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the main  /  Problems Bookmarks from HTML file. From Google Chrome

Bookmarks from HTML file. From Google Chrome.

One of the popular and affordable browsers is Mozilla Firefox.. Firefox, like other programs for working with computer networksAllows you to save your favorite pages. The user can add new, delete available, import, export. Below is information about these functions.

Mozilla Firefox - fast programallowing to search and view data Global Network With desktop monitor. Download last version Browser can be free through the search engine.

Import, Export, Synchronization Bookmarks

Liked pages can be saved in bookmarks, and bookmarks themselves - Move to another computer or other device. Users can transmit saved pages to other devices to other devices, and receive (import) from other devices. The procedure for transferring information to the remote service is called synchronization. Step by step each of the procedures is discussed below.

Export Firefox Bookmarks

Make the post of favorite pages to other devices as follows:

  1. Press the "Library" key.

  2. Pressing the button with the title "Bookmark".

  3. Scroll the mouse cursor down and press the "Show all bookmarks" key.

  4. Press the icon to suitable for the "library" in the pop-up window to press the "Import and Reservation" key. Then you will need to press the key corresponding to the "export of bookmarks to the HTML file".

  5. Select the folder where you save the pages you will be saved.
  6. The default file is assigned the name "Bookmarks.html".
  7. Press the button to save the information to the specified PC memory location.

Exported data in the form of a saved file can be imported hereinafter.

Note! According to paragraphs 1-3, it turns out to answer the question of how to open personal bookmarks.

Importing Firefox Bookmarks

Importing bookmarks is carried out according to the following scheme:

New bookmarks will be added to the existing. This method is carried out by the transfer of the search page files exported to files Internet Explorer.. You can also export from other browsers.

Note! Before importing, you must export the pages stored in bookmarks.

How to import bookmarks from browsers

First you need to repeat C.1-4 of the previous schema for importing from the file, then:

The scheme for other browsers looks likewise, but when importing it is necessary to press the title to the appropriate browser.

find out detailed information With the instructions, in our new article - "".

How to import Firefox bookmarks differently

Keep bookmarks on a remote server in two ways:

  • by installing the Firefox Sync program;
  • through the browser.

By setting a new version of the browser to synchronize all data to other devices, you need to create a Firefox account. This measure is an alternative import and export method of bookmarks from browser Firefox.. Both ways will allow you to quickly restore lost browser data.

Creating tabs

To create a bookmark, you need to press the appropriate menu mark from above (Star).

After clicking on this icon, an analog window will pop up with which the bookmark can be assigned a name, move it, give a name.

So it will be possible to add one page, but all open - as follows:

Using the above actions, you will save tabs in the form of a file document, import (add to the available) from another browser, create new ones.

Video - How to Import Bookmarks in Firefox

Many users like personal computers, so I. mobile devicesThe network browser is considered the most basic most important application.

This is true, but for proper implementation of your direct appointments, the browser must be:

  • comfortable;
  • high-speed;
  • understandable (so that time on the disassembly, what, where and how, did not leave more than to work);
  • multifunctional;
  • economical (so that all traffic will end in a short time);
  • unique (something different from other browsers).

Such an application is updated Vivaldi.

Vivaldi browser does not stand still

Like all other browsers, Vivaldi develops all the time and is updated regularly.

But it is much more difficult for him than his strong competitors, because it is necessary to add many additional features, remove all mistakes former version And do each new more convenient.

The browser should work trouble-free, quickly and efficiently, otherwise it will quickly come out of the rows of popular and popular applications. All this is difficult to produce with a relatively new browser.

However, the developers do not look at the youth of their application and try to make it as comfortable as possible. Not immediately, but we gradually manage to reach new excellent results. Already a new version Browser Vivaldi 1.3 surprised by its advantages of the application users.

The set was included comfortable features and additional opportunities, including regarding work with subochms, import bookmarks and quick set from the opera browser, as well as error correction.

Helpful information

Vivaldi is a browser, which is created by the developers of a popular opera. Despite many similarity with its parameters, it has unique properties. Basically, the developers involved the use of them advanced users, but the use will be perfectly suitable for conventional customers.

Vivaldi is a browser in which we managed to connect all the weighty advantages of common browsers: beautiful appearanceEasy and understandable interior, fast work and performing even complex professional features.

What does "import bookmarks" mean

"Importing" bookmarks means moving bookmarks from one application to another (for example, with Vivaldi to Yandex.Browser). "

Importing bookmarks is a very common and relevant action. In what cases it may need you:

  • If you used the browser Vivaldi for a long time, but for any reason decided to change it to another.
  • If you update your browser (not in all versions of the bookmark browser are saved), but for "insurance" you want to send bookmarks to another browser.

Very uncomfortable, re-all open and save, look for sites. And simply transfer the available bookmarks to a new browser is not so difficult. To do this, you will have to give a little time, but it will work, as before, convenient.

Transferring all documents from one folder to another (manually operation)

The fact is that all the files you meet on the network (and save) are available in system folder Window, including all saved bookmarks.

This folder is called AppData. In it, you can find the most important files of all programs and applications. In order to find it, enter the name in the address bar of the conductor.

  • If you want to get immediately in the folder, enter:% UserProfile% \\ APPDATA.
  • After the transition to the above link, you will find yourself inside the folder. Now you need to find a file with the name browser "Vivaldi" (this word should be in address line And after the transition).
  • Next, after you already find yourself in the file of your browser, you need to find a file called "Bookmarks" (it saves all bookmarks that are available on Vivaldi browser).
  • Now you need to move these files to the same folder of another browser.

To make it easier, we give an example.

Purpose: Imported bookmarks with Vivaldi to Yandex.Browser. Procedure:

  • Get to the appdata folder.
  • Find a folder in it with the word "Vivaldi" (in English).
  • After switching to that folder, copy all the bookmarks.
  • Cide the AppData folder again.
  • This time, find the folder with the name "Yandex".
  • Log in to it and find "Bookmarks".
  • Insert all copied bookmarks.

Second manual way

When importing bookmarks in this way the likelihood that everything will turn out, more. Yes, and work here is carried out easier. You must literally drag or copy bookmarks directly from Vivaldi to another browser.

Take as an example for the browser, where the bookmarks will be moved, opera:

  • Open Vivaldi browser.
  • From the cameras ("Tab", "New tab" and others) you need to select "Bookmarks".
  • Open Opera.
  • Then go to "Settings", further opens several functions.
  • Select "Bookmarks".
  • Now (in Vivaldi browser) you need to choose all bookmarks. This can be done by clicking immediately on Ctrl + A, or to highlight the cursor. Then you need to copy everything dedicated.
  • Now you work again in the Opera. On the page where all the saved bookmarks are located, insert everything dedicated.

If you are uncomfortable or not clear how to copy and paste, you can simply move dedicated files from one browser to another (the scheme looks almost the same as when working with ordinary files in Windows). Imported bookmarks will now be there in the same place, where and bookmarks the browser itself, in which you moved files.

How to import bookmarks in Firefox from another browser? This question, for sure every user of this browser was asked.

Import and exports of bookmarks may be required when, updating, replacing, rollback, etc.

Therefore, users are thinking about whether it is possible to do it quickly and least laborious.

On how to save, move, and export files of bookmarks from browsers in our material.


The method is based on the principle of creating a single account for all your devices with this browser. That is, you need to create an account and enter it.

All bookmarks will be saved in cloud storage On the developer server.

When you enter this account again, but from another Firefox browser (reheaster or installed on another device), you can access these bookmarks.

It is more difficult about the import of bookmarks from other browsers. For them, automatic import is not configured, therefore it will have to carry out the process manually.

And this is quite a long time.

The principle of this method is that while maintaining the first reference, the browser creates a file of a format (most often).

It is necessary to find this file on the computer and move it to new browser. And also can be saved on and transfer to another PC.

Sometimes such a file must be created manually if the browser has used internal reserves to save, and not external file. (What happens quite rarely).

So, in order to transfer "Saved" from another browser, act like this:

  1. Run this browser (the example is used by the browser from Yandex);
  2. Go to its settings - in the case of this browser, it was necessary to press the button with three bands on the right side of the window cap;
  3. Click on the "Settings" section;
  4. In the window that opens, find the "Bookmarks" item and go to it;

<Рис. 7 Настройки>

  1. In the upper right corner of the new window there is a "Arrange" button, click on it;
  2. In the dropping menu, find item "Export to HTML file";
  3. Click on it;

<Рис. 8 Экспорт>

  1. The standard Windows Explorer window opens;
  2. Specify the name in it. created file And the place where you want to save it.

Now you need to proceed directly to importing the filed file in the firefox. To do this, run the browser and go to the "bookmarks".

After the library opens, click on "Import and backups".

In the drop-down menu, select the section "Import bookmarks from an HTML file". The usual system of the system conductor will open again.

Find the file created earlier through it and click on it twice with the left mouse button.

<Рис. 9 Импортирование>


Often the user can be reinstalling the browser. For example, if a newer version came out. Or if installed browser gives failures.

In case of reinstalling, replacing the outdated firefox to a newer firefox, the transfer of saved links does not represent much work.

The easiest way to enable browser synchronization. But you can use both manual transfer, with the creation backup file Bookmarks.

The advantages of this method are obvious. First of all, it is its high accuracy. The user can be sure that all information will remain, and at the same time will not be duplicated.

This method is very universal. Since the data file has a format, it is easily recognizable by all other browsers.

Because in such a way you can transfer bookmarks from different browserswhereas synchronization works quite clearly only with one developer browsers.

How to create such universal file.? Act according to the algorithm:

  1. Run the firefox browser;
  2. In the upper right corner, locate the bookmarks panel call button and press it with the left mouse button;
  3. In the dropping menu, in its upper part, find the section "Show all bookmarks";

<Рис. 10 Панель закладок>

  1. A window opens with the name "Library";
  2. In the side menu on the left side of the window click on "Bookmarks panel";
  3. In the deployed sub-clauses in the same field, select the category of "preservation", which will be transferred;
  4. After pressing it, at the top of the window, to the left of search string, locate the "Import and Backup" button and click on it with the left mouse button;
  5. In the dropping menu, click on "Export bookmarks to an HTML file";

<Рис. 11 Библиотека>

  1. Push the name of the new file in the window that opens, and also specify the place where it is most convenient to save.

After transferring it to another browser, all "saves" are copied.

<Рис. 12 Создание файла закладок>

This file is especially convenient because it is completely mobile. It can be saved on the USB flash drive.

In this way it is possible to transfer it to another PC and copy to the browser installed there.

The method is good, for example, when transferring saved addresses from a PC to a laptop or from a laptop to a tablet.

Alternative method

Working with HTML file is convenient not always. In the case when this method is not too convenient, you can use other things, namely, to create a backup.

To create such a copy for recovery, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Library" section in the same way that has already been described above;
  2. In the menu on the left side of the window, click on the "Bookmark menu" section
  3. Find a button in the header "Import and backups";
  4. Make the left mouse click on this button;
  5. Choose the desired item in the dropping list ( "Create backups");
  6. After that, the system will automatically create a data file that can be imported to another firefox browser.

<Рис. 13 Альтернативный метод>

Pros of this method in its relative speed and simplicity. Minus method - limitations. In this way, you can transfer data exclusively from Firefox to Firefox.

This method is not suitable for transfer in,

We often stumble upon interesting articles, blogs, notes, and just materials expanding our horizons and opening new areas for inspiration and promising career. Where will they fall? If you do not write out the links interested you on the leaflet (which may not be wise, if you do not look closely to the features of the handwriting and theirty strokes), then most likely we will bring them to the bookmarks so that we have the opportunity to extract them at any time And in the blink of an eye to open a link from the record saved on the computer. All complexities begin when you reinstall the system or change the computer. All bookmarks, as usual, disappear without a trace and have to restore the entire honestly htched archive, almost from scratch.

One way to solve this problem - This is synchronization with an account. By connecting to Google account and synchronizing all bookmarks with it, you can restore the entire hierarchical structure of bookmarks at any time with folders and invested objects. Another way to move the bookmark to another system is to export bookmarks from the browser to the external file and then import it to the new OS. This method is not so much progressive as the first, but, firstly, it will work one hundred percent, since all actions are made literally manually, and secondly, the synchronization service will be attended by every browser, so for the functioning this method You can vouch.

So, how to export bookmarks from chromium ( Google Chrome.) To then import them to another system or in another browser? Here detailed instructions This procedure.

How to export bookmarks from chromium?

All tabs are managed in the bookmarks manager: Import, export, ordering. If you want to add a new web page to the bookmarks or create new folderIn order to later place the bookmarks from one category there, all this can be done in the bookmarks Manager.

In the open controller, click on the header "Management" at the top. The context menu will open. Select the item "Export bookmarks to HTML file". This menu item is for exporting all bookmarks to an external HTML file.

As a result, the standard file saving form will appear on the screen. Specify the name of the file with bookmarks and select the path you want to save this file. Exports of chromium bookmarks work quickly and efficiently, it can be performed literally in two bills.

On this answer to the question "how to export bookmarks from chromium" is exhausted. We did everything, or rather: prepared an exported file with bookmarks for subsequent imports to a new OPERATION. Now we will conduct imports of bookmarks in Google Chrome.

How to import bookmarks in Google Chrome?

In the same open dispatcher by clicking on the control header and select the "Import bookmarks from the HTML file".

A form of selecting the basic file will appear, from which we want to import. Select it and click Open.

Another way to import bookmarks is not cycling bookmark manager, through the main chromium menu. Click the menu button (icon with three horizontal strips) and select the "Bookmark" item.

In the appearance context menu Select the "Import tabs and settings" item.

In the following form, we have to choose the source point for imports, from where it is precisely we want to import bookmarks: from another browser or from an external HTML file. If we choose an HTML file, it will be the same option as when choosing the previous one, described a little earlier in the section "How to export bookmarks from chromium" method. The option "From Microsoft Edge / Internet Explorer / Mozilla Firefox" is more interesting, or any other web-navigator you use. When involved this option We will be able to transfer the entire structure of bookmarks without resorting to keeping the bookmarks in the external file and subsequent imports from it. All transfer of bookmarks will be carried out directly, as it is, and this cannot but rejoice, that is, the program engine mechanism will be involved to save the entire hierarchy of bookmarks and restore and integrate it into a new, resulting system.

Sometimes in other browsers there is a similar mechanism for transferring bookmarks, that is, with the help of the internal, invisible engine. But more often you can find exactly the "Anglass" technique, through an HTML file. She will definitely work, as it should, and without any questions will postpone all our bookmarks on a new OS. Imports of bookmarks in chrome - incredibly fast and effective procedure, and sin does not take advantage if you are going to continue using the browser represented.

We hope that in the presented material we managed to give an accurate and clear answer to how to export bookmarks from chromium, and then import them to the right place (for a new operating system or computer). Subsequently, we will talk about how to perform similar tasks in Firefox and other browsers, and until let's declare!

How to import bookmarks in Firefox? It all depends on what exactly the browser will occur. Standard, that is, built-in, tools can withdraw bookmark Firefox Only from such programs as Google Chrome and the Internet Explorer. If you wish to copy information from Opera, you will need to run it precisely and the reverse process in relation to the opera is the export of bookmarks.

Borrow valuable information from Chrome and Explorer

1. Crab on the icon in the form of a tablet, which is located on top of the navigation string, and run the "Show all bookmarks" option.

2. Go again at the top panel just running window "Import and backups". In the new list, you need to make a choice in favor of "import data from another browser."

4. Now the round marks next to the data that is subject to transfer. Click on the "Next" button.

5.Prenos will be produced here. After completing the procedure, click on "ready". Information should already be in Firefox browser.

How to extract lists of links from other observers?

Of all other browsers, import bookmarks in Firefox produced staffing These programs or through separate data saving in the file, and then transfer data.

List of necessary sites from Yandex

1. We go to the browser settings and switch to the "Bookmarks" section. Click on the "Arrange" button, and then by "export bookmarks to the HTML file ...".

2. In the conductor, specify the path to the place in which the document with the saved sites should be stored. It can be a folder on a system or on custom disk. There is no particular difference. If you are afraid that you can forget what folder is saved, save the file on the desktop.

3. With Mozilla Run again the "Library" window again and activate the "Import Bookmarks from HTML file" option. Open this file through the conductor.

If saved sites from Internet Explorer or Google Chrome are not directly imported, you will also have to use the manual method: by copying data to the HTML file and subsequent transfer to Mozella.

Sites from Opera

To export bookmarks in Firefox from the opera, you need to run exactly browser Opera.. Unfortunately, standard means You can copy the bookmarks only in the Opera Self. The reverse procedure is not available. About how to transfer, for example, bookmarks from Firefox to another browser, can be read in this article.

To pull the list of saved sites from it, you need to install a special extension.
1. Tick Bookmarks Import & Export in the official store additions.

2. Changing on the green button "Add to Opera".

3. PLG will be immediately added to the browser.

4. Click on the upper panel expansion icon. She must be there. Opens work menu plugin.

5. We will carry out the export of bookmarks. Click on the Export button.

6. In the folder "Downloads", the bookmarks document will immediately appear. Next, transfer the data from this file to the Firefox browser. The instruction is already given above in the section on saved references in the Yandex browser.

Import from Firefox in Firefox

Copy sites can also be a browser for the same type. For example, if you have another device, which is also installed Mozilla, or when you want to reinstall the system.

Here you can use two methods: synchronizing or creating a backup. Last method allows you to save bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox in separate file. With the extension of HTML. The same type of file is created by other browsers. We talked about this in the previous block of this article.


Synchronization is not the same as backup. It must be understood. However, this feature is an excellent way to move information from one device to another, for example, bookmarks and passwords.

Synchronization occurs due to account. All data is stored in the cloud, and not just on the device. Thus, if you connect to the account on another PC, you have the same information in the window as in the first device.

Create account

  1. In the browser menu, click on the "Enter Synchronization" button.
  2. Click on the "Create account».
  3. Enter the information in all required fields And click on "Create Account". Note that your address email Must be relevant, that is, you need access to it. You need to know the password from her.
  4. Go to the mail and confirm the account creation.


  1. In the menu again, click on "Enter Synchronization".
  2. Click on the link "Already there is an account? Log in "below
  3. Write in the fields the email address and the password you specified when you created an account.

Backup copy

Sites saved in the browser are copied to a special file.

  1. Press again to the already familiar item "Show all bookmarks". Opened again the "Library" window.
  2. In the "Import and Backup" block, click on the "Create Backup" option.
  3. We are determined with the place in which the document will be. If desired, you can change the name. As can be seen, everything is quite logical and simple.

If you want to reinstall the OS or simply transfer sites into the browser on another computer, copy this file to the USB flash drive. Copied sites can then be inserted into any browser, that is, import.

Save bookmarks in Firefox The user can in a separate document that will have an HTML extension. It will be backup copy data. Subsequently, you can use it if you want to transfer data to another browser, even if it is not Firefox. It does not matter how many saved references in the browser have. The file can simply weigh a little more average. You can also use the synchronization option. It is quite convenient.