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How to enable Intel Widi on a laptop. Intel Wireless Display Technology (WIDI)

However, we felt that among all this information lacks the owned and exhaustive testing of WIDI for the study of its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, as soon as the WIDI adapter Netgear Push2TV HD got into our och. I understood: the moment has come. During the week I experienced technology and iron in your homemade home laboratory, combining pleasant with useful. On the results obtained, found nuances and bugofits and allow it here to report.

Selection of compatible gland

WIDI technology belongs to the category of hardware dependent, it requires a number of requirements for its operation. Briefly these requirements can be formulated as follows:
  • CPU Intel Core i3 / i5 / i7 second or third generation (not any, see below);
  • Graphic subsystem Intel HD Graphics, as we know, built into the above processors;
  • Wi-Fi Intel Centrino adapter with 802.11n support.
A complete list of compatible equipment can be viewed on the Intel website.
The list of compatible equipment is constantly expanding, we recommend that you carefully examine it if you want to deal with WIDI. Your humble servant personally stood up on these rakes, choosing a ultrabook for tests - it turned out to be impressive and well, but he had an incompatible Wi-Fi adapter. Everything turned out only with the second attempt, then I mean the second ultrabook. Its characteristics, in principle, do not matter, I will only say that the third generation Intel platform is used in it; Installed OS - Windows 8.
By the way, I want to note in passing that for the first time in Intel immediately after launching the installer honestly warned that on this ultrabook WIDI will not work and further put it refused than saved my time and nerves. The same approach is also implemented in other hardware dependent technologies, for example.

Netgear Push2TV HD Prefix

So, with ultrabooks figured out, consider now reverse side WIDI, that is, the receiver. There are a number of monitors and TVs with built-in WIDI, in particular, Samsung combo device ruler, a number of TVs and Toshiba and, in addition, some media players and game consoles. However, most TVs have no WIDI, nor Wi-Fi, and it is necessary to purchase a prefix for them. Consoles also released several types: from D-Link, Belkin and other manufacturers. In our testing, the Netgear Push2TV HD adapter was used; There is a feeling that all of the following will apply to other accrehensions.

Installation and Setup

Start acquaintance with technology makes sense from the WIDI home page on the Intel website - its reading, no doubt, will be useful for further research. Unfortunately, the most helpful information, namely, where to take on WIDI, there is no, but I will tell you. The second step is to go to the Intel download section, where you can simply update the drivers responsible for the work of Widi - believe the word, it will not be superfluous. We will find directly on WIDI. To facilitate the use of WIDI there is a special widget, although you can do without it.

Update software on the WIDI adapter

Installation via WIDI happens quickly and uninteresting - literally, the screenshot is not with what to remove. But the first launch did not cost me without light ships, although to Vargan, at one time I was given intel, it did not reach me again. So, the prefix is \u200b\u200benabled and connected to the TV via HDMI port (except for it, it has another component). We run on the ultrabook the scanning of the adapters and almost immediately find our. Click "Connect" and ... do not connect. The process broke out several times at various stages with different errors, until finally, it was not possible to somehow connect two adapters. Immediately after that, it began to update on the console. The prefix itself does not have access to the Internet, so the idea is updated through the ultrabook seems common. I note that the ultrabook at that time was not connected to the Internet, it means that the update is contained in the WIDI software. After updating, the prefix rebooted, and there were no more problems with pairing.

Password in writing

The just included is the connection is in the connection state - the expectation screen is shown in the first picture. In the process of installing a connection after successful initialization on TV, a random password is displayed, which must be entered on the ultrabook. Following this, a desktop image appears on the TV. Wireless Display. It is a full-fledged second display, which, like a wired second, can operate in two modes: cloning and expansion. Intel recommends using the second option. The TV resolution is automatically exposed to 1080r in both modes.

Testing functionality

After easy adventures with the setting, I started directly testing. As a media content, several films were selected, both in HD and in a lower resolution. The feeling from viewing can be expressed like this. Video non-HD permission is simply "with a bang," just a couple of times, traces of some digital interference were seen. When watching high-resolution video, it is sometimes visible barely noticeable twitching of the picture, most often - with a smooth turn of the camera. This effect I had to see when the TV is connected to the DLNA server via Wi-Fi; I myself preferred to use the wire in Starikovski.

TV requests a DLNA connection

By the way, about DLNA. Ultrabook software can work in the mode that I would call "WIDI without WIDI" when the TV is not required WIDI prefix; He gets a picture with a ultrabook via DLNA. In the documentation, the developers honestly warn that this mode does not work with all DLNA customers, but my Samsung 5300 TV connected without problems. However, the benefits of such "emulation" are not very much: the picture quality is much worse, the HD permission is not supported and everything is completely inhibited. In addition, due to the habit of DLNA, the contents connected in this way can not be used as a monitor, since the mouse refuses to crawl in real time.

Confix connection is established. Left - Widi widget

Wi-di widget performs two functions. First, it allows one click to connect the Wireless Display, the connection to which was already configured and in whose properties it is indicated automatically. Secondly, in the extended monitor mode, the widget allows you to switch the application from one monitor to another. The thing, in principle, is good, if not impact to me restrictions in functionality. For example, some applications it is capable of moving between the screens, and some are not; What principle is the choice, I could not install. Looking a little, I switched to "manual control" by windows and quickly got used to it.
From intense wi-Fi use When watching movies on the ultrabook, the battery is quickly discharged: if in the usual office mode it works 5-6 hours, then the charge is barely enough for the film. This, of course, is difficult to call a disadvantage. In general, the technologies that ended in the eyes of the technology was detected. The connection (on a small, of course, distance) was maintained steadily, the software failures were also noticed. In my opinion, WIDI is quite suitable as an alternative to DLNA, having before the last even an advantage in the form of versatility: WIDI is completely indifferent to deliver to a remote display, in addition, the need for transcoding disappears. There is every reason to assume that in the near future Wi-Fi is justified in all TV receivers without exception, and not just in top models, as now. Then the WIDI can open a second breathing, especially if the family of devices can be enhanced in a fundamental manner capable of sending a picture on Wireless Display.

Intel Widi is a driver responsible for the work of the model of the same name. It, in turn, serves to broadcast content from a computer memory or laptop to a TV or monitor that supports Intel Wireless Display. Also, the application allows you to display the "picture" on the screen of some portable Android devices. We draw your attention to the fact that fresh versions operating system from Microsfoft - Windows 7, Windows 8 and 10 This technology was ousted by another software solution -, which is installed in the default system.


Intel Widi helps to do without using external drives To organize the playback of a film or presentation on the TV and the projector. Also, this technology eliminates you from using VGA and HDMI cables because the image broadcast occurs by point access Wi-Fi. In general, downloading and installing this driver you will strongly simplify the transfer of data on remote device.

According to the concept of Wireless Display, a little resembles DLNA technology. The key difference from the second is that the DLNA server deployment on the computer allows you to broadcast only separate filesWhile Intel Widi makes it possible to turn a remote output device into the "second monitor". Simply put, use this technology It is much more expedient for presentations.


The basic condition for the correct operation of Wireless Display is the presence in the output device of the built-in or connected WIDI adapter. In addition, both devices must be connected to a single point of wireless access. Well, the last fact that must be taken into account is that the technology works far from any CPU. Moreover, compatibility issues arise with new processor models.

Key features

  • broadcast images from a PC / laptop on a compatible projector, TV or Android Device;
  • works through a single Wi-Fi access point;
  • fast installation and setting;
  • high quality translated image;
  • compatibility issues with new CPU models.

However, we felt that among all this information lacks the owned and exhaustive testing of WIDI for the study of its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, as soon as the WIDI adapter Netgear Push2TV HD got into our och. I understood: the moment has come. During the week I experienced technology and iron in your homemade home laboratory, combining pleasant with useful. On the results obtained, found nuances and bugofits and allow it here to report.

Selection of compatible gland

WIDI technology belongs to the category of hardware dependent, it requires a number of requirements for its operation. Briefly these requirements can be formulated as follows:
  • Intel Core I3 / I5 / I7 processor of the second or third generation (not any, see below);
  • Graphic subsystem Intel HD Graphics, as we know, built into the above processors;
  • Wi-Fi Intel Centrino adapter with 802.11n support.
A complete list of compatible equipment can be viewed on the Intel website.
The list of compatible equipment is constantly expanding, we recommend that you carefully examine it if you want to deal with WIDI. Your humble servant personally stood up on these rakes, choosing a ultrabook for tests - it turned out to be impressive and well, but he had an incompatible Wi-Fi adapter. Everything turned out only with the second attempt, then I mean the second ultrabook. Its characteristics, in principle, do not matter, I will only say that the third generation Intel platform is used in it; Installed OS - Windows 8.
By the way, I want to note in passing that for the first time in Intel immediately after launching the installer honestly warned that on this ultrabook WIDI will not work and further put it refused than saved my time and nerves. The same approach is also implemented in other hardware dependent technologies, such as Smart Response.

Netgear Push2TV HD Prefix

So, with ultrabooks figured out, consider the back side of the WIDI now, that is, the receiver. There are a number of monitors and TVs with built-in WIDI, in particular, Samsung combo device ruler, a number of TVs and Toshiba and, in addition, some media players and game consoles. However, most TVs have no WIDI, nor Wi-Fi, and it is necessary to purchase a prefix for them. Consoles also released several types: from D-Link, Belkin and other manufacturers. In our testing, the Netgear Push2TV HD adapter was used; There is a feeling that all of the following will apply to other accrehensions.

Installation and Setup

Start acquaintance with technology makes sense from the WIDI home page on the Intel website - its reading, no doubt, will be useful for further research. Unfortunately, the most useful information, namely, where to take on WIDI, there is no, but I will tell you. The second step is to go to the Intel download section, where you can simply update the drivers responsible for the work of Widi - believe the word, it will not be superfluous. We will find directly on WIDI. To facilitate the use of WIDI there is a special widget, although you can do without it.

Update software on the WIDI adapter

Installation via WIDI happens quickly and uninteresting - literally, the screenshot is not with what to remove. But the first launch did not cost me without light ships, although to Vargan, at one time I was given intel, it did not reach me again. So, the prefix is \u200b\u200benabled and connected to the TV via HDMI port (except for it, it has another component). We run on the ultrabook the scanning of the adapters and almost immediately find our. Click "Connect" and ... do not connect. The process broke out several times at various stages with different errors, until finally, it was not possible to somehow connect two adapters. Immediately after that, it began to update on the console. The prefix itself does not have access to the Internet, so the idea is updated through the ultrabook seems common. I note that the ultrabook at that time was not connected to the Internet, it means that the update is contained in the WIDI software. After updating, the prefix rebooted, and there were no more problems with pairing.

Password in writing

The just included is the connection is in the connection state - the expectation screen is shown in the first picture. In the process of installing a connection after successful initialization on TV, a random password is displayed, which must be entered on the ultrabook. Following this, a desktop image appears on the TV. Wireless Display is a full-fledged second display, which, like a wired second, can operate in two modes: cloning and expansion. Intel recommends using the second option. The TV resolution is automatically exposed to 1080r in both modes.

Testing functionality

After easy adventures with the setting, I started directly testing. As a media content, several films were selected, both in HD and in a lower resolution. The feeling from viewing can be expressed like this. Video non-HD permission is simply "with a bang," just a couple of times, traces of some digital interference were seen. When watching high-resolution video, it is sometimes visible barely noticeable twitching of the picture, most often - with a smooth turn of the camera. This effect I had to see when the TV is connected to the DLNA server via Wi-Fi; I myself preferred to use the wire in Starikovski.

TV requests a DLNA connection

By the way, about DLNA. Ultrabook software can work in the mode that I would call "WIDI without WIDI" when the TV is not required WIDI prefix; He gets a picture with a ultrabook via DLNA. In the documentation, the developers honestly warn that this mode does not work with all DLNA customers, but my Samsung 5300 TV connected without problems. However, the benefits of such "emulation" are not very much: the picture quality is much worse, the HD permission is not supported and everything is completely inhibited. In addition, due to the habit of DLNA, the contents connected in this way can not be used as a monitor, since the mouse refuses to crawl in real time.

Confix connection is established. Left - Widi widget

Wi-di widget performs two functions. First, it allows one click to connect the Wireless Display, the connection to which was already configured and in whose properties it is indicated automatically. Secondly, in the extended monitor mode, the widget allows you to switch the application from one monitor to another. The thing, in principle, is good, if not impact to me restrictions in functionality. For example, some applications it is capable of moving between the screens, and some are not; What principle is the choice, I could not install. Looking a little, I switched to "manual control" by windows and quickly got used to it.
From the intensive use of Wi-Fi when watching movies on the ultrabook, the battery is quickly discharged: if in the usual office mode it works 5-6 hours, then the charge is barely enough for the film. This, of course, is difficult to call a disadvantage. In general, the technologies that ended in the eyes of the technology was detected. The connection (on a small, of course, distance) was maintained steadily, the software failures were also noticed. In my opinion, WIDI is quite suitable as an alternative to DLNA, having before the last even an advantage in the form of versatility: WIDI is completely indifferent to deliver to a remote display, in addition, the need for transcoding disappears. There is every reason to assume that in the near future Wi-Fi is justified in all TV receivers without exception, and not just in top models, as now. Then the WIDI can open a second breathing, especially if the family of devices can be enhanced in a fundamental manner capable of sending a picture on Wireless Display.

In our era of the development of the information industry, it is rather difficult to impress the person. It would seem that quite recently, we could not imagine that in the usual use there will be "Wall clocks with Wi-Fi" or "Multicookers with the ability to set the cooking program through a smartphone." However, on this page you have access to free download Intel Widi Russian version for Windows 7, 8, 10 - a program that is directly related to all this!

Telephone conversations and diverse Internet depth of steel for us are completely ordinary. Technology penetrate our life is deeper. All that used to seem impossible to us is now considered a tribality. Anyway, newest technology Wireless Display Intel has a direct connection with the above.

For simplicity of understanding the possibilities and benefits of the newest filigree, as well as using it in the future, you need to read a certain number of small chapters that contain the main principles of construction. wireless system Computer connection and TV, after which you can download software.

Organization of a wireless system

Suppose you want to pass a photo from a laptop to your TV screen. In this case, the use of any cables can be forgotten. Dynamic setting is reigning at home: small kids run in the apartment or your curious cat shows interest in everything that excites his instinct. But what about the possibility of holding a holiday? Parties can serve as a reason for creating " wireless connection».

We believe that you understand the meaning. Most this technology may seem dear and unnecessary. But everyone dreamed of getting rid of wires. The reasons for the safer and comfortable use of the "wireless" system may exist an unlimited amount, and they are all based on objective household factors. The advantages of using Wireless Display in the field of business are huge. Imagine an office where there are no bonding wires and plugs, there is no need to carry a bunch of equipment for the presentation.

The latest argument of perfection and utility of WIDI software is a significant reduction in time costs while reducing efforts to create a visual computer synchronization system with a TV. Using wireless technology, you get the opportunity to facilitate the user to install and configure the system, eliminating it from connecting various cords and plugs, spending a large amount of time.

Very often, there is no possibility to check the health of the connectors used: the basis of the unstable operation of the system may be an external violation of the integrity of the cross section of the wire. Repair and replacement of the damaged part, search for damaged space require time costs. It's time to get rid of anyone who does not need the binding elements!

The advantages of the Wireless Display Intel system

WIDI technology with which you can simplify the procedure for sending media files from a computer to the TV screen, or on TV modulator (for example, Smart TV) is another example of creating a connection between two devices without using wires and cables. Moreover, the WIDI system is most effective than its predecessor DLNA, namely, in the displacement of a laptop associated with a TV, along a variety of room trajectory, at the time of transfer of a video, no distortion of frames does not occur. The video is transmitted, keeping excellent quality. Concrete walls and overlaps are not a hindrance for data transmission.

We note that the basis for creating technology was the Wi-Fi standard, due to the use of which most of the institutions have deserved fame, allowing visitors to use open access Online network by creating a Wi-Fi entry point.

What devices can I use WIDI technology?

In order for your TV to be synchronized with the computer, it must be equipped with an HDMI connector. SMART-TV modulators will be excellent example: there are Wi-Fi modules that support the Intel My Wi-Fi sample. Other multifunctional TV really very easy to improve through the connection of the modular adapter. Cost when buying additional module And the HDMI cable is incomparable with the benefit received when used. And we guarantee you!

So, the lack of tag with the name of WIDI on the external package of your computer does not mean the impossibility of using the above-described technology. Make sure your laptop corresponds to the following requirements:

  • There is a hardware equipment intel processor Core i3 from the dual-core family (or better).
  • Graphic adapter not lower Intel HD Graphics 2000.
  • Chip supporting the Intel My Wi-Fi system.
  • Windows 7 and above.

If at least one of the above requirements is not fulfilled, the use of WIDI technology will be difficult. Before installing software, check the system for compliance with all requirements. We advise you to use the CompatibilityCHECKER program, which will help to make testing rapid and simple.

Necessary software for WIDI

The moment came to tell about the main aspects of Wireless Display Intel technology. As you already know, without software that meets the identified requirements, technology is inoperable. Therefore, when a "magic" software is found on the Internet, the developers of which are discussed about the growth of performance and functionality after installing a "miraculous" driver, do not believe them! Use only the official software, thereby secure your computer from the actions of attackers and malicious programs.


It does not matter when you and who have purchased a computer. It is necessary to test the performance and relevance of the available drivers. You can find out the necessary information using two ways. Path first - use serving program Intel Driver Update Utility Installer, she is in automatic mode Let us give you the necessary information and, if necessary, updates the outdated driver.

The second path is the manual method, you will have to search for yourself, download and install new drivers. In the first version, you will not have questions on WIDI technology, but when using the second approach, the process understanding should be. For you, a durable reader, everything will be clear soon.

After the update process, you need to download the following software below. Next, after downloading it, be sure to check the correspondence of the version of the operating system with a laptop. The following is the process of connecting the TV to a computer.

Search and activate the device

Select Activation function wireless adapter In the TV options menu. Find the WIDI label on the computer monitor screen and click on it. Next should open the window: in it you must select the Search procedure. After the search completes its work, found devices will appear on the laptop screen: in our case, the TV. Click the "Connect" button. Dial the code that appears on the display and get the ability to transmit media files!

If the television device does not have a Wi-Fi adapter?

It is necessary to use WIDI technology with using wi-fi Router. Today, by virtue of development trading network It's not difficult to find and buy this device. Well recommended a Netgear Push2TV router. You do not need to have knowledge of a specialist for connecting a router to the system: even a beginner user will perfectly cope with this. The instruction is simple - you must connect the TV and the router using an HDMI cable and select it in the TV options menu. Intel Wireless Display on Laptop software, after which you activate the synchronization process.

Useful information about an effective addition

If you have a desire to expand the application functionality, then you need to install a small WIDI Remote software module. He is able to seriously relieve work with WIDI technologies. When using this software, a very useful possibility of switching software from one monitor screen to another appears. By adding an automatic connection to the root options of the application, you can start duplicating monitors to one moment.

In conclusion

Whatever the program is not difficult in appearance, in the case, it is simple. Everything works quite understandable. But you only need to pay a little attention and patience in order to figure out how it really works. Do you know what Intel Wireless Display Connection Manager? In case you do not have a DELL computer, it is unlikely that you know this. And the answer to this question will be: the same WIDI driver! Yes, this is the same, the same above driver. The point is all that is an identical software that is in the original packaging.

Thanks to your patience, you have figured out the basic principles of the wireless connection and themselves are ready to create a WIDI connection. The entire list of required software and application instructions can be found higher in this article. And how profitable to use this technology will understand in the process of its operation!

Thus, download Intel WIDI for Windows 10, 8, 7 is available to reference below. And be sure to tell your friends, as well as familiar about Wireless technology Intel Wireless Display. We will be happy if the article turned out to be useful for you. Leave your questions in the comments! Thanks for attention!

Cable as a connection tool - yesterday, modern devices use Intel WIDI wireless connection.

WIDI - New Wireless Development Step

Connecting to a large TV display and viewing films on it, digital photos, online content using PC as a repeater - today it is not surprised by anyone. A TV, which can be used as an additional laptop display, has long been created by LG and a number of other famous companies, such as Samsung. This is the so-called subcategory of TV receivers "Smart TV".

The variety of functions of such equipment has turned it from the TV signal receiver to the device to play content with external source, not just with relay cable network. Usually, the HDMI cable is used for the connector, but it is not always convenient. Insufficient cable length can deliver a certain discomfort. And to forget about it will help technology wireless connection Intel Widi. It allows you to establish a laptop connection, a tablet and a PC with a smart TV receiver without using the cord.

The main advantages of Intel Widi technology

Pleases connect the tablet, laptop and any other device using wireless communicationTo use a HD TV as a large monitor. Intel Widi connection technology is optimally suitable for home and business use. To create a connection, only the appropriate program is needed, and the built-in WiFi adapter In a tablet or laptop.

The TV used as a monitor does not have to have an adapter, it is purchased separately and connected via the HDMI port. This connection will allow you to transmit on TV-Display from a video laptop in a resolution of 1080p and audio 5.1 Surround Sound. But remember that this software Intel is hardware dependent. Intel's website you can get acquainted with minimal system requirements. For example, WIDI is not supported by discrete video cards and for such devices adapter to establish a wireless communication with Samsung, LG displays and any other firm are useless.

WIDI image transfer technology at home

Using WIDI developed by Intel specialists, any smart Samsung or LG TV can be turned into your mobile device screen. For this you need the following:

  1. Laptop, smartphone, tablet or ultrabook supporting Wireless software developed by Intel specialists.
  2. Intel Certified Adapter to use WIDI Connect features.
  3. Software application that can be downloaded on the official Intel website.
  4. Smart SAMSUNG or LG TV with HDMI switched.

And even to confidently enjoy the wide possibilities of Wireless Display - it is recommended to read the user manual, which is accompanied by each Wireless adapter. Smart TV brands Samsung and LG have wide opportunities in terms of display of content. And the Wireless adapter will allow you to connect the broadcast, and enjoy realistic HD video format using any as a source. mobile devicesupporting WIDI.

Using Wireless Display in Business

Not once, the working conference was delayed due to the need to acquaint all participants with information that had several media. Or because of the inability to quickly connect to the screen-translator production of Samsung or LG tablets of all participants in the conference. A smart TV is capable of much, but the essence of the wired connection itself - it does not always allow you to conveniently keep the connect of the devices.

Wireless Display is modern technology More convenient for wireless conferences. Some mouse clicks for the next Rapporteur Connect - that's what WIDI offers. Also no longer need to worry that closed Information will be transferred somewhere else. Intel Adapter, which allows you to use Smart SAMSUNG and LG brand TV programmatically protected from monitors wandering. Intel Pro Widi Immediately before displaying the image, the conference room monitor screen sends a message that this particular TV will be used as Wireless Display for a specific transmitting device. This avoids information linings and speed up the conference.

In addition to televisions Samsung or LG, the modern wireless connection technology of WIDI devices from Intel is not at all tied only to this category of devices. Projector with Intel Pro Widi support, monitor, other screen from LG and Samsung. Which is able to use the adapter to create a direct WiFi connection can be used as Wireless Display. The only limit is their hardware maximum quality of content reproduction.

Wireless Display - technology of the future or just a comfortable chip?

Undoubtedly, if you compare SAMSUNG or LG smart TV, enclosed with wires and a TV in which the connector is an imperceptible adapter - the second option is much more preferable in terms of convenience. SAMSUNG And LG provided their smart devices with all the necessary features to play high-definition video from any source. BUT intel. Developed a WIDI adapter that allows you to forget about the need to turn a laptop into a stationary source of the signal.

But, the fact that television devices Samsung and LG produced in conjunction with devices for software from Intel, it suggests that there are not so far a full symbiosis of two industries - television and computer technologies.
