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How to disable the limited connection of Windows 10. Limit connection - how to disable Windows Update Download when using Mobile Internet

To date unlimited Internet No longer. He is almost in every home. Tariff plans some operators fully allow to connect unlimited for 250 rubles, but it is only on mobile operators, and that with some limitations.

Suppose you have the Internet in which traffic is limited, and it happens that without your knowledge, some updates (especially Windows) or MEGabytes of traffic are generally nevertheless.

In this manual, you will learn how to avoid traffic spending using a limit connection, as well as look at the limit connection of Ethernet.

When using a limit connection, some applications will be limited to the use of the Internet, accordingly there will be no synchronization, for example, various cloud storage ONEDRIVE, DROPBOX, etc. Automatic updates for Windows and applications from windows Store Also it will not be installed, and Windows Defender will have to be updated manually.

Limit connection on Wi-Fi

If you use, that is, you have a router, then with windows settings 10 We will be able to configure a limit connection for such a network:

  • Open "Parameters"by pressing the keys Win + I.;
  • Go to section "Network and Internet";
  • Left click on the tab "Wi-Fi"And then click the software to which you are connected. Opens the window where we turn on the function « Limit connection» .

How to configure a limit connection for wired internet (Ethernet)?

In Windows 10, you cannot configure limit connection via parameters. If you dig in the registry, then you can do something.

Open the registry. To do this, click Win + R. And enter the command regedit..

Go to the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ NetworkList \\ DefaultMediacList.

Click right-click on the DefaultMediacost section and choose the option there "Permissions".

A window opens in which click "Additionally", and in the next window, at the top "Change".

You need to enter your username, and then click the button "Check names"To make sure that the data entered is correct. It will be right if the name is emphasized. After that, click OK.

There are unlimited and limit tariffs on the Internet. For users of the last developers, the "Limit Connection" function is introduced into the Windows 10 system. What does she represent and how to enable it?

What is "limit connection" and in what cases it is useful

"Limit connection" is an option in the "dozen", allowing users to not go beyond the amount of data that provides them with their provider. For mobile networks The system automatically includes this feature. For conventional Wi-Fi and wired Internet (Ethernet) you need to activate the limit manually.

In Windows 10, you can set a limit mode for wired and wireless connection

This option is used not only by users of the limit Internet, but also an unlimited network. For what? It saves traffic - reduce the amount of data obtained during operation on the network. For example, with this option, an automatic update of the "Operations" components will be disabled (including " Windows Defender"- standard anti-virus system from Microsoft) and various user utilities from the store Windows Store.. Automatic synchronization with ONEDRIVE and Outlook will also be suspended.

As a result - the Internet speed will not decline. Traffic will be used only when you open the pages on the Internet. Thus, the "limit connection" allows you to limit traffic consumption - megabytes will not leave it is incomprehensible where.

How to activate the option in the "top ten"

Turning on the limit mode for wired and wireless Internet It happens slightly differently in separate sections.

For Wi-Fi connection

Establish a limit on the use of traffic for wi-Fi network (When the router is used) is the easiest:

  1. All actions will be performed in the window " Windows settings" You can call it in two ways: through a combination of Win + I and the "Start" menu (icon in the form of a gear above the virtual shutdown button).
    In the "Start" menu, click on the gear to open the "Parameters" window
  2. The parameters already open the "Network and Internet" section.
    In the "Parameters" window, select "Network and Internet"
  3. Go right to the second tab of the Wi-Fi. Throw on it on your network. The page with the parameters of your network opens.
    Select your network left mouse button in the Wi-Fi tab.
  4. You can also get into it in another way - click on the Internet icon on the "taskbar", located next to the clock and date, and then click on the "Properties" link above the button "Disconnect".
    Click on the "Properties" link to open the network settings in the window
  5. Scroll down a little down page. In the "Limit Connection" block, set the value "On".
    Click on the switch to translate it to the "On" position
  6. After that, click "Set traffic limit" - the system will immediately redirect to another tab called "Using Data".
    Click on the "Set Limit Traffic Limit" link to specify a specific data volume
  7. Click on the "Install Limit" button.
    Click on "Install Limit"
  8. In a new small window, we put the necessary values \u200b\u200bin accordance with the amount of data in the tariff. We also specify the type of limit (monthly, one-time or without restrictions). We also put the date of reference so that the system knows, from which day to start counting the number of data obtained from the network. At the end, click on "save".
    In a new window, specify the volume of the data, the type of limit and the date of reference

For Ethernet

In the event of activation of the regime for the wired Internet, you may have to perform other actions. If your "dozen" has not received updates Creators Update.which advanced in April 2018, turn on so simply the limit in the "Parameters" window will not work.

Versions to Creators Update

It is possible to activate the mode in this case through the registry editing (changes to the value of the confined record). The procedure is quite complicated for beginners, however, we tried to describe it as much as possible:

  1. Open the Registry Editor window, in which we will change the values \u200b\u200bof certain parameters. Simultaneously press two keys (Win and R) to call the "Run" window on the display. In the line, print the REGEDIT query and click on OK or click on ENTER ("Enter") on the keyboard.
    In the "Open" string write the regedit command
  2. Click on "yes" to allow the editor to make changes in your windows system.
    Allow the registry editor to make changes on your computer
  3. On the left panel, open one of the main branches called HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
    Run the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section
  4. Now launch also double clicks Catalog for catalog: Software - Microsoft - Windows NT - CurrentVersion - NetworkList - DefaultMediacost.
    Latest open folder Must be DefaultMediacost
  5. First, we need to change the owner of the latest folder DefaultMediacost. Click on it right-click - in the list click on "Permissions".
    IN context menu Catalog Click on "Permissions"
  6. In a new additional window, click on the "Advanced" button - the third window will start.
    Click on the "Advanced" button in a new window
  7. At the very top there will be the parameter "Owner". Nearby will stand the link "Change" - we click on it.
    Click on the "Edit" link to make the owner of the folder yourself (your account)
  8. If you know by heart the name of your accountEnter it in the appropriate field. If necessary, click on the button on the right to verify that the name really exists in the system. If you do not remember the name, click on "Optional".
    Click on "Advanced" if you do not know the exact name of your account
  9. In the open menu, click on "Search".
    Click on "Search" so that the system finds all users of this PC
  10. In the list of results, select your name (the account, under which you are currently working on the PC) with the left mouse button. Click OK.
    Select your account in your list and click OK
  11. We click on OK to save the new catalog owner.
    Click OK to confirm your intention to change the owner of the folder
  12. Under your own name, we put a tick from the left of the item on the replacement of the owner of sub-connecters and objects. Click on "Apply", and then by OK to close the extra window.
    Check the item "Replace the owner of subcontaineers and objects" and click on OK
  13. In the Safety tab, in the list, select the left button "Administrators" or "users", depending on what type of account you have (this "account" you have just made the owner of the catalog). In the menu below, set the mark next to " Full access"In the first column" Allow ". Now apply changes and click OK.
    Select the Administrators group in the first list or "Users"
  14. Go to the change in the parameter itself. In the right part of the editor window, we find Ethernet recording. Click on it twice with the left button or press the right once and select the "Edit" option in the list.
    Put 2 in the "Value" field
  15. To change the changes to act, reboot PC. In the "Data Use" tab in the "Parameters" window, we set the limit as in the previous instruction with Wi-Fi.
  16. If you want to return everything to the place, simply put 1 as a value for Ethernet recording in the registry.

In Creators Update and Next

If you have installed all Creators Update updates, you can safely perform actions, almost similar to the fact that they were when the mode is activated for Wi-Fi:

  1. Open the "Parameters" window again through "Start" or the Win + I key combination. We also go to the "Network and Internet" section. For a wired network, we need another tab - Ethernet - click on it. In the Select the network you use.
    In the Ethernet tab, click on your wired network.
  2. As in the case of the Wi-Fi network, we put in the position "On" Limit connection parameter. Also click on the link "Set traffic limit" to go to another section.
    Activate the limit connection for your wired network.
  3. In the drop-down menu "Show options for" set Ethernet to make changes to your wired network.
    Select Ethernet in the menu to change the traffic limit for the wired network, and not for Wi-Fi
  4. In a new window, which opens over "Parameters", set the amount of data, the day of reference and the type of restrictions. Keep all the changes.

The "Limit Connection" option allows users to monitor the consumption of limited traffic. Especially important is for mobile networks. Using this option, you can also deactivate the automatic download of updates for the "Operations" components and various utilities so that the Internet speed is not reduced. In the updated "dozen", you can enable this option in the Windows Settings window. If you have a version below Creators Update to activate the option for the wired network, you will need to perform some actions in the Registry Editor.

In "Windows" 10 there is a lot of useful and comfortable featuresnot in previous versions OS. One of them is to activate the limit on traffic for the current Internet connection. How does it take advantage if you have limit internet and you need to keep track of constantly for traffic?

What is a limit connection in the "top ten" - what gives its activation

The limit connection in Windows 10 is a function that monitors the volume of traffic used on the current computer. If the user reaches a limit, the system sends him a message to the "Desktop" with the recommendation to disable the connection so as not to pay for traffic from the top of your limit package.

This feature will be useful to you if you use limit Internet via USB modem, 3G or 4G mobile router or if you work with mobile Internet from the phone (when the smartphone acts as an access point or the same modem).

Limit traffic is usually installed on USB modems

In addition, the traffic itself is saved with a limit connection: the system does not spend your valuable gigabytes for its needs without your demand - it turns off system updateswhich are usually conducted automatically.

The update of many programs, however, will not turn off, for example, updating browsers. It will be necessary to disable it manually in the settings of each program if you strive for traffic saving. One Drive, by the way, it will also be automatically synchronized - if necessary, disable it synchronization is also manually.

Please note that the function is only informational in nature. It will not disable the Internet for you if you reach the limit. Therefore, it is important not to disturb the message that the limit is exhausted. Or we advise you to more often go to the limit connection settings and watch how much traffic remains.

How to enable limit internet and set it up

There is no difference, "Wi-Fi" you or wired connection, the setting will be in any case by one manual:

  1. Run the "Parameters" menu. To do this, click on the "Start" panel on the gear or hold the two "wines" and I.
  2. Go to the tile for the Internet and the network as a whole.

    Click on the tile "Network and Internet"

  3. Go to the block to use the data in the list on the left.

    Click on the "Data Use" line

  4. In the menu in the first drop-down menu, specify your current connection for which you want to install a limit. If you have a wired option, select Ethernet.

    Enter your network in the list

  5. Click now on the button "Set limit".

    Click on "Install Limit"

  6. Put the view of the limit - one-time (within one session on the Internet), monthly (if you have a certain number of megabytes or gigabytes per month), without temporary restriction (here you only specify the date of reference - this type will suit only if you want to start counting your Traffic without any notifications).

    Select the type of limit in the list

  7. Now put the date with which the system should start counting your traffic, or the validity period in days if you have selected a single limit. Also offer limit in gigabytes or megabytes. Save be sure to change.

    Specify the validity of data in days

  8. In the parameter menu, you will see how many gigabytes you have already used, and how many days left until the indicators are reset. The percentage of used traffic will be displayed slightly above.

    The parameters will display the traffic used

  9. When you achieve the limit you specify, you will receive a message in the lower right corner of the screen. Do not miss it to turn off the connection on time and not start consuming traffic over your norm, which will be paid additionally in accordance with the tariffs of your provider.
  10. At any time you can change the parameters of your limit. To do this, click on the appropriate button in the same menu "Using Data" and set new data.

    You can change the limit values \u200b\u200bif necessary.

How to disable traffic calculation function

To "dozen" no longer consider your traffic and did not send you a message when traffic ends, do the following:

Configure limit Internet to Windows 10 in the "Parameters" system window, in the section to use data in the "Network and Internet" tile. The function is informational in nature - it does not disable the Internet independently so that you do not spend megabytes on top of the limit. The system only will send you a message that the limit is exhausted. Your task is not to miss it.

If you use a USB-modem network to access the network or temporarily made the telephone source of the Internet, then save traffic will help the limit connection of Windows 10. This option has and applied value: setting a limit connection, you disable the system to download updates.

Installation of restriction

First, let's see the standard limit connection setup procedure. It works when used wireless network or USB modem / phone as access points.

The traffic restriction feature is also supported on Windows 8, although many users do not even suspect its existence.

On the "eight" to turn on the limit connection, you must call the right menu and go to "Parameters".

Then click "Change Computer Settings", go to the "Network" section and open the Connects tab. Select the desired connection and in the Data Use field, set the limit connection.

Limit for Ethernet

If the computer goes to the Internet through the Ethernet cable, then establish a traffic restriction will not work. This is logical: why save traffic, if used the local network from unlimited tariff? But, as already mentioned above, the limit connection allows you to turn off automatic update system components. Therefore, if you want to apply this feature on a computer with an Ethernet connection, you can use a small cunning.

Now that you have the right to edit the contents of the "DefaultIacost" directory, find the Ethernet parameter in it and open it with double clicking. Change the value of the parameter - set "2" instead of "1".

To the configuration start to act, restart the computer. After re-logging into the system, you can establish a traffic restriction for Ethernet connection. It will not affect the speed, but the system will not download and install updates without your knowledge. If you want to return everything back, then repeat the steps described above by changing the value of the "Ethernet" parameter from "2" to "1".

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