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Do I need to buy a microphone for Skype. How to set up a microphone in Skype - a few easy steps

- one of the most popular programs for communication on the Internet. Using Skype, you can communicate using text, voice or video. And if there are usually no problems with text correspondence, then when communicating with the help of voice and video, users often encounter bad sound. Most often this is poor audibility, noise, interference and echo. In this article, we will tell you how to set up a microphone in Skype so that these problems no longer bother you.

System microphone settings for Skype communication

If you are having problems with the microphone in Skype, then the first thing to do is check the system ones. System settings are microphone settings in the operating room itself windows system... In order to access these settings, find the speaker icon on the taskbar (lower right corner of the screen) and right-click on it. After that, a small menu will appear on the screen, in which you need to select "Recorders".

You can also open the system microphone settings via "". To do this, open the "Control Panel", go to the "Hardware and Sound - Sound" section and switch to the "Recording" tab.

As a result of the above described actions in front of you should open the "Sound" window on the "Record" tab. Your microphone should be displayed here. If the microphone is not here, then it is possible or the drivers are not installed on the computer for sound card... If this is the case, fix these issues and then go back to setting up your microphone in Skype. If the microphone is present, then you need to select it with the mouse and click on the "Properties" button.

After that you will be taken to the window with. There are several tabs here. On the first tab called "General" you need to make sure that the microphone is turned on. At the bottom of the window there is a drop-down list, where the "Use this device (on)" value should be selected. Otherwise, there will be no sound in Skype.

The next tab is called "Listen". Here you need to make sure that the function "Listen with this device"Is disabled. Insofar as this function may create additional echoes when communicating on Skype.

The next tab is called Levels and is the most important one when setting up your microphone in Skype. Here you can change two values: Microphone and Microphone Gain.

  • The microphone is common. The higher the value, the better you will be heard on Skype. First, set this value to the maximum. If necessary, then lower this value.
  • Microphone Gain is a setting that allows you to further enhance the signal from your microphone. If you are hard of hearing on Skype, then set this value to +10 dB or +20 dB. As a last resort, if the microphone is very quiet, you can set and +30 dB. But, then there is a risk of a variety of noise and interference.

The last tab, which is called "Advanced", contains the settings for the bit depth and sampling rate. Here it is best to click on the "Default" button to set the default values.

This completes the microphone setup for Skype. All that is left for you is to go directly to Skype itself and check the settings there.

Skype microphone settings

To access the microphone settings in Skype, open the "Tools" menu and then select "Settings".

After the Skype settings open, go to the "Sound settings" section.

As you can see, there are very few settings here. All you can do here is select a microphone from the list, change the volume, or turn on the automatic microphone setting function.

How to set up a microphone in Skype so that later there are no problems with sound during calls - we will tell you about this in our article.

Setting up a microphone in Skype is impossible without installed program and the headset itself (for laptops it is built-in, for a PC you need to purchase it separately). If during work you hear intrusive interference, echo, voice is interrupted, phrases arrive with a delay and serious distortion, or nothing is heard at all, then there are problems. Moreover, either you, or your interlocutor (or both of you).

Read about that in our separate article.

Setting up a microphone in Skype:

It is also important to update the version of the messenger to the latest, not only for yourself, but also for a friend. If he doesn't know yet at all, tell him or show our thematic material.

How to adjust the microphone sound in Skype - we continue to explore the options

Both you and your companion take a look at the following places:

If you want to know - then read the article that we published earlier!

Test call

The messenger developers took care of their customers and implemented a very useful tool for sound checks. You and your interlocutor should make a free test call using the Echo / Sound Test Service contact, which is located in your list by default.
Follow the instructions of the virtual assistant, and then the recorded message will be played back (usually it helps to instantly find out from which side the problem arose).

We tried everything, and if nothing has improved anyway, the reasons may be as follows:

  • some special driver for the headset is missing;
  • critical incompatibility of the OP and external equipment; this can only be dealt with by a service center.

If you still have a headset, try attaching it. Suddenly, the old equipment just completely broke down.

How do I set my microphone to a button?

In order to work faster and more conveniently, you can set the optimal keyboard shortcut:

We have prepared a separate material on the topic "" - read, you never know what situations may arise.

That's all for now. We hope our advice will help you, and you can easily figure it out.

Among all voice messengers, Skype has always stood out simple interface and a lot of all kinds of functions: from sending simple text messages to a full-fledged video call using a computer or laptop webcam. Over time everything large quantity people began to pay great attention to mobile devices and tablets, so the popular application migrated there as well. But with the transition to new platforms, new questions have arisen. One of them: how to set up the microphone sound in Skype on a tablet? Honestly, there is no complicated setup, but there are some problems when starting to work with Skype, which we will now analyze.

Possible problems with the microphone when setting it up

It is very easy to properly configure the microphone in skype on android. You just need to make sure that the microphone on your tablet is working properly and if there are any glitches in the program itself. This leads to two ways to configure the microphone in Skype:

  • Checking the device microphone for faults
  • Installing a different version of Skype

Below are detailed breakdowns of both options.

Method 1: Check the device microphone for faults

The first step is to check: is the microphone working on your tablet? This is very easy to do. In Skype for the tablet itself, there is a microphone test function.

We go to Skype.

From the list of contacts, select Echo / Sound Test Service and click on the "Call" icon.

After that, you will be prompted to check your microphone - the sound recording function will be available for 10 seconds. Say any few words or phrases, and after sound signal you will hear your own voice.

If you don't hear anything, don't despair. Perhaps you need to connect Bluetooth headset (headphones with built-in microphone) and repeat the test call.

If after that nothing happened, then the microphone of your device needs to be replaced or repaired.

Method 2. Installing another version of Skype

Sometimes Skype does not work correctly due to an outdated version. In this case, you need to update the application firmware. This is done as follows:

2. Enter in the search menu - Skype

3. Click on the "Update" button, or "Remove" and "Install" again

By following these simple steps, all Skype microphone problems on your tablet will be resolved. No other action is required. Thus, setting up a microphone in Skype on a tablet is much easier than on a PC.

To set up a microphone in Skype you need installed skype and a microphone. It has been written about the installation and registration of this program.

Anyone that connects to a computer can connect a microphone to Skype. In laptops, it is already built in.

Make sure the microphone is connected to your computer (or your laptop) and let's get started.

If the microphone in Skype does not work, set it up again by following the steps in this instruction. But first, make sure to install latest version this program (you can read about its installation).

Start skype. To do this, on the desktop, click on the skype icon. Or, another way, click "START", and there select "Skype".

Click Tools. Then "Settings", as in the picture.

Please select Sound settings... It is in this section that the microphone settings are made.

Skype microphone setup is coming to an end, there is very little left.

Press "Make a test call in Skype"... This method can be used to check exactly if you have succeeded in setting up the microphone.


This window will open. Then, follow the instructions of the answering machine. This check is completely free and you can repeat it as many times as you want. If you don't hear anything, then the sound is not working.

Program for skype communication has a fairly flexible setting. You can customize not only the image and chat, but also the microphone and voice call settings. If you need to adjust the volume or clarity, then it is better to do it first in fine tuning on the computer via special utilities, only then go to Skype settings.

How to set up a microphone in Skype

In the most skype you can adjust the microphone volume, output, as well as listen to it and look at a special diagram for its work. All this is necessary when the interlocutor hears you badly, or the device does not work correctly.

Here you need the “Settings” line.

In the menu that opens, you will find the section “Sound settings”. In the central part of the window, next to the word "Microphone" will be all the parameters that you can configure.

The value “Microphone” selects the output of the device. This is true when you have multiple microphones connected, or a microphone and a headset together: then Skype may select the wrong device by default.

Below is the “Volume” slider. It allows you to adjust the level quieter and louder, depending on your needs and the microphone itself. Drag the slider and ask your Skype friends how well you can hear you now.

If you leave a check mark in the line “Allow automatic tuning microphone ”, the program will periodically change the volume on its own, depending on the noise level in the background: when the sound becomes very quiet, the utility will raise it and vice versa.

Customization on different operating systems is fundamentally no different, but on mobile devices absent altogether.

If your Skype microphone isn't working

When the microphone in the program does not react at all to sounds: the diagram is in place, friends cannot hear you, then the problem should be solved already in system settings computer or the microphone itself. Eliminate the possibility of breakage right away by simply plugging the microphone into another device and trying it out.

After that click on the start menu and enter the control panel.

In the next window, you will need the item "Change system sounds" in the "Sound" section. Click on it.

Wait for the small settings window to load. In it, go to the "Recording" tab. Here you will see all the microphones that are connected to currently to the computer. If your microphone is not here, then you either have a breakdown or problems with the connector input.

Select the desired microphone and click “Configure”.

After that, a new window will open where you need to go to the "Levels" tab. Here you can adjust the microphone volume and microphone gain. As a rule, you will only need amplification when the volume of the microphone itself is not sufficient for comfortable communication. This is an artificial pull of sound from the signal, remember that the more you set the gain, the more interference your microphone can produce after that.

Therefore, first increase the microphone volume with the upper slider, only then move to the lower one.