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How to save open tabs in Mozilla: tips and tricks. How to save open browser tabs Save all tabs

It is impossible to imagine working on the Internet without a browser. Developers software offer great amount various internet browsers. One of the most common is Mozilla Firefox... A convenient and multifunctional browser helps to surf the Internet for both novice PC users and advanced users. Today we will try to figure out how to save open tabs in "Mozile". What will be required to accomplish this task?

Preservation methods

To begin with, a few words about how, in general, you can bring the idea to life. Saving open pages can be done in different ways.

Here possible methods solving the problem:

  • bookmarking web services;
  • saving bookmarks to removable media;
  • creating a document from existing bookmarks for uploading to other browsers.

If we talk only about creating bookmarks, you can proceed like this:

  • use the functional menu of the Internet browser;
  • carry out the operation using special buttons;
  • add a page to the "Bookmarks" menu using the browser settings;
  • use the "hot" keys.

Browser buttons

Let's start with the simplest and most common trick. How do I save open tabs in Mozilla? You can use a dedicated button in your Internet browser.

To do this, you will need to act like this:

  1. Open the page you want to remember.
  2. Hover over the star image on the right side of the address bar.
  3. Click on the corresponding picture with the left mouse button.
  4. Confirm the procedure.

After the done actions, the page will appear in the "Bookmarks" menu item in the "Library" of the browser. What other scenarios are encountered in practice?

Functional menu

  1. Open the desired page and right-click on the tab bar.
  2. Select the "Pin" option in the menu that appears. After that, in the browser, the open site will constantly open in the form of a "fixed" page.
  3. Click in the open functional menu on the line "Add all bookmarks to tabs". This option will keep all the web resources available on the tab bar in the browser. You can open a bookmark in Firefox at any time.

But the possible tricks do not end there either. Each user can cope with the task using the browser settings or hot keys.

Settings to help

  1. Open tabs in the Internet browser Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Click on the button with the image of three dots or lines in the upper right corner of the program.
  3. Click on the line "Library".
  4. Click on the "Bookmarks" option.
  5. Select the "Add" item.

This technique helps to keep open pages without any problems. What else is left for users to master?

Help keys

It's about using hotkeys. How do I save open tabs in Mozilla? To cope with the task at hand, you need to click on active page Ctrl + D. This shortcut will save the web resource to the Bookmarks menu.

You don't need to do anything else. You can look into the browser settings and in the "At startup" menu set the option "Show windows opened last time".

Save to PC

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Log in to the browser.
  2. Go to the main browser settings.
  3. Select "Library" - "Bookmarks" - "Show All".
  4. Click on the inscription "Management".
  5. Click on the "Export to html" option.
  6. Select the location to save the document and confirm the operation.

You can find Mozila bookmarks and passwords on your PC. To do this, you will have to go along the path:

C: \ Users \ Username \ AppData \ Roaming \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles \

In the folder with the profile name, you need to look at the boormarks documents (with backup copies of bookmarks) and places (with passwords, bookmarks and logins).

Hello dear friends!

Did you know that all open tabs can be saved when you close the browser? It turns out that one of my acquaintances did not know about this and in order to save the tabs, he simply turned off the computer hard by holding the power button for a few seconds. What for? Because, then Firefox told him that his work was completed incorrectly and offered to restore the tabs of the last session!

I was surprised to the very tips of my ears and decided to write an article on this topic. I will show you how to save your current tabs so that when you close the browser and then open it again, they are completely restored. The instruction will be for browsers Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge... About Internet Explorer I will also say a couple of affectionate ones at the end of the article.

Let's start with Mozilla Firefox

How do I restore tabs when I close Firefox?

Go to Settings, as shown in the screenshot.

Select the settings item The main in the left menu. Then we look at the value of the parameter " When Firefox starts "... By default, it usually reads “Show home page". Change it to " Show last opened windows and tabs". Changes are applied immediately, without pressing the 'ok' or 'apply' buttons. To check - close the browser and then open it again. All tabs should be restored from the last session.

How do I restore tabs when I close Chrome?

Press the three horizontal sticks in the upper right corner, click on the Settings item.

Settings opens. Next, we are looking for the item " Open on startup"And put in the position" Previously opened tabs". Changes are also applied immediately. To test, close Chromium with multiple tabs, then reopen.

How to restore tabs in Opera browser?

Push the top left button Opera and select Settings in the menu (you can press the Alt + P key combination).

In the Basic settings section, set the "At startup" parameter to the " Continue from the same place". Changes are applied immediately.

How do I restore open tabs in Edge?

The new browser from Microsoft also has the ability to save previously open tabs at startup, which we will use. To customize it, click on the three dots in the upper right and select Options.

In the Parameters, the subsection "Open with" is almost the first in the list, in which we set the switch to the position " Previous Pages". Again, the changes take effect immediately. You can close the parameters by pressing Esc or by pressing the three dots again.

But Edge will still ask you when you close it, do you really want to close them? In my opinion, illogical behavior. If I chose to restore the previous session, then why should the browser ask me to close all tabs? After all, he will restore them all the next time you start. Check the box "Always close all tabs" when you get tired of this window :)

How to keep open tabs in IE?

Joke, but only half)

In fact, Internet Explorer does not know how to automatically restore the previous session, it does not have such a setting. But you can restore the previous session manually and now I will show you where this option is hiding.

Let's say you closed IE for the last time with five tabs. Open it and see one home page. What to do? There are two ways:

Method number 1. Through a new tab

Open a new tab using Ctrl + T or with the mouse:

Now, in a new tab, look down and find the link “ Reopen the last session«.

Method number 2. Through the menu

Go to the menu Service, choose ““. And a miracle happens, the tabs open :)

Note: if the menu bar is not displayed, then you can enable it on a permanent basis or call it only when necessary.

To make the menu bar permanently visible - right-click on an empty space on the top IE bar and check the box next to the "Menu bar" item (see screenshot)

If you, for example, do not want to see the menu all the time to save space, then just press the left Alt key and the menu will pop up. Then again go to Service -> Reopening the last browsing session.

Recovering tabs may not be the best idea if there are a lot of them open. But in this case, it is already worth thinking about your own efficiency when working. After all, saving all open sites when you close your browser is just a tool that can both speed up your work and slow it down.

Do you keep your open tabs?

Exporting bookmarks allows you to make a backup copy of all bookmarks when reinstalling the system. Export is also convenient when transferring all bookmarks between browsers.

Using this method, we solve a number of problems:

  • 1. Backup all tabs
  • 2. Synchronization of tabs between browsers
  • 3. Remove dependency on plugin developers
  • 4. Stop depending on other people's servers
  • 5. We cease to be afraid that the built-in synchronization will not work or will crash

With all the pros, there is one drawback. Export must be done manually. The process itself takes less than a minute, but it needs to be done once a week (or whatever suits you best) to keep the copy up-to-date.

How to keep browser tabs when reinstalling the system? Export tabs process

In the browser, go to settings - bookmarks - bookmark manager

In the window that opens, you will see the complete structure of the saved tabs. Folders, subfolders and the bookmarks themselves. Click on three dots and select the "Export bookmarks" item and save the file to any convenient place.

That's it, the backup is ready.

How do I save browser tabs? The process of restoring tabs.

We now have a backup and can restore the tabs in any of the browsers.
To do this, go to the browser settings - bookmarks - bookmarks manager and select the "import bookmarks" item. In the window that opens, select the saved file and press ok. After a few seconds, the tabs will be restored. This will restore the complete structure. All folders and subfolders.

Where can I find the bookmark manager?

Google chrome.
Top Right Corner - Three Points - Bookmarks - Bookmark Manager

Mozilla Firefox
Top right corner - three stripes - library - bookmarks - show all bookmarks - import and backups- export / import from html file

Menu - bookmarks export / import - import from html file

Yandex browser
Top Right Corner - Three Stripes - Bookmarks - Bookmark Manager

Microsoft Edge
Top right corner - three stripes with a star - click on the asterisk - import favorites - import from html file (export in the same place).

In the case of this browser, you will also need to drag the folder from "Imported from bookmarks" to the pane of explored.
Export / import is supported by all browsers.

The method itself is very simple, but so far it has not been automated. Therefore, if you are having problems with built-in sync or you do not want to use it, then this method is for you.

If you are used to working in an Internet browser with a large number of different sites, and each time you sit down at your computer, you search for the necessary ones and open them in tabs, then this takes a lot of time. Especially if these are the same sites all the time, and you have to open more than 10 of them.

Keeping open tabs by changing browser settings

To do this, in Google Chrome, click on the button with the image of three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner and select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.

Here we will be interested in the section "Open at startup". You need to put a marker in the "Previously open tabs" field.

Now, you can safely quit in Chrome, even if you have several different pages open. The next time you launch it, they will all be in place, and you can immediately start working with them, without wasting time searching.

Another way not to lose everything open in Chrome after you decide to close it is to pin them to the appropriate panel.

To do this, right-click on the desired tab, and select "Pin tab" from the drop-down list.

All those pages that were pinned appear at the top of the browser on the left. They only show the site logo. After you close Google Chrome and then return to working with it, all the pinned sites will be in place.

Save tabs by customizing the bookmarks bar

If you like to add sites to bookmarks, then you can use the bookmarks bar, for quick access to the necessary pages on the Internet.

The bookmarks bar is located immediately below the search bar. If you do not have it displayed, then you need to enable it.

Go back to the browser menu and click on the "Settings" button.

Now you can add all the pages that you often open in the browser to the bookmarks bar. To do this, go to the desired one, right-click on the bookmarks bar and select "Add page" from the list.

Now close your browser, because you have saved everything that was open. When you return to work with it, you can either open the desired pages from the bookmarks bar one at a time, or right-click on it and select "Open all bookmarks" from the list to open everything in new tabs.

One more convenient way to save frequently visited sites is setting visual bookmarks... They are in the form of thumbnails with the site image and its name, and are hyperlinks. That is, by clicking on the desired one, you will immediately go to the required page on the Internet.

You can add the pages you want to the panel and group them into folders as you like. You can have a panel with visual bookmarks, or so that they open when you open a new tab.

Save all open sites to the visual bookmarks bar, and the next time you open the browser, get quick access to them.

Save tabs when closing browser by installing extension

If you need to close Chrome, but at the same time you need to keep open pages, you can use the One Tab extension for this.

Find it in the Chrome Web Store and install it in your browser. After installation, the extension icon will appear to the right of the search bar.

By clicking on it, in the browser you will have only one tab “One Tab” open. All sites that you have opened before will be displayed here in the form of a list.

It's that simple we saved all open pages in Chrome. The next time you open it, the One Tab will appear, on which you will see a list of the required sites.

If you need to open all of them in new tabs, click on the "Restore All" button.

In order to add open sites to the list of the extension before closing the browser, click again on its icon to the right of the search bar.

If you right-click on it and expand the drop-down list, you can choose which pages to add to the extension.

In the One Tab list, you can select only the one that is necessary for work at a particular moment. This will improve the performance of the browser, since only the extension tab and a couple of other required ones will be open. Moreover, all the necessary 20 or 30 sites will always be at hand. As a result, the browser will freeze less and will not need to be restarted constantly.

More than one, the Internet browser offers the user a very convenient function“Save tabs”, which, if used by the user, will open all previously open tabs in the same order as before closing the next time the browser starts. When is it convenient to use the Save Tabs feature?

When the operation or installation of any software requires the immediate termination of the Firefox web browser.

When accidentally, instead of the minimize button, click on the button to close the Internet browser. When you plan to return to browsing previously opened web pages after solving other cases that suddenly arose during Internet surfing.

What to do in cases when accidentally or intentionally in the exit window from Firefox, where actually the user is offered three buttons to choose from “Save and Exit”, “Exit”, “Cancel”, you once checked the box “Do not ask in next time ”, and now you want to return everything as it was before? The answer is simple, go to the browser settings and turn the desired option back on!

Today I will tell and show you how easy this can be done. Let's get started ?!

OPENING THE CONFIGURATION WINDOW... We open a web browser, in address bar we write:

and press Enter. We promise to be careful.


Copy the name of the following setting:

and insert it into the Search line.

Set the value of the found setting to "true" by double-clicking on it or right-clicking and in context menu choose "Switch".

Now, when you exit the Firefox Internet browser, you will always be prompted to save tabs.

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