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Download windows 7 language switcher. Keyboard layout switchers overview

Program overview

When entering characters of a word Punto switcher using a special algorithm, it will determine the possibility of combining characters for the selected languages. For example, if the combination of characters does not match English language, then the program will automatically delete the typed word, change the keyboard layout to Russian and enter it in the correct form.

System requirements

  • System:Windows 10, Windows 8 (8.1), Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)| Mac OS X 10.x.x.
Program features
Auto switch layout
Automatic switching of the layout from Russian to English (and vice versa) or using a hotkey " Pause / Break".
Automatic replacement of text by templates specified in the program. For example, when you enter the characters "ha", Punto Switcher will automatically change them to "Funny" or "haha" to "Very funny".
Translation of Russian or English text to transliteration through the clipboard. For example, the word "Peter" is "Piter".
Typo list support. If there is a typo in a word, the program will automatically correct it.
Keeping a diary
All typed texts in chats, browsers, computer programs will be saved in the Punto Switcher diary. For example, in a diary, you can copy or delete selected entries.
Search for information
Find the selected word in search engine "Yandex.".
Search for the definition of the highlighted word in " Yandex dictionaries".
Performance detailed information by the selected word in the popular English-Russian encyclopedia Wikipedia.

Punto Switcher 4.4.3 for Windows
  • Improved the stability of the diary.
  • Added the ability to set a password for the diary.
  • Improved compatibility with office programs.
  • Added support for GitGUI and Atom programs.
Punto Switcher 2.1 for Mac OS X
  • Added site search from the search bar.
  • Updated rules.
Screenshots of the program

Punto Switcher - Free designed for Windows and Mac, allows you to automatic mode change the keyboard layout and translate mistakenly entered text.

"Punto Switcher" - this is how the utility is called in Russian. The software was developed for maximum convenience of working with a computer, especially for novice users. The program is distributed absolutely free, no Pro or others paid versions, and you can download it from the links on this page, taken from the official site.

Download Punto Switcher absolutely free on your computer for Windows 7 and 8 and forget about accidentally typed erroneous texts. By typing "Zshtvschtsy" somewhere, Punto Switcher will change it to "Windows", or by entering the characters "vjkjrj", as a result, you will get such a correct word "milk".

The principle of operation of the program, after installation, it works in the background and analyzes the sequential input of characters from the keyboard, and if the entered combination turns out to be delusional for the language, then the already typed text is erased and the same text is automatically entered only on another correct layout of language parameters.

  • Designed only for Windows systems and Mac OS, for mobile versions the program is not up to date.
  • For correct operation, it is recommended to install on system disk, in most cases it is logical drive C: (C).
  • Punto Switcher does not conflict with any known antivirus application.
  • The first build of Punto Switcher 1.0 was published in September 2001.
  • Developers: Yandex, Sergey Moskalev, Alexander Kourov, Mikhail Morozov, Dmitry Dolgov.
  • Frequently asked questions can be found at.
  • You can contact technical support at.

Punto Switcher for Windows 10 can be downloaded for free in Russian and at the official link below, immediately after the description.

Punto Switcher what is this program for and how does it work? Everything is very simple. If you entered, for example, such a funny phrase: "Cshtvschtsy", then Punto Switcher will change it to "Windows", or by entering the characters "vjkjrj", as a result, you will get this correct word "milk".

You can download Punto Switcher for free for Windows 7, 8 and 10 from the official website completely in Russian.

A few words about the changes in the fresh assembly of "Punto Switcher": compatibility with Windows 8 and higher, the inoperative algorithm of the program in the Metro interface has been fixed, the ability to define a password has been added. If the program sees that it is entering lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and symbols, then the layout becomes in Latin. Other changes can be found on the developer's website.

Punto Switcher is absolutely free program performing functions automatic switch keyboard layouts from English to Russian and vice versa, depending on the text being typed. It is no secret to anyone that when typing multilingual text with a fairly frequent change of the keyboard layout, involuntary errors occur - typing Russian text in English letters and vice versa. Punto Switcher, having an excellent algorithm for recognizing Russian and English words, works so well that you can completely forget about the keyboard switch.
Also, using the Punto Switcher program, you can configure switching layouts by assigning any key combination for this (and not only those offered to you by the system). Alternatively, you can set hotkey for automatic fix input, translate a fragment of the text typed in transliteration into the Russian layout (or, conversely, convert the Russian text into transliteration). In addition to the main function, Punto Switcher performs many others - from the built-in diary of the typed text to the ability to customize the keyboard sound.

Key features of Punto Switcher:

- Automatic replacement of text typed in the wrong layout and switching the keyboard layout to the desired language.
- Manual correction of mistakenly typed selected text or the last typed word when pressing a user-defined hotkey.
- Ability to change the default keyboard shortcut for manually switching layouts.
- Floating indicator allows you to place the language indicator anywhere on the screen.
- Assigning or canceling autoswitching and autocorrecting options for user-selected programs.
- Conversion of Russian-language text into transliteration and vice versa.
- Displaying the indicator of the current layout in the system tray in the form of flags.
- Sound notification about switching layouts, own sounding of keystrokes for each keyboard layout.
- Autocorrect text according to predefined templates in the program, for example "dd" can be automatically replaced with "Good afternoon!"
- List of typo fixes.
- Checking the validity of a combination of letters for the current language in the typed text, sound notification when language anomalies are detected.
- View, save to Windows clipboard file, create multiple clipboards.
- Keeping a diary - saving all texts typed on the keyboard (optional).

Xfcnj kb e Dfc, sdftn nfrjt d yfgbcfybb cjj, otybq & Do you often have this when writing messages? It is especially important when you are typing blindly. When, without looking at the monitor, you bend over the keyboard and type looking only at it, then look at the screen to see what happened and ... On the screen, instead of Russian interconnected words, what kind of abracadabra is out of English letters. Someone curses, someone gets angry, someone silently perceives it. But in any case, this is followed by deleting the typed text, switching the keyboard layout and typing again. It is for such cases that smart guys wrote different keyboard switches.

I wanted to write about one, the most popular, but then I looked at competitors and reviews on the Internet and decided to make a brief overview of all the keyboard layout switches.
Although the word "Everyone" is too loud, I found a total of four programs of this class that are worth paying attention to. There were more, but the sites were closed and there is no way to download.
So, fewer words - more action!

1) punto switcher- the most popular and affordable and free and generally the most

But this is just for the beginning ...
Punto switcher benefits:
- Free
- There is a Russian language
- Automatically switches the layout language

Disadvantages of punto switcher:
- The ubiquitous Yandex (namely, he bought this program about 3 years ago), as usual, pops its toolbars and home pages during installation. You can certainly disagree with all these annoying installation proposals, but the fact remains. If you constantly click Next Next Next, then in the end, install the program and, in addition, a bunch of all sorts of Yandex "buns". For me personally, this is not necessary and therefore I consider it a disadvantage. Yandex is already popular, so why shove yourself everywhere? ...
- Some especially manic personalities claim that Yandex uses it to track your clicks and collects them for itself somewhere ... Maybe it will seem nonsense to someone, but even if Google does the same thing with the help of its vaunted browser, then ... think for yourself.
- Due to the fact that it is especially popular in the user environment, all kinds of bad people calling themselves "hackers" hack it in every possible way and gain access to what you type on the keyboard. This is especially true for passwords. (after that I deleted it).
- Her interception sometimes forces you to kill her in the process. It integrates in such a way that if you have it running and you want to play, then it will only bother you. My example - I sometimes play CS 1.6, when I log in I forget that I have this program running and in the end she thinks that when I "go" in the game, I seem to be typing a text and she tries in every possible way to "switch" it, which in the end makes me either just stand or slow down on the run or whatever.
- After deletion in a standard way it still "hangs" in the system and tracks your clicks. Sometimes only reinstalling the system saves.

2) Arum Switcher alternative to the previous switch. It differs (like any program) in the interface and a number of its own gadgets.

Arum Switcher Benefits:
- Free
- There is a Russian language
- There are many settings for yourself
In more detail you can read on the program, as well as download it.

Disadvantages of Arum Switcher:
- Toggles only when pressing key combinations

3) Orfo Switcher now it's called Virtual assistant... Bought some assholes, bad people and made paid.
Orfo Switcher Benefits:
- Honestly now I don't even know
You can read in more detail at

It often happens that you write a long message in Skype or type some text in Word, and then you discover nonsense from English letters. And all this happens due to the fact that they did not change the layout in time or simply seized the switch keys. With this program, all these problems will remain in the past. And she works in any editor, on sites, in social media. networks or in the messenger running on your computer. You can turn off automatic switching to change the layout as desired using the specified keyboard shortcut.

Among the others interesting features there is an auto-change of phrases. It is also useful for compound words that are not in the program database. By adding them to a special list, the words will be replaced automatically with the option that the user specified. There is also a separate tab for exclusion programs, where the prescribed rules will not apply. Separately, it is worth highlighting the "Diary" function, which allows you to save absolutely any text information on the computer. To do this, you need to check the box in the appropriate settings tab and drive in the invented password.

In 2008, Yandex acquired Punto Switcher. Therefore, the utility contains many functions related to the Yandex search engine. For example, the "Find in Yandex" function works as follows: by highlighting a word on any site and holding down the Win + S key combination, the user will go to search for it in Yandex. For other search functions, you need to assign hotkeys yourself.

Punto Switcher has been successfully working for the benefit of users for 13 years. During this time, it received popular recognition, becoming one of the best programs for working with highlighted text, switching keyboard layouts and letter case.

Key features and functions

  • automatic replacement of incorrectly typed text;
  • the ability to translate text from one layout to another using a keyboard shortcut;
  • takes about 6-7 MB in RAM;
  • flexible configuration of all program functions using hot keys;
  • it is possible to clear formatting in the contents of the clipboard (Ctrl + Win + V);
  • the ability to save the text typed on the computer in the Diary;
  • work with Yandex services.