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How to install the Odnoklassniki group widget? Classmates widget app.

Despite the fact that the social network Odnoklassniki in Russia is not an absolute leader in terms of audience coverage at this moment, it still contains a large number of people interested in various services, goods and other information. In addition, many companies maintain and promote the group in Odnoklassniki, since their potential target client is located there. Or maybe it is necessary to "convey" to visitors for greater enthusiasm that there is a public-formation in this social network?

It is for these purposes that such a tool as the publication widget from Odnoklassniki on the site has been implemented, the setting and placement of which we will talk about in this article.

How the publication widget on Odnoklassniki might look like

The choice allows you to stylize the display for yourself and determine the target action that will be most appropriate for posting on your Internet resource.

You can choose one of the following varieties:

Setting up and placing a publication widget from Odnoklassniki on the site

The whole point is to perform several simple operations:

  • deciding what type of widget will be, and subsequent work on its design, width, height;
  • adding the necessary information for correct display (link to content or group, confirmation of public administrator rights, etc., depending on the selected type of widget-formation);
  • copying the resulting code in the constructor;
  • inserting a code combination into a web resource in the required place;
  • "Fitting" and editing the display if necessary, functional check.

To place a button, click on the following link and see the following:

We go down and start working with the constructor, editing it appearance, language for the user, title, description, picture. Do not forget to register the URL of your web resource.

Below you can see the result of the manipulations.

All that remains is to copy the code, paste it into the place of your web resource where necessary and enjoy the result.

Going to the widget tab (on the same page), edit the width and height of the block, prescribe the id-groups (you can find it in the public settings or view the information at the very bottom of the page (after the field with code combinations)), select the result that suits us, copy the code widget and place it on a web resource.

Note that for the widget to work properly, the group must be open for any user to join it.

The Content Widget section makes things even easier. It is enough to register a link to the publication (information on how to get it is also at the bottom of the page), set the width and copy the code.

If we consider widgets for inviting to the game and OAuth authorization, then additional knowledge of the output of some procedures is required. If this is not possible, it is recommended to contact a specialized specialist. Self-study and development is quite accessible to everyone, since the tabs of the same name contain the necessary parameters, their descriptions and positions, installed by default and the necessary libraries.


The widget for publishing from Odnoklassniki to the site using the implemented online constructor allows you to quickly and efficiently solve the problem of posting various content displayed from this social network. Such a solution also creates an additional marketing communication channel that helps to attract site users to a group or page in Odnoklassniki, where they can spend much more time.

Create a widget

In order to install the Odnoklassniki widget on the home page of your online store, you need to do the following:

Figure 2. Operations on the side of the social network.

3. A window will open where we will generate the widget code

Figure 3. Generating the widget code.

This page is also available via a direct link

In Figure 3 - number 1 - the field where you need to insert the group ID, set the required dimensions (width and height).

How to get your group ID:

  1. You must be a group admin.
  2. Go to your group.
  3. On the left under the group's avatar in the menu there is an option "Change settings", you must select it.
  4. At the bottom of the page that opens, find the inscription "ID of this group on Odnoklassniki".
  5. Copy the specified ID and paste it into the "Group ID" field.

Figure 3 - number 2 - the field where the script is generated, which is required to be placed on the site.

Installing the widget on the site

Go to the site in the administration panel.

CMS menu item - Static blocks, in the list we find a static block with the name "Vkontakte Widget" Group "(VK key) and go to its editing (pencil icon).

In the window that opens, click on the "Source" button (Fig. 4 - number1)

If you have already placed widgets, then paste the code below, after all the scripts that are already in the static block.

If there are no widgets of your own, and there are test widgets in the static block, then delete all the code that is there and insert new code copied earlier (fig. 4-digit 2)

Figure 4. Code generation.

Figure 5. Displaying the widget in the client side - two columns.

Figure 6.

Ready. We reviewed the instructions on how to create and install the Odnoklassniki widget.

Even though the term “widget” may seem unfamiliar and unfamiliar by ear, you use them almost every day. Especially if you own gadgets. In fact, a widget is an application program, its visual element that allows you to get quick access to the program. Turning on your smartphone, want to know more about the weather? It is enough to click on the icon of the meteorological application - the very widget - and go to the forecasts page. The clock icon or calendar on the smartphone screen are also widgets.

It is interesting that you yourself can create such a widget in Odnoklassniki on the site, for example, so that even more from your favorite After all, it will become much easier to join it - in just one click! And you will receive additional advertising, new visitors and customers.

Reference: The word widget is American and is more commonly used in colloquial speech. It translates as a piece, device, device, the name of which is unknown to the speaker.

Create a widget

If the word widget sounds clever and you think it is difficult to create it, you are wrong. You don't need to have any special knowledge.

Attention! Before creating a widget - create a group on the Odnoklassniki website.

To embed the widget, the group must be open. We go to the profile. Scroll through the left column to the very end. We find the inscription "More", move the cursor, click the word "Developers" (or follow the link:

Click "OK for sites"

You will be presented with the result (including the embed code) - a widget that you may need to tweak. For example, use the simplest constructor to resize the widget and add the group ID. The instructions for adding are given right there.

The ID can only be added to the widget if you are a group moderator, the community URL has not been changed and is displayed in the browser address bar.

Adding a widget to the site

To embed the widget on the site, go to the administration section, in the sidebar. There, in the desired section, in HTML mode, add the copied widget code.

There is another way of embedding: go to the CMS menu through the administration panel. Find "Static Blocks". Choose "Odnoklassniki" Group "widget, edit (pencil mark). A new window will open, click on the word "Source" in it. Paste the widget code. Remember to save your changes.

Important! If the site already has widgets, in the "Source" window the code for the new widget must be inserted at the end of all scripts.

As you can see, you don't need professional knowledge to promote yourself and your group. It is enough to use all the possibilities offered by the developers of the Odnoklassniki website.

Save it to yourself!

Implement a shortcut for quick access can be done in two ways. The first one uses the capabilities of the browser, it is faster, but has a number of limitations. The second method allows you to make an icon manually, set a referral address and specify an image - you can use it to make shortcuts for any programs and sites in the future.

Using a browser

Some programs ( Google chrome, Opera, etc.) allow you to create icons directly from your window. To download a shortcut to classmates on your desktop for free, open the social networking site. If the browser is open in full screen, first reduce it a little in size so that you can see a free piece next to the shortcuts. Hover over the area at the beginning address bar.

Pinch in this place left button mouse and move the cursor sideways to the desktop. While moving, keep the button pressed all the time. If you do it correctly, the text "OK.RU" and an orange icon will appear next to the cursor, which will begin to move behind the mouse. Bring them to the rest of the labels and release the button. Will appear new icon... Click on it and the OK network site will open. To change the name of the shortcut, right-click it, find "Properties" and in the "General" tab enter the desired name:

Unfortunately, not all browsers allow you to create shortcuts for Internet sites in this way. But it is not necessary to change programs just because of the icons - they can be created manually, and this is not difficult at all.


In an empty space on the screen, right-click and in the menu that appears, go to "Create" - "Shortcut".

The system will ask you to enter the address of the object: insert the line into the field and click "Next".

Specify the name of the icon ("Odnoklassniki" or any other - there are no restrictions on names). Click Finish.

If everything is done correctly, a new icon will appear on the computer. Click on it and your page will immediately open in OK.

Only drawback this method lies in the fact that by default the shortcut receives a standard image in the form of a browser logo. If you want to set the OK brand symbol in the form of an orange man instead, then right-click on the created icon. Select Properties, go to the Web Document tab and select Change Icon.

The system will offer a variety of images to choose from.

If you intend to put the OK brand name, then type in the Internet "Odnoklassniki Icon". Find and download the file with the desired image and necessarily the * .ico extension - only such files are used for icons. Click "Browse" and go to select the downloaded file.

Hello dear readers and visitors of the blog site! In continuation of the previous topics, which were devoted to the promotion of the site in social networks due to the maintenance of groups and fan pages, I decided to write another article, where by my own example I will show how to install the Odnoklassniki group widget on the site.

I will not repeat myself that all social networks, including Odnoklassniki, are one of the visited places for more than 50% of Internet users, and therefore it would be foolish not to use them as promotion of the brand itself, so running a group there will attract to the site additional traffic, which will then be converted into subscribers or customers.

If for some reason you have not yet created a group on, then hurry up to do it, detailed instructions located .

Why do you need a widget social networks on the site:

First . An opportunity to show what else the author of the project is doing and what other interests he has.

Second. Attracting new subscribers to the group. If the widget is placed in a prominent place, then there is a high probability that the visitor will go to it and subscribe to updates.

Third . The ability for visitors to evaluate the composition of the community and if there are many people there, then this is a good impetus to join them. After all, if others have entered it, it means that there is something interesting there.

Instructions for adding the Odnoklassniki widget to the site

The first step is to go to the site and log in there, then go to personal page we go down to the very bottom (footer) and find the link "Developers" there.

On the next page, a constructor will open, where you will need to configure the widget of your group in Odnoklassniki and get a code that you need to add to any place on the site where you plan to display it.

A small tip ... In order not to go through all the above steps, but to get to the designer page instantly, I suggest using the "Get widget" link, which is available on all sites that have installed a similar block for themselves.

In the above constructor, you must make a number of adjustments so that the added block fits the size of the place where you plan to display it.

Width Size- adjust the width of the block, both with the slider and the number of pixels;

Group ID - must be entered unique identificator added group;

Height size- adjust the height of the widget, both with the slider and the number of pixels;

The question immediately arises, how to find out the group ID?

It is enough to go to the group itself and select "Change settings" in the menu on the left.

Now we go back to the constructor page and insert the well-known code into the "Group ID" field and see how the widget will look on the site.

If the result of the work suits you, then a code below will be automatically generated, which will be copied and pasted onto the site.

Since I decided to install the Odnoklassniki group block on the site in the sidebar, for this I went to admin panel project site, then select the "Widgets" section and find from the available "Text".

Then I drag it to right side, I have the sidebar blocks there, indicate the title and insert the previously obtained code, pre-frame it with tags

here's the code< /сеnter> to center the Odnoklassniki widget in the sidebar.

That's all for me. I hope I explained everything clearly, but if you have questions or suggestions, you can always ask me and your visitors in the comments to this article.

I completely forgot to invite you to my place. group of Odnoklassniki, join I will only be glad of it. See you soon!