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Siri does not hear my voice Macos Sierra. How to use dictation from OS X El Capitan as Siri

On iOS devices work " Hi, Siri.»Provides M9 Motion Soprocessor, receiving data from a microphone without additional load on the battery. Since in the case of Mac, the battery consumption is not a big problem (especially on IMAC, Mac Pro and Mac Mini.), Cuppertinov's decision to abandon the support of the function, to put it mildly, is surprising. Nevertheless, as it turned out, users can easily recreate the work "Hi, Siri" in Macos Sierra.

Macos Sierra Detailed Overview

How it works?

Slim up Hi, Siri."The MAC will help the" "function using the SIRI engine to convert the oral speech into the text. Using the settings you need to create a "hot" word, in order to "dictation" always been configured to receive data entered by voice. First, you should configure the "dictation" so that the function is activated when the user will say "hello." Secondly, you need to create a command to activate the key combination, "Budget" Siri. Having done it, users will be able to activate Siri vote. So, in order:

1 . Go to " System settings "And select Siri.

In the drop-down menu " Keyboard shortcuts" Press " Tune"In order to assign a specific key combination to activate Siri.

2 . Click on the keyboard the keys you selected. For example, it may be a combination Control (^)+Command (⌘)+7 . Now it needs to be tied to " Dictation».

3 . Open " System settings"And click on" Universal access».

On the left menu, select the option " Dictation" In the section on the right, check the box next " Enable key phrases"And type on the keyboard" Hello».

ATTENTION! In case item " Enable key phrases»Inactive, open System settings -> Keyboard, go to the tab Dictation and press Use improved dictation.

You need to download the package " Improved dictation", And then restart the computer.

4 . Click on the "button" Dictation teams" A menu will appear with different commands.

Now you need to put a tick in front of " Enable extended commands"(Located in the section Left below) and click on the sign" + «.

5 . In the section Right in the field " When I speak"Enter Russian word" Siri.».

6 . Open the menu " Perform", Select the option" Press the keyboard key"And press the keys selected in paragraph 1 and 2.

7 . Click on the "button" Ready"And close" System settings».

8 . Restart the computer (sometimes starts to work without rebooting).

Having done all the above, you will create the command " Dictation"To activate Siri. The MAC image panel will appear the microphone image indicating that the function " Dictation"All the time is included and ready to receive commands.

What really happens?

It seems that "wake up" siri by means of voting on Mac is something like black magic, but it is not at all. In fact, after you uttered the word " Hello"The function is turned on. Dictation", Which after the word" Siri."Activates the key combinations you choose, which in turn activate Siri.

In it appeared already loved by us iOS voice Siri Assistant, but you can contact a smart assistant only after clicking the key combination. And sometimes I really want to know what the weather or turn on the song without getting up from the sofa.

Plowing in the settings and smoke overseas forums I still found the way to run Siri without resorting to the keyboard.

Step-by-step SIRI voice call settings on Mac

  1. Open Mac OS settings, then "keyboard" and select the Dictation tab. We turn on the dictation and put a tick "use improved dictation" (this is important).
  2. Now we return to the original settings menu, go to "universal access" and choose the "dictation". Here we need to enter a key phrase, let it be the word "hello."
  3. In the same window, click "Dictation Commands", put a tick "Enable Extended Commands" and click +
  4. Here in the top field I enter the word on which our voice assistant will be launched, it is logical that this word will be Siri. We leave the second field unchanged, and in the third you need to enter a key combination according to which your assistant is now started.

Note: You can find out this combination by clicking "Siri." in settingsMAC.

Important: By default, call Siri can holding keys option and space. But if you want to run a voice assistant, you will have to change the standard combination to any other. The main condition would not be action hold" That is, you can just change to pressing OPTION Space.

On this process, the configuration process is completed, now you can say "Hi Siri" and command at a distance.

It is not difficult to guess that in addition to how to call Siri on the mass voice, in the same way, you can configure the launch of other programs, as well as the implementation of a plurality of other actions.

This is another way of contact with the apple device without the use of hands. Of course not all this setting It will be useful, but users who live on the principle "Linen Engine Progress" will undoubtedly be interesting to try!)

Hey, Siri! What can you do on Mac? Many-many!

Siri is now available on Mac, and it goes even deeper into your softwarethan on iPhone and iPad. It can look for files, check your system settings and understand the contextual language, so you can specify one question and follow it accordingly.

How to enable Siri on Mac

When you first install Macos Sierra, you will be asked if you want to use Siri on Mac. If you have not turned on it at this time, you can do it manually at any time from system settings.

How to use a combination of keys to activate Siri

You can click on Siri in the Dock application or in the menu bar at the top of the screen. But if you like fast keysYou're lucky - Siri loves them too.

When you have a key combination, you can simply press and hold the two designated keys until Siri appears.

How to associate Siri results with notifications center

All your Siri search results can be tied directly to the notification center. It can be very helpful if you track documents for work - or you just want to add photos of Oscar Isaac to your appearance today.

Siri search results will be tied to the Today's Today view of your notification center. To remove it, hover the mouse in the search partition in the notification center and click X..

Here are some things that Siri can do on Mac

Siri can look for files

Siri has access to files and documents on your computer. You can search for files by date and even narrow the search in the second request.

  • "Find the files that I worked last week."
  • "Only those from Saturday."
  • Documents "Pages only".

You can also search emails, contact information, calendar events, routes, notes, etc.

  • "I have new letters?"
  • "What is today in my schedule?"
  • "How can I get to Apple Store?"
  • MSGSTR "Find Note."
  • "What is the address of my mom?" (If you ask for contact information for relationships, Siri will ask who this person, by name.)

Siri can tell you more about your Mac

Siri also has access to your system settings, storage information, etc. If you need your serial number Or you want to know how many storages you have, Siri in the case.

Siri can perform a search in your photoobibilee

Siri can dug your tens of thousands of photos in the photo to find specific content, such as your cat, food or lake. You can also search for images depending on location and date.

  • "Show me photos of my cat."
  • "Show me photos of my children."
  • "Show me photos of my trip to Disneyland."
  • "Show me photos of my trip to the lake last summer."

If it is indexed in the "Photos" app, Siri can find it.

Siri can also search for images on the Internet

You are not attributed to images in your photos library: You can search for all online universes for any images you want. You just need to add "on the Internet", so Siri does not try to search in the "Photo" application for him.

  • "Find photos of Narvalov on the Internet."
  • "Show me photos of Oscar Isaac from the Internet."

You can drag any photo from the search query to any document that is great for creating presentations.

Siri can configure your Mac settings

Siri can control many of your Mac settings, such as screen brightness, volume controls, wi-Fi settings and much more.

  • "Disconnect WiFi."
  • "My screen is too bright."
  • "Turn on" do not disturb ".
  • "Enable Screensaver".
  • "Put my Mac to sleep."

Siri can open your applications

Siri can open any application on your Mac, including third-party programs. Just say: "Open [Application Name]," and you will be fired to your application in your choice.

Siri can keep you informed

If you want to send a message in "Messages", Siri can do more than just open the application: It can also dictate and send a message to you. Just say "Send Message", and then dictate the message you want to send.

Siri also works with FaceTime. Ask the Siri "FaceTime [Name]", and it will automatically connect.

Siri will be your melodies

Siri has access to Apple Music. And your music library. If you want to hear a certain song or album or just want to relax in any music genre, Siri can help.

  • "Listen to me some melodies."
  • "Play top songs 10 1962".
  • "Playing metal songs from 80."

Thanks to the integration of Shazam, Siri can also tell you what song is playing, so you do not need to open iTunes to find out.

Since Siri has access to your system settings, it can adjust the volume, pause, skip and play songs.

Siri can help you plan your evening

Thanks to the support of Safari, Maps and Find My Friends, Siri on Mac can plan your evening for you. Ask about the nearest films, including their current rating; Find out if there are restaurants where you can order a table; And with the help of "Find My Friends" you can even find out if your team will return to the local pub.

  • "What films play today." When you click on the film, you will be redirected to Fandango on the Internet.
  • "Is Sally" good? " You will receive a rating of Rotten Tomatoes and a link to watch a trailer on
  • "Find orders for dinner tonight at seven." Siri can not book a reservation, but when you choose a restaurant, you will see a card card card and you can call or visit the website to make a booking.

Install Smart Reminders with Siri

You do not need to ask a question when you ask Siri to set reminders for you: As the Reminders application works with dates, time and locations, you can receive notifications in several ways.

  • "Remind me to take out the garbage when I return home."
  • "Remind me so that I finish my resume tomorrow."
  • "Remind me to go to the dog every day at 7:00 am.

Siri also has a supernatural ability to recognize the application you use, thanks to machine learning algorithms and can establish reminders based on what you currently do.

  • "Remind me to look at it tonight."
  • "Remind me to answer this letter after dinner."

Ask Siri nothing

Siri has rich knowledge embedded in ever-growing information. He knows a lot about sports, music, geography, astronomy and many other things. If Siri does not know the answer directly, it can find more information for you with fast search in the Internet. You can ask Siri everything "And the more you ask, the more Apple (anonymous) finds out that users need from Siri.

Do you have a question about Siri on Mac? Let us know about it in the comments.

Since the release of SIRI in 2011, Apple Technology is waiting for a voice assistant to appear on computers MAC.. According to rumors, a personal assistant will be available after the release of the OS X 10.12 update this fall. However, try some voice commands using the "Universal Access" functions now.

The method described below will not provide complete capabilities of Apple's voice assistant. For example, you will not be able to find out the weather forecast or display the results of a football match, but you can easily use the commands like: "Run iTunes", "close messages", "New tab" and so on. A key phrase is preceded by a key phrase that performs the same role as "Hi, Siri" in iOS.

How to activate voice commands:

  1. To begin with, open the "System Settings", then the "Universal Access" panel. Scroll through the contents of the left side of the window to the end and select the section "Dictation".
  2. Put a tick next to the "Enable dictation on a key phrase".

How to add your teams

Use only the commands pre-installed in OS X is optional. You can add your own phrases to expand the dictation features.

  1. Open the Dictation Teams in the Dictation section.
  2. A form in which you can select a phrase that is used to start a particular action.
  3. Put the checkbox "Enable Extended Commands".
  4. Now you should decide whether you want to use the command in some specific application or from any location of the system.
  5. After that, you need to select an action that will be performed after the voice command. Features are almost limitless: from starting the desired URL in the browser to insert a certain fragment of the text.

Examples of useful teams

Below are some examples of actions for which you should configure commands:

  • Inserting the most frequently used fragment of text or address information.
  • Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + 3 to create a screenshot.
  • Launch AUTOMATOR application, which is responsible for performing custom work scenarios.
  • Insert any predetermined data (images or other files).
  • Opening of the desired folders Through Finder.

Options can be invented infinitely. The main thing is that thanks to the dictation you can forget about many complex combinations of keys and manage them easily and simply with the help of voice.

Since the release of Siri in 2011, Apple's technicians are waiting for a voice assistant on Mac computers. According to rumors, a personal assistant will be available after the release of the OS X 10.12 update this fall. However, try some voice commands using the "Universal Access" functions now.

The method described below will not provide complete capabilities of Apple's voice assistant. For example, you will not be able to find out the weather forecast or display the results of a football match, but you can easily use the commands like: "Run iTunes", "close messages", "New tab" and so on. A key phrase is preceded by a key phrase that performs the same role as "Hi, Siri" in iOS.

How to activate voice commands:

  1. To begin with, open the "System Settings", then the "Universal Access" panel. Scroll through the contents of the left side of the window to the end and select the section "Dictation".
  2. Put a tick next to the "Enable dictation on a key phrase".

How to add your teams

Use only the commands pre-installed in OS X is optional. You can add your own phrases to expand the dictation features.

  1. Open the Dictation Teams in the Dictation section.
  2. A form in which you can select a phrase that is used to start a particular action.
  3. Put the checkbox "Enable Extended Commands".
  4. Now you should decide whether you want to use the command in some specific application or from any location of the system.
  5. After that, you need to select an action that will be performed after the voice command. Features are almost limitless: from starting the desired URL in the browser to insert a certain fragment of the text.

Examples of useful teams

Below are some examples of actions for which you should configure commands:

  • Inserting the most frequently used fragment of text or address information.
  • Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + 3 to create a screenshot.
  • Launch AUTOMATOR application, which is responsible for performing custom work scenarios.
  • Insert any predetermined data (images or other files).
  • Opening the desired folders via Finder.

Options can be invented infinitely. The main thing is that thanks to the dictation you can forget about many complex combinations of keys and manage them easily and simply with the help of voice.