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What do you know about use. Moscow State University of Printing Arts

Assignment: Remember and tell what you know about the development and use of iron as a valuable metal.
It would seem that such a metal as iron is completely unsuitable for making coins, and yet numerous studies have proved that not only were there countries in which iron coins were circulated, but the metal itself was highly valued. For a very long time, this money kept its marketable form. So, iron money for a long time kept the shape of a hoe, shovel, horseshoe, nails, knives, chains.
This metal was first mentioned as a medium of exchange in the 16th century BC, when the ruler of Egypt, Thutmose the Third, received taxes from the Middle Eastern territories with this metal. According to the testimony of the Greek geographer Agafarhides, who lived in the II century BC, among the peoples of Arabia, iron was valued twice as much as gold. The Greek poet Homer mentions iron as a common medium of exchange.
The Byzantines also used iron as a means of payment, and this metal cost them like copper.
The Roman emperor Caesar noted that some barbarians used iron objects that had a standard mass as coins.
All these examples prove that the use of iron as a monetary value was not only not alien to various peoples, but even was widespread. Of course, in all these cases there is no very concept of "coin", but there is only the very instrument of exchange, which has a definite price as a commodity. From here, the transition to real iron money was no longer difficult.
About 600 BC, ancient Greece began to make coins from iron. In the 500s BC, reforms took place in the Greek state of Sparta. The reforms were carried out by the legislator Lycurgus. He introduced a ban on luxury. Items made of silver and gold were prohibited. Lycurgus banned the use of silver coins in settlements with foreign merchants. He introduced iron money. They were in the form of bars and were called obelisks, and if they were in the form of a cake, they were called pelenors. Obelisks and pelenors weighed about 600 grams. In terms of the current exchange rate, they cost a few euros. In Sparta, the concept of denomination was introduced. Spartan money began to be made large and heavy on purpose. They ceased to be accepted everywhere except Sparta. These reforms led to the financial isolation of Sparta. The residents themselves had to do the things that were previously brought from abroad.
In order for the modern reader to present this situation, we will give an example. A Spartan would have paid 600 kilograms of iron to purchase a thing worth 1,000 euros.
Indeed, in difficult times, in a period of disasters or in a period of danger threatening the country, coins were issued from iron, when there was a shortage of other metals.
The Greek scientist Aristotle mentions that when the inhabitants of Asia Minor could not pay the mercenaries with silver, they were forced to make iron money. Then all settlements in commercial matters were made with iron coins instead of silver. Thus, a coin with a conditional rate arose, the amount received from its issue was paid to the mercenaries.
The same temporary measure was the appearance of an iron coin among the Byzantines, which we know about from the philologist Aristophanes of Byzantine and the historian Gezikhiy Millevsky, the latter saying that on one side of the iron coin there was an image of the Greek gods.
These coins have not survived to this day. Scientists know only eight Greek coins from this metal. According to its images and other characteristics, this money belongs to the middle of the 4th century BC.
In the same period in Ancient Greece (in Arcadia) on June 8, 371 BC, a war begins against the cities of Athens and Thebes, in which the city of Argos becomes an ally of Arcadia. There was a problem of lack of money, and there was nowhere to get silver. Probably, at this very time, the idea arose to issue a coin from iron, presumably, also with a forced rate. Each Greek city where iron money was issued had its own symbol. In Argos, iron money was depicted with the image of a wolf, in Tegea with the image of Medusa the Gorgon, and in Heraia, the goddess Athena was depicted on the coins. All of these coins weighed between 9 and 14 grams.
Despite the emergence of iron money, some iron items continued to be used in this sense. The renowned economist Adam Smith mentioned that at the end
In the 18th century, it was the custom in Scotland to pay the innkeeper with iron nails instead of money. The same situation was in the coal regions of France in the 18th century, which the historian Chevalier wrote about.
A comment:
A hoe is an agricultural hand tool for cultivating the land.
A horseshoe is an iron curved plate nailed to a horse's hoof to protect it from damage.
Barbarian - a stranger among the ancient Greeks and Romans (a person from a foreign country).
The tavern keeper is a tavern keeper.
A pub is an outdated name for a drinking establishment where alcohol was consumed.
Mena - to give what is his and to receive instead of him something else, usually equivalent.
Denomination - the indicated price on a product or on a banknote. A mercenary is a soldier of a mercenary army.
Goddess Athena - in Ancient Greece, the goddess of wisdom, military affairs and crafts.
Medusa Gorgon - in Ancient Greece, a monster with a woman's face and snakes instead of hair. Her gaze turned a person to stone.
  1. Tasks:
  1. Sort out the words plural and Middle Eastern.
  2. From the specified verbs, use suffixes to form nouns: to make, use, distribute, mention, present, depict, appear.
  3. In the word economist, highlight the suffix. What meaning does the suffix give to a given word? Write down 5-7 words with this suffix.
  4. In these sentences, write down the numbers in words. Indicate the case of the numbers. Underline simple numbers with one stroke, complex ones with two, compound ones with a wavy line.
This metal was first mentioned as a medium of exchange in the 16th century BC. A Spartan would have paid 600 kilograms of iron to purchase a thing worth 1,000 euros. All of these coins weighed between 9 and 14 grams.
  1. Choose antonyms for the following words: high, dearer, war, ally, common, difficult, temporary, famous.
  1. Answer the questions:
  1. In what form has iron been used as a means of payment for a long time?
  2. When is this metal first mentioned as a medium of exchange?
  3. Which nations of the world exchanged goods with the help of iron
of money?
  1. When did the first iron coins appear?
  2. Who was depicted on coins issued in Argos, Tegeya, Ge-
  1. Formulate the main idea of ​​the text. Make a complex outline of the text.
  2. Retell text 4.

More on the topic Text 4. IRON AS A MEANS OF PAYMENT:

  1. 2.3. State compulsory execution in the 10th century and its development until the end of the 15th century.

- Copyright - Legal profession - Administrative law - Administrative process - Antitrust and competition law - Arbitration (economic) process - Audit - Banking system - Banking law - Business - Accounting - Real law - State law and management - Civil law and procedure - Monetary circulation, finance and credit - Money - Diplomatic and consular law - Contract law - Housing law - Land law - Electoral law - Investment law - Information law - Enforcement proceedings - History of state and law - History of political and legal doctrines - Competition law - Constitutional law -

Selection of phonetic material. - Features of the Russian articulation base. (AB) Zones of articulation. - Consonantism. The main categories of the system are voiceless and voiced consonants. Features of the functioning of voiceless and voiced consonants within a phonetic word and at the junctions of words. - Consonantism. The main categories of the system are: hard and soft consonants. Features of the functioning of hard and soft consonants in the middle of a phonetic word and at the junctions of phonetic words. - Vocalism. Reduction. Features of training reduction at the initial and main stages of training. - Statement of sounds based on the training model. - A system for working on sound, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of phonetic hearing. - AB words. Stress and rhythm of the word. Selection of material. - Statement of stress based on training models. - The system of work on the rhythm, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of phonetic hearing and consonant filling of words. - AB offers. Intonation. Phonetic and functional aspect. IR, its phonetic structure. The system of intonation means. - The main types of IC and their use. - Syntagmatic division of the sentence and the means of its expression. - Expression of evaluation. - Selection of material on intonation for the initial and main stages of training. - Setting up an IC based on a training model. - The system of working on intonation, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of phonetic hearing. - Methods of work on the formation of hearing and pronunciation skills. - Building a lesson based on sounding speech. - Classification of errors and work on their correction.

Linguistic, psychological and methodological aspects of mastering the prepositional-case system of the Russian language by foreign students

The pragmatic, applied nature of the discipline Russian as a foreign language. The need for a communicative-functional description of the language, taking into account pragmatic tasks and psychological and methodological aspects of language acquisition. - Mastering speech based on the general laws of the formation of speech skills and abilities in various types of speech activity. The three-part structure of speech activity: a motivational-incentive base, an orientation-research phase and an execution phase, including control. - Taking into account the psychology of the teacher and the student during the stage-by-stage formation of mental actions. Taking into account the peculiarities of a person's cognitive-cognitive activity and the direction of the teacher's efforts: - Functionally-oriented description of the linguistic and speech material; - the allocation of stages and concentrates in training, the definition of goals, based on the needs of students at a specific stage of training and in general; - the implementation of the leadership of the learning process by the teacher; - choice of teaching method (brief description of methods: grammar-translation, direct, audio-lingual, conscious-practical, etc.). - Passive and active grammar. Semasiological and onamasiological approach to the study of material and the role of different approaches at one or another stage of language learning. Falling system of the Russian language and the principles of its development. Sequence of case mastering (possible solutions). Pedagogical techniques to facilitate the assimilation of the system for the development of grammatical skills and abilities. - Factors of developmental learning and the issue of learning effectiveness. Development of logical associative thinking, development different types memory. Taking into account the dynamics of memorization and forgetting in pedagogical practice. The system of tasks that ensure the formation of communicative competence. - Pupils' mistakes, their reasons. Error correction forms. Negative linguistic material as a basis for improving the linguo-didactic description of linguistic material.

This is the name of a company that can offer customers high-quality software. If necessary, you can use such a service as "server rental for 1C". This will help the company save a lot.

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The rest of the product is very similar to the regular version. It uses the same tools, similar functions. The learning process has been simplified as much as possible. Developers often offer relevant materials for the educational version. We are talking about tables, instructions and textbooks.

What about the basic version? We are talking about a complete system that allows you to manage the processes in the enterprise. Here you will be able to fully work, not just master the educational material. The main advantage lies in the favorable cost in comparison with CORP, PROF versions.

This option is perfect for every enterprise where you can do without additional customization... The functionality offered by the developers is 100% suitable for keeping records in the company. True, this software version has some peculiarities. They are different in each specific product, but there are basic ones present in any.

Among the limitations, we note the fact that it will not be possible to change the configuration. The functionality offered by the developers is static. You will not be able to customize it in accordance with the specifics of the work of a particular company. In addition, it will not be possible to work on different PCs, only on one. IN 1 information base you will not be able to keep records of different companies.

    What is CIS?

    Give examples of different configurations of CIS.

    What kind specifications personal computer(PC) are basic for use in one or another configuration of the CIS? What are the characteristics of modern PCs?

    What do you know about CIS peripheral equipment? Provide data on modern peripheral equipment.

    How can you conditionally subdivide software CIS?

    What do you know about typical procedures performed with word processing programs?

    Name the typical procedures of programs of graphic editors known to you.

    What do you know about layout and layout systems?

    What is the scope and characteristics of "print" and "electronic" publications?

    What do you know about special programs CIS?

    What are the main features of text editors?

    What are the main ways to create text files?

    What do you know about editing text files?

    What do you know about processing tabular material?

    What do you know about formula processing?

    What are the main ways to create graphic files?

    What do you know about image correction?

    What are the features of import and pre-placement of material during layout?

    What do you know about formatting files in CIS?

    What do you know about using keyboard shortcuts, autorun, creating and using shortcuts to launch programs?

    What are the preferred default settings? What are their varieties, order of use?

    What do you know about the settings for icons and keyboard shortcuts?

    What are the main cases and order of opening application files?

    What are Templates? Give an example of creating and using a template file.

    What are the main initial parameters of documents? Give an example of their assignment.

    What do you know about design styles in application programs? Give an example of how to create and use a typography style at the individual character level.

    Give an example of creating and using a library of elements.

    Give examples of positioning objects in one of the application programs.

    What do you know about the navigation palette and other ways of visualizing information when processing it?

    Give examples different ways save files.

    What do you know about linking files? Give examples.

    What are the distinguishing features of contour graphics programs?

    What do you know about the concepts of "Path", "Bezier curves", "Control (or anchor) points", "Control levers"?

    What do you know about graphic primitives in programs like FreeHand?

    What are the procedures for specifying Fill and Stroke in contour information graphics programs?

    What are the basic procedures for transforming objects in contour graphics programs? Give examples.

    What are the basic procedures for combining objects in the MODIFY \ Combine menu using the example of a program like FreeHand?

    List the procedures at the level of individual objects in the MODIFY menu using a program like FreeHand as an example.

    What are the possibilities for changing the shape of objects in programs like FreeHand? Give examples.

    What do you know about word processing in contour graphics programs? Give examples.

    What is provided in programs like FreeHand for working with color?

    List the main special commands for processing contour objects in a program like FreeHand.

    What do you know about defaults in programs like FreeHand?

    What do you know about additional features FreeHand 9 software compared to lower versions?

    What are the distinguishing features of pixel art programs?

    What are the main ways to create pixel art graphic files? Provide the main characteristics of pixel images.

    Concepts about selected and masked areas of an image, procedures for selecting areas in a program such as PhotoShop. Give examples.

    What do you know about the procedures for selecting fragments of an image in programs like PhotoShop? Give examples.

    What do you know about drawing tools in pixel art programs? Give examples.

    What do you know about the procedures for painting (filling) with color using the example of the PhotoShop program? Give examples.

    What palettes and for what purposes are they used in programs like PhotoShop to work with color? Give examples.

    Explain information about layers using the example of PhotoShop.

    What do you know about channels and masks when working in a program like PhotoShop? Give examples.

    What do you know about text processing in PhotoShop program? Give examples.

    What do you know about the basic procedures for correcting tone and color in PhotoShop? Give examples.

    What do you know about using filters in programs like PhotoShop? Give examples.

    What are the main functions and distinctive features of file merging programs when using CIS?

    The concept of text blocks, text and graphic frames, their purpose, varieties, features, specifics of use. Give examples.

    The concept of master pages (Master-Pages) on the example of InDesign. Purpose, order of creation and use. Give examples.

    Learn about linking files in programs like InDesign. Appointment, order of use. Give examples.

    What do you know about Book in InDesign?

    What do you know about the specifics of pre-placement of material in a program like InDesign? Give examples.

    Provide information about the procedures for preparing text when working in a program like InDesign.

    What does a program like InDesign provide for copy-typefitting, kerning, tracking, heading formatting, systematic spacing, and other procedures to ensure that typesetting and publishing workflows are followed?

    What are the procedures for generating columns and footers using an example of a program like InDesign?

    What do you know about the menus and commands used to wrap text around illustrations in a program like InDesign?

    What do you know about the specifics of publications intended for printing and prepared for distribution on the Internet?

    Give a short comparative characteristics HTML and PDF formats. Give examples.

    What do you know about navigation methods in programs like Adobe acrobat ?

    What is a "bookmark" in Adobe Acrobat publications? How to create a new bookmark, determine its destination? Give examples.

    What is a "nested bookmark"? How to create it, how to turn the previous bookmark into a title for subsequent nested bookmarks?

    What are the main characteristics of the screen image when working in viewers (browsers)?

    What do you know about special PPD (PostScript Printer Description) files?

    How do I generate a PostScript file in programs like PageMaker 6.5? Give an example.

    How to educate PDF file based on an existing PostScript file?

    What are the distinguishing features of the interface of programs like Adobe Acrobat?

    How to ensure that the image of the fonts installed and not installed in Windows can be viewed on the screen? How to print the letters of the desired font to the printer, for example, to create a directory?

    What are the main stages of OCR in programs like CuneiForm, FineReader?

    What is the purpose and methodology of image segmentation when working in OCR programs?

    What are the main elements of the working window of a machine translation program like Stylus?

    What is the setup of the basic parameters of a Stylus program and preparation of a document for translation?

    What procedures can be done in a program like QuarkXPress 4.1 after installing UniSpell 2.5?

    What are the main elements of the working window of a WinZip-type program?

    For what purpose and how are files archived and unzipped in programs like WinZip?

In this thread, you will learn about:

Physical bodies and substances, of which substances are composed

Variety of substances

Physical and chemical properties of substances

Atom, its composition

Chemical elements, their names and symbols

Periodic table chemical elements D. I. Mendeleeva, its structure

Relative atomic masses of chemical elements and relative molecular masses of substances

Chemical formulas of substances, calculating with them the relative molecular weights and mass fraction of an element in a complex substance

Valence of chemical elements

The relationship between the placement of an element in the periodic table and its valence

Physical and chemical phenomena


Studying the paragraph will help you:

· To distinguish between physical bodies, substances, materials;

Give examples of physical bodies, substances, materials

PHYSICAL BODIES AND SUBSTANCES. As you know from natural history, bodies, or physical bodies, are all living and inanimate things that nature and man have created on Earth. For a better understanding of this concept, consider the following definition.

A physical body always has a form, limited by a certain surface characteristic of it, and a mass.

Solids that a person produces for his needs are called objects. In the kitchen, such items are plates, spoons, forks, pots, pans and many others. The living room is equipped with a table, chairs, TV, carpet and the like. That is, there are a lot of items, they are diverse, they are used to create comfortable living conditions.

Ice icicle, dew drop on leaves, snowflake, snowman, ice sculpture (Fig. 19) are examples of physical bodies. They are interesting in that they are created from one substance - water.

Recover in memory

Give examples of celestial bodies. Describe the shape, describe the size and mass of one of them in comparison with the Earth.

Fig 19. Physical bodies, consisting of water

Rice. 20. Pouring water from a separating funnel into a beaker

But, you see, each body has its own, inherent only to him, shape and size.

In fig. 20 shows the pouring of water from a separating funnel into a beaker. It would be wrong to call water in this case the physical body. And all because it does not have a form that would keep, as we saw in the previous figure. In this case, water is a substance, one portion of which is contained in the funnel, the other in a glass. In each vessel this substance has taken the form of a vessel. Without taking measurements, looking at the figure, we see that the mass and volume of this substance in the funnel and glass are different.

The concept of a substance is not associated with a specific shape and size. Substances are those from which physical bodies are formed.

Using the example of an ice icicle, a snowflake, a snowman, we see how several bodies were formed from one substance. There are a lot of such examples, and you can give them yourself.

Substances such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, iodine, glucose, ethane (acetic) and citric acids, table salt, baking soda are already known to you. In general, there are a lot of substances that exist in nature and are created by man - more than 10 million.

Recover in memory

What do you know about the use of these substances?

Different physical bodies can be formed or manufactured from the same substance.

It happens the other way around - items for the same purpose are made from different substances. So, paper clips are steel and plastic, bags - plastic and paper, spoons - steel, silver, wooden.

It should be remembered that the bodies of living nature (plants, fungi, animals and others), regardless of whether they are unicellular or multicellular, are never formed from one substance.

MATERIALS 1. Quite often, the name “materials” is used for substances or their mixtures from which bodies are made.

Recover in memory

Remember and give examples of unicellular and richoclitinic organisms.

Materials are substances or mixtures of substances that were formed in nature or were obtained by man and intended for the manufacture of bodies.

You can see examples of human-made bodies from various materials (Fig. 21). So, a pencil is made of at least 4 materials - graphite, wood, rubber, paint (applied to its surface). Kitchen knives have steel blades and plastic or wooden handles. Trees were created by nature, and wood products were made by man from their trunks, using additional glue, iron nails, paint, etc. (Fig. 22).

MODERN MATERIALS. At first, a person used natural materials (stone, wood, the fibrous part of the stems of flax or hemp), and over time, he herself began to create the substances and materials she needed.

Learning substances, a person found one or another application for them. In the first water pipes, water was moved by wooden gutters; over time, they were replaced by metal pipes. Today, the production of polyethylene water pipes is massive. This material, unlike the previous ones, is lightweight and durable, does not undergo the destructive effects of the external environment.

At first, man-built houses were without windows or had narrow openings that were closed for the winter. And only with the invention of methods for making a material called glass daylight houses have become commonplace. Now the amount of substances that do not exist in nature, but artificially manufactured by man, is impressive. And this is the merit of chemical science.

V Everyday life we are surrounded by various materials, which are substances or mixtures of substances, mainly created by man thanks to the achievements of chemical science. In fig. 23 depicts objects well known to you, made from materials that do not exist in nature. If the production of these substances ceased, we would be deprived of many objects, without which we can no longer imagine our life.

Or another example. The material without which the production of tires for bicycle, motorcycle, tractor, car wheels is impossible is called rubber. It contains substances such as rubber, sulfur, carbon.

Rice. 21. Bodies made of various materials

Rice. 22. Wood is a common natural material

Rice. 23. Products made from man-made materials

Quite often, the names of objects include the names of both the object and the material from which it is made. For example: a silver spoon, an iron nail, a rubber ball, and the like.

Chemical knowledge made it possible to create substances and materials that do not exist in nature. Thanks to this, a person has the ability to manufacture many different physical bodies, or objects.

As you can see, modern chemistry studies not only substances that exist in nature, but also deals with the creation of new substances and materials. In these studies, scientists are quite often guided by the desired, that is, pre-planned properties that are absent in natural substances.

What is meant by the properties of substances? This will be discussed in the next section.

Piggy bank erudite

Among the materials, alloys have acquired great importance. This name is given to solid mixtures of several metals or metals with non-metals. Alloy bronze known to people from the III millennium BC. e. Now it is also widely used. In the capital of our state (Kiev), a monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky was built from this alloy (Fig. 24).

Alloys based on aluminum appeared much later than bronze. And the aluminum itself was mined in pure form only in 1825 In the XIX Art. the metal was so expensive. which was worth more than gold. At present, aluminum ranks second after iron in terms of extraction and its cost is moderate. In Ukraine, the first aluminum smelter was built in 1933 near the metro station Zaporozhye.

Aluminum alloys are lightweight, strong, resistant to negative environmental influences. Such properties are indispensable in aircraft and rocketry. No wonder aluminum is called "winged metal" (Fig. 25).

Rice. 24. Monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky in Kiev

Rice. 25. The aircraft body is made of aluminum alloys

1. Formulate the definitions of the concepts: physical body, object, substance, material. What is characteristic of bodies, but is absent in substances?

2. Give examples of modern materials and products made from them.

3. Will the shape of iron nails change when you pour them into a bucket? This gave grounds to refer them to: a) bodies; b) substances.

4. Write down examples of bodies made of one substance.

5. Complete the columns of the table using the checklist: spoon, cup, rubber, water, snowflake, iron, iron nail, glass rod, aluminum wire, sugar:

6. Complete the sentences by recording two or three examples of your own:

a) the bodies are made of polyethylene: _______

b) from glass produce: ________________

7. Make a list of substances, the names of which are contained in the text of the paragraph, and a list of laboratory equipment, in Fig. twenty.

8. Think what there is more - bodies or substances. Justify and support your answer with examples.

9. Expand your knowledge of body and substance. To do this, ask the adult members of your family what substances or materials are used to make various items of daily use, the tools of their professional activities. For a few new examples that you become aware of, please post to class.