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How to open the KML file on the PC. KML file format and its use on Google maps

The first option, with which you can open the KMZ format, is the application Google Earth.. This is a universal cartographic program from the world-famous company.

All you have to do is to select the "File" menu item running to select. At the next stage, select the folder in which the file itself is allocated and press the Open button.

Another way is to drag a file from the "Explorer" to the area where maps are displayed.

Use Google Sketchup application

This program is used for three-dimensional modeling, and in the file with expansion KMZ. All sorts of 3D models of objects needed for realistic area demonstration can be stored.

To open it, click Import-File. As in the previous case, we find the desired folderchoose in it the desired file. And click Import.


This program supports a large number of cartographic formats, including those mentioned in this article. Thanks to the application, the data contained in it can not only edit, but also convert.

Opening is done using the Open Data File (S) menu item. Further, all similar to previous options.

Geoinformation Platform ArcGIS Server

We will use it desktop version - ArcGIS Explorer. The KMZ file, which is also used in this application, helps to set the coordinates of the required object.

You can open it by dragging out of the "Explorer" of Windows directly in work area BY.

The KMZ extension files are used by the popular program - Google Planet. Land and they contain card locations Used in this software.

KMZ files are archives consisting of the main (usually doc.kml.) and potentially additional files, such as: Custom Skins, Images, Icons, or 3D Models. All this content is packaged using the ZIP method, which uses a simple compression algorithm - Deflate - which provides higher compatibility with a large number of applications. In accordance with the Agreement files doc.kml. Located in the main folder, and additional files are in subfolders.

KMZ files may contain such data as:

  • markers for places with atypical names,
  • geographic coordinates - longitude and parallel,
  • Data 3D models, with some limitations.

Thanks to KMZ files, Google Planet Earth provides a view from a bird's eye view in many places. The data contained in the KMZ files can be displayed in any geospatial software that supports KML coding.


KMZ files are also supported by Google Maps Online. You need to upload the KMZ file to the FTP server and insert a link to the Google Maps search window. In addition, the user can do it manually, placing the link directly to the following address:

Programs serving the KMZ file

Converting the KMZ file

After installing one of the applications from the list of programs that you found here, you should not have any problems with opening or editing a file with the KMZ extension. If you still have a problem with this, you can convert KMZ files to another format.

Converting a file with an extension KMZ to another format

Converting other format files to KMZ file

We hope that you helped you solve the problem with the KMZ file. If you do not know where you can download the application from our list, click on the link (this is the name of the program) - you will find more than detailed information Regarding the place where to download the secure installation version of the required application.

What else can cause problems?

The reasons that you cannot open the KMZ file can be more (not only the absence of the appropriate application).
Firstly - The KMZ file may be incorrectly connected (incompatible) with the installed application for its maintenance. In this case, you need to change this connection yourself. To this end, click the right mouse button on the KMZ file you want to edit, click Option "To open with" And then select the program from the list you installed. After such actions, problems with the opening file KMZ. must completely disappear.
Secondly - The file you want to open can be simply damaged. In this case, it will be best to find a new version of its version, or download it again from the same source (perhaps on some reason in the previous session, the KMZ file is not over and it cannot be opened correctly).

Do you want to help?

If you have additional Information We will be appreciated about the KMZ file extension if you share it with users of our site. Take advantage of the form and send us your information about the KMZ file.

KML IS A File File Format Used to Display Geographic Data in An Earth Browser Such AS Google Earth. KML USES A TAG-Based Structure with Nested Elements and Attributees and Is Based on The Xml Standard. All Tags Are Case-Sensitive and Must Appear Exactly As They Are Listed in the. The Reference Indicates Which Tags Are Optional. Within A Given Element, Tags Must Appear in The Order Shown in the Reference.

If You "Re New to Kml, Explore this Document and the accompanying samples files () to Begin Learning About the Basic Structure of A KML File and the Most Commonly Used Tags. The First Section Describes Features That Can Be Created with The Google Earth User Interface. These Features Include Placemarks, Descriptions, Ground Overlays, Paths, and Polygons. The Second Section Describes Features That Require Authoring Kml With A Text Editor. When a text File is Saved With A .kml Or. .kmz. EXTENSION, Earth Browsers Know How to Display IT.

Tip: To See The Kml "Code" for a Feature in Google Earth, You can Simply Right-Click The Feature in the 3D Viewer of Google Earth and Select Copy. Then Paste The Contents of the Clipboard Into Any Text Editor. The Visual Feature Displayed in Google Earth Is Converted ITS KML Text Equivalent. Be Suore To Experiment with this feature.

For a Discussion of How to Use Some of the Key Features in Kml, See The.

Table Of Contents.

Basic Kml Documents

The Simplest Kind of Kml Documents Are Those That Can Be Authored Directly in Google Earth-That is, You don "T Need to Edit or Create Any Kml in a text Editor. Placemarks, Ground Overlays, Paths, and Polygons CAN ALL BE Authored Directly In Google Earth.


A Placemark Is One of the Most Commonly Used Features In Google Earth. IT MARKS A POSITION ON THE EARTH "S Surface, using a yellow Pushpin AS The icon. The Simplest Placemark Includes Only A Element, Which Specifies The Location of the Placemark. You can Specify a Name and A Custom icon for the placemark, and you can Also Add Other Geometry Elements to IT.

AS AN EXAMPLE, Enable The "Absolute Positioning: Top Left" Folder in The File and You Will See A Screen Overlay at The Top Left of the View Window. This Was Created With The Following KML Code:

Absolute Positioning: Top Left

http: //syt/kml/documentation/images/top_left.jpg.

Positioning Is Controlled by Mapping A Point In the Image Specified by To a Point On The Screen Specified By . In This Case, The Top-Left Corner of The Image (0,1) Has Been Made Coincident with the Same Point On The Screen.

Check The Other Examples in the folder to see how it is possible to Obtain Other Fixed Positions, and to create images That Size Dynamically with Screen Size. Note That. xUNITS. And. yunits. CAN ALSO BE SPECIFIED AS "PIXELS" FOR PRECISION CONTROL.) FOR FURTHER DETAIL, SEE THE.

Network Links.



  • An image file Used by Icons in Icon Styles, Ground Overlays, and Screen Overlays
  • A Model File Used in the Element.
  • A KML or KMZ File Loaded by A Network Link

The Specified File Can Be Either Local File Or A File On A Remote Server. In Their Simplest Form, Network Links Are A Useful Way to Split One Large KML File Into Smaller, More Manageable Files on The Same Computer.

So far, All of Our Examples Have Required That The Kml Code Be Delivered to Google Earth from The Local Machine. Network Links Give You The Power to Serve Content From A Remote Location and Are Commonly Used to Distribute Data to Large Numbers of Users. In This Way, IF The Data Needs To Be Amended, It Has to Be Changed Only At The Source Location, and All Users Receive the Updated Data Automatically.

CGI scripting for kml

INDITION TO POINTITION TO FILES CONTAINING STATIC DATA, A NETWORK LINK "S Can Point to Data That Is Dynamically Generated-for Example, by A CGI Script Located on A Network Server. With some Knowledge of A Scripting Language Such As PHP, Python, Or Perl, You Can Create A Script That Delivers A Stream (OR File) of Kml Data to Each Network Link.

Two Things Are Necessary for delivering Kml Through A Network CGI:

When A Call Is Made from the Client (Google Earth) to the server, The Server Must (1) Return A Response Code of Http 200 and (2) Set The Response "S Content Type to text / Plain or Application / -Earth.kml + XML.

The Response Must Be Valid Kml. For Complex Applications, Proper Error Handling Is Very Important.

Tip: A Simple Way to Handle Errors Is to Parse The Server "S Error As The Text for a Folder Name. For example, You Could Have the Server Return database inccessible. AS A String. This Is More Informative (And More User-friendly) Than Letting The Connection Drop.

The Following Examples Use Python, But The Are Equally Valid in Any Other Scripting Language.

Generating a Random Placemark

The Following Python Script Generates Random Integer Values \u200b\u200bFor latitude And. longitude AND THEN INSERTS THOSE VALUES INTO THE Element of A. Whenever The Network Link is Refreshed, The Python Script Runs Again and Generates Kml with New Latitude and Longitude Values.

#! / usr / bin / python import random latitude \u003d random.randrange (-90, 90) longitude \u003d random.randrange (-180, 180) kml \u003d ("\\ n "" \\ n "" \\ n "" Random Placemark.\\ n "" \\ n "" % d,% d\\ n ""\\ n ""\\ n """)% (Longitude, Latitude) Print" Content-Type: Application / VND.Google-Earth.kml + XML \\ N "Print KML

Here IS An Example Of A KML File Containing A Network Link That Loads This Python Script:

Network Links.
Network Link Example 1

Random Placemark.
A Simple Server-Side Script That Generates a New Random
Placemark on Each Call


http: //

View-Based Refresh QUERIES

A Standard Network Link is a Uni-Directional Link: Data Flows Only From The Server to Google Earth. The View-Based Refresh Enables Bi-Directional Communication. When The View-Based Refresh Is Active, Google Earth Returns The View Coordinates to the Server at a Specified Time. This May Be Every n. Seconds, Minutes, Or Hours, Or Once a Certain Amount of Time Has Elapsed Since The View Stopped Moving. See in the KML 2.2 Reference.

The Coordinates Are Returned to the The Server by Means of An Http Get That Appends The Coordinates As Follows (This Is The Default Bounding Box Information):

Get / Path / To / SEVER / Script / Query? BBOX \u003d http / 1.1

If The Request Were Made While The User Was Looking Down On San Francisco, The Coordinates Might Look As Followows:

Get /Path/To/Server/Script/Query?bbox\u003d-122.497790,37.730385 ,-122.380087,37.812331 HTTP / 1.1

This Feature Can Be Used For Some Very Creative Applications, But to Get You Started, A Simple Example Is Present Below.

Tracking a Point Directly Under Your View

The Following Server-Side Python Script Parses The Return Message Sent by Google Earth and Responds with a Placemark at the center of the screen. Each Time The Network Link is Refreshed, a new placemark is generated.

#! / usr / bin / python import cgi url \u003d cgi.fieldstorage () BBOX \u003d URL ["BBOX"]. Value BBox \u003d BBox.split (",") West \u003d Float (BBOX) South \u003d Float (BBOX) EAST \u003d Float (BBOX) North \u003d Float (BBOX) center_lng \u003d ((East - West) / 2) + West Center_Lat \u003d ((North - South) / 2) + SOUTH KML \u003d ("\\ n "" \\ n "" \\ n "" VIEW-CENTRED PLACEMARK\\ n "" \\ n "" % .6f,%. 6f\\ n ""\\ n ""\\ n """)% (center_lng, center_lat) Print" Content-Type: Application / VND.Google-Earth.kml + XML \\ N "Print KML

Andhere Is The Kml for the Network Link That Loads The Python Script:

Network Links.
Network Link Example 2

View Centered Placemark.
The Center of Your Screen and Return a Placemark.


http: //


The Principle Illustrated in This Example Can Be Used For Some Very Complex Applications. For example, If You Have A Database of Geographic Information, You Can Extract The COORDINATES OF THE WEWER, MAKE A COLODINATES OF THE WEWER, MAKE A CALL TO THE DATABASE FOR DATA SPECIFIC TO THE VIEW, AND RETURN IT TO Google Earth AS KML.


WHEN RESPONDING TO A REQUEST FROM Google Earth (Or Any Earth Browser), a KML Server Must Follow a Certain Set of Rules So That Google Earth Can Correctly Interpret Its Responses.

Upon Success, The Server Must Return A Response Code of Http 200 and Set The Response "S CONTENT-TYPE TO A SUITABLE MIME TYPE, AS DESCRIBED HERE.

Google Earth Reads Kml and Kmz Files. THE MIME TYPE FOR KML FILES IS

  • Application / VND.Google-Earth.kml + XML

The Mime Type for Kmz Files Is

  • Application / VND.Google-Earth.kmz

For Apache, Add these Lines to the httpd.conf. File:

  • AddType Application / VND.Google-Earth.kml + XML .kml
  • AddType Application / VND.Google-Earth.kmz .kmz

See the Microsoft Documentation for Details on Setting Up Mime Types on Microsoft "S IIS.

The Body of The Response Must Contain Valid Kml Data, Including The Xml Declaration (). If The Server Returns Invalid Kml, The Network Link Will Stop, Deactivate, and Output An Error Message.

What "s next?

Ready for more? Check Out The, Which Describes Key Kml Features. Also, Browse The For Information on Specific Elements.

Except As Otherwise Noted, The CONTENT OF THIS Page IS LICENSED UNDER THE CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION 4.0 LICENSE, AND CODE SAMPLES ARE LICENSED UNDER THE APACHE 2.0 License. For details, See Our. Java IS A Registered Trademark of Oracle and / or Its Affiliates.

The KML format is an extension in which the geographical data of objects in the Google Earth program is stored. Such information includes tags on the map, an arbitrary area in the form of a polygon or lines, a three-dimensional model and a map of the map.

Consider applications that interact with this format.

Google Earth.

    1. After starting, click on "Open" In the main menu.

  1. We find a directory with the source object. In our case, the file contains location information. Click on it and click on "Open".

The program interface indicating the location in the form of a tag.


Notepad - built-in windows application To create text documents. It can also act as a role editor of certain formats.

    1. Run this software. To view the file you need to choose "Open" on the menu.

  1. Choose "All files" In the appropriate field. Having a desired object, click on "Open".

Visual display of the contents of the file in notepad.

It can be said that the KML extension is small, and is used exclusively in Google Earth, and viewing such a file through a notepad few people will be useful.

Do you have a problem with opening.kmz files? We collect information about file formats and can tell what you need KMZ files. Additionally, we recommend programs that are most suitable for opening or converting such files.

Why do you need file format.kmz?

Expansion .kmz. Refers to KML (Keyhole Markup Language - keyhole markup language) and means "KML as zip". KMZ is not a separate file format, but determines the type of file. KMZ - Standard File Type for distribution kML filesthat have a large size (\u003e 10 kb) or contain references to the resource files accompanying them. Such auxiliary resources may include images, audio / video files and data of three-dimensional models.

KMZ file is archive Zip.which contains at the root level a single .kml file, traditionally called "doc.kml", as well as (if any) auxiliary resource files in subdirectories. In the archive .kmz. There must be only one .kml file. All content archives .kmz. Can be viewed and removed using any archiver.

Thanks to compression, file .kmz. Without additional files, much less source file. .kml. Being also a container, KMZ format is often more preferable to publish GIS information and exchange it.

The KMZ file type is correctly perceived by those applications that can handle KML format (Google Planet Earth and Other).

Programs for opening or converting KMZ files

You can open KMZ files using the following programs: