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How to open a kmz file. KML file format and its use on Google maps

The KML file stores the geomodelization data in XML format. It contains points, lines and images. Use XML to express geographic annotation and visualization by storing locations, imposing images, video links and modeling information, such as lines, figures, 3D images and points. Various geospatial software solutions Using KML format to place data into a format that can easily use other programs and web services.


Keyhole Markup Language - XML \u200b\u200bdesignation for expressing geographic annotation and visualization in two-dimensional maps and three-dimensional browsers. KML was designed to use with Google Earth.who was originally called Keyhole Earth Viewer. He was created by Keyhole. Inc, which was purchased by Google in 2004. This format He became the international standard Open Geospatial Consortium in 2008.

Google Earth was the first program capable of viewing and graphically edit similar files. Other projects such as Marble also began developing KML support.

Application: How to create a KML format?

You can open a file with this extension in "Google Maps". To do this, you need to place his location online, and then enter the URL in the search field "Google Maps".

Google Earth was the first program that could view and edit data files, and it still remains one of the most popular ways to work with geodan on the Internet. Opening a webpage, use the menu item "My Places" (Bookmark Icon) to download the KML file from your computer or account Google disc.

You can also open files using any text editor (for example, NotePad ++). This will allow you to see a text version that includes coordinates, links to images, camera tilt angles and temporary tags.

If you want to convert KML in XML, you do not need to make conversion. Since the format is actually just uses the KML format extension), you can rename.kml V.XML so that it is open in your XML viewing agent.

You can also import the file directly to Google Maps. This is done by google page My cards when adding content to new layer cards. Opening the map, select "Import" at any level to download the file from your computer or Google disc. You can create a new layer using the "Add Layer" button.

You can also create an independent KML file and its URL in Google maps, pre-linking your file URL using\u003d. For example, to open the same address, you can use the following URL:\u003d

This operation works for Google Earth - a three-dimensional plug-in view of our planet, which can be added to the web browser.


The KML file format indicates a set of functions (tags, images, polygons, 3D models, text descriptions) to display on Google maps, Google Earth, Maps, on mobile devices or any other geospatial software that implements KML encoding. Each location has long longitude and latitude. This format shares some of the same structural grammar as GML. Some information cannot be viewed in Google maps or on mobile devices.

The data is very often distributed in KMZ format, which are encrypted KML files with extension.kmz. They must be compatible with outdated (zip 2.0) compression, otherwise the file.kmz may not unpack.

Geodesic reference systems in KML

For its reference system, KML uses 3D geographic coordinates: longitude, latitude and height. Longitude, latitudinal components (decimal degrees) are defined in accordance with the 1984 World Geodesic System (WGS84). The vertical component (height) is measured in meters from the Vertical Base of the WGS84 EGM96 Geoid geoid. If the height is not specified in the coordinate line (for example, -77.03647, 38.89763), then the default value is assumed for the height component (approximately the sea level), that is (-77.03647, 38.89763, 0).

The formal determination of the coordinate system (coded as GML) used in KML is contained in the OGC KML 2.2 specification. This definition refers to EPSG CRS components.


The KML 2.2 specification was presented in an open geospatial consortium to ensure its open standard status for all geographics. In November 2007, the OGC was created new working group To formalize the standard. Comments were requested on the proposed standard until January 4, 2008, and it became the official OGC standard on April 14, 2008.

The Working Group of Standards has completed work on requests for the change of KML 2.2 and included adopted changes. Official standard OGC KML 2.3 was published on August 4, 2015.

KML (Keyhole Markup Language - Keyhole markup language) is a file format that is used to display geographic data in Google Earth's planet programs, Google maps and Google maps for mobile devices.

KML uses the tags-based structure with nested elements and attributes and is based on the XML standard.

To create KML files, you can use the Google Planet Earth (Google Earth), XML editor or a regular text editor.

KML files and image associated images (if available) can be compressed using ZIP format to KMZ archives.

Using KML files, you can:

  • install various icons and make signatures to designate places on the ground surface,
  • create various angles for selected objects, changing the position of the camera,
  • use various imposed images
  • define styles to configure an object display, apply HTML code to create hyperlinks and built-in images,
  • use folders for hierarchical grouping items,
  • dynamically receive and update KML files from remote or local network nodes,
  • receive KML data in accordance with changes in the three-dimensional viewer,
  • display textural three-dimensional COLLADA objects

As objects in the files of the KML format, it can be used:

Tags (PlaceMark object) - the simplest element sets the label - the designation of the position on the surface of the Earth using the icon in the form of a yellow button.

Ways - Lines of a certain thickness and color

Polygons - the color of the lines and the color of the signature is determined.

Images - The imposed images of the earth's surface make it possible to apply an image on the landscape of the Earth, can be moved and scalable and not moved, for example, the logo.

Three-dimensional model - allows you to connect a description of three-dimensional objects (for example, buildings and structures). The three-dimensional model can be set in two ways: a set of flat figures (pulling) and a reference to a full-fledged model in Collada format (Google Sketchup).

The simplest example of the KML file.

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Palace of Sports "Nagorny" prosp. Gagarina, 29.

I will describe the structure of this file.

The first string is the XML header. This is the 1st line in each KML file. Before this string should not be spaces or symbols.

The second line - serves to declare the KML namespace. This is the 2nd line in each KML 2.1 file.

Placemark object containing the following items:

- Name, label used to mark a tag

- Description, description appearing in the comment window attached to the label

- POINT, indicates the position of the label on the surface of the Earth (longitude, latitude and additionally height).

You can download this file in Google Planet Earth (Google Earth) by selecting the File menu - Open.

It can also be downloaded using the Google API cards.

Example code:

Example <a href="">use Google</a> Earth on the site

If you download it in the browser we will see

You can also view the KML file on Google maps.

Previously, you want your KML file should be posted on the website on the Internet.

From the beginning you need to go to the address

Then in the search bar, enter the address of your KML file on the Internet, for example, http: //set/examples/kml/prim_kml_1.kml and click on the "Search on the map" button.

Your KML file is displayed on Google map.

To be continued…

If you have on a computer installed antivirus program can scan all files on your computer, as well as each file separately. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to check the file for the presence of viruses.

For example, in this picture allocated file My-File.kmlthen you need to right-click on this file, and select the option in the File menu "Scan with AVG". When this parameter is selected, opens Avg Antivirus.which will check this file For viruses.

Sometimes an error may occur as a result invalid installation software What can be related to the problem that occurred during the installation process. It may interfere with your operating system. tie your KML file with proper applied software having an impact on the so-called "Association of File Extensions".

Sometimes simple reinstall ESRI ArcGis for Desktop Can solve your problem correctly by KML with ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop. In other cases, problems with file associations may result from bad Software Programming developer and you may need to contact the developer to receive additional help.

Tip: Try updating Esri ArcGis for Desktop to latest versionTo make sure that the latest fixes and updates are installed.

It may seem too obvious, but often directly the KML file itself may cause the problem. If you received a file through attachment email or downloaded it from the website, and the download process was interrupted (for example, a power outage or for another reason), the file may be damaged. If possible, try to get new copy KML file and try to open it again.

Caution: A damaged file may entail the occurrence of accompanying damage to the previous or already existing malware on your PC, so it is very important that the updated antivirus constantly worked on your computer.

If your KML file associated with hardware on your computerTo open the file you may need update device driversassociated with this equipment.

This problem Usually related to the types of multimedia filesthat depend on the successful opening of hardware inside the computer, for example, sound card or video card. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file, but you can't open it, you may need update sound card drivers.

Tip: If you get the KML file when trying to open error message associated with S.Sys File, the problem is likely to be associated with damaged or outdated drivers Devicesthat need to be updated. This process It is possible to facilitate through the use of software to update drivers, such as DriverDoc.

If the steps did not solve the problemand you still have problems with the opening of KML files, it may be related to lack available system resources . For some versions of KML files, a significant amount of resources may be required (for example, memory / RAM, computing power) for proper opening on your computer. Such a problem is often found, if you use a fairly old computer hardware And at the same time a much newer operating system.

Such a problem may occur when a computer is difficult to cope with the task, since operating system (and other services operating in the background) can consume too much resources to open the KML file. Try to close all applications on your PC before opening Keyhole Markup Language File. After freeing all the available resources on your computer, you will provide the best conditions for attempting to open the KML file.

If you performed all the steps described above, and your KML file still does not open, it may be necessary to perform equipment update. In most cases, even when using old versions of equipment, computing power can still be more than sufficient for most custom applications (if you do not perform a lot of resource-intensive processor operation, such as 3D rendering, financial / scientific modeling or intensive multimedia work). In this way, it is likely that your computer lacks the required amount of memory.(more often called "RAM", or rAM) To execute the task of opening a file.

The first option, with which you can open the KMZ format, is the Google Earth application. This is a universal cartographic program from the world-famous company.

All you have to do is to select the "File" menu item running to select. At the next stage, select the folder in which the file itself is allocated and press the Open button.

Another way is to drag a file from the "Explorer" to the area where maps are displayed.

Use Google Sketchup application

This program is used for three-dimensional modeling, and all sorts of 3D models of objects required for realistic demonstration of the area can be stored in the KMZ extension file.

To open it, click Import-File. As in the previous case, we find the desired folderchoose in it the desired file. And click Import.


This program supports a large number of cartographic formats, including those mentioned in this article. Thanks to the application, the data contained in it can not only edit, but also convert.

Opening is done using the Open Data File (S) menu item. Further, all similar to previous options.

Geoinformation Platform ArcGIS Server

We will use it desktop version - ArcGIS Explorer. KMZ file, which is also used in this applicationIt helps to set the coordinates of the required object.

You can open it by dragging out the Windows Explorer directly to the workspace.