seven.

  • Press the suction cup down on the screen just above the Home button.
  • Make sure the cup is completely in contact with the screen.
  • If you open the Iphone 5 with cracks on the screen, then gently cover display Iphone tape, then squeeze out as many bubbles as you can. This action will allow you to make a flat surface for the suction cup, so that you can grip the panel and prevent the loss of glass fragments during opening.

  • Make sure the suction cup is securely attached to the front panel assembly.
  • Holding the bottom of the Iphone on one side, begin to detach the front panel from the back case with the suction cup on the other side.
  • You will need a small amount of time and effort. The display unit is much sturdier than other Iphone smartphones.
  • Using a plastic bottle opener, start separating the rear Iphone case from the display unit to which the suction cup is attached.
  • There are several clips that attach the front panel to back body, so be sure to use a combination of a suction cup with a plastic opener in order to free the front panel.

  • Continue to lift the front panel assembly at the sides, release the clips first from the left and then from right side Iphone.

  • Do not try to completely detach the front panel from the back case, as there are a few more ribbon cables on the top of the Iphone!
  • Make sure to disconnect the battery before proceeding with the repair, because the phone may turn on or this could cause a sensor problem!
  • After the clips have been released on the sides and sides of the front bezel assembly, pull the bottom of the assembly away from the back of the chassis.
  • Lift the front bezel assembly 90 degrees from the rear of the chassis.

  • Remove the following screws that secure the front panel assembly to the center board:
  • Two 1.2 mm Phillips head screws (marked in red)
  • This screw will not catch on with a magnetized screwdriver. Be careful not to lose it when removing it and make sure it is screwed into place well.

  • Disconnect the front panel assembly retainer from the center board.
  • Note to the user: in order to properly install the bracket, release all clips under it and lower them down towards the Iphone.

  • Using a plastic opener, disconnect the three front panel cables:
  • Front camera and sensor cable (marked in red)
  • Display cable (marked in orange)
  • Touchscreen ribbon cable (yellow)
  • When assembling the Iphone, the display cable may come loose from the connector. This may cause white lines to appear or nothing will appear, but when you turn on the Iphone, chances are high that lines may appear. If this happens, just plug the cable into the jack, then turn off and on the Iphone. The best way to turn on your Iphone is to remove and then install the battery!

  • Detach the front panel assembly from the back of the chassis.

Step 13 - battery

  • Remove the following two screws that secure the battery connector bracket to the center board:
  • One 1.8 mm Phillips head screw (marked in red)
  • One 1.6 mm Phillips head screw (orange)

  • Detach the battery connector bracket from the Iphone.

  • Use a plastic opener to pry the battery connector out of the slot on the center board.
  • Be very careful to lift only the connector, not the jack. If you lift the slot on the central board, you could break it!

lift the connector
  • It is very easy to remove the battery by simply pulling on the plastic tab. Try to slowly pull on the tongue. If this is not enough, simply follow the instructions in this step.
  • Use the opener to lift the battery upward as shown in the three illustrations. You can lift on all sides, but not near the plastic tab, otherwise it may damage the central board as a result!
  • But do not try too hard, lift only in the places shown in the figures: above and below the plastic tab. Otherwise, you may damage the battery or the main board!
  • Be careful when lifting the battery up. Do not insert the opener more than 2 mm under the battery or you risk breaking the volume control cable!

  • If necessary, use the plastic tab to peel the battery glue that holds it to the Iphone.
  • Remove the battery.
  • During assembly, make sure the battery is securely attached to the back of the case. This will prevent damage to other components of the front panel unit when reinstalling it!

Step 18- Center Board Assembly

  • Use the tip of a spudger to disconnect the antenna connector cellular from the socket on the central board, just above the earpiece.

  • Remove the following two screws that secure the top of the center board assembly to the back of the chassis:
  • One 2.3 mm Phillips head screw (orange)

  • Remove the bracket from the top of the center board.
  • Make sure not to rip off the small grounding latch that is attached to the bracket next to the main camera!
  • On newer models, the bracket may attach to the camera body and may not completely detach.

  • Using the flat end of a spudger, disconnect the next three stubs from the center board.
  • Upper connecting cable
  • Button block loop
  • Bottom loop connecting

  • Remove the two 1.3 mm Phillips screws that are attached internally on the top back cover housing.

  • Remove the single 1.2 mm Phillips screw that secures the center board bracket.

  • Disconnect the bracket from the center board.

  • Use a spatula to pry up the Lightning connector cable from its slot on the center board.
  • Carefully separate the ribbon cable from the center board as shown in the second photo.

  • Press the SIM card release button, which is located on the right side of the Iphone from the location of the SIM card, using the SIM card ejecting hook or an ordinary paper clip.
  • Remove the sim card tray from the Iphone.

  • Remove the following screws that secure the center board to the back of the chassis:
  • Two 2.3 mm Phillips head screws (marked in red)
  • Two 2.7 mm Phillips head screws (orange)
  • These screws have a Phillips bit pattern, but the tool we found to remove them is a 2.5mm flat head screwdriver.
  • One 2.7 mm non-magnetized screw (marked in yellow)
  • Be sure to tighten this screw to its original position on the top of the center board.
  • Assembly tip: When you start tightening the screws, use the tip of the spatula like a screwdriver to help you start tightening the screws.

  • Face the center board towards the battery.
  • Do not try to completely disconnect the main board assembly from the back case yet: there is another ribbon that connects to the main board!
  • The flash is attached to the back case, if it remains, remove it with tweezers and put it back in the section.
  • Note: when assembling, make sure that the lower connecting cable is not under the central PCB.

  • Use the tip of a spudger to pry the Wi-Fi antenna ribbon out of the slot on the center board.

  • Disconnect the center board assembly from the back of the chassis.
  • After detaching the board from the back of the case, place it on an antistatic mat to prevent damage to the circuitry.

Step 31 - power button

  • Use the tip of a spudger to remove the rubber bumper located below the power button.

  • Remove the following screws that secure the metal bracket that is between the flash and the camera window:
  • One 2.9 mm screw (marked in red)
  • This screw has a Phillips bit pattern, but the tool we found to remove it is a 2.5mm flat head screwdriver.
  • One 1.6 mm Phillips head screw (orange)
  • One 1.9 mm Phillips head screw (yellow)

  • Remove the metal bracket for the power button.

  • Use the tip of a spudger to flip over the metal bracket located on the top of the rear wall of the case that holds the power button switch

  • Use the tip of a spudger to push the power button on the outside of the Iphone 5.
  • Remove the power button.

Step 36 - Volume buttons.

  • Remove the three screws that secure the vibration motor and vibration motor bracket to the rear housing:
  • One 2.3 mm Phillips screw (marked in red)
  • One 1.7 mm Phillips head screw (orange)
  • One 1.6 mm Phillips screw (yellow) that secures the vibration motor to the inner, top of the rear case.

  • Disconnect the vibration motor and vibration motor bracket from the back of the case.

  • Remove the following screws that secure the volume button and ringer switch frame to the wall of the rear case.
  • One 1.5 mm Phillips screw (marked in red)
  • Two 1.8 mm Phillips head screws (orange)

  • Use the tip of a spudger to detach the bell switch frame from the rear wall of the case.
  • Remove the ring switch frame.

  • Use the tip of a spudger to detach the volume button bracket from the back wall of the case.
  • Remove the volume buttons.

Step 41 - Volume Control Buttons and Power Button Flex.

  • Use the tip of the spatula to move the power button bracket up, then to the left, this is done in order to remove it from the metal hole.

  • Use the flat edge of the spatula to clean the adhesive from the ribbon that holds it to the back of the case.

  • Lift the volume control ribbon cable upward from the rear case wall.
  • If the new batch does not include the metal bracket, use a heat gun to soften the adhesive on the audio control cable and detach the bracket from the metal strip using a spatula from the old batch.