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Learn SEO promotion. Self-study SEO from scratch

From the author: good specialists in the field of SEO-promotion earn in Russia an average of 100,000 rubles. for a successfully completed order. If you have a desire to get great money while working from anywhere in the world, then why not try yourself in the field search engine optimization? In this article, we will take a closer look at SEO promotion: how to learn, how long it will take, etc.

After reading the information below, you won't be able to become a mega SEO specialist at the flick of your fingers, but you will get the recommended list further action for development in this subject. Let go of negative thoughts about how something might not work out due to lack of experience. Presented below step by step plan tailored specifically for beginners who start from scratch. Therefore, follow the instructions and you will succeed.

Step 1. Studying the theoretical basis

The ideal scenario for newbies starting from scratch is to immediately enroll in expensive SEO promotion courses with experienced professionals who will transfer the maximum store of knowledge during the allotted training period. However, of course, the main catch here is the price issue. It is rare to find good specialized lessons on SEO-website promotion from experienced gurus in this area, which are posted on the Internet in free access... Therefore, we will go the other way.

First of all, you need to find a proven source of basic technical knowledge, after mastering which it will already be possible to move on to attempts to apply the new information in practice. Pick a few options and read the feedback from students developing along the proposed methods.

Learning the basics of SEO-website promotion will take a fairly long period of time - at least 2-3 months. Therefore, you will have to be patient and Doshirak from the local supermarket to survive during the training phase. Although it is quite possible to devote time free from the main job, and then just move on to a new business entirely as soon as it starts to make a profit.

JavaScript. Fast start

CEO is not a direction where you can act right away and figure out what and how on the fly. Here, customers rely on the knowledge of specialists and invest serious budgets to promote their sites to the top search engines. You cannot risk clients' money, however, and you should not delay training either. Read a few books or take a few courses, having mastered a certain base, and then immediately go to practice.

Step 2. Application of the acquired knowledge in practice

As you learn, you will immerse yourself in great amount all sorts of subtleties of SEO, as well as highlight for yourself several search engine optimization techniques that are used by leading experts. However, do not rush to feed yourself with illusions about the fact that they began to understand the topic.

Knowing and being able to apply what has been learned are two completely different things. An analogy can be drawn with auto-themes. A person who is ideally aware of the rules of the road and driving a car, but has not yet sat behind the wheel, will certainly drive worse than a driver with practical experience. This suggests that if you really want to engage in search engine optimization, then you need not be afraid to apply the knowledge gained in practice, while refining your own skills.

The main thing is not to stand in one place. Constantly develop and set new goals in this direction. Take useful training courses, subscribe to useful newsletters from popular SEO optimization gurus, select several news sites for yourself on related topics (marketing, ecommerce, etc.) and keep track of interesting information. Always be in the subject!

We are sure that you have learned a lot of useful knowledge from this article. Do not postpone the implementation of the presented step by step instructions tomorrow or next month, and apply the information received today. After a few months of hard work, you may be able to reach a fairly good income.

You can start searching for clients with. Use it for direct selling or as a platform where you will share training materials on this topic with people.

That's all! Subscribe to our blog, and every day you will learn more and more interesting and useful information. Good luck and see you soon!

JavaScript. Fast start

Learn JavaScript basics at practical example on creating a web application

In any field of activity there are super professionals, there are middlings and there are beginners or amateurs. Everyone decides for himself what level he wants to climb.

Personally, I have set a very high bar for myself and I try to follow it every day. Therefore, I can tell you from my own experience how to become a SEO specialist from scratch. But I'll start from afar ...

My concept of super pro

A long time ago I worked in an oil mine for Lukoil (yes, my education is a mining construction engineer).

There were many good professionals in the company, but I remember one very strongly. And in fact, he became my ideal of a high-class specialist, whom I still look up to.

His career began in a coal mine, a simple worker back in the Soviet Union (already the end of the USSR, the beginning of perestroika). Secondary technical education in mining.

He worked there for a long time, then moved to another city and got a job in an oil mine. A diligent worker, diligent, hardworking was noticed by the authorities, career growth began - the head of the brigade, then the department.

It was necessary to get a higher education in order to grow further, he went to a correspondence higher education in his specialty, graduated from it. Then another promotion to the head of the mine.

Yet additional courses, already in management, economics, finance and accounting. Then numerous business trips to improve the level of executives, including abroad.

When I communicated with him at work, I felt and saw a very strong, high-level competence in ALL issues.

It was A REAL professional in his field, of the highest class... I have never met such people in my life.

Of course, when I was studying at the university there were many talented and very smart teachers, but they are all theoreticians, and this is a Practitioner with a capital letter. And I think you know what a big difference between theory and practice.

Globally, how did this specialist differ from other specialists, in particular, me?

Great practical experience, extensive, sometimes dangerous and even fatal (methane explosions in a coal mine). Great knowledge in every, even the smallest question that he could reveal, answer in detail and argue.

That is, the main difference between a real professional and an amateur (or a person who knows the basis of the subject) is that a professional understands all the intricacies and details of his field.


You will receive a competent and competent answer to any question. And this, as you know, is not a matter of one month or even a year.

I know people who have studied SEO for six months or a year and thought they had already mastered Zen and became super SEO optimizers. But in fact, they grabbed the tops and caught the star.

This is very logical, when you plunge into some new sphere, quickly gain the initial knowledge base, you start to succeed, you think - this is it, now I am omnipotent, I know everything and can do it.

And at this stage, the main thing is not to start thinking high about yourself, because it will hurt to fall. And you will have to fall, reality will force you.

You can learn the base, learn the basics well from scratch and become a SEO in six months. But then the most interesting thing begins - the subtleties and details that distinguish the professional from the amateur.

And it will take years.

As Socrates said: I know that I know nothing.

These are very wise and deep words. Each sphere of activity is a cosmos, infinity that can be explored forever. And a real specialist in his field never thinks highly of himself - he knows that he knows nothing.

How to learn SEO promotion

Becoming an SEO specialist yourself from scratch is very difficult in my opinion. Although there is all the information on website promotion on the Internet, it is fragmentary, in pieces, and SEO needs a system.

This system can be obtained in the following ways:

  1. The longest trial and error, scientific poke, reading books and blogs
  2. Sign up and take courses (now there are many different courses, there are plenty to choose from)
  3. Go to individual training with a specialist (paid or free of charge as an apprentice)
  4. Get a job in good company for website promotion

Let's take a closer look at each method.

1. Work

I chose the latter path and got a job in an excellent SEO studio, where I improved my base well and began to comprehend Zen.

I think this path is great and will work for most, it is scalable. Even if you live in a village, you can now work remotely.

The only moment here is to find a really good company where specialists are already working. And here, I think, as luck would have it, you may have to change jobs more than once in order to find a high-quality promotion studio.

2. Courses

I took paid courses and trainings on SEO and website promotion, but they did not even come close to providing such a foundation as at work.

In general, I want to say separately about courses that this is a bad option to study SEO and become a good optimizer (very few people are lucky, there are only a few of them). Of course, you will get a certain system, but it will be very weak.

Too many questions arise in the course of work and the coach cannot physically answer them, because, as a rule, he is recruiting a large group. Or he simply does not have time to consider your situation in detail.

The person has read a couple of books on the profession, took some free weekly training and thinks that he is already a fucking specialist and can teach other people.

By the way, this approach is taught by the majority of pseudo-trainers in info-business, who train other pseudo-trainers of the same kind. And it is clear that the most important thing here is dollars in the eyes of such coaches. There is no question of any adequate training.

And another question in the system. After all, learning is a difficult process, you need to have certain talents in order to teach other people and not everyone has these talents.

And teachers are often crawled by people who, well, cannot simply teach others. They cannot build a clear teaching system, they do not have the appropriate pedagogical education, they have not even read any literature, how in general it is necessary to teach correctly.

But this is a whole science!

Yes, in addition, the teacher's emotions are often connected in the form of irritation or anger when the student does not understand well.

Well, in terms of time, the courses usually go - a month, two, 2-3 lessons per week for 1-2 hours. This is very small. And compare how much time you spend on learning SEO at work - 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.

These are incomparable numbers.

3. Individually

Going to training with a specialist is a very good, fast, but expensive way. As a rule, whoever takes pupils for an individual takes good money for such training. And this is normal, because there is one-on-one individual work.

The question is also how to find a really excellent specialist who can provide quality training. We return to the previous point about the pseudo coach. And this is problem number 1. It's not even about the money.

4. Independently

This method is the longest, hardest and most difficult one. I know a lot of SEO professionals have gone through this. It takes place if you do not have the money for good training or a lot of time.

But then back to the point about working in a company, and what prevents you from getting a job in an SEO studio?


Whichever method you choose, with the right effort, over a long period of time and constant work, you will become an SEO specialist. And what level - already depends on you.

Recently I listened to a good webinar by Dmitry Shakhov. Just in the subject, it reveals the question from a slightly different side, but there is something to think about. In general, go for it! All in your hands!

P.P.S. What other ways do you know how to become a specialist?

We have released new book"Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand."

We all came from other professions (related and not so), but we were united by one thing: a terrible interest in what was happening on the Web.

If the thought “I want to become a SEO” stuck in your head and you don’t know where to start, then listen to the dinosaurs. We've had a long journey with rocks, holes, footboards, rattlesnakes and so on. Once even almost died out;) But jokes aside, it's time for fascinating stories about how we learned SEO from scratch.

Oleg Vasiliev

He believes that the SEO profession begins with a detailed study of responsibilities

Tips from Bakinsky if you are attracted by an SEO job:

Look better: will you be just someone who is looking for a job or a student, there are many similar vacancies on the market, they will even help you learn optimization for free :)

Don't be lazy: find and read what SEO is, who is SEO and what is its responsibility. For what? In order not to waste either your time or the time of your leader who will guide you. Yes, to direct. You will learn the basic information on your own.

Know and conquer: in order to learn how to competently SEO website promotion, you need to completely immerse yourself in your profession, quickly delve into the topics of your clients and be prepared for the fact that there is no magic pill that solves all problems. There will be no template projects and solutions. And yes, if all three points describe you, then you should be in "Semantics".

Daria Kuznetsova

Content marketer. Trying to learn SEO for free at the expense of colleagues' spare time

I want to become a SEO. No, really! I've been pacing around the bush for a long time, but I still can't master this science. Of course, I know how to optimize the text, I can put together a passable semantic core for an article and I know what is “gray” and what is “black”, and I am also aware of most of the factors affecting ranking. This knowledge is not enough to promote the site, but I can handle the content for sure.

The thought of learning SEO came to me a long time ago when I was trying to become a millionaire, just like Zuckenberg. What I did then:

  1. Read precise definition SEO words in various sources (both English and Russian).
  2. I read the book by Ashmanov and Ivanov “Optimization and promotion of sites in search engines ah ”, did not understand much.
  3. Began to blindly read Devaki's blog.
  4. I watched a bunch of YouTube videos.

To be honest, I never learned how to become a good SEO. I just did not understand how to connect the knowledge gained and put together a whole picture from all the scraps.

My advice is this: to learn SEO, you need to hang out with SEOs. No, not with your classmates / classmates who think that they are cool guys and it is time for them to create their own business. And with those who have been practicing SEO for a long time and successfully. For example, with us;)

Our blog is full of articles that provide a beginner with everything they need to know to make their SEO dream come true. Welcome!

Vladimir Shestakov

Became an SEO specialist on my own thanks to my curiosity

I used to be a webmaster. I looked at my fellow SEOs for a very long time and envied them very much. It seemed to me that they had a very interesting job and, as it turned out later, I was not mistaken. Soon, jealousy smothered me so much that I decided to leave the heated plankton place and become a non-professional search engine optimization for the time being. Thanks to my long-term personal interest in web technology, I quickly got to the heart of the matter. At first I tried to learn SEO site optimization from my former colleagues. They advised me books, blogs, told me what and how they do. To keep up with trends and prospects, I became an avid reader of many optimization blogs that have helped me learn SEO in more than just technical side question. Finally, I attended several workshops that gave me even more insight into my work.

Later, I began to practice and carry out the assignments and routine work of the guys who were my mentors. And later he began to take projects on freelance. Several years of experimenting, chasing trends and being completely immersed in the question made me a real professional.

And to everyone who wants to become a SEO, I would like to say this: passion for technology helps to achieve success. If you are curious, like to get to the bottom of the issue, you want to have some "secret knowledge", then yes, you have everything ahead of you.

Anna Serebryakova

Head of SEO department. Advises to fully immerse yourself in work

It would be like this: in 2010, when I was on maternity leave and there was nothing to do, I came across the blog and read it all in a week. I was literally hooked. Then the forum was angry, then a lot of data ... I just read without stopping. After that I found (or she found me) an interesting vacancy: “The studio staff needs a SEO specialist”. So I began to learn SEO promotion.

In general, the most important thing in SEO is daily training, full immersion in the profession and the desire to reach the truths of what you want to comprehend. There are also some nuances: the result in promotion depends on many factors and finding the perfect combination is a real art. As the saying goes, you can accidentally play badly, but you cannot play well by chance. Becoming a SEO specialist from scratch is possible only through full immersion in work, despite the fact that projects should be versatile. In this case, the “more is better” statement works 100%. Even if at first you will do something wrong, but then there will be an understanding of the borderline working / not working.

Roman Muller

Thinks that you just need to try

How did I become a SEO specialist on my own and practically from scratch? The first time I tried SEO was in 2012, in the spring, as I remember now collecting low frequencies for my website mobile applications just digging into the depths of the then “Magadan”. I collected the keys incorrectly, received a drop from the potential sea, but nevertheless the Unics were somehow found. I also had experience in SEO optimization for online movies (for Russian TV shows, to be more precise). Again, there was a wrong approach to work and the maximum was about 1k unics per day, monetized mainly with teasers and advertising in the player.

Eh, it was a great time when you could just spam links and get into the TOP. Now links are needed of high quality, and you need to work with sites in more detail, scrupulously. The situation is changing for the better for users, there are now more and more high-quality sites in the search results, and it is more and more difficult to learn SEO promotion. This has its pros and cons: popular engines like wordpress already have hundreds of different SEO plugins, which undoubtedly makes life easier.

How to learn SEO promotion? The advice is simple: try, even if in doubt, even if you are sure that you will not succeed, just try. Well, this is not just a tip for the SEO field;)

Igor Ivanov

A real dinosaur of the Internet and in addition the head of the studio. I am sure that you can become a good SEO specialist from scratch only through suffering.

Started with heart in 2006, at least some useful information was just there. To get at least a crumb of something worthwhile, you had to look through tons of g # vna and all kinds of nonsense. I experimented on my projects, or rather I made projects on purpose in order to test something. The sea has spent money ... already scary. But this was the only way that understanding came. Yes, and now it is. Nothing much has changed. Information on the web can give a reason and direct thoughts in the right direction. But one way or another, you still have to double-check and analyze everything.

After the angry, worthwhile information began to appear on the blogs of SEOs, "homeless", the angry became generally some kind of rubbish. For the past three years, blogs have already been closed or there is nothing to write about. Now you are interested in webinars or social network: in the feeds of specialists you can find a lot of interesting things.

To become an SEO specialist from scratch requires practice and only practice. Only live it is possible to understand how everything actually works (or does not work). It is also important to understand that practice is not one or two projects, but several dozen.

From the author: There has been a lot of controversy lately regarding SEO optimization. Some people believe that this direction is no longer relevant, others - that it continues to be one of the most effective methods of promoting sites on the Internet. Let's take a closer look at the issue and find out if SEO training is worth it, and where you can get it.

Search engine optimization is an interesting niche in which even a person who does not understand advertising or promotion on the Internet at all can start working. Of course, it will take more time to learn the basic SEO lessons, however, if you delve into the material for 2-3 months, you will be surprised at the level of knowledge gained.

The main tasks of an SEO optimizer

SEO for beginners will seem like a huge world of incomprehensible terms and in-depth analytics, however, this direction can also be described in simple Russian. A specialist in the field of search engine promotion is obliged to improve the position of the site in the Internet search results by improving the content and adjusting the usability of the site.

In other words, SEO makes the resource more convenient for visitors. In turn, the search engine notices that users get what they want when they visit the site and spend more time on it, and, as a result, promotes the site in the SERP so that other people on the Internet get here.

What skills and knowledge are required to work as a SEO?

To start a full-fledged work in this area, it will be enough to understand:

basics SEO promotion;

the principle of operation of the main search engines (Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.);

structure of writing SEO articles.

An additional leap in your development in this topic will be given by the following skills:

knowledge of English language;

fundamentals of marketing;

the ability to analyze the market;

additional knowledge on site development (for example);

understanding the basics information technologies.

Top 4 Global SEO Trends of 2016

To achieve more significant results in website promotion, you must understand the mechanics of search engines. It should be noted that it is updated every year, so you need to constantly monitor new trends. Check out some of the most recent search engine features from a series of studies:

There is no point in looking for cheat codes.

Plugins and other web developments that affect the efficiency of the site core are no longer as relevant as they used to be. This is due to big amount innovations. The creators of all kinds of technical modules simply do not have time to edit and customize them for new format, therefore, it is much more logical to do the main work yourself.

Content is the basis of search engine promotion.

You are in the era of a real information war. Websites are fighting for visitors, attracting them with more and more interesting content. It is no longer possible to do without it, since the search results are also influenced by the fact how much time visitors spend on the site.

A catchy title, informativeness, a solution to a specific problem - all this should be present in the text. Moreover, people began to reveal lies and various "enticements" even at the embryonic stage, so work on honest and useful content.

Mobile optimization is a basic need.

If a user enters a browser and enters any query in a search engine through a smartphone, for example, "taxi Moscow", then he is more likely to come across a site tailored for a mobile format.

Local search has become a priority in the delivery of commercial sites.

From now on, people with the introduction search queries commercial focus sites will be primarily displayed with a territorial location in the same city where the client is located.

An exception will be the use of gadgets for which the GPS tracking system is disabled, or performing a search with a specific city in the request.

Where can you get the basic knowledge?

Learn to SEO basics you can by going in the following ways:

studying books in this direction;

comprehending information through educational articles and videos on Youtube;

After completing specialized SEO courses (first free, then you can try and paid);

by meeting more experienced professionals who will agree to help you dive into this topic.

All of the above options work and have vivid followers who, following one of the above roads, later became successful specialists. However, there is a key point that should never be overlooked. It is about the practical component of training.

You should not stick to a strategy - first education, then work. No - you can't do that. It is much more effective to grasp the basic principles of SEO optimization, and then immediately apply the accumulated knowledge in practice, gradually replenishing the baggage of information.

How can you make money on your SEO knowledge?

There are several options for making money in this area with the proper level of knowledge:

Teach others online.

Try and monetize it by teaching the basics of SEO optimization to other people. This can be done through video or text materials - as you like.

Get a job as an employee.

Good SEOs are a valuable treasure in the job market. Now, if you have the proper experience in the field of search engine promotion and can guarantee a specific result of the company, then you can safely count on a monthly salary of 50,000 rubles.

Become a freelancer.

Register on the relevant exchanges on the Internet and choose the orders that are suitable for your profile. This option can be called optimal for beginners to get their hands on.

Collaborate with web studio.

You can enter into a contractual agreement with any web studio engaged in the development of sites. The essence of the agreement is that the partner company will recommend you as a promotion specialist to its clients. In principle, this format can be considered freelance, however, to some extent stabilized, since there will be permanent orders.

Open your own company.

This path is considered the most difficult. It is suitable for those who want to open own business in this area, providing the service of search engine promotion by the hands of other people. Of course, in this case, one cannot do without developed management skills.

You now generally understand the mechanics of search engine optimization and know where to learn this interesting craft. You can try signing up for an SEO course, or you can jump right into the hands-on experience and get your hands on real-life experience. Either way, SEO training is not a waste of time.

This direction is very popular and useful, so we wish you good luck and fast SEO development. Our blog will help you with this, where interesting articles regularly appear covering all areas of website development and promotion. So subscribe not to miss anything! Until next time!

Greetings to all Instagrammers! Let's get to know a little and I'll start.

My name is Vasily Blinov, I am the author of this blog about remote work and everything connected with it. Instagram including! I myself have been working remotely since 2015 and traveling the world. I am promoting my account on Instagram and other social networks, which will also be discussed on my blog.

I could have done a paid course on the promotion and promotion of Instagram, but I decided that I would post all my experience and knowledge for free, let those who make money on such trainings execute me for this :)

I think the article today will turn out to be long, but interesting, so I recommend that you carefully read it to the end. And at the end leave your feedback and comments about what you read.

So let's go?

Why is it worth promoting Instagram?

In terms of audience activity, he is in my first place.

Because there is not as much garbage as there is, for example, on VKontakte or Facebook. News feeds and updates in which are teeming with advertisements and all sorts of entertaining nonsense. People still tend to use Instagram for its intended purpose, add photos from their lives there.

And the audience there, thanks to live content, is more open and adequate.

Therefore, to everyone who promotes their brand, looking for customers by selling their services and products, I recommend promoting their business accounts on Instagram or personal page... Moreover, you can promote Instagram yourself, learn everything from scratch using free and paid ways, which I will talk about today.

Some experts who offer to quickly promote an account on Instagram do the same for only 5-10 times more expensive. My friends, freelancers and internet entrepreneurs have ordered similar services and the result with what I do myself turned out to be the same.

Promotion of Instagram is a constant process, you should not hire guys who promise you to catch up with a lot of subscribers in a short time.

If you don't have time to promote yourself on your own, then hire a permanent remote employee - an Instagram manager who will do all the work for you, retain the audience and bring new customers.

How to promote Instagram yourself?

I must say right away that I am not interested in the twisted numbers (subscribers), from which there is usually no sense. I try to gather only a live and active audience.

Where to begin?

Ahh? A! - Audience! First step.

Why the hell are you going to do Instagram promotion? Earn? I think that 95% are interested in this issue for this very reason.

Then what are you going to make money on? What does your client look like? What will he be interested in? What will help solve his problem, I NEED? If I may say so.

For example, my goal is to convey to people how, thanks to her, you can make your life more interesting, free, and start traveling. Help them take the first step - to master the promising Internet profession of the future.

They often write to me, ask questions, give feedback... I know that I have a large audience reach from 17 to 70 years old. But the target group is guys 21 - 35 years old who want to develop, learn, master something new and dream of traveling the world.

Knowing your audience, it is easier to create useful and interesting content for them, look for places where they live, and attract them from there through your own activity or advertising.

Next 3 simple steps - this is:

  1. Profile design.
  2. Content plan creation and publication.
  3. PR and advertising.

Today I will review them briefly, more detailed information and instructions will be in separate articles.

How to create a profile?

A photo and information about you or your product is the first thing a person will see when they visit the page. For me personally, these two indicators play an important role whether to subscribe or not.

For example, this is how my profile looks like, SUBSCRIBE -

  1. Profile picture- live photography that is used on all my social networks. It's easier to find and remember me this way.
  2. Name and surname. It is better to write in Russian as it is, and not in transliteration. Transliteration, firstly, not everyone decides to make out what is written there, and secondly, they can read and remember incorrectly.
  3. Where are you from. Increases the loyalty of your fellow countrymen.
  4. Who you are and what you do. Let the person immediately understand what you are doing and on what issue you can be of help. To make it clear why subscribe to you.
  5. Active link in profile... The only place on Instagram where you can put active link... It can lead to your site or another social network... In my case, there is a link (), which leads an article about an online marathon in ours.

Almost all traffic from Instagram comes through this link in the profile. In posts, they usually just write a "call to action" - follow it. Because there is no point in inserting links in posts, they are inactive there, and no one will follow them.

How to publish posts?

As the saying goes: CONTENT IS KING!

Your posts are the main factor which will hook a person, make a subscriber out of a visitor, and a subscriber into a friend or client and will keep him for many years.

If you want to promote Instagram, recruit live and active followers, then publish only your photos and thoughts. Sometimes, infrequently, you can dilute them with some kind of pictures or infographics with something useful.

Instagram - this is your photo album , only on the Internet and open access... Make it so that you yourself would be pleased to go into it and look at your photos.

  1. Take great pictures.
    Beautiful pictures from the Internet, jokes, demotivators, food photos, etc. in our time, very few people are interested. People need your photos! It's great when Instagram is in real time.
  2. Sign photos.
    Create useful and entertaining content. Write your stories, what you think about, where you go, what you do, let's useful tips... Encourage to speak in the comments or like.
  3. Post more often.
    But not too often, 1-2 photos a day will be enough.
  4. Respond to comments.
    When you publish a new post, try to immediately respond to comments. Active discussions get the most attention from other subscribers, and they also begin to comment. Live communication with your subscribers personally will build more trust in you. On Instagram, it is not very convenient to track comments with a lot of subscribers' activity. Therefore, the StarComment service helps me in controlling comments under all posts.

In order to competently maintain contact with the audience, you need a content plan or at least a simple plan for your interests. target audience... In a separate article, we'll talk about how to draw up such a plan (the link will be later).

How to attract new subscribers?

Now let's move on to methods that will allow us to notice you and interest living people.

Free actions:

  1. Broadcast live.
  2. Make Stories.
  3. Use #HASHTAGS. By hashtags, your photos can be seen by other Instagram users. Here is an article about
  4. Mark the places where the photo was taken. Other users can also see you by geolocation tags.
  5. Like it. The person you have liked may want to know who liked his photo, and he will be redirected to your profile.